Classic or. Classic or not, or what classical music is. Principle of classical music

Once, when I came to a music store to buy my first instrument, I asked to give me a classical guitar, but with iron strings. What was the following dialogue:

- so what kind of guitar do you want? Classical or acoustic?

- What is the difference between classical and acoustic guitar models?

— there are differences, now I’ll tell you them and show both guitars.

Let us tell you the difference between these guitars and which one is better.

When choosing this musical instrument, at first you may encounter two of its most popular definitions - classical and acoustic model. People who want to learn to play the guitar often ask the same question on various forums - which of the two varieties of this musical instrument better and preferable. As in many cases, there is no clear and specific answer to this question. It all depends on the individual case. But, nevertheless, after reading this article, every reader will understand what the difference is and will be able to consciously decide and do the right choice the model that suits him.

Classic model

The history of the classical guitar goes back several hundred years and dates back to the eighteenth century. The ancestor country of the “classics” is Spain, which is why such a guitar is sometimes called “Spanish flu” among the common people.

Features and properties:

The Classic model instrument is distinguished by a relatively small body (amateurs call it a drum), which adds convenience and grace to it. The body, as a rule, is made of valuable coniferous wood - cedar, spruce, etc.
This variety has a wide neck, which has either a solid cross-section consisting of one solid piece of wood, or has a composite character (several wooden blanks stacked on top of each other). As a rule, there are nineteen frets on the neck of the classic version (a fret is the distance between two vertically located metal rods).
The neck is attached to the body using glue.

The musical instrument is equipped with nylon (plastic-based material) strings, which may be black or White color. Strings made of this material do not provide much resonance, which results in a quiet and soft sound.
The genres of music most suitable for playing on this type of guitar are Spanish, Latin American compositions, as well as ballads, plays, and romances.
Due to its simplicity and convenience, this musical instrument is often used for teaching in educational institutions.
Classic model excellent suitable for beginners, due to its small size, soft strings and comfortable neck

Acoustic model

This variety does not have such rich history, as in the case of "classics". The acoustic model is about one hundred years old. The instrument gained worldwide fame, coming from America, where musical styles such as jazz and folk flourished in the mid-twentieth century. After all, works of these genres, performed to the accompaniment of acoustics, sound very picturesque and attractive.

Properties and features:

The musical instrument has a large body, which, in part, provides deep sound.
In the middle of the section, along the entire length of the “acoustic” neck, there is a metal rod - an anchor. This element ensures the strength of the neck structure and protects it from breaking, since the strings are stretched with great force and create considerable bending force. In addition, a metal anchor adjusts the position of the neck relative to the body.
The neck is glued to the body like a classical guitar.

The musical instrument is equipped with metal strings, which, by creating high resonance values ​​with the body, provide an “acoustic” sound. Strings can have an outer braid made of various materials. The metal of the winding affects the sound. Eg:

  • Phosphorus-bronze. Strings with this combination of material have thicker, rich bass and a velvety sound, but less clear high frequencies. The braid of these strings has a bronze-orange color.
  • Bronze-tin. Strings that are optimal for the level of high and low frequencies; in most cases, these are the strings that famous manufacturers of musical instruments install on their guitars. Yellow-golden braid
  • Steel or nickel steel. The common people call them “silver”, although of course there is no silver there. Characterized by a distinct bright ringing sound. Silver-gray braid.

Important: it should be noted that the use of metal strings in the classical version is unacceptable, since the absence of a steel anchor in the neck of the “classic” can lead to its breakage due to the high tension force of such strings.

Works that are relevant for performance to the accompaniment of “acoustics” belong to the styles of rock and roll, pop, chanson, folk music and any yard melodies.

This guitar will be a little difficult to learn, since the metal strings cut your fingers more. But if you are willing to endure for three weeks, then the sound will certainly please you.

Choosing between two tools

When making a choice, a beginner should focus on the following points:

The metal strings of an acoustic guitar, due to the rigidity of the material and strong tension, are capable of a short time provide calluses to the fingers of an untrained person. Of course, this phenomenon is temporary and over a period of time the fingers will harden, no longer causing discomfort when playing, but at first the player will be accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

The soft nylon strings of the classic model are much better in this regard. In addition, due to the low tension force, they are less likely to tear.

The number of strings in a “classical” is always six, while an “acoustic” can have from six to twelve strings (a twelve-string guitar).

For young musicians, the small body of the classic model will be preferable to “acoustics”, the overall dimensions of which require getting used to.

Manufacturing materials

If we talk about the material from which the body is made, there are two main options - wood or plywood.

  • Wood provides a dull and noble character to the sound, but on the other hand, a body made of valuable wood species significantly increases the cost of a musical instrument. Don’t forget about storage - wood does not tolerate temperature changes and conditions of high humidity, which negatively affects sound quality.
  • Plywood is more resistant to moisture, temperature changes or direct sunlight. The cost of such guitars is usually not high; famous guitars will cost from 90 US dollars or 6,500 rubles. But such guitars do not have a good and deep sound.

It was noted above that the “classical” neck is wider and in the case of playing using special “barre” chords, the left wrist will experience pain at the first stages of use, due to the need to completely cover the fingerboard with your fingers.

Another difference between the two models is the lack of a truss rod in the classic neck.

The anchor provides greater structural reliability and resistance to the external environment, as well as the ability to adjust the deflection of the neck. Although more and more often, budget models of classical guitars have a truss rod in the neck.

When playing an acoustic guitar, a mediator is often used - a special plate made of metal or plastic that adds volume to the sound. Such a device is not applicable to the “classics”, unlike the first option.


Having examined the features, properties and differences of each of the guitars, it will become much easier to choose one of the two options considered and say which model is best for you.

However, all the above points relate, by and large, to physical characteristics, which are not always decisive.

Still, it’s worth putting your musical preferences first. "Acoustics" are capable of producing much louder, clearer and higher tones. Therefore, if the player gravitates towards pop styles, rock and roll, jazz, blues or folk, then feel free to take an acoustic guitar, and you will not regret your choice.

But the classic one shouldn’t be written off either. This type of instrument is ideal for performing classical compositions, fiery Spanish melodies, romances and plays. and also great for learning.

Over time, you will have both models, since each of them is unique and cannot replace the other.

Imagine the situation: you walked into a music store with genuine determination and asked the seller to provide you with a seemingly simple service - to give you a very ordinary guitar. And in response, he asks a completely unexpected question: “Which one do you want - classical or acoustic?”...

Confusion regarding the differences between classical and acoustic guitars is the most common problem. Almost every beginning musician encounters this problem when they go shopping for their first musical instrument without proper preparation. While there are certainly more similarities than differences between a classical and an acoustic instrument, they are still two completely different instruments suited to their own specific purposes. And so that you don’t join the ranks of confused buyers, but are sure of exactly what instrument you need, you should read this article, which shows all the differences between an acoustic and classical guitar.

Modern vs. Traditionally

So, let's start with the ABCs of guitar making. Classical guitars, also known as Spanish guitars or Spanish guitars, historically predate other types of guitars. Today they are used mainly for teaching, including in higher education institutions of music, and for performing classical or Spanish music. However, the purpose of the classical guitar is not limited to this; it is also well suited for performing simple songs and melodies that do not require particularly complex techniques.

The acoustic guitar, often called “pop,” appeared much later and is used for playing in a variety of modern styles. Various shapes guitars are used to perform modern pop songs or tunes, light rock, country, blues or jazz. It will be quite difficult to perform even a simple classical melody on such an instrument, but it is excellent for stage work, giving a more ringing and loud sound.

Guitars are out of shape today

If you put two of the most common classical and acoustic guitars next to each other, it will be difficult to differentiate between them. notice special differences. Typically, a classical guitar is simply slightly smaller in size, has no variation in shape, and does not feature original finishes. Acoustic guitars can be different forms and buildings, depending on what type of music they are intended for. The most common forms of acoustics are Western, Jumbo, Grand Auditorium, Country and others. The body of an acoustic guitar is slightly larger, which allows for more powerful resonance, and acoustic instruments come in a wide variety of finishes. Still, the differences in the shape and external structure of the two types of guitars are negligible in terms of sound quality and playability.

Of course, the material from which the instruments are made plays a special role in the quality and purity of sound. However, there are no significant differences to be found here either. The tops of almost all classical guitars are made of spruce or cedar, and the rest of the body is made of mahogany. Among acoustic guitars, you can find a greater variety of materials used; the body of the instrument can be made of a wide variety of woods, which, of course, affects the musical qualities of the instrument and determines its suitability for performance in a particular style.

Vultures are different

One of the most important differences between classical and acoustic guitars is their necks, which largely determines the choice of one or another musical instrument. The neck of a classical guitar is generally made of solid wood and is wide, flat, short and has an unadjustable deflection. On an acoustic guitar, on the contrary, in most cases
a neck is installed from several layers of different wood, often equipped with a special metal rod - an anchor, which compensates for the tension of the strings, and also makes the instrument more durable and resistant to external influences and atmospheric changes. The neck of an acoustic instrument is narrower, can be made in a variety of shapes, and its deflection is usually adjustable.

Each type of tool has its own characteristics adapted to its purpose. The wide and flat neck of a classical guitar ensures a long spacing of strings and frets, which makes playing simple melodies especially convenient and suitable for beginning musicians. However, this structure of the instrument can cause significant problems for musicians with narrow hands, who will simply find it inconvenient to pinch chords.

Acoustics, on the contrary, allow you to play even complex melodies with great convenience with minimal load on the hand, thanks to its narrow neck and close spacing of the frets. However, this also creates difficulties for beginners and makes it difficult to play complex and classic melodies.

And now everyone has come to attention!

Anyone who has read articles about choosing a guitar will say that the basis for the differences and choices is the material from which the instrument is made. But, oddly enough, the main difference between an acoustic and a classical guitar has to do with... the strings. Everything is simple here: nylon strings are installed on classical music, and metal strings on acoustics, and there is no other way.

What's the difference? - you ask. Well, the classics with their nylon strings give a soft, gentle and very rich timbre sound. If you have in your hands a quality instrument made from good wood, then you will not find any flaws in its sound. Besides everything else, nylon strings are much easier to clamp, and for a beginner this is really perfect option. Acoustics, on the other hand, give a more powerful, ringing and “rock” sound thanks to metal strings, which is excellent for performing modern songs and compositions, and also allows you to use the instrument on the stage. In addition, metal strings, being stronger and more durable, make it possible to use various techniques, such as, for example, tightening the strings a tone or higher. However, clamping such strings is much more difficult.

The placement of the strings on both instruments is also important. On an acoustic, due to the narrower neck, the strings are located much closer to each other, which puts less stress on the hand and allows you to play simple, not very tricky melodies with greater ease. But it’s easy to guess that the close arrangement of the strings on the instrument can create many difficulties for a beginner, who will at first find it difficult to orient and press the desired chord. The classical guitar benefits in this regard, as the strings are spaced much further apart, allowing greater freedom and comfort for inexperienced fingers.

So what should we punch?!

Ultimately, the choice between classical and acoustic depends on the preferences and aspirations of the musician himself. Most music schools, of course, recommend purchasing a classical guitar, as it allows you to easily master the basic principles of playing without putting much strain on the musician’s hands. After this it will be easier to switch to other types of tools. In addition, classical guitars are presented in win-win and affordable options, so if you are determined to master the guitar, you can safely pick up a Hohner HC-06 or Yamaha C40 and get to work.

On the other hand, acoustic guitars come in a greater variety and have a wider range of applications. You can study with its help, amuse your friends in front of the fire, or cherish the dream of life on stage. Of course, learning to play an acoustic guitar will be quite difficult due to the close proximity of the metal strings and its large size, however, if difficulties do not frighten you or you are not afraid to create them for your students, then you can start learning with an acoustic guitar and will soon play on classics whatever you want.

Very often we are asked the same question: “How is a classical guitar different from an acoustic guitar?” In this material we will describe all the similarities and differences between these guitars.

To begin with, we note that the concept " acoustic guitar" carries a double meaning. On the one hand, this is a very broad concept - a type of guitar that has a body with a cavity and a resonator hole. On the other hand, there is a narrower meaning of this word. An acoustic guitar is often called an American-style pop guitar with a body like " western", "dreadnought", "jumbo"...
That is, one word “acoustic” can describe different guitars, hence all the confusion. As ridiculous as it may sound, let's put it this way: classical and acoustic guitars are subtypes of acoustic guitar.
Now, for clarity, let’s consider two narrow types of guitars, which are usually discussed when comparing classical and acoustic guitars.

Classical guitar

The classical guitar is one of the most ancient types of guitars. Previously, classical compositions were performed on it, but nowadays the scope of its application is wider. Yet it is a more traditional and conservative instrument compared to other types of guitars. The classical guitar is often recommended for teaching in music schools. Here good example entry level tool: Martinez C-91/N


  • Frame: medium-sized (compared to Western guitars), classic shape
  • Vulture: wide (width at the sill - 52 mm)
  • Strings: Nowadays, 99% of classical guitars have nylon strings. Soviet guitars with metal strings are a relic of the past. It is extremely rare to find classics with metal these days.
  • Game method: predominantly finger technique
  • Sound: warm, soft, velvety
  • Advantages of the classical guitar: easier to learn; easier to clamp strings; it is easier to perform classical works; comparatively lower cost

Acoustic guitar

The acoustic guitar in the narrow sense of the word is an instrument that dates back to American culture in the early 20th century. This guitar is played in non-classical styles: country, blues, rock. Although you can also play the classics, no one will forbid you from doing so :)


  • Frame: mostly large. Case shape may vary. Note that the body shape of the "folk" type is comparable in size to a classical guitar (for example, COLOMBO LF-3800 SB). Such a guitar will easily fit into a case for “classics”. The other shapes (dreadnought, jumbo, auditorium...) are larger than the classical guitar.
  • Vulture: narrow (43-45 mm at the sill)
  • Strings: metal.
  • Game method: finger and mediator techniques. You can use the technique of tightening the strings ("bend")
  • Sound: bright, loud, ringing.
  • There is often a cutout and a protective “drop” on the body (to prevent the body from being scratched by the pick)
  • There is a truss rod in the neck. It is needed to regulate the deflection of the neck
  • Advantages of an acoustic guitar: loud sound, convenient belt mounts, convenient to play with a pick, easy to use bends

So, upon closer examination, classical and acoustic guitars have both similarities and many differences. And yet which one to choose? Which guitar is better, acoustic or classical? In this matter, we will not advise one thing. For the most part, it's all a matter of taste and personal choice. If you are in doubt, we recommend that you simply listen to the sound of different guitars and choose the one you like best. After all, the most enjoyable thing is to learn to play the guitar whose sound you like best.

Rely on your hearing! Choose the guitar whose sound you like best, and to do this, watch the video comparison:



adj., used compare often

Morphology: adv. classically

1. A work, work, etc. is called classic, if they were created by a classic, a person who is a role model, an authority for others.

Classical literature, music. | Classical philosophy, theology.

2. Any actions, deeds, phenomena, etc. are called classic, if they are typical, characteristic of something, someone.

Outside the window one could see a classic cityscape. | He developed a classic smoker's cough. |


He conducted the trial in a classic manner!

3. Classic style is a simple, strict, traditional style that is not subject to change.

Classic English suit. |


Classically austere posters hang on the walls.

4. Classic it is called something that relates to classicism as a direction of art and architecture.

Classic comedy.

5. Classic they call what belongs to antiquity, to the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Classical languages. | Great writers of classical antiquity.

6. Classic they call what is associated with the study of antiquity, ancient Greek and Latin languages ​​and ancient literature.

Classical department of the Faculty of Philology. | Get a classical education.

7. Appearance, figure, facial features are called classic, if they correspond to ideas about beauty in the ancient world.

Classic beauty. |


Classically correct features.

8. Classical dances are called dances in which dancers move according to certain, traditional rules.

She decided to take up classical dancing.

Ballroom dancing

9. Classic wrestling is a type of sports competition that appeared in ancient times, when two wrestlers can grab each other and put them on their shoulder blades.

Classical wrestling competitions.

10. Classic in colloquial speech they call what is best, exemplary.

She bakes classic pies!

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “classical” is in other dictionaries:

    1) Latin or ancient Greek. 2) generally exemplary, the best. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. CLASSIC Exemplary. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    See exemplary... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. classic best, correct, strict, exemplary; antique, ancient; die and not get up, no words, awesome,... ... Synonym dictionary

    classical- oh, oh. classique adj., m.1. Created by an exemplary ancient (Ancient Greek or Roman) author. And according to the unanimous opinion of all scientists, among such most necessary books are the ancient classical Authors. EU 1763 1 271. // Sl. 18… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - [asi], classical, classical. 1. Created by a classic, characteristic of a classic (in 1 meaning; bookish). Classical music. A classic work on chemistry. || trans. Wonderful, excellent (colloquial). The speaker responded classically (adv.) to his opponents. 2... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Classical- Classic ♦ Classique Etymologically – an author of the first order (from the Latin classicus, i.e. first-class). In the future with light hand Not very consistent pedagogical tradition began to call authors studied “in ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    CLASSIC, oh, oh. 1. see classicism. 2. Being a classic (1 value); created by a classic, by classics. Russian classical writers. Classic literature. 3. Antique, relating to the ancient Greco-Roman culture. Classical languages... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    classical- - Topics information protection EN classical ... Technical Translator's Guide

    I adj. 1. Created by a classic [classic I], by the classics; perfect, exemplary. 2. Best of its kind; excellent. II adj. Particularly characteristic; typical. III adj. 1. Associated with the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans; antique. 2. Related to... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    I adj. 1. Created by a classic [classic I], by the classics; perfect, exemplary. 2. Best of its kind; excellent. II adj. Particularly characteristic; typical. III adj. 1. Associated with the world of the ancient Greeks and Romans; antique. 2. Related to... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • Classical dance, N.P. Bazarova, Textbook written by an experienced teacher and methodologist of the Leningrad Choreographic School. A. Ya. Vaganova, includes teaching methods in the middle classes of the choreographic school.… Category: Dance. Ballet. Choreography Publisher: Art,
  • Classical Syriac, Akopyan Arman Egishevich, “Classical Syriac” is the first Russian-language textbook of the Syriac language (i.e., the Edessa dialect of Aramaic), one of the most important languages ​​of Eastern Christianity. Textbook... Category:

In Russian there is one word “classical”, but in English there are two at once: classic and classical. Is there a difference between them and what is it? What should we use if we are talking about classical music or literature?

Classic #1

Pronunciation and translation:
Сlassic [ˈklæsɪk] / [kl`esik] - classic

Meaning of the word:
An item of high quality that is generally considered to be one of the best in its field or meets some traditional standards of beauty, style, etc.

It is used when we want to indicate that what we are talking about is valued because it embodies the best features of its style, era, area, etc. For example: Classical (classic) a suit will never go out of style. "Roman Holiday" is classic Hollywood movie.


At the theater she was wearing a classic dress.
It was on at the theater classic dress.

After I had earned his first million I bought a classic 50s Cadillac.
After making my first million, I bought classical Cadillac 50s

Classic #2

Pronunciation and translation:
Classic [ˈklæsɪk] / [kl`esik] - typical

Meaning of the word:
A typical representative of a group.

Shows that a particular item is not unique in its field and embodies it character traits. For example: Typical (classic) error, typical (classic) example.


This story is a classic example of what can happen if you take a big risk without thinking.
This story - typical an example of what can happen if you take big risks without thinking.

Unfortunately John became a victim of a classic case of fraud.
Unfortunately John became a victim typical case of fraud.

Classic #3

Pronunciation and translation:
Сlassic [ˈklæsɪk] / [kl`esik] - a classic work

Meaning of the word:
Used to refer to the most significant literary works of the past.

This word means exactly the same thing as “classics” in Russian when we talk about literature. Please note that in English classic- this is precisely a “work” - that is, one. If you want to say " classic" How totality books(for example, Russian classics), then use the plural ( classics). For example: Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" is classic (classic) world literature; John loves to read classics (classics).


Many teachers are worried that classics aren't popular among teenagers anymore.
Many teachers are concerned that classical literature is no longer popular among teenagers.

The musical "Notre-Dame de Paris" is based on the timeless classic by Victor Hugo.
The musical "Notre Dame de Paris" is based on the immortal classic the work of Victor Hugo.


Pronunciation and translation:
Classical [ˈklæsɪkəl] / [kl`esikal] - classic

Meaning of the word:
Belonging to a specific historical period in the past.

As a rule, under the word classical implies strictly defined periods in the history of culture and art.
When we talk about literature or architecture- meaning ancient Greece And Rome(those. antiquity).
If we are talking about music- that is European orchestral music XVIII-XIX bb., as well as modern music that continues this tradition.


Classical composers such as Beethoven are still popular.
Classic composers such as Beethoven are still popular.

There's a large collection of classical art in this museum.
This museum has a large collection antique(ancient Greek and Roman) art.

What is the difference?

Classic #1- a high quality item, the best among its kind. For example: This store specializes in clothing in classic style. Neil collects models classic (classic) cars.

Classic #2
- a typical item among its own kind. For example: Lack of time is typical (classic) problem of a first year student. Promising to help and doing nothing is straight typical (classic) Jack! And why do I still turn to him?

Classic #3- a classic literary work. For example: Reading classics (classics) included in the school curriculum. The author analyzes classic work (classic) N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

Classical- relating to the culture of ancient Greece or Rome or to European music of the 18th-19th centuries. For example: Many works antique (classical) philosophers have not survived to this day. Listening classical music calmed Mary.

Reinforcement task

Fill in the correct words in the following sentences. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. The lawyer’s office was decorated in ___ style.
2. Many theater productions are modern interpretations of ___.
3. Dan whiled away the evening watching ___ films from the golden age of Hollywood.
4. ___ the mistake of a beginning guitarist is the positioning of his hand.
5. When there is nothing else to talk about, ___ weather becomes the topic of conversation.
6. When I learned to play the piano, I learned pieces of ___ music.
7. George Orwell's novel 1984 quickly became ___.
8. If you like ___ architecture, then I advise you to go to Athens.