Age-related changes in the face. How a person's face changes with age Age-related changes in the oval of the face

Mankind has always been interested in the question of what beauty is and what parameters it is determined by. What should be the ideal face? Studies have shown that facial volume is one of the key indicators youth and sexuality. The youthful appearance is characterized by softness, smoothness of lines, transitions. The cheeks have a natural roundness, the cheekbones are high, the chin is softly defined, any features of the facial skeleton are always and everywhere gently smoothed out with a uniform layer of subcutaneous fat.

The loss of volume due to a decrease in the fat layer changes the shape of the face, makes it flatter, the features become sharper, the general appearance becomes tired, haggard. This is one of the few cases where fat loss is not beneficial. Dips under the eyes, retraction of the cheeks, an uneven line of the lower jaw - all this, alas, does not give the appearance of youth.

Perfect face - perfect volume

German psychologists conducted a complex experiment to create a computer model of the ideal female face. They connected with each other the most spectacular faces, recognized as such during a large sociological survey, and at the beginning they showed a portrait of an ideal woman obtained during the “splicing” of 100 most beautiful faces, and then the same portrait, but slightly modified according to a child’s scheme, then there were added roundness to the cheeks, softer transitions from one area of ​​the face to another, the forehead was made higher and more rounded, convex, the eyes were enlarged, the nose was shortened, the lips were made more plump. Curiously, "rounded", more children's version, indicating dense subcutaneous adipose tissue of the face, was chosen by 90% of respondents and only 10% preferred natural beauty. But at the end of the experiment, scientists managed to find out the main set of features that a beautiful face should have. In women, this is smooth, smooth skin, the shape of the face is “heart” or “oval”, high cheekbones, the presence of cheeks, plump lips, widely spaced big eyes, dark eyelashes and thin eyebrows, a small nose and most importantly, the softness and tenderness of the lines are welcome. faces. The slightest sharpness in the transition from one part of the face to another has already been interpreted as “ugly” (for example, too sunken cheeks, even with high cheekbones, received very few positive ratings). Alya handsome men, interestingly, the same set is characteristic, plus a strong-willed chin and a noticeable lower jaw,

So, the first conclusion is obvious - more softness and roundness in the face, the so-called "childhood", and the woman seems more attractive. And the second conclusion that psychologists from the University of Regensburg were able to draw is that there is a stereotype of perception of a beautiful person. The more beautiful the face turned out to be, the more pleasant, spiritual, intelligent, touching its owner was considered. Such people are credited with greater creative potential, the ability to positively influence others. Those with sharper, less likable faces are denied these positive qualities and are classified as life-weary and discontented. It turns out that beautiful people life is easier. They a priori have a head start when making contacts, looking for work, in their personal lives. But let's not forget the classification of the cheerful physicist Landau with his "fragrant" and the proverb often quoted by my mother-in-law (I hope I do not inspire her to pronounce this masterpiece of folk wisdom), "There is a buyer for every product." If it is difficult to reach agreement with oneself on some issues of appearance and folk wisdom does not help, then modern cosmetology may well help.

Face volume as a criterion of beauty and an indicator of age

So, the criterion of beauty and youthfulness of the face is elastic skin and a uniform volume that mimics childish features. Over the years, the natural facial volume disappears, the face becomes flatter and, even worse, various depressions and sharpness appear, which, for sure, do not give faces youth and beauty. The correct rounded curves of the face are as sexy as the seductive roundness of the body. Flat faces are less feminine, because they are not able to reflect light, which emphasizes the beauty of the face and freshness. Facial volume is one of the most important indicators of youth and sexuality.

Why facial volume is lost with age

Scientists have been able to establish that the process of losing fat on the face is progressive, if, of course, we consider the ideal variant of aging without sudden weight changes during the life of the patient. It all starts with the area around the eyes, then the middle of the cheeks (under the eyes), then the cheekbones, the jaw line, the lower jaw, the nasolabial folds and, finally, the forehead and temples lose volume. No one is immune from the thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer on the face, its displacement and sagging, which subsequently violates the proportions of the face and its shape. At the same time, there are several factors that we can control.

Firstly, exposure to the sun - almost all signs of aging, including the degradation of the subcutaneous fat layer, are the result of the abuse of sunbathing and not only.

Secondly, weight fluctuations are the biggest enemy of facial volume. The fact is that due to such “weight swings”, even at a very young age, the fat that gently lines the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe orbits disappears very quickly and irrevocably, and this leads to the appearance of dips under the eyes. In addition, the cheeks lose their density and roundness, gradually sinking in, which already violates the entire architectonics of the face. All this together leads to early violations of the shape of the oval of the face and the drooping of the corners of the lips. The saddest thing is that in people who often and ineffectively lose weight, using a variety of unbalanced diets, the adipose tissue on the face is never restored as nature intended. So, if a person lost a lot of weight, but could not keep the weight and gained it again, fat will be deposited on the face according to completely different rules. No, in order to recover evenly and beautifully in the area of ​​​​the eye orbits, in order to remove circles under the eyes, it will swell in the form of unpleasant bags of eye hernias, and fat will be deposited with great pleasure in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin and cheeks instead of giving roundness to the cheeks and laying out evenly and gracefully cheekbones. And all these phenomena together will only allow you to dream about the parameters of an ideal young and beautiful face. That is why weight control and a balanced diet are the most important preventive measures in preserving the natural volume of the face for as long as possible. “Take care of the subcutaneous fat layer from an early age” - this is how I would paraphrase a well-known saying in the light of this marker.

In addition to these factors, I would like to note the excessive enthusiasm for facial myostimulation procedures from a young age. Devices - myostimulators used to be found in almost every beauty salon. Often they are even sold in "shops on the couch", promising a wonderful tightening effect. But we must always remember that excessive muscle tension in the face can also sharpen the features, making them coarser, and in especially sensitive places, such as the area under the eyes, subcutaneous fat can be resorbed ahead of time.

How facial volume affects our perception of age

This age marker is extremely insidious. Formed gradually, it dulls our critical thinking and may remain unrecognized for a long time, cunningly forcing us to look in the mirror for a good angle or explain to ourselves these “floating” features sleepless night, excess fluid drunk, lack of vacation or a few extra pounds, drop which - and everything will be as before, as if you are still twenty years old. The only exceptions are those cases of sharp weight loss or, on the contrary, weight gain, when the face changes dramatically in a short period of time, then it becomes absolutely impossible not to notice the marker. However, saving thoughts appear here too: a couple of weeks - and the skin itself will tighten, adapting to the new weight. Nevertheless, sooner or later there comes a collision with reality... So, for example, somewhere in the fitting room, where, as luck would have it, everything is visible in this notorious 3D, the look chin, and drooping cheeks. And in the photo, instead of a perky girl, safely and comfortably living in her own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bherself, some aunt with a limp face and a tired look will suddenly look at you.

Surrounding people perceive such a person as age-related, tired, sometimes flabby. Interestingly, when the marker "3D disturbance" appears, the face begins to appear looser and fuller, although the person's weight may remain exactly the same as in youth. The reason is that during the migration (lowering) of fatty areas on the face, a kind of “draining down” of soft tissues occurs. Therefore, the amount of subcutaneous fat in the upper part of the cheek and the near-zygomatic zone decreases sharply (up to the formation of depressions - “pits” under the eyes), while the lower part of the face becomes heavier due to the fat that has fallen there. The even outline of the lower jaw disappears, flails and sagging appear, the face loses its characteristic oval shape, approaching geometric shape more like a trapezoid. Nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the lips are added to the overall and so unseemly picture. The displacement of adipose tissue down literally "eats" the beauty and good looks. And even if it has not yet reached the formation of jowls and a “blurred” oval line, then the facial fat that has moved down still makes the face ugly and “heavy”.

Volume of Isadora's face

A striking example of the wool of this marker - an amazing ability to destroy the beauty and tenderness of the face - is the type of aging of the famous dancer Isadora Aunkan. This beautifully mastic woman, who devoted her whole life to dancing, met the Russian theta Yesenin at the age of 45. And despite the fact that constant choreography helps to maintain overall tone and youth (for example, the figure and neck of the dancer were in excellent condition), the age marker “3D violations” still did not spare the beauty’s face. By this age, she had no obvious signs of aging in the form of a bad oval, nasolabial folds or lowered corners of her mouth (dance classes give an incredible tone to all muscles without exception), but her face seemed somehow square, heavy and simply not so beautiful. Gone was the tenderness and charm of this delightful woman in her youth,

An ugly, fat, heavy face - that's what this age marker can do even with a beauty! It was this woman who was seen for the first time in Soviet Russia, who drove the aesthetic public crazy and around whom crowds of admirers always curled. But her beauty and captivating grace became an inspiration for the great Rodin!

It is quite difficult not to notice the appearance of this age marker. Already at the age of thirty, many women begin to sound the alarm about suddenly appearing circles under the eyes. Further more. The resulting depressions on the cheeks, especially in the center of the face, flattening of the cheeks - all this makes the face more tired and as if fallen. Unfortunately, the absence of wrinkles is not yet an indicator of youth. In order for a face to be perceived as young, the correct interaction of its volumes is necessary.

Let's summarize all of the above. The age marker "lost volume of the face" can have a very significant impact on the determination of age in a person. Depending on the degree of its severity, this marker adds from 5 to 10 years with its early manifestation. For clarity: a thirty-year-old woman who often sits on strict diets with weight fluctuations in different periods a life of 5 kg or more will most likely look like a forty-year-old, since such a lifestyle leads to obvious irreversible violations of the facial volume in the form of circles under the eyes, retraction of the cheeks in their upper part and, conversely, weighting in the lower, significant flattening of the zygomatic region and depressions in the nasolabial zone. All these changes occur against the background of a general sharpening of facial features and the aggravation of various shadows and depressions. In addition to the fact that this marker visually adds age, it also takes away the beauty and freshness of a person, giving his appearance staleness, fatigue, exhaustion and a sad expression.

Since this age marker is associated with the loss or redistribution of subcutaneous facial fat, the emphasis in home activities is only on the prevention of its formation. The key to success is maintaining a stable weight and a rational balanced diet with adequate fluid intake (up to two liters per day). If, nevertheless, the question of losing weight is ripe, then it is best to do this under the supervision of a specialist, a dietitian, be sure to reduce weight progressively and smoothly. With a slow process of losing weight, the likelihood of manifestation of the age marker "lost volume" is significantly reduced. Do not neglect the simple principles of home skin care: moisturizing, nourishing, toning.

Gymnastics for the face helps to keep facial muscles in good shape and affects the preservation of the face in a state of tone, thereby indirectly maintaining harmonious proportions. However, very diligent exercises for the circular muscle of the eye or cheeks can aggravate the absorption of subcutaneous fat in these areas and sharpen the features ugly. Therefore, I personally welcome facial exercises only for the neck, chin area and forehead. In areas where there is subcutaneous fat in the architectonics of the face, which gives the face the same 3D volume, depth, thinness and softness of transitions, I refer to any manipulations that can disturb and accelerate resorption, resorption of this most important layer for our beauty - starting from charging and ending with myostimulation with great care.

If the age marker “lost facial volume” nevertheless appeared, then we will have to admit with regret that conservative methods, such as masks, tightening creams, even peels and mesotherapy, are not able to make up for what is gone forever - subcutaneous fat, and, accordingly, restore youthful facial contours. That is why you have to make a difficult choice - either to age naturally, or to turn to the services of professional cosmetologists. Unfortunately, you won't be able to handle this marker on your own. However, it should be noted that for those who maintain a stable weight all their lives and take care of their health, this marker manifests itself rather late - at 45-50 years old, and even then it is not always pronounced. That is why it is worth taking care of your beauty from an early age, laying the foundation for the future and delaying the manifestation of this marker as much as possible. If it worked out, you can always and should contact a competent cosmetologist.

How cosmetology helps to restore facial volume with age

Modern cosmetology has in its arsenal techniques and procedures that can help restore lost facial contours, originally conceived by nature. To restore the correct interaction of facial volumes, injection techniques are used, which can now rightfully be called a saving bridge between conservative cosmetic care and radical plastic surgery solutions.

The fact is that the lost volume of subcutaneous fat and the resulting “falling” of the face can be restored only by skillfully replenishing this natural filler that has gone. This method of filling the volume of soft tissues is called 3D contouring or volumetric correction. Unlike the flat approach to aging, which focuses only on the presence or absence of wrinkles on the face, the volumetric method for correcting age-related changes considers anatomical tissue metamorphoses in more detail. For example, it would seem that in order to get rid of the drooping corners of the lips, it is enough to introduce a filler into this area. If we are talking about only one category of age-related changes - the loss of elasticity and skin tone, which led to such a drooping of the corners of the mouth - then the decision seems to be absolutely correct. But the fact is that sad folds at the mouth are laid not only for the reasons mentioned. A much greater influence on the formation of such a picture has a downward displacement of buccal fat and resorption, that is, resorption, of the fat layer in the cheekbones. Therefore, in order to achieve an optimal result, it is necessary to strengthen the cheek area and replenish the volume of the zygomatic region, which will almost immediately give a lifting, tightening of the drooping sad corners of the lips. It is also interesting that with the timely correction of the very first volumetric disorders of the face, the result is achieved quickly, persists for a long time and prevents the development of other 3D changes. the development of age-related changes in the face. With the advent of 3D contouring, the approach to plastic surgery has completely changed. With the correct restoration of facial volumes using injection volumetric technique, the need for early surgical correction has almost completely disappeared. That is why in recent years the age of women and men who turn to plastic surgery for the purpose of rejuvenation has significantly “grown up”.

After 30 years, you look the way you deserve, they say. But this is only partly true. different types skin ages differently.

Some girls notice the first signs of age on their faces as early as 18 years old, but in fact, we begin to age much later. The appearance of mimic wrinkles and age spots, which sometimes “spoil” young skin, has nothing to do with the aging process of the body. All of the above is the result of insufficient skin care, but not signs of age.

Real age-related changes appear on the face only after 30 years, when cell renewal processes in the body slow down, microcirculation is disturbed and metabolism decreases. But at this time it is still too early to talk about skin fading - an indispensable stage of its aging, although the status of the skin is still changing. The skin of a woman after 30 years in the language of cosmetology is called mature. And yet, you shouldn't be upset.

The skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and at the age of 30-35, all vital hormones are still produced in sufficient quantities. This means that if you take care of it correctly, taking into account not only its type and individual characteristics, but also the type of aging, you can achieve amazing results.


If you evaluate the condition of the skin of women at this age, you can see that it will be completely different. Some of the fair sex will look 20 years old, as if biological age has no effect on them. Others can be given "all 35" - pronounced wrinkles, a decrease in skin turgor, a floating oval of the face. Does this mean that the first ladies looked after their skin better, and their skin care products were more effective?

Not really. At different women not only the type of skin (normal, dry, oily, combination) and its condition (sensitive, dehydrated) differ, but also the type of facial aging. Only by taking into account all the factors, you can stay young and beautiful longer.


If you want to keep your skin healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, do not believe in the miraculous properties of cosmetics. The skin is a reflection of the changes that occur inside the body, which means that its care must be comprehensive. Portions of cream in the morning and evening are not enough, you must lead a healthy lifestyle!


The skin of 30-year-old women reacts sharply to stress, so lack of sleep immediately affects the face. The skin becomes dull, gray, the eyelid area turns red, and if you also lean on coffee or alcohol in the evening, swelling appears. Sleep is the best cure for stress, including for your face!


The results of an interesting study were published by experts from McMaster University in Ontario. They gathered two groups of like-minded people from 20 to 84 years old. The first group went in for sports three times a week, and the second did not practice intense exercise.

A skin biopsy showed that in older people from the first group, the qualitative characteristics of the deep layers of the skin corresponded to young skin! While the second - biological age. There is something to think about, right?


Trite? But it's effective! You can talk for a long time about the dangers of fast food, but it's better not to eat it. Exclude or at least limit store-bought sausages and frankfurters, semi-finished products, as well as pasties and pies from the tray - the skin condition will immediately improve. And if you start drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day, visually the skin will become brighter and fresher, and optimally hydrated from the inside.


After 25-30 years, the risk of pigmentation, which is difficult to correct, increases. To prevent this problem, apply sunscreen to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The minimum SPF value is 30.


After 30 years, a woman should switch to anti-aging cosmetics. The usual moisturizer and simple cleansing in the morning and evening is no longer enough. In order for the skin to be velvety, fresh and young, you will have to expand your cosmetic arsenal.

Anti-aging cream with a moisturizing effect, nourishing cream (evening), toning lotions, moisturizing and regenerating masks and serums should settle on your dressing table.

The 9 Best Ingredients in Anti-Aging Cosmetics:

Hyaluronic acid;


AHA acids;


Vitamins A, C and E;





Star example: Kim Basinger, Julia Roberts.

The first type of aging affects the owners of normal and moderately dry skin, sometimes with hypersensitivity. Usually they have an asthenic (thin) or normosthenic physique, the face is oval or diamond-shaped.

In the morning, the skin looks great, pleases with freshness and blush, and by the evening it takes on a tired look, as if nature “throws” 3-5 years. The main reason for the changes is a violation of microcirculation in the deep layers.

Main features:

Dull complexion, with age acquires an earthy tint.

Decreased skin turgor and muscle tone.

Dropping of the corners of the eyes and mouth.

The manifestation of the pattern of the nasolabial triangle and the lacrimal groove.

Visual loss of volumes.

What to do?

First of all, you should take care of a good rest as effective means reduce skin stress. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to components that improve complexion and stimulate collagen synthesis. These are products with vitamin C, antioxidants and AHA acids.

Be sure to practice self-massage of the face. A procedure carried out in accordance with all the rules will improve the movement of blood in the lymph and tissues, noticeably refreshing. And don't forget about salon care- lymphatic drainage procedures will be useful - classic manual massage, myolifting, vacuum lymphatic drainage. Once a year recommended chemical peels, improving the condition of the cover and stimulating the synthesis of collagen.


Star example: Svetlana Kryuchkova, Sophia Loren.

It is not difficult to recognize a woman prone to this type of facial aging on the street - this is about 60 percent of our compatriots. This is how “heavy” full faces age. The skin of beautiful ladies is most often combination or oily, porous, often with rosacea and increased sensitivity to cosmetic care.

The defining symptom of the deformation type is the sagging of the tissues, as the name implies - the eyelids become baggy, the circumference of the face "floats", the cheeks droop. The causes of unpleasant changes are an excess of subcutaneous fat and a decrease in skin turgor.

Main features:

The appearance of swelling.

The appearance of "flews", a double chin.

Bags under the eyes.

Vascular network (rosacea).

The cheeks hang over the nasolabial fold.

The oval of the face is lost.

What to do?

With this type of facial aging, the most important thing is prevention. Unfortunately, with the existing age-related changes - the overhanging of the skin of the upper eyelids and cheeks, the appearance of fatty hernias, etc. Only surgery is effective.

Therefore, it is so important to start thoughtful skin care in time to prevent imperfections. Specialists show procedures that can restore muscle tone and thereby tighten the skin. This is a sculptural massage, myostimulation, a course of modeling masks. At home, you can pamper your skin with alginate and paraffin masks, rely on anti-couperose creams and serums, and use cosmetics that improve microcirculation in the skin layers. Useful creams containing seaweed, vitamins K, P and C.


Star example: Andie MacDowell, Audrey Hepburn.

The beautiful half of humanity with this type of aging has normal or dry sensitive skin. Since such skin is quite thin and light, with age it does not stretch under the influence of the law of gravity, but retains its shape.

But there is bad news too! It is covered first with small, and then deep wrinkles. Over time, the face loses a beautiful porcelain glow - the skin requires moisture and protection. To keep it bright and fresh longer, it needs literally greenhouse conditions.

Main features:

Constant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.

Acute reaction to cold and heat.

Mimic wrinkles appear in the forehead area.

Creases are visible on the upper and lower eyelids.

Clearly visible "crow's feet" and wrinkles around the lips.

Pigmentary "blots" appear.

What to do?

The "golden rule" of caring for such skin is protection. In the cold season, before going outside, you should apply a protective nourishing cream, and in the warm season, a product with solar filters. At the first sign of rashes and irritations, you will need an antiallergic agent.

In addition to all of the above, daily care should include a cream based on hyaluronic acid- an iconic skin moisturizer, with soothing ingredients and phytoestrogens.

If you are not afraid of injections and are ready for injection techniques, try mesotherapy sessions (injection of cocktails and gels based on “hyaluron” under the skin). Among other techniques, skin condition will be improved by massages over a nourishing cream and a course of revitalizing masks.


Star example - Irina Alferova, Brigitte Bardot.

One of the most complex types, which is characterized by all the features listed above. Briefly, but capaciously, the aging process can be described as “all at once”. The face acquires a gloomy expression, swelling occurs and wrinkles occur.

At the age of 30 years, it is difficult to recognize it, because aging passes by the type of a tired face, after which other signs join. However, if you have a normal physique, but there is a tendency to be overweight, keep in mind that you are at risk.

Main features:

Wrinkle formation.

Decreased skin elasticity.

Pronounced nasolabial folds.

Noticeable drooping of the cheeks.

The brow ridges are lowered.

The oval of the face gradually loses its clarity.

What to do?

Since mixed type of aging involves sequential changes in appearance, each problem should be addressed separately. When wrinkles appear, they can be corrected with injection methods (based on botulinum toxin), loss of skin turgor - with modeling massage or lymphatic drainage apparatus procedures.

In home care, anti-aging products, contrast procedures, washing with ice cubes are good. A mandatory component of care should be a program to prevent hyperpigmentation. Accustom yourself to consult a cosmetologist at least once a year to track the changes that have taken place and select the right cosmetics.

The beauty of a woman's skin is revealed over time like a flower. At first, it is a delicate bud that captivates with its freshness at every touch. Then it blossoms and conquers with its amazing magnificence. The flower needs abundant watering, and our skin from the very early childhood- in active care. If you take care of it carefully, then it will have a healthy and fresh look for a long time. But the beauty of the skin, like a flower, is not eternal. The skin is a kind of mirror that reflects many internal processes in the body. Without proper attention, it begins to fade.

Signs of aging appear to varying degrees in all areas, but age-related changes are most noticeable on the skin of the face and neck. There are certain patterns of changes in the skin over time, which we bring to your attention.


The skin of newborns is very delicate and elastic, like velvet. This is due to the fact that for a long time it was covered with a special curd lubricant, which consists of fat, glycogen, salt, cholesterol, various acids and vitamins. In the womb, she helped prevent maceration (soaking) and performed a bactericidal function. Children's skin has a delicate and thin layer of the epidermis - the surface layer of the skin - from 0.5 to 0.25 mm, only 3-4 rows of cells of the germ layer (in an adult there are 5-6), the cells of the stratum corneum lie in 2-3 rows and are loosely bound together and easily slough off. And although the ability of children's skin to regenerate (restore) is much higher than that of an adult, the epidermis is not firmly connected with the underlying layers of the skin, collagen fibers are still incomplete (they mature by 4 months), and local immunity is weak. Therefore, the skin of a newborn is very vulnerable and prone to redness, peeling and inflammation.

The dermis is 1.5-3 times thinner than in adults, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is very well developed. Per unit surface and mass in newborns, it is 5 times greater than in adults. The sweat glands in babies are not yet formed and do not function (imperfect sweating will begin from 1 month), so children easily overheat. Easily occurring prickly heat is explained by the still wide ducts of sweat jelly, into which the infection easily penetrates. The sebaceous glands in newborns are large and produce sebum much more intensively than in adults, and their number per 1 cm 2 is 4-8 times greater than in adults, which ensures that children of this age are prone to milia, gneiss and newborn acne. By the age of 7, the sebaceous glands decrease in size and a significant part of them atrophy. By puberty, their size increases again. The number of fat cells increases at 1 year of age, and the size - from birth to 6 years. Fat at an early age is more dense, because. contains more saturated fatty acids.


At this age, the baby's skin is still very vulnerable. It is not yet so well protected from microbes and the external environment. Children's skin is finally formed by the age of 7 and acquires all the properties and structure of the skin of an adult.

The skin of babies at this age has increased hydrophilicity, as a result of which it is abundantly saturated with water: the water content in the skin of a child of this age is 80-90%, while in an adult it is only 65-67%. This moisture content of the skin must be constantly maintained, however, due to the fact that it is very thin, moisture is easily lost when the ambient temperature rises, and the skin dries.

Children's skin has unique regenerative abilities. There is a faster epithelialization and more rapid formation of granulations in violation of the integrity of the skin.

The subcutaneous fat layer is thin, but the density of the sweat glands is high. As a result, the skin of the child does not provide the necessary thermoregulation, and the children are very quickly supercooled or overheated. This is facilitated by the abundance of blood vessels, which, although they give the skin a wonderful pink color, but at the same time create an increased heat transfer. For the same reason, children's skin has a high absorption capacity. In addition, in young skin, melanin-producing cells are contained in small quantities, which explains the increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and the rapid occurrence of sunburn.


In adolescence, the skin has the ability to quickly regenerate and is very elastic. During puberty, the structure of the skin changes. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. In the blood, the amount of sex hormones increases, which ensures the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. During this period, the body experiences tremendous stress on all systems, functional disorders and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible. But the skin reacts most brightly: the pores of the sebaceous glands increase and begin to secrete more secretions, which in turn mix with dirt and dust. As a result, the skin shines unpleasantly, the pores become clogged and acne (acne) becomes the main problem, to which the owners are especially susceptible. oily skin. The skin of teenagers needs especially careful care, cleansing and moisturizing. There is an opinion that after the end of puberty, acne will pass, but it is better not to start the acne process. Firstly, acne can persist for many years, and secondly, after acne has healed, post-acne scars may appear on the skin, which are difficult to correct.


The period when a girl from an angular teenager turns into a young woman. At this time, the skin is still smooth and elastic. There are no more problems with acne, but the first wrinkles appear. Due to facial movements, the skin undergoes constant mechanical deformation, and by the age of 25, shallow mimic wrinkles appear in the corners of the mouth, eyes and forehead. The so-called lines of laughter become noticeable. The skin still retains the ability to recover, but already needs more thorough and comprehensive care. It needs to be nourished and hydrated. In addition, the skin needs special vitamins and nutrients that promote the formation of collagen. It is important not to miss the first mimic wrinkles.


After 30-35 years, fine superficial wrinkles very slowly, gradually become noticeable, a state of the so-called "plateau" sets in, characterized by moderate changes in the depth of all wrinkles.

During this period, the processes of wilting are launched in the epidermis and dermis, which will actively progress in the next age intervals. These changes occur imperceptibly at first, gradually, gradually, accumulating and becoming obvious (suddenly!) By the age of 40-45 and reach a peak by the age of 50-55:

  • the rate of cell division of the basal layer decreases, and its thickness decreases.
  • the thickness of the stratum corneum, on the contrary, gradually increases, although the horny scales themselves also become thinner, but are sloughed off more slowly.
  • the functional abilities of epidermal cells gradually decrease, which leads to thinning of the lipid (fatty) membrane of the skin and a decrease in the number of protein bonds between corneocytes. As a result, there is a large loss of water, as well as dryness and peeling, over time, thinned skin becomes like parchment.
  • the thickness of the dermis decreases, the number and size of dermal cells (fibroblasts, macrophages, tissue basophils) and their functional activity decrease, and therefore the volume of the main substance, collagen and elastic fibers decreases. On average, a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and ellastin occurs by 1% annually from the age of 25.
  • elastin and collagen fibers thicken, their structure is disturbed, and the arrangement becomes less ordered. All this causes relaxation of the skin, loss of former elasticity during stretching.
  • the content of glycosaminoglycans in the dermis also decreases. A decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin leads to a violation of its hydration, turgor and elasticity, contributing to the appearance of dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.
  • external signs of skin aging in humans are expressed in its relaxation, thinning, dryness, deepening of mimic folds, formation of a network of fine wrinkles, the appearance of pigmentation and other changes.
  • microcirculation of the skin decreases, which leads to poor nutrition (trophism) and a deterioration in complexion.
  • muscle dystonia: muscle tone ceases to be as high as before. This primarily applies to the muscles of the neck and face. Muscle contraction occurs in the area of ​​the chin and forehead - longitudinal and transverse wrinkles appear, and in the area of ​​the cheeks they sag, which leads to a slight deformation of the face contour and drooping of the corners of the mouth.


At this age, women experience the process of involution - age-related dystrophy. The thickness of the epidermis and dermis decreases, and atrophy of the subcutaneous adipose tissue and small sebaceous glands begins. Collagen fibers thicken, some of them stick together or break apart. A feature of this period is still progressive lipoatrophy (decrease in fatty tissue on the face). According to modern data, changes in the fat layer do not occur evenly: there is a decrease in the volume of deep-lying fat packages, as well as thinning and downward displacement (ptosis) of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In women over 40 years old, wrinkles begin to actively appear on the entire face: around the eyes, on the forehead, near the nose and are outlined, facial features become angular. The skin becomes drier, denser and tougher, prone to peeling, pigment spots can often be seen. The cheeks begin to sag a little, the first wrinkles on the neck and a hint of a second chin are visible (it is especially noticeable in obese women). After 40 years, the skin of the eyelids also changes. It becomes heavier, wrinkles appear, and the eyelid itself falls. Already noticeable dark circles under the eyes, and in the corners of the eyes - "crow's feet". This is due to the fact that the skin in these places is much thinner than in other areas, and has few sebaceous glands. In addition, many women experience hormonal problems, such as hair growth on their upper lip.

Progressive disorders of microcirculation lead to vascular appearances - rosacea, spider veins and telangiectasias.


At this age, hormonal changes usually occur - menopause. The progressive formation of wrinkles and their deepening is noted after 50 years, which is mainly due to the active loss of collagen and elastin, especially in the first 5 years of postmenopause, as estrogen levels drop sharply. As a result, there is a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. The skin rapidly loses its natural strength and begins to change dramatically, losing its barrier properties. It becomes thinner, the subcutaneous fat layer on the face decreases, regeneration processes slow down and blood supply deteriorates even more (vascular sclerosis progresses) and, as a result, increases oxygen starvation fabrics. Due to the absence of estrogen, the fat content of the skin and the activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin decrease, the amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen decreases, lipoatrophy of the face and neck progresses (decrease in subcutaneous fat), a selective decrease in the volume of the skull bones joins: expansion of the orbit leads to a rise in the head of the eyebrow, bulging fatty hernias and deepening of the nasolabial furrow; resorption of the upper jaw leads to flattening of the middle zone of the face, drooping of the tip of the nose, flattening and lengthening of the upper lip.

The skin becomes very pale, dry and thin, like parchment, often peels off, which leads to a violation of the barrier and regenerative properties of the skin, so aging skin is more easily injured and more difficult to recover. Its turgor (hydration) and elasticity fall, deep wrinkles appear. In people over 65 years of age, the thickness of the dermis usually decreases by about 20%. There are pronounced age spots, senile keratomas and others. benign neoplasms, the growth of vellus hair on the cheeks, chin and above the upper lip. Along with the appearance of pastosity and edema, there is a sharpening and change in facial features, which is associated with a reduction in subcutaneous adipose tissue and changes in the skull. Bags and circles appear under the eyes, and horizontal and brow wrinkles appear on the forehead.

After 60 years, another “leap” occurs in the dynamics of age-related changes, due to increasing ptosis of soft tissues, which leads to a noticeable deformation of the external contours of the face. The skin at the chin and around the jaws becomes flabby, the skin of the cheeks sags, the nasolabial, nasolabial furrows deepen, the wrinkles of the puppets give a mournful, eternally dull expression, the cheeks appear, a double chin, the face sags against the background of many small wrinkles.


Increasingly, the phrase “aging beautifully” is heard today ─ this, first of all, means looking younger than one’s age (and feeling the same way). Only those who skillfully combine daily care, cosmetic procedures and plastic medicine have a chance to retain youth. We asked to help deal with age-related changes in the face and give the necessary anti-age recommendations. plastic surgeon of the clinic Beauty Doctor Yuri Dikov.

Plastic surgery for young people under 18 is usually not done by doctors (with the exception of otoplasty - correction of the shape of the ears): the formation of the anatomy of the facial skeleton has not yet been completed.

A couple of decades ago, in the Soviet Union, the problems of teenagers did not bother anyone, and protruding ears and youthful acne were a reason to temper character, but not to run to the doctor. Today, ears recommend “doing” before school to avoid social pressure and, in the worst cases, bullying (in general, in younger age they heal better).

The oval of the face in the interval from 18 to 25 years is not disturbed by age-related changes ( read also: "Plastic surgery up to 25 years: possible or not"). Main part plastic surgery at this age it is associated with the desire to change the shape of the nose or the shape of the eyes - it happens that a genetic predisposition even at 20 gives bags under the eyes (so-called "hernias"). The most important thing you can do to maintain your youth and health now is healthy sleep, normal nutrition, active walks around the city, smoking cessation, moderate alcohol consumption, and, if possible, an adequate work schedule.

You must decide what kind of skin you have ─ it will depend on what procedures you need to do and what kind of care you prefer. The face does not require any serious anti-aging interventions yet, but it is worth at least choosing a good cream. It is advisable to solve the problem of cleansing the skin, getting rid of aggressive products and giving preference to gentle ones, as well as once and for all agree with yourself not to go to bed without removing your makeup.

After 25 years, we begin to notice the first wrinkles - very small and timid. The main thing is not to be scared, and stop frowning (from this they can “grow up”). Experts say that 25 years is the very age when the main future aesthetic problems (nasolabial folds, facial wrinkles, bags under the eyes, hanging eyelids) begin to be actively laid.

The first thing to do is to include a visit to the beautician in your schedule on an ongoing basis. The second is to find "your" specialist (this will take time). Finally, the third is to be patient and solve all problems without serious surgical interventions, but with the help of “beauty shots”, massages, hardware cosmetology.

After 35 years, even the most disorganized of us, as a rule, comes systematic and responsible, and daily care becomes much better (but age-related changes are more obvious). But the main thing is that now every “miss” in the form of lack of sleep or the wrong choice of cosmetics instantly makes itself felt. The classic signs of aging become more noticeable: vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial folds, wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, circles or hernia under the eyes, a distinct nasolacrimal "furrow". It is at this point that many women come close to the dilemma ─ cut or look for workarounds.

Of course, gravity does not inspire optimism, but still there are relatively simple and less traumatic operations. For example, plastic surgery of the upper eyelid, after which the look immediately becomes open (rehabilitation, as well as risks, is minimal - only a week). If the skin is not too stretched, you can raise the eyebrows or lift the forehead - now this operation is done with the help of small incisions in the scalp and a little “hemming” of the muscles. One of the obvious problems that add age is the loss of facial volume, when, first of all, the eyes and cheeks “fall through”. It is solved with the help of fillers or lipofilling (injection of one's own fat into "problem" places). Excessive volumes ─ double chin or hernia under the eyes ─ are also solvable. In the case of a double chin, liposuction can be done and the skin tightened with a laser. Lower or circular blepharoplasty will help remove bags under the eyes.

If the problem cannot be solved with Botox, fillers and minimally traumatic operations, and appearance worries, it's time to think about more serious things.

Usually, the sequence of age-related changes is as follows: first, the middle zone of the face “floats” and volumes “slide” from the cheekbones into the area where we would like to see recesses, followed by the lower third of the face, and then the neck. If up to this point you have been conscientious about facial care and more or less followed the above recommendations, congratulations - most likely, you look great. But if you just “got your hands on it”, and you want to see the reflection in the mirror one hundred percent, you need to consider the SMAS facelift.

SMAS is an English abbreviation for the musculo-neurotic system. An operation of this kind is very serious, but a facelift (