Test what kind of musical instrument are you in bed. Musical instrument test. Your favorite color

A large family of musical instruments, due to the diversity of sound and tonal characters, as well as the ways of playing these instruments, makes it possible to influence or relate to various inclinations and character traits of an individual person.

So, in general, for every child there is a suitable instrument, which in most cases he is drawn to. This opens up another completely individual path of development for the child, which takes shape under the influence of both the instrument and the chosen teacher of playing it. Over time, it will become clear what value weekly individual lessons have for personal development.

Nowadays, the “acoustic hood” constantly tempts us to passively consume music; strong resistance is needed in order to develop personal strength through active exercises and open the way to freedom for a young person.

How do you know which instrument is suitable for a particular child?

To begin with, let us recall that we are talking about searching for an instrument whose character is similar to the character of a given person, and not opposite to it, as if we were pursuing the goal of balancing the character traits of this person.

1 . Violins, viols, cellos. Here we are dealing primarily with melodic instruments, and we know that the rhythm of breathing is, in fact, the rhythm of the melody. Only here this flow of breath is reproduced not by air, but by a bow. The sound of string instruments is formed entirely from the sensually perceptive middle of a person. A child who lives primarily in this middle region and who, for example, while listening to a story, absolutely sincerely accompanies with sensations the various moods contained in the story, will, as a rule, feel an attraction to bowed instruments, especially to the viol, the middle instrument of this family. If the lightness of thought already inhabits the sphere of sensations to a greater extent, then the violin will become attractive - because of its higher sound. In the lower key of the cello, the element of sound is more oriented towards the element of the physical. In children who choose the cello as their instrument, a certain love for the practical, for making something happen, is added to the above-described feeling.

2 . Transverse flute. Already the whole manner in which the instrument is held, all the lightness and mobility that is inherent in playing the flute, make it possible to recognize its affinity with the life of our imagination and thought. However, we have already seen that melody should never rise into the realm of imagination, so as not to fall out of the realm of the true experience of music. Nevertheless, the flutist needs a flow of breath to produce sound, and this flow connects him to his own middle. In other words, the flute ties the head to the heart. For this reason, children who love to be in the life of their imagination and their thoughts will feel a craving for an instrument and achieve ease and mobility in this, which in exceptional cases can cause a tendency to isolate themselves into something independent.

3. Reed instruments with a double reed give a completely different feeling when blowing air - oboe and bassoon. They oppose the flow of breath with serious resistance, which can be felt by anyone who has at least once tried to extract sound from this instrument. A kind of threshold arises between the actions of the player and the sound produced. Such tools presuppose the presence of a propensity for mental activity, albeit in a more distant, contemplative form.

4. Clarinet gets by with a single cane. Among wind instruments, this is the instrument with the largest range of sounds. At the same time, the character changes significantly with the transition from low to high sounds. so you get a very multi-colored sound picture. This variety of colors is also enhanced by the dynamic capabilities of the instrument. Looking at a child, we can say: the variety and speed of change of expressive possibilities, behind which the child is hidden. serious search world mysteries, behind which lies a serious search for world mysteries, which we find in extreme form, for example, in a clown, are a characteristic indicating a clarinet.

5. Sometimes in a class there are children - girls and boys - who are a little overweight and good-natured, and if mental acrobatics are not required of them at the moment, then they spread an atmosphere of “feeling good” around them. Their voice range is limited to five notes. And yet they sing with pleasure with others and internally hear correctly. When they took on trumpet or trombone their intonations were pure and correct. The sound of a trumpet and trombone comes out with greater directionality than that of other instruments, but on the other hand, it seems to continue its kind within a person, whom the sound seems to embrace entirely. It seems as if the life forces, which in such children are strongly attached to their physical body, can be more easily released from this body. The children described above in high school achieved significant success in playing these instruments solo. Here, more attention is paid to the psychological and pedagogical aspect of the issue, however, often the presence of a certain tendency in a person’s constitution will lead to the desire to play an instrument, the sound of which acts in a person in a specified way. This tool often opens up opportunities for tremendous development.

6. The situation is different with horn. Although it is similar to a trumpet and trombone, nevertheless, due to the round shape of the tube and its conical expansion, it receives a completely different sound character, requiring great penetration from the player.

7. Piano. On the one hand, it is the most imperfect tool, on the other hand, it is the tool with the greatest capabilities. It is imperfect because between the performer and the sound produced there is a multi-stage intermediate mechanics, which the performer has to involve in the game, but it is even more imperfect because the instrument itself does not have any breathing, and thus legato, and also because the performer cannot modulate sound. If I listen to a wonderful legato melody on the piano, it is because the performer himself creates respiratory tension from sound to sound and in the phrase as a whole, which is reflected in the very subtle nuances of the stress of the keys. It is the pianist who will especially feel the movement between sounds and thus complement the instrument - only by doing this will he turn it into a real instrument. This, however, means that whoever wants to make the piano his instrument must have a strong will to shape music, have, so to speak, an excess of musical strength. Often, this manifests itself in the fact that children compose second voices for famous songs, or put chords in a row, and they themselves are always inclined to compose music. If you do not pay attention to these prerequisites, then in many cases you can observe that children stop playing the piano after 2-3 years. It is very reasonable if, along with playing the piano, children learn to play another melodic instrument or sing, including in a choir.

8. Percussion instruments. The drums require heightened and awakened attentiveness, while the rhythm corresponding to the beat penetrates the limbs very energetically. Someone who plays percussion instruments is not very able to create from the middle region, that is, from his perception of harmony, but he will experience precisely this sensation with great intensity along with other performers. In an orchestra, the percussionist acts almost as a second conductor, who very subtly reacts to the slightest fluctuations in the rhythm. For this reason, it would be good if anyone who wants to play percussion instruments first learned to play a melodic instrument, in order to subsequently be able to follow all musical developments in the orchestra and participate in its creation. At the same time, it will become clear whether this was a real desire, or whether a spell was at play here, which arose, for example, from watching a program.

Have you ever tried to compare yourself to a musical instrument? We offer such a test - a kind of game, but with meaning. Our test will help you better understand how you present yourself to the world and how others perceive you.

So, think about it: what musical instrument can you identify with?

1. Flute, pipe, violin, viola, harp.

2. Drum, timpani, tambourine, bagpipes, drum set.

3. Piano, grand piano, organ, harpsichord.

4. Saxophone, theremin, synthesizer.

1 You are sensitive, sensitive, vulnerable. You declare yourself as a sensitive and at the same time easily vulnerable person. You are no stranger to art; in society you can carry on a conversation on intellectual topics. The impression is formed of you as an esthete; acquaintances can consult with you on issues related to the sphere of “beauty”. At the same time, you may seem vulnerable and touchy; perhaps someone is afraid of offending you and is overly cautious. You want to seem like a romantic and a dreamer, some will be impressed by this, while others may accuse you of not being practical enough. It is important for you to appear beautiful, to please people, sometimes you can even attach undue importance to other people’s opinions. A little more thick skin will not hurt, it will not prevent you from remaining a sensitive person, but it will give you greater security. 2 You loudly declare yourself, you want attention. Your communication style has directness and frankness, honesty, they trust you, but excessive straightforwardness can hurt others. You seem reliable and predictable enough that people feel they can rely on you. True, some people think you are too categorical and inflexible. You have a certain authority and leadership abilities, don’t be surprised if they start competing with you - this is a kind of recognition. You draw attention to yourself, both consciously and unconsciously. You are considered an emotional and explosive person. A little more flexibility, calmness - that's what you need for balance. 3 You appear to be a complex, multi-faceted person and present yourself in different ways that may surprise some. Others may see you as unpredictable, but they won’t get bored with you. You have a wide range of interests, and you can easily carry on a conversation with a new interlocutor. Inner complexity sometimes leads to difficult periods in life, sadness and sadness; the tendency to reflect complicates life. Therefore, the fame of a “difficult person” may be assigned to you. But with your complexity you do not harm others, you are harmless, they see and appreciate it. Inner complexity can only scare away superficial people who are afraid of their own experiences. A little resilience will help you get through difficult periods in life easier. 4 You are modern, aware of new products, news, fashion trends. To those around you you can be good source information. You are perceived as a fairly modern person, and at the same time - unusual, non-standard. You seem different from others and emphasize your individuality. Not imitating, being different from others is something that requires courage. Perhaps you have rather unconventional interests: for example, philosophy, meditation or exotic travel. Therefore, those around you are interested in you. You are adaptive, you adapt quickly, so you can be a pleasant conversationalist if you wish.

The main thing is don’t complicate life, it’s already complicated, sometimes it’s worth taking things more simply.

Do you want to know which instrument is right for you depending on your musical preferences, tastes and character traits? Take the test, marking the answer options somewhere on paper or in a text file:

1) When you listen to music, you...

A) you sing along, listen carefully to what the song is about and try to remember the lyrics or dream about something of your own;

B) You play an air guitar, you beat in ecstasy if there is a guitar solo in the song;

C) You dance using the stupidest moves (even if you are in a public place);

D) Beat out the rhythm with your fingers or foot;

D) You howl, but not what the vocalist sings, but adding something of your own;

E) You hum the main melody of the song without going into details of the lyrics;

G) You can read, draw, cook, clean, etc. while listening to music.

2) Your favorite musical style is...

A) I can’t stay within one style for a long time... I listen to everything, but only the highest quality.

B) Rock, metal (as well as their derivatives), blues, sometimes I can listen to folk or jazz;

B) Jazz, funk, soul, pop, disco, occasionally rock and metal (mostly dynamic songs in major key);

D) Mostly very hard rock, occasionally hip-hop, reggae, dubstep, pop (single songs that lift your spirits);

D) Jazz, blues, soul, pop (mostly minor themes), occasionally classics;

E) Classical, jazz, occasionally rock or symphonic metal;

G) Pop and rap or electronic music, in which it is unclear what instruments sound at all. Occasionally - chanson or bard songs.

3) If you have little free time in the morning, and suddenly have an extra half hour... what will you spend it on before leaving the house?

A) I’ll spend more time in the shower than usual;

B) I’ll surf the net or upload new music to the player;

C) I’d rather sleep more;

D) Finally, I’ll have breakfast without haste;

D) I’ll talk to my loved ones (if they’re sleeping, I’ll wake them up and talk);

E) I’ll do exercises or meditate;

G) I’ll leave the house early so as not to be late.

4) What is vacation for you?

A) Travel, even to a neighboring city;

B) Do some nonsense that gives you pleasure (hang out with friends, play computer or Board games, go to football, watch your favorite movie, etc.);

D) Ride on rides, ride horses, jump with a parachute, swim on a boat, ride a motorcycle, cheer for your favorite team, get rid of negativity;

D) Sit with friends somewhere in a pleasant environment, or play with children, go to the zoo, dolphinarium, good film to the cinema, get a pleasant experience;

E) Lie in a hammock on fresh air and look at the clouds, or lie on the couch and watch a TV series, or lie on the sand and listen to the waves... the main thing is to lie down;

G) Gather a fun company, drink something relaxing, look for adventure...

5) What sound is the most unpleasant for you?

A) Hammer/drill/hammer;

B) Pop songs or chansons played in minibuses;

B) The sound of a felt-tip pen on paper/the rustle of a bag/the rustle of foil;

D) Styrofoam on glass / the sound of a knife scraping on a frying pan / the creaking of chalk on a blackboard;

D) The squeak of mosquitoes, the buzzing of insects, the sound of a chainsaw or grinder;

E) The creaking of a door/ loud finger strikes on the keyboard/ the sound of a spoon hitting the walls of a cup or plate;

G) Car alarm/ siren/ phone melodies instead of beeps.

6) Your favorite color:

A) Yellow;

B) Black;

D) Red;

D) Purple;

E) Green;

G) Pink.

7) Choose the bird that you like better than other options?

A) Parrot;

E) Dove;

G) Peacock.

8) Which of the following instruments do you not know how to play, but would like to learn?

B) Drums;

D) Piano;

9) From the proposed rock bands, choose the one whose music is the best, in your opinion:

B) Led Zeppelin;

D) The Beatles;

10) What do you mainly eat?

A) Fruits and vegetables, lots of tea (juice/water);

B) Meat, cereals and some vegetables;

C) Fish and vegetables, a lot of sweets;

D) Meat, vegetables, dairy products;

D) Cereals, vegetables, eggs, fish;

E) Vegetables, dairy products;

G) Vermicelli, meat, sweets.

11) Look at your hands... You have:

A) Beautiful nails oval in shape, the middle and upper phalanges on the middle finger are longer than the lower one;

B) Large, thin and sinewy hands, with elongated nails;

B) Fingers with nails that slightly widen towards the end of the nail plate;

D) Wide palms, wide fingers;

D) Medium in thickness, but long fingers, rounded nails;

E) Long thin fingers, sinewy arms;

G) Square shaped nails, massive palm, wide fingers.

Now count which letter you have most often than others. If this...

A – you can make a good vocalist. If you have hearing problems, develop it and try composing songs. You can play any instrument and write lyrics for vocals. If there are no problems with hearing, don’t delay... learn to sing.

B – you are drawn to the guitar, and it is drawn to you. Try to learn to play this instrument, it doesn’t matter whether you choose an electric guitar or an acoustic, you should be better at it than others.

B – a bass guitar in your hands can give you happiness. Double bass can also be a great option. Don't be afraid of calluses on your fingers, they will go away, and they will rock you for the rest of your life...

G – you should sit down at the drum kit. Drums are not the easiest instrument, but you can do it if you dare.

D – at heart you are a saxophonist. You can try to learn to play any wind instrument. There are few good brass players and they are worth their weight in gold in any group.

E – you definitely need a piano. This instrument would help you express your emotions and compose music. If not the piano, then the keys, accordion, organ, harpsichord - everything is at your disposal... choose.

F – perhaps you should try yourself not in music, but in something else. Even if you go to study, it is unlikely to be in the first place for you...

Many of us, deep down in our hearts, would like to be able to play some musical instrument, emphasizing this. After all, style is not only about what color T-shirt to wear, but also about a variety of skills. But there are so many musical instruments that only our cool test can help you choose a musical instrument. Just 10 years ago, it was customary to graduate from a regular school and complete a music school. But today the fashion for music education has passed and meet young man who would play a musical instrument perfectly, everything is more complicated. But it’s so beautiful and pleasant: to sit at the piano, like Dr. House, and play yourself a couple of your favorite melodies with a glass of whiskey; charge the violin the way Vanessa Mae can - so that the strings break; bring an accordion to someone’s birthday and cheerfully shout a couple of songs. In general, music has always been and will be one of the main areas of life. But, since you are going to master a musical instrument, first choose which one. There are a lot of varieties of musical instruments: violin, piano, guitar, saxophone, drums... You can list and list. In order not to get confused in the choice, we offer our cool music test. After passing this test, you will be able to understand which musical instrument you prefer and why you should choose this particular musical instrument.