Where to get a therapeutic manicure for an ingrown toenail. Pedicure: removing an ingrown toenail in a simple and painless way. Home therapy is usually carried out according to this scheme

Your feet deserve special attention!
The best guarantee of beauty and health of feet can be called medical pedicure. Do not forget that every day your feet are subjected to enormous stress, which is aggravated by tight shoes, poor ventilation, and other factors, so medical hardware pedicure is a real salvation from such problems in our time. Concepts such as beauty and health of feet are inextricably linked and relevant throughout all year round. After all, you want to look perfect on the beach, in the pool, and feel constant comfort in any situation. is a universal procedure that is also suitable for men, because their legs are subjected to no less stress and testing!

Medical hardware pedicure- this is not only a hygienic procedure for caring for the skin and nails of the feet, but also therapeutic techniques used to solve certain medical problems such as fungal diseases of the skin and nails, hyperkeratosis, cracked feet, calluses, thickened nails, ingrown nails, etc.. Guaranteed protection against the transmission of infections and excellent results are the main advantages of hardware pedicure. Mills of various modifications are used as tools, which makes the hardware pedicure procedure painless and atraumatic, and also allows you to quickly and more completely remove the hard stratum corneum (corns, calluses, calluses, etc.)

The highly qualified specialist allows you to supplement the hardware pedicure procedure with foot massage, paraffin therapy and other types of health-improving activities using special cosmetic medicinal products from German brands: "GEHWOL" And "PECLAVUS", created on the basis of natural and hypoallergenic ingredients. The range of these products allows you to individually approach the problems of your feet.

Mycoses and onychomycosis— fungal diseases of the skin of the feet and nails have become a real “disease of civilization.” Today they affect every fifth inhabitant of the planet and without proper treatment can last for decades! All manifestations of the disease are quite typical: the nail plates are deformed, their color changes, dry skin, peeling, itching, and microcracks appear. As you know, to successfully cure onychomycosis, the nail plate affected by the fungus must be removed.

Solution to the problem. Removal of nail plates using the hardware method is absolutely painless, bloodless, in just one session. The hardware method allows you to prepare the nail plates (and, if necessary, the skin of the feet) for the start of therapy with antifungal external agents. A complex approach to treatment makes it possible to reduce the dose and duration of use of antifungal drugs. As a healthy nail plate grows, the doctor carries out preventive cosmetic treatment.

When performing medical hardware pedicure procedures, the requirements for disinfection increase. Otherwise, the risk of spreading the infection increases many times over. Our center maintains real operational cleanliness and strictly adheres to the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Until recently, removal was carried out in two ways: surgical, which involves the use of anesthetics, limits the ability to work and is fraught with postoperative dystrophy, or conservatively- with the help of keratolics, the composition of which is applied overnight, which also causes inconvenience and does not go away without consequences if used incorrectly.

You can get a fungal infection in saunas and swimming pools, as well as in hotel rooms with carpeted floors. In the family - through the patient’s personal belongings. When buying shoes - if you try them on on bare feet - the risk of infection, especially in summer, is very high.

Of course, hardware medical pedicure for onychomycosis places very high demands on disinfection. In our center, the cleanliness is truly operating room, and the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are followed impeccably! We know that otherwise the risk of spreading infections increases many times over.

Hyperkeratosis- hard stratum corneum (HSL), the emergence and development of which is due to excess and long-term pressure on certain areas of the foot. High blood pressure on the feet usually occurs when overweight And tall, often when the feet are deformed, when using the wrong shoes, as well as when metabolism and skin nutrition are impaired, which leads to thickening of the stratum corneum and dry skin.

Solution. Iron ore can be treated with disposable ceramic caps, and instead of a foot bath, special gel or liquid formulations are used. It is convenient, does not require significant time, and is hygienic compared to classical techniques. However, even regular, high-quality pedicures do not cancel out home care for the skin of the feet.

Cracked feet is a linear-shaped skin defect that occurs as a result of excessive dryness, the formation of fatty acids and/or loss of elasticity, often accompanied by inflammation. They arise as a result of various internal changes in organs and their functions. These changes can be hereditary, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and also infectious-allergic.

Solution to the problem.
It is necessary to treat the edges of the cracks so that they heal faster. To do this, a special metal cutter is used, which acts as a blade, after which the crack is ground with a ceramic cap. At the end of the treatment, a healing ointment is applied, which should also be used at home. As a result, the wound heals. In order for healing to occur faster, it is advisable, if possible, to exclude the action of external irritating factors (wearing synthetic socks, uncomfortable shoes, as well as prolonged physical activity).

Callus- a rough, rounded formation limited in area with a deep root in the center. Usually found between the fingers (in the 4th or 3rd interdigital space) singly or in pairs, as well as on the dorsum of the interphalangeal joints of 2-5 fingers or on the sole. We are talking about calluses of “mechanical origin”, when the “trigger” can be a small pebble caught in shoes or other irregularities. As a result of such mechanical action, the growth and division of epidermal cells sharply accelerates, which leads to a thickening of the stratum corneum at the site of irritation.

But there are calluses of viral pathology. In this case, their initial growth is caused by a dermatotropic virus.

Solution to the problem. To remove a callus, a hardware pedicure uses a special set of cutters and a drilling method, which can be used to remove the callus as completely as possible. After drilling, an anti-inflammatory agent is injected into the hole. To completely smooth out the skin at the site of the callus, 3-6 procedures are enough. Full recovery and protection from viruses is achieved with home use special means and protective correctors.

Plantar warts- these are viral infectious benign neoplasms occurring on the skin of the feet. They are caused by the HPV virus, the human papillomavirus, which has about a hundred varieties. The incubation period of this virus ranges from 6 weeks to 20 months, making it quite difficult to determine when and where the infection occurred. A distinctive feature is that there is no skin pattern at the site of the wart. The greatest danger of transmission of the papilloma virus occurs under the following conditions:

  • constant skin moisture;
  • weakened immunity;
  • damage to the skin;
  • there are other skin infections (including foot fungus);
  • disturbance of venous and arterial blood flow in the extremities;
  • failure to comply with hygiene standards in public places;
  • infection due to self-intervention.

Solution to the problem. Plantar wart can be removed various methods depending on its size, depth and pain. These are physical, chemical methods and general supportive treatment methods. Our center uses modern techniques with targeted effects, thanks to which the likelihood of relapse is significantly reduced. If the wart is old and very deep, the hardware pedicurist first delicately removes the wart tissue using a disposable ceramic cap, after which a dermatologist works with the patient, using the technique necessary in this case. For optimal results, several medications will be prescribed that will need to be used at home. The patient should return for a follow-up appointment after approximately two weeks.

Hyperhidrosis– increased sweating, which must be regulated medically, since it undermines the body’s defenses. With hyperhidrosis, a moist and warm environment is formed on the feet, favorable for the growth of fungi and bacteria. Hyperhidrosis occurs due to heat, stress, wearing poor quality shoes or after taking certain medications. Suddenly increasing sweating of the feet may indicate the following diseases:

  • liver diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • circulatory disorders.

Solution to the problem. For hyperhidrosis, a safe form of therapy is used, such as reflexology. Its goal is to improve the functions of the circulatory and nervous systems. Stress and tension are factors that weaken the immune system, and poor circulation leads to tissue and cellular growth disorders, which is a prerequisite for malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system. Sweating is a vital function human body, since toxins come out along with sweat. Reflexology helps remove harmful substances and prevent their accumulation in the intestines, liver, and kidneys, which increases blood circulation. The pedicurist will determine possible reasons problem arises, will help you completely relax and truly enjoy the massage. Reflexology uses pleasantly cooling agents containing camphor and menthol, which will relieve swelling and fatigue in the legs. essential oils. By using special, recommended home care products, you can protect your feet from fungal infections and unpleasant odors.

Thickened nails. The normal thickness of toenail plates is 1mm. Often, the nail thickens when its root and nail bed are affected by eczema and psoriasis, as well as due to poor nutrition, poor circulation and various finger deformities. Thus, the mechanism for controlling length growth in the nail matrix is ​​disrupted. The nails thicken and take on a spherical shape. As a rule, the damaged growth zone of a thickened nail plate cannot be treated. This means that the nail will only thicken further over time. However, thanks to professional care, good results can be achieved within six months.

Solution to the problem. Surgical removal of the nail is usually accompanied by negative consequences, such an operation rarely ends successfully. That is why today the use of a hardware method of removing nails is the most effective and safe. A qualified specialist using this method and special means can stop the process of nail thickening.

Ingrown nail. To date various techniques There are a lot of ways to correct ingrown nails. But, unfortunately, few people know about them. One of the methods is “goldspang” - correction of ingrown nails using a gold plate. There are many benefits to gradually straightening ingrown toenails before surgery. The thin plate is hypoallergenic, adheres well to the nail and does not injure the nail fold. This universal method was originally developed for the correction of very thin nails, however further development technology and daily practice have shown that it can be used in many other cases, especially with increased sensitivity of the lateral nail fold.

Solution to the problem. There are five options for applying a gold plate depending on the indication:

  • ingrown nail on one side - a plate with one bend;
  • ingrown nails on both sides - a plate with two bends;
  • inflamed periungual fold - a plate without bends, glued;
  • asymmetrical nail - two half-plates are used;
  • a thin small nail - a narrow gold plate.

Relative contraindications include suppuration and granulation of tissue of the periungual fold.

We pay special attention to patients with diabetes mellitus- a hereditary or acquired metabolic disease caused by a lack of insulin in the blood. Diabetic foot syndrome- one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by damage to nerves, blood vessels, osteoarticular apparatus and skin. Therefore, sensitivity and blood supply to the feet suffer. In this case, there is numbness of the lower extremities, a decrease in the pain and temperature threshold, and poor healing of microtraumas. Visually, dry skin, deformation and thickening of nails, muscle atrophy become noticeable, and in the later stages trophic ulcers are possible. A moist, warm environment enriched with sugar creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of pathogens of various infections.

Such serious changes require a special delicate, highly professional approach to the medical pedicure procedure. Of great importance here is the role of the pedicure specialist as a link between the doctor and the diabetic patient.

A diabetic patient cannot afford to have problems with his legs; it is vital for him to prevent their occurrence. Therefore, examining the diabetic foot and preventing its problems is quite real service in the medical pedicure room.

In this case, there is only a hardware method for removing corns and hyperkeratosis. No steaming at all hot water and cutting off hardened skin is out of the question. The rough skin is sanded off using diamond bits with a very fine abrasive. A massage with a special massage product after a pedicure will improve blood circulation and “revitalize” your feet.

Our capabilities in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the nails and skin of the feet are almost limitless; we use modern technologies to achieve best result. And, of course, the experience and skill of our medical pedicure professionals always comes first!

Medical pedicure or, as it is also called, hardware pedicure is a set of procedures aimed not only at caring for the feet, but also at solving some diseases of your legs. This technique differs from classic pedicure in that it requires special equipment, the use of which is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Removal of the stratum corneum is carried out using various rotating attachments - burs, cutters, grinding stones. The procedure is not only safe, but with its help you can tidy up the most problematic (heels) and inaccessible (interdigital spaces) areas of the feet.

Indications and benefits of hardware pedicure

A person who does not have problems with feet will benefit from a pedicure in its classic version. But people with various nail and skin diseases have a desire to have beautiful feet. What should they do? The answer is as simple as a multiplication table - go to a hardware (medical) pedicure office. It is there that they will help you not only become beautiful, but also solve many health problems. This service is used in the following cases:

  1. For ingrown toenails (this is one of the non-surgical ways to solve this disease).
  2. To remove the corners of ingrown nails.
  3. For the purpose of treatment and/or prevention of thickening of the nail plate.
  4. To remove soft and hard calluses, as well as the root of the callus.
  5. To remove warts and papillomas.
  6. To remove corns, clean areas of hyperkeratosis.
  7. For treatment, treatment and prevention of cracks.
  8. As one of the treatment methods for foot hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
  9. In the complex therapy of mycoses of the nails and skin of the feet.
  10. Only medical pedicure can be used for diabetic feet.
  11. In order to improve blood supply to the feet and legs.

The advantages of hardware pedicure are simple and obvious:

  1. Safety of the manipulation – the risk of damaging the skin is minimal, which means the possibility of infection of the client is minimal.
  2. The skin is softened not by steaming or baths, but by special drugs, which also reduces the possibility of damage.
  3. The use of disposable nozzles eliminates the possibility of cross-infection.
  4. Creams, lotions, and softeners contain wound-healing components.
  5. The use of attachments allows you to simultaneously not only perform a pedicure, but also stimulate reflexogenic zones, which leads to improved well-being.
  6. The procedure can only be performed by a person with medical education.

The procedure for a medical pedicure

So, you have decided to contact a podiatrist - this is what they call a person who treats foot diseases and performs hardware manicures. What awaits you in this office?

First, you will be asked to take your place in a comfortable chair on a small dais. The health professional will listen to your complaints and wishes, carefully examine your feet to identify any pathology and offer you several options for solving the problem.

Next, the skin of the feet is treated with a disinfectant to minimize the possibility of infection. The next step is applying a special softening agent. The purpose of this manipulation is to soften the stratum corneum of the epithelium (dead cells) without involving living tissue.

After softening, the skin is processed using hardware using a variety of attachments. The skin and nails must be polished - after this procedure, the legs look beautiful and well-groomed longer. Depending on the presence of a certain pathology, the podiatrist performs those manipulations that will contribute to the patient’s speedy recovery.

Having treated the skin, the master begins to work on the nail plates: they are given the desired shape, polished, shortened and treated with special medicinal solutions. If the client wishes, nail coloring is possible.

At the end of the pedicure, the feet are cleaned with lotion and massage movements apply nourishing cream. All cosmetics for medical pedicure contain antifungal drugs, which is necessary for the safety of the client.

Features of hardware pedicure for various pathologies

Diabetic foot syndrome

In diabetes mellitus, there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the lower extremities, and their sensitivity also decreases. It is these two reasons that lead to the fact that the skin on the feet becomes thin, dry, and the nails become brittle, thick and shapeless.

Unfortunately, diabetes mellitus is a contraindication for a classic pedicure, but a medical hardware pedicure is considered a salvation for such patients. You need to work with such clients carefully and carefully, as they have reduced sensitivity in their limbs. Because of this, complications are sometimes possible - small burns: cutters and other attachments heat up during the procedure due to the high speed of rotation and friction.

You also need to carefully monitor the tightness of the instrument’s contact with the skin to avoid accidental injuries. To work with patients diagnosed with diabetic foot syndrome, it is necessary to use fine abrasive diamond tips.

Ingrown nail

Medical pedicure for ingrown toenails– your choice if you have a strong fear of hospitals, and there is no suppuration in the problem area yet. Podologists treat this pathology using the following methods:

  1. Overlay of gold plate. This technique is good if the nail plate is thin and the side fold is painful and sensitive. The goldspang is made from surgical steel and plated with gold, its width is 3 mm, thickness is 1 mm.
  2. Using the Podofix plate. This is a strip of elastic plastic that is glued to the nail with a special glue, and later attached to the nail with a metal wire. This method is acceptable in the presence of hypergranulations (overgrowth of adjacent tissues), curled nails, and treatment of calluses with a core in the area of ​​the nail fold.
  3. Onyclip plate: A metal plate coated with epoxy is glued to the nail. Used for increased sensitivity of the roller (side).
  4. Using a duroplastic, fiberglass-coated plate. It attaches to the nail and, thanks to its springy properties, lifts the edges of the nail above the side ridges.
  5. COMBIped technique– with inflammation of the nail folds, with curling of the nail, unilateral ingrowth of the nail plate. A metal bracket is used with one curved end (it goes under the nail plate), its other end is a plastic platform that is fixed to the nail from above. In this way, you can correct only one edge of the nail.

Video: correction of an ingrown nail

Fungal infection of the foot

Medical pedicure for foot or nail fungus should be carried out in conditions that are as close as possible to a sterile operating room. This is necessary to prevent infection of healthy tissues. During the manipulation process, products containing high concentrations of antifungal drugs are used. After a pedicure, all disposable attachments are disposed of, and stationary equipment is disinfected.

With the help of hardware pedicure, it is possible to painlessly remove affected nail plates and preventive treatment of intact (uninfected) nails.

Video of medical pedicure for foot fungus

Hyperkeratosis, calluses, corns

If you have hyperkeratosis of the feet, do not despair - just treat the skin with ceramic attachments several times, and it will again become smooth, even, pleasant to look and feel.

Shallow core calluses can also be removed using this manipulation. After local anesthesia and disinfection, the doctor uses cutters of various sizes to drill out the callus from the root. An antiviral drug is instilled into the resulting hole and an aseptic bandage is applied. To completely get rid of a callus, you need to complete a course of 3-6 sessions.

Corns are a local thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis caused by uncomfortable shoes or prolonged and frequent walking. This inconvenience can be eliminated by using softening agents and regular grinding.

Video: callus removal

Foot care after a medical pedicure

To make your feet look perfect, you need to repeat the medical pedicure procedure at least once every 1-2 months. In the interval between visits to the podiatrist, you need to take care of your feet yourself: take care of the hygiene of your feet and shoes, perform hygiene procedures at least 2 times a day (more often in summer), and be sure to apply special creams to the skin of your feet. Also, do not forget to take your medications on time and use medicines foot care if you have a specific foot condition.


Medical pedicure for keratosis and corns

Correction of calluses and cracks

Treatment of nail plate fungus

Ingrown toenail correction

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We are accustomed to the fact that pedicure is cosmetic procedure, designed to make the heels smooth, and the nails neatly trimmed and, if we are talking about women’s legs, painted. Have you heard that pedicure can... heal? And very effective! It affects ingrown toenails, superficial and deep calluses, cracked feet, and even such a sticky thing as fungus. In addition, a medical pedicure can serve effective means prevention of all these problems.

Who needs a medical pedicure?

Nail fungus or onychomycosis is an insidious enemy. Wherever he watches over his victims! In pools and bathhouses, on the tables of massage parlors and in the beach sand, on other people's slippers at a party... you can't list it all. Not a single person is 100% protected from encountering this dirty trick. Worse yet, we ourselves pave the way for infection into our body when we poorly comply with hygiene requirements. Or we wear synthetic socks along with tight shoes. Or we undermine the immune system with an incorrect lifestyle. In a word, it is not surprising that statistics show that every fifth inhabitant of the planet has a fungus.

By the way, don't you want to take the test right now? uninvited guest on your nails? If you have:

  • there was itching on the skin of the feet;
  • the lateral rollers of the toes periodically turn red, swell and swell;
  • the nail plates turned yellow, became noticeably thicker, or became loose, and voids formed under them -

This is a good reason to see a specialist. And if your nails begin to crumble and pus sometimes appears from under them, you need to make an appointment immediately.

A podiatrist (that’s what doctors who deal with foot diseases are called) will examine you and take necessary tests and prescribe treatment, part of which may well be a medical pedicure.

How is it different from cosmetic? The goal of a regular pedicure is to give your nails an aesthetically pleasing appearance. attractive appearance, while the treatment procedure is aimed at removing the areas of the nail affected by the fungus and eliminating the very cause of the disease. However, you don’t have to worry about appearance either; After visiting a podiatrist, your legs will look well-groomed and beautiful. No wonder many resort to helpschand medical pedicure, even without suffering from fungus, for prevention purposes.

You should only trust the procedure to a doctor or a beauty salon worker with a special medical education. This is the only way you can be sure that you will receive a quality service, and not a cheap imitation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of therapeutic pedicure are obvious:

  • it allows you to painlessly and without surgical intervention remove nails affected by fungus;
  • it enhances the effect of medicinal creams and ointments, removing dead skin layers, and in the early stages it can completely eliminate the disease without the help of additional means;
  • it allows the legs to remain attractive, which is not so easy if there is a fungus;
  • the use of disposable instruments and high-quality sterilization of reusable ones, mandatory in medical institutions, eliminates re-infection, and professional equipment and a doctor’s diploma guarantee a high-quality result;
  • Pedicure is as safe as possible and has a minimum of contraindications. With rare exceptions, it can be done by almost everyone, including people suffering from diabetes, varicose veins veins and circulatory disorders.

Does this pedicure have any disadvantages? Eat:

  • this pleasure is not cheap, especially if you are not going to trust your legs to just anyone;
  • some drugs that are used to treat the skin of the feet to soften and disinfect can cause allergies;
  • the same drugs make the procedure undesirable for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • people with sensitive skin pedicure can deliver discomfort, since not only nails are processed, but also fingers and feet;
  • A high-quality medical pedicure can only be obtained in a specialized institution. This procedure cannot be carried out at home.

Video: what therapeutic nail care looks like

A few words about specialized equipment

Treatment of feet affected by fungus, as well as those covered with calluses, cracks, or simply in need of good prophylaxis, is carried out using a special apparatus. It is a comfortable handle that rotates at high speed. (up to 25,000 rpm) a tip on which the doctor changes cutter attachments as needed: from rough ones, capable of cleaning the nail down to the very base, to soft grinding ones.

For lovers of hardware manicure, such a device will probably remind you of a grinding machine, which is used to care for nails in a beauty salon. Indeed, they operate on the same principle, but at the same time they have significant differences.

  1. Without exception, all podiatrist’s instruments are certified. If a salon, especially a low-class one, can close its eyes to “some formalities,” then in a medical institution this is strictly monitored.
  2. The podiatrist's instruments and workplace are subject to serious sterilization. And we are not talking about wiping with alcohol and an ultraviolet lamp, which are ineffective against fungus, but about serious processing in a special device - a sterilizer. In addition, everything that can be disposable - shoe covers, chair pads, and in some clinics even cutters - is exactly that.
  3. The device for medical pedicure has higher power and is often additionally equipped with filtration and suction systems, which makes the procedure more hygienic.

Today, a simple machine for medical pedicure can also be purchased privately, for home use. But you should be aware that your manipulations with such a unit will not be therapeutic in the full sense of the word: the device does not have enough power for high-quality treatment of feet, and you do not have the knowledge. And it’s only a stretch to talk about creating sanitary conditions in a private apartment.

Photo gallery: grinding machine, attachments and more

All instruments are thoroughly sterilized. A pedicure chair should be comfortable for both the doctor and the patient. Sometimes the specialist comes to the aid of more traditional blades for ingrown nails. The medical device is characterized by increased power - its tip rotates at a speed of 25,000 or more revolutions per minute. What kind of treatment without antifungal varnish? different-sized cutters allow you to perform any manipulations with nails

Medical pedicure procedure step by step

Any therapeutic pedicure begins with a consultation with a doctor. After finding out your medical history and making a diagnosis, the doctor:

  • determine the feasibility of the procedure in your case;
  • will select a set of accompanying therapeutic measures (use of ointments, taking medications, treatment with a UV lamp);
  • will give advice on foot care at home.

You may be asked to purchase disposable wipes and antiseptic at the pharmacy, as well as stock up on nail files and a pusher - this will be your individual kit, which only the doctor and you can touch.

Next, you will be asked to undergo the procedure. pay attention to appearance podiatrist! The doctor should meet you wearing an apron, gloves and a hair cap, and use special mask and safety glasses. If this does not happen, immediately say “goodbye” to the clinic: they do not follow basic hygiene rules.

Reusable instruments, sterilized after a previous client, are disinfected again before starting a new procedure.

If all conditions are met, sit in a chair and relax, the specialist will do the rest for you.

Pre-treatment of feet

First of all, your feet will be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic to eliminate any possibility of infection. The damaged areas of the foot will be given special attention, generously applying a special anti-fungal composition to them.

Safety is king


Medical pedicure is a “dry” procedure. This means that the feet are not steamed in hot water, but special preparations are used to soften corns, rough areas of skin or nails. Traditionally, the most useful products are those made from herbal ingredients, but here it is better to leave the choice to the doctor - he will determine what is best in your case.

Leather processing

Armed with a device with an appropriate attachment, the doctor will treat the feet, toes and the space between them, removing keratinized epithelium. This stage can last from 20 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the degree of fungus damage to the feet.

Nail treatment

Then the doctor will use a special brush to brush away the particles of dust remaining after filing and begin processing the nail plate. Again, its actions will depend on the stage of the disease. In some cases, it is enough to trim the free edge of the nail, polish its surface with a soft cutter - and you will get a pedicure indistinguishable from a cosmetic one. Sometimes, if the podiatrist deems it necessary, he can supplement the action of the cutter with the work of a regular nail file.

In mild cases, the matter is limited to superficial treatment of the nails

But sometimes the nail has to be seriously filed down and even removed entirely, and then resort to temporary prosthetics. The question is not so much aesthetic as medical: the fact is that the upper phalanx of the finger, left “without cover,” turns into a gate, hospitably open to all kinds of viruses and fungi.

Prosthetics solves both cosmetic and medical problems


At the end of the procedure, the foot is again cleaned of particles of the cut nail plate, covered with antifungal and regenerating drugs and, if necessary, given a short massage. This is necessary to restore blood circulation and better penetration of the medicinal components of ointments into the skin. If the nail plate has not been removed, it is covered with antifungal varnish.

After completion of the procedure, all instruments, including your individual kit, will be disinfected. Most likely, the patient will be advised to also treat inner surface shoes with an antiseptic like Miramistin to prevent re-infection of the just treated nail.

Experts advise resorting to medical pedicure for preventive purposes no more than once every 2-3 months. The frequency of the procedure prescribed for treatment is determined by the doctor.

Video: features of pedicure for onychomycosis

You can combat medical problems of the feet and nails not only with the help of ointments and creams, but also with cosmetic methods. Pedicure is the removal of an ingrown toenail in a simple and painless way, as opposed to medical intervention.

Pedicure - removal of ingrown nails:

  1. Ways to deal with the problem.
  2. Cosmetic methods for treating ingrown toenails.
  3. Prevention of ingrown nails.

Ingrown toenails are a fairly common and very painful medical problem. It is expressed in the ingrowth of the nail plate into the soft tissue around it. This is usually observed on the big toes. The consequence of ingrowth is redness and inflammation of the soft tissues, severe pain both with pressure and in a calm state. If the situation is advanced, suppuration may appear.

The causes of ingrown nails are varied: heredity, poor hygiene, fungus, tight shoes, incorrect posture, gait, foot placement, injuries, bad pedicure.

The first symptoms of the problem are redness around the nail, accompanied by pain when pressing and walking. In this case, you need to immediately find out the cause and begin treatment so as not to start the disease before suppuration appears.

Ways to deal with the problem

There are two main ways to deal with ingrown toenails - medical and cosmetic.

The first method means that it is medicine that will come to the rescue in the fight against the disease. This includes cases where the cause of an ingrown toenail is a fungus (which is treated with antifungal ointments) or the situation is so advanced that the nail plate has to be surgically removed.

And the second method is precisely pedicure - removal of an ingrown nail. The specialist will properly treat the skin, prevent the progression of the disease and perform prophylaxis, but he can only help if there is no suppuration in the affected area.

Cosmetic methods for treating ingrown toenails

Those who suffer from ingrown nails are recommended to systematically undergo a hardware pedicure. During the procedure, the master will treat the skin with special softening compounds and the nail plate with rotating attachments. They will carefully remove rough skin and excess areas of the nail, and perform gentle sanding. Thus, the integrity of the skin and nail will not be compromised.

In addition, pedicure - removal of ingrown toenails is often done using special cosmetic techniques. Their essence comes down to attaching attachments to the nail, which correct the position of the nail plate. After some time, the problem disappears completely.

. Plate application. This can be a gold, plastic, duraplastic or metal plate, which is attached to the nail with glue and staples. The plate prevents the lateral edges of the nail from deepening into the soft tissues, and when worn for a long time, it completely corrects the position of the nail.

. Staple application. Its curved edge goes under the damaged edge of the nail. The structure is secured using a special pad, which is glued to the nail plate from above. The procedure is used for correction if ingrowth is observed on only one side.

Prevention of ingrown toenails

To avoid having to use pedicure as a means of combating ingrown toenails, you need to follow preventive measures.

Firstly, you should not wear shoes that are too narrow and tight, and also expose your toes to systematic injuries.

Secondly, hygiene procedures should not be neglected. Foot baths, especially with salt or oak bark, are the best prevention of fungus.

Thirdly, you should remember about precautions in public places: in a common shower, bathhouse, or on the beach, you should use rubber slippers.

Fourthly, you must not injure the skin around the nail plate and the nail itself, cut it too short, especially at the edges.

The problem of an ingrown toenail must be solved immediately, so as not to treat purulent inflammation later and not turn to surgeons.