Cool congratulations for a psychologist. For lovely ladies or what women want So, dear women

Even a preschooler will tell you without hesitation that International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on March 8, but not every adult is familiar with unusual story this beloved holiday. How did the tradition of congratulating the fair half of humanity originate, and what exactly was the reason for the appearance of this wonderful spring holiday on the calendar? Origin History The historical roots of the fun-filled, flower-filled, gift-filled holiday have a feminist and political flavour. For the first time, the day of March 8 appears in the events of distant 1901. That day, American housewives filled the streets of Chicago with pots and basins turned upside down. In such an original way they wanted to attract the attention of society and authorities. Participants in the march demanded equal political rights, self-respect, the opportunity to work in production and serve in the army alongside men. Seven years later, feminists repeated their demands, but on a national scale. After which National Women's Day was proclaimed in the United States. The founder of International Women's Day is considered to be Clara Zetkin, a German communist, a woman reformer who made a huge contribution to upholding women's rights. It was she, as the leader of the women's group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, in the difficult year for the communists in 1910, at the International Women's Conference, who made a proposal to establish a Day of Solidarity for Working Women of the World. Clara Zetkin believed that the annual holiday, celebrated on one day, would unite women from different countries in the fight for equal rights. The main purpose of the new holiday was the struggle for freedom and equality of female workers. This initiative received a response in the form of a wave of rallies that swept across Europe. The first women's holidays in different countries were celebrated on different dates in March. And only in 1914 did the working people of the world celebrate their holiday on March 8th. In 1957, on March 8, workers in New York garment factories came out to fight for their rights. They actively demanded improved working conditions, a reduction in the inhumane 16-hour working day and an increase in wages that were meager compared to men. As a result of this event, a women's trade union emerged, which subsequently continued its activities. The UN hosted the celebration of the International Women's Day in 1975, this year was also announced international year women, and the next ten years, from 1976 to 1985, were proclaimed the International Women's Decade. In 1977, a resolution was issued according to which Women's Rights Day was dedicated to March 8. Now the spring women's holiday is celebrated in more than 30 countries around the world. In some states it is still a working day. Please accept congratulations on the holiday: There are many days in the year and among them there is a beautiful day in the spring - March 8, More elegant than all other weekends, Of course, much more fragrant. It contains everything: the fragrance of flowers, intoxicating notes of perfume, Delight and myriads of tender words, Passion, admiration, protection and care. We are happy to congratulate all women! May your soul be filled to the brim with happiness, May love never cease to inspire you and inspire you to heroism overnight.

Psychologist Day in Russia -
We celebrate with the whole country,
Because the people are Russian
All sick in the head!
Wife cheating on her husband
And the mistress left
And on top of that, stress
Your favorite cat!
The best assistant here is a psychologist,
He will pull out a fragment from any soul!

Happy Psychologist's Day
We're in a hurry.
We appreciate it very much
The shine of your eyes
A smile, a kind word
And your wise advice.
We wish you long happiness
And many bright years!

On your holiday day, psychologist,
Accept praise:
We are without flattery and tricks
Let's say: “How sweet you are!”
You have the skill
Bring the people back to themselves.
We wish you patience,
Life without grief and adversity!

Happy Psychologist's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish everything to be successful.
In our world the soul is vulnerable,
It is unacceptable to forget about her.
When helping others, don't forget about yourself,
Because it is difficult to regain health.
Happiness, joy, bright moments,
Kind, sincere compliments.

Happy Psychologist's Day! Let it be
Everything is okay in your life:
Let people understand quickly -
There is no more important profession.
The psychologist will explain everything,
He will help and understand everyone.
Let your soul rejoice!
May you be lucky in everything!

I am all psychologists in Russia
I want to congratulate you on this holiday,
So that everything you asked for comes true,
Don't forget priorities

So that self-doubt
never comprehended you,
And so that on the path of life
Fate has often helped you!

Happy Psychologist's Day! Wish
Kindness, endless luck,
There is a lot of joy and happiness,
May the road be straight!

Let the soul never know cold,
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May your heart be forever young
Greeting kindness with kindness!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you all
Health, happiness, long years,
And may fate give only joy,
Keeping your home from all sorts of troubles!

Your wise advice
You give all over the world.
To the question: “How to continue to live?”
Ready to finish the lecture.

You will help heal the soul,
And you can clear your brains,
I buried the alarm.
Happy Psychologist's Day to you!

Will touch the strings of the human soul,
Hurry to talk to him sincerely!
She will test you in silence,
He will give advice and talk about life!
She knows exactly what to do for you,
And, like grievances, let go of bitterness,
All because she is a professional
And she learned a lot about psychology!
We wish you to help people like this,
So that they can win!
All your difficulties and weaknesses,
May they live in happiness and love!
And we wish not to forget about ourselves,
Everything that is planned
You can achieve it without any problems!

Congratulations on Psychologist's Day

It's getting harder to live in the world
It's good that we have it in Russia,
That profession is rare, necessary,
There is a psychologist who heals our souls.
And with empathy and tolerance,
He copes with our strangeness
We always go to them with pain,
And today, we applaud them.
Happy Psychologist's Day!
We wish you health and patience!

Happy Psychologist's Day
This profession has faithful workers!
We'll straighten the ties in a suit,
And we will voice endless wishes!
Let your health be good,
And a house filled with comfort
Sadness passes you by,
The soul sparkles with joy like fireworks.
So that your hearts are full of love,
It was solved so that every task
And children are affectionate, gentle,
And luck always illuminated the path!

Happy Psychologist's Day
We are pleased to see you, friends!
In a world where strife rules,
It is impossible to do without you.
You will always find a way out
And tell me the answer,
You'll see what's hidden
In our hearts for many years.
We wish you good looks,
Thankful warm words.
Let them walk next to you
Prosperity and love!

We didn't know about you before
And now there's nowhere,
And I will say without sweet falsehood,
We need you, gentlemen.

Who saves us from stress?
And gives us peace
In this race for progress,
You, dear psychologist.

You can cure everything,
And disorder and neurosis,
Happy Russian Psychologist Day,
Joy and less tears!

I want to congratulate you, psychologist, dear,
Today is your holiday and yours alone.
They won’t come to you with a sore arm, leg,
It is your destiny to heal other people's souls.
I want to wish you success,
Smiles, happiness and more laughter.

Congratulations on Psychologist's Day,
Experts in human souls.
We wish you success in your work,
Let the tush sound for you today!
May there be peace and prosperity in life,
Let happiness pour out on you,
Your bread will be pleasant and sweet,
And the good light of your eyes burns!

You help many people with their problems,
You always explain everything to them.
And you help people get out of stress,
So that the flow of regression does not begin.
I congratulate you on Psychologist's Day,
I wish you to always be healthy.
So that you always stay on your path,
And know that all good things are ahead of you.

Psychologist's Day for us -
The most important holiday in the world!
We hasten to congratulate you!
Let in the South and Siberia
Your angel is taking care of you,
He will fill your cup with health,
Let any whim come!
And the Genie will grant your wishes!
Patience so that there is a sea,
Every hour is filled with happiness
And grief bypasses.
Happy holiday, dear ones!

A psychologist teaches life not to be afraid,
Always move forward without fear,
Deal with problems playfully.
He will listen and always understand.
You, daughter, have chosen your own path -
Help people at any time.
I wish you a lot of success on Psychologist’s Day
I want to wish you in your work!

Poems for Psychologist's Day, congratulations on Psychologist's Day

I congratulate you deliberately
Happy Psychologist's Day in a meaningful way,
And I wish you a brilliant career,
Thoroughly achieving!
To make life prosperous,
Fascinating, caressing the soul,
Not critical, schizophrenic -
Stunning and romantic!

To all psychologists in Russia
We wish now
To have a lot
You have big money!
So that you can be successful for people
And they helped willingly,
To queue customers
We've hired you in advance!
So that the rumor about your glory
Everything grew and flourished,
To satisfaction
The work was good for you!

Psychologist is not an easy profession,
Who said it would be easy
It’s not easy to solve other people’s problems
Not everyone is given this by nature.

Today we hasten to congratulate you,
I wish you success in your career as soon as possible,
Fewer problems and higher wages,
So that there is something for guests to pour.

To my beloved aunt on this day
I hasten to send congratulations!
Psychologist defeats laziness
And it lifts your spirits.

Finds the right words
Making you believe in yourself.
Your profession is important.
So happy holiday, my dear!

All those who are human thoughts
It can put things in order
Who will calm the incompetent,
Will be able to find his own approach

To the one who changed life,
Congratulations to you, psychologist!
Your day has come today!

Congratulations on Psychologist's Day

Psychology is an exact science,
She will find motives in her soul for everything!
Happy Psychologist's Day, my dear,
May your destiny be beautiful!
I'm sure you have
Recognition and awards are ahead!
May your angel protect you
I don't need anything else!

You penetrate into consciousness with ease,
You eliminate all problems instantly,
You get down to business with ease,
You boldly strive to help everyone.
You are a healer of souls, an adviser,
So may all your aspirations be eternal,
I wish you good health and love,
Happy Psychologist's Day to you!

Delve into my soul,
Let's play Sigmund and Freud!
You are a psychologist, I am your patient,
Congratulations to psychologists today!
Happy Psychologist's Day, God bless you
Joy, normal patients,
Happiness, health and good luck,
And more joyful moments!

All those who are human thoughts
It can put things in order
Who will calm the incompetent,
Will be able to find his own approach

To someone who suddenly loses love,
To the one who changed life,
Congratulations to you, psychologist!
Your day has come today!

There is nothing more important in the world,
How to find peace of mind -
After all, adults and children strive, -
It's rare to find...

A psychologist will help you with this,
For many, he is just like a father...
So that summer settles in your heart,
To finally be happy!

Poems for Psychologist's Day, congratulations on Psychologist's Day

Congratulations on a bright day -
World Psychologist Day.
Let adversity be nothing
Let happiness be vast,
Pockets full of money,
Happiness is a full soul,
The doors of the country are opening,
So that life is good,
Children are happy, healthy...
Well, we are proud of you,
Always ready to praise!
And give flowers!

I congratulate you on this holiday.
You are a first class psychologist
You have helped people more than once.
Happy Psychologist's Day to all of you and you personally.
I congratulate you on this holiday today,
You are a psychologist, the very best.
And others... Who cares?
You will help, and no one will be worse off.

It's not easy to be a psychologist.
It requires hard work every day.
I want to congratulate you and announce -
Without you, we probably wouldn’t exist,
You helped us to be ourselves.

Psychologist Day in Russia
This is a very important day
Only he can help us
Disassemble all the rubbish.

There's a mess in our heads -
No way without a psychologist!

He knows the soul's motives,
Will calm you down in difficult times,
Indicates prospects -
He is very important for us.

And that's why now
Congratulations to you!

Website expert psychologist Yuriy Proskura took a fundamental approach to the issue of festive congratulations to our readers on March 8 and prepared a congratulation article specially for the occasion, in which he analyzed the main psychological advantages of the fair half of humanity.

I will not hide that throughout my adult life I have been watching women with great interest (and sometimes admiration), trying to better understand the peculiarities of their inner world and understand their psychological structure in more detail.

I am interested in many things in women: their attitude towards themselves and towards other people, their way of communication and interaction, their way of thinking and typical features of their character and much more.

Sometimes it seems to me that there is no difference at all between men and women (except physically, of course). And sometimes - that we are representatives different types and inhabitants of different planets.

Naturally, I don’t want to be another author writing another faceless list of differences. So I decided to make this article more than just another list. This article is a congratulation to all women, in which I will try to express my feelings, thoughts and wishes as sincerely as possible.

So, dear women!

The first thing that definitely distinguishes you from men is your high emotionality. You are more emotional than us. Emotions play a much larger role in your inner world and in your life than in ours. And although sometimes high emotionality seems like a hindrance to you (as well as to us), it is actually very cool.

High emotionality is the subtlety of feeling oneself and sincerity in expressing one’s feelings. This is the ability to empathize with other people. High emotionality is a subtlety of taste. Experiencing strong and lasting emotions is a stimulus for the development and productive work of emotional intelligence, which is no less (if not more) important for our happiness and well-being than ordinary intelligence. The mind can make mistakes, but the heart rarely makes mistakes - you understand this better than us.

And the expression of emotions is pure energy with which you influence the world and people, convincing with your sincerity to meet you halfway in your desires and plans. And many of you can rightfully consider yourself experts in managing this energy and using it for “peaceful” purposes, while we men are frightened and baffled by this energy.

In this regard, I wish you:

I wish that all the feelings and emotions that you experience will be for your good! Let them be yours true friends and helpers in life and relationships. Let them be an accurate and sincere expression of your inner spiritual beauty. And let the world admire this beauty, protecting it from stress and mental bad weather.

In addition to a sensitive emotional nature, nature has endowed you with strong and emotional intimacy. A woman urgently needs to feel loved, but she also needs to experience and express this feeling herself in relation to her family and friends. Men also have this need, but... apparently many of us try to hide it so carefully that it seems as if it doesn’t exist.

Believe me, maybe not as much as you, but all men also need love and emotional intimacy. It’s just that many are cowardly afraid that the sincere and open expression of this need and this feeling will make them vulnerable or will be perceived by others as a sign of weakness. And we are also afraid that ours will be “clumsy” and funny. But you are not afraid, you express it sincerely, and you do well. What are you giving us? correct example spiritual courage and openness.

Women are conductors of Love. Through them, this bright, warm feeling enters the World and makes it better and kinder. This is their important and honorable mission. Women are teachers of Love. They help men find this feeling in themselves and teach them to sincerely express it.

I wish that love will be the main key in the emotional music of your soul. Let this feeling completely fill your soul and heart without a trace, leaving no room for anxiety, sadness and disappointment. Let there be so much love in your soul that you uncontrollably want to give it to your family and friends. Let love “inspire”, inspire and inspire in your desire to make your cherished dream come true.

In addition to your emotional nature and need for love, you have another feature that many men lack. This - psychological flexibility. Where men break, you adapt. Where men “go ahead”, you go around the sharp corners and try to come to an agreement. Where men “resist,” you calmly find another way to achieve what you want. Where men become hostage to their selfish “I don’t want, I won’t,” you say to yourself “you have to,” step over yourself and continue to follow the intended course. “Softly, but grippingly!” - this is the main female strategy for adapting to the world.

Women are more flexible than men not only psychologically, women are more flexible than men physically. If physical flexibility is the ability of the body to make a wide variety of movements and adapt to the most non-standard positions, then psychological flexibility is the ability of the psyche to adapt to a wide variety of life conditions. Men have a lot to learn from women in this matter.

I wish you to feel calm, confident and comfortable in any circumstances and conditions. Let all life problems will be exciting problems that you solve brilliantly. I wish you to always quickly and painlessly find a way out of any difficult situation. Do what you have in mind and what you have to do, without worrying about anything and without doubting anything.

Men are stronger, but women - more resilient. Despite their emotional sensitivity, they have an outstanding and amazing ability to stay for a long time in physically and psychologically unfavorable conditions without visible harm to themselves - where many men “break down” and quit the race.

In life, we men are short-distance runners, and you are marathon runners. You have an amazing ability to pursue your plans for a long time, persistently and purposefully, and endure inconvenience for the sake of what you consider important to yourself. In this movement, you have clear guidelines - safety, stability, health and well-being of your family and friends. It is these guidelines that help you find the mental strength within yourself to adequately withstand the troubles and adversities of life.

I wish that your road to happiness will be an easy walk with beautiful scenery and pleasant fellow travelers. Let life pamper you more often and test your endurance less often. Let it be an exciting adventure, not a severe test. And when he decides to try it, he will immediately remember that you are... fair half humanity, and beauty must be protected.

Happy holiday, dear women!

The high art of healing
It was given to you from God - that is certain.
You have chosen to preserve the path of life,
Its significance for people is priceless.
On Women's Day, we sincerely wish,
May every day bring you goodness.
May all problems be resolved.
And may you always have enough strength for everything.

We know how tired you are:
Your work is noble and difficult.
You live with pain for everyone.
There is no greater calling than a doctor!
And you and women's day congratulations,
We wish you strength and patience.
Let the days, warming with kindness,
They bring cheerfulness to your mood.

Sometimes nature surprises
With its perfection of ideas:
You have the gift of healing from God
And there is no one kinder and wiser than you.
And this women's spring day
Same as your soul:
It is full of love and blossoms
And he works a miracle, slowly.

A woman is light, good, understanding.
Female doctor – wisdom, attention.
This is one in your calling.
And on Women’s Day we sincerely say to you:
Let there be less worry in life,
Enough vigor for all aspirations.
And - this is the main thing, although it is not new -
We wish you together: “Be healthy!”

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy spring holiday, Women's Day.
You are the best doctor - I know that for sure.
Calling from God to be a doctor.
But you are still beautiful as a woman,
I want to wish you happiness.
A bouquet of flowers and a clear ray of sunshine
I give it and I really want to kiss it.

Congratulations on Women's Day, March 8th.
May it always and everywhere, today and tomorrow
You will be good, my woman is a doctor.
You don’t know defeat, you don’t know failure.
You flutter through life easily and carefree
You just get a buzz from everything around you.
Blossom tirelessly with the color of young spring.
Let there be no obstacles in your way.

On women's day and holiday I really want
Send your congratulations to the doctor.
And I sincerely want to wish you
From female happiness shine through life.
Glow with beauty and be tender.
Be sure to love your work.
Congratulations, accept my bouquet.
You are so good! There are no other words.

So that patients all
Smiled happily
To go to your appointment,
So as not to be afraid.


Everyone is coming to you, psychologist.
With personal problems
You will always help them
Help is certainly yours.
On Women's Day,
On a spring day
I wish you happiness
Patients expect from you
Help, participation.
You will find for everyone
Your own special approach
And sometimes heal
Even a kind word.
On March 8th to you
I wish you good luck,
So that you can hold
Standing at the edge.

To the cook

Festive lunch and dinner -
Everything is under your control
We congratulate you on Women's Day
The cook is wonderful!

Your golden hands
They create masterpieces
Abundance on the table
Excites the nerves.

You revealed your secret
In the art of cooking,
What do you cook for us with love,
That's why it's delicious.

To the seller

Happy Women's Day March 8
I congratulate the seller,
Good buyers
I wish you no capricious ones.

So that everyone leaves
From you with a smile,
So that in calculations never
There was no mistake.

I wish that you
Smiled at people
And may in your life
Everything will be fine.

To the programmer

Happy March 8th
Congratulations to the programmer,
You with programs for you
Be it Windows or Vista.

On Women's Day I wish you
You don't know viruses
And computer programs
So that yours doesn’t get stuck.

I wish to write
Good luck program
Let the main screensaver be
There is happiness in your life.

To the policeman

Impeccable appearance,
Elegant, strict,
You will smile on holiday
At least for us a little.

After all, for a woman, a smile is
The main weapon
She even has a gun with her
You may not need it.

On this holiday we wish you
Smile more often
And always happy
Stay in life.


We are March 8 leaf
Let's tear off the calendar,
Congratulations on Women's Day
Our secretary.

We wish you a smile
It shone on your face,
So that all calls and faxes
You answered instantly.

To have you with the boss
Always with your right hand,
So that I could find a solution
For the problem you are anyone.

We want the company brand
Hold you high
So that in life, as in the waiting room,
I could become a queen!

To the builder

The ray of spring smiled
Fun, exciting,
A builder with him
Congratulations on March 8th.

I'm on fresh plaster
I'll draw a heart
Gift for Women's Day
A hundred kisses.

So that you are loved,
And I loved myself,
So that in your life
Everything was wonderful.