How to become tall in a short time. How to increase your height


The most effective method increase height and in adulthood there is therapy. The fact is that the cause of short stature is a lack of the hormone somatotropin. It is with its help that bones grow, so if this hormone is prescribed by a doctor in strictly regulated doses, you can grow by 10-12 cm. However, hormone therapy also has serious problems; as a result of taking the drugs, not only those bones that are needed grow, but also all the others .

Increase height possible through the synthesis of the hormone somatotropin. It is achieved by taking vitamins E, C and B3. If you drink 150 mg of vitamin C and 100 mg of tocopherol per day, the somatotropin content will increase to 23%. Still need to take it. containing zinc, they promote the formation of another hormone in the body - somatomedin. It also helps bones grow.

In an effective way increase height and 10-12 cm is a leg lengthening operation. During this procedure, the bones are first broken, then a compression-distraction device is put on them and the bones are fused, gradually stretching them. The process takes about a year, it is very painful and complex, and there may be complications.

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Many girls feel complex about their figure, breast size and waist circumference. You can go in for sports, lose weight, choose special underwear... But what if the girl is not at all girlish, about five feet eighty? Pull your head into your shoulders and forget about heels forever? There are simpler solutions.


An increase can also reduce height. To do this, it is not at all necessary to eat toriks in unlimited quantities. Volume can be added with clothing and accessories. Instead of a very tight turtleneck, shave a blouse with a cowl collar. Instead of skinny jeans, flared knee-length trousers. A large knit sweater, a tied stole - all this will make you visually a little lower.

To all the above points, you can add one more, very important one. Don't forget about self-confidence. Walk with your shoulders straight and back, and remember that someone really wants to be as tall as you.


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How to grow up by 10 centimeters? Height is genetically inherent in every person, so you are unlikely to be able to grow dramatically. But it often happens that a person is simply not developed enough for his age. If you are unhappy with your height and know that your body has more potential, you should follow some guidelines and tips to help you grow taller. So what can drive growth?



Everyone knows that human height is determined at the genetic level, so you shouldn’t count on sudden “growing up.” In 80 cases out of 100, a person is simply not developed enough to reach his maximum height.

Helpful advice

Nowadays, with a great desire, any person can increase their height to 10 centimeters both at home and with the help of medicine.


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Pull height, or rather bone and connective tissue, can be done both at home and in the hospital. Few people undergo surgical intervention, since the rehabilitation after it is long and painful. But stretching out a few centimeters will be useful not only for people who want to become taller, but also for everyone in order to straighten the spine and improve muscle tone.


Sleep on a hard bed and low pillow. During sleep, the body straightens and increases height and by evening everything returns to its place. But still, with regular sleep on, the spine becomes straighter, thanks to which you win in height it's a few centimeters.

Swimming increases well height. Sign up for a swimming pool, but you need to go there at least three times a week and do active water exercises, and not height about drying in clean water. It’s better to consult with a trainer so that you can be advised on what and how you need to achieve the fastest results.

All exercises aimed at stretching connective tissues increase height. Take up regular pull-ups on the horizontal bar, doing it daily. You can also do push-ups and do whatever you like best. The main thing is to develop muscle tissue.

Eat well while exercising. You can buy protein shakes that will supply your body with everything it needs. You should get the most nutrients from food, but this does not mean that you need to eat fatty foods. A balanced meal five times a day without excessive consumption of fat is the best option.

Helpful advice

Growth does not increase immediately. You will notice a positive result after at least 2-3 months of regular exercise.

How difficult it is for small people to live in the world of tall people... Alas, often these are just ordinary complexes that do not even have a hint of the truth of their views. As people say, what is natural is not ugly. If nature has created it this way, then fight your complexes and enjoy who you are. Otherwise, depression can very easily develop. And any insult, like “ height didn’t come out” or... But why “or”? Let's focus on the problem of growth.


Height may also have to do with genetic material. More precisely, not even “may have,” but most likely. Human height is biologically not susceptible to modification. Therefore, it's all about genes. If both father and mother were height sixty meters, then it will be unnecessary to hope that he (or she) will rise above the ground by eighty meters. Most likely, the child will really be taller than his own, but not by much. The difference will be within ten centimeters. However, certain factors can disrupt the metabolism, and contrary to genetics, it will become significantly higher than the level at which it should be.

However, if you are already twenty years old and you are unhappy with your height, then there are the following options for modifying the body - surgical and non-surgical. Both methods take time. Let's look at each in more detail.

No surgical intervention. If there is no particular desire to lie down for months, then you can resort to a slower, but quite effective method of increasing height. This . Mainly basketball and volleyball. What is a significant advantage of these sports is that you have to jump high in order to pass a pass or intercept a flying ball. This, in turn, causes the back muscles to stretch, dragging the attached areas with them.

Therefore, we can conclude that with regular practice of these sports exercises in a game format, growth will gradually increase. But here another “but” awaits us - the length of the legs will remain the same, but the torso will stretch a little. This may seem a little irrational to some people. But as such, the majority will not notice too much change, but there will be changes nonetheless. At a minimum - increased height, at a maximum - height, developed muscles, respiratory system, endurance.

If you decide to resort to surgical intervention, it is your right. Just keep in mind that this operation is quite expensive, will take a lot of time (about 4 months), and you will have to break your legs in order to separate them a little and allow them to grow together again. In addition, this is a rather painful procedure. Plus, for several months it will be very painful to walk, and you will have to resort to crutches. And further. Bones will break and move apart more than once. So the hell that a person goes through once will be repeated several times.

On the one hand, remaining a child at heart is not so bad. After all, children, like no one else, know how to enjoy everyday little things and be sincere. On the other hand, children also have negative qualities inherent to their age: capriciousness, lack of independence, inability to think about the future. All this is quite understandable and appropriate at 7 years old, but when the “child” turns 20, it’s time to grow out of such qualities.


If, instead of overcoming troubles, you start whining and complaining to your loved ones in the hope that they will take pity on you and solve the problem for you, you are behaving like a child. In a bad way. It would be much more effective to take paper and pen and write down your problems and ways to solve them, and then follow the resulting list. If you can’t figure out how to solve a problem, ask your loved ones for help, they will be happy to offer you a solution. This will be the act of a person.

Short stature This is not a reason for worry or stress. Think about the fact that you are a fragile, defenseless woman who is so nice to take care of and carry in your arms. Although men pay attention to beautiful models, they are subconsciously afraid of them - they are too unapproachable and arrogant. But a woman is perceived as Small child, whom you want to protect and protect. Use your advantage.

Do you want to appear taller? You shouldn’t stop at tall ones; be sure to choose your wardrobe taking into account your height. Avoid anything that visually breaks up your body: short skirts, tops, and horizontal stripes. It is better to wear things with vertical patterns, middle length or long. This will visually increase your silhouette and create the integrity of your image.

You can buy clothes in youth stores and not think about finding the right ones or a skirt. On an airplane and in small cars you have nothing but freedom: unlike representatives of the model diaspora, you sit much more comfortably, and your knees do not rest. And most importantly, you don’t have to go through the trouble of choosing a man based on his height. Tall or very tall - either one will suit you.

Growth, of course, is not the most important thing. You can have ideal external data and not be happy, because success in your career and personal life is determined by completely different qualities. Just be yourself and love yourself for who you are. This is the easiest and fastest way to happiness.

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Almost all people can build a successful career, since everyone has opportunities. But only a select few can realize this potential. Hard, honest work, many years of experience, increased responsibility and deep knowledge are important components of career growth, but, as life shows, they are not the only ones. To advance, to grow in a short time term, you need to know some rules and secrets.


Choose the right company (organization, enterprise). Experts recruiting agencies claim to grow in a short time term most likely in innovative areas (information technology, Internet business), as well as in companies operating in traditional industries. For example, in the field of tourism, retail and telecommunications. And, of course, a quick and successful start-up can be done in the field of sales in the financial sector. So if you want to advance from a junior position to a top manager in a short time term and, choose a small company, an innovative or traditional field and - act.

Get your work done quickly. The greater your speed, the more significant energy and inner strength you have. Thus, good speed of thought ensures sharpness and sharpness of the mind, high productivity and successful implementation of creative ideas. Don’t be shy about demonstrating your abilities to management, so very soon you will become a valuable employee for them, and then you won’t be far from a promotion.

When doing work quickly, do not forget about quality. Job done in no time term and without loss of quality – it’s worth a lot. At the same time, the more important problems of the company you solve, the faster, and most importantly, the more urgently you must take on it and certainly bring it to the end. Practice shows that an employee who is not burdened with a bunch of diplomas, but who reacts quickly to a constantly changing situation, who does not tolerate slowness and inhibition in business, is able to quickly outperform an employee who is gifted with talents and two higher educations, but who gets down to business only when he gets his hands on it. Success comes to those who are purposeful and active.

From the very first days of work in the company, secure your reputation as an employee who can be entrusted with urgent work and who will certainly complete it as soon as possible term and and quality. A reputation as a reliable, productive and responsible employee will allow you to quickly climb the career ladder.

Be diplomatic. Before you open your mouth, think carefully about the form in which you will present information to others. This should not be confusing and inarticulate nonsense or abstruse speech, as well as speech that is rudely critical of anyone. Respect your listeners, speak clearly, clearly, to the point. Don’t brush aside the advice of your colleagues; know how to listen to your opponents. Defend your opinion correctly, without aggression or disdain, confidently and with reason.

Participate in corporate events, be cheerful and active at them. Do not abuse alcohol (this will definitely be noted) and do not be cheeky. But avoid corporate conspiracies and gossip like the plague, do not succumb to provocations, and do not join any groups.

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It is generally accepted that human height depends on genetics. And it is true. But there are also other conditions, thanks to which you can become taller and change your personality in a very short time. genetic predisposition. These conditions are called environmental: sleep, nutrition, sports, etc. If you want to change your height quickly, then following these tips will help you achieve excellent results that will be noticeable within five to six months.


Sleep more

Did you know that all people grow only while they sleep? Your body produces growth hormone while you sleep. This hormone helps you develop muscles and make you taller. Therefore, if you are serious about changing your height, you need to

Average human height

Human height depends on genetic factors, more precisely on the height of parents. If the height of the parents is not high, then the average height of the children will also be short. A person grows until about 17 years of age, so it is quite possible to increase your height by a few centimeters during childhood or adolescence.

Effect of nutrition on growth

The menu should include dairy, meat, fish products, eggs, various cereals, butter, vegetable oil, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. Sweets can be eaten in small quantities, as carbohydrates provide energy to the body. Quantity is also important food taken. After all, if a person is malnourished, then growth stops. This occurs as a result of a lack of building material. If a person overeats, then... Obesity can lead to various diseases, as a result of which growth also stops. You need to measure your weight. Being overweight or severely underweight is also bad for growth. There are many tables to determine normal weight for a certain height.

Healthy lifestyle and human growth

In order to grow, you need to lead healthy image life. This means that you need to: give up bad habits, sleep at least 8 hours a day and take a walk every day. fresh air. Bad habits include: nicotine, alcohol and drugs. Abandoning them promotes human growth. For proper development of the nervous system, it is enough to sleep about 8 hours a day. When a person sleeps, growth hormone is produced in the body, so a person grows in his sleep. Walking in the fresh air instead computer games, also have a positive effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole. It is necessary to run, jump more, and lead an active lifestyle.

Exercises to increase height

Physical exercise helps increase growth, strengthens and stretches the ligaments of the vertebrae, back muscles and shoulder muscles. The set of exercises includes: hanging on the bar, swinging on the bar, stretching upwards with raising your arms and standing on tiptoes, jumping rope on one and two legs. In addition to exercise, it is important to constantly monitor your posture. Correct posture straightens the chest, which means the body receives more oxygen, which has a positive effect on the entire body and on human growth.

Height enhancement surgery

A radical method that increases growth is surgery. Increase in height through surgery occurs due to lengthening of the legs. A surgical fracture is made on both legs and an Ilizarov apparatus is applied. Then the limb is gradually lengthened due to the mobility of the parts of the apparatus relative to each other. Upon completion of the lengthening, the Ilizarov apparatus fixes the bones and they grow together. The final result of increased growth is visible only after six months.

Increasing height with hormones

The growth regulator is somatotropic hormone. If there is a lack of this hormone in the human body, then growth is delayed. Hormone deficiency can be the result of: hereditary predisposition, birth trauma, brain tumor, traumatic brain injury. To treat patients with hormone deficiency, drugs are used: norditropin, humatrope, inotroping hormone, etc.

Short stature causes discomfort, primarily psychologically, and can even lead a person to depression. But this problem can be solved with the help of special physical exercises and, of course, proper nutrition.

The problem of increasing height is relevant for many people, including 16, 25, and 35 years old, and even for those who are much older. Of course, after 30 years it is quite difficult to grow, but for those who are younger, you can increase your height by 10 cm or even 20. To do this, you must, first of all, eat right.

Every person's diet should be balanced in terms of the content of substances necessary for the body to function and in terms of routine and regimen. And the diet of those who want to increase their height especially needs attention, because it must contain foods that stimulate the activity of all cells of the body. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in combination with biologically active substances help you grow significantly in a short period of time. It is imperative to supplement your diet with minerals and vitamins.

Of great importance in increasing growth is not how much a person eats per day, but how he eats. You need to eat at least 5 times a day. Many who want to grow up mistakenly believe that the more they eat at one meal, the better. However, medical research has proven that a slight feeling of hunger stimulates the body's cells to actively work and grow. Therefore, you cannot overeat, and the size of the portion does not matter - its energy value is important.

For those who want to grow up, it is necessary to include as many vegetables, fruits and herbs as possible in the daily menu, because they contain a huge amount of stimulating substances - vitamins and minerals, which at the physiological level include the so-called growth reactions. Moreover, it is advisable to consume these products raw or subject them to minimal heat treatment in order to preserve their beneficial qualities.

Increasing height is, first of all, increasing the size of the skeletal system, and for this you need a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium enters the human body from dishes that include fish, grains and soybeans, milk, nuts and herbs such as thyme, dill, rosemary and celery. Sources of vitamin D include all fatty fish, dairy products and egg yolks.

To increase growth, it is very important to eat foods with vitamin A - butter, cheeses and cottage cheese, oysters, carrots, cabbage, viburnum. Be sure to add vitamin E to it - vegetable oils, bran bread, nuts, cabbage, celery, apples, beef, dairy products, eggs and liver.

It is necessary to eat as much protein and fiber-rich foods as possible. You definitely need to eat porridge, which is best prepared. To speed up growth, it is important to eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, sprouted grains of wheat or green buckwheat, and wholemeal bread every day. The maximum amount of protein is found in eggs, meat and, again, milk.

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Human growth is caused by genetic factors, depending on it by 70-80%. Parents with short stature are generally less likely to have tall children. But this is not a reason to think that it is impossible to influence it. - your goal is to remove all the moments that impede growth and delay it.

Alcohol and drugs are the main opponents of the formation of the body. During adolescent development a large number of harmful substances and unhealthy diet lead to stunted growth.

How to accelerate the growth of a teenager 13-16 years old: what to expect maximum

Based on the height of your parents, you can approximately predict your future height, according to these calculations.

Sum up your parents' heights. To the resulting figure, add 13 centimeters if you are a guy, and if you are a girl, subtract 13 centimeters. Divide the final amount by 2.

At the end of the calculation, you will receive your approximate height with an error of 10 centimeters.

Proper nutrition is the key to healthy, accelerated growth

Always need to follow balanced diet. There are foods containing protein, such as fish and dairy products. They promote healthy development muscle mass. For healthy bones, eat foods containing calcium.

It has been scientifically proven that a lack of zinc in the body leads to slow growth, so you should eat pumpkin, peanuts, crab meat and oysters. Besides, proper nutrition– a guarantee of beauty, health and good mood.

Sports activities play an important role during teenage development.

  • To stimulate growth, you should perform exercises that involve jumping.
  • Spend at least 25-30 minutes a day on training.
  • To make your classes enjoyable, you can purchase a subscription to Gym, as it provides access to various exercise machines and a huge amount of sports equipment.
  • If individual training is not for you, then you can join a sports team to make the classes fun and relaxed.

When you have a free minute, take it for a walk in the fresh air.

How to increase a teenager's height at home: sleep

Healthy sleep is a guarantee of full growth. Until the age of 20, it is recommended to sleep 10 hours. It is at this time that growth hormone is produced.

  • The girl will visually look much taller if she keeps her back straight and watches her posture,
  • Small girls over 13 years old are recommended to wear high-heeled shoes. At the same time, ballet flats and anything associated with low movement are contraindicated.
  • If you have long legs, then feel free to wear skirts and shorts. This way you will highlight the advantages of your figure. Refrain from golf and bridge - they will visually shorten your torso,
  • To look slimmer and taller, wear clothes in dark shades: black, rich blue, dark green,
  • Items with vertical stripes will make your figure more graceful, while horizontal ones, on the contrary, will add visual appeal. extra pounds. Pay attention to this when choosing clothes

How to increase growth hormone production in a teenager

Unfortunately, it is not so easy to grow taller and increase your height as an adult. In reality, this is an extremely difficult task, solved more by a major surgical operation than by pulling exercises on a horizontal bar or following a special diet. Only a teenager can grow by 5 or even 10 centimeters while the growth zones of his body still remain open.

However, correcting posture, developing and strengthening the back muscles, as well as maintaining a number of simple rules in the choice of clothes can make any person visually taller. Exactly the other way around - weak core and abdominal muscles, a hunchbacked spine and improper clothing will turn even a man or girl with completely normal height into dwarfs.

What influences a person's height?

Scientific research suggests that genetic factors and belonging to a particular race play a major role in determining human height. Behavioral factors (eg, adequate protein intake and regular exercise) contribute no more than 15-20% of the result (1) . In other words, human growth is laid down by nature even before birth.

Statistics show that the average height Russian man is about 175-177 cm (2), which fits into the average figure for men in Europe and North America - 176 cm. At the same time, the average height of men in Latin American countries is 170 cm, and in Asian countries - only 165 cm. The average height of Russian women women are defined as 169 cm.

How to grow taller: main rules

By following the rules below, you can grow (or, more precisely, “stretch out”) by 3-5 cm even as an adult. You won't need expensive supplements or painful leg-stretching surgery to achieve this. You just need to reconsider your clothing style and regularly engage in special physical exercises to straighten your spine.

  1. Straighten your shoulders. Maintaining correct posture with broad shoulders and a straight back - the simplest way become a few centimeters taller. There are many exercises that can help you correct your posture. Follow the link to find the home one.
  2. Stop hunching over. Constantly being in a sitting position (from working in an office to driving a car) leads to. It is also harmful that when using a mobile phone you have to look down - this makes you hunch over. The result is a gradual decrease in height by several centimeters.
  3. Go swimming. Swimming is deservedly considered one of the most important physical activities to create an athletic physique. However, to increase your height, you will have to do at least 1-2 km per session, alternating the crawl and butterfly styles, and not just splash in the pool for 10 minutes a week.
  4. Do exercises on the horizontal bar. Developed muscles of the upper back and shoulders will not only make it easier to maintain correct posture every day, but will also lay the foundation for an athletic physique. Let us recall that best exercise for the development of the back on the horizontal bar are - they are the ones who will “straighten” your spine and help you grow.
  5. Dress in the right colors. Clothing can make a person visually taller or shorter. The best combination to increase height is the combination of “light bottom + dark top” - for example, . In contrast, wide jeans and a long, baggy sweater will make you look shorter.
  6. Change your hairstyle. Hair raised up using styling gel will also help you visually stretch a few centimeters in height. At the same time, forget about the effect “ wet hair" and use only in small quantities. Before applying the gel, it is better to wash your hair and dry it with a hairdryer, lifting it up.
  7. Increase the amount of protein in your diet. Research shows that lack of protein in a child's diet is a key problem hindering his growth. Sports will be very useful if you decide to regularly practice any strength exercises to improve posture and straighten the spine.

Is it possible to increase height surgically?

If growth is delayed in adolescence, the doctor may prescribe synthetic injections, leading to an increase in bones with open growth zones. However, for adults who persistently want to become taller, this method will not work. In their case, only extremely painful bone stretching surgery will help to increase height.

The essence of the operation is that on each leg, staples with knitting needles are first installed, inserted into the surface layer of the bone; then the threaded rod is carefully extended approximately 0.25 mm four times a day. As a result, the operation adds 6-7 cm of height, but takes up to 12 months, most of which the patient spends on crutches.

How to increase your height by 10 cm?

In fact, only a teenager can add 10 cm to his height before the completion of the puberty cycle, while his growth zones remain open - in this case, special exercises for stretching the spine, hanging on a horizontal bar and regular swimming classes will help to stretch out. However, for people over 20 years of age, such methods will no longer work.

At the same time, we note that strength training and performing heavy basic exercises with a barbell have an extremely negative effect, since the vertical load exerted by dumbbells and barbells literally does not allow bones to grow. In addition, increased production of testosterone (the main hormone for muscle growth) closes growth zones much faster.

In order to “stretch in height” it is important to have correct posture. .

Eating to get taller

Scientific research shows that a lack of protein and calories in a child’s diet leads to a noticeable slowdown in body growth. For example, the average height of North Korean men is about 7 cm shorter than that of South Korean men, which appears to be due less to genetic factors than to chronic malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies over several generations (3).

Height Supplements

The most important components for increasing height are and - while getting enough of these vitamins and minerals is especially critical in the first years of a child's life. However, unfortunately, taking these substances in supplements or natural products is in no way capable of increasing the height of adults.

Regarding calcium, the connection between human height and the consumption of calcium-containing foods is not supported by recent scientific research. In addition, science is increasingly confident that additional calcium intake does not improve bone health in adults (4). In other words, it is completely incapable of helping you grow taller.


Despite the fact that after leaving adolescence and the closure of growth zones, no physical exercise(including swimming and regularly hanging on the horizontal bar) are not able to make a person taller; gradual correction of posture and the correct selection of clothing will easily allow men and women to visually become taller by a very significant 5 cm.

Scientific sources:

  • Child growth: Can you predict adult height?, Jay L. Hoecker, M.D.,
  • Average height around the world,
  • North Korea after Kim Jong Il, The Economist,

Scientists say that 15-20% of our growth comes from external factors - nutrition, exercise. If we cannot influence the genetic 80%, then we will work with these remaining percentages. Yes, growing a couple of centimeters as an adult is difficult, but nothing is impossible!

How to grow taller - a special diet

Already from childhood, parents should monitor the diet of their children. Lack of proteins, constant fasting, lack of vitamins lead to slower growth. You need to eat more buckwheat porridge, oatmeal, lentils, fish (a source of iodine and omega-3 fatty acids).

How to grow in height - supplements

  • Vitamin D plays an important role in increasing growth. As a child, you can grow up thanks to this vitamin. It won't help adults.
  • Calcium is good for bones, but unfortunately does not play a big role in increasing height.
  • For children with growth retardation, doctors prescribe special injections of growth hormone.

How to grow taller as an adult

The most unpleasant one, but effective method height increase is a surgical procedure during which the bones of the legs are stretched. Knitting needles and staples are installed into the leg bones. Four times a day, the rod is moved apart by 0.25 mm. After surgery, you can grow 6-7 cm.

The final effect can be seen after a year.

How to grow taller - exercises

  • Height can be increased visually thanks to straight posture. Hanging on a horizontal bar and swimming do not increase height. But doing yoga and working the muscles of the back and neck will help you stretch 2-3 cm.

  • Visually increases height the right hairstyle, cloth. Try not to visually shorten your legs with loose jeans or pants. The neckline on a blouse, T-shirt, or sweater should be deep and V-shaped. Pay attention to the stars of show business, whom nature has awarded with short stature. Take a closer look at their clothing style. Please also note that photographs and videos are always taken from the bottom up. A person appears visually taller than he actually is.

Psychological barrier

Short people dream of becoming tall, and tall people dream of becoming short. It's in our blood. we always want what we don't have. Many people think that if they are short, they are unattractive. In this case, you need to increase not your height, but your self-esteem. If you work on yourself correctly, you will be able to get rid of obsessive thoughts increase growth.

To grow in height, an adult needs to undergo a complex operation and move for a whole year only on crutches and in a wheelchair. Better work on your posture and self-esteem!

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