Psychological tests on the topic of aggression. Identification of a tendency towards aggression in students Psychological test for identifying aggression


Scales: verbal aggression, physical aggression, objective aggression, emotional aggression, self-aggression.

Purpose of the test : diagnostics aggressive behavior

Test description: In ethnopsychological research, a special place is occupied by the problem of studying aggressive behavior. Determining the level of aggressiveness can help in preventing interethnic conflicts and stabilizing the social and economic situation in the country. Aggressive behavior is a specific form of human action, characterized by a demonstration of superiority in force or the use of force in relation to another or a group of persons to whom the subject seeks to cause harm.
It is advisable to consider aggressive behavior as the opposite of adaptive behavior.
Adaptive behavior involves a person’s interaction with other people, coordination of the interests, requirements and expectations of its participants. Psychologists B. Bass and R. Darkey developed a test that assesses the level of a person’s aggressive behavior.

Test instructions:

Instructions. “The questionnaire is supposed to reveal your usual style of behavior in stressful situations and features of adaptation in the social environment. You need to clearly evaluate (“yes” or “no”) the 40 statements below.


1. During an argument, I often raise my voice.
2. If someone annoys me, I can tell him everything I think about him.
3. If I need to resort to physical force to protect my rights, I will do so without hesitation.
4. When I meet someone I don’t like, I can allow myself to discreetly pinch or push him.
5. When I get carried away in an argument with another person, I may slam my fist on the table to attract attention or prove that I am right.
6. I constantly feel that others do not respect my rights.
7. Remembering the past, sometimes I feel bad for myself.
8. Although I don’t show it, sometimes envy gnaws at me.
9. If I do not approve of the behavior of my acquaintances, then I directly tell them about it.
10. When I am very angry, I use strong language and use foul language.
11. If someone raises a hand to me, I will try to hit him first.
12. I get so angry that I throw things.
13. I often have the need to rearrange the furniture in my apartment or change it completely.
14. When communicating with people, I often feel like a “powder keg” that is constantly ready to explode.
15. Sometimes I have the desire to make an evil joke at the expense of another person.
16. When I'm angry, I usually become gloomy.
17. When talking to a person, I try to listen to him carefully without interrupting.
18. When I was young, my fists often itched and I was always ready to use them.
19. If I know that a person deliberately pushed me, then things can lead to a fight.
20. Creative clutter on my desk allows me to work efficiently.
21. I remember being so angry that I would grab everything I could get my hands on and break it.
22. Sometimes people irritate me just by their presence.
23. I often wonder what hidden reasons force another person to do something good for me.
24. If I am offended, then I will lose the desire to talk to anyone.
25. Sometimes I deliberately say nasty things about a person I don’t love.
26. When I'm angry, I shout the most vicious curse.
27. As a child, I avoided fighting.
28. I know why and when to hit someone.
29. When I'm angry, I can slam the door.
30. It seems to me that the people around me do not like me.
31. I constantly share my feelings and experiences with others.
32. Very often I harm myself with my words and actions.
33. When people yell at me, I respond in kind.
34. If someone hits me first, I will hit him back.
35. I get annoyed when things are out of place.
36. If I cannot fix a broken or torn object, then in anger I break it or completely tear it.
37. Other people always seem successful to me.
38. When I think about a person who is very unpleasant to me, I can become excited with a desire to harm him.
39. Sometimes it seems to me that fate has played a cruel joke on me.
40. If someone treats me differently, I get very upset about it.


Aggressive behavior is divided into 5 scales according to the form of manifestation.

Verbal aggression (VA) – a person verbally expresses his aggressive attitude towards another person, uses verbal insults.

Physical aggression (FA) – a person expresses his aggression towards another person using physical force.

Object aggression (PA) – a person takes out his aggression on objects around him.

Emotional aggression (EA) - a person experiences emotional alienation when communicating with another person, accompanied by suspicion, hostility, hostility or ill will towards him.

Self-injury (SA) – a person is not in peace and harmony with himself; he has no or weakened psychological defense mechanisms; he finds himself defenseless in an aggressive environment.

Key for processing the test:

Type of aggression statement number
VA Yes: 1,2,9,10,25,26,33 No: 17
FA Yes: 3,4,11,18,19,28,34 No: 27
PA Yes: 5,12,13,21,29,35,36 No: 20
EA Yes: 6,14,15,22,30,37,38 No: 23
SA Yes: 7,8,16,24,32,39,40 No: 31

Mathematical processing. First, the scores for each of the five scales are summed up.

If the score is above 5, this means a high degree of aggressiveness and a low degree of adaptability on the scale.

A score of 3 to 4 corresponds to an average degree of aggression and adaptability. A score from 0 to 2 means a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adaptation for this type of behavior. The scores on all scales are then summed.

If the sum exceeds 25 points, this means a high degree of aggressiveness of a person and low adaptive capabilities.

The total score from 11 to 24 corresponds to the average level of aggressiveness and adaptability.

A score from 0 to 10 indicates a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adapted behavior.

Aggression test (Questionnaire by L.G. Pochebut)

Scales : verbal aggression, physical aggression, objective aggression, emotional aggression, self-aggression.

Purpose test: Diagnosis of aggressive behavior.

Test description

In ethnopsychological research, a special place is occupied by the problem of studying aggressive behavior. Determining the level of aggressiveness can help in preventing interethnic conflicts and stabilizing the social and economic situation in the country. Aggressive behavior is a specific form of human action, characterized by a demonstration of superiority in force or the use of force in relation to another or a group of persons to whom the subject seeks to cause harm.

It is advisable to consider aggressive behavior as the opposite of adaptive behavior.

Adaptive behavior involves a person’s interaction with other people, coordination of the interests, requirements and expectations of its participants. Psychologists B. Bass and R. Darkey developed a test that assesses the level of a person’s aggressive behavior.

Test instructions

« The proposed questionnaire reveals your usual style of behavior in stressful situations and features of adaptation in a social environment. You need to clearly evaluate (“yes” or “no”) the 40 statements below.».



  1. During an argument, I often raise my voice.
  2. If someone annoys me, I can tell him everything I think about him.
  3. If I need to resort to physical force to protect my rights, I will do so without hesitation.
  4. When I meet someone I don't like, I can allow myself to discreetly pinch or push him.
  5. When I'm in an argument with another person, I may slam my fist on the table to get attention or prove that I'm right.
  6. I constantly feel that others do not respect my rights.
  7. Remembering the past, sometimes I feel sad for myself.
  8. Although I don’t show it, sometimes I feel jealous.
  9. If I do not approve of the behavior of my acquaintances, then I directly tell them about it.
  10. When I am very angry, I use strong language and use foul language.
  11. If someone raises a hand to me, I will try to hit him first.
  12. I get so angry that I throw things.
  13. I often have the need to rearrange the furniture in my apartment or completely change it.
  14. When communicating with people, I often feel like a “powder keg” that is constantly ready to explode.
  15. Sometimes I have a desire to make an evil joke at the expense of another person.
  16. When I'm angry, I usually become darker.
  17. When talking to a person, I try to listen to him carefully without interrupting.
  18. When I was young, my fists often itched and I was always ready to use them.
  19. If I know that a person deliberately pushed me, then things can lead to a fight.
  20. Keeping my desk creatively cluttered allows me to work efficiently.
  21. I remember being so angry that I would grab anything I could get my hands on and break it.
  22. Sometimes people irritate me just by their presence.
  23. I often wonder what hidden reasons force another person to do something good for me.
  24. If I am offended, I will lose the desire to talk to anyone.
  25. Sometimes I deliberately say nasty things about a person I don't like.
  26. When I'm angry, I shout the most vicious curse words.
  27. As a child, I avoided fighting.
  28. I know why and when to hit someone.
  29. When I'm angry, I can slam the door.
  30. It seems to me that the people around me don't like me.
  31. I constantly share my feelings and experiences with others.
  32. Very often I harm myself with my words and actions.
  33. When people yell at me, I respond in kind.
  34. If someone hits me first, I will hit him back.
  35. It irritates me when things are out of place.
  36. If I cannot fix a broken or torn object, then in anger I break it or completely tear it.
  37. Other people always seem to be successful to me.
  38. When I think about a person who is very unpleasant to me, I can become excited with a desire to harm him.
  39. Sometimes I feel like fate has played a cruel joke on me.
  40. If someone doesn't treat me right, I get very upset about it.

Processing and interpretation of results test

Aggressive behavior is divided into 5 scales according to the form of manifestation.

Verbal aggression (VA) – a person verbally expresses his aggressive attitude towards another person, uses verbal insults.

Physical aggression (PA) – a person expresses his aggression towards another person using physical force.

Object-based aggression (OA) – a person takes out his aggression on the objects around him.

Emotional aggression (EA) - a person experiences emotional alienation when communicating with another person, accompanied by suspicion, hostility, hostility or ill will towards him.

Self-aggression (SA) – a person is not in peace and harmony with himself; he has no or weakened psychological defense mechanisms; he finds himself defenseless in an aggressive environment.

Key to process the dough:

Type of aggression

approval number




1, 2, 9, 10, 25, 26, 33


3, 4, 11,1 8, 19, 28, 34


5, 12, 13, 21, 29, 35, 36


6, 14, 15, 22, 30, 37, 38


7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 39, 40

Mathematical processing. First, the scores for each of the five scales are summed up.

If the score is above 5, this means a high degree of aggressiveness and a low degree of adaptability on the scale.

A score of 3 to 4 corresponds to an average degree of aggression and adaptability. A score from 0 to 2 means a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adaptation for this type of behavior. The scores on all scales are then summed.

If the sum exceeds 25 points, this means a high degree of aggressiveness of a person and low adaptive capabilities.

The total score from 11 to 24 corresponds to the average level of aggressiveness and adaptability.

A score from 0 to 10 indicates a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adapted behavior.

As a result of the research, the validity of the test was tested on 483 subjects. Intrascale correlation coefficients exceed 0.35 and are significant at the 5% level.

Platonov Yu.P. Fundamentals of ethnic psychology. Textbook allowance. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003, p. 383-385.


Questionnaire L.G. Scrub

Full name_______________________________________________________________

Group______ Age_______ Date_____

You need to clearly evaluate (yes or no) 40 statements

How aggressive are you? A detailed aggression test will help you find out this, as well as what features of your aggression (see test result).

Aggression test. Aggression test

Read the statement if it matches your behavior, i.e. “Yes, I am like that” – mark it. Otherwise, “No,” leave the field blank.

1. Sometimes, you are so irritated that you are ready to “explode”.

2. If you notice that your irritation is contagious, try to pull yourself together.

3. What helps you get rid of accumulated anger is: lift weights in the gym, hit a punching bag, and exert yourself as physically as possible.

4. In public, you try not to show what is seething inside. At home, you are more open.

5. You are aware that your angry behavior also irritates others. But you can't help it.

6. You will not respond to rudeness with rudeness, restrain yourself.

7. You may sometimes say to yourself: “I am a bad person.”

8. Anger is a useful “tool” to get your way.

9. You often find yourself in the midst of conflicting interests.

10. Sometimes the tongue just “itches” in order to catch someone.

11. For any rudeness, retribution is inevitable.

12. Any little thing can make you angry.

13. When you are angry, you may hit someone else.

14. To reduce the heat, breaking or breaking inanimate objects helps you: dishes, furniture, etc.

15. You allow yourself to get angry if no one is around.

16. You will agree that you are not so “white and fluffy.”

17. You react to criticism with a sharp response. (“None of your business”, “Watch yourself”, etc.).

18. Sometimes you hate yourself.

19. Often, anger is the trigger for a new business that would not be possible to start without it.

20. Sometimes you are surrounded by not entirely decent people.

21. After swearing, you feel relieved.

22. People often take offense at you for your intemperance.

23. It’s easy for you to get angry even when you’re tired.

24. You easily calm down if someone who has angered you asks for forgiveness.

25. Your pill for excessive anger: sports, tourism, other activities.

26. You can be unhelpful even with people who are useful to you.

27. You are considered a sharp-tongued person.

28. Someone else’s rudeness is a simple reason to make you angry.

29. You alone are to blame for all your troubles.

30. Anger is not a hindrance, anger is a help in difficult times.

31. You are angry: long lines, empty waits, stupid rush.

32. You are not angry, you are just too emotional.

33. Excessive anger reduces and spoils health.

34. Sometimes, you get wound up for no reason at all.

35. Easily flared up, cooled down easily.

36. Calming for you: watching TV, doing housework, reading a book, or any non-complicated activity.

37. You are more reserved in a work environment than in public places.

38. You are often very categorical in your judgments and harsh in conversation.

39. Get angry when people make fun of you.

40. You can flare up even because of your actions, actions, because of yourself.

41. When communicating with your friends, you have a serious, stern expression on your face.

42. Revolutions are made by people like you.

43. Anger makes you more alive.

44. You are worried (tormented by your conscience) about your tendency to intemperance.

Identification of a tendency towards aggression in students

Przhanova Balausa Aidarkhanovna

Teacher - psychologist -

"Secondary school named after M. Gabdullin"

Almaty region, Abay village

Aggression is a psychological strategy based on instinctive awakenings. The instinct of aggression is one of the big four instincts common to all animals: hunger, fear and attack (which is provoked by aggression). The more a person perceives a situation as threatening him, the more prone he is to aggressive manifestations.

Aggression is quite compatible with a high level of intelligence, but in most cases it indicates a person’s lack of self-confidence. He perceives the actions of others, often without a real reason, as a threat to his own “I”, his well-being. And then he acts based on the principle “ The best way defense is attack."

This test will make it possible to clarify to what extent adolescents are prone to aggression and in what specific forms it manifests itself in their behavior.

Test "Tendency to Aggression"

Instructions:“On the answer form, you must put “+” next to the numbers of statements with which you agree, and “-” next to which you disagree.”

List of statements:

    If I get angry, I might hit someone;

    I never get irritated enough to throw things;

    I get irritated easily, but calm down quickly;

    If you don’t ask me kindly, then I won’t fulfill the request;

    It seems to me that fate is not fair to me;

    I know people talk about me behind my back;

    I can't help but argue if people don't agree with me;

    If I did not happen to deceive someone, I experienced painful remorse;

    It seems to me that I am capable of hitting a person;

    When I get angry, I slam doors loudly;

    Sometimes people irritate me simply by being there;

    If I don't like the established rule, I want to break it;

    Sometimes envy gnaws at me, although I don’t show it;

    I think a lot of people don't like me;

    If I don’t like a person, then I tell him so directly;

    Often thoughts come into my mind of which I am ashamed;

    I know people who can bring me to a fight;

    Sometimes I express my anger by slamming my fist on the table;

    I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode;

    If someone pretends to be a boss, I always act contrary to him;

    There are no people whom I truly hate;

    Quite a lot of people are jealous of me;

    Even if I am angry, I do not resort to “strong” expressions;

    People who shirk their work should feel guilty;

    I rarely fight back, even if someone hits me;

    I can remember times when I was so angry that I grabbed the first object I came across and broke it;

    I can be rude to people I don't like;

    When they talk to me in a commanding tone, I don’t want to do anything;

    I usually try to hide my bad attitude towards people;

    Sometimes I feel like they are laughing at me;

    If someone annoys me, I am ready to tell him everything that I think about him;

    It depresses me that I do little good for my parents;

    Even if someone hits me first, I still won’t answer him;

    I don't get irritated by - zkha little things;

    When someone shows that he is smart, I do everything so that he does not become arrogant;

    I don't always get the good things I deserve;

    I think I have no enemies who would like to harm me;

    I often threaten people, even if I have no intention of carrying out the threats;

    I do a lot of things that I later regret.

Answer form

One point is awarded for each answer that matches what is given in the answer form (where there is a “-” sign in front of the question number, a point is awarded for a negative answer, where there is no sign - for a positive answer). The points are summed up separately in each line (0-2 points - low level, 3 - average, 4-5 - high). They indicate the following characteristics:

Line 1. Physical aggression – the tendency to express one's dissatisfaction by physically influencing something that causes it: for example, getting into a fight or kicking an object that one has tripped over.

Line 2. Indirect aggression – a tendency to express dissatisfaction by physically influencing those people or those objects that have nothing to do with him, but simply come to hand: for example, he got angry with the teacher and kicked the dog.

Line 3. Irritability – the habit of becoming irritated even for minor reasons, emotional instability. Such a teenager resembles a keg of gunpowder: the slightest spark is enough for him to “flare up.”

Line 4 Negativism – a tendency to resist any external influence, even if it is in the person’s own interests. For example, such a teenager may not care what exactly to wear when going for a walk, but the clothes must certainly not be the ones suggested by the parents.

Line 5. Touchiness. Resentment is a negative emotion that occurs when someone's behavior does not meet the person's expectations. Touchy teenagers believe that everything around them should be the way they want, and experience indignation and emotional discomfort if this turns out not to be the case.

Line 6. Suspicion. Such people tend to attribute to others, often without reason, bad intentions towards themselves. Sometimes it seems to them that the whole world has turned against them, and everyone around them is only thinking about how to harm them.

Line 7. Verbal aggression - the tendency to express dissatisfaction through speech, for example, by yelling at someone or saying something offensive to them.

Line 8. Guilt - a tendency to worry painfully about one’s real or imaginary mistakes and past failures. In fact, such experiences are also aggression, but directed - this is also aggression, but not aimed at the world, but on yourself.

Aggressiveness - emotional condition, which is expressed in dissatisfaction, anger and manifests itself at any age. It is possible to identify the degree of aggressiveness in adolescents aged 14 years and older using the aggressiveness test using the BassaDarki method. The technique consists of 75 questions - situations to which it is necessary to give truthful answers. After conducting a test survey, the data obtained is checked against the answer key to the question and the degree of aggressiveness is determined. Diagnostics makes it possible to identify the degree of aggression, study its cause and subsequently prevent the occurrence of increased aggressiveness. This method of studying aggression is very important in adolescence, because it is during this period that the mental state of adolescents changes.

Aggression test

Aggression is a psychological state of a person that contains the threat of psychological or physical harm. It may manifest itself in various forms and degrees. Determine how aggressive a person you are or how quickly you can get angry, perhaps with the help of free online tests, which are developed by specialists and presented in the form of specific situations. To get the right result, you must provide truthful answers, exactly as you would do in a specific situation.

Each person is characterized by aggression, only in some it is weakly manifested or not manifested at all, and in some aggressiveness manifests itself strongly and causes harm to others. It is possible to determine a person’s level of aggressiveness using online tests, which are provided free of charge on the Internet. The questionnaire consists of a number of questions - life situations that need to be answered. Based on the test results, an aggression index is determined based on the answers, with characteristics of the results obtained.

Based on many years of observations, the famous psychologist BassaDarki compiled his questionnaire, which represents situations that occur every day. Based on these situations, questions are drawn up that need to be answered. It should be taken into account that the questions are structured in such a way as to exclude public opinion as much as possible during the testing process.

Methodology Aggressive behavior is a set of questions that must be answered positively or negatively. Questions drawn up taking into account life situations that occur every day. When answering questions, you need to concentrate and give the most truthful answer in order to get the degree of a person’s aggressive behavior.

The test for the level of aggression will reveal the scale of your predisposition to conflicts and scandals, cruelty, anger, rage and will show how unbalanced you are or vice versa.