Terry miracle as a gift. Beautiful packaging of towels. We create masterpieces for the fair half

How to pack a towel as a gift - impressive, original and simple enough that you can do it yourself and using improvised materials? In our material we will tell you how to make a “candy” out of your simple and practical gift.


Do they give towels: superstitions and reality

No matter what anyone says, towels are often given as gifts, despite the widespread superstition that such a gift brings discord, enmity, separation and parting.

After all, in fact, superstitions are a specific phenomenon, some people believe in them, others don’t think about them. As you and I know, thoughts are material and most often it is not superstitions themselves that do their job, but our emotions and fears. So if you don’t believe in such signs at all, you can safely choose a towel as a gift for the hero of the occasion. But do not forget to take into account the attitude towards such superstitions of the person who receives this gift!

The easiest way to wrap a towel as a gift is to decorate it in the form of candy:

A towel as a gift: on what occasions is it given?

We live in a time when anything, including a towel, can be beautiful, original, high-quality and useful. This thing certainly cannot be called useless, because a towel is something that we use regularly. So what if every home has towels of all sizes, colors and textures?

Surely everyone in the store caught themselves wanting to buy a couple more of these bright, fluffy and soft towels? A terry towel for hands or feet, for the face, a bath towel, a towel for sports, a beach towel, or a whole set of several towels - the choice of options for a gift is impressive and is limited only by your budget and the tastes of the gift recipient.

The girl and the children will be very pleased to receive a towel as a gift in the shape of a bear:

And one thing can be said about originality: giving gifts beautifully is an art. but it is not as complicated as it seems. And further in our material we will show you how to pack a towel as a gift - beautiful, impressive, original and simple!

Ideas on how to beautifully wrap a towel as a gift:

Master class on making a cake from towels:

4 white towels size 50*100 cm
- lace napkin with a diameter of 36 cm
- round cardboard with a diameter of 24 cm
— 2 lace napkins with a diameter of 20 cm
- rubber bands
- ribbons
- artificial roses
- Double-sided tape
- figurine of the bride and groom

Fold the towels three times:

For the first “layer” of the towel cake, you will need 3 towels. For the second - one thing.

Secure the resulting roll with an elastic band

Decorate with ribbon and remove the elastic

Place a large lace napkin on the cardboard circle and place the first layer of cake on it. Place a small napkin on it and add a second layer. And again put the lace napkin.

Cut the rose stems to the desired length and decorate the layers of the cake. We secure the figurine of the bride and groom with double-sided tape

How to make a heart out of towels:

— hand towel 70*50 cm
- heart-shaped mold
- ribbon

Fold the towel into 3 parts and start twisting on both sides

Place the rolled up towel in the mold

To close not beautiful seam, put artificial berries on it

Decorate with other fruits

Master class on making towel roll “Chocolate with cream”:

— 2 hand towels 70*50 cm brown and white
- ribbon
- artificial berries or other decorations

Take a brown towel and fold the long ends into the center of the towel

Now fold the towel in half. The top end should be just above the edge

Fold the white towel in the same way.

Fold the white towel in half again - there should be more “cream” inside the roll

Put a white towel on a brown one

And wrap it tightly in a roll

Secure the roll with ribbon and decorate with berries. Roll - towel cake is ready! We wish you pleasant creativity!

And finally: what do you think of the idea of ​​wrapping a towel as a gift in the shape of an ice cream cone?

3 years ago

Home textiles have been and remain a popular and pleasant gift. The original packaging makes the gift doubly interesting. Folding a towel beautifully is an art. An ordinary piece of terry cloth can be transformed into a toy, a bouquet, or turned into decor. Such a gift will be pleasant not only to close relatives, but also to friends and colleagues.

Reasons to give a beautiful towel

  • New Year. A holiday when you can give anything and have no limits to your imagination. Preference is given to textiles with New Year's patterns - snowflakes, deer, snowmen;
  • Birthday. Textiles will appeal to fans of fitness, swimming pools and trips to the sauna;
  • Wedding. On the occasion of a wedding, textiles with symbols of love and fidelity are given as gifts. Hand-embroidered products look especially advantageous;
  • Christening and birth of a child. The surprise will definitely appeal to families with small children. Towels with animal appliqué will look thematic.

How to give a textile gift

Incredibly, a piece of terry or waffle fabric can take on the most original and bizarre shapes. The easiest way to pack a towel is to fold it in the form geometric figure and decorate with ribbon. You can put together a holiday set. To do this, you will need to beautifully roll the fabric into a roll, put a card on top and add the main gift - for example, aromatic shower gel.

Complex figures made from towels

It’s easy to make textile gifts with your own hands, but for a beautiful figure you need a small master class. In order to turn a towel into an interesting figure, you will need several auxiliary materials for fastening and decoration. Required:

  • Towels;
  • Small elastic bands to match the textile;
  • Boxes, baskets, baking dishes;
  • Decorative ribbons.


Textiles make beautiful swans. You need to unfold the canvas horizontally and fold the corners like an airplane. The two sharp corners at the base of the resulting triangle need to be curled into a spiral. The blank, similar to inverted horns, remains to be folded in the shape of a swan. The “horns” become wings, and the sharp peak becomes the neck.

You get a very cute present if you turn a towel into a bunny with your own hands. The terry cloth is folded into a triangle and twisted into a tube. The blank is given the shape of a horseshoe and tightened with an elastic band, moving away from the free ends - these will be the ears. Then the ears are folded up and secured with decorative tape. The bunny is ready and you can steal it with a pompom.

In order to beautifully gift textiles in the shape of a bear, you will need two fabrics and small elastic bands. Base towel suitable color roll it into a tight roll and fold it in half to form the hind legs. The workpiece is placed between the halves of a folded second towel. Using elastic bands, the paws, head and ears of the bear are formed. All that remains is to decorate the finished bear with a bow.

Sweets and flowers

Using a towel, you can effectively present bath and shower sets, turning an ordinary package into a holiday basket. To do this, take as many bright towels as there are body care products. Each jar is wrapped in terry cloth so that the free ends form petals. The finished flowers are placed in a basket.

Delicious cakes come out of the towels. To create a terry work of art, you will need two canvases: for the hands and a large bath. Both canvases are rolled up and laid on top of each other. Place a soft textile toy on top and tie the layers of the cake with ribbons.

If you are going to present small kitchen towels, you can pack them in the form of a cupcake. It is enough to roll the canvas into a tight roll and place it in a baking dish.

As a gift, choose high-quality, natural textiles. Waffle towels are useful for the kitchen, terry ones - for the bathroom or visiting the bathhouse. Bright patterns, embroidery and decor give textiles an elegant, festive look. A gift made with your own hands will be remembered for a long time.

Very popular gifts for loved ones for a variety of holidays are bath accessories, including terry sheets and towels. You can, of course, just carefully roll up this textile and put it in a bag, or you can design it in a very original way and turn a boring package into something original.

Let's look at different options for packing towels so that you can always choose the right one for a specific holiday or for one of your loved ones.

Master classes on packing towels

The simplest option: carefully place the towels in an even stack, tie beautiful ribbon and decorate with holiday decor.

You can tie each rolled towel with a cord, braid or rope - this option prevents the textile product from unrolling, which is important if you want to give a set of small towels or napkins as a gift.

To make the gift look stylish and harmonious, try to comply color scheme. You can choose matching or contrasting packaging - it all depends on your desire.

It is better to pack colored towels with a pattern in a plain box, but if you choose plain-dyed textiles, then you can choose brighter packaging.

Delicate pastel baby towels look very cute, complemented with embroidery or appliqués. The photo shows factory packaging, but using this idea, you can come up with something similar yourself.

This option is perfect for a man.

But this one - more delicate, complemented by beautiful decor - is for a woman.

Towels designed in the form of a bale with a handle look quite simple, but look funny. The handle is woven from regular yarn. On one side we attach a brush made of threads, on the other - a small bottle with a cosmetic product or aromatic oil... In the photo, the bottle is braided, but you can use, for example, a piece of mesh or simply tie the neck of the bottle tightly.

By the way, you can also attach a mesh washcloth to such a gift - it fits perfectly into the likeness of a flower. You can tuck a wooden comb or bath brush into the sling if the towel is large enough. But it is better to give such gifts exclusively to the closest family members, otherwise you may be misunderstood and inadvertently offended.

Roll the towel into a long thin roll and place it in a narrow cellophane or organza bag. All that remains is to tighten the top with ribbon and attach the decor. This option is very simple, compact and good if you need to cook a lot small gifts- for example, for a team on March 8 or February 23.

Additionally, you can attach a postcard-label on a long string to such a gift to emphasize the theme of the holiday.

The “Candy” option is almost the same, only we tie the packaging on both sides, simulating a candy wrapper. The length of the “candy” may vary.

In the photo you see transparent plastic boxes, but in a cellophane wrapper your soft “candy” will look even better, because you can use gift paper and mica with drawings.

Subject confectionery in the decor of gifts made from towels, perhaps, can be called predominant. Love how cute the “lollipops” are rolled up from small towels or napkins in two colors.

You can decorate small napkins by wrapping them individually in tulle or mesh. This option is good for small gifts and prizes at a holiday. Textile items are rarely purchased for prizes because they are inconvenient and often not packaged. But if you arrange them in this way, then your Santa Claus at a corporate party may well take such “sweets” out of the bag.

And here are the “lollipops” - very festive!

Cute “rolls”, right? They are easy to make from small baby towels or terry napkins. A paper rosette, a decorative cherry - and the “treat” can be served.

Why not muffins? Cardboard rosette, soft “cupcake” with berries. The role of the berry is played by a candy on a stick. The kids will definitely love it!

In a similar way, you can design napkins for festive table, especially. if it's a youth party or children's party and starched napkins are not expected.

Sandwiches made from kitchen napkins. Why not? You can even use real food containers - it will look even more natural.

Do you want to decorate your towels in the form of a roll? It could be a “Christmas log”, a “Fairy Tale” cake or a fluffy roll with whipped cream - it’s all about what color of towel you use and what lekor you add.

We make “ice cream” in the same way as muffins, but instead of cardboard packaging we use a transparent plastic cup. Add with a stick or spoon.

You can use disposable conical glasses.

A simpler option in the form of a horn.

The cake design of towels is good when you decide to make great gift, including a set of towels of different sizes and a bath sheet. What shape to put together the “cake” and how many tiers it will have depends on the total quantity and volume of textiles.

Such a “cake” - good gift for a wedding or on the occasion of the birth of a baby. You can arrange it in the most different styles and don’t skimp on additional items and decor. Taking into account the size of the structure, you can hide a small surprise gift inside, which will delight the recipient after the holiday, when the single “cake” ceases to exist.

The “cake” can also be made with filling, placing many useful items inside.

Textile “bottles” are very original version! And it’s not at all necessary to look for similar Gift Baskets on sale - just print out templates for packaging boxes and labels on a printer.

If you are fond of handicrafts and know how to work with paper, then your packaging can become a real exclusive! After all, one glance is enough for a needlewoman to appreciate the idea and come up with a hundred of her own decor options.

Simple and elegant! A great gift for March 8th. Just like in the previous version, we simply print out the box or make it from thick cardboard and decorate it as desired.

Candles. Look - how simple, but how original! A wonderful option for a gift for New Year or Christmas. You can experiment a little and create candles with a “flame” of a different color by placing a small red or yellow napkin (or something else suitable) inside each twist.

Textile roses can be not only decorative, but also quite functional! You just need to unpack the bouquet to be convinced of this. This gift is suitable for practical housewives - both flowers and benefits!

A bouquet of roses can also be used for a baby. And you can add a variety of children's things to the bouquet - from milk bottles to soft toys.

A lovely delicate composition - all you need is a rose, a beautiful bag and suitable material to secure the folded towel.

The same thing, only in a box.

Very interesting option for a set of napkins of different colors. It will look beautiful in a box with a transparent lid.

A heart is, of course, the most suitable option for Valentine's Day. To keep the structure in shape, use a heart-shaped backing. The backing can be glued together from cardboard or use a disposable container (they also come in the shape of a heart).

Towel package with cosmetics, a postcard and a bow will please any woman.

Or you can put everything in a box and give it as a gift. or chest.

Cute design, similar to pea pods. Just four napkins and two ribbons, but it looks so interesting!

A bag with kitchen towels - bright, elegant, beautiful!

What is a kitchen without vegetables?

But another option for the kitchen is an even more practical gift.

And in conclusion - the most interesting designs made from towels - figures of men and animals. Some of them are quite complex, some are simple to perform, but all of them are very amazing and always attract attention.

There is no point in describing all this - here it is better to turn to master classes. In the meantime, just admire and dream about what holiday you would like to prepare similar gifts for your family.

A towel is, although not expensive, a very useful gift. But many people often have a question: how to decorate it correctly so that the present does not look too banal? From this article you will learn how to pack a towel as a gift in several ways.

Strawberry cupcake

To make the gift you prepared look like a cute cupcake, it needs to be folded using the origami technique, and not rolled.

In order to wrap your holiday gift in an original way, stock up on the following materials:

  • One hand towel - it should be square and have a light shade, otherwise the recipient will not associate it with a cupcake.
  • Transparent cup (can be replaced with a cardboard cup).
  • Decorative strawberries or wild strawberries.
  • Cellophane for gift wrapping.
  • Spool of thread.

So, the materials are prepared. It's time to start original packaging gift:

  1. Fold all four corners of the square towards the center.
  2. Fold the ends of the new square towards the center in the same way.
  3. If necessary, fold the towel again in the same way - you need the workpiece to fit into the cup.
  4. Place the spool of thread in the center of the square.
  5. Turn the resulting workpiece over and wrap it around the spool.
  6. Place the threads aside.
  7. Place the already compacted towel in the prepared cup.
  8. Decorate the top of the “cupcake” with the prepared decorative berry.
  9. Pack the composition in beautiful wrapping paper. It is desirable that it be transparent.


A festive cake made from several towels looks very original and expensive. However, to pack a gift in this way, you need to try.

In order to beautifully wrap a towel as a gift with your own hands in this way, prepare the following items and materials for work:

  • 3 pieces of corrugated cardboard, suitable in size.
  • 3 gift towels (they must be of different sizes).
  • Artificial roses with branches, decorative ribbons to decorate the three-tier cake and the packaging in general.
  • Cellophane for gift wrapping.

Let's move on to the master class itself:

  • Make three floor blanks from prepared corrugated cardboard. To do this, you need to fold each of them into a ring and fasten it with tape.

Important! All pieces must fit inside each other, and the inner piece must be the tallest of all three.

  • Wrap the lowest tier of the future cake, decorating it with decorative ribbon.
  • Carry out the same manipulations with the remaining tiers.
  • Place the tiers on top of each other, securing them. The base of the cake is ready.
  • Now you can move on to decorating the product. For this you can use everything decorative elements that were prepared earlier. You can also use decorative beads and sparkles, the main thing is to use your imagination.

Important! Artificial flowers can be replaced with real ones. This will make your work look more expensive and even more original.

Cupcake “heart”

A round three-tier cake is, of course, a packaging classic. But this does not mean at all that other shapes and sizes of gift towel packaging will look less impressive.

To make a heart out of a towel, you will need:

  • Towel measuring 70 by 50 cm.
  • Decorative elements to decorate the composition.
  • A mold that looks like a heart.
  • Satin ribbon matching the color of the gift.

Let's move on to making the composition:

  1. The first step is to fold the rectangle into 3 equal parts.
  2. Start rolling the workpiece on both sides.
  3. Place the dough in the previously prepared heart mold.
  4. To hide the seam, attach artificial berries or flowers to decorate the cupcake.
  5. Decorate the work by wrapping a ribbon around the bottom and wrapping it in transparent wrapping paper. The gift heart cupcake is ready.


Giving roses on a birthday is also a classic. What if these roses were made from soft gift towels? Most likely, the hero of the occasion will be pleasantly surprised by your interesting gift.

To work you will need:

  • Two towels - green and red.
  • Decorative decorations to give the gift a finished look.
  • Gift paper for packaging the composition.

To fold a towel in the shape of a rose in an original way, you need to follow these instructions:

  • Fold the green rectangle towards the middle of the opposite side (it should be short).
  • Make a roller that has a conical shape. To do this, you need to roll the towel over the edge of the fold, while at the same time holding your finger at the place where it begins.
  • Leave the small triangle unrolled.
  • Fold this corner into a shape resembling a leaf. The stalk is ready.
  • Take a red rectangle and bend it along the long side.
  • Fold a corner at one end of the long rectangle - it will be the center of the future rose.
  • Roll the folded corner towards the center - you only need to make one turn.
  • Bend the untouched part of the towel at an angle of 180 degrees.

Important! Make sure that the fold is even and neat - the final result depends on this.

  • Roll up the fold. Fold the end of the resulting roller towards the side that is inside (angle - 45 degrees).
  • Continue bending the workpiece. At the end, secure the rose.
  • Fasten the two flower parts.
  • Decorate and package the rose.

The composition is ready!

Gift for a man

Packing a towel as a gift for a man is a little more difficult. The reason for such a gift can be anything, say, a birthday, Defender of the Fatherland Day, wedding anniversary or something else.

There are two informal rules for gift wrapping for men:

  • If you are going to give your man a towel, it is recommended to choose products in dark colors.
  • The packaging itself should also be in subdued colors. Most often, girls choose this packaging option - the main gift is placed in a box and wrapped with a satin ribbon of the desired color.

To properly pack a gift towel for a man, you must follow this algorithm:

  • Choose a suitable box - it can be in the shape of a square or rectangle.

Important! If you have a shoebox, be sure to tape it up wrapping paper or decorate to your liking.

  • Roll the gift towel you prepared into the shape of a box.
  • Tie it crosswise using satin ribbon, - it should be the same color as the box.

Important! If you are going to give two or more towels, connect them together by tying them with a ribbon in the same way, and then put them in a gift box.