Manage energy. Learn to manage energy How to learn to manage your inner strength

In the morning we are ready to change the world. In the evening, after, in the words of the Stepmother from Evgeniy Schwartz’s film script for the film “Cinderella,” we “cleaned up the rooms, washed the windows, polished the floor, whitewashed the kitchen, weeded the beds, planted seven rose bushes under the windows, got to know ourselves and ground coffee for seven weeks,” we are either exhausted and squeezed like a lemon, or so filled with “alien” energy that we are literally ready to explode. How to manage your energy so as not to “deflate” and “explode”?

1. You need to determine your main source of energy. It could be:

  • Our body. For example, some food that is special to us. What do we mean? One amazing woman talked about how she switched to vegetarianism. During particularly difficult periods, she treated herself to strawberries. You could say that the strawberries gave her the strength to move on! Or it may be suitable for us physical exercise– yoga, dancing, running. Maybe this is a dream. Maybe it's sex. It is necessary to find exactly what our body will respond to by increasing or decreasing energy in accordance with our need.
  • Our mind. First of all, these are, of course, books. Books can both ignite our mind and calm it.
  • Our emotions. This is art, nature, our friends, our family. A symphony orchestra concert can inspire us and can move us. You can climb the mountains, and you can admire the reflection of the stars in the calm surface of the water. You can discuss a megaproject with a friend, and you can talk “about life.” Family support can hardly be overestimated, and its absence is practically impossible to compensate for in any way.
  • Our soul. An endless source of strength and love, capable of giving both limitless power and boundless peace.

Of course, a person uses all these energy resources constantly, but it is very important to determine your MAIN source of energy, interaction with which occurs most quickly and efficiently, and turn to it first.

2. It is important to maintain a certain order of life - a certain sequence, speed or rhythm of actions. Life itself is very logical and consistent. There is such a thing as "rhythm of life" it is important to feel and accept it. But under no circumstances should this be self-abuse! It's more of a fine tuning. As soon as the rhythms coincide, the efficiency of our lives increases significantly. Actually, there is nothing particularly surprising here, since this phenomenon has been known for a long time and is called resonance.

3. Nonviolent Communication. It is known that any aggression, both shown by us and shown towards us, requires enormous expenditures of energy, and not just energy, but harsh energy of destruction, which first of all wounds ourselves. One of the methods of working with negative energy is the method of Nonviolent Communication - a method of communication that allows people to convey to each other the information necessary for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and disagreements, developed by the American psychologist Marshall Rosenberg.

I would like to give the Preface to Marshall Rosenberg’s book “The Language of Life. Nonviolent Communication,” written by Arun Gandhi, founder and president of the M. K. Gandhi Institute of Nonviolence

My parents decided to leave me for a while with my grandfather, the legendary Mahatma Gandhi, so that I could learn from him how to work with anger, rage and humiliation. In eighteen months I learned even more than my parents expected. Now my only regret is that I was only thirteen and was not a diligent student. If I had been older, smarter and more serious then, perhaps I would have learned even more.

However, one of the main principles life without violence- be able to be satisfied with what you received and not be greedy... As my grandfather said, Until we ourselves become the changes we want to see in the world, we will not see any changes. Unfortunately, we often wait for others to change first.

Nonviolence is not a strategy that can be adopted today and abandoned tomorrow, nor is it something that will make you a meek lamb; nonviolence is the creation of positive relationships between people to replace the negative ones that dominate our world. Everything we do is driven by a selfish motive: “What will I get for this?” This is especially evident in a totally materialistic society that thrives on the basis of ardent individualism. None of these negative concepts contribute to building a harmonious family, society, or nation.

The essence of nonviolence is to allow positivity into yourself. We must serve love, respect, understanding, acceptance, empathy and concern for others rather than self-centeredness, selfishness, greed, hatred, bias, suspicion and aggressiveness that rule our minds.

We often hear: “This world is cruel, and in order to survive, you need to become ruthless.” Let me disagree with this. The world is what we made it. If today he is cruel and merciless, then we made him this way with our attitude towards each other. If we change ourselves, we can change our world, and changing ourselves begins with changing our language and ways of communicating...”

4.Energy of overcoming. There are obstacles along our life path. When faced with them, we sometimes simply give up and lose energy. What to do? First, we must accept that there are obstacles along our path in life. Yes, it is! Secondly, it is necessary to understand what an obstacle means. Is an obstacle a hindrance? Or is an obstacle a new opportunity? Many great people have had the ability to turn obstacles into opportunities. “There are no great deeds without great obstacles” Voltaire.

5. Energy of Gratitude is a great power available to every person. When we thank each other, we thank God, Nature, Heaven, Earth, the Sun, “Everything Around”, when we thank ourselves, our hearts, we feel how we are filled with the bright, joyful and calm energy of Life. Just by thanking us from the bottom of our hearts for a cup of tea, we can receive the whole world in return. So simple! And it's so difficult...

Altai Mountain Pharmacy wishes you health and active longevity

Good afternoon, ours dear readers! Irina and Igor are writing for you again. It's no secret that everything in our lives is saturated with energy flows. Life itself is a kind of energy message.

And in the life of any person, his performance, mood, well-being and sense of strength directly depend on how he manages his vital energy.

Today in our article we will talk about how to properly distribute vital energy.

Why learn to properly distribute your energy?

There is probably not a single case known in the world where a person in a state of depression has achieved success in anything.

Everything is right successful people almost always cheerful, full of strength and new ideas, they prefer to act rather than think about negative aspects affairs. They are all great at managing the time they spend on certain tasks, and also remember to set aside time for re-energizing, inspiring activities and simply relaxing the mind and body.

If the lack of your own strength is primarily due to the inability to set priorities and organize your time, then you need to master methods. Time management techniques will help you in mastering planning, which you can master thanks to one of the video courses:

  • “The Master of Time – highly productive time management according to the system of Evgeniy Popov”
  • “Time management, or how to increase your efficiency”
  • Free online video course “Setting and achieving goals. How to achieve results in any business?

But most often, the reasons for the loss of vital energy are the presence of internal negativity associated with dissatisfaction with oneself, the presence of destructive relationships that literally empty your life channels, as well as the desire to control everything around, dissatisfaction with the imperfections of the world around you also takes a huge part of your strength.

In order to achieve success and increase your own, you need to learn to manage your energy flows, and for this you need to learn how to maintain strength, restore energy flows and increase them.

Conservation of strength

With maintaining your strength, everything is simple - you just need to eliminate the factors that take it away.

So, first of all, you should learn to accept yourself as you are with all the imperfections and shortcomings. There are no ideal people!

Just like the world around you, it is not ideal, it does not correspond to your “wants,” but you should learn to accept it that way, then your energy flows will not go negative and be poisoned by negative emotions.

Paulo Coelho wrote in one of his books:

We are never what others want us to be. We are what we want to be. The easiest way is to blame others. We can spend our lives cursing the world, but our successes and failures depend entirely on ourselves. Trying to stop time is a waste of energy

It can be more difficult to protect yourself from negativity that comes from outside, for example, when communicating with friends or colleagues.

You need to learn to recognize relationships that “suck” your energy field and try to avoid such people.

As a rule, such people are trying to bring you into negative emotions, some kind of scandal or conflict, or they are trying to shift the burden of their own problems onto your shoulders, trying to evoke pity and sympathy for themselves. You should also get rid of such relationships.

Restoring energy flows

In order to learn how to restore energy flow, you need to know its sources.

The sources, or so-called energy channels, are our body, mind, soul and emotions.

If in the middle of the day you feel very physically tired, this indicates that the body’s energy is running out, that you need to switch to using another energy source, for example, meditate, thereby starting to use the energy of the soul, or communicate with pleasant people, which activates the energy of emotions , or read a book that will help activate the energy of the mind.

This way, you will allow your body to rest and replenish its energy reserves.

Cultivating a value system aimed at a positive perception of yourself and the world around you will also contribute to the growth of your vitality.

Energy multiplication

Increasing your energy flow is possible if you constantly focus on and improve your own skills and abilities.

In addition, a huge supply of vitality brings with it new positive impressions and vivid emotions.

Such emotions can be given to you by something new or a short trip to nature or the countryside, or communication with animals.

Also replenishing your energy channels perhaps through involvement in some kind of creativity, which will give vent to your emotions and fill your life with positive impressions. It can be anything: painting, modeling, knitting, music, dancing, embroidery or something else.

You can find more recommendations on how to distribute your life energy in the book by Peter Axt and Michael Axt-Gadermann “Lazy people live longer: How to properly distribute vital energy” .

Do you have any secrets for replenishing your own energy channels? Share your experience with us.

Communication with positively minded people is also one of the methods of replenishing vitality; on our blog you can always find supportive articles or get a charge of positivity in the comments! See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

Energy is the life potential of a person. This is his ability to absorb, store and use energy, the level of which is different for each person. And it is he who determines whether we feel cheerful or sluggish, whether we look at the world positively or negatively. In this article we will look at how energy flows are connected to the human body and what their role is in life.

Energy system

Adherents of esotericism imagine a person as a chain consisting of centers (or chakras) and channels. All this cannot be seen, but with a certain setting you can feel it. Energy flows circulating throughout the human body provide information exchange between the internal and external world.

In various esoteric practices of the world, human energy is called differently: prana, shi, qi. However, this does not change the essence of this phenomenon. For example, in Indian yoga, bioenergy channels are called Nadis. there are more than half a million of them in the human body. But the main channels are Sushumna, Pingala and Ida.

The first one is the largest. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the spinal column, which runs inside the spine and provides the activity of the entire body.

The power of creation and destruction

The Ida Channel represents the feminine Yin energy. This is the power of creation. On the physical plane, it extends along the body on the left side of the nostril. The channel is pale in color and is symbolically associated with the Moon. It lowers body temperature.

Another channel of Pingala is reflection masculine energy Yang, the forces of destruction. On physical level it runs along the right side of the nostril. This is a hot stream of energy that raises body temperature.

All are intertwined with each other and end in the human crotch area.

Energy functions

Human energy is one of the most important aspects, thanks to which many problems can be solved. It is she who contributes to human growth: intellectual, spiritual, physical and psychological. Energy affects a person’s well-being and sharpens his intuitive perception of the world.

Where does energy come from?

There are many sources of vitality. A person receives energy from food, through breathing, by experiencing emotions. There is also an exchange of flows between man and the Earth, between man and the Cosmos. Energy penetrates the body and circulates through channels through the centers throughout the entire body, saturating it with strength, vigor, and encouraging development.

What affects energy levels?

Human energy is a heterogeneous and unstable phenomenon. It can change under the influence of external factors and negative emotions. The density of energy flows is not constant, but always tends to a favorable state. This is how people who love life often survive in difficult conditions, where people with a different vector of energy die.

The process of contemplation (awareness of the beauty and greatness of the world, touching art) significantly increases a person’s energy level. Expanding your horizons and acquiring new skills also increases your potential in life.

It is very important that the energy and the person are in balance, this guarantees harmonious development. In general, balance is the basis of proper life.

Six human bodies

It is known that the concept " energy body"includes six shells. These are:

  • Ethereal (exactly repeats the physical body of a person, goes beyond its contours by several centimeters. It depends on this shell physical health).
  • Astral (has the same characteristics as the ethereal. Only the area of ​​​​its meaning lies in desires, emotions, passions).
  • Mental (also repeats the physical body of a person, goes 10-20 cm beyond it, is the embodiment of thoughts and will).
  • Casual (or karmic) (the esoteric direction is of the opinion of reincarnation, that is, the reincarnation of a person in other lives. So, in the karmic shell, information about actions is accumulated. It controls the thoughts and desires of a person).
  • The shell of individuality (has an oval shape, extends beyond the physical body by half a meter).
  • Atmic (body of the Absolute) (it is also called the “golden egg”, in which all previous shells are placed. It connects a person with the Higher Powers).

All shells are connected with each other and with the physical body energetically. Thus, human health and fate are also closely interconnected.

Energy centers

Eastern practices describe that there are seven energy centers, or chakras, in the human body. They are located along the body from the perineum to the crown of the head.

  • The first chakra is Muladhara. It is located in the groin area. It stores energy that lasts a lifetime and is designed not only for a person, but also for those around him. More often energy metabolism happens unconsciously, involuntarily.
  • The second chakra is Svadhisthana. It's a pleasure center sexual desire and desires. It is located at the level of the internal reproductive organs, two fingers below the navel. The positive energy of this chakra characterizes reproductive function and the desire to procreate. In a negative sense, this is a manifestation of lust and concern.
  • The third chakra is Manipura. This center is located at the level of the solar plexus and is responsible for the life will and energy of a person. The correct functioning of this chakra is manifested in responsibility for oneself and for others, determination, and independence. When a block appears in this center, a person experiences self-doubt and fears.
  • The fourth chakra is Anahata. It is located in the area of ​​the heart and controls human feelings and love. The latter can be connected not only with another person, but also with the Cosmos, with God. The incorrect functioning of this center manifests itself in feelings of guilt, shame about the past, and depression.
  • The fifth chakra is Vishuddha, the throat center. Accordingly, it controls communication skills, a person’s speech, his creative activity and self-realization. Blocks in this chakra manifest themselves in mediocrity, conservative views of a person, and lack of psychological flexibility.
  • - Ajna. It is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. For the ability to call visual images it is called the "third eye". This center is responsible for a person’s mental abilities, memory and fanaticism, clinging to other people’s ideas, dogmas, mental limitations, lack of desire for self-knowledge - all this indicates improper functioning of the chakra.
  • The seventh chakra is Sahasrara. It is located on the top of the human head. This center accumulates spirituality, contemplation and unity with the Supreme Spirit. As a rule, atheists have a block in this chakra.

All centers are interconnected. The correct functioning of the human chakras and energy flows circulating freely provide a complete life system. And the higher the volume and density of these flows, the stronger the energy.

Two streams

To say that a person absorbs energy with his entire being will not be entirely true. There are two streams - Earth and Space, which ensure the vital functions of the body. The first comes through the legs. It moves along Sushumna to the highest chakra. The second stream, on the contrary, flows from the top of the head to the fingers and toes. Both types are absorbed through the chakras. Thus, earthly energy is absorbed by the three lower energy centers, and cosmic energy by the three upper ones. These energy flows meet and balance.

On the physical plane, disruption of this process manifests itself in the occurrence of diseases. For example, a lack of earthly energy leads to cardiovascular diseases, and changes in the flow of cosmic energy lead to diseases of the joints and spine.

Weak energy

Since all human shells are interconnected, it is not difficult to determine what kind of energy a person possesses. There are symptoms for this. For example, a person with low energy is usually lethargic, gets tired often and quickly, is prone to depression and apathy, has a pessimistic outlook on life and poor health. Also, such people are emotionally unstable, irritable, subject to various phobias, lack self-confidence, and do not want to work and develop.

In addition, esotericists also highlight signals that help to recognize weak energy:

  • A person often dreams of rocky gorges, gloomy houses, rains, floods, spills, narrow roads, passages, corridors...
  • Insomnia is also one of the signs of low energy.
  • I dream of discussions, quarrels, even fights.
  • With severe depletion of energy, scratching and tearing of one's body in sleep is observed. May breathe heavily and moan.

Strong energy

With strong energy, a person’s dreams are of a completely different quality. He often dreams that he is singing, dancing or playing the piano. musical instruments. As for nature, the most common images are rocks, mountains, thickets, and even rocks hanging overhead. There is also often a feeling that a belt or elastic band is pulling a person in half and, as it were, dividing him into parts. This is precisely a manifestation of the combination of earthly and cosmic power.

Strong energy radiation flows can also be determined by human behavior. He is often cheerful, in a good mood, and is optimistic about the future, despite difficulties. He can handle it easily stressful situations, strives for development and personal growth.

How to recover?

The volume of energy flows in the human body decreases with age or the occurrence of chronic diseases. Accordingly, there is less vigor, and the mood worsens. There are special exercises to restore normal energy levels.

Based on the idea that the mental and physical components of a person are interconnected, simple figurative content can be used to gain energy. To do this, just take a comfortable position (sit or lie down), close your eyes and perform breathing exercises according to the “inhale-hold-exhale” triangle principle. And so on for several cycles. It is best that the breathing rhythms are equal in duration. For example, we inhale for 6 seconds, hold our breath for 6 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds. If this practice does not cause difficulties, then the duration can be increased. The main thing is that breathing does not cause tension, that it flows freely and without interruptions.

To balance energy flows in yoga, another exercise is used. It consists of pressing your chin to your chest as you inhale, holding your breath as long as possible, and then exhaling calmly. It's important to remember that breathing practices It must be done on an empty stomach to avoid discomfort such as nausea or a sudden loss of strength.

If there are deviations in the lower chakras, then you can simply walk barefoot on the ground. This will awaken the receptors on the feet and activate the flow of earthly energy.

Energy management

Control of energy flows also occurs with the help of the power of thought, through meditation, that is, deep concentration, immersion in oneself and observation of one’s sensations. It is very important that the person feels relaxed and free from extraneous thoughts and worries. It is noted that in the first stages in this state, one feels like something is moving up and down along the spine. It's pulsating energy. Frequent practices sharpen these sensations, and a slightly perceptible “trickle” turns into a “full-flowing river.”

When this exercise is mastered, you can proceed to the next one. You need to imagine that you have an arrow in your head that is constantly moving forward. You can control it and twist it in different directions. The arrow is attached to the base of the skull and is directed forward according to your desire. At this time, as you inhale, energy rises to the upper chakras and literally splashes out of you. Then turn the arrow back and feel how the Ajna chakra turns on the vacuum cleaner mode and begins to intensively draw in cosmic energy.

These light mental exercises need to be done several times a day (maximum 10 times) in order to learn how to accumulate and manage energy flows, energy in general.


A person’s emotional, mental, spiritual and physical balance depends on many factors. Most of them relate, of course, to the surrounding world, to external influences. This exchange is based on energy flows. If a malfunction occurs in their work, it manifests itself primarily at the physical level.

This problem can and should be solved. Knowing how the human chakras are structured and their significance in energy flows, you can increase the level of your own energy and resort to several exercises that came to us from Eastern practices. All of them have a psychological basis, that is, they are determined by the mental, imaginary process. Regular work on oneself and the ability to manage energy flows allow a person to develop talents, unique abilities, and achieve success in his career and personal life.

Every day we are forced to take some action, and for this we need a lot of strength. If fatigue has become a habitual state for you, it means that you do not know how to manage your energy. There are five simple rules, with which you can maintain your energy balance throughout the day.

In the morning, nothing is impossible for us. We feel cheerful, ready to work, and it would seem that nothing can interfere with our plans. However, we cannot always distribute our strength correctly, so by the evening we feel tired, and the desire to do business disappears. The problem is that we do not have unlimited energy reserves, and any activity we do during the day requires a certain expenditure of energy. Learn to manage your strengths, and soon your life will change for the better.

How to determine your main source of energy

To learn how to manage your energy, you first need to know where we get it from. There are four main energy sources with which we can make up for the lack of strength.

Body. By increasing your body tone, you can replenish your energy reserves. First of all, pay attention to your diet. Try to eat healthy and be sure to eat foods that give you strength and improve your mood. Don't forget about exercise. Don't overload your body with heavy physical activity: morning work-out or a light jog will give you strength and confidence. Good sleep is the most The best way gather strength. Lack of sleep is main reason fatigue, which means you won’t have enough energy even to perform the simplest actions.

Intelligence. We can say that the mind rules our life. He is a kind of engine that helps us achieve our goals and directs us to the right way. In addition, it is an important energy source. Reading books and gaining new knowledge can increase your energy. Choose literature that you will enjoy reading to recharge yourself with positive energy.

Emotions. It turns out that our emotions not only saturate our lives, but also give us vital energy. Of course, if they are positive. Spend more time communicating with loved ones, attend interesting events, or simply take daily walks to places that bring back pleasant memories to you. Fill your life with bright moments so that you can experience as often as possible.

Soul. The human soul is full of secrets. Sometimes we ourselves cannot understand what is happening in it. It is already known that emotional experiences, frustrations and disappointments deprive us of vital energy. So how can you make up for your lack of strength? First of all, you need to get rid of negative feelings and emotions. They not only deplete our energy supply, but also destroy the biofield. Because of this, failures begin to haunt us, and problems become more numerous. Very often it is for this reason that we cannot move on and achieve our goals.

How to manage your life energy

As it turns out, managing your energy is not that easy. But if you learn to do this, you can change your life for the better. To do this, you must follow five basic rules.

Do useful things. Life is too short to waste it, and useless activities not only waste our time, but deprive us of our strength. To spend energy correctly, you need to learn to plan your daily routine and strictly adhere to the plan without violating it. If you are tempted to put off an important task until another day, remember Golden Rule: “never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Decide what you need to achieve your goal and start working on yourself.

Get rid of negative thoughts. Positive emotions can enhance our energy background, and any negativity, on the contrary, deprives us of vitality. To manage your energy, learn to get rid of negative thoughts. Problems at work or in personal life, financial difficulties and many other troubles fill our lives and do not allow us to think about more important things. When we focus too much on our problems, we waste our energy. Try to think more positively and remember that any difficulties are just temporary.

Avoid unpleasant communication. Energy vampires surround us everywhere. If they are near you, then you will feel your strength leaving you. Communication with such people requires a huge expenditure of energy, and the result will be very disastrous for you. Many people cannot immediately recognize that a vampire is near them, so rely on your senses. Firstly, even a short conversation with a human vampire leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Secondly, during communication you may feel weakness, headaches and a sharp deterioration in your condition. Spend your energy only on communicating with positive people.

Take time to relax. In order for your work to be productive and not require a huge expenditure of energy from you, rest. It is better to work in short periods and take at least a little time for breaks, rather than work tirelessly and feel tired at the end of the working day. Do the most important things that require more energy and focus first. Leave the simplest and most minor tasks for last. This way you will learn to properly distribute your strength and even in the evening you will feel cheerful.

Control your emotions. To succeed in life, you need to learn self-control. Try not to react to small things and take difficulties for granted. To be on a positive wave more often, read books, draw, listen to music or chat with friends. There is a huge amount of energy resources that help a person gain strength and achieve their goals. Don’t forget that every day should bring you as many positive emotions as possible - this important rule conservation of internal energy.

To move towards your goals, despite difficulties and problems, you need to have the necessary amount of energy. However, not only people, but also some objects can deprive us of our strength. Find out if they are present in your home

We are all born with different amounts of energy. Every day you live leaves an imprint on her level. Energy is characterized by quantity, but it has no direction. Our energy is directed towards what we consciously or unconsciously choose. Our energy materializes in the events of our lives. The energy of thoughts and feelings creates an image of the future, which is brought to life by the energy of actions. Manage your energy, receiving it from the outside and generating it within yourself, fill your life with energy!

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The given introductory fragment of the book Energy and Self. How to manage your energy (Irina Shterenberg) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Energy laws

1. The law of energy and life

Without energy, life is impossible. Life and health are the presence of energy at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

2. Law of Mind Energy

"Energy follows thought"(ancient Indian wisdom).

“Following the mind comes energy, following energy comes the body.(Taoist wisdom).

3. The law of the human energy field

We create an energy field that matches our spirit.

Our thoughts influence our feelings. Our prevailing, habitual feelings and thoughts determine what kind of energy we emit.

“Only that which corresponds to your inner state is attracted to you and comes from you”(E. Tolle).

4. The law of attitude and energy

The color in which we see the world and what we highlight as important determines our life.

Positive thoughts create positive experiences, they attract favorable events and increase our energy, negative thoughts attract events with negative energy, reducing vital energy.

5. Law of choice

Human energy is characterized by quantity, but it has no direction. Energy needs to be given direction. Our energy is directed towards what we consciously or unconsciously choose to give our attention to. We choose what our energy will turn into - work, travel, communication, hobbies, we choose our lifestyle.

6. Law of multiplication

To what you give more energy, there will be more.

Positive and negative thoughts cannot be present in consciousness at the same time, and the one that we ourselves fill with our energy will be stronger. The thought to which we give our time and energy acts like a magnet, attracting its own kind. Also, habitual, constantly experienced emotions create a multiplying effect; they intensify and multiply.

7. Law of similarity

Emitted energy attracts similar energy. We receive back energy of the same quality and sign that we ourselves emit.

The energy we send into other people's lives comes back into ours. By giving another the energy of love, we increase it in ourselves. When we send the energy of hatred to someone, we bestow it on ourselves.

Send positive energy into the world, do good to people, and it will come back to you in the form of vital energy.

8. The law of the relationship between mental and physical energy

Human energy is one. Conventionally, human energy is divided into mental and physical. Psychic energy is the energy of desires, drives, and aspirations. Physical energy is associated with our body, state of health, and energy characteristics of the body.

The body and mind are closely connected, physical and mental energies also influence each other. As physical energy increases, mental energy increases and vice versa. A decrease in one type of energy can cause a drop in the level of another.

The energy of the body and the energy of the spirit are interconnected. The accumulated energy of hatred in the soul manifests itself in the body: clenched fists, tense muscles. The energy of love increases the energy of the body.

9. The law of energy declines and rises

Changes in the internal and external world of a person lead to a change in the flow of his energy. The ups and downs of life cause energy to ebb and flow. Energy comes and goes.

Let the energy flow at its own pace. Everything has its time. Everything comes and goes, everything changes, there is no need to interfere with the movement of the energy flow.

10. Law of Gratitude

Occurring events cannot give or take away our energy on their own. It all depends on how we treat them.

You can look at what is happening from two points of view: lack or abundance. If you constantly worry about what you lack, losses, including energy losses, will increase. If we focus our attention on the good things we have, the energy of gratitude will begin to attract even more positive things to us and attract new amounts of energy into our lives.

Learn to thank life for what it gives. By experiencing gratitude, we attract more energy than by asking.

11. Law of conservation of total energy

Man is an energy system full of dynamic aspirations.

Man as an energy system is located and operates among other energy systems.

It, as a local open energy system, is integrated into a larger energy system. In it, he exchanges energy equally or predominantly loses it or gains it. In general, the balance of energy systems and the conservation of total energy remain.

12. Law of conservation of spiritual energy

Something similar to the law of conservation of spiritual energy is manifesting itself in the world.

Nothing disappears anywhere.

Nothing arises in vain, not a single great thought can be lost, even if it never reaches other people; no action goes unnoticed, even if it was played out in secret. The content of every person’s life is stored and protected somewhere (according to V. Frankl).

“Nothing is born from nothing and does not disappear anywhere, one thing passes into another” ( Empedocles).

13. Law of energy balance

To maintain vigor of body and spirit, it is necessary to maintain a balance between:

receipt And energy consumption.

voltage And relaxation. Alternate between loads and rest for recovery.

negative and positive emotions. If negative emotions prevail for a long time, this will lead to a loss of energy. We must strive for the predominance of positive emotions.

14. Law of energy optimum

For every person there is:

– optimal energy consumption, physical, mental and emotional stress and the necessary rest for recovery;

“The main rule in life is nothing in excess”(Terence Publius).

– energy optimum of nutrition;

“Let your daily food be good and sufficient, so that you have enough health and strength for tomorrow’s work.”(Aesop).

– optimal motivation;

The motivation to do something must be an order of magnitude higher than the motivation to do nothing.(A. Pushnoy).

“Excessive zeal often interferes with success, and extreme exertion of will harms performance.”(Petrarch).

15. Law of energy decline

Energy decline occurs both with excessive energy consumption and with its non-use, with stagnation of energy. That is, both with an excess and with a lack of mental, emotional and physical stress.

There is an optimal level of stress, above which energy exhaustion occurs, and below which energy stagnation occurs and, as a consequence, energy decline occurs.

16. Law of Stagnant Energy

Energy stagnation occurs due to insufficient energy expenditure, due to its non-use. If there is a powerful energy surge, it must be used. During periods of rising energy, we must be active and mobile, otherwise the energy will ferment inside us. Energy that is not spent for its intended purpose can turn against us, acting destructively.

17. Law of suppressed energy

Energy is suppressed by our fears and complexes, our internal restrictions and prohibitions, feelings of guilt, debt, shame, anxiety.

Life energy increases when it is released, having previously been bound by negative feelings, fears, internal pain, anxiety, internal tension. The energy level is replenished due to the fact that it is detached from prolonged and intense negative thoughts and experiences.

18. The law of finite life energy

Life energy is given at birth.

Each person has his own limit to his energy capabilities.

Energy can be replenished over time, but its production decreases in old age. A person's ability to reproduce energy is not unlimited. Energy is depleted when a person spends more of it over a long period of time than he produces. When energy is completely used up, life ends.

19. The law of disruption of human energy movement

Energy circulates in the outside world and inside a person.

When there is a disturbance in the circulation of energy within a person a lack of internal energy is formed. Circulation is disrupted when energy is blocked by negative thoughts, feelings and fears, when it is used to process experiences, or during illness and stress.

In case of disruption of energy exchange with the outside world There is not enough energy coming from outside. This is facilitated by isolation, crisis, withdrawal, loneliness, and deterioration in well-being.

Disruption of the circulation of internal energy and energy exchange often occurs when a person ignores his desires and interests. A person stops taking care of himself, he experiences disappointment, and does not satisfy his needs.

20. Law of energy exchange No. 1

The relationship between people can be considered as the relationship between energy systems. We share our energy with others and accept energy coming from other people. We exchange the energy of our actions and feelings for the energy of other people's actions and feelings.

If we are open and do not put up barriers to block the flow of fresh energy, we receive the energy of the world around us. Without it, we experience an energy vacuum.

Energy must be shared, then it will not decrease. When we exchange energy with others, we combine our energies, creating more energy, multiplying it.

21. Law of energy exchange No. 2

You need to be able to establish an equal, fair exchange of energy with others.

If we give more than we take, this will lead to our energy depletion. If we give someone more than we receive from them, we may develop resentment towards the person. If we receive more from someone than we give, we may feel guilty.

Everything in the world strives for a balance of energy exchange; everything depends on the ability to establish contact with the outside world.

If we have established an equal exchange of energy with the world, then the more energy we give to others, the more we receive.

The world exists so that it can be shared with each other.

22. Law of energy of extroverts and introverts

Each person is focused primarily on the external or internal world.

Introverts are immersed in their inner world most of the time. They strive for deep self-study and self-knowledge, being interested primarily in their own thoughts and feelings.

Extroverts are focused on the external world. They are busy with the external world of people, events and things, trying to establish as many contacts with the external environment as possible.

The energy of introverts is directed to their inner world, the energy of extroverts is directed to the external world.

23. Law of related energy

We strive for people with similar energy. General energy allows you to be on the same wavelength, feel and predict the state of another person. Similar energetic characteristics produce a kind of natural selection in the environment, since they determine differences in the behavior of people and in their attitude to the same environmental influences.

There are initially high-energy types and those whose energy potential is significantly lower. Energetic people prefer energetic people.

24. Law of energy vampires and energy donors

The quality of our life is the quality of our communication. Some communicate with others on equal terms, others dissolve in communication, others submit, unable to withstand someone else’s energetic superiority.

There are people who seek other people's energy, and those who produce energy for others. There are people who use other people's energy, and those who feed others and live in a mode of minimal energy consumption for themselves.

People with whom there is a decrease in energy levels after communicating with them are called vampires. And those who “supply” them energy are donors. These two types of people solve the problems of their existence in the world differently.

25. Law of increasing energy levels

We increase our energy using physical, psychological, social and spiritual levels.

Physical. We use food energy and movement energy. They give us an energy boost and help keep the body in good shape.

Psychological. Psychological fuel is dreams and desires. They awaken our energy. Desires are our energy reservoir.

Social. By being socially active and experiencing a sense of involvement in what is happening in the world around us, we can feel the positive energy of communication and enjoy the energy of interaction between people.

Spiritual. With the knowledge of spiritual truths, a person moves to a different level of understanding reality, superficial and unnecessary things disappear from his life. He releases energy that was previously spent on vain matters.

Do what makes you feel good, what brings you joy. This charges you with the maximum amount of energy.

26. Law of dream energy

Every day we get another chance to make our dreams come true. If we have a dream, then we have the power and ability to achieve what we want.

The energy of dreams should bubble within us. Enter the energy field of your dreams to feel the energy of your imagined reality.

In order to receive the energy of what we strive for, we must begin to project it ourselves, emit it. We ourselves are energy!

27. Law of internal and external energy sources

When a person feels a lack of energy, he often tries to take it from the outside: as a rule, this is food, entertainment, shopping, sex. Some people are looking for new experiences, while others are looking for extreme sports. Others are fueled by inner anger. Someone descends to the lower states of the soul, receiving energy from observing the suffering and experiences of others.

When we see that energy is not enough, we often use a substitute or equivalent for energy, such as money.

The main source of vital energy is within the person himself. Faith, love, hope give us a powerful charge of concentrated energy.

28. Law of external energy sources

External sources of energy can be compared to medicine. Just as a medicine depends on the dose: in small doses it helps, but in large doses it harms the body, so what in acceptable quantities increases energy levels, in excessive quantities can reduce it.

Gaining energy and losing it can be due to the same external energy source.

What a person spends his energy on also gives it, for example, communication.

29. The law of borrowing energy

Some people need a constant flow of energy from outside, their good mood and well-being depend on something external. They need external sources of energy.

External sources can only provide a short-term improvement in mood and calm, a temporary escape from life’s troubles and difficulties. They do not solve problems, they only postpone them for a while.

An external source lends energy. Borrowing energy means that you will have to repay that energy later. When we cannot repay our debts, an energy crisis occurs.

The energy deficit grows over time, as unmet needs and unresolved problems remain, which constantly require energy to keep them at a distance from consciousness.

30. Law of energy of the present

Energy exists in the present.

Living in the past or future deprives a person of power; we scatter our energy. When we free our minds from obsessive thoughts, we gain the ability to feel the energy of the present moment. When we live in the present, our energy is not wasted. Its level reaches its maximum.

Only living in the present helps concentrate our energy. We need to live here and now, then we will be filled with life-giving, invigorating energy. Recharge yourself with the energy of the present!

31. Law of the energy of silence

To create something significant, the energy of silence is necessary. In silence, energy is born for new discoveries and achievements. In silence a new day is born.

During periods of calm, we restore strength and renew ourselves. In solitude we generate energy. We accumulate strength before a powerful flow of energy, before a period when energy begins to bubble within us.

You need to learn to extract the energy of silence, to be in silence, to turn to yourself.

32. Law of Energy Management

We are all born with different amounts of vital energy. Each passing day leaves its mark on its level. Energy is characterized by quantity, but it has no direction. Our energy is directed towards what we consciously or unconsciously choose.

Our energy materializes in the events of our lives. The energy of thoughts and feelings creates an image of the future, which is translated into reality by the energy of actions.

Managing your energy is its use, restoration, awakening, transformation of its flow, energy saving. This is the direction of energy in the right direction, so that it does not disperse, an equivalent energy exchange with the outside world.

You need to use energy, receiving it from the outside and generating it within yourself. Energy must be accumulated, remain calm, and be released at the right moment. Spend what you have and fill your life with energy.

33. Law of Energy of the Universe

Man is surrounded by all sorts of energy systems: other people and nature - stormy seas, roaring columns of air called wind, earth-shaking volcanoes, animals ready to jump.(according to E. Bern).

Our Universe stores enormous reserves of energy. Thanks to this energy, our world exists. Energy takes various shapes. Energy flows from one form to another.

There is enough energy in the Universe for everyone. We can count on this energy to make our dreams and aspirations come true.

“If a person really wants something, then the whole Universe will help make his wish come true.”(P. Coelho).