How to give birth to a healthy baby after. How to give birth to a baby naturally. Main stages of pregnancy planning

Having a baby is an experience that many women wish they could go through without unnecessary medical intervention, such as an epidural or other pain medications. If you want to have your baby as naturally as possible, you'll need to plan ahead. With careful planning, support from loved ones, and mental preparation, you can have a natural birth.


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    Find out if natural childbirth is right for you. Natural childbirth is not always possible. Some conditions and complications, such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, may make a natural birth difficult or too risky.

    • If your pregnancy is at high risk, the possibility of a natural birth should be discussed with your doctor. Some women can give birth naturally, but only if they are monitored by a doctor and carefully monitored for any complications.
  1. Enjoy all the benefits of natural childbirth. Find out everything positive sides natural childbirth - this will keep you motivated throughout the process. Here are some reasons why you might be attracted to natural birth:

    • Natural childbirth can protect you and your baby from stress and unpleasant side effects from medications, surgery or any physical impact. Many women who have given birth naturally find that they experienced less pain, anxiety, and stress during the process than during a medically assisted birth.
    • Natural childbirth provides a more personal experience of the entire process, focusing on the well-being of mother and baby.
    • Because you will be fully conscious during labor, you will remember every moment and be able to enjoy the process.
    • Having a natural birth reduces the risk of needing a caesarean section.
    • Women who give birth naturally recover faster after childbirth.
  2. Be aware of the risks of natural childbirth. Despite the fact that for centuries women have given birth naturally and quite safely, there is still a risk of complications with natural childbirth always is.

    • Natural childbirth can be dangerous if there are certain medical conditions, especially without proper medical supervision and the availability of appropriate medical equipment if, for example, the baby is in an incorrect position.
    • Remember that if any difficulties arise, it is completely normal to deviate from your natural birth plan. There's no shame in this. The main thing is to do what is best for you and the baby, and in some cases this may mean medical intervention during the birth process.
  3. Remember that in some situations medical intervention is necessary. Even with careful planning and the best prenatal care, there is no guarantee that situations will not arise during labor that require medical intervention. For example, such situations could be:

    • placenta previa;
    • herpes infection or HIV;
    • previous births by caesarean section;
    • the child’s condition is incompatible with natural childbirth;
    • stimulation of labor in order to preserve the health of the mother or child.

Preparing for natural childbirth

  1. Choose an obstetrician. Before you plan to have a natural birth, there are a few things you should consider, including where and with whom you want to give birth. You will likely need to find an OB/GYN and make arrangements for the birth. Nurse-midwives, perinatologists and general practitioners can also deliver births - the only difference is in the qualifications of these specialists:

    • An obstetrician-gynecologist can deliver a baby or perform surgery if necessary.
    • Nurse-midwives can assist in childbirth, but if any complications occur, they must call an obstetrician-gynecologist.
    • Perinatologists typically specialize in complex births, including births for women over 35, women with STIs, or diabetes.
    • General practitioners and family doctors are also capable of delivering babies, but they are not specialists in this field, and therefore, in case of any complications, they should call an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  2. Talk to your obstetrician to see if you want this person to help you with your birth. When choosing a specialist to help you give birth, be sure to talk to potential candidates. This will help you understand who will provide enough support and who you can trust. Find out the obstetrician's attitude towards natural childbirth; to do this, you can ask:

    • "What do you think about natural childbirth?"
    • “How many natural births have you had?”
    • “Will you support me if I decide to give birth naturally?”
  3. Prepare a birth plan . During pregnancy, it can be helpful to make a birth plan. It should express your needs and desires regarding how you want to give birth to your child. It is helpful to discuss this plan with those who will be present and assist at the birth. Discuss your birth plan with your doctor, midwife or doula. The birth plan should include the following information:

    • where do you want to give birth;
    • who will help you during childbirth;
    • who will be your main support during childbirth;
    • who will be able to be present during childbirth (at its various stages);
    • what support and assistance you will need during childbirth;
    • what pain medications you want to use;
    • what to do with the umbilical cord and cord blood;
    • whether the baby will stay with you after birth or will be brought in later;
    • special traditions you would like to observe;
    • who should tell you if something goes wrong;
    • any other wishes to the doctors and people who will be with you.
  4. Choose a birth partner. Many women find it much easier to stick to a given path when, in difficult moments, when they are ready to give up, their birth partners remind them of the reasons why they chose natural childbirth.

    • If you are planning to give birth in a maternity hospital, a professional midwife or partner will help you to have a natural birth and not give up at the last moment.
    • Having a birth partner will also help you get much-needed mental and even physical support so you can have your baby without medical intervention.
  5. Tell your obstetrician or doctor your wishes. Tell your obstetrician or doctor in advance that you plan to have a vaginal birth so they have time to plan and prepare. The doctor will also be able to ask you questions and arrange everything according to your wishes.

    Take classes to prepare for natural childbirth. Surely classes on preparing for childbirth and conversations with women who have given birth naturally or are helping others to do so will be very useful and educational for you.

    • Discuss your fears, concerns and expectations with other women in class. Often, a simple conversation with someone who has experienced this before can help calm them down. This will help you not worry about pain and health safety and be determined.

Childbirth without painkillers

  1. Breathing techniques. Breathing exercises most often used for relaxation and pain management during natural childbirth. You can learn these breathing techniques in special classes to prepare for childbirth. When choosing classes, try to give preference to courses that focus specifically on breathing techniques.

    Visualization techniques. Find an object or image and concentrate on it to help you relax and not think about the pain during labor. You can bring your favorite photo with you and look at it during contractions. Choose an image that calms you down. For example, this could be a photo of a sunset. You can also just close your eyes and imagine something pleasant. For example, you can imagine yourself sitting on a beach or standing on top of a mountain.

    Positions and movements. Listen to your body and change your position during labor to make it more comfortable for you. If you feel that it is better to walk, sit, lie down or lean on someone, then do not be shy and do as you want.

Pregnancy planning is not an empty phrase, but a whole group of events that parents who want to give birth in the future must undergo healthy child. It consists of many procedures carried out to examine the health of a married couple, their correct lifestyle and proper nutrition.

First of all, pregnancy planning is aimed at detecting and subsequently eliminating all possible risks for the child.

How to properly prepare for pregnancy? Which doctors should you visit? What infections should be dealt with first? About this and much more in our article today.

When to start preparing?

It is best if future parents begin to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy a year before conception. Of course, not all couples have that much time for this, which is due to the great desire to have a baby as soon as possible.

That is why preparation should begin at least 3 months before the couple planned to conceive a child. This period is quite capable of protecting the baby from potential dangers.

Where to start?

It is best to start with psychological preparation: future parents must realize that a child is a responsible step and it is extremely important to really understand its significance.

If their family already has children, then it is necessary to prepare the kids for the arrival of a brother or sister, and also determine who can help the parents in raising the unborn child.

Proper nutrition

It is very important during this period to choose correct mode nutrition is the basis for the birth of a healthy child.

  1. A married couple needs to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, lean on fish and meat dishes, consume cottage cheese and dairy products.
  2. A woman needs to eat sweets and baked goods as little as possible so as not to gain excess weight before pregnancy. If you really want something sweet, you can replace sugar with fructose or honey. The presence of salt in food should also be limited.
  3. You should not drink tea or coffee, but rather switch to drinking plenty of juices and fruit drinks or drink bottled spring water.

  1. The nutrition of the expectant mother should be based on natural products, which should be consumed little by little, but under no circumstances should you overeat - just like starve.

Physical training

In order to keep fit, a woman needs to play sports. Performing some exercises every day helps the expectant mother carry the baby without problems, give birth safely and take on the desired shape as soon as possible.

In addition, moderate physical training helps in the fight against varicose veins veins, prevents the formation of stretch marks and tears, strengthens muscles and takes care of the condition of the hips and pelvis.

Taking vitamins

How good it would be if a woman received all the vitamins important for health while eating food! However, the reality is that at the preparation stage she must necessarily take vitamins from the “box”.

After all, the body of the expectant mother, as a rule, is depleted by all kinds of diets, and her health worsens due to smoking and the environment.

What do you need to know?

When choosing vitamins, you should not consult your friends or neighbors about this. Medicines and various dietary supplements are also not the best choice for women planning a pregnancy soon. And their use is possible only when a gynecologist or therapist insists on it.

An exception may be folic acid - it is recommended for all expectant mothers to take it, since it reduces the risk of possible defects in the development of the baby's brain. As a rule, acid is consumed as a supplement to the vitamin complex that a woman’s doctor recommends.

Which doctors should I see?


First of all, a woman should visit a gynecologist. This is necessary so that he can determine the presence of possible gynecological diseases, determine the stability of the cycle and take smears for vaginal microflora and infections.


An appointment with a therapist is necessary for an in-depth examination of both parents. This doctor determines how their health can be corrected and what this will require: necessary treatment, recommendations for nutrition and physical activity.

If such a need arises, the therapist sends the future parents (and the mother first of all) to specialist doctors.


Without his examination, preparation for birth also cannot be considered complete. He will prescribe hormone tests for the woman, showing exactly how bearing a healthy child will occur.


Since the baby “takes” a lot of calcium from the mother, causing the teeth to begin to decay, a visit to the dentist becomes a mandatory procedure when preparing for pregnancy. After all, caries is not so much an aesthetic problem as an infectious one.

During pregnancy, there is a high probability of transmitting this infection to the child.

Analyzes required for planning

During the planning period, a woman is usually prescribed the following types of studies:

  • UAC and OAM;
  • blood group test;
  • scraping from the cervix and its cytology;
  • three types of ultrasound;
  • tests for HIV, syphilis, gonococci, etc.;
  • Escherichia coli, staphylococcus;
  • blood clotting test.

The doctor prescribes other tests if:

  1. The woman has already had a miscarriage or experienced a frozen pregnancy.
  2. The expectant mother took antibiotics.
  3. She already had an abortion.
  4. The couple's closest relatives suffer from genetic disorders.

What should a future father be prepared for?

How to give birth to a healthy baby? It is important not only for the mother, but for the father to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. He must join a normal lifestyle, eliminate alcohol and cigarettes from his diet, eat well and get enough sleep.

In addition, the future dad must undergo a medical examination, during which he will take a spermogram, be examined for the presence of hereditary diseases and possible infections, and also find out his blood type and Rh factor.

Possible infections: what are they?

Infections that affect future parents usually work in a hidden “mode”. However, it is they who subsequently become the cause of the possible appearance of congenital deformities in the baby.

Of course, not every microorganism found in the blood of future parents causes abnormal development of their child. However, no one wants to risk the health of the fetus, therefore, before conception and during pregnancy, it is better to protect yourself as much as possible from any types of infections.

How can infection be transmitted to the unborn baby?

It is transmitted in two ways:

  • with blood directly through the placenta;
  • through infected genital tract.


Very often, women do not pay much attention to the fact that they can get the flu during pregnancy. However, the danger is not so much the virus as its complications, expressed in the load on the kidneys and disruptions in the immune system. All this can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Let's say more: it is after the flu that a woman, especially a pregnant woman, becomes an “object of attention” for pneumococci or staphylococci. Therefore, it is very important not to lose sight of this and strengthen the immune system in all available ways.


This is the most dangerous infectious disease, in which it is quite easy to become infected at the 5th week of pregnancy, but extremely undesirable. It is this period that becomes the cornerstone in relation to the development of the future child, because rubella is irreversible consequences leading to abortion and the death of the child.

But if the expectant mother has already had rubella or was vaccinated at one time, she may not worry about the baby’s health, since she has a powerful immunity to the disease.

For other women, to prevent rubella, it would be better to get vaccinated against rubella two to three months before they plan to become pregnant, and then monitor the process of developing immunity by taking tests during pregnancy itself.


It is also extremely dangerous for a newborn, and the worst thing is if a woman becomes infected with it through contact with a sick person.

If this occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, the infection will threaten miscarriage or the appearance of various abnormalities in the fetus. Cytomegalovirus, which “attaches” to a woman later, can trigger childbirth ahead of schedule or the appearance of its congenital form in an infant.

The best prevention against infection before and during pregnancy is to not have any contact with people who have this infection in the acute stage.


An infection that poses a serious threat to the health of the mother and her child. As a rule, infection occurs after a woman cuddles a cute kitten with toxoplasmosis. However, if she previously had this infection, immunity to it remains in her body for the rest of her life.

For all other mothers, the danger grows along with the timing, and if in the first trimester the infection is not dangerous, then:

  • on the second, the child has a chance of acquiring congenital toxoplasmosis (20%), affecting the eyes and central nervous system;
  • in the third trimester, the risk of infection increases to 60% of cases, and infection can lead to increased intracranial pressure, mental retardation and even epilepsy.


The likelihood of contracting herpes is quite low, and its exacerbation deserves serious attention if it occurs at 32 weeks of gestation.

Other infections

These may be thrush, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and other infections, which in severe form increase the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.

Only timely diagnosis and competent treatment will help not only nip them in the bud, but also do it in advance - even before the woman becomes pregnant.

What do women need to know after 35?

Late childbirth, which occurs between 35 and 45 years, is a series of difficulties that accompany women from the very moment of conception. At this age, women often find it difficult to become pregnant and bear a healthy child, especially if they have previously suffered a series of infectious diseases or had abortions.

Age from 35 to 40 years is often accompanied by a decrease in the level of blood clotting, which is most dangerous during difficult childbirth, or, on the contrary, the formation of blood clots. In addition, babies in women over 35 are often born with low birth weight.

How to protect your baby and yourself?

If a woman decides to get pregnant after 35 years of age, she needs to know that keeping herself in good physical shape and taking care of her health is the main key to success in the field of childbearing.

The best solution would be to attend preparatory courses, which both future parents should attend at once. It is also worth finding a good specialist in advance who will guide the woman during pregnancy.

There is no need to panic if he suddenly begins to dissuade the woman from pregnancy: anxiety associated with late childbirth is natural, but this does not mean that giving birth after 35 is prohibited by law or medicine.

Examination of couples at risk

Any disease, whether it is in an active stage or occurs latently, can harm both the baby and his mother. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to determine its presence, but also to treat it in advance, before pregnancy.

In the case where future parents have a clear problem with conception, or the woman has already had unsuccessful pregnancies that led to miscarriages or the birth of a sick child, the couple needs to undergo a thorough examination by doctors.

In this case, special attention will need to be paid to tests, appointments with a geneticist and ultrasound examinations at different periods.

If a doctor observing a couple suspects the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the mother’s body, which often affect women after 35, he may suggest that the future parents undergo a chorionic villus biopsy. This examination excludes a number of serious diseases and some serious disorders in the development of the baby.

In what cases is the help of a genetic specialist required?

Consultation with a geneticist is necessary if:

  • the presence of a hereditary disease in future parents;
  • the couple has a child who has already developed the disease;
  • the expectant mother is over 35 years old;
  • the wife had an acute respiratory infection or took medication in the early stages;
  • future parents are close relatives to each other;
  • Pregnancies that a woman had resulted in miscarriage or stillbirth.

7 rules for a healthy lifestyle (before and during pregnancy)

No stress

Expectant parents should avoid any stressful situations, overwork at work and at home, colds and viruses. It is best to eradicate the habit of drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

Moderate sport

Before and during pregnancy, it will be useful for a woman to switch to moderate physical activity to keep herself in good shape. You shouldn’t remove them completely, because low-impact sports are extremely beneficial for health and well-being.


It’s great if future parents love to swim and decide to sign up for the pool! Swimming has a beneficial effect on overall health and strengthens muscles.

Women who are in the “after 40” group should not neglect this sport and be sure to go to water aerobics groups, but it is better for them not to swim in rivers or lakes, as this increases the risk of contracting some kind of infection.

No extra loads

Pregnant women are prohibited from working at night and lifting heavy objects. Also, during pregnancy, you should not use ankle sewing machines or traveling by bicycle, making sudden movements and coming into contact with hazardous substances.

Daily regime

A pregnant woman must walk a lot, saturating her lungs with oxygen, in order to subsequently give birth to a healthy child. At the same time, she is supposed to sleep at least eight hours a day, and goes to bed no later than 11 pm.

It is best if the bed is where one sleeps future mom It will be comfortable, but not very soft. Doctors believe that during pregnancy she should sleep on her back or right side.


Having sex during pregnancy is not prohibited, but it is better to leave it for a more favorable period: after the 1st trimester, if the woman has previously experienced miscarriages or became pregnant for the first time.

Also, it is better not to have sex in the last 2 months for women who have given birth not for the first time, but had it done surgically in the past.

Finally, during pregnancy you need to get plenty of rest, eat well and be examined by a doctor in order to give birth to a strong baby and become a truly happy parent!

It may seem to many that planning a pregnancy is not mandatory for a couple, since in their understanding, conception is a natural process that does not require additional preparation. However, in practice everything is a little different.

The birth of children in a family is an extremely responsible step, especially when it comes to the first-born. Before the baby is born, parents have only a superficial idea of ​​how much attention and care the child requires. In this case, the couple begins to bear responsibility for the offspring even before its birth, starting from the moment of conception.

Pregnancy planning:

  1. Stages of pregnancy planning.

Why is it so important to plan your pregnancy?

Unfortunately, inexorable progress also has its own reverse side, which negatively affects people's health and reproductive function. Among the main factors that have a detrimental effect on reproduction are: environmental degradation, decreased food quality, fast pace of life, etc. In such conditions, the chance of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child is reduced significantly.

One should also add to the negative factors that during pregnancy a woman’s body is subject to various stresses, her immune, endocrine and nervous systems suffer, and vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, etc. work at an increased rate. Thus, the process of bearing a fetus in modern conditions becomes a real test for both the expectant mother and her baby.

It is, of course, impossible to completely eliminate negative external factors or relieve the body of the stress to which it is exposed during gestation. However, with the help of pregnancy planning, you can minimize all risks in order to preserve the health of the mother and ensure the health of her baby.

Stages of pregnancy planning

First stage

Initially, it is necessary to prepare psychologically for the birth of a child. The decision to have a child in the family must literally mature. It is important that such a decision is mutual. You should not insist if one of the partners is not yet ready for such a serious step.

Second phase

If the couple nevertheless decides to have a child, the second stage begins, which includes preparing the body of the mother and father for conception. This stage includes an initial consultation with specialists and doctors who will help assess the health of the future parents and their readiness for the birth of a baby. Often such a consultation is accompanied by a series of medical tests. Such studies are aimed at identifying risk factors and eliminating them.

Third stage

At the third stage, future parents must give up bad habits. This applies to both women and men. It is necessary to limit alcohol consumption and stop smoking altogether. Experts recommend quitting smoking several months before the planned conception, so that the body has time to cope with the stress that accompanies quitting cigarettes, and nicotine and other harmful tobacco products leave the body completely.

Fourth stage

The fourth stage of preparation for pregnancy includes a special diet. It is important that the products that end up on the table of future parents are of high quality. At the same time, it is worth strictly limiting the consumption of junk food, which puts additional stress on the body’s vital systems. This diet should be as varied as possible. You cannot deny yourself the consumption of foods that are sources of vitamins and microelements, as well as meat and seafood. If recommended by a doctor, the diet can be enhanced with a special vitamin and mineral complex.

Modern society is subject to the trend of late family planning. Increasingly, families come to the decision to have a baby when parents reach the age of 30+. And if for a man the age factor is less significant, then for women it is decisive in matters of preparation for pregnancy and childbirth.

A woman who decides to become a mother after 35 years of age, in addition to the standard consultation procedure with doctors, must undergo a special genetic examination. The whole point is that late pregnancy and childbirth increase the risk of possible genetic diseases in the baby.

In addition, the body resources of a woman aged 25 and 35 have a significant difference. Older mothers are more often susceptible to various complications during pregnancy, which can affect both the condition of the mother and the fetus.

Pregnancy planning: video

Good day, Dear friends! Many women now give birth after 30 years. And I'm no exception. Many people say that it is better to give birth before the age of 28, but I don’t agree with this.

And today I will try to explain why. I will tell you about the benefits of having a child after this age and about preliminary preparation for a happy moment.
In general, I suggest you better study the topic: how to give birth to a healthy child after 30 and not torment your soul with doubts.

There are many reasons why women give birth after 30. This is the desire to first build a career, and the desire to gain independence, and find your soul mate and live for yourself.

The possibilities of modern medicine make it possible to get pregnant and bear a healthy and strong baby not only at 20 years old.

Let's learn about the benefits of pregnancy and the possible risks. The birth of your first baby after 30 is a desired and often hard-won happiness.

And, despite the difficulties, as well as the evil comments of others, such a pregnancy has many advantages:

  1. A serious and conscious approach to motherhood.
  2. A woman knows what she wants, has achieved a certain social position and relies only on her own strength.
  3. Late childbirth promotes rejuvenation of the body and brings a new influx of strength. During pregnancy, estrogen is produced, which has a positive effect on health.
  4. At an older age, women behave more prepared during childbirth and are less likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

There are also certain disadvantages to giving birth after 30:

  1. The presence of chronic diseases can negatively affect.
  2. Edema and histosis occur more often.
  3. There is a risk of premature birth and complications after pregnancy.
  4. After 30, the skin is not as elastic and the birth canal diverges worse.

Why is it important to plan your pregnancy?

There are many factors that influence a woman's reproductive ability. Among the main ones, it is worth noting the rapid pace of life, poor environment and declining food quality.
The negative thing is that the body is subjected to severe stress during pregnancy.

The heart, liver and kidneys work in increased mode. The load falls on the endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
It will not be possible to remove all negative factors and stress.

But with the help of proper planning, any risk can be minimized.

Main stages of pregnancy planning

Planning a pregnancy includes several important steps.

If you care about your health, you should know about them:

  • First of all, get examined by a gynecologist, get tested and have an ultrasound. Get your health in order. It is necessary to be checked for various types of infections and treated. This needs to be done for fathers too;
  • pregnancy can cause problems with vision and teeth, so even before conception, be examined by a dentist and ophthalmologist;
  • don't forget about vitamins. After 30, the body needs them. Be sure to also take iodomarin;
  • physical training will benefit. DO NOT forget to exercise, eat right and rest;
  • men need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking several months before conception;
  • take care of mental health. Nerves must be in good condition. Provide a positive attitude and stop worrying;
  • Before pregnancy, you need to give up contraceptives a couple of months.

Remember to follow your doctors advice. This is about adjustments excess weight, physical activity and proper nutrition.

Yoga and swimming will help to strengthen the body physically and psychologically.

Proper preparation for pregnancy

If you can't get pregnant, it's not always the woman's problem. In 40% of cases it is the man. Often the inability to have children is influenced by infectious diseases.

Therefore, you need to prepare for conception together. In addition, examination of a man is much simpler and much cheaper than examination of a woman. It is worth checking for chronic diseases.

There are many recommendations for pregnancy depending on your health concerns. Difficulties may arise with an insulin-dependent partner.

Using multivitamins

Since during pregnancy the body is deprived large quantity resources, then you need to support it with special vitamins.

Multivitamin complexes with folic acid are necessary during this period. This component has a positive effect on body systems and increases fertility.

Vitamins can reduce the risk of egg failure. Regular intake of vitamins is important.
found in greens and tomatoes, but its quantity is not enough.

About receiving a specific vitamin complex You should consult your doctor.

First child after 30

It is not necessary that when the first child is born after 30, a caesarean section will be used. If her health is unproblematic, then a woman can give birth herself.

For this there are the following indications:

  1. The pregnancy went smoothly, and there was no bleeding or pain.
  2. No chronic heart or lung diseases.
  3. No pathologies identified.
  4. The fetus is fine.

How to have a second child after 30

The second and third child is easier, since the woman understands what motherhood is.

But there are health nuances that remain after the first birth. For example, were there any complications and whether a caesarean section was performed.
The recommended period for resting the body from childbirth is three years.

If you plan to get pregnant earlier, it can be dangerous, as there is a possibility of problems with the pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is also necessary to undergo all tests and be examined by doctors, as with the first.

Do not forget that the first child needs to be prepared psychologically for the arrival of a brother or sister.

For some children, this can become stressful, since the new baby will draw the parents' attention to itself.

Let your child know that you love him just as much and that no one has forgotten about him.

Many people wonder: Is it possible to plan a second pregnancy after a caesarean section after 30.

Of course, you can, but at least three years must pass after giving birth.

To manage your pregnancy, choose the gynecologist who consulted you during your first one. In addition to standard tests, studies of the old uterine scar are carried out.

Most often this is done using Ultrasound. Even if in the first case there was a cesarean section, then during the second pregnancy there is every chance of giving birth naturally.
For a successful birth, you need to exercise, maintain the correct water balance in the body and eat healthy food. It is important for a woman to prepare herself correctly for childbirth.

For some, yoga helps with relaxation, for others, breathing exercises, and for others, it helps to give birth easily. This, by the way, can be found in the prayer book.

If you want to give birth, you have been examined, and you are really looking forward to this child, then try it and don’t be afraid. You will succeed.