Problem solving method 5. The easiest way to solve any life problems! Lead a healthy lifestyle

People constantly turn to psychologists with a false problem. For example, a girl complains that she is fat and doesn’t like the fat she carries on herself. Because of this, she feels complex and embarrassed.

And when the psychologist begins lead her to solve the problem of excess fat through diet, changing her attitude towards fat, reframing (how to see positive sides fat), then in the end the girl still remains dissatisfied. She may experience temporary relaxation and calm. But there will be no significant changes in her life.

Why? - because they were solving a false problem. They did not find the root of her suffering. After all, it’s not food that makes her fat, but her wrong attitude towards herself. Inability to properly and carefully treat your body and your soul. Why can't she do this? - because she was not taught this. Who? - father and mother. Why? - because either there was no time, or there were enough problems of our own, or they didn’t know how. And if in the process of life she herself has not learned this, then she will continue to wage an endless struggle with overweight, cigarettes, booze, or men.

A problem is a complex issue, a task that requires resolution, research

Here are 5 ways that people use to solve a problem. But I’ll say right away that there is only one worker among them. The rest are an imitation of the solution. You can apply these methods to any problem you know, and for convenience, I will continue the parallel with fat weight.

  1. Ignore- this is when a girl pretends that she doesn’t care. In reality, she cares, but not wanting to put effort into solving the problem (or having exhausted the options known to her), she simply spat on the fat (on herself) and says that she loves herself as is. How to check? - a direct question. Ask why she neglected herself? - if he reacts aggressively, with hostility, then he is imitating love and self-acceptance.
  2. Bypass- this is when she realizes that her sides are hanging in all directions, but she tries to “solve” the problem by pushing herself into tight pants, pulling vests and corsets on herself until her breathing amplitude becomes like that of a hamster - barely noticeable .
  3. Give up- this way of reacting to a problem is accompanied by washing away with tears, complaining to everyone that she is doing everything possible, but the fat is not going away, that she is cursed, that it is genetic, etc. In this case, she only states that she has been struggling with a false problem all the time, without ever understanding what the point is.
  4. Run away- most often the fat man runs away to proven and secluded places (psychological states), where he can have a tasty meal. In other words, instead of solving the problem, he plunges even deeper into it. It's getting fat.
  5. Attack- most effective way solutions to the problem! It begins with the fact of acknowledging the suffering from the problem. Continues with the research phase. Finding root Problems. Ends with actions to heal this root. In the case of a fat girl, the root of the problem will be in her relationship with her parents. Most often between mother and daughter. When the “root” is healed, it begins to fulfill its natural function - it nourishes the tree. If the tree receives natural nutrition, then it no longer needs artificial food.

Draw a parallel with how you solve a problem that arises in your life?

Method Five “Why?” perhaps the simplest among the variety of ideas born. But at the same time incredibly strong. And also very famous.

Currently, the technique of determining the root cause of a problem by asking “Why” five times is used in the concepts of lean manufacturing, kaizen, 6 sigma and others. Moreover, the scope of application of this is amazing effective tool has long expanded beyond the boundaries of production - in the manner characteristic of children, in the process of analyzing problems, they get to the bottom of their true causes in various areas of human activity. And this is not surprising. Firstly, the method is easy and universal, described a thousand times in the literature and on the Internet; secondly, like any other “common sense” idea, it comes to mind regardless of knowledge of the history of production management. And it saves amazing time - 10 minutes is enough for analysis.

Fivefold “Why?”

Fivefold “Why?”

Have you ever encountered a problem and stopped and asked yourself five times in a row, “Why did this happen?” I doubt. Let's try to do this together. Imagine, for example, that your car stopped working:

1. Why did the car stop?

Because there was an overload and the fuse blew.

2. Why was there an overload?

Because the bearing was poorly lubricated.

3. Why Was the bearing poorly lubricated?

Because the pump supplying lubricant was not working well.

4. Why did he do a bad job?

Because the piston is worn out and loose.

5. Why Is the piston worn out?

Because they didn’t install a filter, and metal shavings got into the piston.

Repeating the question five times "Why?" will help you understand the root cause of the problem and solve it. If you don't go through the whole series of questions, you may decide that simply replacing the fuse or pump piston is enough. Then literally in a few months the same problem with the car will arise again.

As a matter of fact, the Toyota production system is built on the use and development of precisely this scientific approach. Asking the same question five times "Why?" and each time we answer it, we can get to the core of the problem, which is often hidden behind more obvious, underlying causes.

“Why is it that at Toyota Motor Company one worker can operate only one loom, but at Toyoda weaving factory one young girl controls 40 or 50 automated looms at once?”

Starting with this question, we received the following answer: “Toyota machines are not designed to autonomously stop when a single machining cycle ends.” This is where the idea of ​​automating machine tools was born - their automation with elements of human intelligence.

The next question is, “Why can’t we make sure parts arrive just on time?” - the following answer was received: “Because the speed at which parts are manufactured does not allow us to know how many of them are produced per minute.” This is where the idea of ​​production equalization arose.

The first answer to the question: “Why are we producing too many parts?” - was: “Because we cannot slow down or completely prevent overproduction.” This is how the idea of ​​visual management was born, which in turn led to the idea of ​​kanban.

The previous chapter noted that Toyota's production system is based on complete exclusion losses. Why do losses occur at all? By asking such a question, we actually approach the question of profit, which is the main condition for the normal functioning of a business. At the same time, we ask ourselves why people work.

When running a manufacturing plant, data plays a very important role, but I believe that real facts are more important. Whenever a problem arises, if we do not search hard enough for the root cause, the measures taken may be in vain. That's why we keep repeating the question "Why?". This is the scientific basis of the Toyota system.

When running a manufacturing plant, data plays a very important role, but I believe that real facts are more important. Whenever a problem arises, if we do not search hard enough for the root cause, the measures taken may be in vain. That's why we constantly repeat the question "Why?" This is the scientific basis of the Toyota system.

When faced with any problem, I always ask the question “Why?” five times. This rule was also learned from someone who was in the habit of observing. You can talk as much as you like about improving work, but specific proposals will arise only after a thorough study of production. Spend a whole day in the production department and observe what is happening. Eventually you will understand what needs to be done.

Interestingly, the description of the Five Whys method? also found in the book by Elisabeth Haas Edersheim:

Whether it's a problem, an opportunity, or both, spending the time and effort to do the homework necessary to see the big picture and look beyond the obvious to help you make a decision distinguish underlying causes and signals from symptoms. Therefore, Toyota emphasizes that it is always necessary to go and see everything with my own eyes, and then ask yourself the question “why” 5 times.

Being able to see things firsthand helps managers understand how problems and/or opportunities manifest themselves. However homework will not be considered completed until, as I said before, Toyota managers ask themselves the question “why” 5 times in order to understand the root causes of the problem or the main ways to realize the opportunity. As Taiichi Ohno, the creator of the Toyota Production System, explained: “To tell the truth, the Toyota Production System is built on the practice and development of this scientific approach. If we ask ourselves “why” 5 times and answer this question each time, we will be able to understand the real cause of the problem, which is often hidden behind more noticeable symptoms.”

There is a puddle of oil on the factory floor. Why? Oil is leaking from the car. Why? The gasket is damaged. Why? Because we bought gaskets made of cheap material. Why? Because we were given the best price for them. Why? Because purchasing agents' work is rewarded and evaluated based on short-term savings, not long-term results. So, what exactly is the problem and, accordingly, what conditions must the solution meet? In a puddle of oil on the floor that can be easily wiped up in less than two minutes and no one from management will notice? Or is it a system of rewarding purchasing agents that results in the purchase of inferior equipment and therefore needs to be changed? Wiping the oil off the floor will solve superficial issues but will not prevent the problem from recurring, whereas the new procurement rules will.

I really hope that in your practice you use this simple technique, and if not, that this material will encourage you to use it in your work and beyond.

About the author:
Head and editor-in-chief. At the Institute for Comprehensive Strategic Studies, he is responsible for the development of a publishing direction - books on lean manufacturing. Teaches "lean manufacturing" at Tomsk Polytechnic University.

An article that makes life easier. And you don't even have to buy MAXIM magazine to read it. You see, life has already begun to become simpler!

Danila Maslov

In philosophy, for several hundred years now, two scientific methods have been fiercely fighting each other - holism and reductionism.

Holists believe that everything in the world is interconnected and one should never consider any object outside of its connection with the environment, ideally with the entire universe. And if you have a callus on your heel, then, pondering this fact, you need to clearly understand the structure of the skin and lower limbs of mammals, the crisis in the shoe industry, the usefulness of suffering in the education of the soul and the laws of gravity.

From the point of view of a reductionist, everything in this world is interconnected, and to hell with it - let's solve a specific issue at a specific moment in time, cutting off everything unnecessary. Do you have a blister? Cover it with a band-aid.

“Everything complex needs to be made as simple as possible - this makes it easier to solve any problem” - this is the basic principle of reductionism.

Meanwhile, in life we ​​are almost entirely holistic. We are always trying to see the whole picture, build systems from all sorts of small facts and draw global ideological conclusions, looking at a discarded candy wrapper. In general, we like to complicate things. This has its advantage: it is this kind of thinking that makes us intelligent beings. The method of reductionism is not only applicable to science; it can be used to do many wonderful things.

Learn foreign languages

There are many methods of teaching languages, but most of them are based on the so-called grammar-translational method, which assumes that a person first needs to be taught the grammar of the language, all these cases, articles and declensions, while simultaneously learning hundreds and thousands of words and all the grammar associated with them : cat is a feminine singular noun; eats is a present tense verb in the third person; mouse is a third declension noun...

Meanwhile, there is not a single baby on the planet who has been taught this way.

The child is taught to say the simplest phrases for situations familiar to him: bee-bee typewriter, bo-bo finger, grandpa hrrr-hrrr. And the results are quite good. The principle of reductionism is embedded in the audio-lingual method (audiolinguistic method), a much rarer, but increasingly popular scheme for learning languages. There is no need to immediately try to understand the structure of the language, its complex structure and the hundreds of rules by which it exists. Don't learn a language - learn individual phrases. Just memorize, repeating after the teacher or audio recording expressions that may be useful to you. “How is the weather today?”, “Where is free Wi-Fi hidden in your hotel?”, “Sorry, but I was robbed by a raccoon in the gateway.” Having learned, say, only two hundred of these phrases, you will already more or less know the language. And this can be achieved in a couple of weeks of hard work. People who use this method begin to chat freely in a foreign dialect and read simple texts in it much faster than the martyrs of the academic school who cannot find out from a foreigner the way to the nearest toilet, but have already learned all the intricacies of using the imperfect in the subjunctive mood.

Build a relationship with your girlfriend

Harry Sullivan, author of the Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry, once named several main causes of family conflicts, of which he put in first place “the desire to consider any act of a partner as part of the system.” It is easier to consider this principle with an example. Let's say Misha and Katya are talking peacefully over evening tea.

Katya says:

– You didn’t close the sugar bowl again.

Misha answers:

- And you always find fault over trifles.

– You know that I don’t like it when the sugar bowl is open: flies fly in there. But it’s difficult for you to do even such nonsense for me - just take it and close the sugar bowl!

“And it’s hard for me to live in a place where people constantly make comments to me.”

- Well, don’t live!

This is a classic example: something as small as the lid of a sugar bowl can make one partner feel like a victim of chronic indifference, and the other - a victim of constant boring control.

“Discuss a specific problem here and now, rather than your partner’s behavior in general and always,” Sullivan advised. This is a method of reductionism in its purest form - reducing the problem to this particular lid and to this one single case of tediousness.

There is no need to demand any comprehensive guarantees and obligations from your girlfriend - always ask her for one specific thing. The more you can narrow down your request, the more likely it is that it will be fulfilled.

“Don’t ever stop me from watching sports.” will work worse than “I want to watch this match, honey.”.

“Braided hair doesn’t suit you.”- worse than “Let’s wear your hair down today”.

"Stop controlling my life"- worse than “I didn’t like that you read the text messages on my phone.”.

Refusal to transform private situations into a global problem greatly contributes to harmonious relationships.

Plan activities

Each of us has a long list of things that absolutely need to be done, but we just don’t know which one to take on.

Go to the dentist, become a millionaire, get an international passport, reinstall Windows, learn to whistle with two fingers, print out pictures from your mother-in-law’s vacation, call an old school friend, find out what’s going on with those shares that you bought ten years ago in a frenzy of business enthusiasm and , it seems, are still lying somewhere on the table. Oh, by the way, and take the table apart.

This list can hang in the distant corners of our memory for months and years, but since there is no insane urgency required here, then it’s okay, let it hang. As a result, you become the owner of a permanent feeling of guilt towards yourself and the universe. But, armed with the method of reductionism, you can feel much better, more successful and more effective. Sit down and write this entire list. All of them, actually. Here you have two hours, a pack of cigarettes and a mug of coffee - write. Did you write it? Admire how long and hopeless it is. Now choose one of the simplest or most enjoyable things to do and do it. For example, learn to whistle with two fingers. Happened? Great, cross out this point with a bold line, put the list in an unorganized table and move on with your life until the next attack of work excitement or existential despondency. A person likes to achieve his goals - this is one of the primary instincts, so completing the items on the list will bring you a feeling of satisfaction. The main thing is don’t try to do it all at once! Remember reductionism!

Explain complex things to children in simple words

Einstein is famous for saying that “a bad teacher is one who cannot explain the theory of relativity to a seven-year-old child.” The problem for many teachers and fathers is that, while trying to tell children something useful, we constantly drift towards holism - trying to explain everything at once. Here is an example from a text by Eric Berne*:

"Father. Are you asking, Tommy, why Flossie the kitten died? You see, living beings are generally mortal. And this is good. When you grow up, in Sunday school they will tell you what happens to the soul after death. And Flossie probably had a soul too. Although there are people who are called atheists. Atheists do not believe that there is life after death. Atheists can be too good people, Tommy. Here is your Uncle Bob, an atheist, and he gave us a Chevrolet with a 15 percent discount. So, in this life everything comes to an end someday. The mountains are worn down into dust, but it takes them millions of years to do this. A million is a lot, Tommy. Much more than a hundred. A one-day butterfly lives only one day. There are such butterflies, they are first caterpillars. And they remain caterpillars for a long time, and then from a hole on their stomach they release a special thread, weave a cocoon, lay down in it, like in a cradle, and then become butterflies. It was not for nothing that the Romans considered the butterfly a symbol of posthumous rebirth... Tommy, are you listening to me? You wanted to know why Flossie died?

Tommy. Yes, dad. The boys said that a car ran over him. I wanted to know if this is true?»

“This is the guy who wrote the book “Games People Play” and many other psychological bestsellers.”

A good teacher or popularizer of scientific texts is always a reductionist. It is difficult for children and amateurs to assimilate entire systems of views; wide canvases with an abundance of details only confuse them. If you want to tell or explain something to a child, try to stick to one topic, do not overuse extensive explanations and try to explain complex things simple examples- this way the child will learn and remember what was said much better.

Keep your home tidy

In world literature and cinema, female audiences usually see a bachelor’s apartment as not the secret lair of a mystical predator. Alas, the word “pig sty” is used much more often when describing it. Yes, the average man, who has not yet acquired an au pair, does not spend his life hugging a vacuum cleaner and a cloth for polishing rosewood. We have more interesting things to do in life. Nevertheless, even we sometimes understand that living surrounded by forty pizza boxes is fun, but there is a risk of growing old in their company. Then we pick up pitchforks and begin to clear away the rubble. After some 12-16 hours of sudden movements, we find out that the curtains were in fact blue and linen, and not gray and plush, and we discover that a carpet was buried under a layer of cultural deposits on the floor. Unfortunately, in a week everything will return to normal - this is the law of the universe. Meanwhile, you can easily train yourself to maintain order in your apartment and not experience discomfort from it. The most important thing here is to use the basic rule of reductionism: do not try to grasp the immensity, solve individual problems, and do it gradually.

No need to talk "WITH today I'm turning into a neat freak.". Set yourself timid, easily achievable goals. For example: “For the next two weeks I will be putting my dirty socks in a bag next to my washing machine, and after brushing my teeth, I’ll wipe away the white splatters on the bathroom mirror. And it will be the cleanest, shiniest bathroom mirror on Earth!”

Man is a creature of habit. In two weeks, you will already be doing both automatically. Then it will be possible to add the following items to the list of micro-deeds. For example: “Once a day I will wipe the crumbs off the table in the kitchen and always take the dirty mugs from the computer to the sink,” “And these two weeks I will throw out the garbage every morning and all my clothes will hang on hangers.” In about a year, you will become a cleaner, and your apartment will look perfect at any time of the day or night.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Just like with cleaning, you can deal with sports. And even better, because playing sports is still somehow more interesting than scrubbing a latrine. It’s a pity that this interest fades the moment you return from work and look at a backpack with sports equipment that has been lying in the hallway for three months as a monument to your good intentions. However, if you adopt the method of reductionism, you can slowly get drawn into healthy image life without much violence against oneself. First, don't buy an annual gym membership if you haven't been going there regularly for the past year. Let's face it: gyms would be the most crowded places on earth if everyone who bought annual memberships used those memberships at least a couple times a week. Yes, an annual subscription offers a big discount, but with a high degree of probability you will pay everything else for not going to classes*. It is best to find a club with the possibility of one-time visits. And you need to go there not with the thought “Now every day I will happily exhaust myself with extreme loads,” but with the goal of working out today. Forty minutes maximum. Okay, one hour. You may be sorry to leave while you are still full of strength and activity, but psychologically it will be easier to get ready next time. In a week or two.

*Note by Phacochoerus"a Funtik:

“I suggested that members of the editorial board, who annually collect money for a corporate subscription, give it to the fund for the suffering me...”

Here is what George Cruz, an American fitness star, author of such wonderful programs as “The 3-Hour Diet” and “The Perfect 8-Minute Workout” (as you understand, a passionate fan of reductionism in everything) writes on this topic:

“Half of my students had a long training experience behind them. For decades, every year they made the decision to take care of their bodies - they took memberships to the gym and stayed in it for the first week. They sweated seven times, they walked purposefully towards their intended goal, but on the eighth day they usually realized that there are more interesting things in life than treadmills... I started by telling them: “Work out at home 6 times a week 8 minutes a day - simple crunches, squats and bends - and you will be in good shape. And go to the gym just for fun. Well, if you decide to take part in Mr. Olympia, then we’ll already create a more intense schedule.”

“Twenty minutes of walking a day and refusing to use elevators and escalators if you can climb stairs is a completely sufficient level physical activity for the city dweller", - confirms the French doctor Pierre Dukan, author of the famous “Dukan diet”.

So there is no need to dive into a new sporting life at full speed if you are not confident in the strength of your will. Set yourself small goals at first.

5 why is a problem solving method that uses the study of cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem. The main goal of the technique is to determine the root cause of a defect or problem. This tool is used when the real reason the problem is not clear and there are no resources for detailed research to solve the problem. This is one of the most simple ways investigations without the use of statistical analysis. Also known as cause tree, cause-effect diagram, Ishikawa diagram orwhy-whyanalysis, this method is a simple form of searching for the root cause. Consistently asking a question Why, build a tree of causes that leads to the root cause. Very often, the obvious cause of a problem leads to the next question. In other words, it is a structured brainstorming session. Although this technique called analysis 5 Why, you may find that you need to ask fewer or more than five questions before you find a question related to the problem.

History of the method 5 Why

The technique was originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda and was used by Toyota Motor Corporation as it evolved its production techniques. This is an important part of problem solving training delivered through TPS (Toyota Production System). Taiichi Ohno, creator of the Toyota Production System, described five why method, as "the basis of Toyota's scientific repeating why five times, the nature of the problem, as well as its solution, becomes clear." The tool has found widespread use outside of Toyota, and is currently used in Kaizen, Lean Manufacturing (LEAN) and Six Sigma.

How to carry out 5 Why analysis?

The most effective 5 Why analysis is obtained if it is organized in the form of a group discussion and all incoming information is recorded on a flipchart or Excel file.

  1. Start by defining the problem you want to solve. Next, ask the question: “Why is this happening?” and below, point by point, write down the reasons for this problem.
  2. Repeat the process for each of the answers to the first question.
  3. Do the same for the second Why, continue until you have asked the question 5 times.
  4. In most cases, the fifth “Why” is the root cause. Now you can begin to determine a course of action for the root cause of the problem.

Effective 5 Why analysis?

Expert survey – involve the right people who are familiar with the process and the problem so they can answer why something happened. It's also helpful to have a participant with a fresh perspective - often, they ask questions that help get to the root cause of problems.

Avoid Blame - look for a systemic solution to the problem. Blaming an individual only ends with the person feeling guilty. If someone does not turn the valve, ask the question: “What can help the person turn the valve?” Maybe adjusting the procedure or marking the valve?

Be creative – what can solve the problem? Let people brainstorm and identify potential actions to solve the problem. Next, choose actions that will give the maximum effect.

Methodology examples 5 Why

Analysis example 5 why #1

Analysis example 5 whys #2

Analysis Wizard 5 Why

Since a real decision tree in most cases has a branched structure, it can be quite difficult to organize this analysis on an Excel sheet and, even more so, to figure out what reasons were the answer to a particular question. Therefore, based on the Excel application, it was developed analysis wizard 5 Why, which helps to structure cause-and-effect relationships and visually display the sequence of identifying root causes with a subsequent action plan. In the examples above, you can see the result of the wizard’s work. It helps to simplify the process of solving a problem, standardize work and visually display a cause-and-effect diagram.

Master 5 Why has the ability to:

  • unlimited expansion of causes, both down and to the right;
  • add an action plan to each root cause with responsibilities and timelines
  • set priorities for each action
  • display a hint for those who have just started working with the wizard
  • switch language from Russian to English
  • built-in visualization element management tool
  • and much more…

The wizard is an Excel file and runs on any computer with Microsoft Office installed. Price Masters of Analysis 5 Why 1000 rub. For any questions please contact

The black streak can become a takeoff

We all face problems from time to time. Sometimes some situations and circumstances seem hopeless to us. I want to run away, close myself, forget everything that happened. But is it worth it?

After all, then the lesson will repeat itself again. There is another way to go into the problem, think about it day and night, shed tears, pour it over, drink it or eat it, in general, disguise it with something. And find the culprits!

Complaining about a problem and finding someone to blame will also only take away our strength and energy and lead us away from solving the problem.

It is also important to remember that the more we resist, the more the situation will escalate and become more complicated.

We need to find a way out! And better not alone. As the saying goes, from any hopeless situation there are at least three favorable ways out.

What methods of solving problems exist, and how to choose the most suitable one, or perhaps combine them?

1. A look from the outside.

This method involves searching for information independently. Throughout history, man has found solutions to a great many problems. And he recorded the results of his decisions on material media: papyrus, paper, stone, computer.

When solving a problem, it is advisable, first of all, to independently turn to sources of endless information.

2. Contact a specialist.

We live in a society, we are surrounded by thousands of people, each of whom is an expert in some field. Psychologist, tarot reader, astrologer, coach, psychic, there are even problem solvers.

A specialist in solving “problems in general” differs from them only in that he works with problems that do not require extensive knowledge and extensive experience in a narrow field, but only intelligence, accuracy, common sense, some basic ideas, and general skill in working with problems and, of course, inspiration.

Undoubtedly, someone has already encountered the problem you have encountered. Most likely, they have already been solved by someone, and many times.

The work of a professional saves your time and nerves, however good professional is expensive, and dependence on a psychologist can develop when a person has not solved his problems and still does not solve them.

3. Ask people close to you for help.

This method of solving problems is one of the most traditional. The method is quite reliable, since these are people with whom you enjoy communicating. Often such communication can reassure and provide support.

Tell your family, friends, people you really trust. They will always be ready to help - with advice, with deeds. This is much better than drowning in negative thoughts and experiences.

This is a good opportunity to get an “outsider perspective.” The main thing is not to be intrusive and always be ready to provide such help.

4. Change focus.

Often we are too close and too emotionally involved in a problem to see and evaluate it from a good perspective. Try to look at the problem as an outside observer. With a broader view, you'll see more options.

Often we think about a problem, savor it in our brains, focus on it, but it is not solved. We try to decide with our minds, drowning out our intuition. In order for it to be solved, attention must be removed from the problem, the importance must be removed.

The content of automatic writing very often consists of drawings, incomprehensible signs, circles and, of course, texts.

All you have to do is write down everything that comes to mind. This must be done for 20 minutes to an hour. The main meaning and purpose of the process of automatic writing is to surrender to the flow of sensations you perceive.

Understanding the problem and a way out of it will come in the letter itself.

6. Ho'oponopono.

Ho'oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Translated from Hawaiian, the word “ho’oponopono” means “to correct a mistake” or “to put everything in its place.” There are four affirmations that you should repeat over and over again, non-stop:

"I'm really sorry".

"Please forgive me".

"I love you".

"Thank you".

If you don't like something about another person, it means it's in you too. Your job is to get rid of it. When you succeed, the other person will also change.

When you use Ho'oponopono, you are not purifying a person, place or event, but rather neutralizing the energy associated with that person, place or event. The advantage of this method is that everything happens within you, there is no need for an intermediary.

7. Arrangements.

This method was developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. Arrangement is an effective method that allows you to easily and clearly identify the problem.

Using this method, you can discover the reasons that tie a person to a certain system of relationships, limit freedom of action and complicate personal development, preventing him from building his own life.

With the help of constellation, you can analyze what is happening to you, find an effective solution in your situation and

8. Reincarnation.

« If a problem arises, you need to dive deep into it. Then you will either find the treasure, if there is one there at all, or you will find nothing but emptiness there. In both cases you will be enriched.

When you discover a treasure, you will naturally become rich. Finding emptiness will end it all“- Osho seems to be talking about reincarnationism.

It is immersion into oneself, into one’s memories, that this method presupposes. There can be no other people's answers or ready-made solutions here. Reincarnation seeks the root of the problem, and through time and space. And then it’s just a matter of small things – a decision.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev:

If we have the strength to create a problem or illness in our lives, then we have the strength to solve this problem.

Remembering past lives , you will understand that you have dealt with a similar problem more than once, and if not, then you will realize what result the approach you have already used led to. Perhaps a repeating situation lasts more than one life.

Often a problem, a block stores a resource, creative potential, that very treasure, upon discovering which you will no longer be the same. And no matter where or when you left it, it is yours, and you can use it at any time.

All you need to use this problem solving method is trust in yourself, a good guide and the Internet.

Reincarnationism also involves self-help, self-absorption, which means you yourself can become a problem solver and help others.

There is always a way out. And the most amazing thing is that you know him. You know how to solve the most difficult problem, how to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation.

You can and should learn from problems, create and discover opportunities that otherwise would not have been discovered.