How to make cuts on jeans correctly. How to tear jeans beautifully. Making holes in old jeans - DIY torn jeans photo

Today, denim clothing with frays and cuts is very popular among young people. But such a wardrobe attribute is very expensive. Therefore, not everyone can afford to purchase this.

But if you don’t have the financial ability to buy ripped denim pants, then don’t be upset, because you can make them yourself, although not everyone knows how to make ripped jeans at home.

It’s worth noting from the outset that it’s very easy to make fashionable denim pants with slits yourself. But first you need to decide on their style.

Note! Ripped jeans should look beautiful and fashionable, but not vulgar. Therefore, you should not make cuts or holes in the buttocks or in the upper part of clothing. The incision should not highlight the intimate parts.

It is best to make incisions on the knees, shins, or above the knees. This way the clothes will look elegant, but clearly emphasize everyone’s favorite western country style.

Table: techniques for making ripped denim items.

If a person does not like clothes with large holes or slits, then he should simply create the effect of a “worn out” item. It looks more natural, but not provocative.

Necessary materials

To create a unique thing with slots with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Denim pants or shorts.
  • Scissors designed for fabric or blade.
  • Sandpaper.
  • A bar of soap or a pen for drawing outlines.
  • Tweezers.

Important! Many tools can be replaced. Instead of a blade, you can use a stationery knife, and a regular kitchen grater or disposable razor can perfectly replace sandpaper.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to make a unique, beautiful and glamorous wardrobe attribute from simple and ordinary things at home, you will need a little patience and the desire to create a masterpiece from an old item.

Initially, before cutting out holes yourself, you should try the thing on yourself. During fitting, it is worth marking the locations of future incisions. They will need to be outlined with a pen or soap.

It is worth considering that if the intended hole is located on the knee, then it should be cut a little higher than this part of the body due to the characteristics of the denim material.

If you cut exactly under the bend of the leg or at the knee, the cut may tear further.

After this, you should place the clothes on a flat surface with the front side out. You will need to place a hard object under the pant leg. This will help maintain the integrity of the back leg.

Instructions for step-by-step execution in grunge style:

  • Make horizontal cuts on the pant leg using a knife or scissors. They are made at a distance of 1–2 cm from each other.
  • Slowly begin to pull out the vertical threads with tweezers.
  • Lightly rub the sandpaper over the fabric.

When implementing a minimalist style, transverse cuts are made that do not involve the lobe threads. Minimalist cuts are made closer to the side seams.

If you want to make a solid hole in the leg, then you should cut it out with scissors, removing the transverse and longitudinal threads. But keep in mind that inside The hole in the fabric should be stitched, otherwise it will tear further.

Other options

Not only jeans with large holes are popular, but also those with light abrasions or a faded effect.

Pay attention! The linings under the holes look very nice. They can be made using various multi-colored fabrics, openwork material or denim of a similar color.

Table: techniques for performing various fabric processing options.

Fabric treatment option Execution technique
Strong abrasion effect This type of clothing is achieved by using a grater. Take your jeans, place them on a flat surface and cut them horizontally.

The length of the incision depends on the desire of the person. But you shouldn’t make it more than 2–3 cm.

Run a kitchen grater along the cut several times until the effect of the item being worn appears.

Weak abrasion effect To give the item a slight worn effect, you should go over the fabric with sandpaper.
Fabric burnout effect Chlorine is used to achieve the fabric burning effect. Burnout looks very impressive with holes not big size.

After cutting and pulling out the threads, you should take a cotton pad and soak it in chlorine. Run the disc along the contour of the hole. Then the item will need to be washed.

Marking The dotted effect looks very original. To create it you will need chlorine. The product is diluted with water and applied onto jeans using a pipette.

After this, the pants are left for 1–2 hours. After this period of time, they need to be washed in powder.

It is worth remembering that bleach quickly interacts with fabric.

Therefore, in order to avoid the transfer of white spots to the back of the trouser leg, it is worth placing a piece of gauze or cotton wool between them, which will absorb chlorine.

In order to properly sew the lining, you should turn the trouser leg inside out, cut out the patch of the required size and sew it on with large stitches.

To make the process of remaking things enjoyable for you and the result to meet your expectations, you should use the following tips:

  • To give an item a worn-out look, wash it in a chlorine-free bleach.
  • Do not make cuts near the seams of clothing. They will come apart quickly and your jeans will look overly ripped.
  • If you don’t have eyebrow tweezers at home, you can replace them with a sewing needle. The sharp end is used to pry the thread into the incision and pull it out.
  • Minor abrasions are made using a scissor blade. The blade is worth attaching reverse side and run it over the fabric, creating a corrugated effect.

Important! You should not make large holes initially. It should be taken into account that during wear they will become even larger.
The process of making denim shorts

If you have unwanted jeans, you can turn them into very attractive and fashionable shorts.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Lay your pants out on a flat surface.
  • Mark the estimated length of future shorts with a pen or a piece of soap.
  • Cut along the marked line. If you need to achieve torn effect, then we make a horizontal cut and tear off the fabric with our hands to the seam.
  • If desired, marks, abrasions, and holes are made.
  • Turn-ups are made in shorts: the lower base of the item is turned up once.

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Ripped jeans are one of the most controversial items fashionable wardrobe. For some people, holey pants delight them, while for others they only cause bewilderment and irritation. However, both supporters and opponents of ripped jeans will agree that today it is one of the main trends in clothing.

Ripped jeans have not gone out of fashion for several seasons in a row, so everyone more girls and young people are thinking about purchasing such a thing. But the prices for such pants are no lower, and sometimes even higher, than for whole clothes, and you have to overpay for impractical, although fashion item Not everyone is ready.

The solution to this problem is obvious - make fashionable holey jeans with your own hands. Detailed instructions Read below for information on how to do this at home.

Is it possible to make ripped ones from regular jeans?

The best way to make fashionable ripped pants is from old but favorite jeans that have already become frayed, but it’s a pity to throw them away. Such jeans usually have abrasions and tears in the right places - we just need to enhance the effect a little.

We should not give a second life to pants that are already quite worn out and are in a “throw away” state, because our task is to look stylish, but neat. Therefore, it is better to immediately throw away jeans with indelible stains, holes between the legs and other defects that cannot be corrected.

If you don't have any old jeans that fit, you can try modifying new pants. It is not recommended to buy good, expensive jeans for these purposes, because the result may disappoint you.

In what places are the holes made?

To make a truly stylish thing and look perfect in it, it is important to know right places, in which you need to make holes.

Usually holes are made on the following parts of jeans:

  • pockets – back and front;
  • belt - in this place it is better to make neat terry and abrasions, and not through holes;
  • pants legs are the most comfortable and most popular place; holes can be made everywhere except the knee area: in this area the fabric stretches very much and the holes quickly increase in size, so the holes should be located a few centimeters above or below the knees.

What materials are needed?

You can get beautiful holes with fringe only by using a special set of tools and materials.

If you simply cut jeans with scissors or a razor, the effect will not be at all what you expect.

Therefore, for work you need to stock up:

  • a small piece of plywood or thick cardboard;
  • a sharp knife, for example, a stationery knife;
  • wax chalk or soap;
  • sewing ripper;
  • a fine grater, file or piece of sandpaper;
  • You may also need a set of safety pins, tweezers and a vacuum cleaner.

How to make holes correctly: step-by-step instructions

  1. First, decide on the future appearance jeans. For convenience, you can even draw a sketch on which the location of all decorative elements will be marked: holes, scuffs, patches, etc.
  2. After this, transfer the sketch directly onto the jeans. Apply the markings directly to the front of the pants using a bar of soap or chalk. If you have a washable marker, it will be more convenient to use it.
  3. Now we need to explore denim. Take a good look at the weaving and determine the location of the white and colored threads. It is important for you to understand which ones go vertically and which ones go horizontally. If it is difficult to determine this by eye, make a cut in an inconspicuous place and take the edge apart thread by thread.
  4. Before you start working, place something hard under the future cut, for example, a piece of plywood, so as not to damage the other side of the jeans. The plywood needs to be pushed into the pant leg, not just placed on top of the pants!
  5. Start cutting according to the drawn markings. Don't make the cuts too long, as they will still gradually unravel. To make the holes look “like in a store,” try to make the cut in one motion.
  6. Now you need to give the fresh rips a stylish distressed look. For this we need a sewing ripper. Use it to carefully pull out white threads and remove colored ones. If you don't like holes covered with threads, you can simply go around the edges with a grater or nail file.
  7. You can quickly remove thread trimmings and dust remaining after sawing using a special sticky roller for clothes or a hand-held vacuum cleaner.

Adding a worn effect

Even more interesting model can be done by adding a distressed effect to jeans.

To do this, you can use any available means with an abrasive effect:

  • kitchen graters;
  • nail files;
  • sandpaper;
  • whetstones for sharpening knives.

Just take one of these tools and start carefully working the denim in the desired area. Be careful not to damage the white threads, otherwise the abrasions will quickly turn into holes.

Ripped jeans look bold and daring. These pants are easy to make yourself. You will need regular jeans, a felt-tip pen, scissors and thick cardboard.

How to make ripped jeans yourself

A custom jeans design will require a couple of hours of your time and a little creativity. Donate old trousers new life It's not difficult at all. We present step by step instructions on artistic cutting of denim.

  1. First of all, use a felt-tip pen or a piece of soap to mark the location of future torn holes on the jeans. It is not recommended to make slits too close to the waistband, otherwise pockets will show through.
  2. Once you've made the markings, place a piece of thick cardboard or a cutting board inside the leg to avoid cutting right through the jeans. Make cuts according to the intended pattern. Next, rub the perforated areas with a pumice stone and pull out the vertical blue threads with tweezers. This will give the holes a stylish, distressed look.
  3. .If you want to enhance the distressed effect, spray several areas of the trousers with bleach and rub with sandpaper. You can come up with additional decor from rhinestones, appliqués or fabric inserts.

To make trendy ripped jeans at home, it's not enough to randomly shred the fabric. Study celebrity or street fashion photos of girls posing in beautiful ripped jeans. To create stylish holes, we do not recommend taking very tight trousers. Holes look good on classic jeans or boyfriend jeans.

Every person who follows fashion at least a little wants to know how to make ripped jeans, which have once again taken off on the fashion Olympus. You don’t have to go to a boutique to find a sophisticated style, full of designer scuffs and holes. To create a fashionable handmade holey item from tired, old jeans, scrap materials will be used. Today we are learning to understand the science of artificial aging of jeans.

Correct workpiece style

Before we move on directly to the process, let’s go through our wardrobe in search of exactly the thing that is ideal for experimentation.

  • Cross regular fit jeans off your list. Such wardrobe elements will look old-fashioned, and holes in the fabric will seem like the result of an unfortunate fall.
  • Stretch pants will also be unsuccessful. The stretchy material will not physically produce beautiful cuts, and the holes will resemble arrows on nylon tights.
  • Very thick fabric will make the process of turning pants into a fashion item quite labor-intensive.

  • Prints, embroideries and designs, as well as bright patterns look interesting, but additional elements overload the overall composition.
  • Ideal candidates for transformation are narrow or wide pants, like boyfriend pants. These trousers for young people perfectly withstand all the “bullying” of themselves, without turning into the clothes of a homeless tramp.

Most people try to make cuts at the knees, but you can tear the fabric anywhere.

  • If you make the cut slightly above the knee, the hole will not get wider and larger each time you bend the knee.
  • Cuts that are too high expose the linen. Men should watch this especially closely.

  • If you wash your trousers immediately after decorating, you will loosen the threads even more, so the trousers will look even more frayed.
  • Incisions that are close to the seams can cause the latter to come apart.
  • You can pull out single fibers with extreme precision using a sewing needle.
  • If instead of cardboard you put a piece of brick in your pant leg, you will significantly speed up the process of washing the fabric.

Warnings before starting work

  • Try not to cut the trouser leg too much. Each new wash increases the wear and tear size.
  • Be as careful as possible with sharp objects.
  • Never perform the procedure with pants on your legs.

Creating abrasions on trouser fabric

To make fashionable scuffs on jeans yourself, you need to have the following tools on hand:

  • pants directly;
  • sandpaper and block;
  • a piece of pumice;
  • grater;
  • small hard board.

Step by step fashionable decor is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Mark the selected area for decoration and mark it with chalk or soap.
  2. Take a piece of wood and place it inside your trouser leg under the area where the wear will be in the future.
  3. We proceed to the main stage - the intended place is rubbed using the selected device. Do not rub with force, because in the place of supposed fashionable wear and tear you may end up with an unnecessary hole.
  4. A pumice stone and a trowel will help in obtaining a worn finish with fluffy fringe along the edges. This softens the image and at the same time gives it some audacity. Using an emery block or paper you will create designer wear.
  5. At the decorating stage, decorate the scuff with rhinestones, rivets or paper clips.

Hole jeans with "Noodle" effect

As for holes, their creation is more labor-intensive. The following tools will help you create ripped jeans with your own hands:

  • a piece of plywood;
  • stationery knife or blade;
  • eyebrow tweezers or any other;
  • scissors;
  • interlining.

You can make a masterpiece out of jeans for yourself using the following scheme:

  1. Any denim pants are woven using colored longitudinal and white transverse fibers. Before the procedure, secure a piece of plywood inside the trouser leg.
  2. Using a blade or pocketknife, make two cuts along the cross grain at a distance of 3-4 cm.
  3. Take scissors or tweezers, use them to carefully pick up and pull out the white threads along the edges. Use caution and patience.
  4. After this, using the same tweezers between the cuts, pull out all the blue threads that are located perpendicular to the bottom ones. Initially, pull one thread at a time, at the end of the manipulation you can pull it out in a bunch.
  5. Fix the edges of the resulting hole from the inside with non-woven fabric to avoid losing the shape of the product.
  6. It is interesting to make a model with numerous long cuts that are free of blue threads.

You can decorate the pants by fixing lace or bright pieces of fabric on the reverse side; this will add audacity and attract attention to their owner.

Decor of torn jeans using the “Grunge” method

Ripped jeans at home in this style will decorate both men's and women's trousers.

To decorate the trousers yourself, we will need:

  • small board or plywood;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • a piece of pumice.

A step-by-step diagram of how to make jeans ripped consists of the following steps:

  1. Secure plywood or board under the desired area inside the trouser leg.
  2. Make 6-9 slits along the cross grain, about half the length of the pant leg.
  3. It’s better to use a stationery knife, because only with its help you will achieve the effect of maximum negligence. You can make slits of different lengths.
  4. After this, rub the holes with your hands and pull out a few blue fibers from them.
  5. Process the bottom of the trousers. Trim the edge, and rub the resulting edge with a piece of pumice to a careless, disheveled look.
  6. In the same way, process the cuts on the pockets and belt to completely enhance the item and create integrity and completeness of the image.

Creating the Frayed Jeans Look

Photos of ripped jeans of this type are similar to “Grunge”, but in this version, the transverse cuts are made chaotically, and along with the blue threads, several white ones are also pulled out for a greater frayed effect. This look is suitable for young girls, but for respectable ladies it is better not to choose it.

"Cut knees" on black jeggings

In 2017, many jeans fans had a new item in their wardrobe, among noodles and other shabby pants - black jeggings with slits at the knees. Buying a trendy item in a store is expensive, but creating such fashionable trousers with your own hands can be as easy as shelling pears at maximum cost.

The action plan is as follows:

  1. Put on your trousers and mark the location of the future cut with a piece of soap.
  2. Take off the item and put cardboard or a board in the trouser leg.
  3. Use a utility knife to cut the fabric using sharp movements along the marked line.
  4. Straighten the cut and use your fingers to pull out the excess threads.

Secrets to creating the right holes in your knees

Torn knees have not gone out of fashion for decades now. There is a certain specificity in creating an image, because it’s no secret that in such popular places the fabric unravels instantly. We advise you to use a trick and follow a certain algorithm.

  1. Put on your pants. Place a small dot in the middle of the knee with chalk or soap.
  2. Mark the future hole in the shape of an eye, the center of which will be that same point. Carefully cut along the outline.
  3. Process the edges using a special technique. Treat them with a nail file or sandpaper. Wet the edges and roll them up and down a little, securing with pins. Let them dry.
  4. Use a grater to create abrasions on the remaining part of the knee.
  5. This shape will allow the cut to maintain its shape longer.

As you have already seen, creating a beautiful designer item is easy and simple with your own hands. Handmade, made according to an individual project, will make your look fashionable and unique.

Video: How to properly and beautifully age jeans

An exclusive item can make you stand out from the crowd and make you the object of admiring glances. You don’t have to pay exorbitant sums for individuality. To become the owner of unique jeans, you can decorate any model you like yourself.

Today we will learn how to make ripped jeans at home, which will not be inferior in their sophistication to a pair from the most famous brand.

First, let's decide on the number of holes and their location. Equally important will be the size of each hole, as well as its type.

It could be:

  • through hole– a piece of fabric of any shape is simply cut from jeans;
  • hole- not such an obvious hole, horizontal threads remain in the hole, which play the role of “filler” of the hole;
  • attrition- a frayed area framed by small fringe, which is not essentially a hole; these jeans can be worn comfortably even in windy weather.

Which jeans should you choose?

There is an opinion that making holes in jeans is a great way to give new life to an old or boring item. Bored - yes, but if your jeans are frankly worn (elongated knees, faded denim), then artificially created holes are unlikely to save them.

On the contrary, the item will look as if it is long overdue for the trash bin. After all, we are creating an exclusive wardrobe item, and not trying to save a “dying” couple.

It is best to buy new jeans by choosing their size, choosing the model and color you like.

But you can practice on old jeans that are ready to be thrown away, because creating decorative holes is not such a simple matter, and it may not work out the first time. Please note that if you choose holes to decorate your jeans, then they should not have rhinestones, appliqués or embroideries.

How to wear different holes on jeans?

Jeans with holes through them are the boldest option and often look like you needed a piece of fabric to patch something else.

It is best to combine updated jeans with this item. Sew a cut-out piece of denim onto a textile bag or jacket to create a full-fledged suit.

Jeans with rips look the most familiar; they are combined with grunge-style items, pumps and translucent blouses. These jeans are perfect for creating a casual look.

The rips maintain the visible integrity of the jeans, while flirtatiously exposing areas of skin. You can complement the hole with a piece of lace or colored fabric, sewn from the inside out - the jeans will sparkle in a new way.

Distressed jeans can easily replace regular jeans. They can be combined with a variety of things and shoes, but the amount of decor on the remaining elements of the look should be minimal. In a sense, abrasions resemble stains randomly scattered across the fabric of trousers, so it is better to choose a plain top.

Making holes - option 1

Having decided on the location of the future hole, take a utility knife and make two parallel horizontal cuts. To avoid damaging the fabric on the opposite side of the leg, place a piece of plywood under the work area.

Having examined the fibers of the fabric, you will see that parallel to the cuts there are white threads - we will leave them, and perpendicular to them - blue (or another color - the color of the jeans you have chosen), they need to be carefully pulled out with nail scissors.

To ensure that the hole retains its aesthetic appearance, cover it from the inside with non-woven material and sew the edges. This way you can create holes of any size and shape. Several horizontally elongated holes, located one under the other, look interesting; they can even be made along the entire length of both legs.

We tear beautifully - option 2

We mark the area of ​​the future hole and make several horizontal slits with a stationery knife at intervals of no more than 1 cm. Next, use the tip of nail scissors to separate the white threads, working carefully so as not to tear them.

All that remains is to use a stationery knife to scrape off the small scraps of blue vertical threads - this is done quite easily. Upon completion of work, clean the hole and the entire surrounding area with a vacuum cleaner.

Creating abrasions

Back in the 80s, scuffs on jeans were made with a piece of ordinary building brick. We will take more sophisticated tools - a fine kitchen grater or pedicure grater, pumice stone, sandpaper.

First, use a grater to carefully create abrasions, then use a pumice stone to make this area “fluffy” and natural. Sandpaper will help to slightly age the item. It is better to carry out such manipulations with a damp cloth - otherwise there will be a lot of textile dust.

The location of the future hole can be pre-whitened, then the hole will become real decorative element and will not create the feeling that the jeans were accidentally damaged. Moisten the designated area of ​​fabric with bleach or bleach solution and leave for several hours, then wash and start creating a hole.

But you need to wash jeans with ready-made holes carefully - by hand or using a special mesh bag for delicate washing. With intensive washing, the tear will turn into an unplanned hole, and the item itself will become unusable.

It is better to bleach holes on jeans in yellow-swamp shades or gray-blue versions. Saturated jeans of blue color not suitable for this.

Follow our advice and boldly decide to create unusual wardrobe items in the form of ripped jeans. After all, sometimes it’s so difficult to stand out from the boring crowd without looking wild and tasteless.

Let's watch the master class. How to make ripped jeans at home

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