Multimedia presentation "Yuletide fortune-telling". Christmas carols. Christmas time has arrived. What a joy! Windy youth wonders, For which nothing is sorry, Before which the distance of life Lies bright, boundless; - presentation Presentation on the theme of Christmastide for primary school

The tradition of telling fortunes at Christmas time is the most ancient and, apparently, will live on for a very long time. For, in addition to the natural desire to know what is hidden, the sacrament of Christmas fortune-telling is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes terrifying and frightening. Christmastide lasts from January 7 to January 19. So if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune on Christmas night, when magical sessions are most powerful, you will have almost two more weeks at your disposal when you can perform Christmas fortune-telling.

Fortune telling is one of the signs of Christmastide.

During Christmas time there are:

The most “faithful” are considered to be fortune telling on Vasiliev’s evening - the eve of January 14, i.e. on Old New Year.

Traditional rules for any fortune telling:
1. You can tell fortunes only at midnight, while lighting the room is allowed with candles, but lamps and electrical appliances should be turned off.
2. When doing fortune telling, maintain complete silence, do not talk or laugh.
3. You cannot cross your arms and legs. This will help you, first of all, not to get confused when during the ritual you need to take an object with a certain hand.
4. You need to take off all the things that encircle or bind you, be it a ring, bracelet or belt.
5. During fortune telling, a person should not be under the protection of religion, therefore they must remove their crosses and hide icons indoors.

A huge variety of methods for Christmas fortune-telling have been invented in Rus', but the main theme of all Christmas fortune-telling is fortune telling for the betrothed (groom). This is understandable, because in ancient times, the fate of a girl depended entirely on how successfully she would get married.

Christmas time is a special time when fate is ready to show its cards, and you can try to beat it. It is no coincidence that Christmas week in Rus' was considered the best time for girls' fortune telling. The young beauties not only found out who and where would come for them to take them away on a black horse, but also what surprises fortune would bring them this year.



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Christmas Eve Holy Evenings

Merry Christmas!

Christmastide lasted two weeks from Christmas to Epiphany. Christmastide began on Bright Nativity, January 7th, and will end on Epiphany Eve, January 18th. All twelve holy days before the feast of the Epiphany, the Nativity of Christ is glorified. All this time, it is customary to glorify Christmas, make pilgrimages and give secret gifts to the poor. And the church in holidays as a sign of restoration of justice, he cancels one of the most symbolic rituals during the service - prostrations to the ground.

Christmas time

Christmas songs Not a single Russian holiday passed without the omnipresent children. On Christmastide, children gathered in groups and went from house to house to carol. Left under the windows of someone's house, the children sang special Christmas songs - carols. Their content was traditional - glorifying the owner, wishing his family and home well-being and prosperity. There was a reward for caroling - something tasty. Kalada-kalyada, on the eve of Christmas! We are keeping up everywhere, happy New Year! After caroling, the participants ate the collected delicacies together.

The boys are walking across the field, across the field. Yes, they talk and exchange words: Whose house is this? Whose mansion is this?

How good fellows and beautiful girls gathered, dressed up and went to Carols.

We are not walking alone, but we are leading a goat and a bear!

On Christmastide in Russia, girls used to tell fortunes.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of entertainment in the senior/preparatory group “Adventures on Christmastide.”

Goal: - expand and enrich children’s knowledge about the various traditions of the Russian people, their culture. Program content: - in game form consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales; - maintain interest...


"Christmas time", winter fun...

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Student 5 A class MBOU Irkutsk secondary school No. 28 Shilova Taisiya

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To introduce the customs and beliefs of the Russian people To awaken interest in the history of the peoples of Russia To cultivate a sense of citizenship and patriotism To instill love for antiquity, culture and way of life of the Russian people To promote the education of a highly moral personality who deeply understands and has an infinite love for Russian culture and history, the Russian people and the Fatherland.

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Christmastide - holy evenings, this is what was called in Russia the days of celebration, fun, days of the sacred celebration of the Nativity of Christ. This holiday intertwined the traditions of the pagan rites of the ancient Slavs and Christianity. The Christian Church coincides with three major holidays during the winter holidays: Christmas, St. Basil's Day and Epiphany.

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Yuletide week
Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) 1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January) Light evenings (1st week of January)
6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12
Christmas Eve Kuteynik. Christmas Eve Kuteynik. Christmas Christmas "Babi porridge" "Babi porridge" Stefanov's day Stefanov's day Infant Remembrance Day Anisya the stomach girl
Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2) Scary evenings (week 2)
13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19
Malanya Vasilyev's Day Old New Year's Day Vasilyev's Day Old New Year's Seliverstov Day Chicken Holiday Seliverstov Day Chicken Festival Day of the Prophet Malachi Day of the Prophet Malachi Epiphany Evening Second Christmas Eve Epiphany Evening Second Christmas Eve Epiphany Epiphany Jordan

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Christmas Eve is a day of strict fasting before the Nativity of Christ, on which the first family meal was served only after the first star. Kutya is a lean porridge made from grains of wheat, rice or barley with honey, poppy seeds or raisins, which was cooked on Christmas night and Epiphany Eve in memory of deceased ancestors. Carols, Schedrovki, Vinogradya - songs of the festive round of courtyards with wishes for wealth and harvest. Ovsenki are ritual cookies in the shape of birds and domestic animals, which the owners gave to carolers after singing songs. Naryatchiki, mashkarats - participants in terrible evenings, which, according to the superstitious beliefs of the ancient Slavs, were substitutes for the souls of deceased ancestors; according to another version, they personified evil spirits. Troparion - a special church chant that explains the meaning of the holiday

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The first three evenings were called holy, because as soon as the all-night vigil in the church ended and people went home, “Christoslavs” began to walk around the village - these are groups of children, teenagers and young people who, entering the house, brought the news that he was born Christ and sang Christmas carols. The symbol of Christmas and holy evenings was the star of Bethlehem - the same one that sparkled with lights, walked across the sky and lowered a golden ray to the ground where little Christ was born.

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Christmas Eve, Kolyada, is also called Christmas Eve. This name is associated with the custom of Orthodox Christians to eat juice on this day - dried grains of bread soaked in water. Sochivo was called not only porridge and any lean food, but also the juice of various seeds: poppy, hemp, sunflower, mustard, nut, almond and other “milk”.

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According to tradition, the meal begins with the appearance of the first star, in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds.

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Their first three days were called holy evenings. These days, children, youth, and old people glorified Christ in their homes. They were called “Christoslavs”, “glorifiers”. The earliest circumambulation, before the first morning star, was traditionally performed by children, since, according to the general belief, pure children’s prayer reached the throne of the Lord faster.

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Try to determine which Christmastide day is meant by certain sayings, poems, expressions and riddles. Winter is freezing, but the man is for the holidays. (Start of Christmas time). Pig or boletus to Vasiliev's evening. (Old New Year). Neighbor goes to talk to neighbor. (Christmas, Vasiliev evening). Christmas time will come - your heels will tan. (Youth Christmas gatherings). A snow bath will fix everything and add beauty. (Baptism). When does day come to chicken step? (Old New Year). When does a gypsy sell a fur coat? (After Christmas time). The bear is flying, twirling its tail, The pig has built a nest on a spruce tree, Built a nest, brought out the babies, The piglets are hanging on the branches, They want to fly. (Vasiliev evening).

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Veletskaya N.N. Pagan symbolism of Slavic archaic rituals. – M.: Nauka, 1978 Gromyko M.M. The world of the Russian village. - M.: Young Guard, 1991 Gromyko M.M. Religions of Russia. - M., 1998 // Newspaper “Blagovest”, L.P. Lyakhovskaya Corinthian Apollo. People's Rus'. – M.: White City, 2007. Monthly. Traditions, customs, signs and advice for every day / compiled by Stepkina O.V. – M.: Ripol-classic, 2009. Propp V.Ya. Russian agricultural holidays. - M.: Labyrinth, 2006. Semenova M. We are Slavs! – St. Petersburg: ABC, 1998 Ternovaya I.I. Irkutsk woman: portrait at the turn of the century (late 19th – early 20th centuries). – Irkutsk: Print, 2007 Tereshchenko A.V. History of the Culture of the Russian people. – M.: Eksmo, 2007 Shmelev I.S. Summer of the Lord. – M.: Bustard, 2002.

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- Little children plucked branches, stood in the garden, glorified Christ. Christ was born, Paradise opened.

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The dough for carols can be prepared from rye flour alone or from a mixture of rye and wheat flour in equal proportions (1:1) according to the following recipe: 2 thin glasses of flour, a thin glass of liquid (water, milk, yogurt, sour cream in any proportions), salt on the tip of a knife. Salt is not added to fresh bread. The kneaded dough should “rest” for 20-30 minutes, covered with a napkin so as not to dry out. Roll out the dough into a rope, cut into equal pieces, roll into balls, roll them into thin flat cakes, and give them a round or oval shape. Add a variety of fillings and pinch or fold the edges in different ways. Bake carols (wickets) at a temperature of 200-220 degrees until ready. Brush baked hot carols with melted butter or butter and sour cream, then the crust will be soft and tasty.

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Internet resources: http://dic http://www.cultinfo .ru

  • Christmastide
  • Folk signs
  • Yuletide fortune telling
  • Carols
  • Christmas night
  • Christmas table
This is a ritual known to many European peoples. It consists in the fact that guys, girls, boys and girls, dressed up in sheepskin coats turned inside out, putting on funny masks, gather in groups and, moving from one yard to another, sing under the windows, and sometimes in the huts, songs in honor of the holiday , sometimes as a congratulation to the owners, sometimes just for fun and entertainment. The hosts gave treats to the participants of such concerts as congratulations. It was considered bad manners to refuse carolers. It was customary for them to bake pies, buns or gingerbread cookies in the shape of pets. The caroling ended with general fun, sliding down the slides, and a general feast.
  • This is a ritual known to many European peoples. It consists in the fact that guys, girls, boys and girls, dressed up in sheepskin coats turned inside out, putting on funny masks, gather in groups and, moving from one yard to another, sing under the windows, and sometimes in the huts, songs in honor of the holiday , sometimes as a congratulation to the owners, sometimes just for fun and entertainment. The hosts gave treats to the participants of such concerts as congratulations. It was considered bad manners to refuse carolers. It was customary for them to bake pies, buns or gingerbread cookies in the shape of pets. The caroling ended with general fun, sliding down the slides, and a general feast.
  • Kolyada is not only Christmas, but also Vasilyevskaya (on New Year's Eve) and Epiphany.
  • There are many joyful customs associated with Christmas. At Christmas the tree was always lit. A star was attached to its top - a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, under which Jesus Christ was born.
  • On the night before Christmas, Santa Claus comes to homes where there are children to give gifts. Children used to hang stockings by their crib to find surprises in them in the morning.
  • Carols
  • Carols are ritual songs, an ancient and stable part of Russian folklore.
  • They sing carols from Christmas (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19).
  • Carolers are not beggars, but people who have always been eagerly awaited to bless the new harvest for the whole year. And the more you give, the more luck you will have.
  • The symbol of the carol is a solar disk made of cardboard, attached to a stick and decorated with ribbons and paper flowers.
The Christmas and New Year holidays began with caroling. This was the name given to the festive walks around houses with the singing of carols - songs that glorified the owners of the house and contained wishes for a rich harvest, abundance, etc. The beginning of the year was given special significance. As you celebrate the New Year, that’s how it will be. Merry, short carols were a song form for such wishes.
  • The Christmas and New Year holidays began with caroling. This was the name given to the festive walks around houses with the singing of carols - songs that glorified the owners of the house and contained wishes for a rich harvest, abundance, etc. The beginning of the year was given special significance. As you celebrate the New Year, that’s how it will be. Merry, short carols were a song form for such wishes.
  • Carols.
  • Symbols of Christmas in Russia include images and figurines of angels, ringing bells, and the Christmas star.
  • Christmas table
  • Kutya, sochni, and compote were placed on the table. Before placing food on the table, they covered it with hay or straw, as it resembled the manger in which the baby Jesus was.
  • Sochivo (Kutia)
  • Christmas night
  • On the night before Christmas there was exuberant folk rejoicing. This custom comes from the depths of pagan times, which carries the tradition of fortune telling, games, and dressing up.
  • Glorification of Christ with a star, nativity scene. This custom began in the 18th century. Christoslav carolers: boys, girls, teenagers, gathered in a group, went from house to house, sang songs in honor of the holiday, and the owners gave them treats.
  • Waits
Yuletide fortune telling
  • During Christmas time, there are “holy evenings” (January 7 – 13) – for fun, funny fortune telling and “terrible evenings” (January 14 – 19) – for dangerous, risky ones. The most “faithful” are considered to be fortune telling on Vasiliev’s evening - the eve of January 14, i.e. on the Old New Year.
Folk signs
  • There will be a snowstorm at Christmas - bees will swarm well.
  • On Christmas Day the day is warm - the bread will be dark and thick.
  • Winter is snowy - summer is rainy.
  • Cold winter – hot summer.
  • Sparrows chirp in unison - to the warmth.
  • Winter warmth - summer cold.
  • A ring around the sun means bad weather.
  • A bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - a sign of thaw.
  • If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.
History of the Nativity of Christ
  • Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ was born. God the Father sent his Son Jesus to the earthly world to save humanity from destruction. And from the day of the Savior’s birth a new time has come on earth. Christmas in different countries and even areas are met differently. In the West, there are so-called “Christmas holidays” - a whole week of rest. And the “main” gifts there are usually given at Christmas.
  • In Rus', a week before Christmas, New Year's holidays opened - Svyatki. Mummers walked around, told fortunes, caroled, slid down snowy hills on matting and planks, and rode on festively decorated sleighs. For example, Novgorod mummers traveled around the city, entering only the houses where they were expected, and lighted candles were displayed in the windows. The hosts treated the mummers to intricate dishes and wine.
- Good evening, generous evening
  • - Good evening, generous evening
  • good people for the whole evening!
  • An angel came down to us from heaven
  • And he said: “Christ is born”
  • We came to glorify him
  • And congratulate you on the holiday.
  • Carols
  • Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
  • Give me the cow, the oil head!
  • Standing on the window, looking at me.
  • Serve the pancake, the oven will go smoothly!
  • Kolyada, Kolyada, give me some pie!
  • Damn and a cake in the back window!
  • Freezing! Freezing!
  • Go on New Year's Day,
  • Don't be cold to anyone:
  • No chickens, no piglets,
  • No little guys.
  • You go for a walk in winter,
  • Don't come in the summer!
  • The sparrow flies
  • Twirls his tail,
  • And you people know
  • Cover the tables
  • Welcome guests!
  • You will give us -
  • We will praise
  • And you won’t give -
  • We will reproach!
  • Kolyada, Kolyada!
  • Serve the pie!
  • Tyapu-lyapu,
  • Hurry up and give me a carol!
  • Feet are chilly
  • I'll run home.
  • Who will give
  • He is the prince
  • Who won't give -
  • Togo in the dirt!
  • Shchedrik, bucket,
  • Give me the dumpling!
  • a spoonful of porridge,
  • Top sausages.
  • This is not enough
  • Give me a piece of lard.
  • Take it out quickly
  • Don't freeze your children!
  • Today is a walk, fortune-telling, skating!
  • Pancakes, pies, tea party,
  • And pranks and dates.
  • Winter is rushing us. Hurry up!
  • Hurry to see, hear, participate!
  • Get dressed and leave your houses,
  • Carol, dance, joke!
  • Hello, treats
  • Please accept congratulations!
  • You live to be two hundred years old!
  • I wish you happiness and good health!
  • Give us some cookies
  • Or maybe jam.
  • We sow, we blow snow
  • On a silk bed.
  • The snow is falling,
  • The blizzard will break out!
  • Give it to you, masters,
  • On New Year's Day:
  • There is offspring on the field,
  • On the threshing floor - threshed,
  • You will give us -
  • We will praise
  • And you won’t give -
  • We will scold.
  • Kolyada, Kolyada,
  • Come from far away
  • Once a year
  • Let's admire it for an hour.
  • We're crackling with the frost,
  • With a prickly cold,
  • With white snows,
  • With a blizzard, with blizzards.
  • Scooters-sleighs
  • We drove ourselves -
  • From village to village,
  • Kolyada is fun.
  • Kolyada, Kolyada,
  • Once upon a time there were three cats
  • Three cats and a cat.
  • Serve the cake.
  • Mister, gentlemen,
  • The master's wife
  • Open the doors
  • And give us a gift!
  • Pie, roll
  • Or anything else!
  • Don't give us cheesecakes -
  • Get it on top of your head!
  • Don't give me the pie -
  • Let's lead the cow by the horns.
  • Mister, gentlemen,
  • The master's wife
  • Open the doors
  • And give us a gift!
  • Pie, roll
  • Or anything else!
  • Illustrations and animations taken from the following sites:
  • Internet sources

Nomination "Presentation in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

Presentation about the holiday of Christmas and Christmas Day in Rus'.

Target: introducing children to the culture and traditions of the Russian people, introducing children to ancient traditions, nurturing a sense of collectivism, friendship, and the joy of communication.

Ended new year holidays, but our middle group has developed its own, in our opinion, interesting, good tradition - celebrating the Christmas holidays.

For example, on Christmas Eve, the children acted out the fairy tale “The Christmas Tree.” Children, despite their age, happily dressed up as fairy tale characters and took on the main roles. Thanks to this production, the children learned why the humble Christmas tree became a symbol of Christmas.

The children's parents also took an active part in the celebration. With great interest the children listened to the speech of the mother of the Unmarried Roma, who spoke about Christmas in a very interesting and accessible way for the children.

Christmas has passed and the spirit festive mood still hangs in the air of our kindergarten. Christmas time! It’s not for nothing that from January 7 to January 19, people walked, went to visit, congratulated and treated each other, had fun, amused the people with carols and believed: “How you spend Christmas time, so will the whole year.” The magic word “Carols” is a holiday where everyone becomes both a participant and a spectator.

During caroling, the villagers walked around the courtyards, stood under the windows, and sang special songs of praise, called “carols” after their chorus. Caroling is, first of all, a wish for unprecedented, fabulous prosperity and wealth to families. The most fun entertainment at carols was “massing”. The mummers caroled with songs and funny scenes. Favorite characters were the Bear, the Gypsy and the Goat. Gift giving during caroling is not just payment, but a ritual that ensures good luck for the family in the coming year.

We prepared seriously for Carols in kindergarten. Children were introduced to the history of the holiday, the traditions that accompany it, and learned carol songs and poems. Parents took an active part in preparing attributes and costumes for the holiday, which contributed to the emotional perception of the holiday and made an unforgettable impression on the children.

On January 18, our children, together with teachers and parents, in elegant costumes and songs, walked around the entire kindergarten! The “Carolers” put on a real performance. Children sang carols with wishes for health, prosperity, wealth, danced in circles, solved riddles, played with the Goat, and the owners presented the carolers with gingerbread, pies, sweets, and small money.

This Christmas day ended with a festive tea party near the Christmas tree, and watching a presentation about the holiday of Christmas and holy days in Rus' in an atmosphere of magic, peace and goodness.

Presentation “Holidays”