My favorite doll is Spring Factory. Soviet and Russian doll manufacturers. Art products and toys

Baby girl, Spring factory.

In terms of the level of execution and complexity, dolls throughout human history have been completely different, and at the very beginning they were made from simple materials available to humans - clay, fabric, straw. Toys were a kind of amulets for a child, because they were created by the hands of people who loved him - mothers, grandmothers, sisters. One could really identify oneself with such a doll, hence the reverent attitude towards the doll among many peoples.

In our country, in the 1950-80s, completely different dolls were made, large and small: there were walking dolls, those who could talk, close and open their eyes, baby dolls, including “naked ones,” soft-stuffed dolls, fairy tale heroes, wedding dolls and national suits (this trend appeared in the 1980s). Our dolls are always distinguished by their good-natured appearance and evoke a smile and positive emotions.

Soviet doll is a doll created during the Soviet period in the history of our country. Sometimes the term " soviet doll"People today call what, in their opinion, does not live up to foreign analogues. However, this is not entirely true, because we have a different story, a different history of the development of the doll industry, and our dolls are really different, this applies not only to materials, but also to images.

Production of dolls in Russia

Football player Alexander, Vesna factory.

Domestic doll manufacturers have long taken a strong position and today they are confidently moving forward, competing with imported ones, because consumer confidence in domestic toy brands is growing year by year. Parents are confident that dolls from Russian factories are made of high-quality materials, they are safe for children and carry the heritage of our culture.

It is important that the images of the dolls are developed by domestic designers, approved by our psychologists, and therefore fully correspond to the moral and cultural values ​​of our country, namely our ideas about “what is good and what is bad.” Dolls demonstrate what is "good" and are therefore an important part of girls' education.

The same dolls in different children's hands are very different. What the child ultimately receives from the doll depends on how the child treats them, how he brings them up, and how he carries them in his arms. It's no secret that some children cradle and nurse Monster High, while others tear off the hands of cute and kind Russian baby dolls. The effort to produce exclusively good doll images is understandable, but a doll is not a panacea. Education is of paramount importance, and a doll only helps to demonstrate and see the qualities inherent in a little person.

The Soviet and Russian doll is more than a toy: it takes care of the child, protects the tender feelings of the little ones, tries to provide ample play opportunities, comprehensive development, and preparation for life in society. And, of course, it vividly reflects the history of our country, with all its difficulties.

Russian doll manufacturers today

In Russia today there are about 50 enterprises producing toys.

The most famous factories producing dolls are: the Vesna, Zvezda toy factory (today the company deals mainly with miniatures and board games), "Ogonyok". Each manufacturer monitors new trends and constantly develops new lines of dolls.


Toy Factory "Spring"- today one of the leaders in the production of dolls in Russia, developing new interesting models dolls, including innovative ones. In 2014, the Vesna factory released, for example, a talking doll Arina with an Android application. The doll speaks in phrases suitable for a certain time of day. This model is unique in that it has the ability to download and play files, and can work both autonomously and from a mobile phone or tablet. Arina can tell stories, sing, and even convey messages from family and friends. This new product is revolutionary in the domestic production of dolls.

Art products and toys

LLC "Art Products and Toys". A company with 110 years of history. Today the company is the official manufacturer of the traditional Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk) matryoshka doll and dolls in ethnographic costumes of different provinces and districts of Russia.

A whole series of dolls has been developed for industrial production: portly merchant women, townspeople's girls, dolls in peasant costumes. The collection is almost entirely represented by the works of the main artist of the factory, Anna Grigorievna Dmitrieva. These are dolls in costumes of various Russian provinces, which the factory exports to different countries, and folk costumes that have transformed modern Barbie beyond recognition.


Factory of children's toys "Ogonyok"
Known primarily for baby doll toys that look like real babies, girls' favorite toys for playing mother-daughter. Many of them have closing eyes, real fluffy eyelashes. They know how to cry, laugh, and say phrases. The dolls accurately convey the proportions of children; their faces and facial expressions are very reminiscent of real babies. The Ogonyok plant closely monitors fashion trends and trends in the market. We are developing our own new products for dolls - knitted knitted dresses for baby dolls. Many toys are used as teaching material in kindergarten classes.

World of dolls

LLC "World of Dolls"
- a modern Russian manufacturer of children's dolls. The company operates on the territory of the former “Ivanovo Factory”, based on the former “Ivanovo Toy” factory (memorable to many), which has been producing toys since 1940 (initially it was an artel for the production of toys from wood and papier-mâché, masses from paper and sawdust materials). The history of World of Dolls LLC began in 2006. Today "World of Dolls" creates dozens of souvenir and game dolls. Their images are a legacy from Soviet times: bright, kind, cheerful.


Toy Factory "Zvezda" known for a series of dolls dressed as heroes of “Wonderland” fairy tales, both Russian and European. In 1997, the factory released a high-quality analogue of the Barbie doll, much more affordable. A special joint system was developed and patented for this doll. Currently, unfortunately, The company no longer produces dolls..

Toy Factory, Penza

Makes dolls of different sizes, affordable. Examples of dolls:

The joint stock company "Toy Factory" was founded in 1960 and is engaged in the production of children's soft toy, toys made of plastic and plastisol, is one of the leaders in the production of toys. Sports play modules, swimming pools, fillers for dry pools, construction sets, transformable furniture, balls, etc. Can be manufactured according to sketches. The doll can be packaged in boxes, cylinders, and PVC film bags.


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Russian doll production

demonstrated in the 2019 catalog. 9 market representatives are included in the list. Production and wholesale sales have been established. Negotiated wholesale prices are up to 70% lower than imports. Popular Russian companies:

  • "Spring",
  • "Ogonyok"
  • "Art products and toys"
  • "Bilanik"
  • "Plastmaster" etc.

Factories offer dolls for children of different ages. Toy manufacturers produce soft and plastic products. Material used - textile, plastic, wood, etc. Available gift boxes and packaging. The companies produce: dolls with eyes and hair, interactive models with sound, accessories for playing with dolls.

Dolls have heads, arms, legs. Safety guarantee for plastics and other materials! Doll sets and clothes, cars, tabletop construction houses are made different weights and size. Color - to choose from. The products are intended for babies and older girls and boys. Children's brands are modernizing production equipment.

The manufacturer invites suppliers, dealers, wholesale buyers, and children's stores to cooperate. Delivery of items from stock - Moscow, regions, foreign countries. To buy in bulk, download the price list - write to the manager. Address, telephone, website - “Contacts” tab. Dealers and wholesalers - preferential payment, promotions.

The Vesna factory - at that time still the Toy artel - appeared in 1942. Since then, toy production has never stopped. The factory produces 1,200 types of various children's play products, of which about 500 are dolls. Production workshops and sites are located in Kirov and beyond - in Slobodskoye, Lyangasovo and Batashi. The product is sold through a dealer network in 70 regions of Russia, as well as to the CIS countries. Branches of the company have been opened in Orel and Nizhny Novgorod. The Village visited the factory and found out what and how the dolls are made.

Toy Factory "Spring"

One of the oldest manufacturers of children's toys in Russia

Location: Kirov

The number of employees: 530

Date of foundation: 1942

The process of developing a new doll model before it appears on the store shelf takes about nine to ten months. According to the factory’s business plan, there should be about a hundred such new products per year. Every day the production produces about three thousand dolls. Models change every day, usually there are 30–50 types.

First, artists, fashion designers and designers develop an image new toy, make sketches appearance and accessories. Then the sculptor-former makes from plasticine the shape of the future parts of the doll - the head, arms, legs and torso. Based on them, a plaster mold is created, then a wax mold and, finally, a metal galvanic mold. This is what is used for the next stage of production - rotational molding.

On the rotary section, the galvanoforms are filled with PVC plastisol (polyvinyl chloride-plastisol) from the dispenser and hermetically sealed. Then the disks equipped with galvanoforms are placed in rotary kiln, where they are rotated in three parallel planes and simultaneously heated. This procedure does not allow the plastisol to sinter, but distributes it evenly over the walls of the mold. As a result, the substance “gelatinizes” - turns into a dense solid material. All furnaces are computerized, and, depending on the program and product, on average the galvanoforms are inside for 8 to 16 minutes at a temperature of 140–270 degrees. After this, in order to easily remove semi-finished toys, they are cooled in a special chamber.

Parts of plastic dolls - torsos and legs - are made using extrusion blow molding. In an extruder - a processing machine - the plastic is melted and released into the open mold of the doll's torso or legs. After filling, its edges close, and compressed air is supplied inside, which accelerates the molten material throughout the mold cavity. The finished product is removed from the open mold and sent to the plastics processing area.

In this area, holes are drilled in the torsos of the dolls so that the doll can be assembled and, if the doll is voiced, a sound device can be inserted. All texts spoken by the dolls undergo psychological and pedagogical examination. The expert gives an opinion that listening will not harm the child and will not cause aggressive actions, but, on the contrary, will develop the necessary skills. Here it is determined at what age a child can play with this doll. In addition, each toy has a certificate of conformity.

Next, the products go to the art department. Here the designers give the blank the appearance of a doll. First, hair is sewn onto the toy using a special sewing machine. Before performing this procedure, the heads are heated in special heating drums at a temperature of about 65 degrees: when the plastisol is soft, it is easier to stitch it. Italian nylon fiber is used for hair. Straight hair of dolls is sewn directly from bobbins, and for wavy hair, steamed nylon is used, which comes from the manufacturer folded in rings.

After this, the designers give the dolls a “makeup”: they blush their cheeks with an airbrush, and paint eyebrows and lips with a brush. Then the semi-finished product goes to a specialist who inserts the eyes. Some of them are produced right there at the factory, but the main share is from a Spanish manufacturer.

The next stage of doll production is assembly. The factory produces soft-stuffed dolls (the head, arms and legs are made of plastisol, the body is made of non-woven material and filled with a hypoallergenic mixture of synthetic fiber and foam rubber) and plastic (the body and legs are made of plastic, the rest is made of plastisol). At the same stage, the dolls are dressed and combed. For each toy, fashion designers have developed their own clothes and hairstyle.

One of the popular doll models is Anastasia. She has 11 collections, including, for example, “Sports” (Anastasia the figure skater), “Folk motives” (Anastasia the Russian beauty) or “Professions” (Anastasia the teacher).

The factory has several sewing workshops for the production of clothing. One of them has a knitting section where knitted items are made for dolls. Each doll usually comes with several outfits - the one in which it is sold, and additional ones that can be purchased separately. Dressing up toys has a positive effect on fine motor skills children. Self-adhesive Velcro is most often used as fasteners so that a child of any age can handle them.

And finally, the final stage - the dolls are packed into boxes, which are placed in corrugated boxes. In this form, the toys are sent to the warehouse and then hit the store shelves.

photos: Evgeniy Ananyev

The doll has been the most popular toy for girls since ancient times. The first dolls appeared in Egypt. In those days, a doll was not only a toy for children, but also a kind of magical object involved in rituals. For wealthy people, dolls were made by craftsmen and were real works of art, passed down from generation to generation.

In general, many peoples had a reverent attitude towards the doll. Our ancestors believed that a doll is an image of a person and has an individual spirit and energy. The dolls varied in level of execution and complexity; they were made of clay, fabric, and straw. A toy made by the hands of a mother or grandmother was often a talisman for the child to whom it was given. It was unique item, with which the child identified himself, developed his personal qualities, organized role-playing games.

Current trends in doll production on the domestic market

Currently, in the toy production segment, the doll occupies about 20%, which indicates its popularity. On the Russian doll market The leading place among manufacturers is occupied by China (70%), Europe (20%), Russia (10%). Despite the fact that Russia ranks third, we can say that domestic doll manufacturers are confidently moving forward and are worthy competition to imported ones. Recently, confidence in domestic doll manufacturers has been growing. Parents carefully approach the selection and purchase of toys, and dolls from Russian toy factories are made from high-quality materials using modern equipment. Raw materials, as well as the final product, are certified and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. Thus, domestically produced toys, in addition to their educational function, are of high quality and safe.

Another important point in favor of the Russian manufacturer: the images of the dolls are developed by domestic designers. In addition to its entertainment function, such a doll corresponds to the moral and cultural values ​​of the country, which is important in raising a girl.

The most popular Russian doll manufacturers are:

toy factories "Spring", "Star", "Ogonyok". In total, there are over 50 enterprises in Russia that produce toys.

  • In 2014 Children's toy factory "Vesna" has released a new product, a talking Arina doll with an Android application. The doll speaks to the child in phrases that are suitable for a certain time of day. This model is unique in that it has the ability to download and play files, and can work both autonomously and from a mobile phone or tablet. Thanks to 2 GB of RAM, Arina can tell stories, sing, or send messages from relatives and friends. The doll is beautiful in appearance, resistant to stress, and approved by pediatricians and psychologists. This new product is revolutionary in the domestic production of dolls.
  • The Zvezda toy factory is famous for its series of dolls dressed as fairy tale heroes.
  • both Russian and European, called “Wonderland”. In 1997, the factory released an analogue of the popular Barbie doll. For this doll, a joint system has been developed and patented that copies human movements. Compared to imported analogues, the doll is more affordable and is not inferior in quality.
  • The Ogonyok children's toy factory is famous for its baby doll toys that look like real babies. The dolls have movable arms and legs, opening and closing eyes and eyelashes. They know how to cry, laugh, and speak individual phrases. The doll comes with interseasonal clothing sets. Girls love to play with the “babies”, take them for walks, and happily look after the “children”.

So, currently the Russian market offers a wide range of dolls. This type Toys are of great importance in the development of a child, so their choice should be taken with full responsibility. This concerns the quality of the materials from which the toy is made, which are responsible for the safety of the child, as well as the aesthetic image of the doll.