Women's happiness indoor flower. Mulch for indoor plants is both useful and beautiful. Question: Why does my spathiphyllum never bloom?

It is not always possible to admire some special flowers at home. Either the windows face the north side, or the loggia above obscures the light. In such cases, unpretentious plants should be placed in the apartment. Such indoor crops include spathiphyllum, “women's happiness” - as it is often called. Thanks to its interesting appearance and elegance, spathiphyllum is increasingly being chosen to decorate home interiors.

Translated from Greek, the name of the flower comes from 2 words and means a flower with a veil. Indeed, the plant has an unusual shape, presented in the form of an inflorescence - a spadix framed by a blanket of white, green or cream tone.

The cob itself has a variety of colors, up to a red tint. It is a stemless plant with a short rhizome and hard leaves emerging from the ground. Typical for tropical areas. It belongs to the order of aroid plants and was once brought from tropical Colombia.

According to legend, a house with spathiphyllum is not in danger of female loneliness and, in general, the signs associated with this flower are mostly positive. The flower is believed to have magical properties:

  • unmarried girls meet their betrothed;
  • peace and harmony reign between the spouses;
  • in families where there were no children, a priceless gift appears - a child.

Externally, spathiphyllum is an ordinary flower. He becomes extraordinary thanks to caring, loving hands, which can work wonders by causing the plant to bloom. Flowers are formed as the fulfillment of a secret desire.

Where to place “women's happiness”?

The plant does not like bright colors sunlight, burning its leaves. For a flower, partial shade on the north side of the apartment or artificial diffused light is better suited. Insufficient light can lead to elongated and darkening of the flower. Excess - causes foliage to fade.

How to care for a plant at home?

During the period of development and flowering, the plant needs good watering, however, the horse system cannot tolerate excess moisture. It is necessary to observe moderation in watering. It is advisable to carry it out when the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, watering is reduced, preventing the soil from completely drying out. The flower loves high humidity. In summer, spathiphyllum should be sprayed frequently, and in winter it is better to place the pot with the plant on a tray with expanded clay or wet pebbles. October - January the flower is at rest.

Plants are fertilized weekly during the autumn-spring period, and every 3 weeks in winter. Use universal fertilizer or flowering plants. Feed the plant after watering according to the instructions on the fertilizer package. If the plant is poorly fed or not fed at all, the spathiphyllum will not bloom or will slow down the flowering process.

What kind of soil does spathiphyllum need?

In nature, the flower grows in soil consisting of rotten branches, compost, fallen leaves, and charcoal. At home, a similar substrate can be made from peat, garden soil, perlite, soil for orchids, which includes charcoal, gravel, bark, in the proportion: 3: 2: 2: 3.

You can use soil of a different composition. The main thing is that it should be fertile and loose. If the soil is heavy, water may stagnate in the roots, which will lead to rotting of the root system. Against rot, drainage is also provided in the pot with the plant.

Flower transplant

Plants under 5 years of age are replanted annually, then replanted only when the root system is visible outside the drainage holes. The flower is placed in a pot that is small in volume and depth. This is due to the fact that in a large container the soil will begin to turn sour without waiting for the plant’s root system to grow in it. The container for transplantation needs to be selected slightly larger than the previous one.

If the height of the flower is up to 40 cm and the diameter of the pot is approximately 20 cm, replanting may not be necessary, and sometimes only refresh the top layer of soil in the pot. Before transplanting, spathiphyllum is watered. If you want to get a beautiful plant with large leaves, then the side shoots are removed, since a lot of the flower’s energy is spent on them. A drainage layer of about 2 cm is poured into the prepared container, then a few centimeters of fresh soil are added.

Spathiphyllum is planted together with a lump of earth on the roots, filling all the existing voids in the container around it. If planting is done in moist soil, then there is no need to water the plant heavily after that. For better adaptation, the plant is not watered for 3 to 4 days, only sprayed.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum

The flower is propagated by dividing the bush into spring period. To do this, carefully separate the side shoots from the roots so as not to damage them. They are planted in separate containers with soil. Propagation of a flower by seeds is quite difficult.

There is no guarantee that the desired variety will grow as a result. The germination of the resulting seeds is poor, and they quickly disappear. They are sown in a mixture of sand and peat immediately after collection. The crops are covered with film. The soil under crops should not be damp, but slightly moist.

From the above, you can see that spathiphyllum is an unassuming plant. A piece of the human soul and warmth will help him show himself in all his glory and delight others with his uniqueness. “Women’s happiness” must definitely settle in the house!

Spathiphyllum in the photo

What is spathiphyllum? What signs are there about him? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Spathiphyllum is an unusual plant that grows along river banks in tropical forests. People call it “Flower of Brides” or “Women’s Happiness”.

This plant has tapered leaves that resemble a sword spatha. That is why it was called spathiphyllum. There is an ancient Greek legend that tells that on her own wedding day, the goddess Astarte gave a snow-white flower, similar to a heart, to an earthly girl. She enclosed in it the bliss and happiness that overwhelmed her. The Valkyrie endowed her gift with a magical property that made happy woman caring for the plant with a pure heart.

How to care for a flower?

What is spathiphyllum famous for? It is interesting for everyone to know the signs about him. Spathiphyllum is a perennial evergreen plant of the araceae family. In autumn and spring, graceful flowers bloom between folded, dark green, glossy leaves that grow directly from the ground. Small yellow inflorescences, collected into a cob, are covered with a tall white blanket, reminiscent of a calla lily in outline.

Thanks to its intense pleasant aroma, its unpretentiousness, known magical properties, and numerous varieties, spathiphyllum is grown by amateur gardeners around the world as a houseplant.

With proper care, spathiphyllum begins to bloom six months after planting. The flowers do not fall off for up to a month and a half; after a while new ones bloom. look great in compositions and bouquets.

Spathiphyllum does not like direct sunlight, but it will not grow in the shade either. That's why it's best to place it in a shady, draft-free location facing southwest. It is known that this direction in Feng Shui is responsible for love.

There are no special requirements for temperature conditions. It is only necessary to maintain a normal, comfortable room temperature of +18...+25 °C. The leaves need to be moistened 2-3 times a day during warm periods, as the flower loves moisture. Once in winter.

Water the plant only with settled water at room temperature. The tray should always contain damp sand or a moss cushion. During the flowering period, complex mineral supplements must be applied.


What else do you need to know about the plant called spathiphyllum? We will look at the signs further, and now we will tell you how to replant it. Typically this procedure is performed once a year:

  • Choose a pot that is too small for the roots, but larger in volume.
  • Select soil that is slightly acidic in composition.
  • Place drainage granules in the bottom and remove the plant from the pot.
  • Pour in some soil mixture, install the flower, cover with soil and water generously.

During transplantation for propagation, the bush must be divided. Carefully trim the lateral shoots of the base root with 3-5 leaves and roots, plant in a pink or red pot. A well-rooted plant is usually given to neighbors, relatives, close friends - to anyone who wishes real female happiness.

Family signs

Why do women like spathiphyllum? There are a variety of signs, beliefs and legends associated with it. It is important to remember that magical power manifests itself only when the owner surrounds the flower with attention, kindness, and sincere love.

It is known that if a wife and husband inhale the aroma of spathiphyllum together, mistrust, causeless painful jealousy disappear, and suspicions dissipate. If this flower is placed in the bedroom next to the bed, it will prevent the husband from leaving the family, normalizes intimate intimacy, revives faded passion, and eliminates the danger of infidelity.

Spathiphyllum (“Women’s Happiness”) is amazing! We continue to study signs about him further. If the flower looks like the round belly of a pregnant lady, expect the conception of the desired baby. The energy of this plant eliminates unwanted sensations during pregnancy, facilitates childbirth, and helps to bear a healthy baby.

Several flowers blooming simultaneously indicate that everyone living next to you will be happy.

Are you interested in spathiphyllum (“Women’s Happiness”)? What else do the signs say? It helps prevent conflicts between parents and children, reconciles son-in-law with mother-in-law, daughter-in-law with mother-in-law, grandchildren with grandparents. Different generations are beginning to find common interests and understand each other’s needs. A flower given from the heart helps patients overcome their illness.

For singles

Do you have spathiphyllum? Remember the signs and superstitions about him. Under the aura of this wonderful flower, single ladies become charming, gentle, find own style. Many people feel a desire for individual growth and their self-esteem increases.

Someone who has experienced a bad breakup or loss loved one, overcomes depression, looks at the world with optimism, communicates productively. A woman again attracts the attention of men, it is easier for her to meet a loving, faithful, reliable person. If an unmarried girl wants to get married as soon as possible, close male relatives - uncle, brother, father - should give her a flower. When the plant blooms, a marriage proposal will definitely follow. If the flower withered when you already had a relationship with a guy and dropped its leaves, this person is not your life partner. If married woman gives a flower to her unmarried sister, she will help her get married as soon as possible.

If a lady is lonely and has no one to give her spathiphyllum, she can purchase it herself, while following simple rules:

  • Purchases can only be made on women's days (according to magical laws) - Saturday, Wednesday, Friday.
  • It is necessary to purchase the plant from a female seller with blond hair and eyes.
  • Money must be given more than its value; change cannot be taken, otherwise the magic “will not turn on.”

For loving men

Not many people know the spathiphyllum flower. Not everyone knows the signs and superstitions about him. By giving a blooming spathiphyllum to his chosen one, a man experiences her feelings. If the flowers begin to wither, her interest weakens, her passion fades. If they continue to smell and bloom, she loves them.

If the plant does not bloom for a long time, there is no need to be alarmed. Just give him more attention.

Witchcraft qualities

Have you ever seen spathiphyllum (photo)? Women's happiness, signs and superstitions about it - this is what is interesting to most women. The flower that blooms first saturates the atmosphere of the house with magical power, contributes to the onset of family happiness, harmony, and prosperity. Old grievances disappear, disputes end, irritation and misunderstandings disappear, disagreements are resolved by themselves. The soul gets rid of memories of past defeats, accumulated junk of disappointments. Hope for achieving prosperity and self-confidence awakens.

In order to make their wishes come true, people with a flower perform magical rituals.

Ritual of money luring

You definitely need to take a look at the spathiphyllum (photo). Women's happiness (the signs and superstitions that exist among the population about it are the subject of our conversation) should be known by every representative of the fair sex. And we continue to tell you about this wonderful flower. What is the ritual of bewitching money?

Spathiphyllum must be placed in the room in which accumulations are stored. Place a yellow coin of any denomination under the pot, hang a green ribbon on the piece of paper, after tying a key to it. Read the wish silently or out loud, thereby reinforcing and updating the goal. When the flower blooms, replace the green ribbon with a red one and transfer the key to it.

A little later, news will come about a tax cut, an inheritance, a salary increase, a profitable deal, a chance to open your own business, or simply an opportunity to get married.

Increase and preservation of banknotes

So, you probably already know what spathiphyllum looks like (photo). You also studied the signs. How to increase or save money with the help of this plant? If the tips of the leaves of a flower begin to dry out or turn black, it means that the financial situation will soon worsen. A plant that has fallen ill and stopped flowering indicates that debts may arise. If you want to correct the situation, put banknotes in the pot and sprinkle them with earth: everything should return to normal.

If the flower does die, buy a new one before noon. The cash flow will be restored, the money channel will open, and business success will return.

Finding True Love

Some people like to look at spathiphyllum for a long time (photo). Women's happiness has extraordinary signs. What is the acquisition ritual? real love? Be positive. Carefully cut the flower and ask for forgiveness. Stand naked in front of a large mirror. Slowly move the flower over your face, head, body. Focusing on your emotions and feelings, imagine the man you love. The clearer and clearer his image is, the more fruitful the ritual. Draw the flower over your neck and chest. Stop in front of your heart and say: “I feel love. I believe in love."

Concentrate the energy in your lower abdomen and say: “I am waiting for love. I want love." Extend your hand with the flower towards the mirror and, looking into it, say the spell: “Behind me, servant of God (name), is love. Before me is love. Next to me, below me, above me is love. Love is calling me. My love will bring you to me. I will be loved and I will love. Amen". Repeat the ritual the next day.

The action of the goddess Astarte

Place the flower pot on the window so that moonlight falls on it. This ritual is performed on the night from Thursday to Friday, during the waxing moon, in complete solitude. Stand by the window and, looking at the moon, inhale the aroma of the flower several times. Ask three times to send you love. Come up with a text in advance, trying to clearly formulate your desire. Describe the appearance, advantages, character of the man you would like to meet and love. Wait for the next full moon by lighting a candle in front of the plant every night.

With the newly born moon on the appointed night, open the window and again turn to the goddess Astarte, conjuring: “I give you, goddess of love and light, my dream. Return her to me along with your beloved.” When does the next one start? lunar cycle, love will definitely come.

In order for a healthy flower of female happiness to grow, care at home must be carried out according to certain rules. There is a legend that the goddess of love kissed the plant, filling it with happiness. Since that time, the flower began to bring luck and love to girls who believe in its powers.

Women's happiness flower - care

This culture is not too demanding, but there are a number of rules regarding care. The indoor flower, female happiness, loves light, but the bushes should be covered from hot rays. It is better to place the plant on an eastern windowsill or on a table by the window. As for temperature values ​​at home, the flower is not demanding on this parameter. Optimal values ​​are +20-25°C, but in winter the temperature should not be lower than +15°C. A is of secondary importance, especially if proper watering is carried out.

What is the name of the flower of female happiness?

The name “female happiness” is popular, but in the scientific literature the plant is called differently – spathiphyllum. The spathiphyllum flower has an unusual feminine happiness appearance, because it does not have a stem, and the leaves grow directly from the soil. They can be oval or lanceolate. The root system of spathiphyllum is well developed. The flowers have no scent, but have a beautiful shape.

How to water the flower of female happiness?

To irrigate spathiphyllum, you need to take settled or filtered water, which should not be cold or warm. If you are interested in how often to water a flower of female happiness at home, then you need to focus on the season, so in the summer, irrigation is carried out every 1-2 days, and in the winter - once every 7-10 days. When spathiphyllum lacks moisture, the leaves begin to droop. If you need to leave, it is recommended to pour water into the trays so that the soil does not dry out. Another secret in care is that it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a napkin or spray them if necessary.

How to feed the flower of female happiness?

For good development It is recommended to add fertilizer to the soil. From spring to summer, fertilizing once a week is useful. In winter and autumn, additives should be added every 2-3 weeks. Many people are interested in the fact that the flower loves female happiness, and so, spathiphyllum prefers mineral supplements, but it is better to refuse organic matter. Use liquid fertilizers for aroids, but they should not contain a lot of nitrogen. During flowering, it is important to add potassium and phosphorus.

In order for the flower of female happiness to develop well, home care includes the following recommendations for fertilizing:

  1. The best time for supplementation is a warm and sunny day, then it is better absorbed.
  2. After purchase, it is not recommended to fertilize, giving the spathiphyllum two months to adapt.
  3. Fertilizer should not get on the leaves, as this will cause burns.
  4. Water the flower before applying fertilizer.

How to transplant a flower of female happiness?

The transplant is carried out immediately after purchase, and then the procedure should be repeated every 3-5 years. The need for replanting is indicated by roots protruding on the surface. The best time for the procedure is spring. Transplanting a flower of female happiness at home is carried out as follows:

  1. The flowerpot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous container. It must have holes for exit excess water. Carefully remove the plant, after watering the soil well.
  2. After this, carefully free the roots from drainage and remaining soil. It is important not to pull out the roots.
  3. You will have to cut off the flower stalks, as this will allow the plant not to waste energy on flowering and producing seeds.
  4. You need to cut off young leaves and those that have begun to fade. Inspect the base, removing any brown, flaky remains of old leaves that should be torn off. Trim away long root threads and rotten areas. Rub the sections with powder activated carbon or cinnamon.
  5. Lay out a layer of soil, place the plant in the center and cover the root system with the rest of the soil.
  6. Lightly compact the soil, making sure the socket is secure. All that remains is to water the flower well and spray it.

Flower of female happiness - how to propagate?

To increase the number of spathiphyllum bushes, you can use three methods: dividing the bush, planting cuttings and sowing seeds. The third option is the most time-consuming and rarely produces results. Reproduction of the flower of female happiness is carried out as follows:

  1. Dividing the bush. The procedure is carried out in the spring during transplantation. Remove the plant, clear the roots from the soil and separate them. Each part should ultimately have a growth point and 3-4 leaves. It is necessary to plant at home in moist soil in a small pot. At first, regular watering is important.
  2. Cuttings. This option gives good results. Carefully cut off the rosette. If it has roots, then you can immediately plant it in the ground, but if not, then place the cutting in water, dissolving an activated carbon tablet in it, and after the roots appear, replant.

Why doesn't the flower of women's happiness bloom?

Many owners of spathiphyllum complain that the plant does not bloom. The flower of female happiness does not bloom when care at home is carried out incorrectly, and here are the main reasons:

  1. Drafts are the enemy of culture, so choose a suitable location.
  2. Flowering may not occur if the flower is planted in an inappropriately sized pot.
  3. Stress for women's happiness is, therefore, it is better not to carry out this procedure without a reason. If you are interested in how to make a flower of female happiness bloom at home, then it is recommended to loosen the soil so that the roots receive oxygen.
  4. Fertilizers are very important for proper care, but if you use them in large and concentrated form, this can lead to poisoning.

Flower of female happiness - illness

There are a number of reasons why plant problems occur and how they can be dealt with.

Spathiphyllum or women's happiness is an evergreen ornamental plant of the aroid family native to the tropics, which is responsible for the main points in the content and the unique appearance of the plant.

Spathiphyllum flower and its varieties

Women's happiness has more than 40 varieties, which differ in the sizes of leaves and flowers. All species are similar in the shape of the leaves, with petioles running through the center. The flower has no stems; the petioles of the leaves are formed into small rosettes, the growth of which begins directly from the ground.

The plant grows well and quickly fills the space of the pot. In most species, the leaf shape is oval, elongated, pointed. The flower consists of a spathe, which has the shape of an elongated hemisphere; in the center of the spathe there is an inflorescence in the form of a cob.

Features of the most common types of indoor spathiphyllums:

(type) – one of the most popular types. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and easy reproduction.


  • The leaves are dark green.
  • The cover of the flowers is oblong, white, but turns green over time, three times higher than the spadix.
  • The flowers on the cob are yellow-cream or white.
  • The plant is relatively low, usually up to 30 cm in length.
  • Blooms profusely twice a year.

A huge number of varieties have been obtained from this species. The most commonly sold varieties are:

(variety) - similar in shape of leaves and flowers to Wallace's spathiphyllum, as it was bred from this species.


  • The leaves are green with white specks and spots.
  • The flowers on the cob are white and cream.
  • The plant is not tall.

(variety) - also bred from the Wallace species, resembles the Domino species, but looks a little more refined.


  • The leaves are green with white stripes, edges, sometimes the whole half of the leaf can be painted white.
  • The flower cover is oblong, white, turns green over time.
  • The flowers in the spadix are white or cream.
  • The plant is not tall.
  • Blooms once a year for up to 8 weeks.

(variety) - handsome, bred from the Wallace species.


  • Bright green leaves with strongly depressed veins.
  • The flower is white-green with a very long point at the end.
  • The flowers on the cob are white or cream.
  • The plant is low up to 35 cm.
  • Blooms profusely.

Spathiphyllum cannofolia(species) - the shape of the leaves resembles canna.


  • The leaves are bright green, long and wide, similar in shape to canna leaves.
  • The bedspread is white and green.
  • The flowers on the cob are greenish-yellow and have a pleasant aroma.
  • The plant is not tall.
  • Blooms profusely 1 to 2 times a year.

(species) - differs in the duration of flowering and the number of flowers, otherwise it is very similar to the Wallace species.


  • The leaves are rich green in color, more oval in shape than other species.
  • The cover of the flowers is oblong, white, and turns green over time.
  • The flowers in the spadix are white or yellow-cream.
  • Plant length up to 50 cm.
  • Blooms profusely and for a long time.

(species) - differs in the color of the cover and the size of the plant.


  • The leaves are dark green, elongated with a pointed pointed end.
  • The cover of the flowers is oblong, pale green, and shaped like a small flag.
  • The flowers in the spadix are green-yellow.
  • The plant can reach up to 70 cm in length.
  • Blooms in a large number of flowers.

Another hybrid variety deserves attention due to its unusual size, ease of care and beautiful flowering.

(variety) – distinguished by its enormous size.


  • The leaves are ribbed, dark green, long up to 80 cm and wide up to 40 cm.
  • The flower's cover is large, white, and shaped like a palm.
  • The inflorescence is large, white or cream.
  • The plant can reach 1.5 meters in height.
  • It blooms very beautifully for up to 10 weeks.

How to care for women's happiness at home

Spathiphyllum– one of the most favorite flowers of professional plant growers, amateurs and beginners due to its ease of care. The flower does not require any special approach, easily adapts to the home climate and can live in almost any conditions. But in order for women’s happiness to have an attractive appearance and abundant, exquisite flowering, it is necessary to follow some basic rules.

Basic rules for care:



  • In summer – dim, partial shade possible;
  • In winter - absent-minded.


  • Northern– ideal for growing spathiphyllums.
  • Western and Eastern– it is necessary to shade the plant at the moment of maximum exposure to direct sunlight through the windows.
  • Southern place plants near the window, not on the windowsill.
    In full shade the plant stretches out and does not bloom; in bright sun the leaves get burned.


  • 20 – 24 degrees Celsius, temperatures below 16 degrees Celsius are not allowed.
  • Avoid drafts.


High, ensured by systematic spraying of the plant, a warm shower, and trays of water placed next to the flower.


  • Abundant during flowering period.
  • Moderate during the dormant period.

Water for irrigation:

  • Warm, room temperature.
  • Set aside for at least 4 hours.

The top layer of soil should dry out between waterings. The flower immediately lets you know if it doesn’t have enough water, it drops its leaves and becomes lethargic. Both drying out and stagnation of water in the pot should be avoided.


The easiest way to buy soil and fertilizers is ready-made, intended for spathiphyllums or the aroid family.

Soil composition:

  • Deciduous humus - 2 parts.
  • Peat soil - 2 parts.
  • Turf - 1 part.
  • Sand - 1 part, as drainage, antiseptic and fertilizer;
  • Brick chips, pebbles, expanded clay as drainage.

Women's happiness needs to be replanted every year.


  • ready-made fertilizers for aroids and dracaenas,
  • complex mineral fertilizers with a limited content of nitrogen, lime,
  • organic fertilizers, such as a solution of bird droppings.

Top dressing

  • From March to October 1-2 times a week.
  • After the end of flowering and in the winter season - once a month.

It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

If a complex fertilizer is chosen for feeding, then you must use half the dose indicated in the instructions.

Diseases and pests of female happiness

The main symptoms of plant infestation by pests are drying, curled leaves that fall off; with severe infestation, pests are visible to the naked eye. The best disease prevention is to observe air humidity parameters, do not forget to spray the plants, give them a warm shower, and wipe the leaves with damp towels.

Common spathiphyllum pests:

  1. Aphid- small insects of gray-green color. When multiplying, they completely cover the petioles and leaves of the plant, feed on the juice of the flower, and secrete a viscous syrupy liquid.
  2. Shchitovka- round, flat insects with a round shield on the body, fit tightly to the plant and drink its juices.
  3. Spider mite- small transparent beige or red spiders envelop the plant with their cobwebs, depleting it and destroying it.

Classic method of fighting- spraying with a solution of soap or fairy, infusion of garlic, citrus peels or tobacco, is suitable for spider mites and aphids, but these methods are really effective in the initial stages of plant infection.

After this, the flower is sprayed with a suitable chemical agent and an appropriate insecticide. To combat spider mites, conventional insecticides are not suitable; you will have to look for acaricides and insectoacaricides (Fitoverm, Neoron, Vermitec, etc.). It is necessary to take into account that many of them contain substances that are toxic to humans and animals, so when choosing a product you need to be especially careful.

Pruning rules

Spathiphyllum does not require pruning. For an aesthetic decorative appearance, it is necessary to remove dried leaves and lost attractive appearance flowers. They need to be cut off at the base of the petiole.


At home, women's happiness is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. Spathiphyllum takes root easily:

  1. Reproduction by dividing the bush:
    • Prepare the correct soil mixture.
    • Select young rosettes of leaves.
    • Prepare a pot; its size should correspond to the size of the selected rosette of leaves, and should not be too large.
    • Carefully separate the shoots from the main plant along with the roots.
    • Plant the young plant in a prepared earthen substrate.
    • Pour in settled water at room temperature.
    • Feed the young plant after two or three weeks.
  2. Reproduction by cuttings:
    • Prepare an earthen substrate and sand in equal parts and place them in layers of 5 cm in a pot, sand as the first layer, earth on top.
    • Cut off several leaves at the very base, preferably so that they are connected by a common petiole. To do this, at the very base of the rosette, select several closely spaced leaves and cut them diagonally or cut off the entire rosette.
    • Trim the leaves, leaving petioles 5 to 10 mm long.
    • Treat the petioles or rosette with root or charcoal.
    • Plant in a moistened substrate, cover with film.
    • Water as the soil dries out.
    • The film can be removed when the plant begins to grow noticeably. To do this, the flower is ventilated daily starting from 15 minutes, gradually increasing the ventilation time.
    • Continue caring for the plant as usual.
    • Transplant into a ready-made substrate for spathiphyllums in a pot of the required size.

Considering the simplicity of propagating a plant by dividing a bush and the complexity of cuttings, it makes no sense to resort to the second method if a healthy adult plant is used for propagation.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The flower grows poorly:

Lack of light and moisture. Provide access to light, water, spray frequently.

The plant dropped its leaves and became lethargic:

Lack of moisture. Water and spray frequently.

The plant does not bloom:

  • The plant is young. Required age for flowering more than 8 months.
  • Lack of moisture. Take a warm shower and spray frequently.
  • Lack of nutrients. Fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Pot too big. The plant will not bloom unless it fills the entire pot with rosettes of leaves and roots.
  • Too much low temperature content below 18 degrees Celsius.
  • The plant needs to be replanted.

The leaves have turned yellow:

  • If direct sunlight hits the leaves, the plant gets burned. Remove from direct sun, provide access to light, and water.
  • Lack of moisture, the plant is dry. Take a warm shower and spray frequently.

Brown spots and blackness appeared on the leaves:

  • The plant is overwatered. Dry the earthen ball, do not water for 3-5 days, leave frequent spraying.
  • Lack of minerals. It is necessary to fertilize the flower.

Women's happiness has become very elongated, the leaves have become deformed:

Lack of light. Provide access to light, avoiding direct sunlight on the flower.

Thus, it should be noted that female happiness is an unpretentious flower, but moisture-loving. To preserve the decorative qualities of the plant, beautiful and long-lasting flowering, it is necessary to frequently water, spray, provide proper lighting, hide from direct sunlight and feed with the necessary fertilizers. Properly caring for a home flower of this unusual type is not difficult, you just need to listen to the simple recommendations presented in this article, then beautiful glossy leaves and very beautiful long-lasting flowering will certainly bring joy and aesthetic satisfaction to their owners.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that these flowers were spathiphyllum and anthurium, which I had long known. And of course “female happiness” and “male happiness”- these are their popular names.

It's hard to believe. Do you even believe in omens and superstitions? I don't believe it, but I take it into account. By the way, this is what most people do. Why? Just in case. It's hard to believe in something you don't understand. But suddenly, signs and superstitions are patterns noticed but not explained by people. And, it may very well be that they exist objectively (like the force of gravity), that is, regardless of whether we believe in them or not.

Can flowers attract female and male happiness?

Can a man or woman become happy thanks to flowers?

People relate to colors differently. Someone (including me) loves and cares for them as living beings, and the flowers reciprocate their feelings, grow and delight them with lush blooms. Others like to look at them, but not grow them. Still others are completely indifferent.

Everyone knows about beneficial properties many types indoor plants. But not everyone knows that some plants have unusual energy and are capable of magically influencing our lives.

Flower "female happiness"

The Spathiphyllum flower is popularly called “women’s happiness.” It is believed that this name was given for good reason. This flower, it turns out, can help a single woman meet her love and get married, but not a happy one in her marriage - improve her relationship with her husband and find family happiness, childless - become a mother.

It has also been noted among people that the miraculous power of a flower manifests itself only during the flowering period. In this way he responds to care and good care.

This is an unusual plant. It has long oblong dark green leaves on petioles that widen at the base; the flowers are similar to calla lilies, they are also white and heart-shaped. The plant does not have a stem, but the leaves and peduncle of spathiphyllum grow directly from the root. And what we call a flower is actually an inflorescence consisting of a white spathe and a spadix with small flowers. This blanket is shaped very much like a leaf, which is why the flower received the botanical name “Spathiphyllum”: spatha is translated from Latin as “bedspread”, and phylum as “leaf”. The ear can be either pale yellow or darker. As it blooms, the white cover of the flower darkens, acquiring a greenish tint.

Maybe you already have this flower. If not, then, of course, it is best to receive it as a gift, but you can also buy it. The main thing is to look after it well and take care so that it blooms.

What is needed for flowering

Spathiphyllum usually blooms from late winter to late autumn, or twice a year - in spring-summer and autumn-winter. It is not difficult to provide it with favorable conditions for flowering and good care.

Spathiphyllum belongs to the aroid family and in its natural habitat (in the tropics) grows along rivers and streams, in wet and swampy soils. Like any tropical plant, spathiphyllum requires abundant watering and does not tolerate dry soil in the pot. It likes good light, but not direct sun (direct sunlight can burn the leaves and slow down the growth of the flower).

Therefore, the most favorable conditions at home are warmth (the most suitable temperature is from eighteen to twenty-five degrees), good lighting (and in winter, artificial lighting) and high humidity (moderate watering and abundant spraying with settled water, since the flower loves moist air ). This temperature is very easy to maintain - it is normal room temperature. With a lack of moisture, the leaves will first begin to droop, and then turn yellow and fall off. If there is excess moisture, the leaves may turn black, which can lead to rotting and death of the flower.

Lush and long flowering is achieved only proper care, which, in addition to a humid and warm microclimate, also includes proper lighting and proper watering. What you need to do: choose a well-lit place for it, but do not place the flower in direct sunlight, protect it from drafts, make sure that the soil in the plant’s pot does not dry out completely, but is not wet, do not leave water in the pot tray longer than for 1-2 hours, every spring, replant the flower in a slightly larger pot (the size of the flower pot for spathiphyllum should be such that the roots grow well in it, but not loose, but a little cramped) - this will ensure its beautiful flowering.

In such conditions, your “female happiness” will definitely grow well, flourish and show its magical energy.

Flower "Male Happiness"

Anthurium is a flower with red flowers, similar to spathiphyllum, popularly called “male happiness.”

Hard green leaves form a bush, in the center of which several bright flowers rise. It also belongs to the aroid family. So, you need to take care of “male happiness” in the same way as “female happiness”.

This flower symbolizes courage, strength, love, life, passion, freedom - everything that men love in life, and we love and value so much in men.

It is believed that anthurium brings good luck and happiness to its owner and promotes a happy and long life.

So, if you want your beloved men to have everything great (especially all the good masculine qualities), give them anthurium. Men will be happy with such a gift, especially if you tell them more about it.

Flowers “female happiness” and “male happiness”

Considering that a woman’s happiness without a man’s love would be unrealized, it is easy to guess that these two flowers together attract, promoting harmonious relationships in the family and love between husband and wife.

So, the sign says that the magical flower spathiphyllum or “female happiness” will successfully complement the anthurium, called “male happiness”. By the way, when they bloom, they look luxurious together: the delicate and romantic white flowers of spathiphyllum and the passionate red flowers of anthurium create a spectacular contrasting combination, set off by a dark green background of leaves.

These flowers are best propagated by dividing the bush during transplantation. Give the shoots to your girlfriends, friends or just good acquaintances, to whom they can also bring happiness. Give them the opportunity to feel the magical energy of these plants.

ABOUT folk signs related to other indoor flowers, read the article.

If you know other signs related to indoor plants, please share with us in the comments!