Summary of parent meeting business game. Parent meeting “Learning to play together” in the first junior group. Speech by the class teacher

Parent meeting in the form of a business game “Healthy family - healthy child”

1. Through solving pedagogical situations and problems, induce in parents a desire to reflect on questions about the role of the family in the formation of personality, about the responsibility of all its members for creating conditions for education - intrafamily relationships, emotional and moral climate, meaningful communication between adults and children, as well as about the child’s place in the family team, the development of an active life position in him.

2. By participating in the assessment and resolution of various situations related to the topic under discussion, teach parents to analyze their own actions, see a pedagogical phenomenon even in small things, and approach education as a serious and purposeful process.

3.Through games, tasks, and exercises, formulate in parents the correct attitude towards their health, promote the development of skills and abilities that allow them to successfully interact with the environment and people.

4. Form a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle among parents.

Preliminary work.

Conversations with parents about traditions and hobbies in the families of pupils. Individual consultations for parents about the benefits of hardening procedures and ways to organize them.

Providing advisory assistance to medical personnel.

Introductory speech by the teacher about health problems.

According to the World Health Organization, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or injury.”

By the time children enter school, there is a tendency for chronic morbidity to increase.

The level of respiratory diseases remains high at 60-70%.

There is a decrease in the number of children with normal physical development and an increase in the number of children with underweight and short stature.

The percentage of caries in children, blood pressure, digestive problems are high, up to 30% of children suffer from various types of allergies.

A number of factors influence children's health:

1) heredity - the share of influence is 20%; environmental impact (ecological and climatic factors) - the share of influence is also 20%;

influence of factors in the organization of medical care - 10%;

socio-economic factors and lifestyle - the share of influence is 50%.

These data force us to pay our most serious attention to the fourth group of factors. It consists of the child’s attitude to his health, his nutrition, adherence to the daily routine, physical activity, hardening, proper sleep, and mastering hygiene skills.

Therefore, I chose to formulate healthy lifestyle habits in them as a priority in my work with children.

Our meeting is dedicated to the issues of correct attitude towards your health, analysis of your own actions and finding effective ways of communication.

1. Draw the flag of the country “Health”.

Assignment: draw on the flag what parents mean by the concept of “health.”

Justify your drawing.

Look at each drawing and make conclusion from the pictures: what is important,what is necessary for our health.

2 Mood is a reflection of a person’s health.

Assignment for parents: draw your mood with colored pencils (graphically). What feelings do you experience when depicting moods and feelings? Analyze the drawing of each parent in order to understand his mood.

3 Children are a mirror of their parents.

The teacher places questions in inflated balloons, under the blows of the teacher’s tambourine (the teacher’s back is to the parents so as not to see them), the parents begin to pass the balloon to each other. Whoever hits the tambourine is responsible. Parents use scissors to open the balloon and take out the question.

Questions in balloons.

What cultural and hygienic skills should be taught to preschoolers? What is the importance of a child’s strong hygiene skills in protecting his health?

How can we explain that some children behave differently with each family member? Who does it depend on - the child or the adult?

What do you mean by the concept of daily routine and how important is it to observe: a) at home; b) in kindergarten.

4 Relaxation break with parents.

Breathing exercise for relaxation (relaxation) A. N.

Strelnikova "Pogonchiki".

Starting position: stand straight, clenched your hands into fists and press them to your waist. At the moment of a short noisy inhalation through your nose, forcefully push your fists towards the floor, as if doing push-ups from it or throwing something off your hands. At the same time, during the push, the fists unclench. At the moment of inhalation, the shoulders tense, the arms are stretched into a string (stretched towards the floor), the fingers are spread wide.

As you exhale, return to the starting position: your hands are again on your belt, your fingers are clenched into fists - the exhalation is gone.

Information for parents.

Therapeutic effects of Strelnikova’s gymnastics:

restores impaired nasal breathing;

has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply;

increases the overall resistance of the body, its tone, improves the neuropsychic state;

helps to align the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

5. Learn to do the right thing. Analysis of pedagogical situations.

Situation No. 1

Car's mother complains to the doctor that her daughter is often sick. ~ It’s a little draughty, she starts coughing. In winter, all children go sledding and skiing. Blush all over your cheek! And my daughter sits at home pale, with a runny nose. Why are some children not afraid of colds, but mine gets sick every now and then? Perhaps she is so weak by nature? They advise: you need to toughen up the child. And we have no time for hardening! Let the healthy be hardened!

Questions for parents.

Is the mother right? Is it possible to improve the health of a weakened child? Are you hardening your child? Tell us how you do it. What are the results of hardening? (Examples from life).

Situation No. 2

When Seryozha's father and mother study, the boy remains in the care of his grandmother. She tries to keep her grandson from getting bored and allows him to watch all television programs (“Let the child have fun!”)

Bedtime comes, and Seryozha goes to bed with a scandal. Doesn't fall asleep for a long time, whines. He sleeps restlessly at night.... So this morning I had difficulty getting out of bed. Dejected mood, ate poorly, capricious. -Are you sick? - Grandma is worried. And before taking him to kindergarten, he takes Seryozha’s temperature and dresses him warmly, just in case.

The kindergarten doctor, having examined the child, said:

The boy is healthy.

The grandmother is at a loss: what is the reason for Seryozha’s well-being?

Questions for parents.

What is the reason for Seryozha’s decreased tone? What television programs can a preschool child watch? How much time can a child spend watching TV? Explain why?

Situation No. 3

Vika is six years old. She really wants to be like her mother, imitates her movements, gait, and manner of speaking. She often repeats what she heard from adults: “I’m just like my mother.”

Just like her mother, the girl treats her little sister tenderly, carefully covers her, plays with her, shaking her rattle, and gently pats the blanket to calm her down when she cries. Addresses the baby in a friendly tone. But the tone of Vika’s relationship with her grandmother is completely different: dismissive, arrogant.

Just sit and shut up, old lady, they won’t ask you. This impudent phrase is often
the mother says, and the girl repeats it.

Questions for parents.

What do you need to remember when communicating with your child?

Why raising children must begin first of all with self-education.

How should an adult react to such childish manifestations? What conclusions should adults draw for themselves?

4 Acting out situations.

Situation No. 1 (2 people participate: an adult in the role of an adult and an adult in the role of a child).

In the evening, when his mother arrived, Seryozha took the toy from another child. Play out the situation, and the mother will find a way to communicate with her child so that he gives the toy.

Situation No. 2. (2 adults participate as adults).

You took part in a competition and took 1st place, and your friend almost came in last. He was very upset.

Exercise. Lose the situation and help the winner calm down

who was last.

Situation No. 3 (2 adults participate: an adult in the role of an adult, an adult in the role of a child).

The baby hasn’t eaten for a long time and it’s time to feed him. The child is capricious, turns his head, finding more and more new reasons: “tasteless”, “salty”, “the plate is not like that”, “hot”.

Exercise. An adult needs to persuade the child to eat food (for example, porridge).

Situation No. 4 (2 people participate: an adult, an adult in the role of a child)

The child scattered all the toys around the room. Mom asks him to put them in a special box, and the child constantly finds reasons. - I don’t want to clean, I want to sleep too much! - the child screams.

His mother tries to calm him down. The child gets out of bed and shouts: “I’m hungry!” The mother runs to prepare porridge, and the child already wants to go for a walk.

Exercise. An adult needs to persuade the child to remove the toys

Conclusion: Listen to the answers and opinions of parents about what new and useful the business game brought them in terms of communication with children, in terms of introducing a healthy lifestyle.

Summarizing the meeting conclusion:

Parents’ lifestyle (assessments, opinions, judgments, behavior) plays a major role in the formation of a child’s healthy lifestyle habits.

It is necessary for adults to formulate in children a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, to teach them from an early age to live in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Business game for parents “Harmony of Communication”

Plyaskina Elena Prokopyevna

educational psychologist

MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 28",

Psychological and pedagogical center "Lad"


Target: improving mutual understanding between parents and children.

Warm-up game . The leader goes to the center of the circle, his chair is removed. By naming a sign whose owners must change places, the presenter aims to take the place of one of the participants. For example, it is necessary to change places for those who have a son. While fathers and mothers of sons change places, the leader tries to take the place of one of them. The remaining participant becomes the leader. Usually the game is very fun, helps relieve tension, and creates a favorable psychological atmosphere.

I want to start with a fairy tale.

In one box of pencils a small pencil was born. The adult pencils—Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa—were colored. Moreover, each of them had its own color. The little pencil did not yet have its own color; it had to become colored.

Every day the blue mother taught him how to become blue.

Red Daddy - how to paint yourself red, because it is chosen most often when painting beautiful pictures.

The yellow grandfather argued with everyone, talking about the importance of the color yellow,

and the green grandmother took her grandson by the hand, and for a moment he turned green.

So day after day passed, and now...

This is because each family has its own story, its own ending to the fairy tale. Have you already imagined your ending to this fairy tale?

Each family decides for itself how to raise its child. There is no consensus on this issue. Every adult can play a huge role in a child's life - constructive or destructive.

We are used to justifying all the problems of our children with the environment, an incorrect educational system, instability in the world and in the country. And they began to forget that in many ways we are the creators of our “problems”.

Let's rememberparenting functions.

Creating optimal conditions for the growth and development of a child


Ensuring adaptation to life

Child education

The child observes how parents treat him, each other and other people. During such interactions, parents show the child their attitude towards him and the world around him not so much at the level of words, but at the level of actions and expressed emotions. Based on this, he begins to build his ideas about himself and the world in which he lives.

If the basis of the relationship between parents and children is kindness, mutual understanding, love and respect; then happiness can reign in every family.

Projection method: Every person we meet on our way is our mirror. The child builds an opinion about himself based on the opinions of others. What do mirrors do? They reflect our lifestyle, our beliefs, our freedom or restrictions, our joys and our sorrows. Psychologists call this “projection.” And what do we see in these mirrors? Your reflection, a reflection of your life. If you constantly scold and punish your reflection, you can thereby scold and punish yourself. You can ignore a child, you can instill love or dislike using different methods. Or you can accept yourself and your partner, and the child has the opportunity to see his essence behind the reflections.

For example:

The mother sternly reprimands the child for an ugly word spoken to the teacher, or simply to the neighbor next door. And after a couple of minutes he’s already chatting with his girlfriend on the phone and using the same “ugly” words to rub his superiors the wrong way.

Every day, in front of a child, we can become irritated and annoyed by the chronic lack of money, bad luck, evil bosses, and unlucky government.

And then be surprised that our child has become angry and aggressive or is often in a bad mood.

Every parent can give many examples of such things just by observing themselves for one day.

Exercise “List of Rules”

1. Write down on a piece of paper the rules that you require your child to follow.

2. Now honestly and frankly admit to yourself which of these requirements you do not fulfill in your life. Cross them out.

3. Check what's left again. If you can show your child an example of the “uncrossed” rules, then you can safely, with a clear conscience, demand their implementation.

How many requirements did you have to cross out? Why do you think such exercises are needed?

What does a child expect from his parents?

One of the main conditionscreating an atmosphere of trust in relationships with children is their unconditional acceptance by adults, as well as their ability to use communication skills, thanks to which children could feel that they are not only understood, but also respected.

Experts believe thatany communication contains eight different meanings :

That,what we wanted to say

what they said

what the interlocutor heard,

that he understood

what I wanted to say in response,

what did you say,

what we heard

and how it was understood.

Even the simplest question: “How are you?” which all parents, without exception, ask their children almost every day,a lot of meanings . Someone is truly interested in how their child’s day went. Someone makes peace and apologizes for offending his daughter in a hurry this morning. But for some, this question is like an interrogation.

How we listen to children and talk to them depends entirely on our intentions, goals, mood, fatigue, desire to truly understand and accept them.

Game "Pass it to someone else."

The leader passes the imaginary object to the neighbor, the neighbor passes it to the next, etc. At the end, the presenter asks the players who received and transferred what. The answers are very varied. The game clearly shows how the essence of information can be distorted during the transmission process.

Difficulties in communication between parents and children usually arise due to the fact thatadults perceive information much faster than a child can finish speaking . Instead of concentrating, our consciousness wanders freely, waiting for a new piece of information.
And alsoadults only hear what they want to hear . And this is another serious barrier that prevents children from perceiving their words.How to overcome these barriers?

A parable about understanding.

One day, young people from a distant village came to the sage.

Sage, we heard that you give wise advice to everyone, show the right path, and reveal the truth. Help us! The older generation in our village no longer understands us, and this is very difficult for us to live with. What should we do?

The sage looked at them and asked:

What language do you speak?

The entire younger generation speaks gibberish.

What about the older residents?

The young people thought about it and admitted:

We didn't ask them.

That is why you can only listen to them, but not hear them

Game "Understand Me"

I suggest you relax a little and play the game “Understand Me”. Your task is to determine what feelings the child experiences when pronouncing the proposed phrases.

The child speaks

The child feels

Look, dad, I made a plane from a new construction set!

Pride. Satisfaction.

I am not happy. I do not know what to do.

Bored, stumped.

All the children play, but I have no one to play with.

Loneliness, abandonment.

I can do it. I don't need help.

Confidence, independence.

Go away, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone.

Pain, anger, resentment, feeling of unloving.

I can not. I try, but it doesn't work. Is it worth trying?

Frustration, desire to quit.

I'm glad that my parents are you and dad, and not others.

Approval, gratitude, joy.

Adults can express a positive attitude towards a child and show him that he is heard and understood by usingrules for effective listening, formulated by Yu.B. Gippenreiter. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Set aside special time to communicate with your child. Listen to him carefully, without being distracted by extraneous matters, react to this or that information that the child conveys (gestures, facial expressions, questions). Put aside your affairs, disconnect from everything extraneous and pay attention to the child.

Be patient when children are unable to say something right away. Since their heads are filled with new thoughts and words, they always need more time to put togetherthem into phrases. And when children are overwhelmed with emotions, the processit gets even more difficult.

Be aware of the impact your words can have on your child. Children are very sensitiverespond to comments, including non-verbal expressions of emotions. Tone of voice, facial expression, frowneyebrows or smiles - everything affects how the child perceivesadult reaction.

Ask questions to show your interest and participation. Keep them simple and short.Asking questions from adults also helps children develop their listening skills.

Use the “I messages” formula. When you... (child's actions), I feel... (my feelings) because... (explain why the child's actions cause the described feelings). I would like... (description of the desired course of events, designation of my role and the role of the child). For example: “When you interrupt me during class, I get angry because your questions prevent me from concentrating and explaining a new topic. I would like you to ask questions after I finish my explanation.”

Mastering the “I-statement” technique

When we communicate with a child, he naturally pays attention to our words, attaching special importance to the tone in which they are spoken. After all, it is precisely in those cases when something really worries us greatly that we are least able to take care of ourselves. At such moments, we are not always able to control facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice; we splash out our emotions on the child.

I want to introduce you to the I-statement technique. To do this, let’s consider a fairly familiar situation: when some household duties are not fulfilled, we, the parents, can hear: “You haven’t put your toys away again! You’ve completely stopped helping me!” It's a "you are a statement." With this “you statement” we will immediately create a barrier in communication with the child. “I-statement” is a technique with the help of which the interlocutor (child) is informed about his feelings and experiences, and not about him and his behavior that caused this experience. It rarely causes protest. An “I-statement” always begins with personal pronouns: “I”, “me”, “me”.

Let's play translator . Let’s try to turn the “you-statement” into an “I-statement”: “I haven’t felt the same care from you lately. What is this connected with? Maybe you are offended by something? Let's practice organizing our thoughts and feelings into an “I” statement. In order for us to succeed, we need to accurately determine our feeling in this situation and indicate the reason that caused it. For ease of use, I provide a small tutorial that will help you.



Why should I do everything? (Resentment.)

I feel so tired. I need your help... (No offense.)

You always behave badly!

I am offended by this behavior. You know how to be different, so please be more reserved next time.

Do you have two convolutions in your head? You seem to be intelligent, but you say nonsense.

Maybe you're tired, is there anything I can do to help you?

You always take my things without asking!

When people take things from my table without asking, I feel bad. Ask me first if you can take it.

You never listen to me!

When I see that you don't listen to me, I feel bad. Your attention is very important to me, so please be attentive to what I say.

Applying the rules of effective communication helps to establish open, trusting relationships with children and allows them to feel understood and accepted by adults.

I hope that the knowledge gained today will help you understand your child even better! You will succeed! Thank you!

One of the most important tasks of an educational institution and a family is to create conditions that ensure the completeness and integrity of the space for the life and harmonious development of the child. Its solution is impossible without establishing equal “teacher-parent” relations.

Despite the fact that modern pedagogy has a large arsenal of ways to organize joint activities of family and school, practice shows that both young and experienced teachers who have a sufficient amount of professional knowledge experience significant difficulties in building relationships with parents. Conducted research indicates the predominance of monologue orientation in communication between teachers and students’ parents. In this regard, the development of practical materials designed to help teachers build interaction with parents is becoming increasingly relevant.

I bring to the attention of readers a consultation for primary school teachers, which is carried out in the form of a business game “Teacher-Parent”.

The purpose of the business game: to expand the professional competence of teachers based on exercises to develop skills in organizing and conducting parent-teacher meetings; development of collective decision-making skills.

Game participants:

  1. Game host.
  2. Small group leaders.
  3. Participants in small groups (7-10 people).

Regulations of the game:

  1. Organizational stage (3 min).
  2. Preparatory stage (10-15 min.).
  3. Main stage: work in groups 15-20 minutes).
  4. Reflective stage (7 min.).

Game tools: Whatman paper (2 sheets), “Modern forms of interaction between teachers and parents” forms (according to the number of groups), “Personal experience” forms (according to the number of participants); pens, markers, projector, computer, screen, board, Zagorsk toy “Matryoshka”.

Business game structure

1. Organizational stage

1.1. Warm up. Greetings.

Purpose: mobilizing the attention of participants, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Implementation: the facilitator invites each participant to answer the question: “Who, in your opinion, is responsible for raising a child – family or school?” Each participant answers the question and passes the toy to a neighbor.

Instrumentation: Zagorskaya Matryoshka toy.

1.2. Introduction to the game

Purpose: providing information to participants about the purpose and conditions of the game.

Implementation: the presenter informs the participants about the purpose of the game, the conditions for its implementation and introduces the rules of the business game, divides the participants into groups in which the leader is determined; The presenter makes an introductory speech on the issue under discussion.

Introductory message from the teacher on the topic of parent-teacher conference

The role of the family in raising a child

Everyone knows how important it is to educate a person from an early age.

The inclinations and qualities acquired by a person in childhood, for the most part, remain with him throughout his life.

The soul of a child is impressionable, soft as wax. A child is “like a blank canvas for a painting - whatever the painter depicts, good or evil, remains on it.” What kind of initial education his parents will give him, what morals they will teach him, he will live with these qualities. Not only do you need to teach everything good and reasonable: you need to protect the child from bad words, actions and from any unworthy examples. Science has proven that the human soul remembers and understands everything from the age of 2 months.

What you teach a person in childhood will stay with him throughout his life. As they used to say in the old days, “we salt cucumbers - whatever brine we pour in, they will pickle.”

And how great is the power of habit!

The ancient historian Herodotus tells the following incident about the Scythians: “The Scythians had to go to war for a long and long time. In their homeland they only had women, children and slaves. The Scythian slaves, seeing that their masters were not returning for a long time, took possession of their estates and married their wives. After a long time, the owners returned and did not know how to deal with the slaves. Then they began... to slam the whips with which they usually punished slaves, and the slaves resigned themselves.” That's the power of habit!

Some parents are not serious about raising children at an early age. Bad actions are justified by being a child (“when he grows up, he will understand”). And this child grows like a wild apple tree in the forest. Taste the fruit from this apple tree and you will see - it is so sour and bitter. And so, not stopped by anyone, not punished or admonished, this child grows up as a slave to his bad habits. Habits turn into skills - and he becomes an unfit member of society and a grief for his parents. A child left to his own devices grows up willful. Children have many different desires, so parents need to gradually wean the child from self-will and raise him in obedience to his parents.

Children tend to imitate. They copy their mother and father, even their speech patterns and mannerisms. How important it is to teach a child patience, compliance, and mercy. After all, we, the parents, reap these fruits.

There was once a custom among one wild tribe: old people who were exhausted were taken into the forest or into a deep ditch and thrown to feed wild animals. One son took his elderly father on a splint into a deep ditch and threw him there along with the splint. And his little son took out the splint and brought it back home. “Why did you bring the splint back to the house?” - asked the father. “And when you get old, I’ll take you down the mountain on this same splint.” The father began to think, and he became afraid for his old age, and he returned home his weak father!

The Spartan legislator Lycurgus decreed that their parents should be punished for the misdeeds of children. Because parents, with their good upbringing, could and should have prevented the misdeeds of their children. No one would even think of scolding a withered tree in the garden. And everyone will scold his careless owner.

So it is for us to answer for our children!

Raising children is a duty required by nature itself.

Let's look at birds and animals.

Let's look at a cat, a dog, a bear, a fox, an elephant, an eagle, a chicken, a hawk. Don’t all these animals raise their children, instill in them skills for existence? Doesn't a cat teach young kittens how to jump and sneak up on prey? Doesn't the hen teach the chicks how to rake the soil and look for food in it? Nature itself requires this.

Children are recognized by the way of life of parents, especially mothers, and vice versa.

In the 19th century in England, when a teenager was hired for work, they always inquired about the character of his mother. And our Russian proverb says about parents: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

How important it is to cultivate respect for people, respect and obedience to parents and teachers; do not harm anyone, do not insult anyone, live according to your conscience.

I would also like to say something about families with more than one child. In the matter of upbringing, the older brother or sister is of particular importance, so prudent parents should pay attention to the first-born, because older children are an example for younger ones. One father of a large family was asked how he could arrange such order among his children. He replied, “I didn't bother too much. Do you see a flock of cranes that fly south in the fall? There is always one crane flying ahead, which shows the way to the others, knowing firmly where to fly, and the rest just follow it.”

Concluding my speech, I would like to once again emphasize the importance of the responsible attitude of parents to the upbringing of their own children. Parents and only they are responsible for the moral character, character, and habits of their children.

Thank you for your attention!

Toolkit: badges for participants.

2. Preparatory stage

2.1. Building a “pyramid of interaction between teachers and parents”

Purpose: determining the stages of interaction between teachers and parents; involving participants in the work of understanding the problem under discussion.

Implementation: groups are asked to build a “pyramid of interaction between teacher and parents” (determine the sequence of stages of interaction between teacher and parents) and present the result obtained.

Toolkit: cards with the names of the stages of interaction between teacher and parents (diagnostic stage; information and visual education; psychological and pedagogical education and training of parents; inclusion of parents in joint practical activities); board, magnets.

2.2. Filling out the form “Modern forms of interaction between teachers and parents”

Purpose: appeal to the experience of teachers; understanding the importance and necessity of interaction with parents.

Implementation: participants are asked to remember those forms of interaction with parents that they use in their work practice. When filling out the second column of the table, you need to answer the questions: “Why is this form needed?” “What is the result of using it?” Representatives of the groups write down the results of group work one by one on whatman paper.

Toolkit: forms for the number of groups; Whatman sheets; markers; board.

2.3. View the presentation “Interaction between a teacher and a family in the process of raising a child”

Purpose: updating the participants’ knowledge about the forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Implementation: groups are asked to name the form of interaction between the teacher and parents captured on the presentation slides.

Tools: screen, projector, presentation “Interaction between the teacher and the family in the process of raising a child.”

3. Main stage

3.1. Work in groups. Drawing up a draft plan-scenario for a parent meeting

Purpose: inclusion of students in activities, interaction in the group and exchange of experience on the issues discussed.

Implementation: group members model a draft plan-scenario for a parent meeting. The structure of the parent meeting, the form of each stage and its content are discussed.

3.2. Project protection

Purpose: consolidation of practical experience in preparing parent-teacher meetings.

Implementation: projects of the scenario plan are protected by group members.

Tools: felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, Whatman paper.

4. Reflective stage

4.1. Individual work. Filling out the “Personal Experience” form

Purpose: self-analysis of the game participants.

Implementation: each participant fills out and analyzes the “Personal Experience” form.

Tools: forms, pens.

4.2. Summarizing

Purpose: receiving feedback.


Form “Modern forms of interaction between teachers and parents”


Form “Personal Experience”


1. Did you have any difficulty filling out the form? What thoughts arose while filling out the form?


2. What do you want to change in your work?



Parent meeting plan (preparatory period).

  1. Invitation.
  2. Decoration of the classroom.
  3. Mise-en-scene.

Progress of the meeting:

  1. Immersion in the topic of the meeting.
  2. Message from the class teacher.
  3. Creative screensaver presentation.
  4. A game of acquaintance, a game of unity.
  5. Speech by invited guests.
  6. Feedback.
  7. Summarizing.


  1. Arnautova E.P.
  2. Teacher and family. M., 2002.
  3. Preschool institutions and family - a single space for child development / T.N. Doronova et al. M., 2001.
  4. Salyakhova L.I.
  5. Parent meetings: traditional and non-traditional forms. - M., 2007.
  6. Stepanova E.N.
  7. Kaleidoscope of parent meetings. - M., 2002.
  8. Strizhev A.N.
  9. School of Orthodox education. – M., 1999.
  10. Surova L.V.
  11. Methodology of Orthodox pedagogy. Part 1. – Klin., 2002.
  12. Sklyarova T.V., Yanushkyavichene O.L.
  13. Developmental pedagogy and psychology. Tutorial. – M., 2004.




Compiled by: Natalya Viktorovna Mashchenko,

senior teacher

year 2014

Motto: “If the child laughs, it means we did everything right.”


  • Clarify, consolidate and deepen parents’ knowledge of human rights;
  • Systematize knowledge on the implementation of children's rights in the family;
  • Reveal the content of legal education;
  • To develop initiative and creativity in parents when completing tasks.

Event plan:

I. Preparatory stage.

II. Organizational stage.

III. Conducting a business game.

I. Preparatory stage.

  1. Preparation of necessary equipment and materials:
  • Articles of the “Constitution on the Rights of the Child”
  • Signal cards (according to the number of teams).
  • Cards with tasks and problem situations.
  • Success board.
  1. Release of wall newspapers for the exhibition.
  2. Consultation for parents “What not to do with a child.”
  3. Consultation for educators “Legal education of children as an innovative form of preschool education.”

II. Organizational stage.

At the meeting, it is planned to work in subgroups; tables are set up according to the number of parent teams. On each table there are articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and signal flags. Prepare a table for the jury and signal cards to evaluate the teams’ performance.

III. Progress of the business game

Children enter the hall and read poetry.

Let the children live, laugh loudly,

They grow up every day.

Let every child

There will be a bright, warm home!

Childhood only comes once

For guys from any country.

Let none of them know

No trouble.

Calmly mothers will leave

On a day full of things to do, troubles, worries,

They look into your eyes with hope,

Saying goodbye to you at the gate.

Don't deceive that hope,

Don't be strict with kids

And tender hearts sprout

Please don't touch it with your hand.

Leading: Hello, dear parents, guests, our dear mothers. Today we want to talk to you about a very important topic – children’s rights. Find out how knowledgeable you are in the field of legal issues and how you understand the content of legal documents? We will now see if you are ready to implement your knowledge in working with children. Our parent meeting will be held in the non-traditional form of a “Business Game”.

Parents take a card - a petal, on which the number of the team in which he will participate is indicated.

And so we begin our business game.

1 task "The Connecting Thread"

On your table, dear participants, there is a flower, on the petals of which are written phrases from the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Your task is to arrange these phrases in the required sequence and read out the article of the convention. For a correct answer, the team receives 5 points.

2 task "Find the right answer"

Its essence lies in finding tales from a series of fairy tales whose heroes were in captivity.

  • "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • "Porridge from an axe"
  • "Teremok"
  • Princess Frog"
  • "Turnip"
  • "Kolobok"
  • "Masha and the Bear"
  • "chicken - pockmarked"
  • "Chippolino"
  • "Three piglets"
  • "Pot of Porridge"
  • "Swan geese"

For each correctly named fairy tale, the team receives 1 point.

Task 3 Game whose team will answer faster:

Quiz “Rights of literary heroes”

  1. What literary heroes could complain that their right to the inviolability of their home was violated? (“The Three Little Pigs”, Bunny from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”).
  2. What fairy tale did the heroine have to look for and find refuge and protection from persecution in other countries? (“Thumbelina” by H.H. Andersen).
  1. The heroine of which fairy tale took advantage of the right to free movement and choose her place of residence? (“Frog – Traveler” Garshin).
  2. In which fairy tale is the right to personal integrity, life and freedom violated? (“Gray Neck”, “Thumbelina”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”).
  3. What right was violated by the witch in the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”? (The right to live)
  4. What right was violated in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”? (right to integrity).
  5. What crime did the geese and swans commit in the fairy tale of the same name? (Child abduction).

For each correct answer, parents receive a prize.

4th task “Guess”

Name the heroes of fairy tales whose right to marry was violated. The article of the convention states: “Men and women have the right to marry and start a family... Marriage can only be entered into with the mutual consent of both parties.”

5 task Play with both teams"Magic chest"

Objects symbolizing familiar human rights are taken out from the chest one by one.

  • Birth certificate - What kind of document? What right does it remind you of? (About the right to a name).
  • Heart - What right can a heart represent? (About the right to care and love).
  • House - Why was the house here? What right does it remind you of? (On the right to property).
  • Envelope - What does an envelope remind you of? (No one has the right to read other people's letters and peep).
  • Primer - What right did the primer remind you of? (On the right to education).
  • Toy hare and bunny - What do these toys remind you of? (About the child’s right to be with his mother).


The jury sums up the results. The winners are awarded prizes.

Remember, dear parents,

- “If a child laughs, it means we “did everything right.”

Materials from the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Parent meeting in the form of the game “Lucky Chance”

Target: creating conditions for interaction and cooperation with parents by including them in interactive gaming activities


· hold a parent meeting in a non-traditional form - the form of a game;

· give parents simple questions to ask their children;

· Encourage parents to create and play with their own children using material from this collection;

· develop a sense of collectivism and cooperation among the parents;

· identify leaders among parents for subsequent coordination of work with the parent community;

· create a joyful atmosphere and cheer up parents;

· Strengthen the connection between parents and kindergarten staff.

Equipment: the name of the game from individual letters is “Lucky Accident”; team names and emblems; watercolor paints, brushes; cut pictures; cards with words; bell tokens.

Progress of the meeting

1. Opening remarks

- Dear parents! We are glad to see you again here and now. Today we have an unusual meeting. We will conduct it in a playful way. Let's remember the good fairy tales of our childhood together. Will take part in the game two teams, each must choose a captain. The game consists of six competitions in which you will have to show your erudition, resourcefulness and ingenuity, and also earn winning points for your team. So, let's start our competition. I think that time will fly by, fun and beneficial for all of us.

2. Playing the game

Icompetition "Greetings"

Host: Our game begins with a greeting. So, the first “Greeting” competition.

You must collectively come up with a motto for your team and unanimously greet the opposing team.

The first team "Knowledge". For example, “We want to know everything.”

The second team is “Umniki”. For example, “The fact that we are here today is because of interest.”

(Greetings from the teams)

Host: Thanks to our teams. And now we move on to the next competition.

IIcompetition "Warm-up"

Presenter: Team captains are invited.

So that life doesn't seem sweet to you,

I'll tell you riddles!

He's floating on the sheet

Like a boat on the wave.

He is a good friend to housewives

Electric…. (IRON)

He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy,

How pleasant it tastes

And his name is... (WATERMELON)

Leaned over the river

Their agreement is this:

The river will exchange for her

Perch on a worm... (FISHING ROD)

There's not a bird on the branch

The animal is small

The fur is warm like a hot water bottle

Who is this... (SQUIRREL)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key,

He looks terrible

This. (Doctor Aibolit - KARABAS-BARABAS)

He was on the road for many days

To find your wife,

And the ball helped the mind,

His name was... (Kolobok - IVAN TSAREVICH)

He is a big naughty man and a comedian,

He has a house on the roof,

Braggart and arrogant

And his name is... (Dunno - CARLSON)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin

He was a little simple-minded

The dog's name was... (Totoshka - BALL)

This beast sleeps in winter,

He looks awkward

Loves berries and honey

And it's called... (hippopotamus - BEAR)

Daughters and sons

Teaches you to grunt... (ant - PIG)

He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,

But the sun will start to warm up a little,

On the road for honey and raspberries

Departs... (BEAR)

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He's grumpy like an old man

This sad... (Piglet – Donkey Eeyore)

Who flashes in the dense forest,

Does it have a red fur coat?

He knows a lot about chickens!

This beast is called (WOLF - FOX)

He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye.

His name was... (Cheburashka - KOLOBOK)

Both beautiful and sweet

It's just too small!

Slender figure

And the name is .... (Snegurochka - ThUMbelina)

Host: Have a seat, dear captains, and we are starting the next competition.

IIIcompetition "Proverbs about friendship"

Each team receives a package with cut proverbs, which must be assembled into sentences.

Team #1:

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

Team #2:

All for one, one for all.

Friendship is not a mushroom, you won’t find it in the forest.

Presenter: Well done! We completed the task.

And now the floor is given to our jury to sum up the results of the first three competitions.

(Jury speech)

Host: Well, let's continue our game. The fourth competition is ahead, and all team members are participating.

IVcontest « Quiz about fairy boys and girls»

Host: In order to answer the quiz questions, you need to remember the heroes of fairy tales (questions are asked to the teams one by one).

Who defeated Koshchei the Immortal? (Ivan Tsarevich)

Which girl was born from a flower? (Thumbelina)

Who is the most “interesting man in his prime” with a propeller behind his back? (Carlson)

Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)

Who lost the glass slipper at the ball? (Cinderella)

Which fairy-tale character likes to ride on the stove? (Emelya)

What is the name of the girl from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Gerda)

Who hired the priest for a job that paid three clicks on the forehead a year? (Bolda)

Who visited the Land of Lilliputians? (Gulliver)

Who visited the three bears? (Mashenka)

Who can ride a cannonball? (Baron Munchausen)

Which princess is the most tender princess in the world? (Princess on the Pea)

What boy lives in a flower town and wears a big blue hat? (Dunno)

What is the name of the kindest doctor? (Dr. Aibolit)

What is the onion boy's name? (Cipollino)

Who was held captive by Koschey the Immortal? (To Vasilisa the Wise)

Host: Thank you, dear parents!

Vcompetition "Draw"

And now we will draw together with you. The bravest mothers are invited to participate in the fifth competition. You will have to draw a cat blindfolded, following the description that I will read.

Draw a big circle

It's small at the top.

On the top of the head there are two ears,

This will be the head.

Draw for beauty

Give him a fuller mustache.

Here the fluffy tail is ready,

You are the most beautiful of all cats.

And now, dear parents, come up with a description of your cat, choosing the most tender and affectionate words.

(protection of drawings)

VIcompetition “Collect a picture”

Presenter: Preschoolers love to put together puzzles. Let's see if mothers can collect cut-out pictures. The task is performed collectively, at speed.

3. Summing up

Leading: Before the jury sums up the results, we would like to thank everyone for participating in our game. It doesn't matter who won. And please, do not keep secret the knowledge that you received from your grandparents, fathers and mothers, from teachers at school, the knowledge that you acquired on your life’s journey - give it to your children so that they love their Motherland, loved and preserved its culture.
The jury is given the floor to sum up the results and announce the winners.

After summing up the results of the event, a collective tea party with pies is organized.