Christmas story. Phrases from the cartoon Return of the Prodigal Parrot

and here we are fed well with sperm, and here too are we fed well
Fairy tale

" - a story by Alexander Kurlyandsky about the adventures of the heroes of the cartoon "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot", published by the Samovar publishing house in the series "Our Favorite Cartoons". A kind of continuation of the story “Have you been to Tahiti?”, which told about the adventures of the parrot Kesha and the sparrow Kolya at the North Pole. The second story mainly tells about the adventures of the cat Vasily, Kesh and Kolya only appear briefly at the beginning.

  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Characters
    • 2.1 Main
    • 2.2 Episodic
    • 2.3 Mentioned
  • 3 Cultural references
  • 4 Facts
  • 5 Links


One day, the cat Vasily receives a letter from his mother, Mura Alekseevna, whom he does not remember. She writes to him that she doesn’t know where all her children are (she had 10 of them). She did not know where Vasily was before he was shown on TV (these events are described in the story “Have you been to Tahiti?”). And now she is very old, and wants to see him. Vasily decides to go to his mother, in the run-down town of Verkhnerechensk (where she lives with her owner, pensioner Vera Denisovna). He tells the Master about this, but he does not approve of his desire to go to his mother, and threatens to kick him out if he nevertheless goes. Vasily makes up his mind and without asking, taking a wad of money and the Master’s gas pistol, goes to his mother. He finds himself in a dilapidated house, without sewerage and gas heating. The house has a TV the size of a saucer, black and white. Accustomed to a rich life, Vasily decides to leave as soon as possible.

Accidentally caught a mouse named Masha living in the house, who was stealing food from old women. Vasily shamed Masha for stealing, pointing out that the old women live on Vera Denisovna’s pension, and they still have to pay for electricity, medicine and food. After this, Vasily himself discovers that something doesn’t add up here. They feed him well, pay for electricity and medicine, and all this is done on Vera Denisovna’s meager pension. Vasily asks the old women where they get the money, but they say that it is a pension. Then he begins to follow the old ladies. When Vera Denisovna leaves her room, Vasily sneaks into it and finds there a childhood photograph of his owner with a young Vera Denisovna. Vasily understands that Vera Denisovna is the Master’s mother. the same day he writes a letter to the Owner on behalf of Vera Denisovna and invites him to come.

The owner receives the letter and understands that Vasily wrote it, but still immediately goes to the specified address. While waiting for the Owner, Vasily decides to fix the leaky roof in the house. When he tries, he falls from the roof and is severely injured. Mura Alekseevna treats Vasily with ladybug milk, which she buys from an old, wild cat. But the mouse Mashka and her husband Ivan Terentyevich tell Vasily that Mura Alekseevna actually buys milk at the market for a lot of money. She receives money from the fish poacher Ukleikin, to whom the old women sell their jewelry (rings, earrings). Vasily decides to take away the jewelry from Ukleikin, and together with Ivan Terentyevich he goes to arrest Ukleikin. But Ukleikin, seeing the raid, lures Vasily and Ivan Terentyevich into a trap and throws them into the basement. He says that he will drown them in the river at night. They are rescued from the basement by Lizunya, Ukleikin’s cat, who turns out to be Vasily’s sister.

Vasily, Ivan Terentyevich, Lizunya and Masha (Lizunya’s daughter) return home. Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna are hosting a gala dinner. But at this time Ukleikin and two of his friends burst into the house. He wants to kill Vasily and Lizunya, and also take the jewelry that they returned to the old women. But at that moment the Owner bursts into the house (he was watching the house through the window). He beats uninvited guests and drives them out of the house. After dinner, the Boss invites the mother and everyone else to move to his city. The old women refuse, since this is their home. Now Lizunya and her daughter will live with them, and Vasily leaves home with the Owner, to the cheerful exclamation of the Owner that they will come again.



  • Cat Vasily- a very fat, lazy and smug cat, accustomed to convenience. Loves to eat well. He loves his owner, but is sometimes rude to him, knowing that he will not kick him out. Unlike the cartoon, Vasily is responsible and kind, and also very smart. The book mentions that he is 7 years old (in human years - 49).
  • Master- a young and very rich businessman, millionaire. He is 35 years old, but he looks much younger. He regularly goes to the gym, eats only Siberian dumplings, and drinks only natural juices. He was married several times, but each time he divorced due to disagreements between his wives and Vasily, preferring Vasily. His name is never mentioned, but the word Master is always capitalized in the book, as if it were his name.
  • Mura Alekseevna- Vasily's mother. She is 17 years old (cat age - 119). Lives in the city of Verkhnerechensk, in a dilapidated house, with pensioner Vera Denisovna. Mura Alekseevna has 5 sons and 6 daughters, about whom she knew nothing until she saw Vasily on TV. He sees very poorly.
  • Vera Denisovna- the owner of Mura Alekseevna. She is 70 years old, retired, and previously worked as a teacher. Master's Mother. She divorced her husband when the Master was very young. He hears very poorly. She went home to the village, and the Master stayed with his father in the city. Apparently, the Master had not previously maintained any contact with his mother.
  • Masha- a mouse living in the house of Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna. She stole food from them and created inconvenience for Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna. After Vasily caught her, she promised that she would not do this again.
  • Ivan Terentyevich- husband of the mouse Mashka. Previously, he lived in a courthouse and ate codes, while learning many laws. Tried to help Vasily arrest Ukleikin.
  • Ukleikin- poacher, fishing specialist. Lives in a large villa guarded by a dog. Sells all types of fish and caviar. Ukleikin is the surname of the poacher; his name is not indicated in the book.
  • Lizunya- cat Ukleikina. Ukleikin held Lizunya under the table. He took her kittens to the river, and told her that he was taking them to give them to good hands. The only one she has left is her daughter Masha. She freed Vasily from the basement when he said that his mother was Mura Alekseevna. Then it turned out that she was Vasily’s sister.


  • Children of Mashka and Ivan Terentyevich- mice, girls and boys, children of Mashka and Ivan Terentyevich.
  • Masha- Lizuni’s daughter, lived with her at Ukleikin’s.
  • Two guys- the guys who went with Ukleikin to the house of Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna to take jewelry and return Lizunya.
  • Zhanka- the owner's wife. Doesn't like Vasily. When she asked who he chooses - Vasily or her, the Master chose Vasily.
  • Kesha- parrot. There were cartoons about him and Kurlyandsky’s first book. In this story, Kesha appears briefly when Vasily told his friends that he had received a letter.
  • Kolya- sparrow. Friend of Kesha, Vasily and Clara. Also appeared briefly in the story when Vasily talked about receiving a letter.
  • Clara- crow. Friend of Kesha, Kolya and Vasily. She appeared briefly in the story when Vasily was talking about receiving a letter.
  • Valeryan Valeryanovich- doctor. When Vasily fell from the roof, he was first taken to the hospital where Valeryan Valeryanovich works as a doctor. Apparently, he did not finish his studies, and therefore he offered to cut off all the sore spots from Vasily. But he did not have time to do anything, since Mura Alekseevna and Vera Denisovna took Vasily away from the hospital.


  • Aibolit Aibolitovich- doctor. He treated the sparrow Kolya for pneumonia before the events described in this story. He was Valeryan Valeryanovich's teacher, but then kicked him out.
  • Mashechka- Vasily's sister. Mura Alekseevna said that she lives in New York.

Cultural references

  • It is mentioned that Vasily loves to listen to the group “Meow-Krol”, whose singing resembles a cat’s meowing. Apparently, this is a reference to the musical group Mumiy Troll.


  • Vasily recalls a TV show that does not exist in real life - “Where did the money of gullible investors go?”
  • Ivan Terentyevich says that Ukleikin should be tried under Article 123 - “Murder with premeditated purpose, with aggravating circumstances, pre-planned and carried out in peacetime against civilians of rivers, seas and reservoirs.” However, there is no such article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the law on fish refers to the article on poaching.
  • In addition, Ivan Terentyevich says that theft is Article 35. The laws of the Russian Federation are Article 158.
  • As in the previous story - “Have you been to Tahiti?”, the image of Vasily, presented in the cartoon about Kesha, changes a lot. In the cartoon he is smug and rude, but in the books he is kind and obliging.
  • The adventures of the heroes continue in the story “Lovely!”


  • Bibliography of Alexander Kurlyandsky

are we fed well here too, are we fed well with sperm here too, are we fed the tigers well here too

And they feed us well here too! Information about

Vasily, Ivan Terentyevich, Lizunya and Masha (Lizunya’s daughter) return home. Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna are hosting a gala dinner. But at this time Ukleikin and two of his friends burst into the house. He wants to kill Vasily and Lizunya, and also take the jewelry that they returned to the old women. But at that moment the Owner bursts into the house (he was watching the house through the window). He beats uninvited guests and drives them out of the house. After dinner, the Boss invites the mother and everyone else to move to his city. The old women refuse, since this is their home. Now Lizunya and her daughter will live with them, and Vasily leaves home with the Owner, to the cheerful exclamation of the Owner that they will come again.



  • Cat Vasily- a very fat, lazy and smug cat, accustomed to convenience. Loves to eat well. He loves his owner, but is sometimes rude to him, knowing that he will not kick him out. Unlike the cartoon, Vasily is responsible and kind, and also very smart. The book mentions that he is 7 years old (in human years - 49).
  • Master- a young and very rich businessman, millionaire. He is 35 years old, but he looks much younger. He regularly goes to the gym, eats only Siberian dumplings, and drinks only natural juices. He was married several times, but each time he divorced due to disagreements between his wives and Vasily, preferring Vasily. His name is never mentioned, but the word Master is always capitalized in the book, as if it were his name.
  • Mura Alekseevna- Vasily's mother. She is 17 years old (cat age - 119). Lives in the city of Verkhnerechensk, in a dilapidated house, with pensioner Vera Denisovna. Mura Alekseevna has 5 sons and 6 daughters, about whom she knew nothing until she saw Vasily on TV. He sees very poorly.
  • Vera Denisovna- the owner of Mura Alekseevna. She is 70 years old, retired, and previously worked as a teacher. Master's Mother. She divorced her husband when the Master was very young. He hears very poorly. She went home to the village, and the Master stayed with his father in the city. Apparently, the Master had not previously maintained any contact with his mother.
  • Masha- a mouse living in the house of Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna. She stole food from them and created inconvenience for Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna. After Vasily caught her, she promised that she would not do this again.
  • Ivan Terentyevich- husband of the mouse Mashka. Previously, he lived in a courthouse and ate codes, while learning many laws. Tried to help Vasily arrest Ukleikin.
  • Ukleikin- poacher, fishing specialist. Lives in a large villa guarded by a dog. Sells all types of fish and caviar. Ukleikin is the surname of the poacher; his name is not indicated in the book.
  • Lizunya- cat Ukleikina. Ukleikin held Lizunya under the table. He took her kittens to the river, and told her that he was taking them away to give them to good hands. The only one she has left is her daughter Masha. She freed Vasily from the basement when he said that his mother was Mura Alekseevna. Then it turned out that she was Vasily’s sister.


  • Children of Mashka and Ivan Terentyevich- mice, girls and boys, children of Mashka and Ivan Terentyevich.
  • Masha- Lizuni’s daughter, lived with her at Ukleikin’s.
  • Two guys- the guys who went with Ukleikin to the house of Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna to take jewelry and return Lizunya.
  • Zhanka- the owner's wife. Doesn't like Vasily. When she asked who he chooses - Vasily or her, the Master chose Vasily.
  • Kesha- parrot. There were cartoons about him and Kurlyandsky’s first book. In this story, Kesha appears briefly when Vasily told his friends that he had received a letter.
  • Kolya- sparrow. Friend of Kesha, Vasily and Clara. Also appeared briefly in the story when Vasily talked about receiving a letter.
  • Clara- crow. Friend of Kesha, Kolya and Vasily. She appeared briefly in the story when Vasily was talking about receiving a letter.
  • Valeryan Valeryanovich- doctor. When Vasily fell from the roof, he was first taken to the hospital where Valeryan Valeryanovich works as a doctor. Apparently, he did not finish his studies, and therefore he offered to cut off all the sore spots from Vasily. But he did not have time to do anything, since Mura Alekseevna and Vera Denisovna took Vasily away from the hospital.


  • Aibolit Aibolitovich- doctor. He treated the sparrow Kolya for pneumonia before the events described in this story. He was Valeryan Valeryanovich's teacher, but then kicked him out.
  • Mashechka- Vasily's sister. Mura Alekseevna said that she lives in New York.

Cultural references

  • It is mentioned that Vasily loves to listen to the group “Meow-Krol”, whose singing resembles a cat’s meowing. Apparently, this is a reference to the musical group Mumiy Troll.


  • Vasily recalls a TV show that does not exist in real life - “Where did the money of gullible investors go?”
  • Ivan Terentyevich says that Ukleikin should be tried under Article 123 - “Murder with premeditated purpose, with aggravating circumstances, pre-planned and carried out in peacetime against civilians of rivers, seas and reservoirs.” However, there is no such article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the law on fish refers to the article on poaching.
  • In addition, Ivan Terentyevich says that theft is Article 35. In the laws of the Russian Federation this is article 158.
  • As in the previous story - “Have you been to Tahiti?”, the image of Vasily, presented in the cartoon about Kesha, changes a lot. In the cartoon he is smug and rude, but in the books he is kind and obliging.
  • The adventures of the heroes continue in the story “Lovely!”
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A whole year has passed since then, Kesha, Vasily the cat, Yura, Vovka

and Masha found a treasure in the winter forest, which they handed over to the state

and received a lot of money - 50 million rubles. They all

did as it was decided at the Great Council and then reported -

where and on what the money was spent. But they still have some

more than 10 million were spent. The Grand Council was assembled again -

what to spend this money on. The Council was opened by the Wise Owl and the first

I gave the floor to Vovka, who said: - On our Small

Family Council we decided - New Year meet with you.

Let's invite more kids from my class. Let's choose the most beautiful spruce

in this clearing and dress it up. We will buy toys and gifts for everyone.

We will also decorate the Christmas tree together. The guys and I already have

Music band. You will also prepare a New Year's program.

On our part, my brother Yura will lead the preparations, and you

Now also determine who will lead what. But all this is necessary

agree with Santa Claus. Therefore, I propose a delegation to

this composition: Yura, Masha, Kesha, Vasily the Cat, Wise Owl and me.

The Council unanimously supported this proposal.

Then the Hare took the floor: “All this is good and correct!” And now

look around - snowdrifts and branches. Where will we be

have fun, play, dance in circles? I suggest clearing the snow

two playgrounds - one for the little ones and fill the pot there, and the second

clear under the tree. - The Hare said correctly - voices were heard.

Then Yura took the floor: “The hare made a good proposal.” Vovka

organizes his class for clearing next Sunday

sites, and the Owl will indicate where to clear. I'll hire you to fill the skating rink

watering machine - we have no other choice. And now I

I suggest the delegation go to Santa Claus and agree

all questions - there are only 5 days left until the New Year.

Closing the Big Council, the Owl said: “I’m now flying away to

To Santa Claus, Elk remains the eldest; and you decide who does what

will be engaged - some will dance, some will dance, some will sing, but who

the drums will beat - you all know. And she disappeared.

Meanwhile, the delegation approached the hut of Santa Claus.

Near the hut stood three white trotters harnessed to red

sled. The door was open. They entered and greeted him.

Santa Claus sat at the table and sorted out the letters that had been sent

him guys. -Sit down, dear guests, and tell me what

brought you to my abode.

Yura told him everything about the decision of the Great Council.

I approve of the council's decision, especially if it was adopted unanimously.

But I, in turn, decided that for this New Year the Snow Maiden

Masha will be there! Everyone clapped in unison, so you go and decide

all your questions, and Masha and I will read the guys’ letters and,

According to their requests, we will prepare and pack gifts.

And one more thing: For the role of the New Year, I propose the cat Vasily. I look,

be here - Masha and I will be waiting for you. There will be a lot of work.

But Masha and I, as soon as we deal with the letters and donations,

We’ll definitely visit Bolshaya Polyana and see how it’s going

preparation for the holiday. The delegation, but without Masha, left

huts Vaska was in seventh heaven with happiness - he will be with Grandfather

Frost and the Snow Maiden touring schools, kindergartens and palaces

culture, light Christmas trees and distribute gifts.

Well, Vasily, you are lucky - you will become famous throughout Russia.

Who would have thought - Kesha's friend and my friend, Vasily will be

Happy New Year 2016.

Don't get too proud, or you'll forget about Kesha. Just kidding.

The owl flew to the Big Glade, and the four of them headed

home. There was a lot of work, as Santa Claus said.

The next day Yura bought Christmas tree decorations, garlands,

a generator to illuminate them and make it light on both sites.

Vovka agreed with the guys to go into the forest tomorrow to clear

places. And at this time the Gray Wolf lay in his lair and

came up with different plans to disrupt the New Year's holiday

In the woods. But Kesha and the cat Vasily have a plan to prevent the Wolf from

the idea was already ready. They decided to punish Gray in such a way that he

not only will it not be possible to implement your plans, but even the whole

month will not be able to stand on his feet. - What were they planning?

Everything is in order - you will find out everything soon. At their request, Yura bought

two miniature voice recorders on which Vovka recorded the bleating

sheep, clucking chickens, crowing roosters and squeaking mice. And bye

the guys with Vovka will clear the sites, Kesha and Vasily

will begin to raise the Wolf.

Sunday has arrived. Gathered at Bolshaya Polyana

all the forest inhabitants began to wait for Vovka and their friends.

Soon the cheerful voices of the children were heard in the distance, and then

The boys also showed up. There were a lot of them - Vovka brought them all

your entire class. They greeted the forest

residents. Then Vovka said to the Wise Owl: - We are ready

Let's get started - we are waiting for your instructions. The owl showed

For the guys, places for future sites and work is in full swing.

And Kesha and the cat Vasily began to fulfill their

plan. We already told you about voice recorders - they were already installed

on their necks. And the day before, Vovka’s grandmother was making a roast from

lamb, and Vaska needs a piece of lard to lubricate her

boots for the scent to lure the gray robber out of his

lair. So he hovered around grandma’s feet and pitifully

meowed. - Why are you tired of your Whiskas? fresh meat did you want?

You’ve been hovering around me all morning,” she said, “but

a piece of lard, enjoy,” and put a piece of lard into the cup.

And that’s all Vasily needed. He grabbed the lard and

rushed to Kesha. “It worked!” he said to Kesha and began

lubricate your walking boots.

As soon as the guys started working, animals and birds helped

them as best they could; Kesha and the cat Vasily went to the side.

wolf's lair. They found themselves there quite quickly - Kesha was flying,

and Vaska, in general, was there in an instant. Kesha sat down

on the nearest birch tree, the cat, wearing his invisibility hat, approached

very close to the Gray Robber. The wolf lay and thought through

all the details of your insidious plan - to deprive everyone of the New Year

holiday. Suddenly he smelled lamb. The wolf jumped up

on my feet - smells came from all sides. And Vasily ran in circles

around the lair and intensified these aromas. The wolf was confused - smells

were real, but there was no one around. He sat down and thought:

This can't be true. Maybe after you hit me

Did you get burned - did your sense of smell deteriorate?

A Vaska, meanwhile, ran a little further away and turned on

Dictaphone. And in the air I heard: “Be-eee, be-eee, be-eee.”

Gray jumped to his feet again, looked around - no one.

everything rushed and rushed. The wolf ran towards the sound. Vasily ran back

gone. The wolf stopped and sniffed - the smell was nearby

with him, and not a single soul around. I probably have a headache too

ill after being hit by a bump about a year ago.

At this time, by agreement with Vasily, the recorder

turned on Cash. The beeee began to rush from the direction of the birch.

The wolf rushed there - no one. Kesha flew unnoticed to

another tree. And again - beeeee. And then the cat turned it on again

his voice recorder and ran in circles around the wolf, and it seemed

The wolf is among a whole flock of sheep, but there is no one around.

And the smells, here they are, real and real. Catch and eat.

no one. He's already been running so much that his stomach is empty

something was rumbling. Out of anger and powerlessness, the wolf lay down on the snow and

whined. And Vaska grew bolder and approached the gray tail,

stepped on it and ran, turning it on full volume

Dictaphone. And again be-eeee. The wolf jumped up and looked around -

and again no one. He didn't know what to do, but instinct

hunger prompted - go after the sheep. And he ran to these

sounds and smells that drove him crazy. And Kesha and the cat,

as agreed, they brought him to the house where the Bear was sleeping,

turned off their voice recorders and went to Bolshaya

Glade. The work there was already coming to an end. Calculation of sites

finished - some made slides for kids, others sculpted

snowmen and others fairy-tale heroes. Yura, Vovka and more

Several guys set up a stage for performances.

Finally, the work is finished. Yura and Owl discussed that

do tomorrow. Yura said: “Tomorrow afternoon I will come with

watering machine and fill the skating rink. December 30 Vovka

the kids will bring toys and garlands and start decorating

Christmas tree; you know yourself, Owl, without your help the guys can’t

make do - that tree is so tall. - Yura, we have already thought about it -

squirrels, tits and crossbills will work at the very top; yes and

Kesha promised to help. “Okay,” said Yura, “we agreed and

shouted - My friends, go home. And a cheerful crowd, satisfied

They went to the city with their work.

As we already told you, Kesha and Vasily brought the wolf

to the house where the Bear was sleeping and went to the guys.

And the wolf knew this place - he had been here many times, watching

for Masha, but never came so close - Bear

was afraid. This year he considered himself the owner of the forest - Bear

sleeps and sucks his paw. He looked out the window - the clubfoot was sleeping on

your wooden bed. Masha was not in the house. He wanted

was already running to his lair, but suddenly he heard the crunch of snow

and saw Masha, who was walking to the Bear's house and singing: - To me

not scary Gray wolf, Gray wolf, Gray wolf...

The wolf hid around the corner of the house and said to himself: - Come on,

come closer! I'll show you how not to be afraid of me,

owner of the forest. And Masha suddenly slowed down and became wary -

there were a lot of wolf tracks and boot prints around -

Skrokhodov cat Vasily. So Gray is somewhere here and waiting

me. She took the gas canister in her hand and walked towards the house.

And at the same time the wolf jumped out from around the corner and rushed towards

Masha, but she didn’t lose her temper, took out a can of spray and sprayed

from him into the eyes of the wolf. The wolf squealed and spun around in place.

He didn't see anything. My eyes stung and stung a lot. And Masha,

Having managed to do something clever, she once again sprayed the can into his eyes

and nose. And he squealed even more and spun around. Masha

took Bear's big stick, which stood by the door and

let's hit the wolf on the sides and say: - This is for you

for the lamb that you dragged from the stream into the forest; this is for you

for the grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood, and this is for you for the cat Vasily,

which you almost ate. And what did he think of for us?

Ruin the New Year's holiday!

The wolf howled and rushed to run away wherever his eyes looked. He

saw nothing; ran, bumped into trees, fell,

jumped up and ran again. He soon disappeared from sight.

Masha went into the hut - the Bear was sleeping. She came here

to check on your friend. Then Masha called

She reported the incident to the Wise Owl. The owl said

that he will send help now. And after 3 minutes they appeared

two powerful moose. - Where is he? Masha showed where he ran away

The wolf and moose rushed there and soon overtook him. Wolf

he could barely trudge and howl in pain. The moose ran towards

wolf, picked him up with his horns and threw him into the snow. Then again

the lair itself. -Now rest, gray robber. More

Once you touch someone, you won’t live! Got it? - said

old moose. And they ran to the Owl to report -

the danger has passed - Masha can safely return

to Santa Claus and continue your work. Owl right away

Masha called back. Masha thanked the Owl and left

to Santa Maroz.

Finally, the most important day has come -

on Bolshaya Polyana and sorted out the brought toys and

Garlands. All the inhabitants of the forest gathered in the clearing - here

There were, as people say, both old and young. Finally

The owl gave the command - and work began. Toys below

everyone who could hung them up. They scurried from bottom to top

tits, squirrels and crossbills hung toys and garlands.

They were commanded by Kesha, who was already at the very top

put on a ruby ​​star and inserted a light bulb into it. All

tried and worked conscientiously, because tomorrow morning he will come

Santa Claus will check how they prepared for

New Year's Eve. Soon Kesha flew down and reported,

that everything is ready. The owl flew around the tree, then rose

higher up - I examined the tree from a bird's eye view.

Everything is fine! Great job! I think Santa Claus

will be pleased.

Here Yura arrived - he brought a diesel generator for

lighting the Christmas tree and platforms, various sleds and boards for

kids. Somewhere in the distance drumming and

the melody of the song - there was a rehearsal of the choir and forest orchestra.

In addition, Yura brought several fire extinguishers and signs

with the inscriptions: - "Do not set off firecrackers, do not sparklers

light, do not light fires! Take care of the forest - it's ours

wealth!" And placed them around the Big Glade. Kesha

I flew after him all the time. -Yura, why do we need fire extinguishers?

What if the electrical wiring shorts out and the tree immediately lights up.

How can we manage without them? Here, below, the guys and I can handle it,

But what if the top lights up? Nobody will get there.

Yura, come on, teach me how to use fire extinguishers

and I can be a fireman too! - This is what I wanted to talk about, Kesha.

and ask you. Let's go, I'll show you everything. For you I

supply miniature. He showed it, and Kesha remembered everything -

He was smart and, as they say, he grasped everything on the fly.

Father Frost. He came incognito. I walked around everything - and

I was pleased. - Even against fire, everything was taken care of.

And suddenly he noticed - from the very top of the tree behind him

observes the Wise Owl. Santa Claus came up to the tree and said

Sove: - They did a great job. Tell everyone from me - thank you.

I just have one question - how do you cover all this?

will you? -Everything is provided - when you come to us the Christmas tree

light it up, you’ll see for yourself. For now it's a surprise.

Owl, and lastly, how the issue was resolved with the participation of the guys

at a party this late?

We also resolved this issue - agreed with the director

schools and with parents. They will be accompanied by a classy

leader and older brother of Vovka Yura. And the end field

They will take them home after the New Year's ball. For this purpose

the director gave me a school bus.

Okay, Owl, I heard you and understood everything - WELL DONE!!!

Now Masha and the cat Vasily and I will go to the city

hold matinees and congratulate the guys on the New Year.

We will be with you at exactly midnight. Now call Vovka

and tell him to send Vasily to me.

The owl immediately called. Vovka told Vaska. He pulled

his walking boots, went out into the yard and disappeared. Bye Grandfather

Frost walked through the snowdrifts to his hut. Vasily was already with him

in the hut and told Masha how he and Kesha taught the Wolf a lesson.

And Masha also told the cat how she beat Gray with a stick and

sentenced. At this time, Santa Claus reached his

home and, seeing Vasily, said: “Everything is assembled!” Let's get together-

first we'll load up the gifts, then we'll put on our festive costumes -

and off we go. Carry the gifts in the sleigh, and I’ll go feed him some oats.

trotters - they will also have to work hard today.

And, having done all their business, they sat in the sleigh. Santa Claus touched

Reign. The horses shook their heads, the bells rang,

the trio rushed off and rushed into the unknown...

Sleepy trees dressed in white robes flashed by. All of a sudden

the sun appeared from behind the trees and everything immediately lit up,

sparkled and turned golden. Masha and the cat Vasily were breathless

from the fast ride and the beauty of this winter forest. Three soon

disappeared from sight.

By 9 o'clock in the evening forest inhabitants began to gather in the Glade

Then a school bus appeared. They began to come out of it

guys with musical instruments. Behind them appeared -

Yura and classroom teacher Marya Ivanovna. Yura knows

bedded Owl with her. The owl said that everything is ready for the joint

choir and orchestra rehearsals. Suddenly Vovka said to Owl: “We have

a problem arose - our drummer suddenly fell ill -

Kostya Fedorov and we don’t know what to do - Vovka, you are.

you know who the best drummers in the world are. We have

This one is the best of the best. He will play in your

orchestra. Titmouse, call Ushastik here. Ushastik

was the name of one hare who was different from everyone else in his

long ears. So it stuck to him - Ushastik.

A minute later Ushastik appeared with chopsticks in his paws.

So Kosoy, you are at the disposal of Vovka -

If you play in their orchestra, make sure you don’t let them down. I believe

into you, Ushastik.

Everyone went to their places - joint rehearsals began.

traditions of the choir and orchestras. Yura checked his generator again to make sure

Don't let everyone down with electricity.

Soon everything calmed down - it was approaching midnight -

everyone began to wait for the appearance of Father Frost, Snow Maiden and

New Year, which for the first time in his life was a cat

Basil. In the distance the ringing of bells and bells was heard.

And, suddenly, out of nowhere, a white one appeared in the clearing

troika. Suddenly she stopped and people got out of the sleigh

Santa Claus with a magic staff and a red bag in his hand;

Masha came out behind him in a beautiful fur coat; New one came out last

Year. He was also wearing a red fur coat. Worn on the head

a red and white hat with the year 2016 shining brightly on it.

And the three of them began to approach the tree.

Why are you sitting in the dark and the tree doesn’t light up?

We can't light it! - the voices grew louder, -

we ask you to help us light it! “Well,” he said.

it’s for the Snow Maiden and the New Year, let’s help the guys and everyone

forest dwellers to light this beauty? Then let's

together, in chorus, let’s ask our Christmas tree to light up. And so, we began -

One two Three! - Light up the Christmas tree!!! Santa Claus raised his staff

waved it - and the Christmas tree lit up! Garlands flashed, lights

light bulbs ran from top to bottom. Everyone clapped and shouted

from happiness. - Now let's show you what you've prepared.

“What will you surprise us with?” asked Santa Claus. First he started playing

school orchestra. Then - a combined orchestra of forest dwellers.

The joint choir sang a song about a Christmas tree. We'll give you all the details

We won’t tell you - it will take a lot of time, but we’ll just say -

Everyone performed. There were ditties, fables, and acrobatics.

In general, Santa Claus liked the concert, and he started

give out gifts. Masha read, and he took them out

his magic bag and handed everyone what he ordered.

Then round dances, songs and dances for prizes began.

The kids, having received gifts, went sledding down the hills and

Ice skates, others were skating. Everyone was

funny. Exactly an hour later, Santa Claus picked up the microphone and

announced: - My friends! I once again congratulate you on the New Year

Happy 2016, I wish you all the best! Live peacefully

and friendly. Respect your elders and protect your younger ones and

helpless. Say goodbye to the boys - their parents are waiting for them at home

behind festive tables. After all, the New Year has already been an hour

walks on our Earth. And New Year is a family holiday.

Let's thank the guys for organizing this for you.

holiday. There was clapping and shouts of approval.

And I allow all the forest dwellers one more hour

have fun here. With the Snow Maiden and the New Year, we left

We give you - we have a whole week ahead - to hold matinees.

The three of them got into the sleigh and the trio carried them into the distance...

The guys said goodbye to everyone, got on the bus and went

home. While we were driving to the city, Marya Ivanovna asked

from Yura: - I heard on TV that you found a big

treasure and handed it over to the state, and the amount due to you

you donated to the Fund for the Rescue of Rare Animals and Charity

brilliance, and you supposedly bought 4 trips to Brazil for yourself.

Yes,” said Yura, “that’s how it was.” And we were in Brazil, and"
Read the next fairy tale " "


One day, the cat Vasily receives a letter from his mother, Mura Alekseevna, whom he does not remember. She writes to him that she doesn’t know where all her children are (she had 10 of them). She did not know where Vasily was before he was shown on TV (these events are described in the story “Have you been to Tahiti?”). And now she is very old, and wants to see him.

Vasily decides to go to his mother, in the run-down town of Verkhnerechensk (where she lives with her owner, pensioner Vera Denisovna). He tells the Master about this, but he does not approve of his desire to go to his mother, and threatens to kick him out if he nevertheless goes.

Vasily makes up his mind and without asking, taking a wad of money and the Master’s gas pistol, goes to his mother. He finds himself in a dilapidated house, without sewerage and gas heating. The house has a TV the size of a saucer, black and white. Accustomed to a rich life, Vasily decides to leave as soon as possible.

Accidentally caught a mouse named Masha living in the house, who was stealing food from old women. Vasily shamed Masha for stealing, pointing out that the old women live on Vera Denisovna’s pension, and they still have to pay for electricity, medicine and food.

After this, Vasily himself discovers that something doesn’t add up here. They feed him well, pay for electricity and medicine, and all this is done on Vera Denisovna’s meager pension. Vasily asks the old women where they get the money, but they say that it is a pension.

Then he begins to follow the old ladies. When Vera Denisovna leaves her room, Vasily sneaks into it and finds there a childhood photograph of his owner with a young Vera Denisovna. Vasily understands that Vera Denisovna is the Master’s mother. On the same day, he writes a letter to the Owner on behalf of Vera Denisovna and invites him to come.

The owner receives the letter and realizes that Vasily wrote it. He immediately goes to the specified address.

While waiting for the Owner, Vasily decides to fix the leaky roof in the house. When he tries, he falls from the roof and is severely injured.

Mura Alekseevna treats Vasily with ladybug milk, which she buys from an old, wild cat. But the mouse Mashka and her husband Ivan Terentyevich tell Vasily that Mura Alekseevna actually buys milk at the market for a lot of money. She receives money from the fish poacher Ukleikin, to whom the old women sell their jewelry (rings, earrings). Vasily decides to take away the jewelry from Ukleikin, and together with Ivan Terentyevich he goes to arrest Ukleikin. But Ukleikin, seeing the raid, lures Vasily and Ivan Terentyevich into a trap and throws them into the basement. He says that he will drown them in the river at night.

They are rescued from the basement by Lizunya, Ukleikin’s cat, who turns out to be Vasily’s sister.

Vasily, Ivan Terentyevich, Lizunya and Masha (Lizunya’s daughter) return home. Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna are hosting a gala dinner. But at this time Ukleikin and two of his friends burst into the house. He wants to kill Vasily and Lizunya, and also take the jewelry that they returned to the old women.

But at that moment the Owner bursts into the house (he was watching the house through the window). He beats uninvited guests and drives them out of the house.

After dinner, the Boss invites the mother and everyone else to move to his city. The old women refuse, since this is their home. Now Lizunya and her daughter will live with them, and Vasily leaves home with the Owner, to the cheerful exclamation of the Owner that they will come again.



  • Cat Vasily- a very fat, lazy and smug cat, accustomed to convenience. Loves to eat well. He loves his owner, but is sometimes rude to him, knowing that he will not kick him out. Unlike the cartoon, Vasily is responsible and kind, and also very smart. The book mentions that he is 7 years old (49 in cat years).
  • Master- a young and very rich businessman, millionaire. He is 35 years old, but he looks much younger. He regularly goes to the gym, eats only Siberian dumplings, and drinks only natural juices. He was married several times, but each time he divorced due to disagreements between his wives and Vasily, preferring Vasily. His name is never mentioned, but the word Master is always capitalized in the book, as if it were his name.
  • Mura Alekseevna- Vasily's mother. She is 17 years old (cat age - 119). Lives in the city of Verkhnerechensk, in a dilapidated house, with pensioner Vera Denisovna. Mura Alekseevna has 5 sons and 6 daughters, about whom she knew nothing until she saw Vasily on TV. He sees very poorly.
  • Vera Denisovna- the owner of Mura Alekseevna. She is 70 years old, retired, and previously worked as a teacher. Master's Mother. She divorced her husband when the Master was very young. He hears very poorly. She went home to the village, and the Master stayed with his father in the city. Apparently, the Master had not previously maintained any contact with his mother.
  • Masha- a mouse living in the house of Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna. She stole food from them and created inconvenience for Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna. After Vasily caught her, she promised that she would not do this again.
  • Ivan Terentyevich- husband of the mouse Mashka. Previously, he lived in a courthouse and ate codes, while learning many laws. Tried to help Vasily arrest Ukleikin.
  • Ukleikin- poacher, fishing specialist. Lives in a large villa guarded by a dog. Sells all types of fish and caviar. Ukleikin is the surname of the poacher; his name is not indicated in the book.
  • Lizunya- cat Ukleikina. Ukleikin held Lizunya at the table. He took her kittens to the river, and told her that he was taking them away to give them to good hands. The only one she has left is her daughter Masha. She freed Vasily from the basement when he said that his mother was Mura Alekseevna. Then it turned out that she was Vasily’s sister.


  • Children of Mashka and Ivan Terentyevich- mice, girls and boys, children of Mashka and Ivan Terentyevich.
  • Masha- Lizuni’s daughter, lived with her at Ukleikin’s.
  • Two guys- the guys who went with Ukleikin to the house of Vera Denisovna and Mura Alekseevna to take jewelry and return Lizunya.
  • Zhanka- the owner's wife. Doesn't like Vasily. When she asked who he chooses - Vasily or her, the Master chose Vasily.
  • Kesha- parrot . There were cartoons about him and Kurlyandsky’s first book. In this story, Kesha appears briefly when Vasily told his friends that he had received a letter.
  • Kolya- sparrow . Friend of Kesha, Vasily and Clara. Also appeared briefly in the story when Vasily talked about receiving a letter.
  • Clara- crow . Friend of Kesha, Kolya and Vasily. She appeared briefly in the story when Vasily was talking about receiving a letter.
  • Valeryan Valeryanovich- doctor. When Vasily fell from the roof, he was first taken to the hospital where Valeryan Valeryanovich works as a doctor. Apparently, he did not finish his studies, and therefore he offered to cut off all the sore spots from Vasily. But he did not have time to do anything, since Mura Alekseevna and Vera Denisovna took Vasily away from the hospital.


  • Aibolit Aibolitovich- doctor. He treated the sparrow Kolya for pneumonia before the events described in this story. He was Valeryan Valeryanovich's teacher, but then kicked him out.
  • Mashechka- Vasily's sister. Mura Alekseevna said that she lives in New York.

Cultural references

  • It is mentioned that Vasily loves to listen to the group “Meow-Krol”, whose singing resembles a cat’s meowing. Apparently, this is a reference to the musical group Mumiy Troll.


  • Vasily recalls a TV show that does not exist in real life - “Where did the money of gullible investors go?”
  • Ivan Terentyevich says that Ukleikin should be tried under Article 123 - “Murder with premeditated purpose, with aggravating circumstances, pre-planned and carried out in peacetime against civilians of rivers, seas and reservoirs.” However, there is no such article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the law on fish refers to the article on poaching.
  • In addition, Ivan Terentyevich says that theft is Article 35. In the laws of the Russian Federation this is article 158.
  • The events of the story take place in the city of Verkhnerechensk. The story also mentions that the city of Nizhnerechensk is located near Verkhnerechensk. There are no such cities in the world. These are fictional cities.
  • As in the previous story - “Have you been to Tahiti?”, the image of Vasily, presented in the cartoon about Kesha, changes a lot. In the cartoon he is smug and rude, but in the books he is kind and obliging.
  • The adventures of the heroes continue in the story “Lovely!”

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    This term has other meanings, see Tahiti (meanings). Not to be confused with Haiti. Tahiti fr. Tahiti ... Wikipedia

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Sayings, quotes and phrases from the cartoon Return of the Prodigal Parrot:

  • Eh, Vovka loved me so much... He literally carried me in his arms...
  • I can! I'll prove! I'll show you!.. They'll find out about me. They'll talk about me!..
  • - Hello? Hello? Is that you, Kesha? Well answer, please! - Yes it's me. I live well, swim in the pool, drink juice, orangeade... Yes, yes - without leaving the pool. I have many friends, a car, a personal driver... (hurriedly) Sorry, old man, Celentano came to see me.
  • - Ah well! Oh, oh, that's how you are! Oh, that’s who you are, right?! Actually interesting place!.. And I thought!.. Only Polishchuk on a motorcycle... And you!..
  • - Oh, you! Haven’t you smelled life?! And I’ve had a whole summer, a whole summer: mowing in the morning, milking in the evening, then the cow farrows, then the chickens rush... And then the cherry tree has sprouted! The beets are starting to spike!.. You plow like a tractor... What if it rains during drying, eh?
  • - Attention, all traffic police posts! Stop the blue Zhiguli cars! Be careful: the criminal is armed! - Kesha, you again? - And me, what am I? I'm nothing! I... I'm okay! He can't hear it!
  • - What - “Kesha”?! I am Kesha for a hundred years!
  • - That's it, we've arrived. -Where did you take me? - State farm "Shining Path". - Which “light”?! You can't see anything! - Tomorrow it will dawn, and you will see everything.
  • - You know, Vovka, how bad I felt! I was alone, completely alone! And they are a crowd of scoundrels with guns, bazookas... helicopters!.. I’m there once, twice, twice!.. Well, there you go. He came at me with pistols, I kicked him - bam, cue, cue! This one is behind me, and I’m in his chair... - It’s always like this! At the most interesting point!..
  • - Yes... This is not Tahiti for you...
  • - Tell me, how many tons of clover from each laying hen will be poured into the incubators after threshing the plowed land?..
  • - How you? - Basil! - Innocent...
  • - WITH Good morning, dear TV viewers! - Lovely! - We are starting the “Alarm Clock” program for those who do not sleep on working afternoons, before sixteen and after midnight. At our microphone... Yes, yes, of course, you guessed it: Yuri Antonov sings. Ask! “We were all in a hurry for the clock...”
  • - Well, after this rain, expect a good calving...
  • - Goodbye! Our meeting was a mistake!..
  • - Ooo?! Are you getting a new addition? And who are we waiting for? Boy or girl?
  • - I’m flying to Tahiti one day... Haven’t you been to Tahiti? So here it is. And Major Tomin tells me: “The savings bank was robbed by Mrs. Monika from the culinary college.” “A million, million, million scarlet roses...” disappeared. And I told him: “Shurik, be careful, the criminal is armed.” And he told me: “In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall there is a white mouse.”
  • - Based on your numerous requests, the Weiner brothers will perform the song Modern Talking!
  • - Once I arrive in Tahiti, there is fog in the region, the north wind is gusty...
  • - Lovely, lovely!..
  • - Once I arrived in Tahiti... And Shurik said to me: “Maltsev intercepted the puck, quickly passed it to Krutov, who went even further to Vakhtang Kikabidze, throw!.. And, roughly speaking, Polishchuk... on a motorcycle...”
  • - Rested - in! Sour cream - wow! Pisces - wow!
  • - I’m flying to Tahiti... Haven’t you been to Tahiti? - Haiti, Haiti... We haven’t been to any Haiti! We are fed well here too.
  • - The gray-haired ferryman gives clothes to all the cats...
  • - The parents’ house... It’s just begun...
  • - Kesha, please make it quieter! Kesha, can you hear me? - Firstly, it’s not Kesha, but Innocent, and secondly... the criminal is armed!
  • - Freedom for parrots! Yours! Bo! Doo! By! Poo! Ha! Yam! May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may... (reaches for the kettle, gargles) ... there will always be Vovka, may there always be me!
  • - Dear TV viewers! We are starting the program “Rural Hour” for the extreme inhabitants of the North, oh-oh, that is, for the inhabitants of the extreme North. The polar night has not yet ended, and the workers have already sat down in the field. Family farming has become an inexhaustible source of everything new in the village.
  • - Comrade Major, Sergeant Major Polishchuk reports. I chase criminals on a motorcycle.
  • - The meeting ended with the score two-nil in our favor.
  • - Everyone has summer, sea, sun, air and water - I’m alone in the kingdom of hot concrete and stuffy asphalt! What kind of life is this?!
  • - It’s always like this: in the most interesting place!
  • - What do you allow yourself? How do you treat me???
  • - What do I wear? In rags, in rags! Like Cinderella!
  • - Oh, you dullness! It's a bubblegum! The owner brought it. With this one, what’s her name... - Tahiti? - Exactly. And he also brought... he puts on his ears... well, this... - A hat? - Heh, a hat! Player, that's what!
  • - Ah well! Oh, that's how it is! Oh, it’s like being with a friend, right? How are you and your friend? Well, you know! I don’t regret my life for him, but he!.. No! No, it's all! End! Goodbye forever! Only death will save me from heartache! Goodbye, may love, goodbye!..
  • - I am a scoundrel! I'm a scoundrel! I am a pathetic, insignificant person!
  • - And I’m tired of everything... It’s boring. I just want it, with people - like you! Simple guys like we have at every step!…

The collection contains dialogues famous phrases and quotes from the cartoon Return of the Prodigal Parrot.