Ponytail hairstyles: ideas for every day. Fishtail braid and weaving pattern Ultra-short women's haircuts

Before you start creating your hair, wash and dry your hair, then comb it back. As a base, it is recommended to apply styling mousse to the strands - after it, the hair becomes more manageable, and the hairstyle looks much neater.

All hair is divided into two equal parts. First, a small strand is taken from the right temple and transferred to the left side. Thus, mixing occurs with the total volume of hair on the left. Then the same strand is taken from the left and shifted to the right. The described steps should be repeated until you reach the end.

Please note that when creating a fishtail hairstyle, the curls must be the same. At the same time, you should not pull your hair too tightly, otherwise the hairstyle will come out too constrained and will not look beautiful enough. A fishtail can become the basis for various variations of other hairstyles.

It is possible to create a fishtail hairstyle, which will be based on the hairstyle

You need to figure out when choosing a fishtail hairstyle: how to weave it, whether the photos will be successful or not, how to surprise your friends with their hairstyle. A seemingly standard braid looks like on hair different lengths completely different. If you add a stylish accessory, you will get a modern, dizzying hairstyle.

Of all the types of braids, the fishtail is considered the most popular because it is easy to do at home, even for yourself. It looks great, grips all the hair and is suitable for both everyday wear and evening events. The name comes from the external resemblance to fish fins. Therefore, the Little Mermaid could well have been with just such a weave

Of all the types of braids, fishtail is considered the most popular because it is easy to do at home even for yourself, it looks great, captures all the hair and is suitable for both everyday wear and evening events. The name comes from its external resemblance to fish fins. Therefore, the Little Mermaid could well have had this kind of weaving.

Unfortunately, the fishtail hairstyle will not work on short hair oh, but any other length will be decorated with styling in the center or on the side. Especially if you add a stylish accessory to your hair.

Step-by-step instructions: how to weave a fishtail

Women's braids always attract male attention. Even simple weaving, which you can do yourself, magically enchants and makes the image unforgettable.

Women's braids always attract men's attention. Even simple weaving, which you can do yourself, magically enchants and makes the image unforgettable. It’s easy to learn how to weave a fishtail yourself.

The fact that the girl can do various weavings shows that she takes care of herself and can easily pass on her skills to her little daughter. Therefore, even if you have short hair, it is important to learn how to weave a fishtail so that kindergarten or school your child was the best.

To braid, you will need a massage comb with bristles made of natural material, a securing accessory (hairpin, elastic band, ribbon, hairpins), water or hair spray for easy combing of the strands.

Weaving pattern

  • Before you start braiding, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. To prevent them from getting frizzy and electrified, it is important not to forget to treat the strands with water, mousse or spray. Moisturizing will also give your hair shine and shine.
  • All hair should be combed back and in the area of ​​each temple, select one strand, no more than 2.5 cm thick.
  • The strands that were selected in the temporal zone need to be crossed among themselves at the back of the head, placing the right one on top of the left one.
  • The crossed strands should be left in one hand, and in the meantime, select the next strand of the same size with the other. The new left strand needs to be crossed with the previous right one so that it is on top, and the entire structure must be pressed to the head with your hand.
  • With your free hand, select a new strand from the opposite side and cross it on top with the already braided strand.
  • Continue manipulating, adding new strands from opposite sides until the end of the braid.
  • Secure the fishtail with a hairpin or elastic band.
  • Fishtail braid from the crownFishtail braid from the crown. Step 1-4 Fishtail braid from the crown. Step 5-8

    Advice! To make your hair look neat and not disheveled, you need to moisten your hair with water or mousse before starting to braid. Choosing special drugs, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you may get the “dirty head” effect.

    Who is this hairstyle suitable for?

    Despite the fact that the fishtail hairstyle is considered universal and suitable for any event, there are still some limitations. For example, girls with short hair simply will not be able to weave because there is not enough length.

    Those with gorgeous curly locks will have to straighten their strands with an iron to get an elegant look. beautiful braid. If you do not want to damage your hair due to exposure to hot temperatures, it is better to choose another styling option.

    Fishtail ponytail braidPonytail fishtail braid. Step 1-2 Fishtail Ponytail Braid. Step 3-4 Fishtail Ponytail Braid. Step 5-6

    Braiding looks great on highlighted hair. It looks voluminous and chic. Schoolgirls can be offered the option of using special colored crayons that will decorate the braid and make it lively and bright.

    Pulled back hair does not suit a girl who has poorly defined cheekbones on a narrow, angular face. In this case, it is better to choose loose, voluminous styles. Also for thick hair It is recommended to hide ugly ears.

    If a girl has thin hair, it is better not to focus on it. Having gathered them into a ponytail, it is immediately obvious that the strands are hard and thin. This does not add attractiveness to the image, but reminds main character Pippi Longstocking books.

    A fishtail is ideal for a round to slightly square face shape. Hair should be long, straight, thick and slightly coarse.

    Chic braiding on long curlsHaving mastered the basic fishtail braiding, you can experiment with hairstyles. Such braiding is often used in fashion shows

    When choosing a hairstyle, you can follow the example of the stars. For example, it is better to start a fishtail with a ponytail. If you pull it very tight, you get a Croydon brace. It allows you to quickly correct the shape of your face without surgery. Kate Moss often resorts to this trick.

    Advice! To highlight your femininity, always experiment with your hairstyles. Men are attracted to beautiful, well-groomed hair in different styles.

    How to weave yourself: instructions

    It is very difficult to braid a fishtail on your own, starting from the top of your head. Therefore, it is better to choose a simplified option, when weaving begins from the beginning of a pre-assembled ponytail. For your hairstyle, you need to prepare a comb, an elastic band and a mirror (preferably two).

    How to make a fishtail braid - step-by-step instruction. Step 1How to make a fishtail braid - step by step instructions. Step 2How to make a fishtail braid - step by step instructions. Step 3How to make a fishtail braid - step by step instructions. Step 4 You will love the result!

    Before you start braiding, you need to comb your hair thoroughly. They don't have to be clean. If you washed your hair yesterday, that's even better. This makes the hair more manageable, easier to style and straighten. It is better to straighten the curls with an iron, because it will be difficult to braid them into a neat braid. To make styling look neat, stylists recommend spraying your hair with thermal water or moisturizing spray.

    After the preparatory procedures, you can begin weaving. To do it, you need to divide all the hair into two identical parts and separate a bunch of hair from the outer edge of the left strand, throw it on top of the main part in the middle and connect it with the right strand.

    Next, the same manipulation is done in mirror image with the right strand. A small curl is separated from the outer edge of the right strand, brought to the center through the top and added to the left side of the hair. The weaving is repeated identically until the fish tail ends.

    The end of the braid is secured with an elastic band or a hairpin. To make the hairstyle neat and durable, fix it with varnish, but first correct and straighten all the strands.

    Fishtail with loose hair. Step 1-2Fishtail with loose hair. Step 3-4Fishtail with loose hair

    Advice! You can decorate a fishtail and emphasize your femininity with any stylish accessory. In 2016, it is fashionable to use chains, various types of zippers, ribbons and even feathers. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

    Fishtail on the side

    The simplest version of a fishtail for weaving yourself is a side one. It is suitable for long and medium hair for daily wear. For example, for going to school, university, office - an excellent option.

    Fish tail on the side Fish tail on the side. Step 1-4Fishtail on the side. Step 5-8

    To braid the braid on the side, you need to prepare a comb and an elastic band. Any accessories, even a headband, are suitable for an original design.

  • Step one. You need to comb your washed, dry hair well and decide which side the braid will be on. For training, we’ll take the right side, but in general the location doesn’t matter. You need to comb your hair to the right and pick up strands from the left, twisting them upward so that the free side looks beautiful.
  • Step two. Along the back of the head, you need to twist the hair into a flagellum to create an edging of the styling and one of the strands for the side fishtail. On the right side, starting from the temple, you also need to twist the side strands into flagella. As a result, there will be twisted strands on both sides of the head, ready for weaving.
  • Step three. After shaping the occipital area, you need to start braiding. To do this, a thin strand is selected from the right side and thrown to the left. Then vice versa, left to right. Manipulation continues until the end of the braid. The same width of strands is the key to success.
  • Step four. Secure the fishtail with an elastic band and decorate the braid with hairpins, glitter, flowers and other accessories after stretching and straightening the strands to create volume in the hairstyle.
  • The braid can be braided not from all the hair, but from just a few strands. Reverse fishtail

    Advice! When performing the classic version of a fishtail, it is important to monitor the size of the strand. Only the same thickness allows you to create the desired effect. It is also important that the goat is braided loosely at the top and compacted and ends tightly at the bottom.

    Classic fishtail: new vision

    The fishtail is a hairstyle that has been around for decades. Therefore, fashionistas have stylized its classic version and use weaving techniques to create new ones. beautiful hairstyles. Here are some options:

    • The fish tail around the head in the shape of a wreath goes perfectly with the image of the Greek goddess. The main thing is not to tighten the strands too much. You want them to look naughty and eccentric. The braiding needs to start from the temple on one side and end on the other so that the braid completely wraps around the face.

    A fish tail around the head in the shape of a wreath goes perfectly with the image of a Greek goddess. The main thing is not to tighten the strands too much. They need to look naughty and eccentric. Braiding should start from the temple of one side and end on the other so that the braid completely wraps around the face

    • You can create a romantic, playful look using two braids braided using the fishtail technique. To create a hairstyle, you need to make an even parting and make two identical sections on both sides of the head. When they meet, they can be combined into one or both can be left to fall over the shoulders.

    You can create a romantic, playful look using two braids braided using the fishtail technique.

    • A fishtail with feigned negligence looks very harmonious and natural. To do this, you need to backcomb the hair before starting weaving, and then do not pull the strands tightly. Volume guaranteed.

    A fishtail with feigned negligence looks very harmonious and natural. A braid looks interesting on thick hair

    • Curly-haired girls are recommended to weave two fishtails from the temples and join them at the back of the head into one. The strands need to be pulled out a little to get the lace effect. An excellent option for a wedding hairstyle if you decorate it with rhinestones or delicate flowers.
    • A fishtail with constrictions looks impressive. To do this, you need to start braiding the braid from the top of the head, not capturing all the hair, but only the central curls. And from the side strands that remain, select free tails at certain intervals and weave them in. Suitable for long hair, since the banners look more beautiful if there are several of them.

    Openwork weaving Braided headband Fishtail can be worn to any event

    Advice! If you have a lot of patience and free time, experiment. After all, you can braid not only 1-2 fish tails. From 5-10 weaves you can create unique unique hairstyles.

    Braided hairstyles

    When you have learned how to quickly braid a fishtail yourself, or even several, you can begin to create more complex designs. Hairstyles with braids are even more in demand than braids alone. It’s difficult to do them yourself without help, but you can create masterpieces on the head of your daughter, mother or friend who will not forget to thank you.

    The fishtail braid is braided from several strands at the temple and woven into the ponytail. Step 1-2 The fishtail braid is braided from several strands at the temple and woven into the ponytail. Step 3-4

    Among the hairstyles with a fishtail, we highlight the following options:

    • Zigzag braid. The diagonal weaving begins from the temple, in the center of the back of the head it sharply changes its trajectory and weaves in the opposite direction.
    • Two braids, woven at the temples, need to be intertwined and secured in the form of a ball at the back of the head. It will work out original flower. If you relax the strands, the lace will look like petals.

    Fishtail combined with loose hair. Step 1-2Fishtail combined with loose hair. Step 3-4

    • Two fish tails can make a stylized fry. The main thing is to make the braids small and tight on the sides of the hair. The rest of the hair should fall down. The braids are neatly connected at the back of the head: either woven into one or simply secured with an elastic band. A hair bow will effectively complete your hairstyle.

    Variation of the young fry with a fishtail braid. Variation of the young fry with a fishtail braid. Step 1-2 Variation of the malvinka with a fishtail braid. Step 3-4

    • If you combine braiding techniques, you can get interesting images. For example, a spikelet braided using the fishtail technique is ideally wrapped in a knot and makes the styling incredibly beautiful.

    Two braids are woven into a ponytail

    • Highlighting the hair adds uniqueness and texture.
    • Combining the classic french braid with a fish tail, you get the wrong side of our weaving, which also looks quite interesting and unusual.

    Advice! The classic fishtail goes perfectly with any clothing style or look. It can be created for any event. The main thing is not to forget about accessories. They will add sophistication, romance or lightness and playfulness to your hairstyle.

    In a fox tail haircut, the name speaks for itself. Thanks to the special edging of the contours, the hair at the back has a V-shaped appearance, like the tail of a real fox. This hairstyle is universal and will suit absolutely all owners of hair with a minimum length up to the shoulder blades. If the hair is shorter, then the haircut simply won’t work.

    Subtleties of haircut

    Fox tail for hair type

    Smooth, curly, thick or thin, healthy or split – it doesn’t matter. A fox tail will look gorgeous on any type of hair, the main thing is to know some nuances:

      • On smooth, manageable curls, a clear triangular cut will look impressive;

      • But for coarse and thick hair, you should pay attention to various ways thinning or making torn ends or feathers;

      • Thin and weakened strands will be brought into proper shape by hot scissors, or you can consider the option of a haircut with multi-level graduations.

    Another good thing about a fox tail haircut is that the design of the curls in the front is done solely according to preference. It goes well with any type of bangs. Or you can do without bangs altogether. This makes it easy to style for any face type.

    Types of fox tail haircuts

    There are two options for cutting a fox tail:

      • With a cascade only at the ends of the hair. In this way, only the ends are slightly transformed to give the desired type, but the main length remains.

      • With a cascade along the entire length. In this option, the cut will be smoother, the hairstyle will resemble a classic cascade. Perfect for thin, sparse hair to add extra volume and volume. Likewise for curly, heavy hair, it will give them lightness.

    For long hair, a fox tail haircut is a great option to add variety to your image. It looks impressive and the length remains untouched. There are a lot of different styling options available. Just like straight hair, it can be braided into buns, ponytails, braids, or curled or blow-dryed.

    Middle length The hair for a fox tail cut must be definitely below the shoulders, otherwise the desired effect cannot be achieved. Those with shorter hair should pay attention to other haircut options or think about hair extensions. On medium hair, the look of the haircut is no worse than on long hair. There is definitely some zest and its own unique charm here.

    Execution technology

    Any hairdresser can do a fox tail haircut, the main thing is talented hands and a creative approach. A good specialist will always help you choose the most suitable option based on external data and hair condition. A video master class on creating a fox tail haircut will help you delve deeper into the execution process.

    Fox tail haircut and fashionable coloring options

    The essence of a fox tail haircut is a contour formed by the letter V. And this year's trending colors, such as balayage and ombre, can emphasize it even more. They will certainly add brightness and personality to this haircut. Another option is that the tips painted in an unnatural color look very cool. They will create an additional accent to the contour.

    There is often not enough time for complex styling. But you always need to look attractive. Hairstyles with a ponytail can be a solution. To create them, you don’t need a lot of effort and skill.

    They became fashionable back in the 60s of the 20th century. And popular until today. This is because they are always appropriate. And at social receptions and fashionable parties, and in everyday life.

    Fish tail

    The fishtail hairstyle has a strange name, but is loved by almost all fashionistas. She represents original version braids on medium and long hair.

    The second name of this hairstyle is spikelet. And with its help you can easily create a romantic and gentle image.

    How to make a fishtail:

    1. To begin, comb your hair and lightly spray it with water or styling product.
    2. Divide into two equal parts. Separate a small strand from the outer edge of one half and place it on the inner edge of the second half.
    3. Move the strand from the second half in the same way.
    4. Continue weaving to the desired length. In this case, the strands can be taken different thicknesses. The hairstyle will look different. But the strands must be the same.
    5. When you finish braiding, you need to secure the braid in any convenient way. You can leave your hair in this form, or you can tousle the braid a little, giving it a little negligence. It will look original.

    Suitable for:

    • Long and straight hair is simply ideal;
    • thin ones can be given volume with this hairstyle;
    • on curly hairstyle it will look very original. This will be an excellent basis for a stylized Greek hairstyle;
    • For a triangular face, this is a great way to smooth out angularity. It is advisable to complement the image with straight bangs;
    • On highlighted hair, uneven color will look interesting.

    Fox tail haircut

    The fox tail haircut has attracted many owners of long straight hair. It emphasizes the beauty of loose hair. It received such a strange name because of the edging of the ends in the form of the Latin letter V. Because of this, the shape of the hair becomes very similar to a real fox tail.

    How to do

    The peculiarity of the haircut is the V-shaped edge. At the same time, for thin hair, a perfectly straight edge is suitable, and for thick hair, decorating the ends with “feathers”. When done correctly, styling your hair will require minimal time and effort.

    Who is it suitable for?

    • Looks great on long and medium length hair;
    • equally suitable for straight and wavy hair;
    • The shape of the face can be adjusted with bangs. For this haircut, straight, straight bangs cut in a semicircle are perfect.


    For over 50 years, this hairstyle has remained popular. The classic version involves a tight tail high on the top of the head. But there are many different variations based on this hairstyle.

    How to do

    To create a hairstyle you will need a brush and a comb with fine teeth.

    1. For convenience, you can spray your hair with water.
    2. Gently comb the hair from the back and front to the top of the head and from the sides to the top.
    3. Secure with an elastic band.
    4. Smooth using a fine comb.

    The hairstyle is ready. Can be decorated decorative elements or wrap the elastic band with a strand.

    Who is it suitable for?

    1. Suitable for absolutely all women with any hair length.
    2. Looks great on curly and straight hair.

    Ponytail options

    There are many options for this hairstyle. A ponytail on long hair will look appropriate in any situation. Depending on the situation, you can choose different types:

    • high or low;
    • in the center of the head or on the side;
    • smooth and tight or loose;
    • with straight or curled hair;
    • with and without bangs.

    Ponytails for medium hair can be complemented with a matching chignon.

    Ponytail with a backcomb

    A great option for everyday and festive occasions is backcombed hair ponytails.


    • First you need to separate the parietal area of ​​the hair and pin it temporarily with a hairpin;
    • collect the rest and secure with an elastic band;
    • on dark hair, backcomb from ends to roots;
    • secure the strands around the base and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.
    • Who is it suitable for?

      Perfect for any girl. It will look appropriate in all situations. Such hairstyles create additional volume.

      High ponytail

      This hairstyle can be both strict and feminine. With its help you can open your face and show beautiful neck. And the hairstyle is done in a matter of minutes.

      How to make a high ponytail:

      • you need to wet or apply styling product and comb, lifting from the roots;
      • comb up and secure with an elastic band;
      • fix with varnish.

      There is an easier and faster way to braid a ponytail on the top of your head. To do this, you need to tilt your head forward, collect your hair and tie it with an elastic band.

      Who is it suitable for?

      Perfect for women of any age. More suitable for straight and smooth hair, but for romantic image Curls will look perfect.

      Ponytail hairstyles

      Many hairstyles can be created using different ponytails. At the same time, they will harmonize perfectly with any look.


      To create a hairstyle, you need to divide your hair vertically exactly in half and tie each half separately. They can be low, high, loose, tight, located on the sides or behind.

      This option is suitable not only for long hair, but will look great on short hair. It is not necessary to separate with an even parting. You can experiment and make it, for example, a zigzag.

      Ponytail + braids

      Not only as an everyday option, but also for a special occasion, you can use a combination with braids. There can be many options.


      A hairstyle that will require a minimum of time to create, but will look impressive. To create it, you need to tie your hair to the side. In this case, you can experiment with the height at which they will be located. They will look good too curly hair, and not just straight lines.

      Original fish tail

      Fishtail on the side

    The pigtail got its interesting name due to its external resemblance to a fish tail. It is also called a spikelet or mermaid tail. It is suitable for going out, school or college, walking with your baby and as an everyday hair item. It is elegant, original, comfortable and simple. The article describes how to weave a fishtail braid, describes the necessary steps step by step with photos and presents various variations of the hairstyle.

    The hairstyle can be done starting from the temples, from the crown, in the French style or by making high ponytail, from which a fishtail braid is made. The weaving pattern is the same for everyone everywhere, it consists of two strands, the only difference is where to start braiding.

    Step-by-step weaving of a spikelet:

    1. We divide the hair into two equal halves, after combing it. If the hair is unruly, then treat it with mousse or sprinkle it with water.
    2. From the right half from the right edge we take a thin strand and transfer it to the left half from its right side.
    3. From the left half we take the same strand from the left edge and connect it to the right half as in the diagram.
    4. Repeat the second and third steps alternately.
    5. At the end of the braiding, secure the resulting braid with an elastic band or other clip.
    6. To give the resulting hairstyle volume, straighten the braid and stretch it slightly to the sides.

    How to do a French fishtail braid

    In the French style, weaving starts from the crown. It is necessary to divide the hair into two halves in the part of the head where you want the braid to begin. Next, we collect the hair according to the above scheme.

    Hairstyle for mothers on maternity leave

    The spikelet is perfect for mothers with small children. It will collect tangled hair, will last a long time and look stylish and neat. Making a mermaid tail is easy and quick if you learn how to weave. As an everyday hairstyle, you can do a slightly disheveled braid in a free style, as in the photo.

    Design options for cornrow braids for different occasions, photo

    Another variation is a high braid. It can be worn when going out or used for everyday decoration. To make it, we collect a high ponytail on the top of the head, secure it with an elastic band and braid it further according to the pattern. You can wrap the elastic band with a strand of hair, so the hairstyle will look more interesting.

    Two spikelets look cute and at the same time very stylish:

    A fishtail with loose hair looks original.

    A braid in the shape of a shell or a zigzag is suitable for festive events.

    A braid made obliquely and gathered into a bun is an excellent option for both celebrations and everyday wear.

    A spikelet on long hair looks interesting and festive.

    A mermaid tail for girls is the perfect hairstyle for every day.

    A spikelet on the side is the most convenient way to braid it yourself.

    Another way of weaving looks very beautiful:

    The fishtail braid is universal and fits almost any style and look. You can experiment with it and choose several types for different occasions.

    Watch the video tutorial to clearly see how weaving occurs.