How to clean suede. How to clean black suede boots at home. Cleaning gray suede

Before you learn how to clean suede, you need to imagine what it is. Suede is softly dressed deer or elk leather. It is used for tailoring clothes and shoes, as well as for polishing and cleaning glass and paintwork. But this is a slightly different suede than the one that is usually sold in the store.

In the store, suede is understood as lamb, cow or goat skin, which was obtained by suede. Suede is the name given to the skin obtained after soaking raw hides with fats.

How to clean suede properly

Over time, any suede begins to shine. It can be returned to its original form, and at home. To do this, prepare a mixture of warm milk and soda. It is prepared as follows: one teaspoon of regular milk is added to a glass of milk. baking soda.

You can prepare another fairly effective mixture for suede. It is made on the basis of ammonia: half a glass of input is mixed with a quarter cup of ammonia. This mixture should be wiped with a cotton swab. After that, the suede product is wiped with water, and then with acetic solutions. The latter is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of vinegar essence is added to a liter of water.

How to wash natural suede

Products made from natural suede, such as sheepskin coats, are usually washed in a warm solution. The lining of the product is undercut on the sleeves and at the bottom. Washing time plays a special role here. Suede products should be washed quickly, without soaking and rubbing. Sleeves and collar, as well as other contact points, can be rubbed a little, but with a soft brush. And after washing suede products, it is important to dry them properly.

This should be done at room temperature, let's say on a dryer, or in the open air. At the same time, it is forbidden to allow direct sunlight to hit the product during drying. It is also not recommended to dry suede near heating appliances. Overdried suede can be safely sent to the trash - such things can no longer be worn, they lose their presentation.

How to clean suede? How to clean suede at home.

How to care for a suede coat and jacket? These products are usually wiped with a rough sponge or a piece of clean rubberized cloth. A stain after rain can be lime by the same analogy. With the help of zeroing skin, give a new look to the suede on the folds. A suede jacket or brown suede shoes should be cleaned with a special brush. Soak it in coffee grounds. And when the suede dries, use a dry brush to remove the coffee residue.

Before cleaning suede shoes from dirt, hold the product over steam for about one minute. And after a special brush, which can be bought in almost any store, dirt from the suede surface is removed instantly. If suede shoes are very dirty, then they must be treated with a soapy solution with a few drops of ammonia. And after that, the suede should be treated with a water-repellent solution. But if the stains on suede are left with fat, then they can be removed with talc and gasoline. The stain is treated with gasoline, and then, this place on the suede is sprinkled with talcum powder. After about five minutes, shoes from talc should be cleaned with a special rubberized or wire brush.

White spots on suede

If suede shoes are worn in wet weather, white spots may appear on them. It is quite difficult to remove them from the surface of the product. Wet shoes should be brushed and stuffed with silica gel balls in special bags or newsprint, which is in every home. Stains, sometimes, remain on suede shoes. Then the surface should be washed warm water with soap.

However, sometimes it makes sense to apply the following method of dealing with white spots. Dry suede shoes, clean with a special brush that smoothes the pile. By the way, the pile will be smoothed out better if the shoes are kept under a stream of steam. Heavily soiled places on suede shoes should be wiped with a cotton swab, after wetting it in ammonia.

How to clean faux suede

Faux suede products require special care. This is because they get dirty quickly. Faux suede clothes are washed with a warm solution of detergents for synthetic fabrics and silk. And after removing the stains, the product should be thoroughly rinsed. Drying artificial suede should also be done carefully. Under no circumstances should it be twisted. Suede gloves

This product, like the rest, requires careful and regular maintenance. Then suede gloves will last a very long time. And they clean this item with the same solution of ammonia. Suede gloves are washed by putting on the hand. And with the other hand, use a cotton swab to wipe the product. Here attention should be concentrated between the fingers and on the wrist.

A special case is white suede gloves. How to clean white suede and light suede in general? Bleach it as follows. They make a special bleaching solution: take a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of ammonia for one glass of warm water. Do not use stain removers when working with suede. And if stains are not removed from your suede products by any means, then you should contact a dry cleaner for help.

If your product is not black or brown or even white color, then it is worth being extremely careful here. Only dry cleaning will help here, most likely. To remove dust and dirt from colored suede, use a special eraser. The structure of the fleecy skin, in this case, will again be rough.

In addition to the eraser, you can try special brushes, which, on the one hand, are equipped with rubber fingers and clean the surface, and on the other hand, have a metal pile and comb the shiny part of the product. Do not forget, if you are going to experiment with colored suede, then this should be done on hidden areas of the shoe, for example, on a heel.

Dyeing suede shoes

Color saturation and just refreshing color can be given to suede shoes with a dye spray. It is best to use a dye with a strong coloring effect, which should be matched to the color of the product. In addition, it is useful if the aerosol is water-repellent.

You can also choose care products for all types of suede. This can protect the product from water, snow and salt, impregnate the skin, keep it velvety and make it soft and pleasant to the touch.

Before you start painting the product, spread an old towel or newspaper on the floor. It is better to carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area. Put rags in the inner cavity of the shoe so that the lining does not give unnecessary color. Tousle the pile on the product with a suede brush. Shake the can several times and spray the paint at a distance of 30 centimeters from the shoes. Paint the surface evenly. After 10 minutes, go over the suede with a brush or porous sponge.
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Suede shoes, even by eye, can be assessed as pleasantly soft. It is convenient and comfortable for the legs in it, since suede passes air well, quickly adapts to the anatomical shape of the foot. Both natural and artificial suede are practical materials, but require special treatment. How to properly clean suede shoes so that they always retain their velvety pile, rich color and noble appearance?

When purchasing suede shoes in a store, immediately buy the necessary care products for them: water-repellent spray, washing foam, spray paint, brush

Natural suede is a dressed skin of small, mainly ungulates, animals, processed by the fat tanning method. Artificial analogues are outwardly similar to suede, but in many respects they are inferior to it. To properly clean suede shoes, you need to know what material your boots, boots, shoes or sandals are made of. The main recommendations that we will consider in this article relate to the care of natural suede, but they are also successfully used in cleaning artificial suede.

The minimum set of care products for suede shoes

If you are used to wearing expensive high-quality shoes made of good suede leather, then do not skimp on professional shoe cosmetics. Before the first "appearance" new shoes from suede, it is necessary to clean it from dust and shop dirt with a special brush and cover it with a water-repellent spray. The waterproof agent is applied from a can to all external surfaces (except the sole) at least 3 times, allowing to dry after each spray. This treatment will help you prepare your shoes for long and practical wear. A transparent waterproof film will protect the suede itself from moisture, and a soft pile - from clogging dust and dirt into it.

Necessary tools

It is most convenient to clean suede shoes at home with a special brush, on one side of which there is a metal or hard synthetic bristle, and on the other - rubber or rubber spikes.

The suede brush has several types of bristles and cleaning surfaces

The side with hard bristles is designed for dry cleaning of suede from dust and dirt; she gently combs the pile in the direction where it naturally falls. It is not necessary to press hard, so as not to scratch soft skin.

For colored shoes, it is advisable to use individual brushes, otherwise you risk transferring paint from one pair to another, especially white ones. In any case, the brush should be clean, so wash and dry the bristles beforehand. When processing several pairs at once, start with light-colored shoes, and then move on to dark ones.

Rubber teeth do a good job of removing grease, scuffs, caked and clogged pile. They need to be moved in different directions (along the pile and against it, in a circular motion), lifting and straightening the villi, expelling the accumulated dust.

On some brushes, one of the sides is covered with a crepe (wavy) material or a layer of a hard porous sponge for delicate cleaning. Additionally, the upper rounded part of the brush may have teeth or a side wheel that help to thoroughly clean the welts and seams.

To clean dirt on suede, it is advised to take a regular stationery eraser

A handy alternative to clean suede shoes from dirt in the absence of a special brush is an old tooth or clothes brush, as well as a dried bread crust: white for cleaning light suede, “Borodino” for dark.

Dry cleaning is carried out regularly to remove dust and street dirt from suede. If the shoes get wet, salt stains appear on it, or stains appear, you will need additional products with which you can clean suede shoes from difficult dirt.

How and how to clean suede shoes

It is correct to clean suede shoes if they get wet, only after drying. Attempting to clean wet shoes will cause dirt to be smeared and rubbed into the pile.

It is impossible to dry shoes on a battery or heaters. Suede can warp, warp, become stiff and rough after drying.

The most suitable conditions for drying suede shoes are a ventilated area, room temperature. To avoid deformation, professionals advise using special pads, which not everyone has. Instead, you can push crumpled paper inside the sock. For dark shoes, newspaper is suitable, and only white toilet paper or kitchen towels are shoved into light shoes. In the process of drying heavily soaked shoes, the paper is changed several times after 1-2 hours.

When the wet pair is completely dry, you first need to clean the suede shoes from dirt with a stiff bristle brush, then it is advised to apply a cleaning foam (from your shoe cosmetics kit or prepared according to one of the recipes that we will discuss later) and rub it intensively with a brush - the side with rubber spikes .

After any cleaning products, in order to restore the even color of suede shoes, it is advisable to use special spray paints that match the shade or universal transparent ones.

Paints have a specific smell, so it is better to apply them in a ventilated hallway or at the entrance. Shake the can well and spray paint on shoes from a distance of 15-20 cm

Household cleaners

Ready-made foams at home are successfully replaced with a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia (for severe pollution) or table vinegar (for whitish salt stains). The solution is made by adding 1 tbsp to 250 ml of warm water. l. liquid soap (soap shavings, woolen laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent), 1 tsp. ammonia or 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar. The solution is mixed well, whipping the foam, and gently applied to contaminated areas with a soft sponge or brush. To properly clean suede shoes, it is impossible to wet the sponge too much, and the dirty foam must be immediately wiped off with a dry, clean cloth. After applying solutions with ammonia, it is recommended to wipe the suede with vinegar water (0.5 tsp per 500 ml). Then the cleaned shoes are left to dry completely and the pile is straightened with a dry brush.

Light-colored suede shoes are the hardest to clean.

Recipe for cleaning solution for light (white) suede: In 250 ml of warm skimmed milk, add 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. Rub the contaminated areas with a sponge and remove the remaining solution with a cotton swab moistened with clean water.

If you need to clean grease stains from suede shoes, then before using cleaning solutions, the grease must be pulled out as much as possible. On light suede, spots are sprinkled with talcum powder, tooth powder, potato starch or crushed chalk; on dark - dry mustard or thick brewed coffee. Loose sorbents are left for 10-15 minutes, gently shaken off and brushed off with a stiff brush. Then, if necessary, use a soap or milk solution.

Cleaning dark suede with coffee grounds not only helps to get rid of slick or greasy stains, but also evens out the color of shoes and refreshes. appearance

Cleaning suede shoes at home from old stains is advised with water vapor. To do this, you need to hold the stubborn dirt over the hot steam from the kettle spout for literally 1-2 minutes so that they are slightly moistened. Steamed stains are rubbed with the rubber side of the brush or eraser. Steam is also used in cases where the suede is very shiny to fluff the pile.

It is required to take care of suede shoes regularly after each exit to the street, to clean them from dirt as soon as they appear. At the end of the season of active wear, it is recommended to hand over expensive shoes to a professional dry cleaner, and then ensure their careful storage at home.

The best protection for suede shoes - proper care and preventive application of water-repellent agents


If you want to keep your favorite boots, boots or shoes in decent condition for a long time, wear them in dry weather, without subjecting them to wet natural tests - puddles and snowdrifts - try to clean suede shoes correctly. To clarify once again exactly how, we suggest you watch the video:

An expert in the field of housekeeping and a master of culinary masterpieces (according to relatives and friends). She got used to relying on common sense, worldly experience and female intuition.

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Do you know that:

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of bad smell. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively reproduce.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

Anna 05.04.2018 21:31

Suede is a beautiful material, but capricious. It quickly becomes dirty, difficult to clean ... Or are these just stereotypes? Let's see if it is difficult to care for suede shoes and how to do it right.

Secrets of perfect care

If you have purchased elegant suede shoes, be prepared to follow these recommendations:

  • Use a special spray for suede shoes. It creates a water-repellent film, which also prevents the penetration of dust and dirt. It is advisable to spray the shoes immediately after purchase.
  • After each wear, clean your shoes with a special suede sponge. Remove dust and other contaminants promptly. Try to clean stains while they are fresh, without giving them time to soak in.
  • Wet shoes should be dried before being cleaned. To remove excess moisture, crumpled paper is placed in the shoes. Do not use any heating devices for drying.
  • Use suede dye to keep your shoes looking good.

Now let's look at how to solve the problems that arise when wearing suede shoes. There are 2 methods of shoe care: dry cleaning or wet cleaning. First, try tidying up your suede shoes using the first option. Wet cleaning should be resorted to if there is extensive or persistent contamination.

Dry cleaning

Dust removal

Use a brush with soft bristles, a dry soft cloth. Movements must be in the same direction.

Elimination of scuffs, glossy areas

Attrition is a crumpled pile. It can be raised by vigorously moving the brush back and forth. Another option is to use a regular stationery eraser. In this case, the suede surface is treated with light touches without pressure.

Color restoration

Coffee grounds will help restore brown shoes to color saturation. It is applied evenly on the surface of the shoes and left to dry completely. Clean the thick with a dry brush.

Black shoes for color uniformity are rubbed with carbon paper.

Getting rid of divorces

On dark suede stains, including salt stains, can be removed with a piece of black stale bread. The stain is rubbed with bread, the crumbs are brushed off, the pile is combed.

Fighting stains

Cleans suede surfaces well and removes stains with ordinary talcum powder. This powder is sprinkled on the contaminated area, left to act for 3-4 hours. At the end of the procedure, the talc is removed along with the dirt using a brush.

Wet processing

There are many options, here are just a few common ones:

Against shiny areas

You can arrange a bath for your favorite shoes. You need to bring water to a boil, in a kettle or saucepan, and hold suede shoes over steam for 5 minutes. After the bath, the shoes are cleaned with a brush, lifting the pile, wiped with a damp cloth.

Note: A cloth soaked in vinegar solution will remove excess shine.

Another way to remove gloss from suede is to use ammonia. Ammonium chloride is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and wipe the problem areas. Remove the remnants of the product with a damp cloth. At the end, comb the pile with a brush dipped in acetic solution.

Cleaning light suede

Old stains are removed as follows: a solution is prepared from 100 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of soda and a few drops of ammonia. A clean cloth is moistened in the mixture, the contaminated areas are wiped.

The second option involves the use of hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. Apply the product to a soft cloth, which is then treated with soiled areas. When the suede dries, lift the pile with an eraser.

For colored shoes

A soapy solution will help freshen up the look of the shoes. It is made from simple soap, without dyes. It is better to refuse washing powders - suede becomes stiff, loses color.

Note: soapy water is also good at removing salt marks.

Moisten a soft sponge in the solution and gently wipe the contaminated areas. In the process of cleaning, you should avoid strong wetting of suede, moisture ingress inside. After the material dries, the pile is combed with a brush.

Removing traces of salt

White stains can be removed by brushing the suede with a brush dipped in 9% acetic acid. After cleaning, the shoes are wiped with a damp cloth, set to dry.


Suede leather products have a special noble look.

Such shoes are not just a tribute to fashion, but, above all, comfort when walking and comfortable to wear.

Suede products require constant and careful care. Find out how to keep her elegant look for a long time without resorting to big expenses.

What is suede?

Suede is a velvety leather obtained in a special way from the skin of an animal. For the manufacture of suede, both the skin of cattle and small cattle, such as deer or roe deer, can be used.

Can be used as suede artificial leather. In this case, artificial suede will be inferior in quality to a similar material of natural nature.

It is worth noting that some velvety fabrics obtained from artificial materials are also called suede.

Whatever velvety material your pair is made of, it is worth remembering that it requires careful care and a special way of storage.

Pros and cons of suede material

Have you purchased suede shoes? When you get home, carefully consider your purchase.

Most often, such products have a specific smell, for some people it may even seem unpleasant. It's all about the composition of the dye, which is used to give the product a beautiful rich shade.

To get rid of an unpleasant smell, take the shoes out of the box and let them air out for a couple of days. There will be no trace of the smell.

Do not leave them to dry or air out in the sun. Under the sun's rays, they fade very easily, and it will be quite difficult to return the former color.

Suede wardrobe items require special care, so you are unlikely to find those that are recommended by the manufacturer for wearing in wet, damp weather.

A warm summer day, dry autumn or spring weather, frosty winter - these are, perhaps, all the days on which you can afford to put on a suede pair.

Most often, such items attract with their neat appearance. They always have a touch of elegance. Perhaps that is why most men and women prefer suede.

How to stretch suede products?

How is it that you have an amazing pair of suede leather on the shelf at home, but it is small for you?

This usually happens in the following cases:

  • You liked the pair on the counter in the store, but they are a little cramped for you. You buy it with the hope of breaking it.
  • Suede shoes were given to you.
  • You bought a summer model in winter or during an illness. Some people have a slightly narrower foot in winter than in summer. Therefore, when buying shoes in the cold season, it may turn out that in six months, when the time comes to wear them, they will turn out to be small for you.

If the purchased pair is quite a bit cramped, then you can try to stretch it using special tools and methods:

  • Take thin cotton socks or stockings and dampen them hot water. Put socks on your feet and put on tight shoes. Walk a little. Wait until the wet sock is completely dry.

If you work in an office, it will be enough to put on such a pair for a couple of hours and just sit in it.

  • Take a thick sock of a large size, soak it in boiling water and pull it over your shoes or boots.

It is worth remembering that if you get your suede shoes very wet, in no case should they be dried with a hair dryer or on heaters. From such drying, it can not only decrease, but also warp.

What should I do if, in general, shoes or boots made of velvety material are the right size for you, but only the toe or heel is tight?

Take soft paper (it can be toilet paper or paper napkins), fill it with the inside of a shoe or boot, and put wet paper in the place to be stretched. There must be a lot of it. Paper stuffed into a shoe or shoe gives it its size and shape.

Some experts advise using alcohol instead of water to stretch suede. It is worth remembering that, using alcohol even from the inside of the product, you can leave noticeable stains and stains on the outer surface of the product. Be careful. Try alcohol first on an inconspicuous area.

How to distribute suede products?

Suede shoes have one interesting characteristic. Over time, it can stretch a little and become big for you.

When choosing shoes or boots in a store, try to roughly determine the thickness of the suede leather used from which the shoes are made.

If the skin is thin and large stretched “holes” are visible on it, which are left from the animal’s hair, then the probability of stretching the product during wear will be minimal.

In this case, you should not take a pair that is close to you or a little tight.

If the suede is thick, with a velvety surface not only on the outside, but also on the inside, then be sure that it will definitely stretch.

In this case, when trying on in a store, consider the ability of the skin to stretch.

How to clean such material?

So, you have become the proud owner of a beautiful pair of suede leather. It is customary to put a sticker with recommendations on how to use the shoes in the shoe box.

  • be used in dry weather;
  • not to be used in mud.

But what to do if you got into the rain, you were splashed by a passing car, or you walked through the melted snow treated with reagents.

First, dry your boots thoroughly away from heaters.

Then, if stains appear after drying, remove them:

  • just clean the stain with a brush for this material or a sponge;
  • If the stain cannot be removed with a brush, then first apply a special agent to it, and then brush again with a brush.

A special cleaner for velvety leather can be bought at a shoe store or in a special section of a household chemicals store.

You can not buy a cleaning agent, but cook it yourself at home. In warm water, add soap or dishwashing liquid and pour in a couple of drops of ammonia. Mix the composition thoroughly and apply with a soft sponge on the stubborn stain. Remove foam with a hard sponge or brush. Dry the steam at room temperature.

Salt stains can be removed with a 9% vinegar solution. Dampen the sponge with the vinegar solution and rub the stain. Dry at room temperature. Clean the pair with a special brush or hard sponge.

If stuck to shoes chewing gum or dripped wax, then the freezer will help. Wrap a soiled shoe, boot, or boot in a plastic bag and place in the freezer. After 1-2 hours, when the product has cooled thoroughly, carefully, piece by piece, remove the adhering wax or chewing gum with a blunt object.

On sale you can find a special eraser for cleaning such materials. Use it in case of small or small stains. Scrub the soiled area vigorously with the clean side of the eraser and the dirt will come off, adhering to the rubber surface of the eraser.

A special eraser for cleaning suede can be replaced with a regular stationery eraser.

Winter Care Rules

Have you bought a lovely pair of winter boots or warm suede boots?

Let's figure out how to properly prepare them for the exit and maintain their appearance and quality:

  • Before the first exit, treat the entire surface of the boots or boots with a special water-repellent spray.

You can buy it in shoe stores, sporting goods departments or hypermarkets.

  • After the walk, brush off any stuck snow with a brush.
  • Wipe the entire surface of the boot or boot with a soft cloth such as flannel.
  • Leave to dry away from heating appliances.

Summer product care

Suede summer shoes are intended for use only in dry weather.

Before the first exit, wipe the products with a soft cloth or clean with a brush. Then treat the entire surface with a water-repellent spray, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Periodically, such treatment must be carried out again, updating the surface water-repellent coating.

To preserve the intense color of the shoes, choose the right coloring spray. Before using it, go over all the surfaces of the shoes with a special brush. Such a procedure will not only remove excess dust and dirt, but also raise the pile. Treat the products with dye and dry for the time recommended by the manufacturer.

How to restore suede?

Often, with active wear, such products lose their original beautiful appearance. To restore their former gloss and elegance, it is worth trying to restore the structure of suede.

You can try to update suede shoes not only in specialized dry cleaners, but also on your own at home:

  • brush the entire surface of the boot, shoe or boot with a hard toothbrush or a special brush for suede;
  • apply a special cleaning agent or soapy solution to a soft sponge and treat the entire surface of the products with it;
  • dry them at room temperature;
  • once again walk over the entire surface of the boot, shoe or boot with a special brush with light combing movements, as if whipping the velvety structure of the material;
  • treat the entire surface of the prepared pair, suitable in color and characteristics, with a colored aerosol dye;
  • dry the dyed pair of shoes again in a well-ventilated area.

When using aerosol dyes, it is worth observing safety regulations and working only in a very well-ventilated area. Avoid the accumulation of dust and small debris, as when stained, dirt can stick to the surface of the shoe and spoil its appearance.

Dry cleaning of velvety products

If you bought a very expensive and beautiful pair of boots made of velvety material, then it is better to entrust the cleaning of shoes after the wearing season to professionals.

With the use of high-quality tools and technologies, these shoes will retain their original appearance and characteristics for a long time.

The removal of oil, bituminous stains should also be entrusted to professionals in their field - dry cleaners.

Suede boots have an attractive appearance, but they cannot be called practical. For such shoes, water splashes, dirt, sand are dangerous. Of course, this is not a reason to refuse it. You just need to know how to clean suede boots, how to properly care for them in order to prolong their life. You can read about all this in the article.

It's no secret that taking proper care of your shoes helps prolong the life of your shoes. Simple Recommendations care instructions for suede boots are given below.

  • Such shoes must be protected from the heat of heating devices, direct sunlight. This will allow the boots to retain their original color and shape for a long time.
  • A new shoe care product should not be used without first checking it on the wrong side of the item.
  • The skin cannot be bent. This will lead to the fact that it will rub, burst.
  • For cleaning, it is best to choose colorless products.
  • It is preferable to dry products naturally. It is not recommended to use heaters, a hair dryer and the like for this.
  • Before sending shoes for storage, be sure to clean, dry and ventilate them.
  • The resulting stains must be removed immediately. The longer they exist, the more difficult it will be to remove them.

Types of cleaning

How to clean suede boots to restore their original look? It is quite possible to cope with this task at home. The first step is to understand that there are two types of cleaning - wet and dry. The first is designed to deal with old stains. The second will help eliminate minor pollution.

Dry cleaning

How to clean suede boots at home? Let's assume that we are talking about a small amount of pollution. In this case, you can limit yourself to dry cleaning. The following tools are available to owners of suede shoes:

  • eraser;
  • foam rubber;
  • talc;
  • dentifrice;
  • sandpaper;
  • salt;
  • crumb of white bread.

Each cleaning method is described in detail below.


How to clean suede boots to rid them of minor dirt? In such a situation, it is recommended to give preference to a dry cleaning tool - an eraser. With it, you can not only remove surface dirt, but also process shoes that have just begun to shine. Products will again acquire an attractive appearance.

Boots must be rubbed with an ordinary eraser, which can be found in any family with schoolchildren. Excess material is removed with a suede sponge or a special brush. It is important that the gum is new. Otherwise, the shoes will not be cleaned, but will acquire ink stains that will be difficult to remove.

Talc, foam rubber

How to clean suede boots with talcum powder? With this tool, you need to sprinkle greasy stains that you need to get rid of. Talc should be kept on shoes for about two to three hours, then it is removed with a special brush. Most likely there will be no traces of stains.

Foam rubber is another popular dry cleaning tool. Preference should be given to a soft material or a product of medium hardness. Best of all, foam rubber copes with the removal of ordinary road dust. It is useless to fight with it with more serious pollution; it does not help against stubborn stains and salt stains.

Chalk, tooth powder

How to clean suede boots at home when it comes to light-colored shoes? In this case, tooth powder and chalk will come to the rescue - effective dry cleaning tools. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix them in equal proportions. The resulting composition is applied to the contamination for two to three hours. The remains of the product are removed with a brush.

Wet cleaning

With the help of dry cleaning tools, not all contaminants can be removed. In this case, you should turn to more efficient methods. The following wet cleaning products are available:

  • ammonia;
  • refined gasoline;
  • soap solution;
  • milk;
  • soda.

Each method is also discussed in detail.


Wet methods are relevant when it is necessary to rid the shoes of serious stains. We can talk about ingrained dirt, salt, and so on. Cleaning suede boots with ammonia is very popular among the people. This task is easy to handle if you strictly follow the instructions below.

  • A small spoonful of ammonia dissolves in a glass of warm boiled water. Next, you need to add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  • A sponge or brush is wetted in a solution, after which you can get to work. Attention must be paid to each affected area.
  • Treated boots should be held until completely dry in a room that is well ventilated. Suede needs to dry naturally, leaning shoes against the battery is strongly discouraged.
  • The final touch is the treatment of products with a protective spray specially designed for suede shoes.

soap solution

How to clean suede boots from salt, dirt? This is easy to do with soapy water. To enhance the effectiveness, you can add a few drops of gentle detergent. Boots are processed with a brush or sponge. After that, it is necessary to prepare another solution by adding a small amount of vinegar essence to a liter of water. Next, suede shoes are processed with a textile cloth soaked in vinegar solution.

Refined gasoline

How to clean suede boots from salt, stubborn dirt? A mixture prepared on the basis of refined gasoline and talc will help to cope with this task. First, a sponge or napkin is wetted in gasoline, shoes are processed with its help. Then the washed areas are sprinkled with talc. You need to wait an hour before removing the product with a special brush. The affected areas should be transformed.

Milk and soda

How to clean suede boots from dirt, restore their lost beauty? This is easy to do with milk and soda. The method is good already because the necessary products are always at hand. A teaspoon of soda dissolves in a glass of milk. Then a piece of coarse matter is wetted in this liquid, for example, burlap can be used. With this fabric, it is necessary to process the surface of the boots.

Water bath

How to clean stains from suede boots? A water bath will help get rid of them. First, boots should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. Then you need to hold them over a boiling liquid for about two to three minutes. Doing this longer is not recommended, as the procedure may adversely affect the condition of the shoes. Then they are carefully wiped with a napkin, dried naturally.

other methods

What other effective folk methods suede cleaning?

  • Using sandpaper, you can easily get rid of minor scuffs, ballpoint pen stains, and so on. After processing the boots, be sure to comb the pile with a special brush. As an alternative, consider a regular toothbrush if it has soft bristles.
  • Regular table salt is another effective pollution control tool. Greasy areas must be wiped with this tool. Salt residues are removed with a stiff brush.
  • You can also use a crumb of white bread. Cleaning is done as if it were an eraser. Be sure to remove the remnants of the crumb when the work is completed.

Color restoration

The color of suede shoes can fade over time, which will negatively affect its appearance. This is not a reason to get rid of products. The tool for quick painting is selected depending on what the initial color of the boots is. The color of white products is easy to restore with ordinary talc. Whereas brown things will help to give new life coffee grounds.

If the choice falls on talc, it must first be diluted with a few drops of water. The product is gently rubbed with a brush until the desired shade is achieved. Coffee grounds should be mixed with a few drops of milk before use. A brush is also used to apply the product. Of course, everything must be carefully removed after use.

Operating rules

The above describes how to clean dirt from suede boots. However, it is always easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to solve it. Suede shoes need more than just proper care. Much depends on how a person wears such boots.

It is advisable to always have shoe care products with you, wherever a person goes. This will help to get rid of dirt and moisture in a timely manner. Suede products need to be cleaned after each use. After cleansing, they should be carefully combed with a brush, treated with a substance that protects against dust. If you follow these simple rules, shoes will retain an attractive appearance for a long time.