Means for cleansing the skin. Cosmetics for cleansing pores. The best products for daily facial cleansing

To preserve youth and a well-groomed appearance of the face, constant skin care is needed. Each girl is constantly looking for the best tool for herself that will help clean her face with maximum efficiency. Indeed, according to dermatologists, attentive skin care for the face and body helps to maintain youth for a long time and beauty.

The best products for daily facial cleansing

An important action in everyday facial care is cleansing of the skin. For these purposes, many cosmetic products are produced, but not all of them are equally effective and useful.

Mousse (foam) for dry skin

Air mousse (foam) is intended for cleansing sensitive and dry skin of the face. The product is intended for morning and evening washing. Washing with foam, the epidermis is not injured, moisturized, cleansed of impurities.

The use of mousse as a cleanser allows you to avoid skin inflammation, irritation, while maintaining the acid-base balance of the epidermis in the normal range.

Biphasic liquid

Two-phase cleaner - oil-water solution. Since oil is lighter than water, it is on top of the solution, the water base is located under the oil layer. Before use, the product must be shaken well until the components interact.

Two-phase fluid is used:

  • as the best makeup remover;
  • gentle cleansing of the skin;
  • nutrition, softening, moisturizing the skin of the face.

Micellar water

Micellar water is designed for multi-functional cleansing epidermis. It does not contain a soap component, alkali. This skin-cleansing liquid is great for moisturizing the upper layers of the skin, removing makeup, as well as toning and refreshing. They are allowed to use several times a day.

emulsion, fluid

Fluids and emulsions are suitable for skin care in spring and summer. Due to the light structure and low fat content, they cleanse and moisturize the skin, giving it comfort, protecting it from the environment, the harmful effects of winds, the sun, and temperature changes.

Tonic and lotion

The use of a tonic or lotion allows you to remove the remnants of cosmetics, fat, disinfecting the skin. These products are designed not only to cleanse the face, but also to relieve inflammation.

In their composition, lotions have alcohol, which is how they differ from their fellow tonics. Therefore, alcohol-based lotions are best used for oily skin texture, dry integument, a tonic is more suitable.

Hydrophilic oil

This tool allows you to clean the skin of the face from various contaminants, cosmetics, including resistant. The product is suitable for all skin types. Its use allows you to improve the structure, even out the color, reduce pores.

To achieve the best results from cleansing procedures and improve facial skin, it is possible only after the correct selection of cosmetics for each skin type individually.

The best facial cleansers at home

It is not necessary to buy cosmetics of well-known brands, especially when there are no free funds. Facial cleansing can be carried out at home from improvised raw materials available in every home.

Egg Yolk Purifying Mask

Egg yolk is used as a mask for application to dry skin, for cleansing of peeling, dead cells of the epidermis. This mask nourishes, moisturizes, saturates the skin with minerals, vitamins, penetrating deep into the epidermis.

The method of applying the mask is quite simple. You just need to separate the yolk, beat it with a blender, spread it on your face, neck, décolleté, hold for a little more than a quarter of an hour, rinse with lukewarm water.

It is enough to do this mask twice a week.

Flour Purifying Mask

The best face cleanser is a mask with flour. To prepare a cleansing mask, you need 1 tbsp. l. mix flour with water. The mass should be similar to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the face, kept for about 20 minutes, washed off with water (preferably mineral).

The flour mask thoroughly cleanses, makes the skin smooth, silky, and evens out the color.

Scrub with bran

This tool allows you to deeply cleanse the skin. For cooking, you need to grind half a glass of oatmeal flakes in a meat grinder. For application to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, it is enough to prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. ground hercules with the addition of some water. The mixture should be mushy.

The scrub is applied to moistened skin, gently massaging, as soon as smoothness is felt, it can be washed off with water. For sensitive skin, instead of oatmeal, you can use the crumb of black bread, for oily epidermis, soda is added to the scrub. After

Peeling with oatmeal

The best remedy for cleansing all skin, including the face, is oatmeal peeling. Preparation of peeling with oatmeal: 2 tbsp. l. hercules, pour warm water, stand for several minutes until a thick slurry is formed. Evenly lubricate the skin of the face, massage for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Benefits of oatmeal peeling:

  • removal of dead particles;
  • normalization of moisture level;
  • whitening, color alignment, activation of metabolic processes;
  • rejuvenation;
  • getting rid of breakouts.


Preparation of gommage for oily and dry skin.

Important: gommage is applied to clean, steamed skin after a shower, with intense massage movements (you should remember about massage lines).

The time of keeping gamma on the skin is at least 10 minutes, then the product is removed with the fingers of both hands. With one hand they hold the skin (so as not to stretch it), with the other they gently roll it up slowly. In the presence of acne or ulcers, gommage is washed off with water, using cotton pads.


  • delicate and cleansing procedure for the skin;
  • increased blood flow, stagnation is eliminated, metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • food is delivered into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • skin on the face becomes velvety, without fine wrinkles, with a gentle blush;

cosmetic clay

Cosmetic clay is used to remove excess sebum, removing peeling, irritation, redness. Clay masks are used for all types of skin. Cosmetic clay sold in a pharmacy or store decorative cosmetics.

White clay is used for caring masks oily, combination epidermis. It has drying, cleansing, tightening properties. Removes excess fat deposits, tightens pores, whitens. This tool has an antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect.

Blue clay is used to prevent acne, wound healing. It is able to improve the tone of the face, get rid of wrinkles, rejuvenate, make the skin more elastic and elastic. With the help of blue clay, it is possible to remove age spots, freckles.

Green clay is used as an important ingredient in cosmetic products. Masks from this product cleanse, dry, tighten, restore the skin. Clay green, improves blood flow, rejuvenates, removes excess body fat.

Red clay is preferred by owners of sensitive and allergy-prone skin. Masks with this product help relieve irritation, redness, peeling, itching. Dry, dehydrated, fading, sluggish skin after the application of red clay begins a new life.

Pink clay is obtained by combining a white and red product. With this composition, you can take care of all skin types. pink clay smoothes wrinkles, improves facial contours, softens and rejuvenates the skin. Effectively nourishes, cleanses the epidermis, making it silky and toned.

Yellow clay is used in cosmetology for oily, combination, fading, dull epidermis. The product easily removes toxins, relieves inflammation, rashes, saturates cells with oxygen. Yellow clay tones, evens out the tone of the face.

picking upthe best cosmetic clay, you need to be guided by the type of skin, age, condition of the epidermis. There is a wide range of cosmetic clay on sale, on each package facilities there is an instruction with indications for the use of the product and the rules for preparing the desired consistency of the mixture for facial cleansing.

You can not experiment on yourself all varieties of cosmetics, it is better to take the advice of a beautician.

Technical means for cleaning the face at home

To carry out facial cleansing procedures at home, you will need some technical equipment.

Mesh for whipping foam

With this device, you can not only whip the foam, but also clean deeper pores. Thanks to the mesh, a couple of drops of cleanser turn into a voluminous foam. This suggests that the use of a mesh saves a cosmetic product.

How to use the grid? A few drops of the product are applied to a wet device, rubbed in two palms until a lush foam is formed, which is carefully removed for further use.

Felt mittens, loofah sponges

Felt mittens, like loofah sponges, are designed to cleanse the skin. They are used instead of scrubs. To do this, wet your face or device, with foam, massage the skin with massage movements.

With felt gloves, it is convenient and effective to scrub the whole body.

Brush with rubber bristles

Thanks to the fine rubber pile, all impurities from the pores are easily reached. The procedure is required with the help of washing gels.

Ultrasonic cleaning brush

The device allows you to clean the pores, remove dead cells. To do this, you need to moisten your face, the ultrasonic wave will break the water into microdroplets, which, thanks to super speed, clean out all impurities, even from hard-to-reach places.

Vaporizer (steam generator)

The device allows you to expand the pores under the action of hot steam. For independent procedures, you need to consult a specialist. With rosacea, acne, heart pathologies, hypertension, it is better to refrain from the steam generator, in other cases, you should not use the device more than 1-2 times in 30 days.

Device for microdermabrasion

This device cleans the skin mechanically. The kit includes an abrasive action powder that needs to be applied to the facial massage brush.

Important: microdermabrasion is performed for pigmentation, skin age-related changes, post-acne.

Cosmetic procedures for deep cleansing of the face in beauty salons

For facial cleansing services, you can go to a beauty salon, where the beautician will offer you to choose the best product and an acceptable method based on your skin type.

Mechanical cleaning - extrusion and removal of mud and greasy plugs using a special tool.

Brushing - cleaning using various nozzle brushes, without the use of chemicals.

Ultrasonic cleaning is the most demanded procedure. Hardware cosmetology allows, with the help of certain frequencies, to split the dirt at any depth of the skin, followed by a natural exit from the outside.

Vacuum cleaning is a procedure similar to throwing. With the help of a special nozzle that creates a vacuum, dirt is pushed to the surface.

Galvanotherapy - the effect of electric current on the cells of the epidermis.

The best facial cleanser is selected individually depending on skin type, age and makeup intensity.

Cleansing procedures for the face, allow you to provide not only the necessary care for the skin, but also prolong youth, maintain the health and vitality of the epidermis. Cleansing must be done daily, then appearance will be well-groomed, healthy, without peeling and age-related changes.

The best facial cleanser in this video:

How to properly cleanse the skin of the face, tips from a beautician:

If a stain on a seat or door upholstery can still somehow be tolerated, then a sticky steering wheel can drive you crazy in a matter of minutes. Lovers of chewing on the go know this especially well: when your hand keeps reaching into a bag of chips, it is difficult for the steering wheel to remain unstained. And if you were fumbling under the hood without gloves, the chances of keeping the steering wheel clean are almost zero.

The usual wet cleaning here, unfortunately, "does not roll." No skin - from natural to leatherette - does not like water. If you want, for example, to spoil brand new gloves - play snowballs in them or roll up a snowman. It’s not worth the risk, especially since there are a lot of special cleaning compounds. For our test, we selected eight, including napkins for 25 rubles. The most expensive tool at the same time cost 390 rubles.

After treatment, the surface becomes slightly sticky, and this applies to all preparations without exception. Not a single one worked perfectly, - however, there are no frankly failed ones either. As for the podium, we divided all the participants into three conditional groups. The first included those who managed to remove all the pollution, the second coped only with the job easier, the third turned out to be others. Of course, the talents of the proven tools are not limited to the steering wheel: they are suitable for both leather upholstery and, say, for ladies' handbags.


6th–8th place

Skin cleaner

390 rubles, 500 g

The foam composition is slow. We'll have to wait until it flares up and begins to act. It copes with light dirt, but not with old ones. The expiration date and release date are indicated on the package. The tool is unreasonably expensive.

6th–8th place

Tanner's Preserve,

USA leather cleaner

Tanner's Preserve

220 rub., 221 ml The leather cleaner removes fresh light dirt, and gives in to old ones. Note the pungent odor that provokes sneezing. There is no instruction in Russian. Expiration date and release date not specified.

6th–8th place

Tanner's Preserve,

USA leather conditioning cream

Tanner's Preserve

220 rub., 221 ml Cream-conditioner in its capabilities resembles a cleaner of the same company, differing in a less pungent odor. Removes fresh dirt, old ones are worse. There is no release date or expiration date. There is also no instruction in Russian.

3rd–5th placeGermany Skin care product

360 rubles, 250 ml It rubs well and does not leave streaks. It cleans light dirt, but it does not cope with old, stubborn dirt. Nice scent, easy to apply. Instructions are too small. According to the labeling, it is not clear when the composition was made.

3rd–5th place

Turtle Wax,

USA, UK Leather cleaner and conditioner

260 rubles, 500 ml Easy to apply. The smell is neutral. The tool copes well with fresh light dirt, which cannot be said about old, stubborn ones. Before rubbing, you need to wait a long time, it takes a lot of effort. The expiration date and release date are indicated on the package.

3rd–5th placeRussia Leather cleaner with conditioner

390 rubles, 500 g The foam composition is slow. We'll have to wait until it flares up and begins to act. It copes with light dirt, but not with old ones. The expiration date and release date are indicated on the packaging. The tool is unreasonably expensive.

Every woman knows that every day getting rid of cosmetics in the evening, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face. But a feature of the epidermis is also the fact that during the night all the harmful substances accumulated during the day are removed to its surface. Therefore, morning washing with water alone is not enough to carry out the cleaning in full. In addition, when cleansing, you should follow certain rules and take into account many features of the skin, including age. But that's not all. In order to create a complete picture of the methods and methods of cleansing, it is better to familiarize yourself with both home and salon attributes for cleansing.

Facial cleansing rules

In order not to injure the face and prevent negative consequences, certain rules should be followed:

  1. First you need to determine the type of skin - whether it is dry, oily, normal or combination. You should also inquire about the person's tendency to allergies and sensitivity to individual components of the drugs.
  2. When choosing absolutely any makeup remover, after removing it, be sure to wash your face with clean water. And do it more than once. Although many manufacturers produce special wipes for removing cosmetics, it is still necessary to complete the procedure with water even in this case.
  3. Both cosmetic and homemade make-up removers - whether masks, lotions, tonics or creams - should not interact with the face for more than 20 seconds. That is how long it takes the active substances to penetrate deep inside, and they are not designed for this.
  4. When washing your face, cool water is most suitable - it improves blood circulation and increases elasticity. The water should not be hot or icy.
  5. Skin type also affects the application of cleansers. For example, sensitive and dry types are more susceptible to chilled masks, while oily types are more susceptible to warm ones.
  6. If oil is used to remove makeup, then the cotton pad must first be moistened with water.
  7. All cosmetologists unanimously recommend that in order to avoid injury to the skin, apply cleansing preparations only along massage lines.

Stages of skin cleansing

There are three stages of purification. They must be strictly observed, they cannot be changed in places. For each, there are special means for cleansing the skin of the face.

  1. Make-up removal. It consists in removing make-up every evening with the help of various means, taking into account the type of skin. If there is discomfort on the face, then you should not wait for the evening.
  2. Washing. This procedure must be included in the daily ritual of washing off cosmetics. Again, it is necessary to take into account the type of facial skin. For oily face soap in liquid or solid form. If she has hypersensitivity, then it is necessary to wash her face with more gentle means. It can be foam, mousse or gel for washing. At the end of this stage, it is advisable to wipe the face with a tonic.
  3. Deep cleansing . Its result is aimed at a deeper impact and to consolidate the effect after the previous two stages. This stage is carried out with the help of more stringent means - scrubs, peels and gommages. It is not necessary to carry it out every day, but in accordance with the recommendations.

Cleansing types

There are two types of skin cleansing: superficial and deep:

  • For surface cleansing only the top layer of the epidermis is involved. It is necessary in order to remove dead skin particles, renew it and improve blood circulation. With the help of products that act sparingly on the surface of the epidermis, you can get rid of fine wrinkles, make the surface of the face more elastic and smooth. This cleansing of the skin of the face at home is achieved with the help of peels, scrubs, cleansing milk, gommages. In the salon, surface cleansing is carried out using mechanical action (brushing, microdermabrasion) or physiotherapeutic methods (laser peeling, ultrasound).
  • Deep cleaning is carried out only in salons. Before it starts, local anesthesia is introduced, and the method itself consists in the use of phenol. The skin gets burned due to this acid and as a result, it is completely renewed. This type of cleansing is not recommended until the age of 40. Deep peeling has many contraindications, so it must be carried out carefully.

Age features when cleansing the skin of the face

At each age, the skin has its own characteristics, which affect the method of cleansing and the choice of makeup removers.

Teenage skin it is prone to inflammatory processes, it is characterized by the presence of acne, comedones, enlarged pores. At the same time, skin up to 20 years old is very susceptible to external influences, so the cleansing method should be gentle. It is better to clean it with scrubs, apply paste-like masks, resort to ultrasound and, with reduced inflammation, to vacuum cleaning.

IN aged 20 to 30 years it becomes clear what type the skin belongs to. Care for it must be carried out, based on this knowledge. You need to select a cleaning technique in accordance with sensitivity, a tendency to dryness, and take into account the level of contamination of the pores.

After 30 years, cleansing should be supplemented with a facial massage, and emphasis should be placed on the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles on the face or their elimination. It is recommended to add galvanic cleaning to home remedies and manual massage.

Store-bought facial cleansers

cosmetic milk

Skin type : dry, normal, sensitive

Pros: This cosmetic product is well suited for the cold season, because it is an excellent moisturizer. It also acts as a mild skin cleanser, so it should be chosen with increased inflammation.

Cons: not suitable for oily skin. It can leave a greasy feeling on the face, clog pores. In hot weather, its use may cause discomfort.

Cleansing gel

Skin type: sensitive, normal, combination, oily.

Pros: it is a mild agent that eliminates oily sheen, mattifies the skin, gives a feeling of freshness.


Skin type: combination, sensitive, dry, oily, normal.

Pros: tonics are produced according to the type of skin. Gently removes impurities from the skin, restores the protective functions of the epidermis, and has a softening effect.

Micellar water

Skin type: combination, dry, normal, especially sensitive.

Pros: is a complete replacement for all the means described above. What distinguishes it is that it replaces ordinary water without causing irritation on the skin.

Cons: requires repeated use - until the cotton pad is clean.

Foam (or mousse)

skin type : sensitive

Pros: this tool can be used with any type of skin, but it is more recommended for sensitive, because it gently cleanses it, giving a pleasant feeling.

Minus: with oily skin, it will not give effective results in eliminating problems.

Salon facial cleansing methods

Manual cleaning

It is used in salons to achieve the greatest efficiency when there are not enough mechanical resources to carry out the deepest cleansing of the face.

Pros: with its help you can get rid of acne, blackheads, blackheads.

Cons: this procedure is quite painful, after it the skin becomes susceptible to infection, so it is recommended to apply softening masks.

Contraindications: advanced form of acne, the presence of damage to the skin, hypertension, rosacea.

With this method, you can get rid of external skin problems. It is carried out by hand with the use of special spoons. Its quality depends on the level of qualification and experience of the cosmetologist.

vacuum cleaning

Refers to hardware methods of cleansing the skin of the face

Pros: expands clogged pores, removes surface impurities and keratinized particles of the epidermis. Suitable for any skin type.

Cons: less effective than manual cleaning.

Contraindications: rosacea, problems with blood vessels on the face, the presence of inflamed areas on the skin.

This procedure is carried out using a nozzle that creates a vacuum. Suitable for especially sensitive skin, but for an effective result, it is better to choose a different method of cleansing.


This is skin cleansing with the help of hardware nozzles in the form of brushes.

pros: very effective when cleaning the face from heavy dirt.

Cons: May contribute to slight deformation of the skin, so you should not resort to this technique if the skin is flabby. For the same reason, it is not suitable for aging skin.

Contraindications: skin inflammation, rosacea.

In the photo you can see the result that is achieved with the help of brossage.


The essence of this method lies in the combined action of current with alkalis.

Pros: after this procedure, the skin becomes much cleaner, looks more toned. May be included in the complex salon procedures in composition with vacuum or manual cleaning.

Cons: for deep age wrinkles, this technique is not recommended.

Contraindications: inflammatory process on the skin, dermatological diseases, oncology.

Ultrasonic peeling

It is the most gentle facial cleansing method.

Pros: gentle, but deep effect on the skin.

Thanks to ultrasound, you can get rid of allergies, greasiness of the skin. It improves blood circulation, promotes cleansing of keratinized skin.

Contraindications: inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, herpes and the presence of severe inflammation.


It is carried out using liquid nitrogen.

pros: promotes renewal of the epidermis, the face looks much younger. It has a long and deep effect.

Minuses : discomfort during the procedure.

Contraindications: hypertension.

This procedure is used most often after manual cleaning to fix the result. With it, you can get rid of acne even at an advanced stage.

Laser face cleaning

Applied to skin tailored age features and is carried out by means of a laser, without bringing pain.

Pros: very effective method salon cleaning with long-lasting results.

Contraindications: herpes, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, the presence of acute infectious diseases.

Helps to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, promotes the production of collagen. It is a non-contact method of cleansing, therefore it is safe.

Diamond Dermabrasion

It is also a kind of mechanical peeling. Occurs as a result of exposure to the skin by grinding with diamond particles.

Pros: it is used to treat any type of skin, it shows particular effectiveness with sensitive skin. Immediately after dermabrasion, the skin becomes visibly younger.

Cons: can bring weak, but still painful sensations.

Contraindications: pregnancy, the presence of inflammation on the skin, nevi, oncological formations, dermatological diseases.

Home remedies for facial cleansing


They are made from different components. They vary depending on the skin type of the face. Ingredients can help relieve inflammation, normalize fat balance or eliminate dryness. Homemade masks are applied to the face for a certain time (this must be mentioned in the recipe). It should be applied, paying particular attention to problem areas. After the time has elapsed, rinse with running water using a soft sponge.


This is an affordable and means by which facial skin is cleaned at home. Various products can act as a scrubbing agent - sugar, salt, coffee, rice. You can prepare a scrub yourself, choosing the ingredients taking into account the characteristics of the skin. It must be remembered that with sensitive skin, one should resort to smaller particles so that they do not injure the skin, and with oily skin, coarse ones so that they do not clog pores and cleanse the surface of the face more effectively.


Since the baths are prepared on the basis of essential oils and herbal preparations, then before starting the procedure, you should make sure that there is no allergy to the components. The effect of this method lies in the correct steaming of the face, which ensures deep penetration of beneficial substances into the skin of the face. Again, skin type and the effect of the ingredients on it should be taken into account.

Daily facial cleansing

The procedure for superficial cleansing of the face should be carried out every day. It is aimed at removing cosmetics and removing keratinized particles from the surface of the face. The dirt that has accumulated on the face during the day must be removed with a cleanser - milk, soap, gel. After that, wash off the remnants of the product with a tonic. Finally, you need to wash your face with running or micellar water. All means with which daily cleansing is carried out should be selected in accordance with the type of skin.

Facial cleansing mistakes

If after using cleansers and daily makeup removal there are any problems with the epidermis, then some of these mistakes are most likely made:

  1. Facial cleanser is not suitable for skin type.
  2. Cosmetic or home remedies are on the face for too little or too much time.
  3. After removing make-up, no moisturizer is applied, which reinforces the work of cleansers and eliminates dryness.
  4. Wash with water at a comfortable temperature. The use of hot and ice water is unacceptable.
  5. Too frequent use of peeling products can also have negative consequences.

In order to avoid problems, you need to carefully approach the choice of means for cleansing the face, carefully study the pros and cons of salon procedures. Youth and freshness of the face can be extended only by strictly following all the rules for removing makeup.

Problem: how to clean the pores on the face, worries most women. Clogged pores distort even the most beautiful makeup. Deep and high-quality cleaning of the skin can help eliminate this drawback.

Cleansing is the most important task in facial care. Many home and special products can remove blackheads, as well as prevent acne and give the skin a healthy look and freshness.

In addition to problems with internal organs, clogged pores can be caused by contamination of the facial skin.

Remains of decorative cosmetics, dirt and dead cells prevent sebum from reaching the surface, which provokes the expansion of pores and the appearance of acne.

To pick up right ways cleansing the surface of the face and methods for narrowing the pores, you need to know the exact causes of this disease.

There are the following reasons why the excretory ducts are contaminated:

  1. Influence of hereditary factors.
  2. Change in hormonal background.
  3. Oily or combination skin type.
  4. Problems with the digestive system.
  5. Violation of the functioning of the immune and nervous systems.
  6. Meals with great content animal fat, spices and carbohydrates.
  7. Violation of metabolic processes.
  8. Impact of bad habits: smoking and drinking harmful drinks.
  9. Excessive use of cosmetics.
  10. Abuse of frequent exposure to the sun, which worsens the functioning of the sebaceous glands and leads to dehydration of the surface of the face.

Also common causes of pollution include constant stressful situations and long-term medication.

Effective home cleaning

Particularly high-quality cleansing is required for enlarged pores, which often occur in people with oily skin types. Pollution with sebum contributes to clogging of the excretory ducts, as a result of which the surface of the face loses its attractiveness.

  • To avoid unpleasant consequences skin is recommended to be cleaned regularly.
  • Pores are cleansed at home with the help of special tools.
  • Cleansing mixtures should consist of drying and astringent components.

Lemon, aloe or medicinal chamomile is suitable for this. Tonics, which contain zinc oxide, are used for basic care. After cleansing mixtures, a moisturizer should be applied.

An important tool in skin care is used - a cosmetic stick. It allows you to gently treat the surface around the eyes.

Simple tips will help you decide how to clean the pores on your nose:

  1. Every day you need to use milk or a special gel. Such products contain extracts of iris, chamomile or cloves.
  2. For proper care it is worth determining your own skin type. This influences the choice of a suitable tool.
  3. You can not rub your face and rub it hard with a hard towel.
  4. The fluid in the excretory ducts prevents their rapid contamination. Good moisturizing is recommended for all skin types.
  5. Matte makeup cream allows you to keep the surface of the face smooth for a long time.

Once every two weeks, the skin should be cleaned of keratinized particles. For this, exfoliating procedures are performed:.

A self-prepared mask will help to effectively clean the pores on the nose. To do this, a teaspoon of gelatin is mixed with a tablespoon of milk and left until the gelatin swells. Then the solution is heated until complete dissolution. The hot mixture should be applied to the skin with patting movements. The mixture solidifies in the form of a solid mask. After 30 minutes, it can be removed with one sharp movement.

Helps quickly remove all blackheads with activated charcoal cleansing. Creams and masks based on this substance have a moisturizing and smoothing effect.

You can prepare a mask with black clay and activated charcoal. To do this, clay is mixed with activated charcoal, warm milk and a teaspoon of gelatin and left for 15 minutes. A mask with activated charcoal, rose water and a few drops of essential oil will help soothe irritated skin.

Effective masks with activated charcoal will help hide many imperfections and quickly clear heavily polluted excretory ducts.

Other gentle cleansing options:

  1. Scrub from soda for the face
  2. Oatmeal scrub recipes
  3. Blue Clay Mask Recipes

A stronger cleansing effect can be achieved with peels:

Carefully read the contraindications and self-peeling technique!

The main stages of purification

When deciding how to clean the pores on the nose, it is worth following a certain sequence of the cleansing procedure.

Clogged pores are cleared in several stages:

  1. To soften the skin of the face and open the excretory ducts, steaming is performed. At the same time, herbal compresses are also used. A steam of herbal infusion of calendula or sage will help to steam the pores on the nose. It is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the decoction.
  2. To eliminate pollution, use scrubs, and other home-made products. If the skin is oily, then you need to clean it twice a week. With a dry type of face, you can clean the skin once a week. For oily skin, stronger products with abrasive properties are selected.
  3. The narrowing of the pores is performed using certain masks. Skin pores are treated with a weak solution lemon juice or .
  4. At the end of the procedure, the skin is moisturized. For this, a cream with nourishing properties or fatty oil is selected.

Clogged pores can be deeply cleansed in the following way:

  1. After steaming the face, the index fingers are wrapped in a bandage and moistened in a peroxide solution. Without strong pressure, the largest excretory ducts are cleared. Then the nose is rubbed with peroxide.
  2. The mixture is prepared from baking soda, salt and a small amount of water. With the help of the solution, you can massage the skin of the nose. Then the agent is washed off with water.

At regular using procedures, the pores in the nose area will gradually decrease. The key principle here is regularity!

Clogged pores on the face as a result of the use of low-quality cosmetics. Mineral oil-based products deeply pollute the skin. For problematic skin, cosmetologists recommend using less oily cream. A Foundation replace with a lighter one.

If, after regular procedures with special care products, the excretory ducts are still contaminated, then you need to contact a specialist.

Modern means

When homemade recipes do not help, it is worth turning to professional methods of cleansing. It is worth trying special strips for cleansing the pores of the nose and chin. They are of three types: with activated carbon, with green tea and classic.

Effective cleaning can be done in salons that offer the following cleaning methods:

  1. Vacuum cleaning of the face is popular. This uses an instrument such as a drainage tube that sticks to the skin and helps open and clear the excretory ducts. The procedure is recommended for oily skin and redness.
  2. Ultrasonic facial cleansing helps to clean the pores well, which allows you to open the pores. This method has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. You can do high-quality cleaning with the help of integuments. This method allows you to deeply cleanse the pores and eliminate the causes of inflammation.
  4. - This is a hardware method that produces gentle exfoliation and stimulation of the skin. Such a tool activates the growth of new cells.

Hello, friends!

Last time, we found out that daily facial skin care includes, first of all, cleaning it and found out. And today a story about what means for cleansing the skin of the face can be used.

Soap and water are not very suitable for us, I'm just sure that no one smears sour cream on their face before washing. ( Why do this, I wrote in a previous article). And it’s not necessary, I never wash my face with soap, but I use it mainly folk remedies for cleansing the skin, or a special cosmetic milk, or lotion.

Facial cleansers

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is the simplest, most common and also useful face cleanser. It is better to use it in the autumn - winter period and it is suitable for all skin types.

You can use any - sunflower (necessarily unrefined, why, read), olive, linseed and more.

A little oil needs to be slightly heated by lowering the glass with it into hot water, or simply pour the oil into a hot spoon.

Wet a cotton swab slightly in vegetable oil and clean the skin of the face and neck with it. Thus, the greasy layer is easily removed.

Then the cotton wool can already be moistened in oil more abundantly and a thorough cleansing of the skin of the neck and face from the chin to the temples, from the nose to the forehead, from the nose around the eyes, clean the lips and eyebrows.

Wait 2-3 minutes and remove the remaining oil with lotion, or tea, or boiled water mixed with lemon juice.

By the way, facial skin can be cleaned with one tea, green or black, it doesn’t matter, according to the same principle: first, the fatty layer is removed with a slightly moistened cotton swab, and then we moisten the cotton wool abundantly.

Dairy products

Cleaning with fermented milk products can be carried out at any time of the year. Especially in the spring, after such cleaning, freckles turn pale and the skin becomes smooth and tender.

Sour milk, kefir, sour cream, whey are suitable as cleaning agents.

Stonecrop with fermented milk products is useful for fatty and normal skin Dry, non-flaky skin is also good to clean with these products, but they should not be acidic, as this can lead to skin irritation.

We act according to the same principle described above: first we clean the face with a slightly moistened cotton swab, then with a richly moistened one, and finally wring out the cotton wool and remove excess milk or kefir. For oily skin, this cleansing procedure is completed, and dry skin must be wiped with lotion or boiled water and a nourishing cream applied.

Egg yolk

Means for cleansing the skin of the face should be changed periodically. Sometimes it's good to do an egg yolk cleansing. It must be mixed with two teaspoons of vegetable oil and 2 teaspoons of vegetable or fruit juice. They need to be gradually added to the yolk, mixing thoroughly.

Moisten a cotton swab slightly in water, take a little egg mixture with it and clean the skin with quick movements, rubbing the mass into a light foam. Thus, it is good to lubricate the skin 2-3 times, leave for 2 minutes, and then rinse with water and apply cream.

Leftover egg mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Egg yolk cleansing is suitable for all skin types.


Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or in a meat grinder. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of crushed cereal left hand, add water until you get a slurry and then right hand apply to the skin of the face, rubbing all areas. Wash off with water.

Oatmeal cleansing is good for all skin types, but it's especially good for oily and acne-prone skin. I personally really like washing with oatmeal, this is the best folk cleanser for facial skin, in my opinion.

From oatmeal and excellent effective can be done.

Instead of oatmeal, wheat bran or black bread is perfect.

Cleansing lotions and creams

Instead of washing with water, it is very convenient to cleanse the skin with lotion or a special liquid cream. You can cleanse your skin with rose water.

There are quite a lot of such funds now being sold, there are no problems buying. But you just need to be careful in choosing and buy products made from natural products. I prefer herbal cleansing milk.