Psychological tricks. Tricky psychological tricks Psychological tricks of communicating with an older girl

Knowledge of the mechanism of operation of tricks will help a business person to effectively neutralize them in various situations of polemics and disputes, which will allow him not to become an object of manipulation by immoral opponents. Learn to recognize psychological tricks being used against you.

Psychological tricks mean such unacceptable (from a moral point of view) methods of argument, discussion, polemics, which are based on psychological influence on the interlocutor in order to introduce him into a state of irritation, play on his feelings of pride, shame, and use manifestations and other subtle features of the human psyche.

· "Annoying your opponent" , that is, removing him from a state of mental balance with ridicule, accusations, reproaches and other means until the interlocutor becomes irritated and makes an erroneous statement that is unfavorable for his position.

· “Use of unclear words and terms.” This trick can give, on the one hand, the impression of the significance of the problem being discussed, the weight of the arguments presented, and a high level of professionalism and competence. On the other hand, the use of incomprehensible, scientific terms by the initiator of the trick can cause the opposite reaction on the part of the opponent in the form of irritation, alienation, or withdrawal into psychological defense. However, the trick succeeds when the interlocutor is either embarrassed to ask again about something, or pretends that he understands what is being said and accepts the arguments presented.

· “Stunned by the pace of the discussion” - when communication uses a fast pace of speech and the opponent who perceives the arguments is not able to “process” them. In this case, the rapidly changing stream of thoughts simply stuns the interlocutor and puts him in a state of discomfort.

· "Transferring the dispute into the realm of speculation." The essence of the trick is to turn the debate into an accusation and force the opponent to either justify himself or explain something that has nothing to do with the essence of the problem being discussed. An example of a trick would be a statement like “You say this because your position requires it, but in fact you think differently.”

· "Mind reading for suspicion." The point of the trick is to use the “mind reading” option to divert all sorts of suspicions from yourself. An example is a statement like “Perhaps you think I’m trying to persuade you? So you are wrong!.

· “Referring to “higher interests” without deciphering them.” The trick is to express an idea containing a hint that if the opponent, for example, continues to be intractable in the dispute, then this may affect the interests of those who are extremely undesirable to upset or unbalance. An example of this trick as a variant of the “stick argument” would be an appeal like: “Do you understand what you are encroaching on when you do not agree with the arguments presented?”

· “Judgment like “This is banal!”.” The main idea of ​​the trick is to force the opponent to react to the unambiguous and unsubstantiated assessment, which really does not contain any arguments. Indeed, the opponent’s reaction to a remark like “This is all nonsense”, “This is nonsense”, “This is common knowledge”, “This is banal” quite predictable. Having heard such an assessment, few people can resist the temptation to emotionally prove that this is not so. To induce justification is the insidious design of the trick.

· "Carthage must be destroyed" - this is the name of the following psychological trick, the idea of ​​which is to “accustom” the opponent to any thought. "Carthage must be destroyed"- this is exactly how the speech in the Roman Senate of Consul Cato the Elder ended every time. The trick is to gradually and purposefully accustom the interlocutor to some unsubstantiated statement. Then, after repeated repetition, this statement is declared obvious.

· “Understatement with a hint of special motives.” The essence of this trick is to demonstrate some meaningful understatement, to hint that in this case much more can be said, but this is not done for any special reasons.

· "Reference to Authority." Let us remember that this trick only works if the authority being referred to is truly an authority. Otherwise, the trick may have the opposite effect. Interesting data is provided by experts in assessing who the interlocutor trusts most. In the first place, of course, is trust in yourself. In second place is trust in a certain third party, and an authoritative one. Finally, the one he trusts least is his opponent.

· "Accusation of utopian ideas." The trick is designed to force the partner to justify himself, to look for arguments against the accusation that his idea is unrealistic. Thanks to reasoning in defense of the proclaimed arguments, in fact, there is an avoidance of the main problem of the discussion. All this, as in many other cases, is extremely beneficial to the initiator of the trick.

· "Flattery or compliment." Flattering or complimentary turns of speech are not inferior to any other trick in terms of the power of their impact on the human psyche. This is primarily due to the fact that, by influencing a person’s subconscious, they are able to sweeten the opponent’s ears, weaken criticism of themselves, and create the much-needed atmosphere of recognition of human merits. "We are all sensitive to compliments"- this is a completely fair thought expressed by A. Lincoln. But if a compliment can evoke pleasant feelings in the interlocutor, then flattery by its nature can provoke a reverse reaction. What is the essential difference between these concepts: “flattery” and “compliment”? Let's look at this in more detail. Let's start with a simple everyday example: in the phrase “How sweet and charming you are!” a flexible and insightful mind will involuntarily hear flattery, that is, a seemingly straightforward, simple emphasis on a person’s merits. However, in a complimentary statement like “I understand why your husband is always in a hurry to get home” there is a guess, a reflection on the merits of a woman, perhaps, and not only in her appearance.

To give more full description flattery, shall we bring you? a few statements about her. “Who is a flatterer?- writes the French moral philosopher La Bruyère, - It is a flexible and forgiving mind that smiles with your every breath, screams with your every word and applauds your every action.” And why not quote these wonderful lines here:

Be careful when you hear flattery

Her weapons are evil and revenge,

Never trust her.

No wonder people say:

Fly away with a very warm gaze,

Yes, a heart made of ice.

· "False shame." This trick consists of using a false argument against an opponent, which he is able to “swallow” without much objection. The trick can be successfully used in various kinds of judgments, discussions and disputes, including pedagogical ones. Type calls “You know, of course, that science has now established...” or “Of course you know that a decision was recently made...” or “Of course you’ve read about...” lead the opponent into a state of “false shame”, when he is ashamed to say publicly about ignorance of the things they are talking about. In these cases, most of the people against whom this trick is used nod or pretend to remember what is being said, thereby recognizing all these, sometimes false, arguments.

· “False shame followed by reproach.” This trick, like many others, is aimed not at the essence of the problem being discussed, but at the personality of the interlocutor, belittling the opponent, humiliating his dignity, etc. An example of a trick is the statement “What, you didn’t read this?” followed by the addition of a reproach like “So what should I talk to you about then?” The subsequent actions of the initiator of the trick are obvious: he either ends the discussion (which, in fact, is part of his plans), or continues to skillfully divert the discussion of the problem.

· "Belittling by irony." This trick is effective when the dispute is unprofitable for some reason. You can disrupt the discussion of a problem and get away from the discussion by belittling your opponent with irony like “Sorry, but you are saying things that are beyond my understanding.” Usually in such cases, the one against whom this trick is directed begins to feel a feeling of dissatisfaction with what was said and, trying to soften his position, makes mistakes, but of a different nature.

· "Demonstration of resentment." This trick is also aimed at derailing the argument, since a statement like “Who exactly do you take us for?” clearly demonstrates to the partner that the opposite side cannot continue the discussion, as he experiences a feeling of obvious dissatisfaction, and most importantly, resentment for some ill-considered actions of the opponent.

· "The authority of the statement." With the help of this trick, the psychological significance of your own arguments is significantly increased. This can be effectively done through witnessing such as “I tell you with authority”. Such a turn of phrase is usually perceived by the partner as a clear signal of increasing the significance of the arguments being expressed, and therefore as a determination to firmly defend one’s position in the dispute.

· "The frankness of the statement." In this trick, the emphasis is on a special trust of communication, which is demonstrated using phrases such as, for example: “I’ll tell you straight (frankly, honestly) now...” At the same time, it seems as if everything that was said before was not completely direct, open or honest. As a rule, such turns of speech increase attention to what will be said by the initiator of the trick, and subsequently encourage the partner to respond in the same vein, that is, just as openly, honestly and directly.

· "Double-entry bookkeeping". This trick is most popular in almost all business communication situations. Its essence lies in the fact that the same reasons and arguments are considered convincing when they are expressed in defense of one’s position, and extremely unacceptable when expressed by an opponent. This technique corresponds to the well-known principle of the so-called Hottentot morality (Hottentots are a people in South Africa), according to which everything that corresponds to one’s own desires and views is considered true (true), and everything that contradicts them is considered false by other faiths.

· "Imaginary inattention." The name of this trick already speaks about its essence: they “forget”, and sometimes deliberately do not notice the inconvenient and dangerous arguments of the opponent. Not noticing something that can cause harm is the idea of ​​the trick.

· “Imaginary misunderstanding and miscommunication.” The “cunning” of this trick lies in misinterpreting the opponent’s arguments and arguments, that is, deliberately, for the sake of, of course, one’s own interests, presenting the partner’s argument in a distorted form. This is easy to do with the help of well-known listening techniques, such as “Listening-paraphrasing” and “Listening-summarizing”. The essence of the first technique is to formulate your partner’s thoughts in your own words, but deliberately distorting the information, using phrases such as: “So, you believe...”, “In other words, you believe...”, “In your opinion...” etc. The essence of the second technique is to give the interlocutor a signal that you caught the entire message, and not some part of it (what was beneficial or wanted to be heard). In other words, with the help of summarizing, i.e. combining the partner’s thoughts into a single semantic field, using phrases like: “To summarize what you said...”, “So, as far as I understand, your main point boils down to the fact that...”, you can consciously change the meaning of the ideas expressed by your partner and thereby realize the main idea of ​​​​the trick.

· "Flattering turns of phrase." The peculiarity of this trick is to “sprinkle the opponent with the sugar of flattery” and hint to him how much he can win or, on the contrary, lose if he persists in his disagreement. An example of a flattering turn of phrase could be: “As an intelligent person, you cannot help but see that...”.

· The name of this trick corresponds to a famous old aphorism. Let us recall its essence. In past centuries, when planning a very important military offensive operation, incompetent “parquet” military leaders seemingly took everything into account: the time of day, the nature of the maneuver, and the route of movement of the troops. However, the calculation was carried out exclusively on the map, without taking into account the location. In a real situation, the regiments had to move not across flat terrain, but to overcome all sorts of obstacles, in particular ravines. As a result of this, the troops were unable to reach the attack lines in time and were themselves attacked and subsequently defeated. This is how it happened: “It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines.” The use of this trick in a dispute, i.e., saying that everything that the partner is talking about is good only in theory, but unacceptable in practice, will force him to prove the opposite with impromptu arguments, which ultimately can heat up the atmosphere of discussion and bring discussion leads to mutual attacks and accusations.

· "Relying on a past statement." The main thing in this trick is to draw the opponent's attention to his past statement, which contradicts his reasoning in this dispute, and demand an explanation about this. Such explanations can (if it is beneficial) lead the discussion to a dead end or provide information about the nature of the opponent’s changed views, which is also important for the initiator of the trick.

· "Labeling" The main purpose of the trick is to provoke a response to the reproaches, accusations or insults expressed. The natural human reaction to accusations like: “You are a deceiver”, “You are a scoundrel”, “You are a scoundrel” The point is to respond in kind, that is, to respond with a remark: “I hear from someone like me”, “I’m like that myself” etc. After the exchange of such “courtesy”, naturally, there is no longer any need to talk about any kind of confidential and constructive discussion.

· “Replacing truth with utility.” This trick is based on an important and quite obvious rule: when the benefit is clearly visible, it is difficult to discern the truth. Thus, the purpose of the trick is to convince the arguer that he owes his well-being to precisely the thesis that he is challenging. A statement like: “Haven’t you ever wondered how much it will cost to implement your idea?”

· "Linguistic cosmetics". The essence of the trick is that the same idea is expressed in different ways, giving it the desired shade. “Cosmetics” in this case can be different: from light, elegant, enveloping the object of thought like a thin veil, to excessive, when the “second house” where a given thought moves in no longer has anything in common with the “first house”. As with a number of other tricks, this technique cannot be used effectively without the listening techniques described above (“Paraphrasing” and “Summarizing”).

· "Visible support" The uniqueness of this trick is to take the floor from your opponent and come to his aid, that is, begin to bring new arguments and evidence in defense of his thesis. This help is necessary only for the appearance (appearance) of support for the enemy, because the purpose of the trick is the imaginary support of the opponent, aimed at reassuring him with consent, diverting attention, and also weakening his psychological confrontation. After the enemy loses his vigilance and those around him appreciate the level of awareness of the problem on the part of his opponent, the initiator of the trick delivers a powerful counterattack, known among psychologists as a technique “Yes, but...” which reveals the shortcomings of the thesis put forward by the opponent, demonstrates its inferiority. Thus, it seems that the opposite side is familiar with the thesis being proven by the opponent more thoroughly than he himself, and after carefully studying the problem, he became convinced of the inconsistency of this thesis and the entire system of argumentation brought by the opponent.

· “Reducing a fact (argument) to a personal opinion.” The purpose of this trick is to accuse the communication partner that the arguments he gives in defense of his thesis or in refutation of a disputed thought are nothing more than just a personal opinion, which, like the opinion of any other person, can be wrong. Address your interlocutor with the words: “What you are saying now is just your personal opinion.”- will involuntarily set him up for objections, generate a desire to challenge the expressed opinion regarding the arguments he has given. If the interlocutor gives in to this trick, the subject of controversy, contrary to his wishes and to please the intention of the initiator of the trick, is shifted towards a discussion of a completely different problem, where the opponent will prove that the arguments expressed by him are not only his personal opinion. Practice confirms that if this happens, then the trick was a success.

· "Selection of Acceptable Arguments." This trick is based on the conscious selection of one-sided information to prove any idea and operating during a discussion or argument only with this information.

· "Rabulistics". This trick means deliberately distorting the meaning of an opponent's statements, presenting them as funny or strange. For example, a remark like “Your colleague has agreed to the point that...” forces the perceiver to react to this information in a special way. In other words, any exposure to rabulism puts the interlocutor into a state of far from constructive mood when discussing the problem, which, in turn, can cause an extremely negative defensive reaction in the form of indignation, accusations, or refusal to discuss.

· "Trojan horse". The essence of the trick is as follows:

a) the arguer, using the already well-known method of “visible support”, goes over to the enemy’s side in the dispute and begins to provide additional arguments in defense of his opponent’s thesis;

b) being “accepted on the enemy’s side” (since it is flattering for the opposite side to listen to opponents’ speeches in defense of their own position), the person using the trick skillfully distorts the main thesis and arguments of the partner beyond recognition;

c) then he begins to ardently defend this already distorted position, which has nothing in common with the original one. As a result, when the author of a compromised thesis comes to his senses, it is already too late, since the enemy has managed to deal a “death blow” to both the thesis and the authority of the author.

· "Boomerang Method". This method is especially effective after using the “Visible Support” trick, but only half-implemented, i.e. when, having gone over to the opponent’s side, the initiator of the trick notes only the positive, positive aspects of the proposal (thesis) expressed by his partner. Then, introducing the rule “like begets like,” he invites the interlocutor to speak out about the positive aspects of his own judgment. The enemy usually does this without much difficulty, since he has just received praise for his proposal. Having skillfully achieved such retaliatory actions on the part of the opponent, the one using the trick begins to successfully manipulate the opponent’s just given arguments about the advantages and positive aspects of your project. The main thing at this final stage is: firstly, to keep your partner’s attention until the end of the discussion on the positive that he himself found in his opponent’s arguments; secondly, do not give the opposite side the opportunity to turn the discussion into the direction of discussing the positive aspects of their ideas and proposals.

· "Silence." The desire to deliberately hide information from the interlocutor is the most often used! trick in any form of discussion. When competing with a business partner, it is much easier to simply hide information from him than to dispute it in a polemic. Skill wisely! hiding something from your opponent is the most important component of the art of diplomacy. In this regard, we note that the professionalism of a polemicist consists in skillfully evading the truth without resorting to lies.

· "Half-truth." This may mean mixing lies and reliable information; one-sided reporting of facts; inaccurate and vague wording of the provisions under discussion; links to sources with a disclaimer like: “I don’t remember who said...”; distortion of a reliable statement with the help of value judgments, etc. The “Half-truth” trick is most often used, as practice shows, when it is necessary to avoid an undesirable turn in the dispute, when there are no reliable arguments, but one must certainly challenge the opponent, when necessary, contrary to common sense meaning, to persuade someone to a certain conclusion.

· "Lie". This trick, as you know, aims to hide the real state of affairs and convey to your partner false information, which can be presented in the form of false documents, links to sources, experiments that no one has ever conducted, etc. In real life In life, perhaps, there will not be a person who has not lied at least once. Let's not forget that in everyday life business communication Every person is only as truthful as he is smart.

· "The carrot and stick method." The intent of this trick is manifested in problematic rhetorical questions asked to the opponent like: “What is better for you to have: your own opinion or everything else?”, “What is more preferable for you: to object or not to get hurt?”. In other words, the threatening nature of this trick forces the enemy to make a choice: remain principled, but suffer at the same time, or accept conditions, sometimes unacceptable, but at the same time be safe from threats, blackmail, and sometimes physical violence. The special meaning of this morally impermissible trick can be demonstrated by an interesting example from the famous novel by M. Puzo “The Godfather”, where one of the characters openly shares the idea that kind words and a gun can do much more than just a kind word.

· “Forcing a strictly unambiguous answer.” The main thing in this trick is to firmly and decisively demand that your opponent give an unambiguous answer: “Tell me directly: “yes” or “no”?”, that is, consciously force him not to a dialectical answer (“and... and”), but to an alternative one (“either... or”). Experience confirms that this trick is usually resorted to when the opponent’s detailed answer is extremely undesirable. It should be noted that the trick is most effective in communicating with a poorly educated opponent, since in most cases it will be perceived as a manifestation of integrity on the part of the partner.

· “What do you have against it?” The essence of the trick is not to prove your stated thesis, that is, not to give reasons and arguments in its defense, but to offer (even demand) to refute it: “What exactly do you have against it?” In the case when the opponent falls for the trick, he begins to criticize the position put forward, and the dispute (as planned by the initiator of the trick) begins to be conducted regarding the opponent’s counter-arguments given. Thus, the one using the trick deliberately avoids proving his own thesis and concentrates general attention on the opponent’s counter-arguments.

· "Multiple questions." This trick consists of asking your opponent not just one question, but several, different questions that are not compatible with each other. What happens next depends on the answers: either they are accused of not understanding the essence of the problem, or that the opponent did not fully answer the questions, was misleading, or evaded answering.

Most people during a conversation strive to direct the conversation in the right direction.

Having studied the basic psychological techniques of influencing your opponent, you can easily achieve your goal.

Communicating with a scientist on a pile of garbage is better than communicating with an ignoramus on a carpet.
Musa al-Kazim

How to properly build communication with a person

Many people don’t even think about why they fail to communicate with others. Linguists and psychologists argue that in order to make the communication process more effective, it is necessary to pay attention to individual aspects of the communication process.

In some cases, a few stock phrases are not enough to establish contact with your interlocutor. It is very important to skillfully and subtly influence a person in such a way that he himself wants to open up and continue communication.

Basic psychological techniques and tricks

Exists a large number of psychological tricks and tricks, using which you can achieve your goal. Having studied individual communication techniques, you can easily find a common language with any interlocutors.

Today we will share with you cool and useful psychological tricks. They really work. Before we begin, we want to say: we do not condone the actions of people who resort to manipulation to achieve goals. However, there are a lot of tricks you need to know about. They will be very useful in life. Other people can manipulate you for their own benefit (all advertising marketing is built on similar principles). Our next selection, especially for you, contains the most effective psychological tricks.


Even a small gift can touch a person to the core

Numerous studies have shown that by offering someone even the smallest souvenir, you can radically change their attitude towards you.

Passive voice

You should not use the method of direct accusation in communication: it causes a reflexive denial in the interlocutor

In order not to enter into confrontation with your interlocutor, but to convey your opinion, use the passive (passive) voice in your speech. For example, instead of “You didn't send me the spreadsheet,” say “No spreadsheets were sent.”

Ten minute appointment

Sometimes the brain “deceives” us, causing us to feel lazy and unwilling to do something. But in the process of work, this feeling can be replaced by interest and activity.

Don't feel motivated to do some work? Then still force yourself to do it for at least 10 minutes. Even if you can't continue, 10 minutes is better than nothing.

Be confident

People often mistake a self-confident person for an authoritative person with leadership qualities.

Behave like a person who knows what he is doing - and others will trust you. Of course, this trick cannot be used for illegal purposes. And yet, it has been verified: in difficult situations this technique really works.

Fear of loss

People are afraid of losing something. That’s why advertising “two seats left on the left” is so successful when selling bus tickets. The same principle is used for sales stability - it motivates people to buy a product. Remember this trick and you will not become a victim of manipulation.

The illusion of choice

The illusion of choice is considered an illusion because its main goal is manipulation, where, with any choice, the initiator of the game wins

Do you need to force a lazy co-worker or child to do something? Give them a fake choice! What does it mean? If you need to sweep the floor and fold laundry, simply ask, “Do you want to fold or sweep?” They will gain a sense of control and will get to work with more enthusiasm.

Method "Door in the face"

The person feels uncomfortable refusing a request; and therefore he is happy to help if the requirements are significantly reduced

This marketing trick says: first demand from a person what is unattainable, and then demand what you really want. In other words, if you want a puppy, ask for a pony first.

"Kick in the door" technique

Having trained someone to provide small services, it is not difficult to motivate him to do something grandiose. A person gets used to the fact that he is obliged to help

This trick is the antithesis of the "door in the face." If you ask for small favors, then later people will be inclined to do larger things for you.

Silence is gold

People are afraid of long pauses during conversations. It is enough just to remember the painful moments when festive table silence hangs

Do you need to find out more information about someone, or want to make a profitable deal? Silence will help with this. Pauses in communication will cause a feeling of awkwardness, and your interlocutor will involuntarily strive to fill them.

Open body language

One of the main signs of a person’s openness is arms spread out to the sides, palms facing up.

To look more confident, use the language of open gestures and poses in a given situation. Try not to cross your arms over your chest, use an open gaze, and so on.

"Mirror" method

Everyone admires the positive traits in others that they themselves possess. But we also hate in others what we feel in ourselves.

By slightly imitating a person, you can tune in “to his wavelength,” arousing his affection for you. Just don’t overdo it, so as not to seem strange and alienate your interlocutor.

Small services

The desire to be needed and involved in a group of other people has been genetically embedded in us since the beginning of humanity.

When you ask for something, or other people ask you, everyone gets the feeling of being needed. This expression of favor promotes rapprochement between people. Of course, we are talking about small benefits, and it is important not to overdo it.


Base your communication on what you have in common with your opponent; this way you can come to a mutually beneficial agreement

This can be a powerful weapon, especially if you are against it. At first, be sure to find a common language with your interlocutor. For example: “I agree with you, but...”, or: “I understand this, however...”

Tom Sawyer Method

Get interested and make it work - effective method, which is very actively used in control theory

The famous hero of Mark Twain's novel used a wise psychological trick. What is it? If you don't want to do something, pretend that the work is interesting and fun. Perhaps someone will be inspired and do it for you?

Admit your mistakes

By exposing yourself for small shortcomings, you give others a sense of greatness; such a self-critical person is ready to forgive a lot

A good way to build trust is to admit your mistakes, especially small ones. It is also strategically correct (albeit incorrect from an ethical point of view) to take blame for an offense that you did not commit. Using this method increases the degree of trust in a person in the future.

Maintain Neutrality

A balanced approach to all aspects of a problem helps solve it more effectively

This method is one of best secrets beliefs in the world. Show your interlocutor that you are ready to accept various reasoned arguments, and he will have more reasons to trust you.

Appraising glance

The main thing when meeting suspicious individuals is not to show fear

If you often walk around the city, this technique may come in handy. When you see someone suspicious, catch their eye (but don't look threatening). Now look down at your feet, and then again at your eyes. As a result, quickly look away and continue on your way. This silent “assessment” will send a signal that you did not see the person as a threat. PS: this method will work well if you have a confident step and stately posture. But even if you consider yourself short, imagine yourself big and strong, this will help in this situation.

Don't argue about the main issue

Competent discussion helps in solving many, even the most global, problems

If you are in a negotiation, don't argue with your core point. It’s better to move straight to the secondary arguments. For example: you want to build a wall. Don't argue about whether it will be built or not. Immediately address the issue of who will pay for the construction. Then people will consider the very existence of the wall as a necessity.

Smile for a child

The baby has the basics of nonverbal interaction with others almost from birth.

Psychological tricks used in communication are hidden psychological methods of communication, with the help of which the interlocutor intends to get the action he needs from you (to make you, as they say, “dance to his tune”). At the same time, you are not going to perform this action and even internally resist it. It is not difficult to recognize these psychological tricks or tricks and here are descriptions of some of them.

Body and gesture language

The main goal of this psychological trick is to create in the interlocutor a feeling of his own insignificance and to confuse him. Characteristics of this type include: “pistol” (index fingers pointing forward, thumbs raised up, the rest tucked in), “icebreaker” (hands with fingertips gathered in a pyramid and lowered onto the table in front of you), “porcupine” (fingers crossed and spread out to the sides), “drum roll” with your fingers. An effective way to confuse the interlocutor is a slightly repulsive handshake and all sorts of “denying” poses and gestures.

There are two ways to protect yourself from this psychological trick - either demand an explanation from your interlocutor for attacking, “educating” or expressing impatience gestures, or take into account that this is just a psychological game.

Psychological trick “facial expression of suggestion”

The purpose of this psychological trick is to cause embarrassment to the interlocutor. His arsenal includes the following techniques: yawning, “past” the opponent, grins, skeptical shaking of the head and other mimic ways of showing disdain for the interlocutor.

The essence of the psychological trick “facial expression of suggestion” is that as soon as the thoughts of the opponent processed with its help begin to “move in the right direction,” immediately signs of disdain for him give way to benevolent attentiveness and many interlocutors, wanting to maintain a comfortable atmosphere of communication for them, make decisions that were not previously included in their plans. The most effective defense in such a situation is to demand from the “psychological manipulator” an explanation for the neglect of his person.

“Deadly” psychological trick – intimidation of the interlocutor

If you cause such a thing in a person strong feeling, as (especially the fear of death), then in order to get rid of it he is ready to make any concessions.

Another “aria” from the same “opera” is intimidating an opponent with reference to the opinions and support of people known to everyone. If you have been subjected to such a psychological attack, then you should think about whether your interlocutor is as omnipotent and respected as he claims, or whether he is simply intimidating you.

Psychological trick - doubting the competence of the interlocutor

If a person is confident in his knowledge, strengths and is in control of the situation, then it is very difficult to provoke him into concessions. Therefore, expressing doubt about the competence of your interlocutor means shaking his confidence in his own abilities, and it is easy for a doubting person to . This is a very popular psychological trick in communication and there is only one defense against it - to remain unconvinced about your own knowledge, strengths and capabilities.

These are not all the psychological tricks that are used when communicating to achieve the desired result of the conversation. The arsenal of qualified negotiators, speakers and other people called upon to persuade numbers dozens of such psychological techniques, if you do not want to be manipulated, then you need to learn to recognize them.

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There are psychological tricks that work on a subconscious level. They help you gain the favor of your interlocutor, join a new company, or instantly calm down in a moment of stress.

website talks about the 12 most effective of them, which work 100% and will be useful in any situation.

No. 1. When several people laugh, everyone looks at the one he likes most.

After a good joke or during a lively discussion in a group of people, everyone instinctively looks at the one he likes the most Therefore, to find out everything about relationships in a group of friends, prepare a couple of killer jokes.

No. 2. If you're nervous, chew.

Before an important conversation, speech or event that makes us nervous, we should try chewing gum or even eating something.

  • No one will eat in the face of danger. Therefore, while chewing our brain thinks there is no danger and you can relax. It sends a signal that relieves nervous tension and helps you calm down.

No. 3. A closer look will help you draw out any information.

If your interlocutor’s answer does not suit you or you think that he is not telling you something, Just continue to silently look into his eyes.

  • In such a situation, the silence for the interlocutor will become so unbearable that he will be forced to tell you literally everything just to stop it.

No. 4. Imagine that the employer is your long-time good friend.

To avoid worrying during an important exam or interview, imagine that the person opposite is your friend whom you have not seen for a long time. This will help you instantly calm down, and answering questions will be much easier.

#5: If you have to work with people a lot, put a mirror behind you.

If you frequently communicate with different people When working, place a small mirror behind you. You will be surprised, but many clients will behave more politely and meet you halfway more often. This is because people don't like to see themselves angry and irritated.

No. 6. If you think someone is looking at you, just yawn

Just look at this picture. You just yawned, right? Yes, yawning is incredibly contagious. It's enough to yawn and look around to understand who was watching you. The person who was looking at you will most likely yawn too.

No. 7. If you want to stop a fight, just get something to eat and stand between the fighters

No. 8. If you want to get rid of an item, then simply give it to the person while talking to him

Ask the person a personal question or get their opinion on something. During the response, the brain will be so busy that everything else will happen at the level of reflexes. In such a situation, most people will accept anything from your hands without thinking at all.