Why dream of painting your face with foundation? Dream interpretation of makeup, why do you dream of seeing makeup in a dream. Soon everything will change for the better

In addition to the desire to take care of oneself, makeup in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to conceal, hide true feelings and motives. According to the dream book, what this procedure means in a dream indicates the insincerity of loved ones and an erroneous idea about someone.

Someone else's makeup

According to the dream book, dreaming of makeup represents far-fetched, exaggerated feelings, an incorrect opinion about the people nearby. Seeing painted lips and blush on the cheeks indicates feigned love. Perhaps the attraction of the dreamer or his significant other is not sincere and ingenuous.

Fitted eyebrows and eyelashes in a dream indicate insincerity in relationships. Perhaps the person who is sympathetic to your problems and current affairs has his own personal motives.

Another explanation for why you dream of bright eye makeup reveals the wrong point of view of the dreamer. For lovers, this procedure suggests the partner’s incorrect concepts of fidelity.

A dream of foundation or powder on the face foretells that the dreamer has made an erroneous judgment about someone. A man who dreams of wearing makeup on a specific woman indicates the sleeping person’s personal interest in this lady.

Vulgar, clumsily applied makeup predicts in the dream book that the sleeping person will be able to recognize hypocrisy in time and thereby avoid trouble.

Make up yourself

According to the interpretation of the dream book, what you dream of applying makeup yourself reflects the need in reality to hide your true feelings when communicating with others.

A man who had to apply bright makeup to his eyes and lips in a dream reflects a subconscious desire to hide his essence in order to appear to others as not who he really is.

For a woman, putting makeup on her face in a dream, according to most dream books, reflects subconscious dissatisfaction with herself and her own appearance. With such manipulations you are trying to cover up your own insecurities, trying to seem like a self-sufficient person.

Seeing yourself with skillful and bright makeup, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, suggests that in reality you should not be deceived by the appearance of new friends and acquaintances. Doing makeup on yourself in a dream - no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to hide your true feelings and shameful actions from your loved ones.

Applying foundation or powder on the face indicates the dreamer’s desire to please others, trying to veil his shortcomings and imitating someone. If you dreamed that you had to touch up your makeup, put on your eyes and lips - you are tired of pretense and hypocrisy, but you don’t want to take off your mask.

Paint someone

The modern combined dream book interprets why someone dreams of doing makeup by the insincerity of the person who is in close proximity to the dreamer.

Painting a loved one in a dream is an expression of dissatisfaction with the relationship with a partner. Perhaps you feel in your gut the two-facedness and unreliability of your other half.

Wash off the applied makeup in a dream - to the opportunity to expose and catch a deceitful person in the act. If the makeup is washed off to put on makeup again, the character will be able to get out of a sticky situation.

In addition to the main function of makeup, as a means of caring for one’s appearance, it also has another function - concealing one’s true image. The symbol of makeup can be interpreted as insincerity with loved ones or an erroneous opinion about something. Makeup is a symbol of deception, pretense, dishonesty, lack of performance, loss, and cosmetics can have a completely favorable interpretation depending on the details of the dream.

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    Seeing someone else's makeup

    The dream book interprets makeup as far-fetched feelings, an incorrect opinion about the people around you. Seeing painted lips and rouge on the cheeks in a dream is evidence of fake love, theatrical behavior of a person related to the dreamer.

    Fitted eyebrows and colored eyelashes are a sign of the unnaturalness of what is happening in the present. Perhaps the person who volunteered to help the dreamer intends to benefit from the current situation. Bright makeup the eye displays an incorrect position relative to surrounding people.

      Dreaming of sloppy, vulgar makeup means recognizing a trick or deception in a timely manner.

      More meanings:

      • blush is a stupid action of the dreamer’s relatives that will lead to a dead end;
      • lipstick - date, temptation;
      • mascara - to tears;
      • eyeliner - to show determination;
      • shadows - unfulfilled promises;
      • powder - innermost feelings;
      • powder compact with a folding mirror - to a rival.


      Apply cosmetical tools on the face - forced to change the style of behavior and hide real feelings. It is quite possible that a difficult situation will arise in which it will be necessary to restrain the surging emotions. It is worth showing restraint in words and actions.

      If a man puts on makeup in a dream, draws on his eyes and lips - such actions mean that he is hiding his true character traits.

      For a woman to wear makeup means to feel dissatisfied with her appearance and try, through manipulation, to give the impression of a self-sufficient person. The dream warns of misconceptions regarding new, insincere friends.

      Using makeup excessively means shock and surprise, and delays through your own fault.

      Doing makeup on others

      If you dreamed of putting makeup on someone, it means that the dreamer is close to a crafty person. The same interpretation has a dream where another person’s makeup is done by a makeup artist. You should not rely on the conscience and decency of others; you must take care of everything yourself.

      If you had to paint your lover, in reality you will be dissatisfied with your relationship with him, and feel the duality of your partner’s character.

      Removing makeup

      If you dream of removing makeup, the dream means successfully getting rid of misconceptions and exposing you in a lie. If the makeup is removed in order to apply it again, it is a harbinger of the fact that you will be able to get out of an uncomfortable situation with flying colors.

      Removing makeup can dream of revealing the dreamer's deception and holding him accountable for it.

      Losing a cosmetic bag in a dream means serious missteps, litigation, shocking events, and the inability to easily get out of a difficult situation.

      Buying cosmetics

      According to the 21st century dream book, buying cosmetics is an omen of a surprise, expensive gift. Romantic dates possible, new love story. For a businessman - a profitable business meeting.

      A long choice of cosmetics dreams of indecision, whims, and inability to defend one’s position both in business and in the personal sphere.

      Seeing a lot of care products means health problems in reality. Feeling the aroma, admiring cosmetics - foreshadows a meeting with a pleasant person, but if you remember the smell of expired cosmetics - this is a bad sign, you will face hopelessness, a difficult conversation, and receive bad news. Expensive, imported cosmetics - to a fan, luxury, luck; cheap - inability to live within one's means.

      The theft of cosmetics is a dream of punishment for misdeeds: the more expensive the beauty product was, the more serious the retribution awaits.

      A dream about makeup and cosmetics does not foretell any particular worries, except that you will need to reconsider your views or actions regarding the people around you.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream with skillfully done makeup- means that in reality you should not be deceived by the appearance of your new acquaintances; do yourself makeup- means that you will not be able to try to hide something very important from family or friends.

Seeing others doing their own makeup or you doing it for someone else- a sign that among your friends there is an insincere person.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Makeup in a dream- symbolizes far-fetched, exaggerated feelings and erroneous ideas about people.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Putting on makeup in a dream is a symbol of attempts to change oneself or something about oneself, dream books suggest why such a plot is dreamed of. It may also mean a desire to hide some truth from others. Remember what exactly you dreamed about wearing makeup, then you will know what exactly to be prepared for.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller's dream book offers several different interpretations of the dream in which you happened to wear makeup. Check them out and remember if this is what you dreamed about. So, why do you dream that you:

  • highlighted cheekbones with blush - a symbol of difficulties in relationships;
  • covered not only the eyelids, but also the cheeks with shadows - quite by accident you will find out someone else’s secret;
  • painted in front of a mirror that is curtained with a dark cloth - you will deceive a close friend;
  • they applied makeup and immediately took it off - a symbol of low self-esteem.

You seek to hide the truth

Do you see in a dream how you put on makeup in front of a mirror, lining your eyes with shadows? According to dream books, this dream suggests that you are trying to show off your actions with your actions. This interpretation is especially relevant if in a dream you painted your eyes with coal-black or smoky gray shadows.

The Eastern dream book offers its own interpretation of the plot in which you apply makeup while sitting in front of a mirror. If you managed to do professional makeup, then this means that you are a master at avoiding the answer, while finding very compelling reasons.

And if you were unable to make your face attractive with the help of cosmetics, then this may mean that you are not even trying to pretend that you are hiding something from others, but, on the contrary, are emphasizing your individuality in every possible way in this matter.

You are attracted to change

Explaining why you dream that you are wearing makeup, giving your face the correct visual shape with cosmetics, Modern dream book claims that this is a symbol of your curiosity and thirst to bring new “breath” into life.

Also, a dream in which you put on makeup, transforming your face beyond recognition with cosmetics, but you do it competently and beautifully, speaks of attempts to change something in your life. You are bored with the way you live, you want to make new friends or get carried away with something unusual for yourself.

Soon everything will change for the better

You just have to wait a little, and your life will change radically, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book, explaining why you have a dream in which you dyed your hair.

Did you dream that you changed your image, deciding to cut your hair and dye it blonde? You don’t have to worry about your future, the Chinese dream book pleases, it will be beautiful and cloudless.

Particular attention to the following explanation should be paid to dreamers who are dark-haired in reality, who fundamentally relate to a radical change of image, but in a dream decided to dye their hair blonde. This dream vision is a clear example of the fact that you shouldn’t be so principled, because happiness cannot be planned or achieved with the help of principles.

Everything has its time

When understanding why you dream that you have decided to dye your hair, you should separately consider the color of your hair after dyeing, dream books suggest.

So, for example, a fair-haired girl in a dream dyeing her hair blonde is a sign that she does not know how to wait. And if she saw in a dream how she painted herself black, then this, on the contrary, is a signal to action.

The brown-haired woman dreamed about how she painted herself White color? This is a sign of reluctance to change something. The dreamer is afraid of any changes. And if in a dream she turned into a brunette, then she should be wary of other people’s influence, it could harm her.

Some visions are considered prophetic because they predict certain events or serve as a hint, capable of directing a person to the right way. Why do you dream of applying makeup, and how favorable or unfavorable is such a dream?

What if you dream about applying makeup?

Applying makeup in a dream means in reality trying to please members of the opposite sex. The vision can be called symbolic. This is usually the dream of girls who are not too confident in themselves in real life. They want to please men and break their hearts, but at the same time they feel that they are not particularly popular with guys.

Painting your eyes in a dream means in reality striving to find happiness in your personal life, find a husband, or get married. This interpretation option is relevant only if the dreamer lines her eyelids and paints her eyelashes in her usual way. Applying very bright fantasy makeup in a dream means in real life committing a frivolous act that will cause condemnation from loved ones. Painting eyelashes bright blue means in reality having affairs with several representatives of the stronger sex at once.

The dream should not be taken seriously if shortly before its arrival the dreamer visited a make-up artist or she has to go to some important event and she is considering what makeup to choose for her festive look. All these experiences in this case are reflected in night visions.

Painting your lips in a dream means in real life trying to please one of your male friends. Red lipstick symbolizes passion, the desire to love and be loved. When such a dream comes to a married lady, it can only mean that something is not going well in her relationship with her husband. Perhaps we are talking about a fading passion. Soon everything will change a little if the sleeping woman puts some effort into it. To get closer to your husband again, you need to learn to surprise him. It might be worth paying attention to your appearance, arrange romantic evening for the closest and dearest person. Painting your lips with very dark, almost black lipstick is a real desire to stand out from the crowd, to do some extraordinary act. The same can be said about the vision in which white mascara appears.

What does it portend?

For an elderly lady to apply makeup in a dream means to be afraid of old age in real life. Most likely, the sleeping woman cannot admit to herself that she is losing her former attractiveness and this greatly upsets her. If a young girl dreams of applying makeup, she will have to grow up in real life. Certain events will contribute to this.

If a man dreams of how he paints his lips and eyes, he should think about how harmonious his family relationships. Most likely, he is distinguished by effeminate behavior and allows his wife to make the most important decisions. If this state of affairs suits both of them, there is nothing reprehensible in this, but most often women cannot cope with the burden of problems placed on them and the family falls apart. To prevent this, you need to finally remember the real purpose of a man.

Applying makeup in a dream means in reality you will feel the need for male attention and care. For mature ladies, such a vision symbolizes the fear of old age. Painting your lips with black lipstick in a dream means allowing yourself to do very unusual things in real life.