Illustrations for the fairy tale fairy gifts. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Gifts of a Fairy" ("Sorceress"). The main characters of the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gifts" and their characteristics

Once upon a time there lived a widow in the world, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of her mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see your mother in front of you. Both, the eldest daughter and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, and angry that all people, both acquaintances and strangers, tried to stay away from them.

And the youngest daughter was everything like her late father - kind, friendly, meek, and also a beauty, like few of them.

Usually people love those who are similar to them. That is why the mother madly loved the eldest daughter and could not stand the youngest. She forced her to work from morning to night, and fed her in the kitchen.

In addition to all other tasks, the youngest daughter had to go to the source, which was at least two hours away, twice a day, and bring from there a large jug of water, full to the brim.

One day, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked her to drink.

“Drink to your health, auntie,” said the kind girl.

Having quickly rinsed her jug, she scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place and gave it to the woman, holding the jug so that it was easier to drink.

The woman took a few sips of water and said to the girl:

“You are so good, so kind and friendly, that I want to give you something as a keepsake.” (The fact is that it was a fairy who deliberately took on the appearance of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word you utter , will fall from your lips either like a flower or precious stone. Goodbye!

When the girl came home, her mother began to scold her for being late at the source.

“Sorry, mother,” said the poor girl. “I’m really late today.”

But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.

- Look! - said the mother, her eyes wide open in surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words she drops diamonds and pearls... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life she called her youngest daughter, too.)

The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds just fell from her lips.

“Well, if so,” said the mother, “I need to send my eldest daughter to the source... Come on, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister’s lips as soon as she speaks!” Don't you want to get the same one? amazing gift? And to do this, you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.

- Well, here we go again! I want to trudge into such a distance! - answered the angry one.

- And I want you to go! - her mother shouted at her. - And this very minute, without talking!

The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, still grumbling. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.

She barely had time to approach the source when a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, but only this time she took on the guise of a princess to test whether she was so rude and evil older sister, as they talk about her.)

“Do you really think that I dragged myself here to give you something to drink?” - the girl said boldly. - Well, of course, just for this! I also grabbed a silver jug ​​on purpose to bring water to your honor!.. But I don’t care. Drink if you want...

“However, you are not very kind,” the fairy said calmly. - Well, such is the service, such is the reward. From now on, every word that comes out of your lips will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!

As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:

- Is that you, daughter? So how?

- And so, mother! - the daughter muttered in response, and at the same instant two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.

- Oh, my God! - the mother screamed. - What is this? Where?.. Oh, I know! It's all your sister's fault. Well, she will pay with me!.. - And she rushed at her youngest daughter with her fists.

The poor thing ran away in fear and took refuge in the nearby forest.

There the young prince, the son of the king of this country, met her.

Returning from a hunt, he found a beautiful girl in a thicket and, marveling at her beauty, asked what she was doing in the forest all alone and why she was crying so bitterly.

“Ah, sir,” answered the beauty, “my mother drove me out of the house!”

The royal son noticed that with every word the girl dropped a flower, pearl or diamond from her lips. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle this was. And then the girl told him her whole story.

The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy bestowed on the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.

Well, the older sister became more and more disgusting and unbearable every day. In the end, even her own mother could not stand it and drove her out of the house. The unfortunate woman could not find refuge anywhere or with anyone and died, rejected by everyone.

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Fairy Gifts - Charles Perrault

A tale of two sisters. The eldest was rude and arrogant, and the youngest was kind and beautiful. The fairy rewarded each of them according to their merits. Now every word of the youngest daughter turned into a rose or a jewel, and the eldest daughter dropped a toad or a snake...

Fairy gifts read

Once upon a time there lived a widow in the world, and she had two daughters. The eldest is the spitting image of her mother: the same face, the same character. You look at your daughter, but it seems that you see your mother in front of you. Both, the eldest daughter and mother, were so rude, arrogant, arrogant, and angry that all people, both acquaintances and strangers, tried to stay away from them.
And the youngest daughter was everything like her late father - kind, friendly, meek, and also a beauty, of which there are few.

Usually people love those who are similar to them. That is why the mother madly loved the eldest daughter and could not stand the youngest. She forced her to work from morning to night, and fed her in the kitchen.

In addition to all other tasks, the youngest daughter had to go to the source, which was at least two hours away, twice a day, and bring from there a large jug of water, full to the brim.

One day, when the girl was taking water, some poor woman came up to her and asked her to drink.

“Drink to your health, auntie,” said the kind girl.

Having quickly rinsed her jug, she scooped up water in the deepest and cleanest place and gave it to the woman, holding the jug so that it was easier to drink.

The woman took a few sips of water and said to the girl:

You are so good, so kind and friendly, that I want to give you something as a keepsake. (The fact is that it was a fairy who deliberately took on the appearance of a simple village woman in order to see if this girl was as sweet and courteous as they say about her.) This is what I will give you: from now on, every word you utter , will fall from your lips either as a flower or as a precious stone. Goodbye!

When the girl came home, her mother began to scold her for being late at the source.

Sorry, mother,” said the poor girl. - I’m really late today.

But as soon as she uttered these words, several roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips.

Look! - said the mother, her eyes wide open in surprise. - It seems to me that instead of words she drops diamonds and pearls... What happened to you, daughter? (For the first time in her life she called her youngest daughter, too.)

The girl simply, without hiding or boasting, told her mother about everything that happened to her at the source. And flowers and diamonds just fell from her lips.

Well, if so,” said the mother, “I need to send my eldest daughter to the source... Come on, Fanchon, look what comes out of your sister’s lips as soon as she speaks!” Don't you want to receive the same amazing gift? And to do this, you just need to go to the source and, when the poor woman asks you for water, politely give her a drink.

Well, here we go again! I want to trudge into such a distance! - answered the angry one.

And I want you to go! - her mother shouted at her. “And this very minute, without talking!”

The girl reluctantly obeyed and went, still grumbling. Just in case, she took with her a silver jug, the most beautiful one they had in the house.

She barely had time to approach the source when a smartly dressed lady came out of the forest to meet her and asked for a sip of water. (It was the same fairy, but this time she took on the guise of a princess to test whether her older sister was as rude and evil as they say she was.)

Do you really think that I dragged myself here to give you something to drink? - the girl said impudently. - Well, of course, just for this! I even grabbed a silver jug ​​on purpose to bring water to your honor!.. But I don’t care. Drink if you want...

However, you are not very kind,” the fairy said calmly. “Well, such is the service, such is the reward.” From now on, every word that comes out of your lips will turn into a snake or a toad. Farewell!

As soon as the girl returned home, her mother rushed to meet her:

Is that you, daughter? So how?

And so, mother! - the daughter muttered in response, and at the same instant two vipers and two toads plopped down on the threshold.

Oh my God! - the mother screamed. - What is this? Where?.. Oh, I know! It's all your sister's fault. Well, she will pay with me!.. - And she rushed at her youngest daughter with her fists.

The poor thing ran away in fear and took refuge in the nearby forest.

There the young prince, the son of the king of this country, met her.

Returning from a hunt, he found a beautiful girl in a thicket and, marveling at her beauty, asked what she was doing in the forest all alone and why she was crying so bitterly.

“Oh, sir,” answered the beauty, “my mother drove me out of the house!”

The royal son noticed that with every word the girl dropped a flower, pearl or diamond from her lips. He was amazed and asked to explain what kind of miracle this was. And then the girl told him her whole story.

The king's son fell in love with her. In addition, he reasoned that the gift that the fairy bestowed on the beauty was worth more than any dowry that another bride could bring him. He took the girl to the palace, to his father, and married her.

Well, the older sister became more and more disgusting and unbearable every day.

In the end, even her own mother could not stand it and drove her out of the house. The unfortunate woman could not find refuge anywhere or with anyone and died, rejected by everyone.

(Translation by T.Gabbe)

Published by: Mishka 10.11.2017 12:15 15.08.2019

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Perrault S. fairy tale "Gifts of the Fairy"

Genre: magical literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gifts" and their characteristics

  1. Widow. The woman is angry and unfriendly, unfair, cruel.
  2. Eldest daughter. Scary and evil, selfish, lazy.
  3. Youngest daughter. Beautiful and kind, sympathetic, welcoming, friendly.
  4. Fairy. Likes to arrange surprise checks. Fair.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gifts"
  1. Widow and her daughters.
  2. For water at the source
  3. Ragged beggar
  4. Fairy Reward
  5. Widow's envy
  6. Eldest daughter at the source
  7. Award for the eldest daughter
  8. Prince Charming
  9. Loneliness is a bastard.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Gifts of the Fairy" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Once upon a time there lived a widow and her two daughters.
  2. The kind and beautiful youngest daughter went to the source and met a fairy in disguise
  3. She gave the fairy a drink and her words began to turn into diamonds and roses.
  4. The widow sent her eldest daughter to the source and she was rude to the fairy
  5. Her words began to turn into toads and snakes.
  6. The youngest daughter married the prince, the eldest daughter was kicked out of the house.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Gifts of the Fairy"
If a person is kind to other people, then people will be kind to him.

What does the fairy tale “Gifts of the Fairy” teach?
The fairy tale teaches not to pick favorites among children, but to love everyone equally. Teaches you to be fair and honest. Teaches cordiality, responsiveness, kindness. Teaches you not to use bad words and not to be greedy. Teaches you to love work.

Review of the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gifts"
I really liked this fairy tale. The youngest daughter in her was kind, everyone loved her and she helped everyone. She did not envy anyone and did not complain about fate. Therefore, she received the award and became happy. I also liked the practical prince in this tale. He didn't just love beautiful girl, but immediately thought about how convenient it is to have a wife who can easily solve any financial problems kingdom, if you just start talking.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Gifts of the Fairy"
Silence is gold, but words are silver.
The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
Rather than thanking, it is better to give.
They pay for good with good, and for bad with evil.
Where there is justice, there is truth.

Read summary, a short retelling of the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gifts"
In ancient times, there lived in the same village a widow with two daughters. The eldest daughter was the spitting image of her mother, both in appearance and intolerable character, and the youngest daughter turned out to be an exact copy of her father - just as beautiful and kind.
And the widow did not love her youngest daughter, forced her to work a lot, and spoiled her eldest daughter and did not live. The youngest daughter did not refuse any work, and all the neighbors loved her for her kind and cheerful disposition.
And then one day the widow sent her youngest daughter, as usual, to fetch water. And we had to go to the other end of the village. The youngest daughter is walking and sees a beggar in dirty rags coming towards her. She asks him to give her something to drink.
The youngest daughter immediately wipes the neck of the jug, rinses it, draws water and hands it to the beggar. She took a few sips and said that the girl was so kind that she deserved a reward, a keepsake. But the fact was that the beggar woman was actually a fairy in disguise, who had the idea to check whether they were telling the truth about the kindness of the widow’s youngest daughter.
And the fairy made it so that every word spoken by the youngest daughter turned into a jewel or a flower.
The youngest daughter returned home, and her mother reproached her for taking so long. And the girl told about a meeting with a beggar woman and with every word diamonds and roses fell from her mouth.
The widow immediately sent her eldest daughter to the well. She really wanted her to receive such a valuable gift. But the eldest daughter was rude and selfish. Reluctantly, she went to the source and met a rich woman, a princess. The princess asked the girl for a drink, but the eldest daughter rudely replied that there was a well with water in it - drink as much as you like.
The princess was a fairy who decided to check whether they were telling the truth about her eldest daughter about her harmfulness and malice. Having made sure that human rumors were not false, the fairy gave the girl another gift. Every word spoken by the eldest daughter turned into a snake and a frog.
The eldest daughter returned home, began to talk about her meeting with the fairy, and snakes and frogs began to fall out of her mouth.
The widow became enraged, blamed her youngest daughter for everything and kicked her out of the house. And the poor girl, with tears in her eyes, went into the forest, where she met the handsome prince. He, having learned about the unique ability of his youngest daughter, immediately invited her to marry him. Having reasoned that with such a bride there is no need for a dowry.
And the eldest daughter became angrier every day, snakes kept falling off her, so the widow could not stand it and kicked her out of the house. And no one took pity on her, but everyone just drove the eldest daughter away.
So she died in poverty and loneliness.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Gifts of the Fairy"