Aquarius-Rabbit man: character and personal characteristics. Horoscope of the Aquarius-Rabbit man in Family and Marriage

Every person hopes that his time will come and he will meet his soul mate. But no one knows how long to wait for this. Only the stars control fate. In a horoscope you can always read the characteristics and compatibility in love for each zodiac sign.

Characteristics of the Aquarius – Rabbit man

Aquarius - Rabbit man is a person with developed intuition. She helps him through life. The main thing is that he learns to use it correctly. Often due to his stubbornness and lack of faith in internal forces, men do not listen to their inner voice. In this case, they do everything as they were taught, as is accepted in society. In the end, things don't work out the way they would like. They begin to look for the cause of what happened, the people who are to blame for what happened.

The Rabbit-Aquarius man needs to improve more, engage in self-knowledge and development. Then he will have no time to look for people to blame for his own problems. And he will understand that this is not necessary.

The character of an Aquarius man is a strong-willed Rabbit. If he sets a goal for himself, he always goes to it, despite all the obstacles that await him along the way. However, the people around him see that he is depressed. Those. everything he does gives him no pleasure. However, despite all this, he is not trying to change anything in his life. He justifies his actions based on the circumstances. He always blames others, but not himself.

Astrologers advise this guy to be more optimistic. If you constantly look for the bad in everything, then you will never get out of the swamp of a gray routine life. A representative of this zodiac sign must pull himself together. Only self-discipline and constant personal control will help him change. In some cases, he should turn to professional psychologists.

The Aquarius Rabbit man earns enough money to live comfortably. However, the people around him perceive him as an unfortunate poor man. He just constantly talks about what he lacks. And the main thing is that he works, but he is not appreciated, he is not paid adequately. But at the same time, he is not going to quit this job. He explains that now is not the right time to do this. The lives of loved ones depend on it. He cannot deprive his children of what they have, although it could be better.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Rabbit men

For an Aquarius-Rabbit man, relationships with women are very important. He always builds his connection with the opposite sex based on trust. He always loves with his heart. If he liked a girl, this does not mean that he expects something from their relationship. He is not characterized by selfish use of people. But this sometimes brings disappointment to his love. It’s just that the Rabbit-Aquarius man meets a woman without any calculation. But this does not mean that the girl treats him in the same way. As a result, a guy may immediately become disillusioned with love and hate the entire opposite sex if a girl uses him and leaves him. The representative of this zodiac sign is a vulnerable man. He needs a girl who is just as honest and sincere.

Astrologers advise this gullible, but kind and open guy, to look for his love among representatives of such zodiac signs as Pig, Rabbit and Goat. They can trust them and count on a similar response from their beloved. Women under the sign of the Rooster, Snake and Bull will not be able to respond to his love with sincere feelings. These are people from different planets. The melancholic nature of the Aquarius-Rabbit man is not suitable for the temperament of representatives of these zodiac signs.

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This Rabbit, who was born under the sign of Aquarius, has a wonderful imagination and is more interested in the world around him than other Cats. He is attracted by the mystery of human relationships, he seeks the essence of all things. Rabbit-Aquarius - “not of this world.” Material values ​​are often secondary for him. In any case, he thinks so himself. He is not too eager to earn money and can be content with little.

Such a person values ​​freedom and no one can impose their point of view on anything. He is busy with his own affairs and tries not to react to irritants.

Character of the Aquarius Rabbit

By nature, the Aquarius Rabbit is rather an optimist and even an idealist. The harsh reality of life may upset him, but not for long. He has good intuition, insight and the ability to look into the future. It is a pity that the Aquarius Rabbit does not always use his abilities, so to speak, for the benefit of himself and society. There is a share of stubbornness and even laziness in him.

In love, the Aquarius Rabbit is very emotional and sensitive. He is a romantic who knows how to charm anyone without any tricks. This is a reliable and responsible person, however, one should not think that he can be controlled. Aquarius, born in the year of the Rabbit, is the most homely of all Aquarius! Of course, he is interested in distant countries, but he is in no hurry to see everything, except on TV...

Rabbit Aquarius Man

Charming, open to new experiences and freedom-loving individuals. As a child, they treat their parents with reverence, they are ready to hurt themselves, but make sure that everyone feels good and comfortable. The purpose of their life is to solve mysteries and explore new horizons. They are not attracted by money, fame, career growth, or family - they can spend their whole lives searching for themselves. Success in business does not shine for them - they are bored with their own business even before the first income and expenses are noted in the ledger. In amorous affairs, his chosen one will have a hard time - he is not able to love someone in particular, he is admired by the whole world at once. Therefore, betrayal in the Aquarius-Rabbit family is common.

His wife can either come to terms with this or seek happiness with another person - neither threats, nor scandals, nor hysterics, nor attempts to provoke retaliatory jealousy affect him. However, they are capable of sincere love, but for the most part this is the love of a father for his children - in relationships with the opposite sex they are changeable and fickle. The activity of Aquarius-Rabbits does not concern the intimate side of life - the very fact of closeness with their beloved is important to them, and love pleasures as such do not arouse their interest.

Rabbit Aquarius Woman

An extremely creative and capable zodiac sign. Girls born under this sign do not require their parents to tell them a bedtime story - they can come up with more than one themselves. fascinating story, are able to describe events so colorfully that the listener does not have any doubts about their veracity. They love to be with friends, they are able to talk for hours on end, without stopping, without ever repeating themselves! It is not surprising that among people of this sign there is a large percentage of actors, writers, public figures and bloggers. They need communication like air! But, unfortunately, a thousand friends do not guarantee the presence of at least one true friend. Therefore, it often turns out that in difficult situations they have no one to turn to and have to decide everything on their own. And Aquarius has problems with this - making a decision without consulting is the same for them as jumping into an ice hole.

They also do not know how to work for results - the process itself is important to them, they will not stay in a boring position even for very big money. But if you turn their work duties into an exciting game, the results can be amazing. It is vitally important for Aquarius-Rabbit to find a person with whom they can share everything without reserve, since family is the highest value for them!

Character of the Rabbit "Cat" woman - Aquarius: These Pisces always consider themselves to be right, more worthy than others in everything. They put their ideas and methods of solving problems ahead of everything, but they are often mistaken. But these mistakes do not teach them; on the contrary, they become embittered. They can change significantly if they consider life in different manifestations. In particular, they gain delicacy, the ability to listen to others and accept other people's opinions. But only strong natures achieve this.

These women are always full of ambition, self-confidence and independence. As a result, they often have to struggle with difficulties, so their lives are filled with emotions of various kinds. But at the same time, powerful willpower, magnetism and charm make these women especially attractive and interesting to others. Moreover, they are very talented. They usually manifest themselves in music and art.

Rabbit Woman "Cat" - Aquarius in love and relationships: These women consider love to be the meaning of life, but at the same time emotions do not allow them to soar. These women always feel support under their feet. They will be able to find their love if they can learn to accept other people’s opinions and worldviews, which is a necessity in a relationship. They need to always learn in order to feel the strength to continue the relationship. This difficult situation will one day change with a change in the character of Pisces.

Rabbit Woman “Cat” - Aquarius in finance and career: They are especially practical, so they can take all their mistakes to implement future plans. In particular, this applies to climbing the career ladder and financial planning. Rationalism and the ability to plan their life allows them to achieve a good position in adulthood. They are often successful and prosperous, as they easily solve all difficulties, moving upward towards their goal.

Rabbit Woman "Cat" - Aquarius in family and marriage: Practicality and rationalism in relationships greatly helps Pisces. They can calculate their relationship for several moves and begin to implement their plans. If they consider the partner promising for Serious relationships, will definitely spice up the family. And here rationality will fail a little Pisces, as he will feel strong feelings for his other half and especially children, for whom he can do everything, even the impossible.

Advice to the Rabbit “Cat” – Aquarius woman: This sign needs to be more open, since not everyone is an enemy. Some women can even help him achieve his goals. The whole life of these women is subordinated to achieving goals and therefore they often cannot relax. They just need to see those loved ones who surround him and can help with almost everything. It is important to understand that being single is difficult and unnecessary. This understanding will help him achieve excellent results in all areas of life and with almost no effort.

Nata Karlin

People born in the Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) sign combination are freedom-loving, easy-going, elusive and mysterious. They are very reasonable, active, observant and tactful. The main thing in their life is freedom, credo – fearlessness, hobby – laziness. That is, people born in this combination of signs are freedom-loving, fearless to the point of self-denial and love to be lazy.

The Aquarius-Cat man has an attractive appearance, endowed by nature with wisdom, wonderful imagination, and internal magnetism. He is a lucky guy who knows how to charm the people around him. In love, a person of this combination of signs is a romantic, in life an adventurer.

When choosing something for himself, he moves towards the goal without retreating a single step. His desires are much broader than simply “conquering” this world: he wants to understand its essence!

He always strives to get to the bottom of the truth, to find the root of evil or virtue, learn new things and penetrate the secrets of human relationships

A person born in a combination of Aquarius and Cat is an optimist, but he can also show the opposite side of his character - envy, stubbornness, apathy and laziness. His insight allows him to perfectly understand people and the intricacies of their relationships, he perfectly sees their weaknesses and shortcomings.

Aquarius-Rabbit person is an optimist in life

Aquarius-Rabbit is very hardworking, he can work tirelessly for days on end to provide for his family. He chooses a creative job - artist, designer, decorator. He can become an outstanding scientist or journalist, architect and lawyer, it all depends on how much he loves his own business.

The material side of life interests the Aquarius-Cat the least . For him, money is more a means to achieving goals - peace, stability, the opportunity to learn and experience new things. He has outstanding diplomatic skills. Few people can, like Aquarius-Cat, smooth out conflicts, not just eliminating the consequences, but even the causes of their occurrence.

Characteristics of an Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) man

The Aquarius guy of the year of the Cat is very active, cheerful, daring, purposeful and assertive. He knows how to set the right goals in life and successfully achieve them. If he is faced with a task, then he is unlikely to be distracted by unimportant matters until he solves the main one. Gambling and enthusiastic, he may not notice reality when he starts something important in his life. He has well-developed intuition, but he does not know how to use the prompts of this important feeling.

The character of the Aquarius-Rabbit man contains such important qualities for the strong half of humanity as willpower, perseverance, decency and honesty

He rarely gets into pessimistic moods, showing despondency. This person almost always has a positive outlook on life and knows how to enjoy simple things.

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of the Aquarius-Cat man is that they are very often torn apart by internal contradictions. They tend to look for the cause of all troubles in others, rarely blaming myself for it. If laziness, characteristic of representatives of this combination of signs, takes possession of a man completely, then his affairs (both financial and family) may fall into disrepair.

The Aquarius-Rabbit man rarely falls into pessimistic moods

Characteristics of Aquarius-Cat women

The Aquarius girl, born in the year of the Cat, has irrepressible optimism, she is very sociable, attractive, and charming. Her unbending willpower can be the envy of many men. She is always surrounded by a lot of fans, acquaintances and friends. There is so much independence and stubbornness in her character that she can easily achieve any real goal she sets for herself.

If she pays special attention to her creativity, she can easily achieve tangible success.

As a rule, the Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) woman is prone to creative professions, especially those related to the fine arts

The self-confidence, ambition and independence of this lady often leads to the most unforeseen consequences - both good and not so good. A woman born in a combination of the signs of Aquarius and Cat is one of the few who can take into account her own mistakes and learn from them. She lays this experience as the basis for future achievements, which she plans in advance. She knows the value of money very well, knows how to earn them and spend them correctly. In adulthood, the Aquarius-Cat woman achieves material well-being, respect and recognition from others.

The Aquarius-Rabbit woman is ambitious and independent

Disadvantages of the sign

The weak side of the character of an Aquarius woman born in the year of the Cat is considered dependence on the information flow that she absorbs daily. She can go to various seminars, lectures, business trainings, and her future way of thinking depends on what was put into her head there. This is a significant disadvantage, because she needs to learn to understand herself on her own, and not just listen to other people’s “smart” speeches.

Love compatibility of Aquarius in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

An Aquarius man in the year of the Cat shows more of the quality of the second sign in relationships with women. That is, he is very playful, funny, affectionate and attentive. Temperamental and decisive, he is always the center of attention of women. During the period of candy-bouquet relationships, you can expect a sea of ​​flowers, serenades and admiration from him. His partners are fascinated by his manners and admiration for them and literally lose their heads. He can give a woman a lot, for example, charge her with a positive attitude and successfully get out of any conflict situation, turning it into a simple joke.

The Aquarius-Cat man himself needs a woman who is no less lively and bright. She may not be smart and beautiful with an ideal figure, but it shouldn’t be with her

This man will approach the question of marriage for a long time and painfully. The habit of doubting everything here does not allow him to think rationally. Love for this man is trust and honesty. He does not know the concepts of “self-interest” and “calculation”, so build family relationships very simple. He is able to create a strong, long-lasting union full of passion and romanticism with the woman he loves.

In an Aquarius-Rabbit relationship, he is affectionate and attentive

An Aquarius woman in the year of the Cat is always active, cheerful, restless and gentle. In love, she strives for a real relationship without a shadow of lies and falsehood. This lady is crazy about flirting and emotional experiences that bring first dates. She values ​​the feeling of freedom and cannot stand outside pressure. She is looking for the man of her life from those who can give her the opportunity for self-realization and who does not limit her spiritual impulses and aspirations. Feeling control and pressure, she instinctively tries to get rid of it and leaves such a partner.

A happy relationship can only happen when the Aquarius-Cat (Rabbit) woman has already thought through and realized her past mistakes and is now learning to listen and hear her partner. Her insight and prudence help her predict relationships several steps ahead. She needs very little time to understand whether she needs this man or not.

Excellent compatibility in love for Aquarius, born in the year of the Cat, according to the eastern horoscope with the Dog, Cat (Rabbit), Horse. And it is better to refrain from an alliance with the Rooster and the Monkey. According to the Western horoscope, compatibility is possible with Gemini, Sagittarius, Taurus and Aquarius.

Full characteristics of an Aquarius child born in the year of the Cat

An Aquarius girl or boy of the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is an absolutely eccentric, unpredictable, fickle and capricious child. From birth they are endowed with a variety of talents, intelligence, insight and sociability. The main thing to remember: a child of this combination of signs really needs discipline and perseverance. Otherwise, he will throw away his talents, look for himself in everything and never find himself.

Fickle and capricious Aquarius children in the year of the Rabbit cause a lot of trouble for parents

Aquarius-Cat kids can be very attentive to the instructions of their elders. Very often they take their parents’ mistakes as a basis and no longer repeat them in their own adult life. They are constantly busy learning everything new and unknown. They are interested in absolutely everything, especially what concerns the world of art.

One of the most significant shortcomings of these children is their susceptibility to the influence of others. Therefore, elders should pay close attention to the child’s environment – ​​his friends and acquaintances.

Children of Aquarius-Cats (Rabbits) do well in school, largely due to their ability to absorb any new information like a sponge. But humanitarian subjects are especially easy for them. However They tend to quit what they started halfway through. Therefore, it is worth monitoring their studies and everything they are just starting to do.

May 21, 2018, 10:16

The writer-storyteller Pavel Bazhov (“Stone Flower”, “Malachite Box”) graduated from theological seminary, but became a teacher and along the way collected legends and tales of Ural storytellers, captured in “Malachite Box”. The language of Bazhov’s works is natural and simple: Danila the master dreams of a beautiful flower, Tanyusha refuses to bow to the queen herself, the wealth of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain seems unnecessary, and the witch of the “Blue Well” brings happiness to the good fellow...

Aquarius-Cats as “observers of human life” have given birth to a lot of wonderful writers. We have already talked about some of them, but here are the dreamer and writer of everyday life Ilya Ehrenburg (“People, Years, Life”) and the social science fiction writer and satirist George Orwell (“Animal Farm”).

Another undeniable field where Aquarius-Cats are favorites is acting. Aquarius-Cat is a wonderful actor who has a keen sense of the role and brings a special charm to the action: Boris Andreev (“Two Fighters”, “Tractor Drivers”, “Fighters”, “Kuban Cossacks”); Alexander Porokhovshchikov (“Two Long Beeps in the Fog”, “Voroshilov Shooter”, “Let’s Talk, Brother...”) is a courageous, proud, noble and very sentimental person, ready to defend his honor and dignity, or he may burst into tears. Vladimir Zeldin (“The Pig Farmer and the Shepherd”, “Carnival Night”, “Duenna”).

There are also film directors: Boris Stepanov (“State Border”), Veniamin Dorman (“Resident’s Mistake”, “Resident’s Fate”) and Grigory Alexandrov (musicals “Circus”, “Jolly Fellows”, Bright Path”, “Spring”, “ Volga-Volga").

Aquarius-Rabbit is often a very extraordinary person musical abilities- he writes music, performs it and sings it: composer Matvey Blanter - author of the songs “Katyusha”, “In the forest near the front”; Vladimir Atlantov - tenor singer; Seal is a singer and musician; Czeslav Neman - electronic musical avant-garde artist, experimenter; Phil Collins - rock and pop musician; Lare Ulrich is the leader of Metallica. Finally, the wonderful musician Konstantin Nikolsky (“Resurrection”), whose songs “are very personal, sometimes imbued with a tragic attitude, are an excellent example of the union of melodic language and poetic words.”

Among the Aquarius-Cats there are excellent athletes: runner Vladimir Kuts, football players Stanley Matthews and Kevin Keegan, basketball player, NBA legend Michael Jordan.

Among the Aquarius-Cats there are successful businessmen-inventors and major scientists in natural history and psychology: William Colgate is the founder of a company that produces toothpaste; John Browning - small arms designer; Robert Boyle - physicist and analytical chemist; Anatoly Alexandrov - nuclear physicist, founder of polymer physics and nuclear energy; Frank Caira - physicist and philosopher ("The Tao of Physics"); Franz Alexander - psychoanalyst, founder of psychosomatic medicine.

Aquarius-Cats are unlucky or strange politicians: Gaspard de Coligny - the head of the Huguenots and the first victim of St. Bartholomew's Night; Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme is a victim of a terrorist attack; Lieutenant Peter Schmidt, with a quarrelsome character and oddities for a reason mental illness due to family troubles and dissatisfaction with his position, he led an uprising on the cruiser "Ochakov" and was shot; the leader of the Socialist Revolutionary Party Boris Savinkov is the organizer of numerous rebellions, conspiracies and terrorist acts directed against the Bolsheviks, he is also the author of poems, stories and novels. Savinkov committed suicide or, according to another version, was killed in prison. We also have one Duma deputy. This is Georgy Boos. There are many military men among Aquarius-Cats, but it’s hard to find sonorous names.

Let us pay attention to other representatives of this group: the artist Ribera (“Saint Inessa”); racist anthropologist Hans Günther; Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Sergius; economist Arthur Lewis (Development Planning).

Horoscope of Aquarius-Rabbit (Cat) woman

They have all the signs of a masculine character. They are either proud or sentimental. They are realistic and know what they want, but they idealize or denigrate reality too much. They need purpose, struggle, a sense of their own freedom and victory over men or just victory. Their appearance is deceiving.

Thus, the ballerina Ekaterina Maksimova, proud, reserved, reserved, loves silence and loneliness. There are many excellent athletes among Aquarius-Cat women. There are travelers: popularizer of esotericism Helena Roerich.

Actresses: Larisa Malevannaya (“Intergirl”, “Anchor, more anchor”), Lyudmila Polyakova (“Agony”, “Mikhailo Lomonosov”), Lydia Smirnova (“Carnival”); classical singer Maria Mordasova and pop singer Natalie Imbrulia.

Jarman Greer is an ardent feminist without fear or reproach, full of hatred for men and the society they created. She is an academic and the author of The Female Eunuch, which explores in a polemical manner how the family subjugates a woman by forcing her to accept social stereotypes, thus “emasculating” her. Following this publication, Greer became a leading figure in the women's movement.

However, her book was criticized by other feminists for its overemphasis on sexual freedom as a path to liberation.

Patron and rich woman Nadezhda von Meck adored the talent of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, loved him personally and helped him as best she could with money. Peter complained to her about hardships, asked for help, and Mekk satisfied his aspirations to the best of her material capabilities. Over 13 years, she wrote him more than 700 letters, sought a meeting with him, but Tchaikovsky, as best he could, avoided due to his special sexual orientation. After the death of the composer, Mekk died of grief, not even living for three months.

Actress Jane Seymour, having married director and producer James Keach for the fourth time, became famous throughout the world as “Dr. Queen, the female doctor.” From her previous husbands, Jane left two children, a fortune and an ancient castle in England. She works a lot in films and is raising twin boys. Her career did not advance beyond her participation in TV series.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year: