How to win a Gemini man and win his heart forever? How to win a Gemini man: secret tricks for brave ladies How to attract the attention of a Gemini man

The English version of the name of the sign - Gemini - comes from the Latin gemius, “twins”. According to Greek mythology, this constellation is named after Polydeuces and Castor, the sons of Zeus. Their story is very touching: when Castor was killed, Polydeuces renounced immortality in order to quickly meet his brother again in the kingdom of Hades; Zeus, surprised by such feelings, granted both brothers eternal life and settled them in heaven. In the ancient Sumerian civilization and in Babylon, the constellation was called the “Great Twins”, and the symbol of this zodiac sign is the arms of twins hugging each other.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so people born under this sign are distinguished by their talents for negotiations, communication and public speaking, their broad outlook and curiosity. Also, the patron planet forms instinctive and unemotional interaction; in other words, Gemini can ironize, criticize and judge without any feelings, although people of this sign easily develop intellectually and creatively. They are greedy for knowledge and information, any profession is easy for them because of their innate passion for experimenting and learning new things; the more interests and hobbies Geminis have, the more balanced they are.

People born under this sign are characterized by duality; everything in their lives is subject to mood, momentary desires and thoughts. This is a typical air sign, unstable, changeable and easy-going. Geminis should always be fun and interesting, otherwise they begin to appear negative sides their character. Thus, Gemini can lead a double life, deceive, and be a hypocrite with pinpoint accuracy. In the absence of proper education and upbringing, Gemini people can be tactless, arrogant and simply unbearable “in large quantities.” Due to the changeability of mood, they often give up what they started and let everything (be it study, work or relationships) take its course.

Gemini man: how to tame the wind?

It is worth remembering that Gemini is one of the most fickle signs of the zodiac circle; in principle, they are weakly predisposed to creating stable and monogamous relationships, and are constantly carried away by some kind of fleeting connections. Men of this sign attract women like a shop window: they are bright, attractive in appearance, charming to the extreme, sociable, have an original sense of humor and will be able to support any topic of conversation. Geminis love to dress beautifully and originally, they are susceptible to flattery and everything unusual; it is simply impossible not to fall in love with such a man.

Gemini men have some amazing talent for reading the deep motives and desires of their partner, sometimes this allows them to anticipate the desires of a woman, thanks to which they envelop their new chosen one in a veil of romance and attention. On the other hand, such talent is often used as a tool of manipulation. A Gemini man will disappear as soon as he gets bored; in parallel with relationships, he can easily have affairs, and his mood is so changeable that sometimes his partner gives up and simply does not have the strength to curb such a character. And it is not necessary! To win the heart of a Gemini man, you need to change with him, live your own life first and not give yourself entirely to a relationship with such a man. Nothing “catches” a Gemini more than an independent and attractive woman who is not going to build a relationship with him: a man’s insidious hunter instinct awakens, and as long as you “hold on,” he will be attached to you. But be prepared for the fact that feelings may turn out to be superficial and will disappear instantly if some new interesting female “object” appears on the horizon of the Gemini man.

To conquer a Gemini man, try playing “closer-further”: don’t single him out too much from other men, but don’t ignore him completely, they are very vulnerable and touchy, therefore, without receiving rewards for their efforts, they quickly lose interest in the matter. Always look not just good, but impeccable, because the image is very important for Gemini, and the partner must match it.

In bed, Gemini loves experiments, you also need to be prepared for this, but let him think that he seduced you, and not vice versa. The main secret of a relationship with a man of this sign is the play of emotions and constant maintenance of sharpness. Don’t be afraid to disappear and be unexpected; such behavior has a simply hypnotic effect on a Gemini man. As for longer and family relations, then it is difficult to unambiguously predict what a Gemini man will be like: he can turn a relationship into a complete nightmare, but he can also become a “stone wall” behind which the whole family will be comfortable and happy. Who knows, because inside Gemini there are always 2 different personalities.

How to win a Gemini woman

Gemini women are in many ways similar to men of the same sign: changeable, capricious, sometimes unbearable, sometimes sweet and gentle. They are temperamental, love attention and good gifts, original dates, an atmosphere of sensuality and anticipation of something unusual. It’s safe to say that for a Gemini woman, it’s not so much relationships that are important as the expectation of them and the process of their development. When communicating with a man, a woman born under this sign resembles a child with a magnifying glass: she has fun and is interested in studying her partner, “pulling the strings” and looking at the reaction. As soon as the “mechanisms” of the partner’s personality become clear to her, interest begins to fade.

Therefore, in order to win a Gemini girl, you will constantly have to think about how to surprise her, and surprising Gemini is really very difficult. First, determine what she wants: whether she needs a serious partner, or light flirting, or passionate evenings. Secondly, the Gemini woman will appreciate her easy-going character, sense of humor and healthy male charisma. She will not tolerate tactlessness, primitiveness, tediousness and nagging. A narrow mind and lack of interests will also turn her off. Thirdly, the Gemini girl, like air, needs communication with people; do not try to limit her world only to your person; it is also useless to set some kind of boundaries and impose rules on her.

IN family life Be prepared for the fact that all facets of the complex character of Gemini will periodically appear. A woman born under this sign will not spend days cleaning the house, cooking all day long and growing violets; she would rather attend an event and meet interesting people and have dinner at the restaurant. Gemini women make wonderful mothers and will do everything for the emotional and intellectual development of their child.

One way or another, in a relationship you need to be guided not only by the instructions of horoscopes, but also by the specific traits of your chosen one, because behind each personality, in addition to the stars, there is upbringing, habits and a unique character.

A Gemini man and a Cancer woman are compatible based on the differences in the characters of such partners. Gemini men will constantly want to learn a lot of new things about their chosen one, while a woman of the Cancer sign will create a close connection with a partner who needs a large number of free space in relationships.

Representatives of the Gemini sign are airy and light, while representatives of the Cancer sign are decisive and emotional. The energy potential of a woman at the level of magnetism will affect Gemini, but its aquatic nature will force the couple to search for “shelter.” The relationship between such partners will be in the nature of mutual learning: Girls who were born under the constellation Cancer understand that situations beyond their control happen in life. As for Gemini, they have an understanding that there are things whose significance can allow them to connect their own destiny with them for a long time.

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Partners whose zodiac sign is Gemini can fall in love thanks to the attractiveness and richness of the inner world of Cancer women. Cancers, being considered a cardinal sign, may intend to keep Gemini to themselves at all costs, which is a forbidden technique in relations with them. If you want to understand how to conquer a Gemini man with a Cancer woman, you shouldn’t do this.

How to keep a Gemini man?

Many unions in which Gemini and Cancer are partners build relationships where the extroverted Gemini lives his own life, and the introverted Cancer tries to create a rear for him. In this situation, the Gemini man will admire the gentle and economic lady, but will not understand her. The Cancer woman in such a union will appreciate Gemini for the fact that she can realize her own feminine, take care of someone, take care of the house or provide emotional support. A woman of this type will not be interested in her partner’s affairs in the outside world and his character. That is why such partners are ideal due to their strength.

Other couples, in which there is a Gemini and Cancer, throw all their intellectual strength into understanding the chosen one, because they are conquered by her inner world. Cancers generally literally “grow” into Gemini, unable to imagine life without him. Such partners are ideal because they are too close, and therefore the question of how to win and keep a Gemini man does not arise in such couples.

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The Cancer woman for Gemini is a symbol of hearth, home, warmth and family care. But if Cancer wants a responsible and adult partner next to her, then such a woman will need to come to terms with the fact that adults will one day fly out of the family nest, and only an infantile boy will become attached to the house: gentle and understanding, but unfortunately, he does not know how to be a support for a girl of the Cancer sign. Gemini will try to be near his partner more often if, when communicating with him, she seems sensitive, but not emotionally active, sad and capricious.

How to achieve harmony in the relationship between Gemini and Cancer?

It takes a lot of time for Gemini and Cancer to find harmony in their relationship, and it can take a lifetime to find common words and win the understanding of their partner. The Gemini guy is considered to be a rather sociable and interested person, and his whole life is spent not only near his chosen one, but also in other tempting companies. A Cancer woman should be able not to be offended by her partner, especially if she wants to know how to win the heart of a Gemini man.

The Gemini sign is distinguished by its sociability and numerous talents. How can a girl who has fallen in love draw his attention to herself? In this article you will learn how to conquer a Gemini man.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are dual people. This is hinted at by their symbol “twins”. At some times these people are very sociable, cheerful, loving, and at other times they suddenly turn out to be withdrawn, gloomy and thoughtful. Such is their changeable nature.

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The Gemini man is very charming, he exudes magnetism that attracts other people, especially women. It is unlikely that he will complain about the lack of fans; many want to win him.

Even without being handsome, this man conquers girls with the ease inherent only to him. And all thanks to the patron of the sign - the planet Mercury.

Sociable, mischievous and cheerful, he does not like to create problems. He looks at life with a degree of irony and self-irony, and is always ready to go on the next adventure. But at the same time he is smart enough to avoid getting into really dangerous situations. This guy knows how to get away with it.

So, your chosen one was born under the sign of Gemini. It's time to talk about how to conquer such a man.

Smart and talkative

The Gemini man is a wonderful conversationalist. He is smart and well-read, able to carry on a conversation on any topic. He seems to have knowledge about everything under the sun. Therefore, his girlfriend should also be sociable and talkative. If you just smile mysteriously without expressing your opinion, this guy will think you are too stupid.

After you start dating a Gemini, or better yet, even before that, start reading books. Give preference to modern literature. This will immediately bring two points in your favor. Firstly, you will always have something to tell your chosen one. And secondly, he will understand that in front of him is a really smart and educated girl.

Don’t neglect watching the news, because your Gemini man is always up to date with the latest events. This sign is very interesting. You shouldn't lag behind him.

He will be sincerely surprised if he finds out that you have not heard anything about the latest earthquake in Japan or the change of government in Egypt.

To win over your Gemini, be curious about everything around you. Find out new information, look at Wikipedia. And also, invite the man to enroll in some courses with you, for example, to study foreign language. New topics for conversation will add sparkle to your relationship.

Another important aspect is the ability to listen to your chosen one. It is important for him that you listen to his stories, news, jokes and anecdotes carefully, and be sure to react to them depending on the situation: with nods of the head, the words “yes, yes, exactly” or a cheerful, boisterous laugh. Don't interrupt the man, but don't be silent in response either.


The Gemini man loves change and new experiences. He always looks around in search of new opportunities for entertainment, development and travel. One might even call him impatient. Boredom is his main enemy.

Therefore, from your Gemini you will sometimes receive offers to go somewhere with him right now. Or fly to another country tomorrow for a couple of days, as an unexpected opportunity presented itself: “Of course, dear, you will have time to get ready. Don't forget your passport. Just don’t take a lot of things, we’re just here for the weekend...”

The Gemini man wants his lover to be easy-going. She could take off at any moment and go with him for new experiences.

Therefore, if you like to plan everything in advance and make a schedule a month in advance, you will have to change your habits. This is the only way to conquer a Gemini man. Otherwise, the gentleman will be bored with you.

Think about it, it’s great to unexpectedly go out to a fashionable disco, although you planned to stay at home all evening. Or invite friends to your home on a weekday - just like that, for no reason, so that everyone can chat together, play a new computer game or sing songs with a guitar. Here it is - the element of Gemini.

Don't limit his freedom

Gemini is. He feels like the wind, free to fly wherever he pleases at any moment. She loves meeting friends, parties, trips, outdoor barbecues and much more. Holding this man is like holding the wind.

The ideal lover will provide him with personal space that will not be intruded upon. Unfortunately, on the path of a Gemini man, there are often women who try to control him and keep him at home. They think that it is enough to create a cozy atmosphere and cook delicious dinner so that this man spends all his time with his family.

However, such a strategy is doomed to failure. Of course, representatives of this sign will also appreciate Tasty food, and the comfort that the woman he loves creates, but spending all his days the same way is unbearably boring for him. When life turns into Groundhog Day, Geminis leave—no, they even run away without looking back.

To conquer your chosen one, you will have to accept his wide circle of friends. This will be difficult to do if you are jealous. After all, Gemini often communicates in in social networks, his smartphone is always in active mode, and among his friends there are many girls. But nothing can be done about it - his love rests on mutual trust.

However, do not think that our hero will turn a blind eye to your flirting with other men. Never!

Gemini is jealous and wants you to belong only to him. However, I am ready to provide you with personal space and let you go with friends or take Spanish courses with peace of mind. But only until his intuition whispers to him about possible betrayal.

Constantly change

As you already know, the Gemini man loves changes - they feed his energy and bring a touch of fresh air into everyday life. His beloved woman must also change. Therefore, think in advance what you can and want to change in yourself. Don't let this be a sacrifice for you - rather imagine what new opportunities await you.

For example, yours can conquer a Gemini new haircut or changes in clothing style. Start yourself a new hobby from time to time. Today you cross-stitch, and tomorrow you are already taking up horse riding. This month you read science fiction, and next month you read romance novels.

It will be great if you don’t show all your cards to this man at once.

Don't share all the details about yourself and your interests. Save some of them for later.

If you are like an open book, then Gemini thinks he has already figured you out. He may get bored and go in search of another girl who has not yet been solved.

Instead, direct his attention to different facets of your inner world. And to make it interesting for him to study you, become a truly versatile person who has a lot of things in his heart. Develop, deepen your knowledge and learn new things.

Now let’s answer the question, which zodiac signs are suitable for a Gemini man. This sign is very versatile. There is no girl with whom he could not find a common topic of conversation. But women born under the signs are especially suitable for him:

  • Libra - a lot of communication and parties;
  • Leo - holidays and ardent love;
  • Aquarius - intellectual harmony;
  • Aries - a whirlpool of events and ideas;
  • Sagittarius - a new adventure every day.

Conquering a Gemini man, as we found out, is not so easy. Different signs use different tactics to captivate and win their chosen one.

The Aries woman was lucky - nature endowed her with a bright temperament, directness and open disposition, which Gemini likes so much. This couple will have a lot of passion in love.

It is enough for a Taurus woman to attract a man with her gentleness and charm. He will appreciate her good taste and sense of tact. Advice: don’t expect much practicality from your chosen one, this is not his element.

The Gemini woman feels like she has found a soul mate. The main thing is that these two do not tire each other with endless conversations.

The Cancer woman wants this confident and popular man to belong only to her. She will listen to him, listening to every word. Gemini, of course, will appreciate this attitude.

It is important for a Leo woman to be admired and respected. The man will at first be puzzled by the fact that this girl will have to be conquered. But after she says “yes”, a lot of passion awaits them.

The Virgo woman likes Gemini's developed intellect and his dexterity in solving any problems. He will also appreciate her erudition and extensive knowledge. Conflicts are possible due to Virgo’s excessive love of order and neatness.

The Libra woman will like our hero at first sight. To conquer him, she doesn’t even need to do anything special. Just be yourself and have casual conversations with him.

It will not be difficult for a Scorpio woman to seduce a Gemini. He will be fascinated by her inherent magnetism and mystery. However, Scorpio's jealousy can destroy relationships.

The Gemini man has a difficult character. Many of his actions directly depend on his mood - an hour ago he smiled affably and hummed a melody, but now he is sullenly silent or grumbling something unintelligible under his breath.

But still, more often than not, twins are charming, sociable and talkative fidgets.

Sometimes from the outside it may seem that the Gemini man is fickle and often “throws away” his affairs. He just has so many interests that he strives to do as much as possible - to absorb everything new, non-standard and unknown.

Ideas and projects flow like a fountain from boys and men born under the sign of Gemini. They are able to convince anyone of the urgent need to implement their ideas, especially for susceptible and gullible representatives fair half humanity.

But no matter how convincing the Gemini man’s words sound, you shouldn’t be surprised if in a day or two he abandons the project he so ardently praises and takes on something new.

A Gemini man is always surrounded by friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. He is like a magnet for people and without everyday communication he will simply wither away. In addition, this type of man tends to take life lightly - to changes and difficulties, to innovations and problematic situations. Rare failures will confuse the twin, and he flies through life as a free, self-confident bird.

A Gemini man in love is able to pamper his beloved with romantic impulses and pleasant surprises almost every day. He will surprise, whisper compliments in your ear, amuse, amuse...

Any woman will blossom with happiness next to a Gemini man. But, if a girlfriend, wife or lover of a twin falls under his Bad mood, he can sarcastically insult her and leave her sobbing in complete bewilderment. It is difficult to resist and not fall in love with such a man, and even more difficult to keep him near you for a long time.

Gemini man's behavior with women

To attract attention and win over a Gemini man, you need to be completely extraordinary. No tediousness or dissatisfaction, only energy, fun, activity and carelessness.

Girls with a low IQ, who are lazy to engage in self-development, who consider studying to be a tedious and unnecessary activity, have no chance of falling in love with a Gemini man. After all, the twin himself is intellectually developed and will expect the same from his partner. With a pacifier he will instantly become bored.

A Gemini man feels comfortable next to a sociable girl who can easily carry on a conversation and can give a worthy rebuff in an argument. With a silent beauty, he will quickly become depressed and sour.

The longer a girl can keep her twin's interest, the better for their relationship. Well, he likes to deal with riddles and secrets. He will get bored with the “open book” very soon, and he will go in search of something new.

9 tips to help you win and keep the attention of a Gemini man

  1. Become special and unique. It's not easy, but in a crowd of twin fans there is no other way to stand out.
  2. Don't bother and don't get into your eyes. It is better to give your twin more freedom so that he does not feel constrained. One has only to go too far and deprive him of the necessary personal space and this will be the beginning of the end.
  3. Be sociable and sociable in any situation. Gemini appreciates girls who are not shy about expressing their own opinions.
  4. Show off your sense of humor more often. Tease and tease friends, joke a lot, but, of course, without sarcasm or caustic irony.
  5. Be an adventurer. The more crazy the girl is, the more likely her twin is to like her.
  6. Listen to him as if there is no more interesting interlocutor on earth. This man definitely won’t tolerate any attention to himself.
  7. Flatter him. He not only knows how to give beautiful compliments himself, but also loves to hear them addressed to him.
  8. Be modest and well-mannered. The Gemini man will not tolerate a scolding woman.
  9. Don’t be shy to impress with your erudition. A well-demonstrated mind attracts a twin no worse than jam attracts a fly.

Is it possible to fight off a married Gemini man?

Geminis are changeable; they are rarely constant in their choices. Winning a busy Gemini man away from his girlfriend is not that difficult. In any relationship there are periods of stagnation, and if you show up spectacularly at such a moment, a lover of an easy life and flirting can easily switch to a new object of courtship.

The twin's wife will sooner or later get tired of holding his attention. And with this capricious man you need to be on your guard - one time, he won’t please him again, and he’s already eyeing some fidgety girl with the character of an adventure lover. So, if you really want, you can also please a married Gemini man.

Aries woman

It will not be difficult for an Aries woman to conquer a twin. She will conquer him with her temperament, love of life and energy. The romance of these two will flare up with a bright passionate torch, but it can quickly burn out - both partners are terribly unstable by nature.

Taurus woman

It will also not be difficult for a Taurus woman to fall in love with her twin, but only if she can restrain her inner educator. After all, you just want to teach the carefree twin some sense. But under no circumstances should you do this. It is better to pamper him with your softness, sexuality, good taste and charm.

Gemini woman

A Gemini woman and a man of the same sign will be very comfortable together. In such a union, harmony and understanding will reign. She will surprise him, and he will surprise her in return. And the conversations of this couple will not stop until the morning.

Cancer woman

The Cancer woman will have a hard time. To win her twin, she will have to sacrifice her own interests and learn to constantly listen to him, praise, flatter and seduce.

Leo woman

The Leo woman will playfully make her Gemini man fall in love with her. He will admire her magnificence, strength and style. These are the “stars” that the twins like the most.

Virgo woman

A Virgo woman will have a hard time if she manages to fall in love with a Gemini. Different temperaments and interests will not benefit such a union. To please her man, the obedient homebody virgin will have to start living much more actively than she is used to.

Gemini will become bored if Virgo cannot overcome herself, and the couple will quickly break up.

For a Libra woman

The Libra woman will win and keep her twin without straining. These two will make a harmonious and self-sufficient couple. She will listen and give necessary advice, but at the same time you won’t get bored with notations. Your twin will appreciate your help and ability to listen.

Scorpio woman

A Scorpio woman will seduce a Gemini without any problems. If she wishes, their union will last for many years - after all, she, like no one else, knows how to remain mysterious to her partner and maintain passion in the relationship.

Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman and Gemini are another option for a wonderful couple for life. A lady under the sign of Sagittarius is characterized by sociability, versatile knowledge and energy. Just give this to a Gemini man!

Capricorn woman

Capricorn woman and Gemini man are a very unusual couple. She is businesslike and calculating, he is restless and extravagant. It is possible to maintain relationships in such an alliance, but to do this, Capricorn will have to learn to loosen the leash - excessive control in connection with the twin is not acceptable.

Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is a person not lacking in intelligence and ingenuity. And it is precisely this trump card that she needs to shine as often as possible so that the twin is in constant admiration for her.

Pisces woman

A Pisces woman and a Gemini man are almost incompatible. Gemini needs a reliable rear and this is the only thing a feminine, soft and gentle “fish” can play on. In addition, she will have to give her restless companion more freedom.

If a woman or girl likes a Gemini man, she is doomed to an eternal struggle for her own happiness. He is amorous, changeable, freedom-loving... But, perhaps, with none of the other signs, not a single lady will feel so inspired, surrounded by attention, caressed by compliments and nourished by regular romantic impulses.

To attract a Gemini's attention, you will have to show that you are very different from everyone around you. He must understand that you are special.

To achieve your goal, you should understand what exactly the Gemini man values ​​in relationships with women, what he expects from these relationships, and what he strives for in them. The fact is that the Gemini man does not consider beauty to be one of the most attractive female qualities. That is, he certainly pays a lot of attention to external data, but the main advantage of a woman in his eyes is intelligence.
To seduce a Gemini man, a lady must show him that she is a good conversationalist, that the level of her spiritual and intellectual development is very high. A woman who is next to a twin should develop herself spiritually, pursue a career, creativity, and strive for an interesting and rich life.

When flirting with your Gemini, throw away your usual standard cliches. Be witty and lively, unexpected. Let him know that there is a mystery in you. He will definitely want to solve it.
It is also good to be able to leave such a man in time. Let's say you feel that you have interested a Gemini man, the conversation flows easily and naturally. When he is completely focused on your words and turns his whole body towards you, suddenly do other things. This will make Gemini want to continue communication.

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Gemini needs to be able to listen carefully.

Helpful advice

The Gemini man needs to be given the illusion of freedom. Let him think that he makes the decisions.


  • Gemini man how to win

True twins are people who came from the same cell; they are a real miracle of nature that you can admire for a very long time. They are similar down to the fingerprints, which can only be distinguished by an experienced fingerprint specialist. They also sometimes play pranks on others, impersonating each other. How to find an approach to twins?


First, learn to distinguish them. This can be done using moles and some small scars; sometimes scratches temporarily help in this matter. Many, despite the general similarity of timbre, have different intonations, different posture and. Observe and record your observations, preferably in writing, immediately after you notice.

Secondly, study the character traits of each of the twins. Their temperament and psychological type are usually the same, but their life experiences and conclusions “from life” are different, and therefore their character is different. A girl who practices karate and her sister, who loves cross-stitching, will have different skills in communicating with people and sometimes develop different communication styles. Many people deliberately choose different hobbies in order to be more different from each other, because the similarity and the fact that they are mistaken for each other are also tiring. They want to be perceived as different personalities, so you need to come up with and tell them different compliments when you communicate with two twins and immediately.

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A man born under the zodiac sign Gemini is incredibly curious and open. If you like to create coziness, value home comforts, and cook well, you are most suitable for this person. But before the Gemini man discovers this, you will have to interest him.


When meeting, always radiate positivity and good mood. A sincere smile and quick eye contact are crucial in establishing a relationship with a representative of this sign. By nature, Geminis are fun-loving people and jokers, so an invitation to a nightclub, a party, an amusement park or a show concert would be appropriate.

Down with lush and frilly dresses, expensive jewelry and high hairstyles. On Gemini man it won't make any impression. The same applies to cosmetics - only natural or day makeup and a little neutral lipstick on your lips. But formal clothes are not suitable for a date with a Gemini. The ideal girl for this zodiac sign is a fashionable, simple and modest lady. Gemini men love vanilla and cinnamon scents, try to include these notes in your perfume, shampoo or shower gel.

There is a little trick on how to attract a man of this double and ambivalent sign of Gemini - “reflect” / repeat his behavior, his actions, but do it very gracefully and discreetly. A man will intuitively be drawn to someone who seems familiar or close to him. This, by the way, is proven psychological technique.

Keep his attention at the peak of interest, you must stimulate his imagination, confuse him and play with him. Be different every time, don’t let him understand you to the end, read you, but don’t let him get bored. Show off your intelligence while still being charming and spontaneous. Make jokes and find topics for conversation. This way you won't just lure Gemini man, but also make him fall in love with you pretty quickly.

Don’t be afraid to lose him, treat relationships lightly, playfully, without fear. Forget about jealousy, do not express reproaches, and the Gemini man, fascinated by your spontaneity and comfort, will follow you to the ends of the earth.

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  • how to attract a man

It is not surprising that your heart has been captured by a romantic, charming, witty and original Gemini man. Falling in love with this restless and wayward man once and for all is quite difficult, but possible. What will it take?


Tirelessly intrigue and charm your chosen one again and again. And in no case limit yourself to standard feminine techniques based on changing your image: buying a new outfit, visiting a hairdresser, stylist and makeup artist. First of all, you should always expand your intellectual knowledge. -Gemini dreams of a friend with whom he can spend hours discussing all sorts of topics, from the true method of formation of the Universe to the intricacies of modern politics. Such qualities as ease and ease in communication, the absence of ideological and behavioral stereotypes will allow you to fall in love with this difficult macho without memory.

Be serious, responsible, committed and trustworthy. Such qualities in a woman are extremely important for a representative of this constellation, since he himself is naturally impulsive, irrational and slightly careless. Your task is to perfectly complement and balance his exuberant essence. This will become an unshakable foundation for fruitful and constructive relationships.

Become his faithful fighting friend, encouraging all safe adventures and joint recreation options. From time to time, go on trips together, go hiking, play sports. Remember that your man cannot live without interesting adventures, most of which are not planned in advance, but are spontaneous.

Avoid excessive drama in behavior, control every action. Don't complicate situations and try not to panic when you find yourself in unforeseen circumstances. The Gemini guy needs a cool-headed partner who stands firmly on her feet. His type is an educated, intelligent lady who knows how to attract attention through her bright personality, rather than vulgar manners. Therefore, dress nicely and discreetly, but always with taste.

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Gemini men hate quarrels, tediousness, pessimism and monotony. Remember this if you want to connect your life with this person.

Gemini is the most windy sign of the zodiac. Their favor is easy to achieve; they are friends with everyone around them. But Geminis rarely dare to have serious feelings. There are too many temptations around to become attached to one person for a long time.


Gemini will be able to fall in love with someone who turns out to be more fickle. They should always be in the role of catching up. Attract them, but as soon as they decide to take a more serious step, disappear. Typically, representatives of this sign themselves behave this way, forcing others to constantly be in tension. Therefore, your actions will surprise and puzzle them. Gemini will try to get to know you better in order to solve the riddle.

Be energetic and proactive. Arrange extreme dates for Geminis. They love new sensations, they are addicted to emotions. The more you give Gemini, the sooner they will fall in love with you.

Don't limit Gemini's freedom. They cannot do without human attention. At the same time, even when communicating with the opposite sex, they have no desire to cheat. They just love new people, they are interested in everything, they are curious about everything.

Surround Gemini with attention. They love to talk about themselves and boast about their achievements. Give them this opportunity. Geminis love to talk, so become a true listener.

Don't tell Gemini about your feelings, it will scare them away. Behave in a friendly manner, as Geminis are more used to it. And try to find out as much as possible about them. Listen to the same music, watch the same movies. If Gemini feels a kindred spirit in you, and not an ordinary acquaintance, they themselves will try to become closer to you. Geminis love to take the initiative in relationships, so give them this opportunity.


  • how to make a gemini guy fall in love with you

Gemini is an air sign, which is distinguished by its impermanence. It is easy and fun for two Geminis to be together, but at the same time it is quite difficult to build a strong relationship. They fall in love easily, but true love The first feeling does not always outgrow.


Gemini women and men are very easy to communicate with. They can support a conversation on any topic, cheer you up when you’re sad and support you if needed. They feel emotions very well and always make great friends. But in family life these people are quite complex. The huge number of their hobbies and constant friendly parties do not allow them to build a strong marriage. And only a representative of the same sign can understand their behavior. Therefore, very often Gemini men and Gemini women come together and create couples.

For a Gemini, behave naturally. Be open to communication, take initiative, be energetic. Offer active pastime - horse riding, traveling, skydiving. Geminis love extreme sports, and such entertainment will appeal to them.

Don't control Gemini. The worst thing for them is the restriction of freedom. Give him the opportunity to do his own thing. Anyway, for Gemini, active interaction with others is always in first place, and not the arrangement of everyday life. Don't burden Gemini with household chores. He will find a way to cope with them, but at the same time he will be angry with you for distracting him from an active social life.

Pamper your Gemini. This sign is very susceptible to flattery and gifts. He needs attention from his partner and it is better if it is material. Small gifts every evening will show that you value your relationship and love him. Gifts for Gemini are more important than words, since this chatty and not very obligatory sign understands how far what is said can be from what is actually said.

To make a Gemini fall in love with you, do everything that would please you. Analyze your own feelings and understand what kind of person you would fall in love with. After that, become such a person and go prove your love.

Gemini men are witty and spontaneous, they are attracted to everything new and unknown. They are able to tell a hundred funny stories and bring something new into a woman’s life. Do you want to keep this one? young man nearby - find out how to please him.


A Gemini man can be quite charming when communicating with a girl he cares about. It is difficult not to succumb to his charm, but try to hold out as long as possible. This sign likes to flirt, interest, and make people fall in love with themselves. After conquering you, he may get bored and decide to move on. Play with him - don't push him away, but don't try to show that you are in his power. This will keep Gemini interested.

Geminis don't like to be bored. Standard dating scenarios are not for them. Instead of going to a cafe, go rollerblading, and replace watching a popular melodrama with joint yoga lessons. Remember your dual nature. When spending time together, try not to limit yourself to one activity. The horse ride can end with a picnic at fresh air, before the rock concert you can visit the museum.

Gemini men, like small children, love to play. This applies to both bed - this zodiac sign will most likely take role-playing games with a bang, and Everyday life. Support his hobbies and offer new ones, present yourself to a man in different images. Co-op playthrough computer game restless Gemini will also like it.

What Geminis cannot stand is monotony in relationships. Have you managed to win the favor of a representative of this sign, and do you enjoy spending evenings together? You shouldn’t always be monotonously cheerful and friendly. If you are in a bad mood, let it show. If you either push Gemini away or bring him closer to you again, you will only stir up his interest. Don't stop communicating with other men - your friends or colleagues, sometimes meet with them. A small amount of jealousy and the understanding that other representatives of the stronger sex are also interested in you will only encourage such a partner.

Sometimes when meeting a representative of the stronger sex, a woman does not know how to behave with him. Then astrology comes to the rescue, in particular, love horoscopes.

How to win the heart of a Gemini man

To please a man born under the sign of Gemini, a woman should under no circumstances openly demonstrate her sympathy to him. If you shoot your eyes at him, give him a sweet and seductive smile and look at him with undisguised adoration, you are unlikely to be able to attract him. The fact is that such representatives of the stronger sex have too many similar admirers and fans, therefore, behaving in this way, you will never be able to stand out from the crowd and become special to him.

Try to be unlike anyone else. As soon as you decide to win the heart of a Gemini man, you must immediately abandon your usual methods of seduction. They won't affect him. Banal and hackneyed phrases can quickly push this guy away from you.

In order not to lose face, come up with interesting topics for conversation with the desired man in advance. There is no need to think through everything you say to the smallest detail. Let the conversation develop gradually. Remember that this person can quickly get bored with one topic, so you should have a few more prepared stories in stock.

When you realize that a Gemini man has paid attention to you, you can stop talking to him and get carried away with someone else. Do not doubt that he himself will take the initiative to regain your favor. Don't immediately express your interest in him, flirt a little and show doubt about your interest in him.

You can certainly win a Gemini man if you are erudite, well-read, cheerful and cheerful. He will appreciate your ability to listen and entertain him with crazy activities. Be easy-going and be prepared to always follow your chosen one. Get ready for various surprises, which such a representative of the stronger sex loves to arrange. Appreciate his attention and do not neglect it. Only then can you become a reliable and faithful life partner for him.