Crochet patterns for children's dresses with yoke. Crochet yoke for children's dress: main types and patterns. Crochet children's dresses - beautiful patterns

Crocheting children's items is a common hobby for young mothers. Of course: they are small, do not require complex patterns and can be knitted in one evening. In addition, crocheted fabric is denser than knitted fabric and does not curl into a tube. And a yoke for a child's dress, crocheted, will make it more elegant and give room for imagination, because this is a very good decorative element. For example, this element looks great on the Meadow dress.

Children's dress with yoke

Necessary materials

  • Threads - it is better to use cotton ones similar to “Iris” or “Snowflake”. Their thickness is well suited for creating light, delicate patterns. Synthetic or wool blend yarn is suitable, especially if the dress is knitted for spring and autumn.
  • A hook No. 2.5 mm is well suited for Iris threads.
  • Safety pin to mark the beginning of a row.


To understand how to knit a piece of the right size, you need to take measurements - chest and neck circumference. After this, knit several stitches, with or without a crochet, depending on how the product will be knitted. Understand how many columns fit in one centimeter. Then it will be possible to calculate how many loops there will be in each row. In addition, you need to take into account the pattern repeat if it is present in the decorative part.

Depending on how tightly the piece will wrap around the neck, a few more centimeters are added to the measurement of its girth: 1–2 cm if the product starts at the very throat and has a clasp; 2–3 cm, when you want it to be put on over your head. The remaining increases are made based on the size of the desired cutout.

Round yoke

Having decided on the cast-on row, you need to calculate how many loops will go on the back, front and sleeves. Usually 4 loops per raglan are subtracted from the total quantity, the rest is divided into 3 equal parts.

If there is a fastener on the back or shelf, the number of loops there should be even.

For square yokes, an alternative scheme is possible, where a quarter of the diameter of the product is allocated to the front, back and each sleeve. Before this, you also need to subtract four loops on the raglan.

Square yoke

Such calculations are only suitable for children's things! For dresses for adults, patterns are needed.


To correctly determine the density of the fabric of the future product, you need to knit a control sample - a piece of fabric 10x10 cm. After this, “shrink” it by ironing it using a damp piece of fabric, then dry it. Then it will be possible to judge the density of the canvas.

The smaller the hook, the stiffer the fabric. The more, the airier. You can't go too far in either direction. The thickness of the hook depends on the yarn and the nature of the pattern.

Crochet patterns

It would be interesting if the yoke was crocheted not with a regular fabric, but with an openwork one. There are many options! There is a way to find a good pattern for a round piece: rework the knitting pattern openwork napkin. You need to remove the core to be able to put it on. This method is successful if you do not plan to make a fastener on the product, because it will need to be knitted in the round. Dresses with a round yoke are especially elegant, but with a square yoke the dress has a clearer structure.


Children's dresses are very diverse. They are most often bright or delicate, from floral motifs or more strict, geometric ones. White clothes also look beautiful, and in almost any design, but they are very easily soiled. It is useful to have knitting patterns before your eyes, preferably several, in order to choose the best one.

Here are the diagrams of coquettes made up of motifs:

Scheme No. 1 for round yoke
Scheme No. 2 Scheme No. 3 Scheme No. 4

Description of work

Details for a children's dress are crocheted from bottom to top or top to bottom, in the round or with a turn, whole or in parts. There are many options. You can watch training videos. Below are two ways to knit details on a girl's dress for beginner knitters - square and round.

From top to bottom, the product is knitted like this: a number of air loops are closed in a circle, unless fastenings are intended. Further in the circle or with turns it is knitted to the desired width, gradually increasing the diameter. At the same time, the peculiarity of the square-shaped knitted part is that loops are added in strictly four places - on the folds. After this, you can begin to knit the front, back and sleeves - also in the round or separately. The advantage of knitting in the round is that there are no seams, and you can add rows to the front and back separately to achieve the desired size.

Sometimes it is more convenient to knit from the bottom up: this way you can go straight from the front and back to the yoke, knitting the loops for the sleeves and gradually narrowing the part. How to knit? This is always decided when choosing a specific model.

Sequence of work

The procedure for knitting a round yoke in the round:

  1. Cast on a circle of air loops (ch) of the required width. Their number must be even.
  2. In the same direction, knit 2 double crochets from the first (dc), and 1 from the second. Repeat until the end of the circle (kk), and in order not to lose the beginning of the work, attach a pin to the first loop (p.).
  3. Knit a new circle one single crochet (dc) into a loop.
  4. Having finished the circle, knit five ch, knit the sixth into the third st of the previous circle, continue like this until kk.
  5. Knit three dc from each stitch formed on the previous row, up to kk.
  6. Knit two dc from one loop, one from the other, skip one, repeat until kk.
  7. Repeat steps 2–6 until the desired width.

The procedure for knitting a square yoke in the round:

  1. Cast on a circle of 92 ch.
  2. Knit four sts, skip the sts of the previous round, knit in the next 3 sts, make one ch. Repeat until 21 stitches have been worked from the first row.
  3. Make a chain in 3 ch.
  4. Repeat the rapport from the second point for 23 loops.
  5. Make a chain of 3 ch and repeat steps 2–4.
  6. When you reach the end of the row, pin. From 1 st, knit 3 ch, then 1 dc, repeat until 3 ch from the previous row.
  7. Make an extension: from the first 3 chain loops, knit three dc, then 3 ch over the second, from the third again knit three dc. Continue until kk.
  8. Repeat steps 6–7 until the desired width.

It is easy to measure the width of the part by putting it on your shoulders. If it connects well under the arms and fits normally to the body, the product is ready. Continuing to expand it can ruin the shape. If it is too wide, it is better to unravel several rows; if it is too narrow, it is better to tie it up. Balance is very important: the correct width of the product affects how the item will fit.

Video instruction

Watch this video, here you will learn how to crochet a round yoke for a children's dress.

And in this video you can learn how to knit in a simple way square yoke.

Crochet square yokes are especially popular for crocheting children's dresses. And this is not surprising: such yokes are easy to knit and allow you to create a large number of various models. Let's look at the principles of knitting a square yoke using an example summer dress for girl. Height 86, chest girth 52. We knit the simplest yoke with single crochet stitches, a neckline under the neck and a butt clasp at the back with hinged loops and buttons. Sleeveless dress.

A video on knitting a dress with such a yoke is at the end of this page.

Note: in our example, the simplest yoke, knitted with single crochets: see yoke diagram. There is 1 loop for each raglan line, and for each piece along the raglan line, 2 stitches are added in each row. In this case, the shoulder turns out straight, without a bevel. If you want to knit a slanted shoulder, the number of increases along the raglan lines should be reduced.

For knitting you will need the following initial data:

Measurements (cm):

  • Neck circumference (Osh) = 24.
  • Chest circumference (Og) = 52.
  • Shoulder width (W) = 7.


  • To freedom along the neck line (P neck) = 4.
  • To freedom along the chest line (Pgr) = 6.

Knitting density

Horizontal (Pvg) = 2.5 loops in 1 cm.

Loop calculation

The yoke is knitted from top to bottom using the raglan method. Let's determine how many loops should be cast on. To do this, add 4 cm (P throat) to the neck circumference and multiply this value by the knitting density:

(Osh + P throat) x Pvg = (24 + 4) x 2.5 = 70.

From the resulting value we should subtract the loops of the raglan lines. In accordance with the pattern of our yoke, there is 1 loop for each raglan line. We get: 70 - 4 = 66. We divide this number of loops into 3 parts; 1/3 of this number is on the back, 1/3 on the front, and 1/3 on both sleeves. We get: 11 loops for each part of the back, 11 loops for each sleeve and 22 loops for the front. If the remainder after dividing by 3 leaves you with 2 loops, add them to the sleeves, if 1, add them to the front or back.

Note: the distribution of loops may be different.After subtracting the loops by raglan lines, the remaining number is divided into 4 parts. 1/4 for the back and front and 1/4 for each sleeve. In this case, the shape of the neck will not be rectangular, as in the previous version, but square. In relation to our example, it will be: sleeves with 17 loops, back and front with 16 loops.

It should be taken into account that if the front or back has a fastener, then the number of loops for these parts must be even.

We have a butt clasp, so we do not add loops to decorate the clasp. If you want to knit a bar, then when calculating the loops you should add the required number of loops.

Note: if the yoke is without a fastener and the dress is put on over the head, then you will need to measure the circumference of the head and add 2 - 3 cm for freedom. Then multiply this value by the knitting density.

The yoke is knitted to the chest line. Let's determine the number of loops (columns) at this level. To do this, add 6 cm to the chest circumference and multiply the resulting value by the knitting density.

(Og + Pgr) x 2.5 = (52 + 6) x 2.5 = 145.

Sequence of work

According to calculations, we need to knit 70 columns in the first row. Since we will count the lifting loops as a column, we cast on 69 loops and 3 more lifting loops. We knit the first row with single crochets. In the second row we begin adding along the raglan lines according to the pattern. We knit until the shoulder width is 7 cm (shoulder width measurement). In this case it is 10 rows.

Note: If you want to knit a dress with a dropped shoulder, just continue knitting further by the desired amount.

The total length of the raglan line depends on the size of the product. See the table for the length of the raglan line for a children's dress. In our case, the length of the raglan line is 14 cm. Having finished knitting the shoulder, we received a length of the raglan line of 9 cm.

We need to knit the raglan line another 5 cm, that's 6 rows. (This way the yoke makes 16 rows in total). Now we continue to knit separately only the front and back parts. But along the edges of the parts, in the area of ​​raglan lines, we add not 2 columns to each part, but 1. This way, the fit of the product on the figure will be better.

Note: in open products, for example, sundresses, you can continue knitting the yoke parts without increments.

In the last, 16th row, we connect the back and front parts. But first we need to check the width of the yoke. According to calculations, it should be 145 columns. In fact, it turned out to be 140. In order for the width of the yoke to be closer to the calculated one, when connecting the parts, we will add 2 air loops on the sides. The total is 144 loops. The coquette is ready. In the example in the photo, another row of yoke is knitted with double crochets in order to thread the satin ribbon.

Even on weekdays, every girl, regardless of her age, wants to look smart. Expensive dresses or models with rich trimmings, you don’t have to buy them; you can crochet a beautiful openwork dress for your daughter. This won’t take much time, and if you choose the most common simple diagram, the dress will still be unique, unusual and the most beautiful.

And if you are not interested in simple models, maybe it’s time to get started with the real thing. Evening Dress?

For a girl up to one year old


Cast on 91 loops with crochet hook No. 3, 3 of which will be lifting loops. Since the yoke turns out to be square, divide the number of loops by 4, you get 22 loops in each part (two sleeves, back and front). A fastener is needed on the back, so divide this part into 2, that is, you get 11 loops each.

Having distributed the loops, we begin knitting:

  • Start the first row with a double crochet. Having knitted 10 loops, knit a “shell”, that is, in the 11th, knit 2 columns. with double crochet, 2 air. p. and in the 12th loop also knit 2 stitches. double crochet Due to this, the row will become square. Repeat the “shell” three times through 20 stitches and complete the row with the 10th stitch. double crochet
  • Knit the next 8-10 rows the same way, 3 lifting loops, 10 stitches. double crochet, “shell”, where 2 double crochets are worked into the 1st chain. loop of the first row, 2 air. p. and 2 columns. with a double crochet, knitted in the 2nd air. p., 20 columns. double crochet, etc.
  • Having knitted the yoke, we proceed to the armhole. Tie 10 double crochets to the first “shell”, 2 double crochets. with a double crochet in the 1st air. n. of the previous row, 7-9 air. p., skip the side and make 2 double crochets in the 2nd chain loop of the second shell arch of the previous row.
  • Knit the front side and join the yoke into the second armhole. Having tied the other half of the back, connect the work in a circle.


Let's start with the skirt:

  • Knit a row of mesh consisting of a double crochet and one double crochet. loops.
  • The next row is single crochets. Then knit according to the pattern below.
  • Knit the sleeves too.

In most cases, skirt motifs are taken from napkin or tablecloth patterns. For example, this lace pattern would be ideal option for a festive dress.

You can make our dresses more elegant using satin ribbons, threading them through the skirt and sleeves.

Dress with a yoke for girls 1-3 years old

There is another way to knit a children's dress with a yoke, only it is already round.

This pattern is knitted quickly and easily, which is suitable for beginners in knitting, since only chain stitches, single crochets and double crochets are used.

  1. Using a red thread, cast on 160 chain stitches and close them in a circle.
  2. 1 row - 40 columns. with 1 double crochet, 1 air. p, and repeat this 3 more times. You can mark 4 air loops by tying threads to make it easier to determine the raglan line.
  3. From the 2nd to the 4th row, knit with a mesh consisting of a double crochet and an air loop.
  4. Row 5 - from one loop, tie 2 double crochets, chain stitch, etc.
  5. In the 6th row, change the thread to white and knit with single crochets.
  6. Knit the next 2 rows with a mesh (single crochet, chain stitch).
  7. In the 9th row, change the thread to red again. Fold the yoke of the dress in half and mark the armhole line. Start decreasing by knitting: *dc, double crochet. loop, through three loops, double crochet and air. a loop*. Repeating the rapport, we form the front and back without breaking the thread.
  8. We knit the 10th and 11th rows with a mesh of double crochet and 1st crochet. loops.
  9. From the 12th to the 15th row, knit a mesh from a double crochet stitch with 2 double crochets and 3 double crochets. P..
  10. In the 16th row in the mesh, replace the double crochet stitch with a 3 double crochet stitch.
  11. From rows 17 to 36, switch again to a mesh of double crochet and double crochet. P..
  12. In the 37th row, change the thread to white and knit a row, knitting 2 double crochets from one loop.
  13. In the 38th row, knit a double crochet and chain stitch through 1 single loop.

Thread a satin ribbon through the loops of a row of double crochets. Tie the ends into a flower, and sew or glue a bead in the center.

Elegant dress for a girl 4-5 years old

I would like to share an example of such an elegant dress with frills, which is suitable for matinees, family celebrations and other children's events.

This model is interesting due to the variety of color combinations. In addition to plain, the dress can be multi-colored.

The dress also starts with a square yoke with shoulder slants. Having collected the required number of loops, divide them into 4 parts for the back, front and sleeves.

The number does not have to be the same. For the back and front, you can take a little more loops, be sure to take into account the size of the child. Also divide the back into 2 parts for the fastener.

Knit according to the pattern below.

To find out the length of the armhole (from the shoulder to the armpits), divide the half-circumference of the chest by 4 and add 7 loops. In the example, it is 13 cm. Make the length of the raglan 2.5 cm shorter.

Having knitted the armhole, in the next row, pick up the required number of air loops in the armpits according to the size of the chest circumference. And continue knitting with a net (double crochet, 2 chain stitches), making extensions in the rows at equal intervals. If ruffles are knitted in every 5th row, then the length of the product should be a multiple of 5.

For the dress, you can choose any ruffle pattern you like. Just keep in mind that the number of increments in the net will depend on the repeat of the ruffle.

If the repeat consists of 12 loops, then you need to add 4 squares evenly in the row. If you want to expand more, add the number of cells in multiples of four. For example, 12 increases are equal to 3 ruffles (36 repeat loops).

You can increase evenly in one row or make increases across the row. That is, there are 4 additions in the first and the same in the third.

It's always nice to wear clothes that have one and only version. Handmade items will be exclusive and express individuality. Considering color preferences, favorite styles, you can create a wonderful thing. Wonderful clothes can be created using knitting. Once you master the principles and techniques of knitting, creating stunning outfits will become easy and fun. For dresses, boleros, blouses, sundresses, square, round or classic yokes are used. In this article you will learn detailed information about how to crochet a square yoke.

Simple option

Very interesting and beautiful clothes knitted for children. It is in its creation that fantasy has no boundaries. For a child, you can knit fancy ruffles, decorate them with stunningly beautiful knitted flowers or animal figures, weave beautiful ribbons, combine many details in one outfit. How beautiful they look on girls elegant dresses like princesses! For mothers of girls, it’s simply a creative outlet to dress up their daughters using knitting. Moreover, taking even the most common knitting pattern, the item can turn out to be absolutely unique if you decorate it with various beautiful buttons, brooches, knit beads, choose a harmonious combination of colors, add lace, braid, and bows to the outfit. A variety of colors and types of yarn, as well as the presence of all kinds of decorative accessories, allows you to create unique models. Knitting is perfect for all this.

In addition to festive dresses, you can also knit practical everyday dresses, T-shirts, blouses, tunics, which will look no less attractive. Casual knitted clothes can also turn into amazingly beautiful things. If you decorate the pockets bright details, knit a neat brooch, decorate the collar or neck with braid, select beautiful buttons, then the clothes will become not only practical, but also incredibly attractive.

To create all this beauty, you need to learn how to knit yokes. There are a lot of options for creating them and you can choose one to suit every taste. Or knit a simple yoke, and make the main pattern on the knitted pattern of the hem of the dress, skirt or bottom of the blouse. Or you can do bright accents using color combinations. And, of course, you can compensate for a simple yoke pattern with a chic detail that will decorate it. There can be an infinite number of options, the main thing is to use your imagination and create wonderful things for your beloved children.

Knitting principle

Coquettes can be classic, round or square. Square yokes are easy to knit, and they are suitable for almost any model of children's dress. They can be knitted in regular stitch, without a pattern. It is very simple to make and even a beginner can do it.

Or make it openwork, choose an original pattern. Knitting such a yoke, of course, will be more difficult, especially if you make a pattern, you will have to take into account the size of the repeat.

The most important thing is to understand the principle of creating a yoke and calculating the loops. First you need to find out the half-girth of the neck and half-girth of the chest and determine the knitting density. When calculating the cast-on row, centimeters are converted into loops. For example, if the yoke is knitted with double crochets and threads that are not too dense, then the centimeter will be three loops. But you should take into account the knitting method, thread density and pattern report (if present). Also, a couple of loops are added to the resulting number of loops for a loose fit.

Next you need to distribute the number of loops for each part. If the yoke has lowered sleeves, then subtract 4 from the number of loops, which will be used for raglan lines, and divide the remainder by 4. One and second parts will go to the front and back, and the third and fourth will go to the sleeves. The resulting number of loops will go to each sleeve. It should also be taken into account that if a fastener is planned at the back, then the number of back loops should be divided by two.

After the calculations, you can proceed to knitting. To do this you need to use diagrams.

During the knitting process, you need to determine the length of the yoke to the armhole. It can be calculated by dividing the half-chest circumference by 4 and adding 7 (if the child’s age is less than a year, then it’s better to add 5 or 6).

For baby dress

The master class below will help you learn how to knit a square yoke, in which we will look step by step at how to knit a yoke for a children's dress. We will learn how to knit using the example of a yoke for a dress for a nine-month-old girl.

On a note! You will need threads, preferably not very thin. The hook will fit 1.75.

Let’s choose a simple pattern of double crochets and chain stitches.

The half-circumference of the chest is 24 cm. We will have 75 loops. We distribute 19 loops on the front and sleeves. We will have a fastener on the back, so there will be 18 loops there, that is, 9 loops for each half.

We knit 10 identical rows. From the chain stitches of the previous row we knit two double crochets, and between them we make two chain stitches.

To form armholes, on the first half of the back we knit double crochets up to the first arch of air loops. We knit two double crochets into it. Now you need to knit 7 chain stitches and leave the side part for the sleeve untouched. Then knit two double crochets into the arch of the other part.

We knit the front part with double crochets. And in the first arch of loops we knit two double crochets. We knit seven chain stitches again, skip part of the sleeve and knit two double crochets into the arch of the second half of the back. And then we knit the second half of the back.

Now you need to connect all parts of the yoke using a connecting loop. We knit three lifting loops. We make a row with windows from double crochets and air loops.

The square yoke for the dress is ready. We knit the hem of the dress according to the pattern.

The result is an openwork bottom.

Thus we created a beautiful children's dress.

Video on the topic of the article

This selection of videos clearly explains how to knit square yokes.

Beginner knitters are given step-by-step description knitted yoke for a children's dress. Two main options will be considered: round and square - your choice. The presented diagrams are simplified and clearly described, but, despite the simple description, they are original in execution.

If you thought we were talking about a round top, that's not entirely true. Both patterns are simply knitted in the round without a seam. But both the square and the round yoke - both of them are performed continuously. This method greatly simplifies the knitting process, but does not worsen appearance and originality. The highlight lies in the chosen pattern and its combination with the color and structure of the yarn.

Knitting a one-piece round yoke

Let's start with a round model and delve into the meaning of the task set before us. The main goal is to start working from the neckline and smoothly move on to making the sleeves and front with the back. This transition is called a yoke, is located in the shoulder area, and looks advantageous on almost any dress model. Now we will learn how to crochet a round yoke for a children's dress.

Yarn option for crochet

For children's clothing, it is better to take “iris” or “snowflake” cotton yarn because they have medium thickness and a glossy texture, which is necessary for making a light, delicate dress. Synthetic or wool blend non-thick yarn of the “children’s whim” type is also suitable, but it is more suitable for the winter or spring-autumn season.
So, knitting pattern is as follows:

  1. We cast on 72 air loops and close them in a circle;
  2. We continue working in the same direction and knit 2 double crochets from one loop, and 1 single crochet from the next. We repeat this until the end of the circle.

    Tip: in order not to lose the beginning of the work, we pin a pin to mark it;

  3. Constantly following in one direction, we continue (after the pin) to knit each loop with single crochets;
  4. We knit 5 air loops, and knit the 6th in every 3rd stitch of the previous row;
  5. Loops were formed from 5 “airs”. Now we knit 3 single crochet stitches from them and do this with each bow;
  6. Then from one loop we knit 2 double crochets, from the next - 1 double crochet, skip 1 stitch and repeat this repeat until the end of the row;
  7. Next we repeat points: 3, 4, 5 and 6;
  8. We repeat points: 3, 4, 5.

An example of a knitting pattern for a round yoke. The point is an air loop. Cross line - double crochet.

When we have a crochet yoke for a children's dress ready, we can move on to making the sleeves and fronts. The sleeves are knitted first, and then the front and back. To avoid seams, some knitters knit them together in the round if the pattern allows. It seems that the mating progresses faster this way.

However, given the difference in size, our upper part can be increased by continuing to add to the desired parameters. If the size turns out to be larger than necessary, then you can undo one or two rows. The yoke pattern is designed for gradual expansion, which allows you to knit it until you reach the desired size.

The patterns proposed here are not designed for your individual knitting density., hook number and yarn thickness. Therefore, starting knitting from the first chain, be sure to try to thread the head into the future neck. Or take measurements of your head volume so that you can easily put on a ready-made dress.

The next option is a square yoke

The square yoke is firmly rooted in modeling and looks great on children's products. It is knitted in the round with the only difference that the increase in stitches is not done along the entire row, but only in four designated places. The furrows formed as a result of the increase start from the neck line and end in the armpits. There they connect, and the line of sleeves and front with back begins.

Crocheted square yoke

Let's describe it step by step Scheme for making a yoke for a children's combined dress:

  1. We collect 92 air loops for the neck and connect them in a circle;
  2. We knit 4 “airs”, skip 1 stitch of the previous chain and knit 1 stitch from every 3 loops. with one double crochet, then 1 double crochet, and so on within 21 loops of the chain (it turns out a total of 16 double crochets + 4 double crochets in between). Then we knit 3 chain stitches and again 3 tbsp. with one double crochet, 1 double crochet in continuation of 23 chain loops (total 18 double crochets + 5 double crochets in between). We repeat this rapport 2 more times and reach the end of the row. Where the 3 air stitches are laid, the grooves will be determined, and during the work the loops will be concentrated to add a yoke;
  3. Having reached the end of the row, we pin a pin to indicate the beginning of knitting. We knit 3 chain stitches and 2 tbsp. with one double crochet from one loop of the previous row, 1 double crochet, 3 tbsp. with one double crochet from one loop, which is the space between the double crochets of the bottom row. Knitting 3 tbsp. from one point + 1 “air”, we continue, reaching 3 “airs”, which will later become grooves. These 3 stitches are knitted like this: from the 1st loop we knit 3 tbsp. with one double crochet, knit 3 chain stitches, skip 1 chain stitch of the bottom row and knit 3 stitches from the 3rd chain stitch. with one crochet. Rapport from 3 tbsp. with 1 chain stitch we continue, reaching the next 3 chain stitches, and with them we perform the procedure described above;
  4. We crochet in a circle the pattern suggested in the pattern, without missing the grooves consisting of 3 “airs”. They are the basis for the expansion that creates our beautiful square. In total, if you follow the pattern, we knit 6 rows. But if required larger size, then you can continue in the same vein, adding grooves and rows to the size you need. This creates a square yoke.
Knitting pattern for a square yoke for a children's dress

In the video you can see an example of calculation for a square yoke, loin and continuous knitting:

To determine the size of the yoke, just put it on the model’s shoulders and try to connect the places where the loops are added in the armpits. If tension occurs, it means you need to knit an extra few centimeters. Conversely, if the grooves are much lower than the armpits, it is worth loosening a few centimeters. Don’t be sorry to dissolve unnecessary things; the further outcome of the matter directly depends on this. The dress should sit beautifully and fit your figure. Otherwise, the main drawing will either corrode or shrink and its structure and beauty will not be shown.

What is a combination dress?

As you noticed, we are talking about a combined dress. The combination can consist of both the texture of the yarn and the combination various colors. For example: the upper shoulder part and cuffs with a collar can be made in the same color scheme, but the main color of the dress can be a different color. Or the top, waistband and bottom edging are connected with one pattern, and the sleeves, back and front with another, more restrained pattern.

There is a wonderful option for a combined model: a knitted top and a bottom sewn from lightweight material. The top is a yoke, and the lower part of the dress is cut out from any material that matches the color. The sewn fabric can consist of fabrics such as:

  • Chintz,
  • Organza in several layers;
  • Batiste;
  • Satin;
  • Crepe de Chine.

Options for various combinations can be found on our website. You will be pleasantly surprised by the dresses offered and will definitely find a response from future owners of the models. If you pay tribute to fashion, it is better to choose yarn in bright colors, but do not overdo it with a set of colors. Two or maximum three bright colors are quite enough. Summer options include yellow, sky blue, green, orange, white and pastel colors. These are classic variations that are exceptionally compatible with each other.

The drawing schemes will delight you with their variety and originality. From ordinary satin stitch and fillet knitting to complex openwork in the form of pineapples or geometric shapes- all these are unusual beautiful ideas will inspire you to create your own masterpiece. But if you are just starting your creative journey in the field of crochet, then these two simple details will help you master such a seemingly difficult subject. At first it will be a crochet yoke for a children's dress (patterns are presented below), and then you will gradually move on to complex patterns.

A new way to knit a yoke for beginners

Some knitters come up with their own life hacks for knitting a yoke. For example, alternating double crochets in one row and single crochets in reverse side, in the next row, which gives some rigidity to the product. Also creating stiffeners by knitting a row or two in single crochets.

You can watch all the knitting life hacks from one user in the video below.