Not good for. It won't be good for his health. So sometimes, just to relax, he... But still, you don’t have any jokes about Ukraine

And even if we could create an intelligent machine, could we put it to good use? Our brains are capable of incredible things, but these are the things that make up our boring lives, says Lloyd. “The more complex the device, the more trivial information it processes,” he says. “The phone today has more processing power than the human mind, but we use it to take selfies.”

More troubling is the idea that as we develop AI, we will expect them to solve all problems as if they were gods. "I think we live in a world where technology has become a religion," Taylor says. “We have returned to medieval concepts that God decides what this world should be like, only today God has become technology.”

This is partly due to the politics that drive technology, Taylor said. “Silicon Valley has an approach to problems called solutionism, which is based on the idea that every problem in the world can be solved with technology,” he says.

Kutarna agrees: “We expect technology to solve problems faster and faster, until eventually there are no problems left at all and we live in a techno-utopia.”

Technology should serve us

You can talk as much as you like about the fact that everyone sees technology and everyone knows that in 30 years all problems will be solved. But this is the wrong approach. At any rate of technological development, we will not be able to provide machines with human intelligence unless we learn to instill in them artificial empathy.

Empathy and emotion are especially important in how our brains work, Taylor reminds us. We begin to form emotional memories long before event memories are formed, and these memories shape our behavior and interactions with people for the rest of our lives. No computer can interact with a person in a way that seems completely natural to all of us.

Maybe that's what makes us special, Taylor says. “We need to fundamentally connect to our humanity and love ourselves. We need to get back to admiring what an amazing species we are.”

Adverb, number of synonyms: 15 brilliant (51) worthy of high praise (2) wonderful ... Synonym dictionary

Very good- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN best bestBB ... Technical Translator's Guide

very clearly visible defects- 3.25.6 very visible defects: Defects and deviations from perfect symmetry that are very easy to detect at 10x magnification, including those that can easily be seen with the naked eye. Source: GOST R 52913 2008: Diamonds. Classification... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

What is very good in French can be exactly stingy in Russian. A. P. Sumarokov. Epistle about the Russian language. Wed. In order to further refine the Russian language, almost half of the words were completely thrown out of the conversation and therefore... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

It would be very good, but it’s no good. See TOLK STUPID... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 wherever you throw it, everywhere wedge (2) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

This gravy goes very well with simple boiled- Cuisine: Type of dish: Cooking time (minutes): 10 Products: Recipe... Encyclopedia of culinary recipes

That may exactly be stingy in Russian. A.P. Sumarokov. Epistle about the Russian language. Wed. In order to further refine the Russian language, almost half of the words were completely thrown out of the conversation and therefore it was very often necessary to resort to French... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

VERY, east. very, adv. strengthening; very, extremely extremely sowing. Porato, eastern hurts (from a lot?), south. hefty, zap. dyuzha (little Russian. duzhe); tightly, very much, strongly, much: firmly. trashy, church velmi. Very much, little. Very good, bad... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


  • , Vadim Korostylev. From the publisher: Vadim Korostylev is an amazing, rare romantic in our times. He wrote fairy tales, but the moral of these fairy tales is unusual. Behind it is not common everyday sense, but a high feeling...
  • It is very good that we are still feeling bad..., V. Korostylev. Vadim Korostylev is an amazing, rare romantic in our times. He wrote fairy tales, but the moral of these fairy tales is unusual. Behind it is not common everyday sense, but a high sense of justice,...

can play the guitar." But he didn't bring his guitar. I think you should

Provide him with a guitar because he has lost everything. Now he doesn't need

worry about the loss, he may continue to pursue..." ("Beyond


And he really pursued, Milarepa was attracted to Vivec, and they wanted

Spend the night together. When Osho asked me why I look like this

Upset, and I told him, he said that if we can’t give our

Lovers have the freedom to enjoy with other people even around him, then we lead

yourself exactly like the rest of the people in the world. "If it can't happen here,

then where can this happen?" he asked. The truth of this simple

The statements struck me, I turned one hundred and eighty degrees and understood.

Or rather, I saw things in the right perspective.

If Osho can be so loving and patient with us, then of course I can

At least relax and not create such a fuss if my two friends want

Spend some time together.

I reminded myself many times that I am with Osho not to get married or

Create a perfect relationship with someone. If I wanted it, I could

Stay home in Cornwall and settle down with some fine farmer or

A fisherman. During our six months in Bombay, I noticed that Milarepa and Vivek

Both became irritable. They showed no interest in each other since

Since they were in Uruguay and Vivek was happy with Rafia. But Rafii doesn't

It was, and I noticed that something was suppressed between them, and the atmosphere was

Tense. They weren't happy and then one night I just left and stayed

Spent the night at a friends apartment and didn’t come home. They were both so happy

The next day it changed the whole atmosphere around everyone. I never

Told them I left just to get out of the way and they didn't tell me anything

Too, but just to see that two good friends happy because of such a small one

The event was like a breakthrough for me.

I heard Osho say that his people are connected to each other through him.

It is my lover's love for Osho that inspires and strengthens our love.

We are, after all, two seekers on a path.

What we met along the way is a reward, a small extravagant show with

Sides of existence. When two people share love for a person like

Osho, who is filled with love, then their relationship already takes on new

Measurements. Every time Osho answered a poem or a question from Milarepa, I felt

I was affected much more deeply than if I had written it myself. Although Milarepa and I

We were together for almost seven years, we did not live together constantly. We've always had ours

Own homes, and because of this our love affair lasted, but when we arrived

Back in India we lived together and it was more difficult. We were both in a position

When we didn't want to part and yet weren't completely happy together. I

I think no couple should live together for more than a few days

Holidays. The more space is felt between two people, the more

Love is alive between them. It's good if everyone has their own place where

He lives, and when there is no certainty that you will meet every day.

There is an ancient story that I really like.

The two lovers loved each other very much, and the woman wanted to get married.

The man said that he would marry her only on one condition, if they

live in different houses on different sides of a large lake. "If we meet

By chance, maybe we will meet when we are sailing on a boat across the lake, or,

Maybe we'll meet when we're walking one day, then it will be


Osho told this story many times, and every time I heard it, this

It terrified me. I understand her now, although it took time. I

I'm sorry, Osho once said angrily in Rajneeshpuram: "None of you understood

what I'm trying to tell you about love." The first year we returned to Pune,

Osho once answered a question about our relationship in discourse:

"...As for me, I am not interested in your personal relationships; this is absolutely yours

My own nightmare. You chose to suffer - suffer. But when you bring me

Question, then remember that I will simply speak the truth to a person who can

Observe this without belonging to any side. This is an unusual case in the world.

Whenever you come to someone with a question about your personal relationships And

It is common practice in the world to console you about the suffering they brought. Despite

That men and women suffered together, creating different kinds problems

For each other, for ten thousand years there was no revolution, there was no

Changes in their relationship. I want to help you see clearly how you create your

Own world. For me you are your own world and you are your own

Creator of the world... Be strong; have a little patience and make an effort

To change. I want you to be more individual, more

Free, more alert, more conscious, more meditative. And these situations

Can be tremendous opportunities for meditation. But if you are angry, if you

Go crazy, start defending yourself, then please don't ask such questions

Questions. This doesn't interest me at all. Your relationship is your business.

What concerns me here is meditation. And this is very strange: you rarely

ask questions about meditation. Apparently, this is not the main thing that interests you,

This does not seem to be a priority for you; it is not the first item on your mind.

It might be the last thing on your laundry list, but it definitely isn't.

First; Stupid things, trivialities come first. You're wasting your time and

you're wasting my time."

("Inner Splendor")

“Without meditation, every love affair is doomed to fail.” ...Osho

One evening at a discourse, after hearing Osho say that couples quarrel because

That they were repressing their sexuality, I thought I had a revelation. I

Thought I was sexually repressed so my heart moved my hand when

I asked Osho a question, simply describing it to him.

He answered my "very serious" question with several jokes in quick succession about

English ladies and women approaching middle age and, at the end

Kontsov joked that all my misunderstanding was because Milarepa was walking again

on the side. "You've been with me for so many years, how can you say that you

Sexually repressed? You will ruin my reputation!" said Osho, trying to extract

Light from my situation.

I was furious.

The next morning, in response to someone's question, Osho said:

"The whole confusion of life, love, relationships is created by our unconsciousness. We do not

We know what we are doing, and by the time we become aware, too

On the appointment of Thierry Henry.

Why is this good for Golovin?

Henry was the most media figure on the Belgian coaching staff. It seems that players were asked about him even more often than about head coach Roberto Martinez. It's easy to make a list of his responsibilities. Roughly speaking, Thierry had three functions:

1) Individual work with football players – especially attackers. He's really the best at this. Henry's main project in the national team is Romelu Lukaku. The striker has improved greatly and scored 22 goals in his last 18 matches for the national team.

2) Tales about your career. “To add top-level football experience,” is how Martinez formulated one of Henry’s tasks. Toby Alderweireld also emphasized the importance of this element: “He tells the team stories and shares experiences. What he says can seriously help in a big tournament. His very presence, along with his knowledge of the World Cup, helps the team.”

3) Positive impact on the atmosphere. We talked about this during the World Cup.

For Golovin, the first point is most important. “Henri helped me a lot in all aspects of the game,” Lukaku said. – Technique, impact, movement, ball handling, assessing the situation on the field, making original decisions. While working with him, my playing improved twofold. I owe a lot to Henri."

One of Henri's methods is to work on old matches. “We talk a lot about what I could improve on. Sometimes we discuss Thierry's old matches. For example, I watch some Arsenal game from the 2005/06 season, and he explains to me the details of my game using the example of that match, together we look for ways to progress. I learn from him every day - how to move correctly, where to find free zones, how to handle the ball as efficiently as possible. He is the master of it all. I have already learned so many new things,” Lukaku marveled.

This technique should work with Golovin. He has a wild desire to improve and is close to the approach with demonstration videos. Alexander told how he watched Ngolo Kante’s clips to improve his tackling technique. “Henri is very demanding. Nobody was as hard on me as Thierry. Even when I made a good pass and the ball bounced a little, he noticed it and reprimanded me. Thanks to him, I began to move smarter on the field and fall offside less often. He once made 10 assists in a season – I would also like to learn that from him,” a couple more details from Romelu.

Lukaku is wrong - in fact, Henry made 20 assists in the 2002/03 season. This is a Premier League record. Golovin is not a striker, but Henri has enough chips and skills that will help him improve. As a last resort, you can discuss CSKA matches with Thierry. “Thierry is probably the only person in the world who watches more football than me. We talk about football all the time. We could suddenly start arguing about the German second division. “Thierry, did you see how Fortuna Dusseldorf play the ball,” I say. “Of course, you still ask,” he answers,” Romelu shared.

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Lukaku is the most delighted with Thierry and describes the collaboration in more detail than anyone else, but he is not the only one who thanks Henri. Almost all of Belgium's attacking players, including Eden Hazard, have noted his influence. “In the national teams we get very good players short term. Thierry uses his experience and skills to help us maximize the benefits of this time. For example, it is useful for any striker to be able to discuss movement in the penalty area with him,” Martinez explained.

One conversation with a football player sometimes took Henri 2-3 hours, but he really enjoyed it. For some time, Thierry combined work on TV with helping the Arsenal U18 team. There he was just as willing to develop the individual qualities of the players and always found time for them. “He not only helped in training. We had lunch with him several times. He's a great guy. He constantly supported me and really helped me improve,” recalled Geoff Ren-Adelaide.

Thierry gets such a kick out of helping football players that he even gives advice to those he doesn’t work with directly. Even before becoming a coach, Henry turned the career of Alexandre Lacazette around. He had a 30-minute conversation with the striker in New York in the summer of 2013: “Thierry told me to always ask myself questions. Young players often forget this. His words stuck in my head. When Thierry Henry tells you something, you can't ignore it. I realized that becoming a great player is a constant work in progress.”

It was with a conversation with Henry that Lacazette's transformation into a powerful goalscorer began. The Arsenal striker can still recruit Henry at any time. “Of course, I studied not only Henri’s style, but he was definitely my idol. We talk a lot. He gives accurate advice. If I have a question, I can always turn to him.”

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At least one other football player admitted that he uses Thierry as a freelance consultant. This is Alex Iwobi, who has improved greatly this season.

Why isn't it The best decision for Monaco

Henri's readiness to work as a head coach raises serious doubts. In the Belgian national team, he often played basketball with Hazard and Benteke, watched matches and documentaries with Vincent Kompany and always teased the players. “Henri was the idol of each of us. It helped us that he constantly joked with us and generally behaved like one of the players,” explained Youri Tielemans.

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This approach, together with individual work with the players, made him an ideal coach on Martinez’s staff, but as the main one, he would immediately lose this status and would be forced to communicate differently with the players. The degree of his preparedness also raises questions: the Frenchman received his coaching license from the Welsh FA - according to rumors, because they quickly issue diplomas to famous football players without unnecessary fuss.

Even Belgian players sometimes hinted at Henry's unpreparedness in some areas. “I think working in the Belgian national team is first and foremost a school for Henry himself - these are his first years as a coach,” said Dries Mertens. “This is the perfect opportunity for Thierry. He learns the craft without unnecessary pressure,” Arsene Wenger emphasized.

Henry will have to rely on the experience and knowledge gained while working with Wenger, Martinez and Guardiola. All three are supporters of the “process is more important than the result” principle, which is detrimental to the current situation in Monaco.

Henri also thinks so: “Of course, victories are important. It is obvious. But they are not so important that we talk only about them, forgetting about what the team did on the field and what style they played. You need to stay true to your philosophy. Look at Guardiola - he almost never talks about victories. He talks about the quality of the game. He evaluates the team's performance based on how much the players enjoy the game, follow through and stay true to style. Only this, and not victories, does he truly value. And only then, if everything is done correctly, victories come.”

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Martinez saved Wigan many times with similar principles, but he was helped by a powerful tactical baggage. Henri does not have the necessary experience and tactical knowledge. This even showed up in his analyzes on Sky Sports. Of course, this is the least important argument, but the gap between Henri and Gary Neville in terms of depth of analysis was striking. Henry's most striking tactical performances are associated with an explanation of Guardiola's principles, which he knew from the inside. He was not able to analyze current events as impressively.

It seems that with this appointment Monaco refuses to save the current season in favor of beautiful story welcome back Thierry. The potential benefits of working with Henry for young football players were considered more important than the results. Although the team has a high-quality squad to compete for European Cups, even taking into account the current position.

In the first rounds they were the unluckiest team in League 1. Such abnormal bad luck is only possible over short periods. The results of such a team always inevitably improve - Monaco would not have been relegated under Leonard Jardim or almost any other coach. Probably won't fly out with Henri either. Now this is the main task affecting the results, but the process will be more important than them.

Agreed with the moderator.