How to make a photo album with files for a baby. How to design a baby's album. Let's move on to the last stage

This master class will be dedicated to a DIY children's photo album. It's actually very nice to make such things for your baby or as a gift for someone. Any work made with your own hands carries individuality, originality and dissimilarity from other products that are produced in thousands of batches. An album made personally for your child will always remind you of the tenderness of a mother’s hands, the warmth of her heart, and will also be passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

Necessary materials for making a children's album:

- several sheets of thick cardboard;
— a thick folder with rings for sheets;
— 35 thick album sheets;
- glue;
— accessories for decoration;
- wallpaper sheets or any other sheets (for cover design);
— contour “Gold”;
- as well as all sorts of other accessories.

Master Class.

1. We will take a file folder as the basis for the album. If the folder is not hard enough (as in our case), we use sheets of cardboard. We measure the cardboard, cut it out and glue it along all the outer sides of the folder.

Now we need wallpaper sheets for the folder cover. In our master class there are 2 colors - for the top and bottom sides. We chose the colors in blue tones, since the album is designed for a boy. We cut the sheet for the bottom side of the folder a little larger in order to overlap the top side.

Using “Dragon” glue, we glue the bottom and top of the folder with album sheets. We use a press for this. After making sure that one side is well glued, proceed to the other.

After both sides are well glued, we proceed to the sides of the folder. To do this, carefully wrap the protruding ends of the wallpaper sheets.

We glue it with silicone glue and fold it onto the inside of the folder.

2. Let's start designing the folder. For this we use decorative ribbons. We glue the ends of the tapes in the middle of the inside of the folder.

Then we carry out and glue on outside along the entire height of the folder. We finish on the inside and glue it.

3. Open the folder and measure the size internal sides. You can also use wallpaper or scrapbooking sheets to decorate them.

In order to hide the “blunders”, we glue a strip in the middle of the folder, while measuring the space for the rings. Using decorative tape and a glue gun, we close any possible gaps between the sheets.

To easily close the album, we need to glue strips of tape (about 35-40 cm each) on the first outer and second inner parts of the folder.

4. Let's return to the external design of the album. Print out different children's themed backgrounds and icons in advance.

We use one of these backgrounds for the front of the album. Using a figured composter we decorate the bottom of the background sheet.

Glue this sheet to the top side so that it covers the tape.

We take the ribbon and paste it over all sides of the background sheet with the bear.

We cover the children's badge “Our Little Miracle” with lace in a circle and glue it to the album.

Cut out the printed background (date, height, everything) and glue it to the left inner part.

Sheets for photos can be printed on a printer or purchased at any craft store. We pierce them with a hole punch and hook them onto the album rings.

8. Make photo corners. Use a hole punch to decorate the sheets.

We cut out rectangles 6 cm long. We bring the ends to the middle.

We measure the size and location of the photo and draw it with a pencil.

We supplement the sheets with icons and accessories.

This is what we got.

The main thing in the design of the album is fantasy and mood. More often than not, what you end up with is not what you originally planned, but even more interesting. During creative work, various ideas appear. The most important thing in your home arsenal is to have all kinds of accessories with the help of which new and exclusive creative works are born.

Children grow very quickly, so you want to capture every moment of their lives. We live in a world of modern technology, in connection with this, everyone modern baby There is a huge number of a wide variety of photographs from birth to the present day.

To prevent your photos from getting lost in multiple devices, it's a smart idea to print them out and collect them in one photo album. And to make it as individualized as possible, try assembling the album yourself.

Scrapbooking technique- a popular trend among modern masters. This technique allows you to beautifully display in your works all your knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of creativity. Scrapbooking involves the use of various materials, for example, scrap paper, curly scissors, stamps, acrylic paint and many others. Together, these materials provide a finished composition, which may differ depending on the chosen theme, style, method of design and decoration.

A DIY children's photo album is an excellent practice for a beginner scrapbooker. Putting together the pages of your first album is not that difficult, and pasting in family photos and designing a photo album will allow you to develop your composition skills and taste as a craftsman. Creating a children's photo book does not require much effort and time, and the result can exceed all expectations and not only please, but also surprise all household members and guests.

The scrapbooking technique continues to win the hearts of craftswomen around the world. To make a photo album for children's photographs with your own hands step by step, you you will need:

The list contains interchangeable items, for example, the grommet installer can be replaced with a regular hole punch, and the glue can be replaced with double-sided tape. Choose materials that are familiar and convenient for you to make the task easier.

How to make a children's photo album with your own hands

Keeping it simple step by step master class, you can make a beautiful album for children's photographs:

What materials to fill the photo album with?

The album can be filled not only with photographs, but also useful information about the child, which he will be interested to know about himself: when his first tooth fell out, when he took his first step, words or sounds, favorite activities in the first year or even month of life. It is the “first” events that are the most touching and wonderful.

The album can be designed throughout your life, so leave a few blank pages at the end of the photo book. When a child grows up, he will be able to continue the album or even pass it on by inheritance, pasting in photographs of his children. Then your homemade photo album will turn into a real family heirloom!

Making a children's photo album is a pleasure! Each page, designed with your own hands, is filled with a special energy that cannot be felt when flipping through the pages of a purchased photo album. Don’t be afraid to tinker and create something with your own hands, and then your works will become a decoration at home and the pride of your family and friends!

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When you open an album with childhood photographs, a wave of the warmest memories comes flooding back. I want to plunge into those carefree times and feel the taste of childhood. To evoke especially vivid emotions, you should approach the design children's photo album colorful and creative. First of all, this concerns the baby’s first year album. It is at this time that many important events happen and the baby grows up rapidly. The design of the album can be timed to coincide with the celebration of the first birthday.

So, we offer some tips on how to “revive” and make your first photo album interesting.

Pregnancy photo

Start the album with photos of your pregnancy and baby's ultrasound.

Surely your child will want to know what your family was like before he was born. And it will be even more interesting for him to see what he was like before birth. Paste these photos onto the first page of the album. For a complete collection, you can also put a pregnancy test there - the first “snapshot” of your baby.

A pleasant surprise for your baby will be photographs of his parents at the same age. Place them at the beginning of the album as well. This is the best way to see the external resemblance of parents and baby.

Growing up

Show how your child grows up:

  • creating collages from photos,
  • hand and foot prints.

If you want to highlight how quickly your baby is growing, photograph him with the same toy or against the same background 3-4 times throughout the year.

Place these photos together on one page of the album - and you will clearly see how your child is growing up. It is better if these photos of the same type are taken close-up.

A wonderful addition to the collage would be the child's hand and foot prints at the beginning and end of the year. For this purpose, you can take finger paints or some kind of bulk material (sand, flour, etc.).

Sequence and theme of the photo

Combine two ways of maintaining an album: chronological and thematic

The ideal option for designing a photo album for the first year is to organize photos by topic, but in chronological order.

For example, the micro-theme “I eat” can demonstrate the child’s first complementary feeding and the first independent sitting in a high chair.

The next page of the album will reveal a different topic in chronological order. There can be any number of such micro-topics, the main thing is that chronology is maintained between them.

The most common of them are:

  • "My family";
  • "My achievements";
  • "My first steps";
  • “I am a researcher”;
  • “I’m swimming” and others.

Make the album “alive” and bright

Call on your imagination to help and “revive” a children's photo album. Decorate each page with pictures, patterns, frames, or stickers.

The designs can be very different: hearts, suns, flowers, butterflies, trailers, etc. Add ribbon bows, draw pretty frames around the photos, or make them in Photoshop before printing the photos.

By the way, you can also add an element of creativity to the photographs themselves: let them be both black and white and color; different shapes and with wavy edges; not only serious, but also funny.

Description of the child's character

Place a description of the baby in the album: his character, preferences, characteristics of growing up.

The design of the first photo album should be associated with the achievements of the baby.

  1. Describe how your baby grew up: when his first teeth erupted, what his first words were, when he first rolled over, crawled, sat up, walked, etc.
  2. Draw height and weight scales in your album and mark your child's monthly changes on them.
  3. Select a couple of pages to characterize the baby: the meaning of his name, his zodiac sign.
  4. Also, don’t forget to include the little creator’s first drawing, the text of his favorite song and nursery rhyme, and a description of his favorite game.

In modern times, photographs have become an integral part of our lives. We take pictures daily. But it is very important to save moments dear to your heart not in the memory of your phone or computer, but on paper. To store such photos, there are photo albums that you can buy or make yourself. The latter option will allow you to create a truly exclusive item that will reflect the family atmosphere.

In order to make such a photo album with your own hands, you will need the following materials:
- photo album in soft cover (if the number of sheets is small, then you need to take 2 or 3);
- binding or any other very thick cardboard;
- padding polyester;
- fabric (cotton, satin, linen);
- glue moment crystal;
- sewing machine;
- scissors, needles, pins, threads;
- cutting mat (optional);
- double sided tape;
- decorative cardboard;
- varied (lace, ribbons, buttons, chipboards).

First you need to prepare the base of the album: carefully tear off the cover of the blank.

We measure the width of the spine and add 5 mm of distance between the blocks (if there are several of them) and 20 mm on each side. Cut a cardboard strip of the resulting width. For length, you need to add 0.5 cm to the height of the block on both sides.

We attach strips of double-sided tape to the spine of the block at the top and bottom.

Glue the block to the prepared strip of cardboard and sew it on a machine with a zig-zag seam.

Using a needle, draw the threads onto reverse side spine and glue with tape. We bend the cardboard at a distance of 10 mm from the edge.

After this, we measure the length and width of the workpiece along the front side, and the width of the block. We cut out 3 parts of the cover from thick cardboard: 2 front parts (you need to add 1 cm to the parameters of the length and width of the front part of the album) and one spine (add 1 cm to the length, the width remains the same).

We apply glue to the blanks and glue them with padding polyester.

We cut the padding polyester to the edge of the cover and iron it through a layer of cotton fabric (this will make it flatter).

We take the fabric intended for the cover and cut it out, leaving 15 mm allowances on each side. First of all, lubricate the sides of the cover with glue and glue the material.

We glue the bottom and top, having previously cut off pieces for a beautiful corner.

The corners must be generously greased with glue and left to dry for 5-10 minutes (for a better effect, you can pin them with pins).

After drying, measure the length of the tie (lace or ribbon) and pin it around the perimeter of the album.

We sew the finishing stitch, retreating 5-7 mm from the edge.

We try on the decor and attach it. To ensure that nothing moves out during sewing, you can use double-sided tape.


Buy a photo album from the store. It would be better if it was a neutral-colored album with blank pages. This will allow you to design it in full accordance with your taste, nothing will limit your actions. Start your design with the cover. It can be decorated with magazine clippings, embroidery, or simply painted. Another option is to cover the cover with fabric. The diaper in which your baby was wrapped upon discharge from the hospital is very suitable for this.

The birth of a child is preceded by a wonderful time in the life of a young couple - and anxious anticipation of the birth of a new member of their family. Dedicate the first pages of the album to this time. Paste photographs of the mother, the first ultrasound pictures of the baby. Take the time to write down your impressions of this time while your memories are still fresh. Describe how you felt, how you interacted with your child, how dad stroked the tummy and put his hand on it when the baby moved.

Paste the very first photo of your baby into the album. Let it be a picture taken with a mobile phone in the maternity hospital. But this is the first photograph of a new person, and it has the right to take its place of honor. On this page, tell us about the emotions you experienced when you saw your child for the first time. Indicate date, time, weight and height. Then describe how you chose the name and what it means.

Discharge from the maternity hospital is one of the most touching and important points. Mark it in your baby's album. Tell us about this day - how happy the relatives were, what flowers dad gave mom when they met. Take a large photo of the baby, paste it into the album, and next to it - children's photographs of the parents. You can write down your guesses as to what features the baby is like his mother and in what ways he is like his father.

There is a very popular technique among young mothers filling out their baby’s album. Take a photo of your child next to a large toy. And take such photos regularly. As the child grows, you will be able to watch how he will first catch up with the toy in size, and then outgrow it. This series of photos will look quite funny.

The main thing in maintaining such an album is filling it out regularly. Try not to neglect it, make notes constantly. Glue strands of hair into it, decorate the album with prints of your child’s hands and feet. Dilute the photos with your memories, favorite poems and fairy tales that you read to your baby. In the future, you will open such an album more than once and flip through it with pleasure, remembering all the pleasant moments of the first days of your child’s life.