Secrets and practices for making any desire come true. Practices for fulfilling desires - Women's Sanga. “Technique for fulfilling desires”, Igor Bibin. Basics of teaching

How do you like the idea of ​​becoming a kind of good aunt fairy for yourself? I wanted it, I lost five kilograms, I wanted it, and the HR manager of an international corporation calls you and, stammering with excitement, asks you to head their branch in New York, right in Manhattan.

Esotericists, sorcerers, magicians and other mysterious personalities claim that in order for “dreams to come true” to become a reality with the help of the power of thought or the magnetism of the individual, certain rules must be followed:

1) Don’t “chatter” about your desire left and right.

It’s clear that you want to brag to your girlfriend that in exactly 300 days 20 hours and 13 minutes you will know perfectly English language, but the fulfillment of desires with mental power is a magical process and does not tolerate leakage of energy;

2) It is very, very recommended that before turning on the magnetism of the individual, spend some time alone to listen to your desire: is mine not mine? Do I really want this or was it my neighbor Svetka who “told me” that it was time to get married?

So what am I going to do with this happiness, attracted by the power of thought?

3) Don’t think that in order to become the proud owner of a brand new smartphone, you just need to lie down on the couch and imagine showing off this miracle of technology in front of your friends.

Personal magnetism only works in conjunction with actions: the Universe will begin to give you opportunities to earn money for a new phone, lead you to stores with good prices, and protect you from unscrupulous sellers.

In a word, with the help of the power of thought, a desire will come true faster and with less energy, “without noise and dust”;

4) When you have decided on a desire that you want to fulfill with the help of mental power, do not even think about doubting that this is possible.

We found time to turn on the “back”!

5) Personal magnetism does not act instantly, like a magic wand or a hair from old man Hottabych’s beard, so be prepared to wait a little.

And the larger the desire, the more time the Universe needs to fulfill your request. So don’t hit the dishes out of anger if you didn’t manage to learn how to drive a car in 15 minutes.

6) Your desire, in order to fulfill it with the help of personal magnetism or mental power, must be as clearly formulated as possible, like the questions in the program “What? Where? When?".

That is, no thought “I want to get married,” but “I want to get married by the end of this year to a brown-eyed IT specialist with a separate home.” Well, you understand what we mean: the more precise the desire, the faster your “order” will be fulfilled;

7) The goal must be realistic to achieve through the power of thought.

Alas, it is unlikely that you will be able to become an English princess. Although, wait a minute - in my opinion, Prince Harry is not married yet... Let's turn on our magnetism!

8) Your desire should not affect the interests of other people or negatively affect them.

You, after all, are not a medieval witch to send a pestilence on your neighbor’s livestock (read – on the cat Murzik in our enlightened 21st century). And thanks to the power of thought, you receive exactly the same thing that you “send” into the Universe.

That is, if you want to attract fame, money and the respect of your colleagues in addition to your thoughts, you will receive it, “broadcast” it so that ex-husband lost your job - find out where the Employment Service is in your city. This is the energy cycle in nature and the effect of magnetism.

9) You must be extremely focused on what you want to achieve with the power of thought, and there are a thousand and one options for how to do this, here are just a few:

- write down your desire from A to Z and re-read your note several times a day.

By the way, it is not necessary to eat and write again after each reading ☺ – on the contrary, charge the paper with your energy;

- come up with your own personal positive affirmation and say it out loud or in your thoughts as often as possible(e.g., “I am a successful self-employed entrepreneur,” “I make $5,000 a month,” “I win the damn pumpkin pie contest”).

The main thing is not to scare random fellow travelers on the subway and colleagues!

— create a “dream card” to achieve the fulfillment of a desire using the power of thought: On a large piece of paper, attach pictures of what you want (clippings from magazines, newspapers, printouts from the Internet, etc.). Provide all this with signatures from the series “This is me, and this is my red Ferrari.”

For example, you really want to get married. So you sculpt indecently happy newlyweds, dolls on the hood and “cute” hearts.

Look at your card more often to strengthen the magnetism of your personality and breathe another portion of energy into your desire

Such cuttings can also be attached to a regular cork board. Computer-savvy citizens can use special drawing programs.

10) After the wish comes true with the help of the power of thought, do not forget to thank the higher powers for their generosity - they, you know, like everyone else, love polite people.

By the way, the next time you “order” (don’t you have the same desire?!), this will definitely be credited to you.

It is very important to decorate them beautifully. When we formalize our desires, then at the energy level we attract them into our field, our mind gets used to them and tunes in to them.

It is very important that the process of making wishes be associated with some physical actions: this is how we anchor desires in the material world.

We offer you three practices for fulfilling your desires!

Envelopes with wishes

One wonderful practice that will help you feel your desires is to create a special wish book that you can look through next year.

How to create a wish album

  1. Buy a nice paper album. Each sheet of this album can be dedicated to desires for a specific area of ​​life. Desires may relate to femininity, family, relationships, apartment and its improvement, finances, travel, etc. You can also sign each page: “Love in my life”, “My finances”, “My femininity”.
  2. Glue small envelopes onto the pages of the album. Different colors can symbolize different areas, for example: red - love, sex, partner relationships; yellow - prosperity and money; green - health; purple - creativity and self-realization, etc. Envelopes can be of any size and shape - use your imagination :)
  3. Place beautiful pieces of paper with your wishes in the envelopes. You can also write mini-letters.
  4. Seal the envelopes. After making a wish, it is very important to relax and forget about it, and that’s why we seal the envelopes until next year.
  5. Bandage the album beautiful ribbon and on New Year's Eve put it under the tree with the words: “ May my wishes come true according to the will of God for the benefit of me and all living beings!»

After the New Year, put the album in a secret place until next year :)

Magic candle

The practice is very beautiful and deep. It lasts seven days without a break. It is unfavorable to interrupt any ritual that has begun, so try to calculate your strength and time. If you cannot finish it, then it is better not to start from the very beginning, because a break energetically weakens any practice.

  1. Take a small church candle and use a felt-tip pen to mark it with six divisions of equal size. You will get seven parts - this is seven days of practice.
  2. Place the candle in the candlestick and write your wish on the paper.
  3. Place the piece of paper with the wish under the candlestick and light the candle. While the candle burns to the first line, speak into the fire the essence of your desire. At the line, put out the candle.
  4. Place the candle with the leaf underneath it on the windowsill until the next day.
  5. On the second day and all subsequent days, repeat the ritual.
  6. On the seventh day, when the candle is almost burnt out, take a piece of paper and light it from the fire of the candle.
  7. Throw the ashes into the wind out the window.

Your wish will come true very quickly and favorably for everyone around you!

Sky lanterns with wishes

One of the wonderful ways to make your wishes is to launch sky lanterns.

  1. Buy sky lanterns. You can buy one for all your desires, or you can buy a separate sky lantern for each desire.
  2. Write your wish on a beautiful piece of paper and attach it to a sky lantern. You can write a wish list and attach them in the same way.
  3. On New Year's Eve, launch a sky lantern into the sky and imagine how your wishes are sent to God and receive his blessings. When launching the flashlight, say: “ It's all in God's hands!»

Watch the flashlight fly far into the sky until it turns into a shining point. Let go of your desires with him and switch. And go celebrate the New Year with your family!

This is a development in the field of wish fulfillment! It works very powerfully, especially for those practitioners whose innate gifts are associated with qualities such as:

— ability for creative visualization;
- the ability to achieve what you want with strong willpower.

This technique consists of several stages.

Stage No. 1
Work in a normal waking state. The practitioner’s task at this stage is to think through his desire in advance.

Stage No. 2.
Working in alpha and initial theta states. Installation implementation.

Stage No. 3.
Confirmation of desire in deep theta trance.

Stage No. 4.
Consolidating desires in the subconscious.

Execution order

Stage No. 1.

The practitioner determines with what desire he will work, and on whom its fulfillment may depend (on a specific person or on the Universe).

For a better effect, you can write down the wording of your desire on paper so that it is more firmly embedded in your memory. The sentence must be affirmative (without the particle not).

For example: “I quickly got the new dress I dreamed of”, or “I quickly bought a car of such and such brand”, “I am happy with such and such a person”...

Stage No. 2

Having determined for himself with what desire he will work, the practitioner:

1. Before going to bed (preferably on a light stomach), lie down on your back, place your hands palms down and begin to slowly relax.

To relax more deeply, the practitioner can keep a mental count, or focus on individual tense areas of the body and relax them.

You can also mentally concentrate on a mantra (for example, on the “Om” mantra or on a personal mantra) or say to yourself:

« With every exhalation I relax more and more».

2. Having reached a deeply relaxed state, the practitioner sets himself the following instructions:

a) if the desire is connected with a specific person:

« I will wake up when... (the name of the person with whom the desire is connected, or simply the person most suitable for me) has the last dream before waking up.
Then I will repeat my desire again, and ... (name), at this time will be the most open and most receptive to programming. My suggestion will be absorbed into his subconscious and become his desire.».

b) if the desire is associated with forces independent of the practitioner and other people:

« I will wake up at the most appropriate moment, say my wish and fall back into sleep, after which my subconscious will begin to work on its fulfillment».

Stage No. 3

At a certain time the practitioner wakes up.
Waking up, he overcomes the desire to fall asleep again and pronounces to himself the formula of his desire

(“I quickly got the new dress I dreamed of,” or “I quickly bought a car of such and such brand,” “I am happy with such and such a person, and such and such a person is happy with me.”…).

Mentally pronouncing the formula, the practitioner falls back into sleep.
When speaking out a desire, it is important to imagine (or feel) it as vividly as possible, as if it had already come true

Stage No. 4

This stage does not require any effort on the part of the practitioner.
It runs automatically. The subconscious mind itself begins to work with desire and build chains of cause-and-effect relationships so that the desire comes true.

Possible problems during practice

1. Usually, there are no problems with saying the wish formula while falling asleep, but at night the practitioner will need to call on all his willpower so as not to fall asleep again.

2. Sometimes the practitioner thinks that he did not wake up at night.
In fact, a person wakes up almost 100% of the time, but then immediately falls asleep.
In the end, saying the text of your wish several times will definitely work.
Also, working at night largely depends on the evening mood. If the practitioner convinces himself that he will wake up and remember his desire, then this will definitely happen.

3. If you can’t wake up (or remember about it the next morning), you can set the alarm for 2 a.m., wake up, say a wish and go back to sleep (but it’s still advisable, especially if the wish is associated with a person, to wake up on one's own).

Important points!
When you need a quick result in any situation, experts recommend programming a week before the expected event.
In general, the practice can be carried out from time to time until the desire is fulfilled.

“Wish fulfillment technique for the lazy”

What is important to consider before practice?

1. This meditation on fulfillment of desires is largely intuitive. This means that the description only provides general information about its implementation, and each practitioner adapts it to himself.

2. As already mentioned, this technique can be performed by all people3. It is advisable to perform meditation daily (you can take 1 day off per week), until you receive desired result. Optimal time for work - from one to three in the afternoon.

Execution order

1. The practitioner lies on his back and relaxes, closing his eyes.

2. Calms the flow of thoughts by concentrating on the darkness that appears before closed eyes.

3. Gradually, the internal dialogue stops, first light and then deeper drowsiness appears.

4. Immersed in the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness, the practitioner focuses on his desire and raises his inner gaze upward.

5. Then he mentally begins to pronounce to himself his desire in a certain form - in the past tense in an affirmative form (without the particle not). For example: “I quickly received ... (the required amount of money or something else).”

Such a code influences the subconscious, forcing it to fulfill the desire so that the statement corresponds to reality.

6. While mentally repeating a desire, the practitioner tries to keep his gaze at the top of the head all the time.

* The work is carried out until the practitioner intuitively feels that the desire will definitely come true.

7. After this, the practitioner mentally thanks the Universe and his subconscious for their help and completes the meditation.

This technique showed best results those practitioners whose main gift is associated with the ability to work in trance states.

This technique is not a “magic pill”, wealth will not fall from the sky, you will have to make an effort to get it, but this practice allows you to launch powerful subconscious processes that will ultimately lead you to the desired level of wealth. But this will only happen if you agree to accept the opportunities that life will give you.

You shouldn’t count on easy money, it can come into your life one-time (for example, you find some money on the street or win the lottery), but in general the Universe gives a person opportunities that he is free to take advantage of or not.

There is no need to wait for anything special! After working with the techniques, you need to “forget” about them and your desires, giving the Universe the opportunity to independently decide in what time frame and in what way you should be led to wealth.

Waiting blocks the result!

You don't need to believe in anything, you don't need to think about what you want to achieve by following the techniques described below. All you need to do is just let go of your desires and continue living your normal life. Fate itself will remind you of the decision you made.

The techniques are performed at will in a free sequence. I recommend doing exactly what your soul desires - it opens the doors of the subconscious.

Practice “Heavenly Panacea”

This technique will allow you to enlist the support of the Higher Powers in realizing your desires and are guaranteed to achieve the intended result. The first part of this collection suggested determining the level of income that you need for a free and joyful life. You should have made a list of all those things that will make you who you really want to become. In this practice, you will need to refer to this list.

The person takes a previously prepared list and several sheets of blank paper. He will need to write a statement to the “heavenly office” (this can be done by hand or on a computer).

To the Heavenly Chancellor from... (full name, date of birth, place of residence).

I, (name), express my intention to receive such and such (you should list in great detail everything that you want to receive, indicating the cost; you can also list intangible benefits, in this case there will be a dash in the “Cost” column ). or just a desire.

* You should write about your desire in great detail so that it is not misunderstood.

The Universe takes everything literally, and, for example, the desire “I want to be healthy” can be interpreted to mean that a person will begin to gain weight and gain big sizes, will become “healthy”. You also need to remember that you can only get 50 million dollars to realize your desires, so you need to write only about those things that you really need.

The application must be drawn up in 2 copies, with a date and signature at the bottom.

2. In the evening, before going to bed, the practitioner places 2 copies of the application under the pillow. When falling asleep, he mentally imagines how he leaves his physical body, rushes into the sky, reaches the clouds and sees a long white road. This road leads to a beautiful white palace. In the palace he also sees a white path, it leads to a large hall, in the center of which there is a beautiful white table. The heavenly chancellor sits at the table in a white tailcoat and a white top hat. When the practitioner in his imagination approaches the chancellor, he will stand in greeting and offer to sit on one of the two chairs on the right or left.

* If you are asked to sit on the right, it means the practitioner is dominant logical thinking above the intuitive, and if on the left, then the intuitive part of his being is stronger.
This does not affect the practitioner's order in any way.

Next, the person should mentally “voice” his intention to the chancellor: “I have brought an application for a grant in the amount of such and such. The application states what I need this money for.” With these words, the practitioner hands two statements to the heavenly chancellor. The chancellor puts a stamp on one, signs and returns it, the second application he keeps for himself and says that it has been accepted for consideration.

The Chancellor also reserves the right to refuse to accept an application. If this happens, you need to ask the chancellor what the reason for the refusal is. The Chancellor will definitely answer which aspect of life needs to be “pulled up” in order for the repeated application to be approved. The practitioner hears the Chancellor's answers intuitively in his mind (in the form of spontaneously occurring thoughts).

3. After the application is accepted, the practitioner must thank the heavenly chancellor and return back to the physical body, then the person falls asleep (getting out of bed after performing this technique is not recommended). So the practitioner takes this point into account in advance.

4. In the morning, a person puts one copy of the application in an envelope and hides it in a safe place where no one will see it; the second copy should be burned. To do this, the practitioner takes a metal tray or pan and clean, long scissors. You will also need one white candle.

5. If a person wants to get more pleasures from life, then he sits facing south; if his desires are more focused on money and business, then he faces west; if spiritual desires predominate, then the practitioner sits facing east, and if desires are related to wealth, mysticism and magic, then face north.

6. Then the practitioner lights a candle and from the candle, holding the statement with scissors (otherwise there is a chance of getting burned and not burning the paper completely), burns it to the ground.

!At the same time, the practitioner follows fire safety rules.

* It is important to burn the paper completely, otherwise the application will not be sent and the person will have to repeat the practice again.

7. After this, the ashes should be crushed and scattered to the wind.


Very soon New Year- time for new plans and making wishes!

Many people write lists, make plans, draw and perform magic on the theme of making their dreams come true. Surely you know many techniques for making wishes come true!

Do your dreams always come true and your planned and prescribed plans come true?

What do you think they lack for full implementation?

We write detailed lists

  • 1

    So, the number 1 way to realize your dream is to clearly and in detail write down what you want, when and how.

    With all the details and details.

For example, a car - what brand, color, body shape, power, displacement and many other parameters.

Very important formulate precisely and clearly, what do you want so that it doesn’t work out like in the joke:

- Genie, I want to go home!
- Went.
- I want it quickly!
- Then let's run!

Let's visualize

  • 2

    Method number 2 - visualization.

    It is important to imagine what your dream looks like, how you look in it - a new car, a fur coat or on a sunny beach.

And again, don’t skimp on details and tasty little things. Imagine that you have what you want HAS ALREADY so that it doesn’t turn out like in the joke:

- I want to go to Paris again!
- What, have you already been there?
- No, I already wanted to.

These two things work on a mental level, they include our mind.

Connecting body sensations

  • 3

    And so, when you dream, visualize, pleasant emotions and feelings are born in you: joy, delight, tenderness, happiness!

    Thus, you invest your emotional energy into the dream.

This soul level, including our emotions.

By focusing your attention on your dream, you fill it with energy and it will come true. But this scheme misses one very important and powerful link - our physical body!

It constantly produces enormous amounts of energy, which is released through heat and physical activity.

What if you direct it to fulfill a desire? How to do it?
Answer: enable the bodily sensations of your dreams!

When you think about your desire, imagine how your body feels!

For example, you want a fur coat. Imagine how light, soft and tender it is. You're walking down the street cold winter, and you feel warm and cozy. Touch the sliding shiny fur with your hand and enjoy its tenderness...

Or you dream about a child. Imagine holding a tiny body in your arms. His head rests on your elbow, and his palm supports your small butt. He smells sweetly of milk and sweetly smacks his lips in his sleep...

Find as many vivid bodily sensations and emotions associated with your deepest desire as possible and play with it.

Secret of success

  • 4

    And there is one more component to the successful realization of a dream - focus!

    Of course, you know very well the law of the Universe: “Where your attention is, there is your energy.” And where we direct our energy is what develops in our lives.

And if you track what you think about during the day, where do you direct your energy?

There is an interesting practice: set an alarm for every 15 minutes and, when it rings, write down in a notebook the thought that was in your head at that moment.

If you practice this way for at least three days, you will be surprised at your results! But this practice has another bonus. After completing it, the habit remains of constantly monitoring your thoughts.

And here's how you can use it. As soon as you catch yourself thinking unimportant or even harmful thoughts, you immediately switch to the sensations associated with your dream. Those that you are already familiar with from the exercises above.

So you several times a day turn on your body, focusing his energy on cherished desire, which leads to its speedy execution.

Actions leading to a dream

  • 5

    But that's not all! To turn on your body's energy to the maximum, you just need to take actions that will bring you closer to realizing your dreams.

Even if these are very small steps, you will show the Universe that ready accept her gifts! And then everything will certainly come true! Checked!