How to tie a hijab beautifully, a description of several ways. What is hijab among Muslims? How to beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on a Muslim woman’s head: instructions, photos and videos. How to properly dress and wear a hijab? Beautiful girls in hijab, wedding x

It is a veil, a barrier, a veil. This is a type of clothing made of opaque fabric that completely covers the entire body except the face, hands and feet, and prevents Islamic women from trying to please other men. However, in modern world Hijab is considered to be an Islamic traditional women's headscarf.

Religion requirement and fashion accessory

Hijab, originally intended to conceal feminine beauty, today is very popular even among representatives of other religions. The modern fashion industry offers a large selection of textures and colors of national Islamic scarves, and many options for tying them make women more stylish and elegant in comparison with representatives fair half with his head uncovered. Islamic girls are taught how to tie a hijab from childhood, since according to Sharia law, from the age of 7-10, as soon as her curves begin to reveal her as a young woman, she will be forced to cover herself, demonstrating modesty.

How to tie an Islamic headscarf correctly

There are a lot beautiful ways how to tie a hijab. First of all, you should take into account that the length and width of the fabric must be at least one and a half meters, otherwise it will not be possible to tie it beautifully. An extra 20-30 centimeters will give you the opportunity to get creative with folds and drapery. The scarf should cover the entire head and chest. Ears, neck and hair should be hidden. Having collected all the hair, you need to carefully lay the scarf on the forehead along the hairline, secure it at the back of the head under the hair, and then in a variety of ways at the chin. For this you will need a beautiful pin or brooch. Since tying a hijab gracefully the first time will be difficult, you should start with the simplest method: fold the scarf on one side by 10 centimeters, then lay this edge around the face and secure it like a cap at the back, leaving loose ends different lengths. Wrap the short end around your neck, and lay the long end on your chest with soft folds and secure with an elegant brooch on your shoulder or at temple level. It is very convenient to tie the hijab on a special cap, which will hide the hair from prying eyes and will help if the scarf moves.

Some wearing requirements

A hijab can become a real decoration and fashion accessory if you harmoniously choose several shades of different fabrics that echo the main color of the outfit. You should also take into account some ethics of wearing an Islamic headscarf: you should not wear transparent, tight-fitting clothes with it. As for colors, there are no strict restrictions. Even a wedding hijab does not have to be white, with the exception of inscriptions and various symbols. Since you need to tie a hijab both in winter and summer, it is advisable to select the fabric in accordance with the season. Silk, satin, chiffon and chintz scarves in pastel shades are well suited for summer, while darker-colored woolen materials will be preferable in the cold season. Muslim women wear the hijab to show respect and love for Allah, but today this headscarf has become a fashion accessory and has taken its rightful place in the wardrobe of modern fashionistas who do not profess Islam.

Among the Arab peoples, all clothing is traditionally called “hijab”; in the European sense of the word, it is nothing more than a woman’s headscarf. According to Sharia, every Muslim woman must wear it, as this is a kind of tribute to the traditions of their people. But at the same time, the scarf also serves as a beautiful accessory, and not only for women of the East; European fashion trends, distinguished by their democracy, also suggest the use of this headdress. It is quite possible to complement your look with a scarf, give it some individuality, enriching its color palette, and also mastering some tying methods.

Rules for tying a Muslim headscarf

To prevent the hijab from slipping through your hair or moving off your head, you must put on a special cap before tying it. This type of hat was called “bonnet”. It is a kind of headband that completely covers the hair.

You can fasten the scarf using safety needles or pins.

Ways to tie a Muslim headscarf

Learning to tie scarves beautifully is not that difficult, but it’s best to start your training with the most simple ways. We invite you to watch a video on how to tie a scarf the Muslim way, and also read further about other methods of tying.

Video about Muslim ways of tying scarves

This video features more than ten in various ways Muslim tying a scarf:

How to tie a rectangular scarf in Muslim style

There are two ways to do this. In the first case, it is necessary to place the rectangular scarf with the narrow side in the center, while folding its ends back. Then they need to be brought behind each other and secured with a pin. Then the long side should be wrapped around the neck and secured again with a pin. Wrap the remaining fabric around your head and pin it on the other side so that the long end hangs freely over your shoulder.

In the second option, a rectangular scarf should be placed on the parietal part of the head so that its short part is on the left side closer to the chin, and the long part is on the right side, on top of it. After which the hijab must be fastened under the chin. Then you need to wrap the long side of the scarf around your head just below the crown. It is worth considering that the lower the scarf is located, the more part of the neck and shoulders it will cover. And again you should fasten the ends of the scarf under the chin or on the side. The pins must go under two layers of fabric in order for the scarf to maintain its correct shape. You can pin the scarf with pins on both sides.

How to tie a triangular headscarf in Muslim style

The scarf is folded diagonally, forming a triangle, and is located in the center of the head. Holding both sides of the scarf with your index finger and thumb, you need to press its ends to your cheekbone and begin to gradually twist one end forward. While continuing to hold the fabric on one side, you need to pull the other end out from under the ear. Then right hand The scarf is wrapped around the neck, still holding the twisted part of the scarf under the chin. Leave the rest of the hijab so that it hangs freely.

Muslim headscarf with braid

It is recommended to collect your hair in a ponytail, but it is best to braid it. The scarf is positioned so that its middle is on the top of the head, while the ends are thrown back over the shoulders and tied under the braid. Next, one end of the tape is pressed at the base of the neck, and the other should be wrapped around the head, starting from the base of the neck, through the ears, forehead, and ending again at the base of the neck. Then you need to make a loop, connecting the end and the middle of the tape. Weave the ends of the hijab and ribbon into a braid and secure with an elastic band. Having placed the scarf symmetrically on the top of the head, you need to pin it with a needle under the chin. Then, without tightening too much, wrap each end around your neck and pin them at the back of your head.

Method of tying "Faina"

The Faina method is suitable for tying a stole or a long scarf

This option is considered suitable not only for tying a Muslim hijab. In the same way, you can drape a thin silk shawl with an ornament, a plain woolen stole with long fringe, or any other long scarf.

To do this, just throw a stole or shawl over your head, one end should be longer than the other. The ends are secured under the chin with a small safety pin. The long part must be pulled to the side and wrapped around the neck. After which the fabric is folded, then secured to the side and straightened on the chest.

Method of tying Gulnara.

The Gulnara method is good to use with light and delicate fabrics

Accessories made of thinner and lighter fabric are suitable for tying this way. If you use scarves made of thick fabric, the resulting folds will not lie well after tying.

The shawl needs to be folded in half and thrown over the head so that one part is longer than the other. It is necessary to make small folds at the temples and fasten the fabric under the chin. The long part is brought to the side and back, placed around the neck in beautiful folds and secured at the level of the temple. The shawl is straightened on the chest, its ends can be left so that they hang freely or the top one can be tucked into the folds.

Each of the described methods is suitable for European women to add zest to their image, and for Muslim women to make it more diverse and interesting. We hope that the information we have collected will be useful to you.

Elizaveta Krasnova

Stylist-image maker

Articles written

On the streets of cities we increasingly see charming Muslim beauties wearing hijabs covering their heads, necks, shoulders and chests. This is how women of the East declare their femininity and modesty. The popularity of this wardrobe item is increasing every day. European fashionistas did not remain indifferent to this oriental decoration.

At first, you will have to spend time and acquire the skill to learn how to use this amazing thing and look feminine and mysterious in an oriental way.

Hijab literally means “to hide from sight.”

Not everyone knows for what purpose Muslim women wear it. The Koran instructs believing girls to wear this scarf to demonstrate devotion, love for Allah and humility. Islamic canons require women to cover their heads from the moment of puberty (from about 11-13 years old). Girls cannot appear in public without covering their heads. By using the headdress she shows that she is not a sex object.

Hijab also allows oriental beauties to emphasize their individuality. By the way the scarf is tied, you can understand a woman’s mood.

Basic rules for wearing hijab

Most often it is a scarf made of cotton, viscose, or silk; it is decorated with rhinestones and embroidery. The choice of colors and textures is huge, there are no strict restrictions here. It is allowed to combine several tones of fabrics, which are selected to match the shade of the outfit.

The Koran requires that one must cover one's hair, ears, neck, shoulders, and chest; only the oval of the face remains open.

To tie a headdress beautifully, you need to choose a sufficiently long and wide one - at least 1.5 m. It is most convenient to tie it over a special cap, which will help hide your hair, even if the scarf moves back. Before this, the curls need to be carefully collected into a bun or ponytail. The scarf is placed along the border of the forehead, fixed below the chin, and brought to the back of the head.

When choosing a hijab for your look, do not forget about the right clothes: you should not wear transparent, open, provocative outfits with a headdress. This is inappropriate.

Ways to wear a hijab

You can tie an oriental headdress in several ways: choose a traditional Muslim version or get creative and give it a more modern look.

Classic options

First, let's learn how to tie a scarf in accordance with strict Muslim canons.

  1. Wear a hat to cover your hairline. In this case, one edge should remain longer.
  2. Tie the ends at the back of your head.
  3. Circle the short end around the forehead and secure it in the temple area with a hairpin.
  4. The long edge is drawn around the neck, under the back of the head, and fixed below the opposite temple.
  5. The free end is pinned at the back of the head so that the scarf can hang freely under the chin.
  6. Drape the fabric in the neck and chest area with random folds.

Look at yourself in the mirror - you look like a fairy-tale Arabian princess.

A scarf tied on one side will add variety to the traditional oriental style.

  1. Place the stole over your head.
  2. Pin the fabric under the chin, leaving the long edges free.
  3. Throw the left end of the scarf over your left shoulder and secure it with a pin at the back of your head.
  4. Take the right side by the edge and also throw it over your left shoulder, covering your head.
  5. Secure the fabric on the right with a bobby pin.

The result is a more flirty and sweet option. Is not it?

And now an alternative to the traditional Muslim hijab. The main thing is that the headdress should cover the chest and neck.

  1. Let's take a long scarf.
  2. Place it over your head so that the ends are the same length.
  3. Let's fold both hanging parts of the stole back and tie it with a knot.
  4. Let's return the ends to the chest and twist each of them with a tight tourniquet.
  5. We wrap the tourniquets around the back of the head, tuck the ends in and secure them.

This option will help to highlight the feminine profile and attractive neck line.

Let's dream up

You can get creative and use a scarf. More precisely, you will need two long scarves of contrasting colors: the first is made of thick fabric, wide, the second is light and narrow.

  1. We wrap a narrow scarf around the head, tie the ends at the back of the head, and leave them hanging down.
  2. Wide - tie over the top in the same way.
  3. We make a braid from the free ends of both scarves and tie it with beaded thread.

Wedding hijab

A Muslim woman's wedding attire is not complete without this headdress. And in this case, variability is allowed.

  1. Cover your head with a scarf and secure its edges at the back of your head with a pin.
  2. We cross the ends at the back, spreading them in different directions.
  3. The right one is moved forward, the left one is twisted with a tourniquet.
  4. We draw the tourniquet around the head and secure the tip with a pin.
  5. We cover the pin with the remaining edge of the scarf, draw it from left to right across the neck and fix the end.

IN summer days It is advisable to wear a blanket made of light fabric; you should not use black or dark colors; for the winter it is better to choose an accessory made of wool or viscose.

We have not discussed all the possibilities of the hijab. You can learn other methods by watching the video, and also, using your imagination, come up with your own options.

Interesting from the site

Hijab, burqa, niqab, veil

If you ask an ordinary European about the types of Muslim headdresses, he will not name every one of them. Even fewer people know what the difference is between these items of clothing.

They call it a burqa outerwear With long sleeves, worn by women in the countries of Central and Central Asia. It covers the body completely, there is a mesh on the face. This is the most strict attire for Muslim women.

The veil is much larger in size than the hijab; it goes over the head, covering the entire body down to the toes. The color is usually blue, black or White color. The veil is often worn together with the niqab; it is not attached to the rest of the clothing; when walking, it is held with hands.

Niqab is a type of veil. This is a headdress that covers the face, leaving only the eyes open. Consists of two scarves and a bandage. The first one is attached to the headband in front, leaving a small hole for the eyes, the second one covers the neck and hair at the back.

Oriental girls with early years teach how to use the hijab. Fashionistas and fans eastern traditions can independently master the art of wearing a Muslim headscarf, it is worth putting in the effort and patience.

The article will tell you in detail about what the hijab is and why Muslim women need to wear it.

In the modern world, where every person has freedom of speech and action, the right to do what he wants, to travel around the world, women occasionally meet, as they say, “from another world.” We are talking about girls who “hide” behind canvases and therefore those around them will never know their hair color, hear their perfume or see their body features.

We are talking about Muslim women who can meet in any city in the world, be it Europe, Russia, the Baltic states or Asia. To understand why they wear such clothes is possible only by learning all the nuances of the Muslim faith. These women have completely abandoned all feminine “advantages”, such as swaying their hips when walking, flirting at work, admiring men on the street and wearing beach swimsuits.

The reason that a woman puts on a hijab is hidden “deep in her heart,” because every Muslim woman devotedly and faithfully loves her patron, Allah. Hijab is a piece of fabric that covers a woman's head. This piece of clothing should hide almost all of a woman’s beauty: youth, smile, pleasant facial features, thin sexy neck, ears.

INTERESTING: The Koran encourages wearing a hijab. However, no matter how much fabric a woman is supposed to wear on her head, if she doesn’t like it, she has the right to “sneak away” from it. Muslim scripture states that true hijab “comes from the heart.”

This statement should be understood as a woman’s voluntary desire to behave correctly, not to give ambiguous signs, hints of free behavior, not to flirt with words and eyes. Muslim women perceive the hijab not only as a sheet of fabric, but also as an “invisible veil of faith” that covers them from head to toe.

Hijab is the behavior of a woman that will not tarnish the reputation of her husband, as well as her “ business card" Despite the fact that all women's charms are hidden under the canvas, they can still be enjoyed, but only by the husband alone, since he bears full responsibility for his wife. A woman is also not obliged to cover her head to her parents and brothers, children and nephews. Muslims perceive female beauty as a jewel that should be hidden from prying eyes and kept as something secret.

What can others see:

  • Person (in whole or in part, depending on the country and the family's views on the persecution of faith).
  • Hands (some Muslim women also prefer to hide them).
  • Eyes (the only part of the body allowed for viewing).

INTERESTING: In the modern world, it is customary to call a hijab any woman’s clothing that could tell others that she is a Muslim.

When going out, a woman must follow the following dress code rules:

  • Clothing should cover the entire woman, from head to toe.
  • You can open your face (partially or completely), hands and feet (in some cases).
  • Clothing should not be tight to the body, so that the hips, waist and chest are not highlighted in any way.
  • Clothes should under no circumstances be transparent, so that through the fabric it is impossible to see the features of the figure and see the color of the skin.
  • A woman's clothes should not resemble men's dresses
  • Clothes should not be overly bright or eye-catching
  • Clothes should not be saturated with perfume
  • You should not hang ringing or too provocative shiny elements on your clothes.
  • Clothes must be clean and tidy

The advantages and disadvantages of the hijab are difficult to list, because despite the fact that the woman is completely hidden under it, it prevents the sun from frying the body. As a rule, the hijab is made from natural fabrics so that a woman does not feel stuffy and hot in the summer.

Hijab and burqa: the difference

There is diversity in Muslim women's clothing, which has not only different names, but also the reason for wearing it, as well as territorial affiliation. Increasingly, in the modern world, Muslim women reveal their faces by simply covering their heads with a headscarf (hijab), however, in families with a classical and strict religious structure, you can also find a burqa - clothing that completely hides a woman from head to toe.

How to beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on a Muslim woman’s head: instructions, photos

You don't have to be born a Muslim to know how to tie and wear a hijab. Many Slavic girls successfully marry Muslim men and, accepting their faith, undertake to fully carry out their will, serve Allah, and not allow others to tarnish the honor of their spouse.

In addition, women can travel all over the world and therefore, when they get to a Muslim country, they should definitely learn how to wear and tie a hijab. This way, a woman will be able to show honor and respect to local residents, not raise unnecessary questions and not hear criticism in her own face.

IMPORTANT: When tying a hijab, you can completely expose your face, but you should wrap your head tightly so that your hair is securely hidden.

How to tie a hijab:

Video: How to beautifully and quickly tie a hijab on a Muslim woman’s head?

Inventive Muslim women have found and come up with many ways to tie a scarf on their heads to look good and attractive. If you are unable to tie your hijab correctly, carefully watch the video with detailed tips.

Video: “Three ways to tie a hijab”

How to make a hijab from a scarf?

If you are not a Muslim and you should cover your head only when necessary (travelling or visiting Muslims), you do not necessarily need to buy a special piece of fabric to cover your head. You can use your usual scarf or stole (wide thin scarf). Detailed tips and photos will help you tie it on your head correctly.

Why do Muslim women wear a hijab, at what age, what color should the hijab be?

Wearing a hijab for girls from Muslim family is considered mandatory upon reaching puberty or adulthood (15 years of age is considered). However, the Koran commands that children be taught to pray from a young age: “teach children to pray from the age of 7 and beat them if they do not pray at 10.” The same goes for the hijab; it should be tied to little girls so that wearing it in adulthood would be comfortable.

INTERESTING: The exact age for wearing a hijab has not been established. However, if the girl is worried puberty(the appearance of hair on the genitals or the first menstruation), she should definitely wear a hijab.

Hijab should not be provocative. Most often it is black, but in the modern world you can also find light shades of hijabs, as well as scarves decorated with patterns. In some cases, the hijab is pinned with decorative pins and flowers. You should not hang ringing objects, bells, beads, or anything that will unduly attract attention on your hijab.

How to properly dress and wear a hijab?

Rules for wearing hijab:

  • The hijab opens the face completely.
  • The hijab should be tied so that all hair is hidden under it.
  • If you cannot hide your hair with a scarf, you should wear a special cap under it.
  • The hijab can be tied in a knot or secured with a pin, pin, or brooch.
  • The hijab also hides the neck; if the neck is not hidden, a special shirt or turtleneck is worn under the hijab.
  • The hijab is worn when a woman leaves home and in the presence of strangers (husband’s friends, guests).

Is it possible to wear a hijab at school?

Wearing a hijab is a personal matter for each family. Modern Muslims do not force their women to wear the hijab. However, there are still families who consider this headdress to be evidence of true faith. Wearing a hijab at school was generally permitted if it did not cause discomfort to the child and other students. However, some schools in Russia have announced a ban on the hijab, distinguishing educational process and religion.

Video: “Can I wear a hijab at school?”

Is it possible for a Muslim woman not to wear a headscarf?

The question “can” or “can’t” wear a hijab is not correct. Wearing a hijab is not determined by rules and voluntary desire. In Muslim countries with a strict way of life, it is considered a disgrace for a family to be on the street without a headdress. At the same time, in Europe, as well as Muslims living in countries with the Orthodox faith, they do not have to wear a hijab, so as not to attract the attention of others. True hijab for a woman is faith in Allah and following the laws of the Koran.

Beautiful girls in hijab: photos

A piece of clothing like a hijab can be beautiful. In order for a woman to look attractive in a hijab, she should tie the scarf correctly on her head, choose clothes and complement her image with details (jewelry, accessories, shoes, makeup). Any woman is beautiful if she is well-groomed!

Photos of girls in hijab:

Wedding hijab: photos of girls

Wedding hijab is a must wedding dress. It differs from the everyday hijab in its pretentiousness and solemnity. A wedding hijab can be decorated with stones, embroidery, flowers, beads, and lace.

Today there are many simple and complex ways to tie a hijab. We invite you to find out how to do it beautifully and emphasize your own individuality with the help of a universal accessory. The ability to tie a hijab will also be useful for fashionistas who are planning a trip to the Middle East and want to express their respect for the cultural traditions of this people.

How to tie a hijab - the meaning of the accessory for Muslims

The exotic word “hijab” refers to a headscarf under which the female half of the Muslim population hides their head and neck. Literally translated from Arabic, “hajaba” means “to hide from sight.” Eastern beauties wear hijab to show their love, devotion and humility before God. This is how they dress when they leave the house.

By hiding her beauty from strangers with a headscarf, a Muslim woman tacitly declares that she is a person, not a sexual object, and should be judged solely by her intellectual and moral skills. A piece of silk fabric helps Muslim women emphasize their individuality, modesty and femininity. They wear the hijab no matter where they live - in their home country or abroad.

How to tie a hijab - several interesting ways

Decorating yourself with a hijab in one style would be boring, so today there are many options to always look different in a hijab.

The width and length of the scarf should be approximately 1.5 m, otherwise it simply will not take the configuration that you want to give it.

So, when tying a scarf, remember to cover your hair, ears and neck. To do this, the hair is pulled back and secured with a hairpin or elastic band, and then the scarf is carefully placed on the forehead, fixing it under the hair, on the back of the head and under the chin. Here are the easiest and most attractive ways to tie a hijab:

In the form of a sea wave:

  • Cover your head with a scarf, placing its edge slightly below your hairline.
  • Wrap the ends of the hijab around your neck so that there are folds of fabric in front, hanging down on your chest in soft waves.

In the form of a braid:

  • You will need two scarves in a contrasting color - a lower one and an upper one. Pull your hair up. Cover your head with a scarf and wrap it around your neck, leaving the loose ends at the back.
  • Now cover your head with the top scarf, bring its edges back to where the ends of the bottom scarf hang.
  • Combine the ends of the upper hijab with the ends of the lower one and braid it in the manner of a classic loose braid, securing it at the bottom with a beautiful elastic band. To make the head scarf design more compact, wrap the braid around a bun of hair and secure with a bobby pin.

Using a pin and brooch:

  • Twist your hair into a rope and twist it into a bun at the back of your head.
  • Cover your head with an underscarf, bring its ends back and secure with a simple pin.
  • Place a scarf over the top, wrap it around your neck and bring both ends forward. Position the hijab so that one end is much longer than the other.
  • Lay out the long part of the scarf in beautiful folds on your chest, and secure the free end with a decorative pin or brooch above your ear.

How to tie a hijab - a note for fashionistas

  • According to all the rules, the hijab should be worn on top of a special cap that fits tightly around the head. No matter what happens to the scarf (for example, it moves to the side), the cap will reliably hide the woman’s hair from prying eyes.
  • Refuse to use a scarf with inscriptions or any symbols as a hijab.
  • The combination of a hijab with tight and transparent clothes is nonsense.
  • The color of a Muslim headscarf largely depends on the season. In summer, black and dark-colored hijabs are not worn. It is better to give preference to delicate pastel shades. Snow-white scarves are at the peak of popularity.
  • A hijab made of wool or viscose is good as a winter headdress. For the summer season, scarves made of chiffon, silk, satin or cotton are perfect.

To learn how to tie a hijab quickly and beautifully, you need skill. With a little practice, you will soon master this activity and add another irresistible look to your fashion collection!