What do you give on a first date? What should be a gift for a girl on the first date? What gifts should not be given to girls? Should a guy give expensive gifts to a girl?

In general, everything is clear - usually they give flowers, but with the second date some new lovers have a “gag”.

We will help them resolve all their doubts by telling them what to give to a girl on a second date and what can be given to a girl on a second date, except flowers.

There can be two options preceding the second date: careful preparation with a bunch of thoughtful little details, or spontaneous confusion, the outcome of which even Pavel Globa cannot predict.

For the second option, no preparatory actions are required from you. It’s quite stupid to arrive at the right place at the appointed time and rely on your natural abilities to improvise.

We do not consider this option in detail, since the result of such dates is characterized as “50/50”.

In half the cases, a girl may be disappointed, even without explanation, from further communication if the “entertainment” you offer turns out to be too extravagant for her.

There are approximately the same chances that she will be imbued with your extravagant ideas regarding free time and - it is not clear why - she will recognize you as “her boyfriend” with all the ensuing consequences.

Therefore, everything is in your power.

If you like the second option, feel free to fold up your laptop and plop it down in anticipation of a miracle...

Those who want to slightly adjust the “fifty/fifty” ratio in their favor should at least briefly familiarize themselves with the following recommendations on what to give a girl on a second date (except for flowers, of course).

First, let’s figure out how the second date differs from the first, and why it’s advisable not to screw up on the second date...

Second date

If you read this article, it means you have overcome the first – the most difficult – stage.

You managed to chat casually on your first date, wander the evening streets, exchange email addresses, social network nicknames, and other clues that cement your friendship, and even agree on a pleasant next meeting for both of you...

A second date means about as much to a girl as a first date.

While on the first date, the girl will wonder what awaits her on the second date.

Photo 1. Boredom is the worst enemy of any date.

Even if she doesn’t explicitly tell you that she’s expecting some next surprise, be sure that deep down in her heart that’s all she’s thinking about.

She subconsciously needs to make sure that the pompous atmosphere that you arranged for her on the first date is not an accident, not for show, but something natural, repeating, something that is internal to you.

Therefore, the second date in the plan should in no way be inferior to the first date.

At the same time, in realizing certain fantasies on the second date, you can be clearly bolder, and this will be perceived by the girl quite naturally.

The only requirement is not to overdo it with surprises. Everything should not look natural, but - most importantly - sincerely.

Don’t think that a girl is just waiting for expensive gifts from you when you barely know each other.

An overly expensive gift can push her away from you, as she will feel undue pressure from you.

If you are her, she will date you without any gifts.

But remember: they can start “right from the door.” Therefore, excessive tight-fistedness and pettiness can play a bad joke on you.

Try not to be branded in her eyes as a stingy person and a miser (as well as a spendthrift or a show-off). Everything needs balance.

What gift to give a girl on a second date

Enough introductions. By this time, many might have doubts creeping in: is it worth giving a girl anything at all on a second date? And if so, what could you actually give a girl as a gift when meeting her for the second time?

. Flowers

Whether or not to give flowers on a date depends on the purpose of your second meeting.

If you have agreed that you will go together to a water park or to a dance party, then it is hardly worth giving flowers, since it will be very inconvenient for the girl to move with them - even if it is just one classic rose.

If suddenly she comes to visit you after the first date, taking a bouquet of flowers with her will be very appropriate, since she will have somewhere to put it, and she will avoid awkward situations.

If you are going to give flowers on a second date, then it is better to opt for roses (almost everyone loves them), but not in rich burgundy tones, but in lighter colors - with neat buds that are just beginning to bloom.

It’s good if the second bouquet contrasts sharply with the first. You haven’t forgotten that surprises have a magical effect on girls...

. Stuffed Toys

It is not customary to give toys on a second date - unless it happens to coincide with the girl’s birthday or some other celebration.

Photo 2. Originality is the main criterion for choosing a gift for a girl on a second date

But if this toy can fit in a girl’s hand or her purse (a small fluffy kitten or some other cute animal) and looks more like a souvenir, then it’s quite possible to give it as a casual gift.

Such gifts are not obligatory to anything, and therefore are accepted by girls willingly, which contributes to the manifestation of positive emotions on both sides.

It’s good if the toy is not just funny, but also capable of making a girl smile or even laugh because of its cool shape or initial subtext.

It is important, however, that it does not look like a Chinese “cheap” item purchased at the nearest stall selling consumer goods.

Girls don't like it when people obviously skimp on them.

. Sweet-faced

What usually doesn’t pose a problem in terms of giving is sweets.

Many girls (including professional athletes and diet-addicted gymnasts-ballerinas) love something sweet if it is presented beautifully and appropriately.

One piece of candy certainly won’t harm their gorgeous figure...

So here your imagination should not be limited by anything.

The main thing to remember is that your gift should not cause inconvenience to the girl while you are communicating.

Therefore, you don’t need to give her a tea set or a healthy teddy bear, which she won’t know where to stuff while you’re “nicely” strolling along the park paths.

Everything else is a gift.

It’s better to over-gift something to a girl than to under-gift something. Or do you disagree?

Let's hope that now you know exactly what to give a girl on a second date, and your second date will go off with a bang. Good luck!

The more I read articles about psychology, the less I begin to understand the actions and motivations of some people. Today, I want to discuss in detail a topic that worries many: what to give a girl on a first date, to understand certain points. Why is this question so relevant today? Who decided that a girl should be showered with gifts? Why were pleasant words and warmth no longer enough?

Often, young girls and boys make many mistakes on the first date due to lack of relationship experience. Getting burned in early age, an unpleasant aftertaste from a failed relationship, can cause disappointment in the future.

Should you give gifts on the first date?

From the point of view of psychologists, the first date is an important stage in further development relationship and it would be nice to surprise a girl with it. However surprise, this does not mean to shock!

If you're really at a loss looking for a gift, why not prepare a funny joke, fascinating story, even a ridiculous incident from life. On the first date, the girl expects sincerity and open communication. A gift can embarrass her, put her in an awkward position, and in some cases, even offend her. So the best gift on the first date – you show up!

Hi all! A first date is always a big responsibility. The young man makes every effort to impress his lady love. One of the most important questions on the agenda is what original gift to give a girl on the first date other than flowers. Of course, it would be inappropriate to present gold and diamonds, that is, very expensive or personal gifts, and the identity of the fair sex still remains a secret behind seven seals. In this case, a gift is not obligatory, but, you see, it can set the right mood and tone for the meeting.

We offer you to get acquainted with several options for what to give a girl on her first date. Let us immediately note that formats will be offered that do not require capital investments.

Good old bouquet

Some might say that flowers are banal and unoriginal. However, no one has canceled the fact that receiving a bouquet is always pleasant, and this can be a wonderful sketch for a newly emerging relationship. This point is very important here: consider in what place and at what time the date will take place. If you are meeting in a cafe or restaurant, or going for a walk in the park, then a too large armful of flowers or a tall bouquet will simply be uncomfortable for the lady to carry with her.

Therefore, when choosing flowers, find out what meaning they carry so that she can associate herself with this gift. You can even make up a short speech that you will make when you present her with your fragrant gift.

Sweet compliment to a girl

If you are thinking about what to give a girl at the first meeting besides flowers, then there is another solution - sweets. Of course, these should not be cheap candies or bad chocolate. Try to choose something very beautiful and equally tasty. You can experiment with the wrapper and design it in such a way that the girl will remember such a manifestation of feelings for a long time.

Stuffed Toys

It's hard to find a girl who doesn't like soft toys. In each of the representatives of the fair sex there lives a little girl who will be indescribably delighted if at the right moment you give her some cute plush animal as a souvenir of her first meeting. These can be the already classic bear cubs and pink bunnies, although you can go further and choose your lady’s “totem animal” by telling a fascinating story about why you associate her with him. Creativity always evokes a response in a woman’s heart.

As with flowers, you should refuse to give a gift that is too large - for a first date it is too much, and yes, it will be inconvenient to carry it with you. Also, you don’t need to buy a frankly cheap product, which will show your disrespect rather than interest.

Gifts you can't touch

So, what to give a girl at the first meeting so that she immediately understands: you value a non-standard approach. Such gifts that cannot be touched, but which leave a mark on the soul for many years, if not forever. It is worth carefully thinking through the meeting scenario and giving your companion a feeling of romance and boundless celebration, making her the center of the universe. Among these intangible gifts, the most relevant are:

  • Walk on hot-air balloon
  • Visit an interesting museum or planetarium
  • Extreme entertainment, for example, skydiving, hang gliding, etc.

That is, you need to organize an event that does not happen every day, but do not forget to warn the girl about how best she should dress so that the surprise is truly pleasant and the plan is not disrupted.

In the footsteps of Pushkin

Don’t believe it if they say that the romantics have all remained in past centuries. This is not so, moreover, the ladies still give them their hearts and hands! A romantic poem in the form of an ode, a poem, or even a fable can be a wonderful gift. The main thing is that it is written with soul. Try to give it at the right moment, for example, when you say goodbye, so that she can read it at home in a calm environment and experience maximum emotions without embarrassment! You can also read your work to her yourself if you are confident in yourself and think that it will be the best solution for your date.

Cute card

It is rightly said that sometimes the gift itself is not so important as the attention. If you are not at all aware of what the young lady is interested in and do not want to make a fatal mistake, it is quite possible to make a “knight’s move”. Simple postcard is able to show her that you are trying to do something nice, you are not indifferent to her personality. In the end, it's just cute. It’s better not to quote other people’s texts, but to write your own text from the heart, which she will read and understand that this date was not arranged in vain. It will be original. It's creative now.

How and what to give a girl on a date?

If we were able to figure out what to give a woman at the first meeting (something simple and pleasant), then the question remains of how exactly to give the gift:

Don't put too much emphasis on this. Do it casually, as if it were a matter of course.

At the same time, you shouldn’t belittle your present. Show her that you are as interested in her as a representative of the fair sex who has wonderful qualities.

Even if you are giving something “banal,” try to add a touch of creativity and self-confidence. Then the lady will be satisfied!

Gifts for a date: are they required?

Of course not! No one can force you to go on a date with a gift. Perhaps the very format of your meeting does not imply this, but, you see, it is the man who has always been considered the leading “player” in a couple, and his task is to charm the girl and please her. We are not talking about any serious investments that could drive you into debt. Rather, it is a manifestation of your sincerity, interest, so that her smile is bright and happy, at least during this evening. You are capable of making a small miracle, so why give up this opportunity?

A date with a girl is always a lot of new impressions and emotions. If the relationship is just beginning, these are also events on which your future life depends, more precisely, on how each of you shows himself, what he does and says, how he behaves in a given situation. If you have been in a relationship for a long time, sometimes when you meet you want to give the girl something, even a small thing, but pleasant, to show signs of attention and love.

In such cases, a bouquet of flowers was always used as standard. It doesn’t matter what kind of flowers they are – roses, orchids, tulips, or just a bouquet of wildflowers. It is always important that the girl likes the flowers, as well as how you present them and what you say at that moment. This is the good old method of showing signs of attention. He has always acted and will always act. But what if you would like to give her something more original and memorable, what is better to give to a girl when you meet in this case? All in your hands.

First of all, it could be original place meetings or some kind of thematic meeting in a cafe. If you have chosen a place that is calmer and more traditional, you can distinguish yourself with other ideas.

It doesn't matter if it's your first date or not, there's no need to spend a ton of money on a gift, even if you have ample funds, or you just want to make that impression, which is even worse.

A sweet surprise will be a good and pleasant gift. Make sure the girl has a sweet tooth and choose a small box of chocolates. It will be pleasant, but at the same time not intrusive and demanding. The meeting is guaranteed to leave a good impression.

You can give a girl a small soft toy, which you may also like if you have romantic feelings. Please note that the toy should not be too large and uncomfortable, or look too childish. If your meeting takes place in a good restaurant, it is better to completely abandon the intention of giving a toy and choose one of the gifts above, preferably a classic bouquet.

If you want to surprise your girlfriend on a date, instead of a gift, you can create a mini “date within a date” scenario. Nobody says that you should write down your every word and action in it. Just think about what you could do after dinner (or lunch). For example, it could be a simple walk around the city, or it could be a hot air balloon flight or a carriage ride, for example. Very original and surprising, your date will definitely be remembered.

Anna Grigorieva

First date: what to give a girl?

Should you give a girl something on the first date?

There is no clear answer to this question.

For example, experienced seducers (the so-called pickup gurus) believe that a gift on the first date will significantly reduce a man’s chances of continuing the relationship.

And psychologists advise making a preliminary plan for a date in several versions, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail, trying to surprise the girl with something - and not necessarily with a gift.

This could be, for example... a hot air balloon flight. Or anything else equally unforgettable.

But if “advanced options” for a first date are not to your liking, be sure to read our recommendations for choosing a gift. And let your date become the most romantic in the world!

So, what to give on the first date?

Flowers are a must

A bouquet of flowers is considered an invariable attribute of a first date. And for good reason.

Giving flowers is, albeit banal, but a win-win move. You will show yourself as a gallant gentleman, and the girl will simply be pleased.

In addition, a modest bouquet does not oblige you or your lady to anything.

Souvenir - desirable

In order not to seem banal, it is better to give something exquisite. For example, an elegant porcelain doll or a box filled with small soft hearts. What you choose depends only on your financial capabilities and imagination.

But try to make the souvenir as elegant as possible and appropriate for the moment (for example, you shouldn’t give prank souvenirs on the first date).

Soft toy - as an option

Such a gift is appropriate if the girl is very young. Or you know for sure that she is romantic and loves surprises of this kind.

Overall, remember: a teddy bear is a great idea, but it's not for everyone.

Sweets - very doubtful

Put aside the stored sweets for later - when the girl introduces you to her mother.

Things that are useful in everyday life are undesirable

Wanting to appear practical and “on the board”, you can go very far. And give the girl something useful in the household.

This, of course, is not forbidden - but what if in such a gift your new friend sees a hint of an imminent marriage proposal (or simply a proposal cohabitation), and you’re not ready to force things yet?

At the very beginning of a relationship, it is better to refrain from household gifts. If it comes down to it Serious relationships, you will always have time to give your lady things that will be useful to both of you.

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