Review of magazines for children. Developmental and educational magazines for children. Best magazines Women's magazine names list

To live well. And living well, as we know, is even better. A day with delicious coffee/tea and a good magazine is not automatically lost for many. What does the magazine give to readers? Tactile pleasure, aesthetic pleasure and, finally, satisfies the hunger for information. Top 10 editions With interesting story and a positively bright future.

One of the most authoritative and popular magazines about music and modern culture. Famous authors and photographers (for a minute, Annie Leibovitz, Hunter Thompson, Lester Bangs and others) have collaborated and are collaborating with the brand; calendars with the best illustrations and books about music are produced under the brand.

Rolling Stone was founded by editor Jan Wenner and music critic Ralph Gleason, the face of the first issue was John Lennon.

The publication has more 12 million readers all over the world, these are purposeful, enthusiastic people in the age category 18-34

I must admit, I’m not a car person, I’m even embarrassed to admit how much. But when it comes on TV Top Gear, I put everything aside and watch. These British managed to put on an excellent show, where they discuss automotive news with constant humor and objectivity, conduct test drives and much more interesting things for both professionals and complete laymen like me.

Therefore, when after questioning it turned out that drivers read AutoReview, Behind the Wheel, Klaxon And TopGear, I gave preference

Sorry for the comparison, but L'Officiel a kind of mastodon among fashion publications. It appeared in Paris in 1921, and in 1938 was the first in the world to print color illustrations. L’Officiel is positioned as the most intelligent fashion magazine, a connoisseur fashion industry and actively participating in cultural and social life. The publication 100% satisfies the needs of readers in the field of information with

Once, during a period of prolonged flu, when even strawberry jam did not bring joy, and I was lying on the sofa with an expression of universal sorrow on my face, someone from the family brought a huge stack of magazines. Magazines were scantily scanned, then carefully read, and then completely worn out to holes. Therefore, 5th place and I give all my sympathy today "Around the world".

Magazine "Around the World" one of the first in the world on educational topics. It was first published in St. Petersburg in 1861. What is noteworthy is that throughout its 150-year history of existence it was published virtually without interruption (with the exception of the period of formation of Soviet power and during

Forbes was discovered in 1917 by the extraordinary journalist of Scottish origin Bertie Charles Forbes. Initially the magazine was supposed to be called "Doers and Doings", the founder himself called his creation “America’s only independent magazine.”

Bertie Charles was succeeded by his son Macolm, and after his death and to this day his grandson Stephen is vice president of the corporation.

Forbes An extremely authoritative economics print publication. The magazine's recognition comes from bold research into the business world, fair assessments of events, as well as various lists and ratings. Who hasn't heard about the list of the world's richest billionaires?

Sports publications are one of the most popular and large-circulation areas in the printing industry. Somehow, historically, such magazines often talk about only one sport.

Muscle & Fitness, PROX, Total Football, TENNIS Magazine, Slam, The Hockey News, Cavalli & Cavalieri, ESPN, Transworld Ride BMX the comrades are good in themselves, but are interesting only to ardent fans. Yours truly is a big (figuratively speaking) fan of figure skating, but if I start telling ISU news now, they won’t understand me and almost certainly

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Just think: travel the world and get paid for photos and stories about adventures. This is a dream!

website I found 20 magazines that will be happy to publish your travel notes, photo reports, travel tips and ratings. It is enough to translate them into English, which should not be new to an experienced traveler.

1.National Geographic Traveler

One of the most famous travel magazines is really ready to accept stories and photo reports about the most interesting cities and countries. The main criteria are the quality and uniqueness of the report.

Payment: depending on the number of words.

2. Travelicious

The best option for newbies: no work experience required. Stories are accepted from everyone and about all corners of the planet.

Payment:$40 per article.

3. Road and Travel

This magazine will be of interest to those who love traveling by car. These are the kinds of stories they expect from storytellers.

Payment: up to $100 per article.

4. Transitions Abroad Magazine

This publication is about those who moved to live abroad. In the magazine you can find stories about cultural and social adaptation people in other countries.

Payment:$50–150 for an article of 800–2000 words.

5. Matador Travel

The site seeks compelling stories, photos and videos that explore the “adventures, cultures and identities of people around the world.”

Payment: The standard payment is $40 per article, but some original stories may receive more.


How to save money on a trip, choose the best route, what to see - if you are familiar with these topics and have something to tell and advise, this site is for you.

Payment:$50 per article.

7. Outpost Magazine

The travel magazine is always on the lookout for truly inspiring stories and photographs of different parts of the Earth.

Payment: varies.

8. Wanderlust

Area guides, travel tips, stories about customs - this is here.

Payment:$325 per 1000 words, but rates vary.


While other travel magazines feature itineraries, tickets and the like, AFAR explores other countries through stories about the people, allowing readers to explore authentic cultures from the inside.

Payment: varies.

14. Delta Sky Magazine

The magazine is owned by the airline of the same name and seeks stories about travel, lifestyle and business from different countries.

Payment: varies.

In accordance with the rating, “Novye Izvestia”, “Izvestia” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” took third, second and first place in the “Social and Political Publications” section. Among the business newspapers, the most read were Vedomosti and Kommersant.

About politics and economics

The Izvestia newspaper was founded back in March 1917 and since then has been published 5 times a week, with a circulation of over 150,000 copies. The publication covers events in the Russian Federation and abroad, comments and opinions of analysts on economics, finance, business, sports and cultural events.

The first place in the “Business” section is occupied by the daily publication “Kommersant” (circulation 120-130 thousand copies), which also talks about politics, Russian and world business, and promptly covers society.

The daily newspaper Vedomosti, which took an honorable third place in the Business Newspapers section, has been published since 1999 with a circulation of 75 thousand copies. The publication promptly provides reliable information about politics, events in the world of economics and finance, and publishes analytical and forecasts.

The first place in the ranking of “Social and Political Newspapers” is occupied by “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. It is published in a circulation of about 180 thousand copies and is the official publication of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Newspapers for the masses

Founded back in 1925, one of the most read newspapers “Komsomolskaya”, leading in the ranking of “Mass Newspapers”, is published 6 times a week. The newspaper was created as a party newsletter, but gradually changed its specialization and since 2000 has been considered one of the largest Russian tabloids.

“Arguments and Facts” is on the next level after “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. It has been published since 1978. It is noteworthy that in 1990 the weekly magazine was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the publication with the largest circulation (100 million readers and 33.5 million copies). In addition to scandalous political and economic news, sports and cultural news, adapted for the average citizen, the newspaper contains such headings as “Dacha”, “Health”, “Tourism”, “Auto”, as well as reviews of books, films, competitions and tests.

The AiF newspaper is read not only in Russia, but also in almost 60 countries around the world.

“Moskovsky Komsomolets” is a daily all-Russian newspaper founded in 1977, taking third place in the ranking of “Mass Newspapers”. It is currently published with a circulation of 700 thousand copies and talks about all aspects of life in Russia: politics, economics and finance, theater, cinema, pop news, domestic and foreign sports achievements.

There is a lot of literature in the fashion world, but still the best fashion magazines are considered the main sources of inspiration and style setters. Every new trend a new style, each new trend, model or image undergoes the most rigorous selection in the best fashion magazines.

Many of the fashion magazines appeared even more than a hundred years ago, some of them were born in our new century, but all of them together are the heritage of the fashion world, the memory of which will remain forever. These magazines have made many models famous simply because their photos appeared on the cover of one of the ten magazines on our list. This article is dedicated to fashion and style, and fashion magazines as the world heritage of the fashion industry.

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Founded in 1892, Vogue is probably one of the oldest fashion magazines in the world. This American super cult fashion magazine is published once a month in 23 different national and local regions. The American version of Vogue magazine was founded by Arthur Turnure as a weekly newspaper. From 1988 to the present, the editor-in-chief of American Vogue has been the legendary lady Anna Wintour.

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This one is worldwide famous magazine was founded back in 1886 as a literary magazine, and as a magazine for women it was published for the first time in 1965. The United States of America is considered the historical homeland of this epic fashion magazine. Cosmopolitan owns 64 international titles, is printed in 35 languages, and is distributed and sold in more than 110 countries around the world. In addition to fashion and beauty, this magazine includes articles devoted to other women's topics - relationships, health, career, sex, etc.

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GQ is a fashion magazine, but for men. Founded in 1957, published monthly. The editorial office of this world-famous magazine is located in New York. The topics of articles of this super modern men's fashion magazine are style, fashion, culture, food, cinema, sports, sex, fitness and everything related to lifestyle. The magazine is published in over 25 countries around the world and is considered the best men's fashion magazine ever.

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W was created back in 1971, and from the time it was first published until now, it has been one of the best-selling magazines. The majority of readers of this stylish magazine are women with high incomes. Published monthly. This American fashion magazine has an annual circulation of about half a million copies. The owner of the magazine is Conde Nast, and the current editor-in-chief is Stefano Tonchi.

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Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair is an American magazine that for a long time was not a periodical, and only since 1983 it began to be published monthly. The very first issue of the magazine took place in 1859 as an American journalistic magazine. It is currently a fashion magazine with an annual output of over one million copies. The editor-in-chief of this super stylish American fashion magazine is Graydon Carter. Vanity Fair hosts the annual Academy Awards party, the first of which took place in 1994.

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The birthplace of this magazine is the most famous country in the world of fashion and style - France. Each month it is typed up in Paris, but is printed in 35 countries around the world and distributed in 24 languages. The very first issue of the magazine was published in 1937. First international publication on foreign language(German) took place in 1982. The current editor-in-chief of the original French magazine Marie Claire is Arnaud de Contades.

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The name of this fashion magazine was taken from the French word “Elle”, which means “she”, “her”. Elle's country of origin is also France, where it was first published in 1945. Elle is the largest fashion magazine in the world, with 43 international editions in more than 60 countries. The magazine has 800,000 loyal readers. The fashion magazine's motto is "Si elle lit, elle lit Elle", which means "If she reads, she reads Elle". The editor-in-chief of the French version is Françoise-Marie Santucci.

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Glamor is an American fashion magazine that was first published in 1939 and was originally titled Glamor of Hollywood. The magazine has more than 15 local editions. The editor-in-chief of the American version of Glamor is Cynthia Lave. The target group of the magazine is all women 18-49 years old. The annual total circulation is more than two million copies annually.

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Harper's Bazaar first appeared in the USA. It has a total annual circulation of about 700,000 copies. The editor-in-chief of the American version of this super stylish magazine is Glenda Bailey. Harper's Bazaar is published in 32 countries in 25 languages. Articles are devoted to fashion, style, lifestyle, art, design, etc.

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The very first issue of this fashion magazine for teenagers was published in 2003. The magazine's theme follows the Vogue template, focusing on fashion and style in general, but also featuring a lot of celebrity articles. Former Vogue Beauty director Amy Astley is now editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue. Teen Vogue's total annual circulation is more than one million copies.

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It was an article about the most popular fashion magazines. Thank you for your attention!

Millions of people around the world cannot imagine their lives without purchasing and reading from cover to cover many glossy magazines. Of course, each of them gives preference to a particular magazine, in which you can find a larger number of useful information than in another.

What are the most popular glossy magazines among users? social network" ", as well as among Russians who entered relevant queries into the Yandex search engine? These issues were examined by analysts from the sections “News of the social network Odnoklassniki” and “News of the search engine” of the magazine for traders and investors “Stock Leader”.

"COSMOPOLITAN" and "ESQUIRE" are the most popular glossy magazines among users.

Since Odnoklassniki is one of the most numerous in the world, it is considered an excellent tool for analyzing the popularity of something, in this case, glossy magazines. To determine the most popular among users, Exchange Leader analysts compiled a list of groups whose topics were devoted exclusively to specific magazines, and then sorted it by the number of participants.

- First place in popularity among glossy magazines on the Odnoklassniki social network, COSMOPOLITAN ranks, since its group includes greatest number participants - 82,218. This is an international women's magazine, the content of which includes articles on relationships and sex, health, career, self-improvement, celebrities, as well as fashion and beauty. Published in Russia since 1994;

- Second place went to a magazine called "ESQUIRE" with 79,076 members in the group. This is a monthly men's magazine, the main topics of which are: culture and art, fashion and style, and politics, technology and food, health, characters and interviews. Published in Russia since 2005.

- Third place occupied by Vogue magazine, whose group includes 35,950 users of the Odnoklassniki social network. It is a women's fashion magazine published since 1892, whose editor-in-chief has been Anna Wintour since 1988.

The following are glossy magazines:
- Lisa. My child - 30,428 members in the group;
- Home - 28,156;
- Dasha - 22420;
- The most - 20330;
- Mini - 17847;
- Men`s Health - 15747;
- Lisa - 7,096;
- Caravan of stories - 2735;
- XXL - Men's magazine - 2538;
- Playboy - 1776;
- GQ - 1194;
- Shopping Guide - 1095;
- Speed ​​info - 396;
- Parade of Hotels - 206;
- Only stars - 192;
- ELLE - 186;
- OOPS! - 164;
- Grazia - 158;
- MAXIM - 81;
- Stories from life - 20;
- Your leisure time - 18;
- FHM - 16;
- Women's Health - 8;
- Harper`s Bazaar - 7.

Popularity rating of glossy magazines among Russians in the Yandex search engine.

To determine the popularity of glossy magazines, the Yandex search engine is used, which is compiled thanks to:
- the “Word Selection” service ( to determine the number of mentions over the last month;
- search region - Russian Federation;
- analysis period - April 2014.

The leaders of this rating are the following journals:
- HELLO! - 239,805 requests in Yandex;
- Playboy - 115,696;
- SHAPE - 90 814.
The ranking participants were ranked as follows:
- MAXIM - 89,127 requests;
- Vogue - 65,795;
- ELLE - 58,195;
- Caravan of stories - 43,175;
- GQ - 31,392;
- Stars only - 24,308;
- Home - 21,885;
- COSMOPOLITAN - 19,877;
- OOPS! - 17,461;
- Lisa - 16,149;
- ESQUIRE - 12,952;
- The most - 10,831;
- Collection of Caravan stories - 5,174;
- Grazia - 5,026;
- Lisa. My child - 4,219;
- FHM - 4,079;
- Peasant woman - 3,020;
- Stories from life - 2284;
- Your leisure time - 1937;
- Dasha - 1,335;
- Mini - 805;
- Where Moscow - 603;
- Shopping Guide - 547;
- TOPBEAUTY - 489;
- Parade of Hotels - 353;
- Don't sleep! - 322;
- Speed ​​info - 239;
- YOU Professional - 145;
- Women's Health - 144;
- XXL - Men's magazine - 100.
The outsiders of the rating were:
- Aeroflot World - 56 requests;
- Men`s Health - 0;
- Harper`s Bazaar - 0.

Residents made 888,339 queries in the Yandex search engine for glossy magazines that take part in this rating. About 40% of them were in the top three, while 27% was taken by the magazine “HELLO!”, which took first place.

Which glossy magazines have the most successful online PR?

To determine the PR of magazines online, analysts from Exchange Leader calculated the ratio of the number of participants in the Odnoklassniki social network group and the number of queries made by Russians over the last month in the Yandex search engine.

The following glossy magazines achieved the best PR on the Internet:
- Dasha - 1679.40% PR success;
- Lisa. My child - 721.21%;
- ESQUIRE - 610.53%;
- COSMOPOLITAN - 413.63%;
- The most - 187.70%;
- Home - 128.65%.
However, the percentage of success of PR for these magazines is relative, since the number of requests for them in the Yandex search engine in April of this year is much less than the number of participants in the Odnoklassniki social network group.

The following are the logs:
- Vogue - 54.83% success rate of online PR;
- Lisa - 43.94%;
- Caravan of stories - 6.33%;
- GQ - 3.80%;
- Grazia - 3.14%;
- Playboy - 1.54%;
- OOPS! - 0.94%;
- Your leisure time - 0.93%;
- Stories from life - 0.88%;
- Only stars - 0.79%;
- FHM - 0.39%;
- ELLE - 0.32%;
- MAXIM - 0.09%.

The interest of Russians in the query “magazine” in the Yandex search engine.

To determine the relevance of this issue, Market Leader analysts tracked the interest of Russian residents in the general query “magazine” in the Yandex search engine thanks to the Yandex.Direct service.

Russians were interested in the query “magazine” in the Yandex search engine 5,198,326 times in April of this year.

Along with the query “magazine,” Russian residents also searched for:
- Electronic journal - 1,183,107 requests;
- Magazines 2014 - 261,748;
- Online magazines - 243,357 and other queries like these.
Also, thanks to Yandex.Direct, analysts were able to track the dynamics of the query “magazine” in the Yandex search engine over the past two years:

From the graph it can be seen that:
- lowest interest Russians to the request “magazine” in the Yandex search engine over the past two years was recorded in July-June 2013 (about 2.8 million requests);