Gymnastics for ages 3-4 months. Massage for infants with detailed photo instructions. Types of massage, indications for its use

Newborns develop very quickly, so from the first months you need to add new elements to gymnastics and massage. By the age of 3-4 months, children are already interested in a lot of things, they want to communicate, so massage and gymnastics are an important moment not only for physical development, but also for mental development. At about 3 months of age, children's muscle tone in their legs and arms decreases, so movements become a little more conscious and precise - this means that passive exercises can be added to gymnastics. The baby will not be able to do them himself yet, but with the help of adults he will cope. In addition, classes can be longer, gradually become more complex, and the massage becomes more intense.

After the third month of life, the baby’s body becomes more pliable for physical activity, so new interesting elements of greater complexity can be introduced into gymnastics and massage

Why work with a baby?

  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • development of manual skills;
  • development of skills in changing body position.

To achieve results, you need to communicate with the baby, talk to him, put a suitable toy in his hand, do various massage and gymnastic movements according to age. Movements based on reflexes, passive exercises, and also accompanied by light shaking are required.

When and where is the best time to practice?

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To get the maximum possible benefit from your exercises, you should choose the right time. It is convenient to conduct sessions between feedings, closer to the next one. According to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, the ideal time is in the evening before taking a bath. The baby will not be weighed down by food, he will still be quite vigorous. You should not exercise immediately before bed, as this has an stimulating effect on the body - it will be more difficult for it to fall asleep.

Sessions of exercises and general massage with infants at 3 months are carried out in a regular room. It should be ventilated in advance, the most suitable temperature is 20-22 C. The baby is placed on a comfortable table with a diaper or towel. The baby may be completely naked or dressed in a very light vest.

Lessons for 3-4 months

It is not difficult to give a restorative massage to a 3-month-old child; you need to follow simple rules and perform all movements smoothly and calmly. There should be no sudden movements, and you should not pull the child’s arms and legs. If he is not in the mood, then you need to either postpone the lesson for a while, or distract him with affectionate conversation or a bright toy. Most often, children respond with pleasure to massage and gymnastics done by their mother or someone close to them. At this age, it is necessary to add new movements to everyday activities.

Sample lesson plan

  • hand massage;
  • "boxing";
  • foot massage;
  • stepping over;
  • flexion-extension of legs;
  • "coachman";
  • tummy massage;
  • corner;
  • tummy roll;
  • "swimming";
  • massage of the back and buttocks;
  • crawling simulation;
  • swinging on the ball.

Massage of the arms, legs, torso, and buttocks is performed in the same way as at an earlier age. The tummy is massaged clockwise. Rocking on the ball on the tummy and on the back remains relevant. Now we will talk about new exercises and movements that will be useful for the child.

New exercises

  • “Boxing” is performed with the child lying on his back. An adult puts his thumbs in his palms and holds his hands. An adult bends and straightens his arms, as if imitating the movements of a boxer. The movements should be smooth but intense so that the baby turns from side to side. Do 5-6 repetitions with each hand - this exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulders.
  • Stepping is performed when the baby is lying on his back. First, the adult takes the child by the ankles and, bending his legs at the knees, presses his feet to the table. After this, the baby’s legs need to be bent and unbent in such a way as to imitate steps on the table. You need to perform 4-5 repetitions.
  • Leg flexion-extension exercise performed together and alternately in a supine position. An adult takes the baby by the knees so that the thumbs are on top. Calmly bend both legs at the same time, spreading your knees and lightly pressing on your tummy. After this, we straighten the legs. If the child does not want to straighten his legs, you can shake them slightly to relax the muscles. Next, we do the same thing, only with each leg in turn.
  • When performing “coachman’s movements” The adult's thumbs are placed in the child's palms, the hands are held lightly. We spread the arms to the sides, then bring them together, crossing them on the chest. The left and right hands are on top alternately. Repeated 5-6 times at a slow pace.
  • Exercise "corner" strengthens the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. It is necessary to raise the legs of a child lying on his back to a vertical position. The legs should be straight, but if the muscle tone is still high and the legs are difficult to straighten, shake them a little. After lifting, the legs are slowly lowered to a horizontal position.

Body exercises

  • Turns from back to tummy while being performed with the help of an adult. This not only strengthens certain muscle groups, but also teaches the baby to roll over. You need to repeat it 2-3 times. The index finger of the adult’s left hand is placed in the child’s palm and the hand is held. With our right hand we bend the child’s leg and turn the pelvis to the right. He will reflexively turn his head and upper body to the right. By holding the hand, we slightly help the baby turn, but hold him a little on his side to train the muscles. A rollover onto the tummy through the other side is also performed.
  • “Swimming” is performed while lying on your tummy. We slightly lift the baby's legs with our left hand, and place our right hand under the tummy. We slightly lift the child above the table and hold it for a few seconds. This exercise is useful for strengthening the back muscles.

Lessons at 4-5 months

Sample lesson plan

  • hand massage;
  • "coachman";
  • foot massage;
  • "boxing";
  • spreading and closing the legs;
  • abdominal massage (more details in the article:);
  • sitting down by the handles;
  • tummy roll;
  • massage of the back and buttocks;
  • "swimming";
  • tummy crawling;
  • circles with hands;
  • flexion and extension of legs.

Classes help children develop and grow healthy. At this time, adults communicate with them, teach them various movements.

New movements

  • Breeding and bringing together legs The baby is performed in a supine position. The child's legs are bent at the knees and hips. An adult holds them by the shins. The legs are spread apart and then brought together. Performed 4-6 times.
  • Sitting on the handles good for neck and abdominal muscles. It must be done carefully so that the baby does not hit the back of his head when lowering. It’s not worth sitting a child down at this age yet, so we just lift him by the arms and gently lower him back onto the table. When lowering it, we lay it not on its back, but on its side, alternately on the left and right.
  • To encourage baby to crawl. An adult grabs the baby's feet, bends and straightens his legs, imitating the movements of a frog's legs. When you have completed several repetitions, you need to leave your legs bent and allow your baby to push off on his own. To make it more interesting for him, place a bright toy not far in front. When he manages to push off, he will move forward a little, then bend his legs again and allow him to push off.
  • Another new movement “arm circles”. The child lies on his back, holding the adult’s thumbs with his hands. The adult performs circular movements with the child's hands: first to the sides, then to the head and then forward and down. The movements are performed smoothly and calmly. Make two circles in one direction, then two circles in the other direction. The exercise is suitable only for those children who have already mastered “boxing” and “coachman”.

Remember that children are constantly growing and developing - this means that they need to regularly increase the load. If it is obvious that the baby is not yet able to do some exercises, you should not force things. Most likely, after some time the baby will master all the movements.

Lesson plan
1. Hand massage:
- stroking, 5-6 movements on each hand;
- ring rubbing, 2-3 times;
- stroking, 2-3 movements.
2. Crossing your arms over your chest, 6-8 times.
3. Foot massage:
- stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg;
- ring rubbing, 5-6 times;
- stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg.
4. Sliding steps (with vibration), 5-6 times with each leg.
5. Turn onto your stomach, 2-3 times in each direction.
6. Back massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times;
- rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the back;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
7. Bending the spine while lying on its side (reflex exercise), 2-3 times on each side.
8. Swimmer position, 1 time.
9. Abdominal massage:
- circular stroking, 2-3 times;
- counter stroking, 2-3 times;
- stroking the oblique abdominal muscles, 2-3 times;
- rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the abdomen;
- stroking (all techniques 2-3 times).
10. Raising the head and torso from a supine position 2-4 times.
11. Foot massage:
- stroking 2-3 times each foot;
- rubbing, 5-6 times each foot;
- tapping, 8-10 blows on each foot;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
12. Flexion and extension of the feet, 5-6 times each movement.
13. “Walking” is a reflex exercise.
14. Breast massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times;
- vibration massage, 3-4 times;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
15. “Boxing” - exercise for arms, 5-6 times.
16. Exercise on the ball.

1. Hand massage
Perform 5-6 strokes along the entire length of the child’s arm (see 1 set No. 1) from the hand to the shoulder.
The next technique is ring rubbing. Hold the child's hands (with your left hand - right, with your right hand - left), placing your thumb in it. With the thumb and forefinger of your free hand, wrap the ring around the child's hand at the wrist. Do vigorous circular rubbing with emphasis on the outer surface of the arm (Fig. 25). In this way, move in 3-4 turns to the elbow, then in 5-6 turns to the shoulder. Repeat this technique 2-3 times. It is desirable that the baby's skin turns pink. You need to finish the hand massage with 2-3 strokes.

2. Crossing your arms over your chest

I.p.: the child lies on his back. Place the thumbs of your hands in the child's palms, with the rest -
hold his hands lightly. Spread the baby's arms to the sides, you can do this with a slight shake, then move them towards each other until they cross on the chest and back (Fig. 26, 27).

When crossing, the right and left hand should lie on top alternately. The pace of movements is slow, avoid sudden jolts. Repeat crossing 6-8 times.

3. Foot massage
Start with 2-3 strokes along the entire length of the leg (see 1 complex No. 2) in the direction from the foot to the thigh.
Ring rubbing is performed as follows. With the thumb and forefinger of both hands, wrap the rings (closely one above the other) around the child’s lower leg. Do vigorous diverging circular rubbing and move in 3-4 turns to the knee along the posterior outer surface of the shin (Fig. 28). It is important not to touch the popliteal fossa or rub the Achilles tendon. It is more convenient to rub the anterior outer surface of the thigh with your fingertips.
Repeat 5-6 times. Complete the foot massage with 2-3 strokes.

4 "Sliding steps" with vibration
I.p.: the child lies on his back. Grasp the child's shins so that the thumbs are located on the front surface of the shin, and the rest on the back. Then, with a slight shake, straighten the child’s leg and, sliding the foot along the surface of the table, bend it (Fig. 29). Repeat the movement with the other leg. And so 5-6 times with each leg. This exercise, reminiscent of cycling, strengthens the leg muscles and develops the support reaction. If passive leg extension is difficult (due to increased tone of the flexor muscles), do not rush, postpone this exercise until you are older. For now you can just “stomp”
feet on the table surface (Fig. 30). Sliding steps are taken slowly and very carefully, without jerking.

5. Turn onto your stomach (through the right side - to the left)
I.p.: the child lies on his back. Place the index finger of your left hand in the child's left palm,
Use your other fingers to clasp his hand. With your right hand, hold both legs in the shin area with a “fork” and, straightening them slightly, turn the child’s pelvis to the left. Immediately after this, the baby independently turns his head and upper body in the same direction. For
keep the baby in a position on his side, let him exercise his neck muscles by holding his head (Fig. 31).

Then move the baby's left arm slightly forward - and the baby is already lying on his stomach. Adjust your arms under his chest, straightening his hands. The exercise uses the innate vestibular reflex
location of body parts. When performing this complex movement, the muscles of the child’s entire torso work. The sequence of individual moments is the same as when a healthy older child turns independently. Sometimes a 3-month-old baby, during his erratic movements, accidentally throws one leg behind the other, and the pelvis turns on its side (1 moment). This entails a movement of the head and upper body in the same direction (moment II). The most difficult thing remains: to pull the hand out from under you, and the child is on his stomach (III moment).

It is especially important to educate the correct mechanism of turning, described above, in weakened, premature children. These children often turn in the following way: lying on their back, resting their head and buttocks, arching their spine upward, which entails hanging the body on their stomach. As a result of such exercises, the deflection of the spine in the lumbar region increases, and this is undesirable. The rotation is performed 2-3 times in each direction. This exercise is very useful and children enjoy doing it, so repeat the turns several times throughout the day.
When turning through the left side, change hands accordingly (Fig. 32).

6. Back and buttock massage
Start by stroking your entire back, including your buttocks. The child is already lying steadily on his stomach, so stroking is performed with both hands 2-3 times (Fig. 33). Rubbing is best done with the pads of slightly bent fingers (Fig. 34).

When rubbing in a straight line, while the fingers of the right hand move the skin up, the fingers of the left hand move down, then vice versa, moving along the entire back. With circular (spiral) rubbing, the fingers of the right hand move the skin clockwise, the fingers of the left hand counterclockwise. Rubbing with the back of bent fingers is possible (Fig. 35).

It is important that your hands move alternately, otherwise your baby's skin will stretch. It is better to rub the buttocks one at a time. Any massage should be completed with stroking.

7. Bending of the spine in a side position (see I complex No. 5)

Run vigorously along the baby's spine with the pads of your straightened fingers. Repeat this technique 2-3 times on each side.

8. Swimmer position

I.p.: the child lies on his stomach. With the index finger and thumb of your right hand, grasp the child’s right leg from below at the lower part of the shin, and with the remaining fingers, grab the left leg at the same level. Then, lifting the child’s legs, place your free palm under the stomach, creating support for him (Fig. 36), and lift the baby above the table. In this case, the child lies horizontally on the palm, as if on a playground. His head and upper body are raised, the spine is straightened, all the muscles of the back surface of the body are working (Fig. 37). The exercise is done once and lasts a few seconds.

9. Abdominal massage
Start by stroking in three directions (circular, counter and along the oblique abdominal muscles - see I complex No. 6). Repeat each movement 2-3 times.
Rubbing is performed with the pads of slightly bent fingers. First, the technique is carried out with the right hand in diverging circles, starting from the navel (Fig. 38), then with both hands along the rectus abdominis muscles (Fig. 39).

Make sure that the circular rubbing is in a clockwise direction and avoid pressing on the liver area.
At the end of the massage, repeat the stroking.

10. Raising the head and torso from a supine position
I.p.: the child lies on his back. Let your child wrap his thumbs around your hands and hold his hands with the rest. Then straighten your child's arms.

Using gentle words and light tugging on the arms, encourage the child to raise his head and upper body, without bringing him to a sitting position (Fig. 40). Then slowly and carefully lay the baby down, preferably on its side, so as not to hit the back of the head. This exercise is active, very useful for strengthening the muscles of the front of the neck and abdominals. Repeat lifting 2-4 times with laying on the right and left side.

11. Foot massage

Stroke and then vigorously rub your baby's soles. Hand position (see I complex No. 8). Rubbing is also performed with the pad of the thumb in a circular motion or in a figure eight pattern. Then rub the outer and inner edges of the foot in the direction from the heel to the toes.
A new technique - tapping the feet - is performed as follows: with the back of the straightened fingers (index and middle) of the right hand, we apply light rhythmic blows to the child’s foot (Fig. 41).

Repeat this movement 8-10 times from heel to toes and back.

12. Flexion and extension of the feet

Pressure in the area of ​​the base of the toes on the sole causes reflex flexion of the foot, vigorous rubbing along the outer edge of the foot causes extension (see Complex I, No. 9).

13. "Walking"
The innate walking reflex persists in children up to 4 months of age. Supporting the child under your arms, lead him towards or away from you, slightly shifting your body weight from one leg to the other (Fig. 42). Make sure that your feet are in the correct position (see Complex I, No. 12).

14. Breast massage

Perform stroking 2-3 times (see I complex No. 11). Make the vibration massage a little more complicated: apply light, rhythmic pressure with your fingers on the child’s chest while simultaneously moving your hands from the middle to the sides of the chest. Try not to put too much pressure on the ribs. Repeat this technique 3-4 times. Finish the massage with stroking.

15. Boxing arm exercise

I.p.: the child lies on his back. Place your thumbs in your child's palms and lightly hold his hands with the rest. Alternately bend and straighten the baby’s arms, that is, when bending one arm, straighten the other, and vice versa (Fig. 43).

When extending, move the handle forward and toward the center, slightly lifting the shoulder. Thus, imitating the movements of a boxer, slightly turn the child from side to side (Fig. 44).

During this exercise, all the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle work. Repeat 5-6 times with each hand at a slow pace, avoiding sudden jerks.

16. Exercise on the ball

Place your baby's stomach on the ball with his legs spread wide apart. Rock the baby, when moving back and forth, make sure that he rests his feet or open palms on the surface of the table, and encourage him to push off on his own (Fig. 45).

To better open the hands, clap the child's palms on the ball. Then place the child on the ball with his back and, supporting him in the chest area, swing him in different directions (Fig. 46).

An inflatable ball is one of the many useful and favorite toys for infants. Place it in the crib at the baby's feet, let the baby kick it, training the support of the feet.

The physical development of a child at 4 months allows him to stay awake longer during the day, and therefore the mother has a shortage of time to calmly cope with household chores. This means that the time has come to accustom the baby to the playpen, where he will always be in front of his mother while she is busy with business. In addition, if the child is nearby, you can always devote time to emotional communication with him.

Child development at 4 months: what a baby should be able to do

What should a child be able to do during normal development and how to deal with him? At this age, the baby can roll over from his back to his stomach, only in one or both directions. Lying on his stomach, he confidently rests on his forearms. Picks up toys and puts them in his mouth. Parents sometimes notice that the child more often and more willingly takes toys with his left hand. Naturally, they have a question: Isn't the baby left-handed?

It is safe to say that it is impossible to determine this in infancy. His preference for using his left hand in some cases depends on several factors. The most significant is that right-handed parents more often hand the child a toy from his left side (when communicating with the child, the baby’s left hand turns out to be closer and more convenient for the parent). As a result, it turns out that the hand to which the object is held out more often develops faster, and the child begins to use it more willingly. Another option is possible when the muscle tone in the hand has been changed since birth. You can read about this in the testing section. This reason also contributes to the unequal development of movements in the hands. The arm in which the muscle tone is greatly changed will lag behind.

But in any case, during classes for the development of a 4-month-old child, be sure to take into account that it is necessary to develop motor skills and coordination in both hands equally. Otherwise, incorrect placement of the hands, bringing the first finger to the palm, fingers clenched into a fist due to increased tone will lead to late and incorrect grasping of objects with the hands, as a result of which the mental development of the child may suffer, and with age, fine motor skills, learning to write, drawing.

Developmental activities for children 4 months old

Taking into account what a 4-month-old child can already do, the development of his motor and emotional skills must be continued. From this age, you can organize the child’s active wakefulness in the children’s room on the floor. In a specially designated area of ​​the room where there are no drafts, a special developmental mat can be placed on the previously prepared floor. You can make it yourself or purchase it at a children's store. For activities with a 4-month-old child, the developmental mat is made of soft, easily washable material. Textile toys, a safety mirror, soft squeaky toys, and rattles are sewn onto the rug. The educational play mat promotes the development of motor skills and tactile perception. Flexible arcs with hanging toys are attached to the mat. First, the baby examines the toys hanging above him, then begins to reach out and grab them.

How to develop a child at 4 months after the baby has learned to reach out to a rattle while lying on his back? Make the task more difficult by asking him to reach for a nearby toy from a lying position on his stomach. Just first show the necessary movements several times using the child’s hand.

During educational activities for 4-month-old children, it is recommended to sew multi-colored braid and buttons onto homemade rugs; this is suitable for the development of fine motor skills.

Staying awake on a rug placed on the floor gives the child the opportunity to get used to a larger space around him than his crib, and does not limit turning over on his stomach and back and other active movements of the baby.

How to do a firming massage of the arms and sternum for a 4-month-old baby

In addition to the basic techniques, chest massage and a new technique - kneading - are added to the massage for a 4-month-old child.

We start with a hand massage. The baby is lying on his back.

With one hand, take it in the wrist area, with the fingers of the other, stroke it, then rub each finger in turn from tip to base. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

When giving a massage to a 4-month-old baby, stroke the baby’s palm separately and pay attention to the thumb.

We move on to the forearm and shoulder. To do this, place your thumb in the child's palm. Using the palm of your other hand, first stroke, then rub in the direction from the hand to the elbow joint, then to the shoulder joint. Stroking is done both from the outside and from the inside of the hand.

Trituration- only on the outer surface of the forearm and shoulder. Repeat the techniques 2-3 times.

We finish the hand massage by stroking the entire limb from the fingers to the shoulder.

Let's move on to chest massage. The first technique is stroking. It is carried out along the sternum with the palmar surface of the hands in the direction from bottom to top and to the shoulders. Repeat this strengthening massage technique for children 4 months old 3-5 times.

Then, using the fingertips, stroking is carried out from the sternum along the ribs to the side. Repeat the technique 3-5 times on each side.

Abdominal massage for a 4 month old baby (with video)

This is followed by an abdominal massage. The baby continues to lie on his back with his feet facing you.

The first technique is stroking. Your right hand, palm side, slides clockwise over your stomach, describing a circle.

Then the movement of your palms should go from the side of the abdomen on both sides at the same time and connect above the navel area. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times.

Bend the fingers of your right hand. Using the joints of your bent fingers, rub the peri-umbilical area with spiral movements, while simultaneously describing a circle around the navel clockwise. Perform the technique by walking 3-4 circles. Increase each subsequent circle in diameter.

To stimulate the abdominal muscles, add the technique of pinching the anterior abdominal wall in a circle.

As shown in the video of a massage for a 4-month-old child, you should finish massaging the abdomen by repeating the circular stroking with which the procedure began:

Foot massage for 4 month old babies at home

Let's move on to the foot massage. This procedure begins with the feet. With one hand, grasp the baby's leg at the shin area. In this case, the leg should be slightly bent at the knee and hip joints.

The first technique is stroking from the fingertips to the ankle joint. When performing a massage at home on a 4-month-old baby, your big toe should be on the plantar side, and the rest on the back of the foot. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

The next technique is rubbing. Holding the back of the foot, use the ball of your thumb to rub the sole with spiral, progressive movements from the heel to the child’s toes. Repeat the procedure in 2-3 passes.

If to massage the feet of a 4-month-old child you need to straighten the toes, additionally stroke the foot from the back in the direction from the base of the toes to the ankle joint.

We move on to stroking and rubbing the lower leg and thigh. Place your palm around your child's shin just above the ankle joint. Run your hand along it with sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the front and side surfaces of the thigh towards the hip joint. We repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

The following rubbing is carried out with the pads of the fingers in progressive spiral movements along the anterior and outer lateral surfaces of the thigh. We repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

The next technique is kneading. Place your hands across your baby's thigh. Grab the muscles of the anterolateral surface just above the knee joint. Pull them back slightly, then begin S-shaped, multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the thigh to the hip joint. Repeat the technique, passing the thigh area 2-3 times.

We finish the techniques with initial stroking.

Back massage for 4 month old babies

We move on to massage the back surface of the body. Turn the baby onto his stomach with his feet facing you.

To help your back and neck muscles get stronger faster, perform a stimulating massage on the back of your neck and shoulder area.

Stimulating massage for 4-month-old children is not indicated if the baby has severe and constant tension in the back muscles that extend the neck, which is why he cannot bring his chin to his chest either while lying on his back or lying on his stomach. In these cases, a relaxing massage is indicated.

During the massage, the baby should lie on his stomach, bend his arms at the elbow joints and place them under the chest.

Start the massage with stroking. Your palm should move from the back of the head towards the shoulder girdle, along the back and sides of the neck. Separately, stroke the shoulder girdles themselves from the neck to the shoulder joints. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times.

The next technique is rubbing with your fingertips. The fingers should move in progressive spiral movements along the back of the neck, as well as separately along the shoulder girdle towards the shoulder joints. Repeat this technique 2-3 times in each direction.

For an additional rubbing technique, use the bent phalanges of the index and middle fingers of your right hand at the base of the neck in a circular motion. When rubbing is performed correctly, the baby will raise his head. Perform the reception for 10-15 seconds.

Finish the procedure with light stroking.

If the child's neck muscles are tense, rubbing is not performed. This technique is replaced by gentle stretching movements that are used directly on these muscles.

Start with regular stroking, and then hold the back of your head with one hand, and with the other from this area, slowly move along the muscles of the neck down and to the shoulders, pausing at the end of the movement for 2-3 seconds. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

Let's move on to the back massage. The first technique is stroking. It is carried out along the spine, then along the ribs from the spine to the side. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

The next technique is rubbing. Using your fingertips, use progressive spiral movements around the spine on both sides from bottom to top, then from the spine to the side, along the intercostal spaces. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

Finish the back massage by repeating the stroking technique.

Massage of the buttocks and back of the legs for children 4 months old

Let's move on to the buttocks area. The first technique is stroking. Your palms slide over your buttocks. The movement begins by grasping their side surface, and the hands are directed towards each other. Repeat the movement 5-7 times.

Next comes the rubbing technique. When performing a massage for a 4-month-old baby, use the phalanges of the bent fingers. The direction of the spiral movements is in a circle, work the right and left parts of the gluteal region in turn. Repeat the technique in 3-5 circular passes.

To stimulate the gluteal muscles, you can add the technique of pinching this area with your fingers.

Repeat the stroking technique with which you started the massage.

After the gluteal region, we continue massaging the back of the legs. Repeat stroking and rubbing in the same order and direction.

Hold the child's lower leg with one hand, while the leg should be slightly bent at the knee joint. Run your hand over the calf muscle with stroking sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the thigh towards the buttocks 2-3 times.

Then, using the pads of your fingers in progressive spiral movements, rub the back surface of the lower leg, the back and outer lateral areas of the thigh. We repeat the techniques 3-5 times.

We finish the leg massage by repeating stroking in the direction from the foot to the thigh and then to the buttocks in 4-5 passes.

Gymnastics for a 4 month old baby and video on what set of exercises to do

Physical exercises, which are recommended to be done with a child at 4 months, are noticeably more difficult than for newborns.

Start your exercises with a warm-up. To do this, place the baby on his back. Place your thumbs in his hands.

Gymnastics for children aged 4 months includes the following exercises:

  • straighten your arm at the elbow joint and then bend it, repeat 3-5 times;
  • move the straightened arm to the side, then bring it to the body;
  • raise your straightened arm up, then lower it along your body, repeat 3-5 times;
  • repeat these movements in different directions. One arm bends, the other extends at this time. One hand goes up, the other goes down at the same time.
  • When performing a set of exercises with a 4-month-old child, cross the baby’s arms over the chest and spread them to the sides, repeat 3-5 times;
  • carry out circular movements in the shoulder joints with a small amplitude. The child's arms should be straightened at the elbow joints during movement. Repeat 3-5 times for the number of laps.

The video “Exercise for a 4-month-old baby” shows how to warm up:

  • bend and straighten the leg at the knee and hip joints, i.e. bring it to the baby’s stomach, then straighten it completely, pressing it to the table surface. Repeat the movement 3-5 times;
  • When doing gymnastics with a child at 4 months, first bend the baby’s leg, bringing it to the stomach, and, without straightening, move the thigh outward, then bring it in, but do not straighten the leg. Repeat the movement 3-5 times;
  • Make circular movements of the thigh in the hip joint with a small amplitude. Repeat 2-3 times according to the number of circles.

Carry out these movements with the second leg. If the movements turned out without difficulties, they can be repeated synchronously, that is, for both legs at the same time.

The video “Gymnastics for a 4-month-old baby” will help you better understand how the exercises are performed:

Exercises for the development of a 4 month old baby: exercises on a fitball (with video)

Exercises for the development of a child at 4 months include exercises on a gymnastic ball (fitball).

Take the baby with both hands in the armpit area with his back to you, place his stomach on the gymnastic ball. Carry out rolling movements from yourself and towards yourself. Repeat this exercise on a fitball for a 4-month-old child 8-10 times. During training, the child should learn to bend his back like a boat. Practice holding this position for 8-10 seconds for 3-5 repetitions.

The next exercise is carried out in the same position of the child on the gymnastic ball. Only do rolling movements in lateral directions and in a circle in turn in each direction. Repeat the exercises 3-5 times.

Now, when rolling your baby on the ball towards you, his feet should rest against your chest. When practicing on a fitball with a 4-month-old child, wait until the child tries to push off from you, straightening his legs. Hold it before rolling the ball forward. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. Adjust the load on the child’s legs by holding him while pushing away from you.

Then take the baby in your arms with his back to you. At the same time, hold his chest with one hand, and support his buttocks with the other. Raise your freely hanging legs and place your feet on the gymnastic ball. Wait until the child pushes the ball away from him with his feet. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. In the future, hold the ball so that the baby applies force to push away.

Perform the following exercise on a gymnastic ball with the child in the position on his back. Take the baby by the torso in the armpit area with both hands, with his back to you. Place it on the prepared ball so that only the head rests on your shoulder girdle or chest, while your legs hang freely from the ball. Roll the ball back and forth, stimulating active flexion of the hips and pulling them towards the abdomen. It is advisable for the child to hold this position for 2-3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

An excellent result of exercising on a fitball with a 4-month-old child will be considered a long-term hold of such a pose in any body position, at any angle. And when the child is moved forward on the ball, the dangling legs will maintain a bending position. At the same time, you may notice how your baby's abdominal muscles tense.

Watch the video “Fitball exercises with a 4-month-old baby” and start the exercises:

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Wellness and strengthening massage For infants. A set of exercises for a 3-4 month old baby.

A child aged 3-4 months is prescribed massage, reflex and passive exercises. Classes for children of this age are conducted according to the following scheme.

  • Hand massage - rubbing.
  • Crossing and moving your arms to the sides.
  • Foot massage - kneading.
  • Flexion and extension of the legs together and alternately.
  • Abdominal massage.
  • Breast massage.
  • Turn from back to stomach.
  • Back massage - kneading.
  • Massage of the buttocks - kneading, pinching.
  • Arching of the back.
  • Crawling (with help).
  • "Soaring."
  • Transition to a sitting position.

Before starting gymnastic exercises and massage, the mother must prepare the table, remove all jewelry and watches from her hands, and wash her hands with warm water and soap. The child must be carefully undressed and placed on the massage table. Then they gradually begin to move, all the while talking to the baby.
The mother's hands should be warm.
1. Hand massage - rubbing. Lightly holding the baby's right hand with her left hand, with her right hand the mother makes circular spiral rubbing movements in the direction from the baby's hand to the shoulder. Perform 4-6 times. Then the position of the hands changes.

2. Crossing your arms. The child lies on his back. This exercise is passive. The child wraps his fingers around the mother's thumbs, who holds the baby's hands and slowly moves them to the sides until they touch the surface of the table, then leads them towards each other so that the baby's hands clasp the chest and lie parallel to one above the other. Retraction of the arms should not cause resistance. With this nature of the exercise, you can use the simplest aids: place small rings, sticks, etc. in the child’s hands. Performed 6-8 times.
3. Foot massage - kneading. The child lies on his back. His right leg rests freely on his mother’s left palm, which holds her leg in the area of ​​the lower third of the lower leg. Using three fingers of your right hand, stretch the muscles of the front and outer surface of the lower leg and thigh from the foot upward. Repeat 4-6 times. Massage your left leg with your right hand.
4. Leg curl. The massage is performed while lying on your back. Grab the child's legs by the shins (index fingers on top). Simultaneous bending of the legs at the knee and hip joints is done with light pressing of the knees to the stomach, and then straighten the legs. The pace is slow. Repeat 4-9 times.
5. Abdominal massage. The child lies on his back. The mother places her fingers and palms on the child’s lower back. Move your hands along the oblique abdominal muscles from top to bottom and back to front until you connect them with your palms above the pubis. Perform 6-8 times.
6. Breast massage. The baby is lying on his back. Move the bent fingers along the intercostal spaces from the middle to the sides of the chest, making movements that knead the intercostal muscles. You should not press on the ribs. Repeat 2-3 times in each intercostal space.
7. Turn from back to stomach. Performed with the help of the mother. Having clasped the child’s hand with her left hand, the mother brings her right hand under the shin from below, placing the index finger between the closed shins, and clasping them with the remaining fingers. First, turning the pelvis with her right hand, then, helping the rotation by lightly pulling the hand, the mother achieves the completion of the rotation by the child himself. When turning in the opposite direction, the position of the mother's hands changes. Perform turns 1-2 times in each direction.
8. Back massage - kneading. The baby lies on his stomach, arms under the chest, head turned slightly to the side. Kneading should be carried out after some preliminary stroking in the longitudinal or transverse directions of the back muscles. Make circular and translational movements with your palms, vigorously stretching your back muscles. Finish kneading with a light stroking massage. Repeat 4-6 times.
9. Massage of the buttocks - pinching. The child lies on his stomach. Lightly pinch the baby's buttocks with your fingers. Repeat 8-10 times.
10. Arching the back. The child lies on his stomach. The mother grabs the child’s legs from above in the area of ​​the ankle joints with one hand, places the other hand on the lower back, lifts the child’s legs on the table, pressing his torso with the other hand. Excessive arching of the lower back should be avoided. Performed 4-6 times.
11. Crawling (with help). The baby is lying on his stomach. The mother bends the baby's legs and feet so that the soles rest against her palm, and she places her other hand underneath the baby's chest. Gently pushing the baby's soles encourages him to crawl. With the hand lying under the breast, the mother supports the baby, slightly helping him move forward. Repeat 3-4 times.
12. Arching the back in weight - “hovering”. The child lies with his chest and stomach in his arms, resting his legs on the mother’s chest. The mother, stretching both arms forward, raises them above the table. This position of the child causes a reflex extension of the back, moving the head back and straightening the spoons. Performed 3-4 times.
13. Transition to a sitting position. Performed with the help of the mother. The child lies on his back. The mother grabs both arms of the baby, moves the baby to a sitting position and carefully lowers him onto his back. When lowering, you need to move your hands to the back of your head and support your head to prevent your head from hitting the table. This movement is repeated 2-4 times.

After massage techniques and gymnastic exercises at the age of 3-4 months, it is necessary to harden the child with water.
The water temperature at the beginning of hardening is 36 degrees. You need to wipe with a damp glove. First, alternately wipe the arms, then alternately wipe the legs with a damp mitten, followed by rubbing with a dry towel. Next, move on to the breast using the same wiping sequence. Then put the baby on his tummy and rub him from the back. Rubbing always begins with the feet or hands, that is, with small muscles and joints, gradually moving to medium and large muscle groups. The water temperature should be reduced by one degree every 5-7 days, bringing it to 28 degrees by the year. When performing massage, gymnastics, and wet rubbing, the temperature in the room should be 20-21 degrees.

Thanks to massage, the child’s musculoskeletal system is properly formed and blood circulation improves. Due to the fact that a baby’s tactile perception is brighter than other senses, contact with the hands of adults helps him quickly explore the world in which he is. Read below about what you need to know to properly massage a child aged 3-6 months.

Features of massage for babies

Children's massage can be therapeutic and preventive. Therapeutic is prescribed when a pathology is detected, and is done only by a qualified specialist. But preventive massage is useful for all newborns, and even inexperienced parents can cope with this complex.

It is important to understand that arbitrary pinching, patting and other inept movements can harm the baby. Before starting a massage course on your own, it is worth visiting a specialist several times who will show you how to do it correctly.

The benefits of massage for a baby from 3 to 6 months

Pediatricians recommend combining massage with developmental gymnastic exercises. The complex, which includes massage and light physical activity, helps the child master the skills of changing body position, making him more resistant to stress. In addition, children who receive regular massage quickly develop the following indicators:

  • muscles are strengthened;
  • the tone of the flexor and extensor muscles is in balance;
  • the rhythm of movements develops;
  • blood circulation increases;
  • orthopedic problems (hip joint, foot position) are eliminated;
  • strong immunity is formed.

The beneficial effects of massage extend to the respiratory, digestive, and cardiovascular systems

Tactile stimulation is beneficial not only for the physical, but also for the psychological and emotional health of the newborn. Close contact with the mother or father plays an important role, during which the concentration of hormones that provoke stress and nervousness decreases in the child’s body. These babies eliminate toxins faster and gain weight more quickly.

Basic rules of baby massage

Massage should be done in courses of 10-15 procedures, daily or every other day. Then a break of at least ten days is necessary. The procedure is done once a day.

At first, it is recommended to massage the baby for three to five minutes. As a result, the duration of the massage for infants three to four months old is no more than 15 minutes. Gradually the time is increased. At five months the baby is kneaded for 20-25 minutes; by six months the procedure can last up to half an hour.

Basic rules to follow when giving a massage to your baby:

  1. The massage therapist's hands should be warm and soft. Get rid of rings and bracelets that can damage your baby's delicate skin.
  2. Do not start the procedure earlier than an hour after the child has eaten. Also, after it you need to wait 30-40 minutes before your next meal.
  3. Ventilate the room before the massage and make sure that the temperature is not lower than 22°C.
  4. After the massage, the child should be dressed warmly and given time to rest and relax.

You cannot knead the baby if he is worried or crying. It's better to wait until he calms down. But even then it is advisable to make the most gentle movements possible. There is no need to start the procedure before bedtime. If your child is sick, take a break from the course. But during the process of stroking and rubbing, it will be useful to talk tenderly to the baby and hum something pleasant to him.

All movements must be performed gently and calmly. The main effects in massage of a child of three to six months:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading (vibration);
  • tapping.

Stroking is simple movements on the baby's skin with the palm of your hand. The remaining movements are carried out with the pads of the fingers. You can do circular or linear rubbing. Tapping is done first with one finger, then with several. These movements are also known as finger showers.

How to prepare for a newborn massage

Before starting a full-fledged procedure, check how the child reacts to different movements and touches. Refuse those influences to which he reacts painfully, or perform them as gently as possible. As an emollient, choose hypoallergenic oil for newborns.

Features of massage for babies of different ages

You need to select exercises for a newborn depending on his age and speed of development. If at three to four months it is mainly stroking and kneading, then at five to six months the complex may become more complex.

Massage for babies from 3 to 4 months

At the age of three to four months, the infant gradually loses increased muscle tone in the upper limbs. When giving a massage to a child at 3 months old, you can include the following movements:

  • stroking hands;
  • smooth raising of hands up;
  • spreading your arms to the sides and slowly bringing them crosswise on your chest;
  • stroking, rubbing and kneading the legs (from the foot to the upper thigh);
  • turning from back to stomach to the right and left (if the baby is already trying to lie on his side) with hand support;
  • stroking the abdomen clockwise and from the sides to the center;
  • chest vibration;
  • flexion and extension of the feet.

Each movement is repeated approximately three times. It is important to massage the abdomen clockwise so as not to disrupt intestinal motility. It is forbidden to impact the joints, armpits, groin area, nipples, and navel. When stroking and rubbing your limbs, pay attention to each finger

It is useful to include several exercises in a baby massage at 3 months. For example, the “swimmer”, in which the adult places the baby on his right arm, lifts him up and, using his left arm, extends his legs, as if swimming.

By the fourth month, hypertonicity of the flexor muscles finally disappears, and exercises that strengthen the muscles of the limbs can be included in the massage course. For example, neat bending and straightening of the legs. The legs are carefully lifted and gently pressed to the stomach, then carefully returned to their original position. This exercise is performed on two legs and on each in turn.

Massage for babies from 4 to 5 months

Massage for a 4-month-old baby includes the above exercises, to which are added:

  • turning the baby over several times on one side and the other;
  • lifting a child lying on his stomach for a second above the surface, stimulating the tension of the buttocks and back, raising the head;
  • flexion and extension of arms in turn.

At this age, the child is already able to lean on his arms during the procedure. Massage for children aged 4 months can also be carried out in a special chair, in a reclining position. It is impossible to hold the baby vertically, in order to avoid curvature of posture.

Exercises with fitballs are good for this age. The child should be placed on the ball with his stomach. Rocking on a fitball is beneficial for a child’s vestibular system. Be sure to hold him by the legs or back during the process to avoid injury.

Massage for babies from 5 to 6 months

A 5-month-old baby needs to perform a massage with the inclusion of more complex exercises. But the initial scheme, including stroking and rubbing the limbs, back, buttocks and abdomen, remains. At this age, when giving a massage to a child, perform the following movements and exercises:

  • support of the baby under the back, the child “floats” in the air;
  • patting the back with a humped palm, avoiding the kidney area;
  • easy lifting of the body by arms spread to the sides from a position on the back;
  • turning from back to stomach, supporting the baby by the legs;
  • bringing the child into a vertical position, asking him to grab the adult’s thumbs, holding the baby at the top with one hand, and with the other, lightly running his fingers along the spine;
  • The baby's hands make movements in a circle.

A professional massage for a 5-month-old child may include more complex movements, the implementation of which will be suggested by the massage therapist after meeting the child.