Lump on the right hand on the wrist. What to do if a hard bone appears on the wrist, an outgrowth from the outside and inside.

A bump on the inside of the wrist can be defined as a hygroma, but it is more correct to call such a tumor-like disease of the hand, by the way, very common, a synovial cyst.

The mechanism of formation of a synovial cyst is that the fluid that fills the joint cavity during its operation moves inside the capsule and, if there is a weak spot in the capsule, a protrusion occurs. This happens exactly in this place, and when the load increases, this formation can detach from the joint capsule and form a cyst - a closed cavity. Since it is lined with endothelial cells and further formation of synovial fluid continues, the cyst grows.

Sometimes the formation disappears without the participation of extraneous influences, this usually happens when the contents of the cyst break into the joint cavity, however, usually, after a while it can occur again.

Until a certain size is reached, this formation is painless, and does not create any problems, except perhaps aesthetic ones. However, in the process of development, its size increases and pain appears. This pathology is not life-threatening, but constant painful discomfort negatively affects the quality of life.

Intra-articular (synovial) fluid provides "lubrication" of the joint, preventing its wear.

Under heavy loads, when the pressure in the joint rises sharply, the synovial fluid can push the synovial membrane through a gap in the capsule, forming a synovial cyst, which is already outside the joint. Since the gap in the capsule is usually very small, the protruding part - - is clamped at its mouth by the capsule, and the synovial cyst can no longer return back to the joint. Synovial fluid, meanwhile, continues to be produced in it, which is manifested in an increase in the size of the cyst.

Distinguish mucosal hygromas of the hand that appear against the background of deforming arthrosis of the joints.

They are treated here by excision, along with altered skin. At the end of the operation, plastic surgery is performed either with free skin grafts or with the help of complicated skin reconstructions.

Tendon ganglia are formed from the walls of tendon sheaths and tendon sheaths. With such a pathology, there are not only pain sensations, but also a noticeable limitation of motor capabilities.

The tendon ganglion is treated by removing the formation. This is not a complicated operation, it is not fraught with relapses and side effects.

Hygroma of the wrist on the palmar surface of the wrist joint is less common, it usually develops in the place where the pulse is checked, which is of particular danger during surgery. Treatment of such a hygroma is a rather difficult task, since when isolating a cyst in the area of ​​​​the passage of the radial artery, one should act very carefully so as not to damage an important blood vessel. Otherwise, a serious injury to the artery is possible, which is fraught with a violation of the blood supply to the hand.

However, the treatment of wrist hygroma can be not only operative, but also conservative, although it is often ineffective. In particular, one of the methods used - puncture - can be considered useless, since it consists only in removing fluid from the formation. And, although the lump disappears for some time, the endothelial cells still continue to produce synovial fluid, and the hygroma eventually recovers to its previous volume.

Another method of treatment that has been used in the past is crushing, in which the membrane is torn and the synovial fluid is transferred into the tissues or joint cavity. However, the cavity still remains and the hygroma appears again, it is even possible to develop an inflammatory reaction here.

There is a more perfect method than puncture - blockade. Here, in addition to removing the liquid, a special preparation is introduced into the hygroma. Next, a tight bandage is applied, and as a result, the cavity of the empty hygroma grows together. However, relapses are still possible.

Therefore, the best method of treating hand hygroma remains surgical intervention, and in our time, not only a scalpel, but also a laser beam is used. However, the important thing here is not the choice between a beam and a metal instrument, but the choice of a skilled surgeon.

Hygroma of the wrist is a benign formation, which is a capsule, like a cyst, with serous contents on the wrist. The liquid inside the capsule contains mucus and fibrin strands. The tumor, as a rule, is formed in the area of ​​​​the joint, which experiences constant physical exertion, is exposed to friction and compression. Athletes, musicians, typists, seamstresses, etc. are at risk. Often, the disease can occur for no apparent reason.

Types of gigrom are determined by its location. But in medicine, two types are officially distinguished:

  • single-chamber;
  • multi-chamber.

This separation depends on the number of capsules in the neoplasm; multichamber hygroma is usually diagnosed in more advanced cases.

This disease can occur in the joints of the hands and feet. Hygroma of the hand most often affects the joints of the hand, wrist joints or wrists. Wrist hygroma is one of the most common types, the disease is typical for people engaged in small and monotonous manual labor (seamstresses, embroiderers, violinists, etc.). The hygroma of the wrist is shown in the photo - it has a characteristic appearance.

Another type of hand tumor is a hygroma of the wrist joint. All tumors can be described by one definition - hygroma of the hand. At the first stage, the tumor does not manifest itself in any way. It does not cause pain and can be completely invisible. As it grows, it can compress the surrounding tissues and nerves, causing some discomfort and even pain. Over time, an overgrown bump can become an obstacle to the normal functioning of the limb.

The size of the hygroma on average can reach from 2 to 5 cm. Outwardly, it looks like a bump on the wrist or in another area of ​​the hand. Despite the fact that the hygroma of the hand has a characteristic appearance, as can be seen in the photo, if you find yourself with a similar tumor, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a truly effective treatment.

Wrist hygroma: causes

As mentioned earlier, one of the most common types is wrist hygroma. The causes of this disease can be very diverse, consider the main ones:

  • monotonous, repetitive physical activity (small work performed by hands);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • an injury received in the past, especially if it has not been fully healed.

At risk are athletes who constantly use their hands - these are tennis players, golfers, table tennis, badminton. This also includes many musicians - pianists, violinists, cellists, etc. A cyst (tumor) of the wrist is an occupational disease of seamstresses, typists, embroiderers, etc.

The cause of the hygroma of the wrist can be a sprain, a fall on the arm and a severe bruise, fractures and dislocations. The disease can develop without special reasons, while it occurs in both adults and children.

If at first the hygroma on your hand may not cause you any inconvenience, then as it grows, it will not only look very unaesthetic, but it can also become an obstacle to your professional or daily household activities, it will be difficult for you to move your hand, raise gravity and so on. In the end, the question arises about the treatment of the disease and it is better not to delay it.

First of all, having found a seal on your hand, consult a doctor to make sure that this is really a hygroma of the wrist, you will be prescribed treatment based on the degree of development of the disease. At the initial stages, conservative methods of treatment can be prescribed. In more complex cases, surgical methods are used.

Consider all currently known methods of treating the disease:

  • Physiotherapy methods- are used if you do not have a running form, and in particular a hygroma of the wrist joint. Treatment is carried out using paraffin, mud wraps, electrophoresis, heating, etc. You should be aware that physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are unacceptable in the presence of an acute inflammatory process (for example, after rupture of the hygroma capsule and outflow of contents into the surrounding tissues).
  • ethnoscience. On initial stage to get rid of such an ailment as hygroma of the wrist joint, hygroma of the wrist, etc., treatment with folk remedies can be used. Among these methods, alcohol compresses, compresses with gruel from the fruits of physalis, etc. are widely used. A popular method of treatment is also the application of a copper penny. It is tightly bandaged to the affected area and left for 2 to 3 days. For treatment, you can also use an infusion of pine needles. To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand or wrist, where the bump has formed, is tightly bandaged and the bandage is periodically, as it dries, moistened with the prepared infusion. Also, in the fight against the disease, cabbage leaves are used, which have long been famous for their ability to relieve inflammation. A good effect also gives the use of red clay, which is mixed with water until a slurry is formed and applied to the affected area for a while. It should be remembered that folk remedies cannot be used as independent means of treating this disease. Most often they are used in complex treatment together with methods traditional medicine. On the feasibility of using folk remedies only your doctor can tell you, be sure to consult with him before using.
  • Puncture. This method is also used in cases where there is an uninitiated hygroma of the hand, the treatment in this case comes down to suctioning the contents of the tumor capsule with a syringe with a long needle. The puncture is also used to make an accurate diagnosis and exclude the presence of a malignant tumor instead of a hygroma. Today, this method of treatment is used less and less, as it often gives relapses of the disease. This is due to the fact that after the puncture, the capsule shell remains in place and, over time, may again begin to secrete pathological serous fluid. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, the patient is advised to use elastic bandages or bandages for the wrist joint, and, if possible, limit physical activity on the affected joint of the hand.
  • Surgical treatments. Removal of hygroma of the wrist joint, as well as other types, is carried out today by two methods: excision of the capsule and laser burning of the tumor. In the first case, the capsule is completely excised, and healthy tissues are sutured to the subcutaneous fat. After the operation, a tight bandage is applied to the area of ​​the wrist and wrist joint. The operation itself lasts about half an hour and is performed using local anesthesia. The sutures are removed as early as 7-10 days after the operation. A more modern and popular method of treating hand hygroma today is laser removal of the tumor. The neoplasm is burned out with a laser beam, without damaging healthy tissues. Rehabilitation after such an operation takes much less time, and relapses practically do not occur.

If you had to deal with such a disease as hand hygroma - do not rush to despair, modern medicine has a large arsenal of tools to combat this disease. By following all the recommendations of your doctor, you will soon be able to return to your usual lifestyle.

A bump on the wrist is a benign neoplasm that resembles a cyst. In medicine, it is also called. This is a specific capsule, inside of which there is an exudate with fibrin threads and mucus impurities. There may be several such cavity formations on the wrist. In this case, we will talk about a multi-chamber hygroma. Once the tumor has formed, it may not bother a person at all, but as it grows, discomfort arises both physically and aesthetically. Especially when the lump on the arm increases in size by more than five centimeters. In addition, its increase may be accompanied by severe pain.

A bump on the wrist is not a rare pathology. It can occur in absolutely any person, regardless of his age category and gender. Often, pathology is diagnosed even in children. To date, doctors cannot exactly name the cause of growth on the arm, but they know some predisposing factors. A trend was also noticed that such education is more often formed in the hands of representatives of certain professions. This gives every reason to attribute pathology to occupational diseases.

Etiological factors

As mentioned above, now it is difficult for clinicians to name all the reasons due to which a bump on the wrist may appear. But they distinguish certain groups of people (risk groups) in whom the pathology is diagnosed most often. They are conditionally divided into two groups:

  • the first group includes people who, due to their professional activities, are forced to perform the same brush movements every day. This includes seamstresses, violinists, people who are engaged in embroidery, and so on;
  • the second group includes people who are actively involved in sports and who constantly use their hands (constant strong physical exertion on the articular joint). These are tennis players, golfers and more.

Possible reasons for the formation of hygroma on the brush:

  • hand injury. It has been observed that quite often a bump on the wrist occurs in a person who has previously suffered an injury. For example, he fell on his arm or sprained his tendons;
  • hereditary predisposition. This theory also exists. If any of the parents has a tendency to form hygromas, then most likely it will be transmitted to their child;
  • inflammatory diseases of the articular joints.


At first, a bump on the wrist does not bother a person at all. Its growth can be both slow and rapid. As soon as the tumor begins to grow, appear and clinical picture this pathology:

  • a solid bulge forms on the wrist - this is the hygroma;
  • if you direct a strong light at it, then it will begin to shine through, and it will be possible to see the liquid that is localized inside it;
  • the skin over the hygroma may change somewhat. It usually becomes darker than the tissues surrounding the tumor;
  • if a sick person tries to make certain active movements with a brush, then he immediately has a strong pain syndrome.

Another symptom is numbness of the palm, as well as the inability of a person to make any movements with the fingers of the affected hand. Such a clinic is due to the fact that the tumor has already reached enough large sizes and begins to put pressure on blood vessels, as well as nerve fibers.


Usually diagnosing a hygroma is not difficult. The standard diagnostic plan for suspected such a tumor:

  • visual inspection and palpation of the neoplasm;
  • radiography of the hand to confirm the preliminary diagnosis;
  • tomography;
  • if there is a suspicion that this tumor may be malignant, then the patient is immediately prescribed a biopsy and puncture of the formed formation. This is necessary in order to identify atypical cells using laboratory analysis.

Therapeutic measures

The doctor determines the tactics of treatment only after the patient has undergone a complete examination and diagnosis. The method largely depends on the stage of neglect of this disease. At this time, three methods of treatment are recognized as the most effective:

  • physiotherapy treatment. The most gentle method of therapy. It is prescribed if the tumor is in the embryonic stage. The duration of treatment is one month. No discomfort or pain during the procedure, the patient will not experience;
  • puncture. The formed formation is pierced with a special syringe, with the help of which the exudate is pumped out of the capsule. Next, the articular joint is tightly fixed with an elastic bandage so that the cavity that remains after the removal of the fluid is fully overgrown;
  • operable intervention. It is used only in the most difficult clinical situations.

"Bump on the wrist" is observed in diseases:

Hygroma of the wrist is a benign formation, which in its characteristics is similar to a cyst. Outwardly, it is a kind of capsule, which inside is filled with a viscous secret with fibrin filaments (a kind of protein compounds). The tumor is formed in the area of ​​​​a certain joint, which most often experiences strong physical exertion.

Currently, many people are faced with the occurrence of such a pathology, as from the outside.

This benign neoplasm- hygroma, which is a synovial cyst with serous contents.

Hygroma growth is a long process - a small, slightly painful seal appears on the hand, which gradually increases to a large size. The disease is not life-threatening, but periodically causes pain and aesthetic discomfort.


Cystic formation on the wrist appears under the influence of the following factors:

Development mechanism

Under the influence of damaging factors, there is a violation of the integrity of the joint capsule and the release of synovial fluid beyond its limits. This fluid gradually overgrows with a dense shell, acquiring the appearance of a cyst, and increases in size. In advanced cases, it can reach 5 centimeters and spread to the hands.

Main symptoms

In most cases, hygroma on the arm does not cause severe symptoms. If the formation has just appeared, more often after an injury, slight pain may be disturbing. A rounded formation is visually determined, the skin above it is not changed, of normal color, it hurts slightly when pressed, dense to the touch, motionless, not soldered to the skin.

An increase to a large size can cause limited mobility in the wrist, compression of large vessels and nerves, which causes tingling and decreased sensitivity in the fingers, the limb may become cold.


Presents no difficulty. Based on the following methods:

  1. Anamnesis of the disease, examination and palpation examination. Allows you to clarify the cause of the disease, determine the localization of the process and identify symptoms.
  2. X-ray examination. With its help, the location of the formation is specified, and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are excluded.
  3. Ultrasonography. It is carried out to determine the type of hygroma - single-chamber or multi-chamber.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging. It is used less often, for in-depth examination and differential diagnosis.
  5. Biopsy of the tumor.


In case of traumatic damage to the formation, a violation of the integrity of the skin and a rupture of the capsule can occur. In this case, the synovial fluid comes out. Also trauma

  • Medical blockade. It is carried out with severe pain using glucocorticoid agents by introducing into the cyst cavity or into the surrounding tissues.
  • crushing technique. At the present stage of treatment, it is not used due to its inefficiency and the development of dangerous complications.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods. They are prescribed for small hygromas on the wrist: electrophoresis with iodine, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF therapy. They have analgesic, resolving, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.
  • Folk ways. They include such methods as paraffin applications on the brushes, red clay compresses, mud therapy, alcohol compresses, lotions from celandine, propolis ointment, mash from sea ​​salt and clay.
  • Surgical treatment

    Most effective method fight against hygroma. Two main methods are used:

    The bone on the wrist is a non-life-threatening disease, does not turn into malignant form, but brings a lot of inconvenience. To prevent the occurrence of this pathology, it is necessary to avoid prolonged and significant loads on the hands. Alternate physical activity and rest, to carry out gymnastic exercises. If a small lump appears and hurts, you should consult a doctor for the timely appointment of complex treatment. This will avoid excessive growth of hygroma and possible complications.

    A bump on the hand is a pathological neoplasm, inside of which a mucous exudate with fibrin threads (a specific protein) is localized. Such a bump does not pose a particular danger to human health, since it has a benign character and the absence of a tendency to degenerate into a malignant process. At first, a person may not even notice that education has appeared and is beginning to develop. Later, it becomes noticeable not only due to its size and appearance, but also due to the manifested symptoms.

    The bump is formed on the joint of the hand gradually. Such a neoplasm can occur in absolutely any person - the pathology has no restrictions regarding gender or age category. In any case, if a bump appears on the bend of the arm, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. Only he will be able to identify the cause of the pathology, its type, if necessary, perform a puncture of the formation to clarify the nature of the exudate. Only after this will the correct treatment of the pathology be prescribed.

    Such a neoplasm on the wrist joint is also called in the medical literature. Education can have as one capsule, which contains pathological exudate, there are several at once. In this case, doctors talk about the formation of a multi-chamber hygroma.

    Etiological factors

    To date, clinicians cannot reliably say what provokes the appearance of a bump on the hand. But the main predisposing factors to this have been identified. So, to provoke the formation of a tumor-like formation can:

    • the presence of an inflammatory process in a number of localized tissues, as well as in the joint itself;
    • degenerative pathologies of the articular joint;
    • systematic and monotonous loads on the hand;
    • consequences after traumatization of the hand of any nature. Often, a hygroma on the wrist joint is formed after a dislocation, an improperly healed fracture, sprain, or even rupture of the ligamentous apparatus;
    • hereditary factor. It was found that if a hygroma periodically occurs in one of the parents, then it is highly likely that it will also occur in their offspring.

    Hygroma is often called an occupational disease, since a bump on the hand is formed in people whose professional activities force them to make daily brush movements of the same type. For example, a bump is formed by musicians, workers who sit at the computer all day, those who are engaged in needlework.


    Once the lump has formed, it usually does not make itself felt by any pronounced symptoms. The only thing that can bother a person is the aesthetic side of the problem. As the neoplasm grows, certain symptoms gradually begin to appear:

    • the formation in the region of the brush acquires a rounded shape. On palpation, it is soft-elastic;
    • in the place of localization of the formation, a change in the skin is noted. It becomes denser and slightly rough;
    • the patient notes that when probing the hygroma it hurts. The hand also hurts if the patient tries to make active movements with it;
    • hyperemia may be noted (in the acute stage);
    • when the hygroma increases enough in size, it begins to put pressure on the nerve fibers and blood vessels, which leads to severe pain even at rest, as well as to numbness of the skin.

    It is noteworthy that the formation of a bump is observed on the working hand. It means that if a person is right-handed, then the hygroma is formed on the right hand, if left-handed - on the left.


    Usually a person seeks help already at a time when the hygroma hurts. But here it is important to understand that the sooner such a pathology is detected, the easier it will be for doctors to cure it. If a tumor appears, you should immediately go to a medical facility for a full diagnosis. The doctor will need to find out the type of tumor, why it appeared. For this purpose, the following methods of instrumental diagnostics are assigned:

    • radiography;
    • Ultrasound and, if necessary, MRI;
    • if the doctor doubts the type of tumor, then they may be assigned a biopsy of the formation.

    Therapeutic measures

    The lump on the hand is removed today by several methods - the choice is made by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the pathology and the general condition of the patient's body. The following are considered the most effective:

    • physiotherapy treatment. This method of therapy is used only if the tumor on the hand has just formed - otherwise (when the process is running), there will be no effect from the treatment. The duration of the course is a month. The procedures are painless for the patient;
    • puncture. Frequently used manipulation. The formed hygroma on the hand is pierced with a special syringe, and pathological exudate is pumped out of it. After that, the arm is fixed with a bandage so that the cavity that remains is gradually completely overgrown;
    • Joseph Addison

      With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.