How to celebrate the New Year in the world presentation. “How the New Year is celebrated in different countries” presentation for a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic. behaved during the year and what did he

Irina Efimova
Presentation “How to celebrate New Year and Christmas in different countries»

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Preschool age is very important in a child's life. This is a vibrant period of discovery, surprise, and curiosity. The potential of a preschooler grows and acquires new forms, the desire to learn coincides with intellectual capabilities, which means a favorable time for development.

The creative approach, skill and desire of the teacher makes it possible to implement program goals and objectives in a non-standard form, instilling in children preschool age positive emotions from communicating with the world of knowledge.

This methodological development“How” can be used by teachers in joint work with children of senior preschool age.

Indeed, traditions among all nations different, but the New Year holiday for the majority is, first of all, a Christmas tree (or other holiday tree, gifts and who brings these gifts. In some countries celebrate only Christmas, A New a year is simply the beginning of the next year (as we have the beginning of the next month, or just NEW YEAR.

We are used to that New Year is a Christmas tree, gifts, Santa Claus. In addition to these three points, to the list about New During the year, little children also add the Snow Maiden, matinees, New Year's costumes, tangerines and fireworks.

What about others? countries children think about the New Year? We learn from presentations" How celebrate New Year and Christmas in different countries!

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New Year in different countries

New Year is a truly international holiday, but different countries celebrate it in their own way.

In Italy, the New Year begins on January 6th. According to legend, on this night the good Fairy Befana flies in on a magic broom. She opens the doors with a small golden key and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills the children's stockings, specially hung by the fireplace, with gifts. For those who have studied poorly or been naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal. Italian Santa Claus - Babbo Natale. In Italy, it is believed that the New Year should begin, freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve it is customary to throw old things out of windows. According to signs, new things will certainly take the vacated space. Italians always have nuts, lentils and grapes on their New Year's table - symbols of longevity, health and prosperity. In the Italian provinces, this custom has long existed: on January 1, early in the morning, you need to bring water from a source home. “If you have nothing to give to your friends,” the Italians say, “give water with an olive sprig.” Water is believed to bring happiness.

It was in England that the custom of exchanging for the New Year arose greeting cards. First new year card was printed in London in 1843. Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for the gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and put hay in their shoes - a treat for the donkey. The bell heralds the arrival of the New Year. True, he starts calling a little earlier than midnight and does it in a “whisper” - the blanket with which he is wrapped prevents him from demonstrating all his power. But at exactly twelve the bells are stripped and they begin to ring loudly in honor of the New Year. In English houses New Year's table Turkey is served with chestnuts and fried potatoes with sauce, as well as stewed Brussels sprouts with meat pies, followed by pudding, sweets, and fruit. In the British Isles, the custom of “letting in the New Year” is widespread - a symbolic milestone of transition from past life to a new one. When the clock strikes 12, the back door of the house is opened to let out the Old Year, and with the last stroke of the clock, the front door is opened to let in the New Year.

In Hungary, during the “fateful” first second of the New Year, they prefer to whistle - using not their fingers, but children’s pipes, horns, and whistles. It is believed that they are the ones who drive away evil spirits from the home and call for joy and prosperity. When preparing for the holiday, Hungarians do not forget about the magical power of New Year's dishes: beans and pears preserve the strength of spirit and body, apples - beauty and love, nuts can protect from harm, garlic - from diseases, and honey - sweeten life.

New Year, Spring Festival, Tet - all these are the names of the most fun Vietnamese holiday. The branches of a blossoming peach - a symbol of the New Year - should be in every home. Children eagerly wait for midnight, when they can start firing small homemade firecrackers. In Vietnam, New Year is celebrated according to lunar calendar, between January 21 and February 19, when early spring begins here. There are bouquets of flowers at the festive table. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to give each other peach tree branches with swollen buds. At dusk, Vietnamese people light bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets, and several families gather around the bonfires. Special rice delicacies are cooked over coals. On this night all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven. The Vietnamese believe that a god lives in every home, and on New Year's Day this god goes to heaven to tell how each family member spent the past year. The Vietnamese once believed that God swam on the back of a carp. Nowadays, on New Year's Day, the Vietnamese sometimes buy live carp and then release it into a river or pond. They also believe that the first person to enter their home on New Year's Day will bring good or bad luck for the coming year.


Christmas in Germany is a family holiday. Everyone should definitely gather at the festive table. On this day, a gift exchange ceremony takes place, which even has its own name - Besherung. The apotheosis of the New Year's feast is der Lebekuchen - gingerbread. In the 16th century, this “real miracle of flour, sugar and raisins” could sometimes reach the length of an entire bench.

In Greece, guests take with them a large stone, which they throw at the threshold, saying the words: “Let the host’s wealth be as heavy as this stone.” And if they don’t get a big stone, they throw a small stone with the words: “Let the thorn in the owner’s eye be as small as this stone.” New Year is the day of St. Basil, who was known for his kindness. Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that St. Basil will fill the shoes with gifts.

New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is celebrated in Israel on the first two days of the month of Tishrei (September). Rosh Hashanah is the anniversary of the creation of the world and the beginning of the reign of God. The New Year holiday is a day of prayer. According to custom, on the eve of the holiday they eat special food: apples with honey, pomegranate, fish, as a symbolic expression of hopes for the coming year. Each meal is accompanied by a short prayer. Generally, it is customary to eat sweet foods and abstain from bitter foods. On the first day of the New Year, it is customary to go to the water and say the Tashlikh prayer.

In different parts of India, New Year is celebrated in different times year. At the beginning of summer there is Lori holiday. Children collect dry branches, straw, and old things from the house in advance. In the evening, large bonfires are lit, around which people dance and sing. And when autumn comes, Diwali is celebrated - the festival of lights. Thousands of lamps are placed on the roofs of houses and on window sills and lit on the festive night. The girls float small boats across the water, with lights on them too.


Irish Christmas is more of a religious holiday than just entertainment. Lighted candles are placed near the window on the evening before Christmas to help Joseph and Mary if they are looking for shelter. Irish women bake a special treat, seed cake, for each family member. They also make three puddings - one for Christmas, another for New Year's and a third for Epiphany Eve.

In China, the New Year's tradition of bathing Buddha has been preserved. On this day, all Buddha statues in temples and monasteries are respectfully washed in clean water from mountain springs. And the people themselves douse themselves with water at the moment when others say to them new year wishes happiness. Therefore, on this holiday, everyone walks the streets in thoroughly wet clothes. According to the ancient Chinese calendar, the Chinese are entering the 48th century. According to him, this country is entering the year 4702. China switched to the Gregorian calendar only in 1912. The date of Chinese New Year varies each time from January 21 to February 20.

Children's New Year's holiday in Cuba is called Kings Day. The wizard kings who bring gifts to children are named Balthazar, Gaspar and Melchor. The day before, the children write them letters in which they tell them about their cherished desires. On New Year's Eve, Cubans fill all the dishes in the house with water, and at midnight they begin to pour it out of the windows. This is how all the residents of Liberty Island wish the New Year a bright and clear journey, like water. In the meantime, while the clock strikes 12 strokes, you need to eat 12 grapes, and then goodness, harmony, prosperity and peace will accompany you all twelve months.

In Nepal, New Year is celebrated at sunrise. At night, when the moon is full, Nepalese people light huge fires and throw unnecessary things into the fire. The next day the Festival of Colors begins. People paint their faces, arms, and chests with unusual patterns, and then dance and sing songs in the streets.


In snowy Finland the main winter holiday Christmas is considered to be celebrated on December 25th. On Christmas night, having overcome a long journey from Lapland, Santa Claus comes to homes, leaving a large basket of gifts for the joy of the children. New Year is a kind of repetition of Christmas. Once again the whole family gathers around a table bursting with a variety of dishes. On New Year's Eve, Finns try to find out their future and tell fortunes by melting wax and then pouring it into cold water.

French Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked into the New Year's pie receives the title of "bean king" and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders. Santons are wooden or clay figurines that are placed near the Christmas tree. According to tradition, a good winemaker must clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate it on the holiday and drink to the future harvest.

In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed up in white dress, a crown with lit candles is put on the head. Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, a sugar bone for the dog, and carrots for the donkey. On a festive night, the lights in the houses do not go out, the streets are brightly lit.

Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's Eve, they hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness. Ice palaces and castles, huge snow sculptures fairy-tale heroes Northern Japanese cities are decorated for the New Year. 108 strikes of the bell herald the arrival of the New Year in Japan. According to a long-standing belief, each ringing “kills” one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only six of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy). But each of the vices has 18 different shades - that’s why the Japanese bell tolls. In the first seconds of the New Year, you should laugh - this should bring good luck. And so that happiness comes into the house, the Japanese decorate it, or rather the front door, with branches of bamboo and pine - symbols of longevity and fidelity. Pine represents longevity, bamboo - fidelity, and plum - love of life. The food on the table is also symbolic: long pasta is a sign of longevity, rice is a sign of prosperity, carp is a sign of strength, beans are a sign of health. Every family prepares a New Year's treat called mochi - koloboks, flatbreads, and rolls made from rice flour. In the morning, when the New Year comes into its own, the Japanese go out of their houses into the street to greet the sunrise. At first light they congratulate each other and give gifts. In houses they place branches decorated with mochi balls - a New Year's motibana tree. Japanese Santa Claus name is Segatsu-san - Mister New Year. Girls' favorite New Year's entertainment is playing shuttlecock, and boys fly a traditional kite during the holiday. The most popular New Year's accessory is a rake. Every Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them in order to have something to rake in happiness for the New Year. Bamboo rakes - kumade - are made from 10 cm to 1.5 m in size and are decorated with various designs and talismans. In order to appease the Deity of the year, who brings happiness to the family, the Japanese build small gates in front of the house from three bamboo sticks, to which pine branches are tied. Wealthier people buy a dwarf pine tree, a bamboo shoot and a small plum or peach tree.

Everyone is counting the minutes until the long-awaited holiday arrives! Everyone is waiting for magic, making wishes and giving gifts! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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“How the New Year is celebrated in different countries of the world.” Prepared by teacher Metlenko Daria Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 in Aramil.

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The purpose of my work: - collect and analyze information about New Year celebrations in different countries of the world.

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New Year is the children's favorite holiday. Even before the arrival of the New Year, New Year's markets open everywhere, lights on Christmas trees are turned on, and the streets are decorated with illuminations. In every home, children and adults prepare for his arrival. At midnight on December 31, with the last stroke of the clock, the New Year begins. In the morning, under the tree, children find gifts left by Father Frost and Snow Maiden. This happens in Russia. What about in other countries?

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Italy In Italy, the New Year begins on January 6th. All Italian children are looking forward to the good Fairy Befana. She flies in at night on a magic broom, opens the doors with a small golden key and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills the children's stockings, specially hung from the fireplace, with gifts. For those who have studied poorly or been naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal. It's a shame, but he deserved it! Babbo Natale - Italian Santa Claus. In Italy, it is believed that the New Year should begin, freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve it is customary to throw old things out of windows. You have to be careful if you don't want an iron or a straw chair to fall on your head. It is believed that new things will certainly take the vacated space. In the Italian provinces, this custom has long existed: on January 1, early in the morning you need to bring home “new water” from the source. “If you have nothing to give your friends,” the Italians say, “give them “new water” with an olive branch.” It is believed that “new water” brings happiness. For Italians, it is also important who they meet first in the new year. If on January 1 the first person an Italian sees is a monk or priest, that’s bad. It is also undesirable to meet a small child, but meeting a nice grandfather is good. And it’s even better if he’s hunchbacked... Then the New Year will definitely be happy!

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England In England, Father Frost is called Santa Claus. On New Year's Day, theaters stage performances based on old English fairy tales for children. Lord Disorder leads a cheerful carnival procession, in which fairy-tale characters take part: Hobby Horse, March Hare, Humpty Dumpty, Punch and others. Throughout New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, balloons. In England, the custom arose of exchanging greeting cards for the New Year. The first New Year's card was printed in London in 1843. Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for the gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and put hay in their shoes - a treat for the donkey. In England, a bell announces the arrival of the New Year. True, he starts calling a little earlier than midnight and does it in a “whisper” - the blanket with which he is wrapped prevents him from demonstrating all his power. But at exactly twelve the bells are undressed, and they begin to loudly sing hymns to the New Year. At these moments, lovers, in order not to separate next year, must kiss under a mistletoe branch, which is considered a magical tree.

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China Chinese New Year is fundamentally different from the calendar calendar we are used to, if only in that each year its celebration falls on a different date. This is due to the fact that the Eastern New Year begins on the first spring new moon, and therefore it is not tied to the change of date in the calendar, but directly depends on the movement of our companion, the Moon. In China, on New Year's Eve, countless small lanterns are lit on the streets and squares. The Chinese deliberately set off firecrackers and fireworks on New Year's Day. As legend has it, at this time bad spirits, expelled from different places, fly throughout China. They are looking for shelter for next year. And firecrackers and fireworks, according to legend, scare away spirits, and thereby prevent them from moving into a new house. As soon as dinner is over, according to tradition, adults give children money in red envelopes. This money is supposed to bring them happiness in the new year. Like all peoples of the world, the Chinese begin to visit each other after celebrating the New Year. And therefore, when going to someone, the Chinese always take two tangerines with them. In Chinese pronunciation, the phrase “two tangerines” is similar to the word “gold”. Therefore, if you receive two tangerines as a gift, this means that you are automatically wished a prosperous year. But, having received the orange fruit, you must also take two tangerines from your table and give them to your guests in order to wish them an equally successful year...

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Japan Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. On New Year's Eve, Japanese children hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness. One hundred and eight rings of the bell herald the arrival of the New Year in Japan. According to a long-standing belief, each ringing “kills” one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only six of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecisiveness, envy), but each has 18 different shades - and the Japanese bell tolls for them. In the first seconds of the New Year, you should laugh - this should bring good luck. And so that happiness comes into the house, the Japanese decorate it, or rather the front door, with branches of bamboo and pine - symbols of longevity and fidelity. Every family prepares a New Year's treat called mochi - koloboks, flatbreads, and rolls made from rice flour. And in the morning, when the New Year comes into its own, the Japanese go out of their houses into the street to greet the sunrise. At first light they congratulate each other and give gifts. Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san - Mr. New Year. Girls' favorite New Year's entertainment is playing shuttlecock, and boys fly a traditional kite during the holiday. In Japan, lucky amulets such as rakes are in great demand among New Year's accessories. Every Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them in order to have something to rake in happiness for the New Year. Bamboo rakes - kumade - are made from 10 cm to 1.5 m in size and are decorated with various designs and talismans.

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Sweden And in Sweden, before the New Year, children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed in a white dress, and a crown with lit candles is placed on her head. Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, a sugar bone for the dog, and carrots for the donkey. On a festive night, the lights in the houses do not go out, the streets are brightly lit.

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Colombia Main Character New Year's carnival in Colombia - Old Year. He walks around in the crowd on high stilts and tells funny stories to children. Papa Pasquale is the Colombian Santa Claus. No one knows how to make fireworks better than him.

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Vietnam New Year, Spring Festival, Tet - all these are the names of the most fun Vietnamese holiday. The branches of a blossoming peach - a symbol of the New Year - should be in every home. Children eagerly wait for midnight, when they can start firing small homemade firecrackers.

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Nepal In Nepal, New Year is celebrated at sunrise. At night, when the moon is full, Nepalese people light huge fires and throw unnecessary things into the fire. The next day, the Festival of Colors begins, and then the whole country turns into a huge rainbow. People paint their faces, arms, and chests with unusual patterns, and then dance and sing songs in the streets.

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France French Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. Per Noel's companion is Per Fouetard, a grandfather with rods, who reminds Per Noel how the child behaved during the year and what he deserves more - gifts or a spanking. The one who gets the bean baked into the New Year's pie receives the title of "bean king" and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders. According to tradition, a good winemaker must clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate it on the holiday and drink to the future harvest. On this holiday, the French walk very noisily, eat a lot, have fun and wait for the arrival of the New Year. The French go out into the streets in fancy dress; they are called Sylvester Claus.

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Ireland Irish Christmas is more of a religious holiday than just entertainment. Lighted candles are placed near the window on the evening before Christmas to help Joseph and Mary if they are looking for shelter. Irish women bake a special treat called "seed cake" for each family member. They also make three puddings - one for Christmas, another for New Year's and a third for Epiphany Eve. In Ireland, on the evening before New Year's Eve, everyone opens the doors of their homes. Anyone who wishes can enter and will be a welcome guest. He will be treated and presented with a glass of wine with the words: “For peace in this house and in the whole world!” The next day a holiday is celebrated at home. An interesting old Irish tradition is to give a piece of coal for good luck.

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Finland In snowy Finland, the main winter holiday is Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th. On Christmas night, having overcome a long journey from Lapland, Santa Claus comes to homes, leaving a large basket of gifts for the joy of the children. New Year is a kind of repetition of Christmas. Once again the whole family gathers around a table bursting with a variety of dishes. On New Year's Eve, Finns try to find out their future and tell fortunes by melting wax and then pouring it into cold water.

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Germany To celebrate the New Year in Germany, houses are decorated with colorful garlands, pine wreaths and Santa Claus figurines. In Germany, Santa Claus appears on a donkey. Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for the gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and put hay in their shoes - a treat for his donkey. On New Year's Day in Germany, there is a funny tradition: as soon as the clock begins to strike twelve times, people of any age climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs and, with the last strike, all together, with joyful screams, “jump” into the New Year. After this, the celebration moves outside. One curious sign is associated with the New Year in Germany. It's good luck to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve. But if he still manages to get dirty in soot, then he is guaranteed to have constant luck!

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Cuba Children's New Year's holiday in Cuba is called Kings Day. The wizard kings who bring gifts to children are named Balthazar, Gaspar and Melchor. The day before, children write letters to them in which they tell them about their cherished desires. On New Year's Eve, Cubans fill all the dishes in the house with water, and at midnight they begin to pour it out of the windows. Thus, all residents of Liberty Island wish the New Year a bright and clear path, like water. In the meantime, while the clock strikes 12 strokes, you need to eat 12 grapes, and then goodness, harmony, prosperity and peace will accompany you all twelve months.

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Panama In Panama there are numerous New Year traditions, which Panamanians treat very carefully and pass on to future generations. One of the most common customs for the New Year is to celebrate it as noisily as possible. When the New Year arrives, an unimaginable noise arises: cars are honking, people are screaming, dogs are barking... In the middle of the night it becomes very light - people are setting off fireworks and firecrackers everywhere. According to ancient belief, noise and light ward off evil. It is very popular to burn various dolls and mannequins at the stake, which are made by hand from paper, straw and other materials. By burning dolls at the stake, residents of Panama see off old year, and with it all sorts of misfortunes, adversities, failures and illnesses. And, of course, on New Year's Day Panamanians cannot do without visits. On this day, people visit their relatives and friends to congratulate them on the holiday and wish them good luck in the coming year.

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Hungary In Hungary, in the “fateful” first second of the New Year, they prefer to whistle - and using not their fingers, but children’s pipes, horns, and whistles. It is believed that they are the ones who drive away evil spirits from the home and call for joy and prosperity. When preparing for the holiday, Hungarians do not forget about the magical power of New Year's dishes: beans and pears preserve the strength of spirit and body, apples - beauty and love, nuts can protect from harm, garlic - from diseases, and honey - sweeten life.

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Canada New Year is celebrated calmly and peacefully. Many people spend this holiday as an ordinary day of rest. Traditionally, Canadians celebrate this holiday not at the table, but on the street, among friends and acquaintances, or at cheerful friendly parties. But for many, celebrating the first minutes of the coming year still remains a family holiday, regardless of where it is held - at home or outside. On the main square of Toronto, a city that is the center of culture and business in Canada, on the evening of December 31, a concert is traditionally held to celebrate the New Year. This colorful entertainment show, in which famous presenters, singers, and performers take part, is exciting and fun every time. It ends when the clock strikes exactly midnight. After the festive concert, the New Year's fun focuses on the skating rink in the city center, where music plays for a long time, and ice skating, so beloved by Canadians, continues.

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India In different parts of India, New Year is celebrated at different times of the year. At the beginning of summer there is Lori holiday. Children collect dry branches, straw, and old things from the house in advance. In the evening, large bonfires are lit, around which people dance and sing. And when autumn comes, Diwali is celebrated - the festival of lights. Thousands of lamps are placed on the roofs of houses and on window sills and lit on the festive night. The girls float small boats across the water, with lights on them too.

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Israel New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is celebrated in Israel on the first two days of the month of Tishrei (September). Rosh Hashanah is the anniversary of the creation of the world and the beginning of the reign of God. On this day, the acceptance of God as ruler is reaffirmed. The New Year holiday is a day of intense prayers and low-key fun. According to custom, on the eve of the holiday they eat special food: apples with honey, pomegranate, fish, as a symbolic expression of hopes for the coming year. Each meal is accompanied by a short prayer. Generally, it is customary to eat sweet foods and abstain from bitter foods. On the first day of the New Year, it is customary to go to the water and say the Tashlikh prayer.

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Burma In Burma, the New Year falls between April 12 and April 17. The Ministry of Culture notifies the exact day of the celebration by a special order, and the holiday lasts three days. According to ancient beliefs, the rain gods live on the stars. Sometimes they gather at the edge of the sky to play with each other. And then it rains on the earth, which promises a rich harvest. To gain the favor of the star spirits, the Burmese came up with a competition - tug of war. Men from two villages take part in them, and in the city - from two streets. And women and children applaud and shout, urging on the lazy rain spirits.

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Czech Republic and Slovakia A cheerful man, dressed in a shaggy fur coat, a tall lambskin hat, and with a box on his back, comes to Czech and Slovak children. His name is Mikulas. For those who studied well, he always has gifts.

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Ukraine In Ukraine, New Year's Eve was called "generous evening." Children walked from house to house, carried a large straw doll, Kolyada, congratulated the owners, sang songs - “shchedrovki” or “carols”. Guests were given gifts - horses, cows, and cockerels baked from dough.

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Holland Santa Claus arrives in Holland on a ship. The children joyfully greet him at the pier. Santa Claus loves funny pranks and surprises and often gives children marzipan fruits, toys, and candy flowers.

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Scotland In Scotland, more precisely, in some villages of this country, the New Year is celebrated with a kind of torchlight procession: barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets. In this way, the Scots “burn” the old year and light the way for the new one. The morning of the New Year is even more important for them than New Year's Eve itself: after all, from the one who will be the first to enter into the house on this day, the well-being of the owners depends. It is believed that a dark-haired man who comes with a gift brings happiness.

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Afghanistan Nowruz, the Afghan New Year, falls on March 21. This is the time when agricultural work begins. The village elder makes the first furrow in the field. On the same day, fun fairs open, where magicians, tightrope walkers, and musicians perform.

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Ethiopia New Year in Ethiopia begins on September 11th. It coincides with the end of the big rains and the beginning of the harvest. On New Year's Eve there are festive processions, fun games and festivities, the bravest compete in jumping over fire.

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Austria Here, the modern custom of gifts and greetings for the New Year was widespread at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. Now it is customary to give figurines or send postcards with traditional symbols of happiness - soottruss, four-leaf clover, pig. Dinner on December 31st should be rich so that you can live well in the new year. Jellied pig or pork was a mandatory meat dish. They believed that in order to be happy, you need to eat a piece of a pig's head or snout - this is called "taking part in pig happiness."

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Bulgaria In Bulgaria, people traditionally celebrate the New Year at home. Before the start of the holiday, the youngest person in the house stands near the Christmas tree and sings carols to the guests. Grateful relatives and guests give him gifts. The most interesting thing begins with the 12th strike of the clock. At this time, the lights in the houses go out for a moment for New Year's kisses. Only after this does the hostess begin to cut the cake with surprises baked in it. If you get a coin - expect wealth, a rose branch - love. The same surprise cake tradition is common in Romania.

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Brazil On New Year's Eve, residents of Rio de Janeiro go to the ocean and bring gifts to the Goddess of the Sea Yemanja. The traditional white clothes that everyone wears to celebrate the New Year symbolize the prayer for peace addressed to Yemanja. The Goddess of the Sea was worshiped by the descendants of Africans who were once brought into slavery in galleys to Brazil. Now the worship of this goddess has become part of Brazilian culture. Believers bring gifts to the goddess: flowers, white candles, perfumes, mirrors, jewelry. Gifts are placed in small boats and sent out to sea as a sign of gratitude for the past year and as a request for protection in the coming year. Other colors are sometimes added to white clothes, meaning additional requests: health - pink, hope - green, attraction, love - red, prosperity - yellow or gold.

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How the New Year is celebrated in different countries of the world New Year is a truly international holiday, but in different countries it is celebrated in its own way. In our presentation you will get acquainted with New Year's characters and traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries of the world... Work of a student of 1st "D" class of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20 in Balakovo Alexey Lazarev

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ITALY In Italy it is believed that the New Year should begin freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve it is customary to throw old things out of windows. It is believed that new things will certainly take the vacated space. Babbo Natale - Italian Santa Claus All Italian children are looking forward to the good Fairy Befana. She flies in at night on a magic broom, opens doors with a small golden key and fills children's stockings, specially hung by the fireplace, with gifts. And for those who did not study well or were naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal. New Year's character - Befana

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New Year's hero - Père Noël FRANCE One of the traditions in France is to make a Christmas log, Bouches de Noël, from wood. This log is set on fire using wood chips left over from last Christmas, and the ash, after burning, protects the house from misfortunes throughout the year. And instead of a traditional Christmas tree in France, it is customary to decorate the house with mistletoe branches, believing that it will bring good luck and success.

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JAPAN One hundred and eight rings of the bell herald the arrival of the New Year in Japan. According to a long-standing belief, each ringing “kills” one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only six of them, but each has 18 different shades - so the bell rings for them. On New Year's Eve, Japanese children hide under their pillow a picture of a sailboat on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness.

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GERMANY New Year's hero - Santa Claus, who appears on a donkey. On New Year's Eve, before going to bed, little children prepare a special plate for gifts, and put hay in their shoes for the donkey. On New Year's Day in Germany there is an interesting tradition: as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, people of different ages they climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs and, with the last blow, unanimously, with joyful greetings, “jump” into the New Year. After this, the celebration moves outside. One curious sign is associated with the New Year in Germany. It promises good luck to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve. But the one who gets dirty with soot at this time has even greater magical power - in this case, he is guaranteed good luck!

For residents of the Dutch capital Amsterdam, the main New Year's event is the appearance of the local Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, in the city port. The guest arrives in the country by sea, via Rotterdam, and is met in a tiny fishing village Monnie-kendam not only ordinary citizens, but also city authorities, including the mayor of the capital

This happens in early December. And all the subsequent New Year's Eve, Dutch children try not to play pranks in order to deserve Nicholas and his servants nicknamed Black Pete long-awaited gifts.

In this country, holiday celebrations are held very traditionally, except for the obligatory skating on the city skating rink, built specifically for the holiday period

In Holland there is old tradition. Previously, when going on a New Year's Eve visit, the Dutch took a log with them. It was decorated with ribbons and paper and given to the owners of the house. The hosts thanked the generous guests and then burned the log in the fireplace with them. The ashes from the burnt log were scattered across the fields the next morning.

Today, the Dutch no longer visit with logs, because, like all Europeans, they fight for the environment and take care of their trees. However, this does not prevent them from carrying out their ancient tradition. Now they are burning a very, very small log. Can you guess which one? On New Year's Eve, the Dutch light a match. Moreover, lighting a match at one end, they then grab it at the other and wait until the fire burns the entire match. A completely burnt match promises the Dutch happiness in the new year

Apogee of the New Year

coming in Holland

at midnight.

The sky of Amsterdam lights up

the glow of fireworks.

Lasts half an hour

deafening cannonade

New Year in Holland is celebrated with family and special dishes are prepared for the New Year's feast

Each region of Holland has its own type of cookies or waffles for the New Year. The so-called Advent wreath is especially popular. These are almond-filled shortbread cookies, sprinkled with almonds and decorated with sugared fruit.

In the Netherlands there is also a traditional New Year's drink - "slam". It is made from hot milk, in which tea, sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest, saffron, cloves and nutmeg are added.

  • New Year in Canada, unlike the troublesome Christmas, is celebrated more calmly and quietly. Many Canadians spend this holiday as a regular day off.
  • According to an established tradition in Canada, it is customary to celebrate the New Year not at the table, but on the street, among friends and acquaintances, or at cheerful friendly parties. However, for many, the meeting of the first minutes of the coming year still remains a family celebration, regardless of where it finds them - at home or outside

  • On the evening of December 31, a festive concert dedicated to welcoming the coming year is traditionally held on the main square of Toronto. It's bright entertainment event, in which singers, performers, presenters, and artists participate. The holiday ends exactly at midnight.
  • After the festive concert, the center of the New Year's fun becomes the skating rink in the center of the city, where music continues to play for a long time, and the beloved and traditional entertainment for residents of Canada skating.

New Year



Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for gifts,

which will bring them Santa Claus,

and they put hay in the shoes - a treat for the donkey

In English houses, the New Year's table is served... no, not oatmeal, sir, but something more appetizing: turkey with chestnuts and fried potatoes with gravy, as well as stewed Brussels sprouts with meat pies,

followed by sweets and fruits

In England, a bell announces the arrival of the New Year. True, he starts calling a little earlier than midnight and does it in a “whisper” - the blanket with which he is wrapped prevents him from demonstrating all his power. But at exactly twelve the bells are “undressed”, and they begin to loudly sing hymns to the New Year. At these moments, lovers, in order not to separate next year, must kiss under a mistletoe branch, considered a magical tree.

Switzerland has a variety of unusual Christmas traditions. This is mainly due to the fact that there are four different national traditions in the country. On the territory of Switzerland there are German, French and Italian settlements with their own customs.

Another factor is high mountains. Snowy winter makes it difficult to travel between villages and therefore some Christmas traditions in Switzerland are only regional in nature (that is, characteristic only of a given area)

In Europe, in the first days of the new year, fortune telling is carried out: fortune tellers are especially popular at this time. Switzerland celebrates Saint's Eve Sylvester . According to legend, in 314 BC. there lived a clergyman named Saint Sylvester , who tamed the terrible sea monster. It was assumed that in 1000 AD. this monster will run away from Saint Sylvester and would destroy the whole world, but this did not happen, and people rejoiced. Since then, in Switzerland, this story has been remembered on New Year's Eve and carnivals are organized in honor of the mythical characters, and the participants themselves are called Sylvesterklaus

Gifts are given both on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. brings them Saint Nicholas or even Christmas Father and wife Lucy. The Christmas tree is an integral part of Christmas celebrations. Christmas carols are sung in four languages. Switzerland has absorbed all the best that different nations could give it

The celebration of St. Nicholas Day in Switzerland falls on

December 6th. Residents organize a festive street procession. They don cardboard headdresses lit by candles to see off St. Nicholas. Children walk the streets, ringing bells and asking for sweets and drinks from nearby houses.

Christmas begins with a festive Christmas mass, which takes place in all the churches of the country, and then continues at home, in the family circle around the Christmas tree. Christmas gifts are distributed to children by a snow-white angel in a crown, whose name is Christkindel . With his appearance, the ringing of a silver bell is heard. Christmas and New Year in Switzerland - this is a bright, memorable event, a real winter's tale full of secrets, surprises and general fun

French Father Frost

  • New Year in France, better known as de Jour comes in night With December 31 on January 1 It was on this day that the French Santa Claus - Pere Noel- brings gifts and sweets to good and diligent children. Wearing wooden shoes and carrying a basket of gifts on his back, he arrives on a donkey and, leaving the animal outside, enters the house through the chimney. He puts gifts in shoes (sabots), which the children leave in front of the fireplace in advance

  • Per Noel's partner is

Per Fuetar - a grandfather with rods who

reminds Per Noel like a child

behaved during the year and what did he

deserves more - gifts or spanking.

In some provinces Père Noel brings

small gifts on December 6th and returns again at Christmas with big ones. Also gifts can

bring Petit Noel - baby Jesus

Père Fouétard Petit Noël

Festive table

The holiday table menu varies depending on regional culinary traditions. In northeastern France, the main dish is often goose; in Burgundy, turkey with chestnuts. In Brittany, buckwheat scones with sour cream are traditionally served, while Parisians prefer oysters, lobster, and foie gras (often prepared as a Christmas log). In Provence, 13 desserts are served - this is an ancient custom that symbolizes Christ and the 12 apostles. The most famous and must-have dessert is Christmas cake. Bouche de Noel (in the form of a log). For dessert, prepare a pie with one bean. Whoever eats a bean becomes "Bean King" and everyone must obey him

New Year in Italy

The name of the Italian Santa Claus is Babbo Natale . His name is associated with Saint Nicholas

Outwardly, Babbo Natale is very similar to Santa Claus. He wears a red suit, has a large white beard, and travels on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. On New Year's Eve, Babbo Natale looks into houses where there are small children and leaves them gifts. But he gives gifts only to those who wrote him a letter of wishes in advance.

In Spain, when the clock strikes, it is customary to eat 12 grapes.

If you have time to eat everything

12 grapes, your cherished dream will come true

New Year in Thailand

On the streets they can tie special strings for you for good luck. There should be 25-30 of them on each hand, from different people. They are worn until they tear or come untied.

Sawasdee pi mai! Happy New Year!

In Japan, two Santa Clauses compete - Segatsu-san and newbie Oji-san (a version of the American Santa Claus). Unlike the young Oji , traditional Segatsu-san you have to go home for a whole week, which the Japanese call “golden”. Segatsu-san is dressed in a sky-blue kimono, he does not give gifts to children, their parents do this for him.

New Year in Japan is called O-shogatsu. This is the most favorite and bright holiday, A New Year holidays, lasting from December 28 to January 4, are days of rest for absolutely everyone. Japan is a country rich in diverse, interesting customs and traditions. They prepare for the holiday long before it arrives. Numerous New Year's fairs are held on the streets of Japanese cities, where everything is sold - from souvenirs and clothing to ritual items. For example, Hamaimi . These are blunt arrows with white feathers that protect the house from troubles and evil forces. Or Takarabune. This is the name of the boats with rice and other “treasures” on which the seven gods of luck sit. The lucky talisman is very popular - kumade(translated as “bear paw”). It resembles a rake made from bamboo. This little thing is supposed to “rakes in” happiness. With each purchase, store visitors are given a traditional figurine of an animal as a gift - a symbol of the coming year. It is impossible not to talk about the traditional detail of decorating a Japanese home before the New Year, the so-called kadomatsu , which means “pine tree at the entrance.”

Kadomatsu this is a greeting to the Divine New Year's holiday, usually made from pine, bamboo, woven rice straw rope, decorated with fern branches, tangerines or a bunch of seaweed and dried shrimp. Each of the details of this decoration is symbolic. By ancient tradition The Japanese decorate the house for the New Year with bouquets of willow or bamboo branches with mochi hanging on them in the form of flowers, fish, and fruits. These decorations, called mochibana, are colored yellow, green or pink colors, are attached in a prominent place or hung from the ceiling at the entrance, so that the deity of the New Year - Tosigami, “entering the house”, immediately begins his “duties”, namely, taking care of the hospitable hosts in the coming year.

The arrival of the New Year at midnight from December 31 to January 1 has been announced for more than a millennium by 108 bells that are heard at midnight. According to the Buddhist religion, a person is burdened with six main vices: greed, greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity and indecision. Each vice has 18 shades. And every ring of the bell on New Year's Eve frees the Japanese from one of these misfortunes. With the last blow, the Japanese go to bed, so that they can then get up before dawn and greet the new year with the first rays of the sun. It is believed that it is at these moments that people arrive in Japan on their magic ship. seven gods of happiness . The family New Year's dinner, which begins on the evening before the New Year, is also of great importance. Dinner is quiet and orderly without noisy conversations or drinking songs. Nothing should distract you from thinking about the future

The morning of January 1st begins for every resident of Japan with reading congratulations (nengadze) and scrupulously checking the correspondence of the list of sent postcards and the list of received ones. If there are discrepancies, then the missing congratulations are sent immediately. In the afternoon, it is customary for the Japanese to visit people. By the way, according to custom, in this country it is not customary to come to visit without notifying the hosts in advance. However, it happens that a person simply leaves his business card on a tray specially placed for this purpose

New Year in Germany

Saint Nicholas Day

In December, Germans celebrate the arrival of the holiday - St. Nicholas Day.

On this day, it is customary to put children's shoes and shoes outside the door so that Nikolaus puts gifts in them. The next morning, as a rule, they decorate the Christmas tree.


Christmas is a religious holiday, so German families go to church, after which they are expected at home. festive table and traditional goose with apples and cabbage

Fish is a must-have New Year's dish in Germany. Most often they cook herring or carp; their scales look like coins and symbolize wealth. They say that it is useful to carry a few circles of this scale in your wallet to attract financial luck

New Year's hero - Vainakhtsman

Vainakhtsman, wearing a fur coat turned inside out and belted with a chain, who carries a bag of gifts and a basket with rods, and Christkind, a girl in white, come to the children. According to tradition, pranksters, for whom rods are intended instead of gifts, can correct themselves on New Year's Day and receive a gift from Vainakhtsman if they tell kind Christkind a poem

The real Finnish Santa Claus lives in the very north of Finland, near the Arctic Circle. His name is Joulupukki. "Joulu" means Christmas in Finnish, and "pukki" means goat. According to legend, many years ago, Santa Claus dressed in goat skin for the holiday, and then delivered gifts on the goat. Since then, Santa Claus began to bear the “goat” name. True, now it is perceived as "Grandfather Christmas"

You need to knock three times on the huge gates of Grandfather’s House, and then they will open (this is the tradition). Outside the gates, tourists are greeted by a gnome doorman and a house guide. He takes guests through the entire Christmas village straight to Santa Claus. Mistress of the house Snow Maiden (among the Finns she is not Grandfather’s daughter,

and his young wife) gives gifts to children. The adults are watching at this time

how gnomes bake gingerbread and prepare gifts for Christmas

Santa Claus's workshop is also located in Lapland, in the town of Napapiiri, near the city of Rovaniemi, right on the Arctic Circle

Before going to Santa Claus, you should notify him about this by letter.

The address is: 96930, Finland, Rovaniemi, Arctic Circle, Father Frost (or Santa Claus) workshop.

The village of Father Frost consists of three main institutions: the office of Father Frost, shopping arcades with souvenirs ("Village of Craftsmen") and the Central Post Office, where gnomes rustle, sorting bags of letters (absolutely real), and maintain strict computer records and control. From here you can send a postcard to your friends, having it endorsed with the personal seal of Grandfather Frost himself.

Father Frost - main character Christmas holiday in Finland. From the capital of Finland to Korvatunturi (translated as Mountain Ear), where Father Frost lives, is almost a thousand kilometers

First you need to get to the city of Kaijani in northeastern Finland, and from there you can only go by sled or snowmobile. On the way there is a stop at a hospitable tent, where all tourists are fed lunch

New Year

Christmas Day

in Finland

it is also noted

but on a smaller scale.

And they meet him most often,

at a party or in a restaurant,

as well as fresh


usually time

rest and peace.

The next day

traditionally visit


or restaurant

The fun starts right away

darkness. On trees and fences

hanging colorful lanterns.

There are fireworks everywhere,

firecrackers and firecrackers thunder, bright fires burn,

who gather different fairy-tale characters