Application techniques become a rich patron. Powerful runic stave. Practical recommendations. Becoming a "Rich Patron"

By becoming a “Rich Patron” - with its help you can find a rich patron, or simply a partner who will be ready to pour his finances into your joint business.
It also becomes suitable for greedy gentlemen to buy gifts for their girls. This stav contains the Laguz rune, which will help you find the “key” to a person.

Theiwaz- search for a protector, patron.

Mannaz- the person himself + we establish bonds with the person.

Laguz- we find the “key” to the person + successful negotiations.

Inguz- the ground for good relationships + prepares the climate for them.

Eihwaz- protects + makes it possible to achieve what you want.

Fehu- money channel.

Black and white version:


Option one:

“By the power of this runic stave and the power of the Gods, the man (the man’s name or his full name) gives me gifts (or a gift, and you name what you want to receive from the man),
I activate this runic becoming... (instead of dots, you must say that you activate either with saliva, or with breath, or in the way you are used to activating). This runic becoming “Rich Patron” works without harm to my physical and mental health. health. I deactivate this rune becoming “Rich Patron”... (instead of dots, say - by burning, or as you are used to deactivating). Let it be so!"

If you use the first option, be sure to bring gifts to the Gods according to all the rules.

Option two:

"By the power of this runic stave, a man (name or full name) will give me a gift (state the name of the gift that you want to receive). I will activate this runic stave... (instead of dots, you must say that you activate either with saliva, or with breath, or so , as we are used to activating). This runic becoming "Rich Patron" works without harm to my physical and mental health. I deactivate this runic becoming "Rich Patron" ... (instead of dots, say - by burning, or as you are used to deactivating) . Let it be so!"


Became tested on a girl and her boyfriend.

The man is married, and the girl is his mistress. Krol constantly complained that there was not enough money, that his wife demanded that he bring home every penny of money, and that he was all so poor and unhappy.

After applying the stav, the man himself offered a choice of what the girl wanted: a gold ring, a gold bracelet or a gold chain (he didn’t say anything about earrings).

In the end, he bought the girl a gold bracelet, since she herself told him that she wanted a gold bracelet from the list listed. Plus I went and bought flowers (three roses).

It begins to take effect from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Lays down softly without harming anyone. The only thing is that the rabbit may complain that he is a little tired, but the fatigue will pass during the evening or during the day.

Side effects:

The rabbit is tired, but the girl will not be to blame for his fatigue.

Your stav, opened it, I’m sitting looking at it on the monitor, not really straining, not thinking about anything, I mentally disassemble it into its components, in general I read the stav, I’m surprised at how simply and wonderfully it’s composed, the state is absolutely relaxed, I don’t think about anything - something else - I just became very good, I like it, I admire it. From the beginning of my gawking at the station until the call, 10 minutes passed. Then, when my friend arrived, I asked what was the reason for his generosity. He explained that he was walking down the street, saw a jewelry store, just walked in, saw a beautiful ring and remembered how good and wonderful I was, how many times I had helped him out, and New Year, so I bought it as gratitude.

I was surprised, it turns out that when I looked at him, he was walking down the street... I didn’t expect it at all, I didn’t think about him, I always perceived him as just a good acquaintance, even an enemy. Now it turns out that the less you strain, the better. Most of my bets take a long time to spin up, probably the “zhdanka” does not turn off, but here once - that’s all.

This combination of runes removes damage to death, helps remove karmic tails, as well as damage that cannot be diagnosed, makes it possible to meet your soul mate, gives sexual attractiveness, is very effective for vision problems, the result of treatment is a burning look, skin like a child’s result through month, to maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated every 2-4 months, gives determination, helps satisfy ambitious ambitions (career), helps to find an investor, patron, philanthropist, makes it possible to make a profitable marriage (according to calculation, the calculation will turn out to be correct) in general, rich becoming both financial and in the love sphere, but it all depends on the reservation, the reservation needs to be very specific and clear, otherwise it can cause serious health problems.

Universal runic stave

Where should runes be applied (becoming)?

It must be applied to the body, but is most effective when applied to the chin. It is applied as shown: the central rune is located slightly higher than the others, that is, the central rune is directly on the chin and the Yara are already lower and are almost invisible.

How to apply runic staves on the body?

Very often runes are applied to the body in the form of tattoos. It's unlikely that you should do this. Becoming runes can (and better) be applied with invisible ink or a light-colored felt-tip pen. You can use a finger moistened with water. You can apply cream in the morning and then spread it on. Without a specific reservation, becoming works for one, maximum two months, and then, if there is a need for it, carry out the ritual of application and reservation again. You can duplicate it on any other part of the body with a marker to secure its invisible brother on the chin.

First, the central rune is applied, then the side mirror Yara. Having become diverse also due to the fact that the central script covers a whole host of runes, the aspects of which are manifested to one degree or another.

Disclaimers must be clear, clear and simple. This means not only brevity and conciseness, but also complete correspondence of what is said with feelings and sensations. That is, you need to clearly and clearly understand and feel the desire for yourself, and the appropriate words will come on their own.


Magic is magic, sorcery, rituals associated with a person’s ability to influence other people, animals, the forces of nature, as well as spirits and gods. Magic is, first of all, faith.

Belief in the supernatural connection of man with higher powers and the world around him. There are a lot of tools for magical work. Runes are one of them. The goal of runic magic is to change the surrounding reality through the use of runes - the ancient alphabet of the peoples of Northern Europe.

Runes of wealth and luck

You can achieve a lot with them. You can not only influence the behavior of others, but also significantly help yourself in any area of ​​life. What worries modern man most? Of course it's money! Runes for wealth and luck will help us make changes in this area of ​​life and solve many life problems.

The most money rune is considered to be the Fehu rune. This is the first rune of the ancient magical alphabet that opens the Elder Futhark.

(from left to right) Fehu, Yera, Otala, Dagaz

It symbolizes birth, the beginning of new projects. This is the rune of a happy turn in life, as well as a rune for attracting good luck and money. In ancient times, this symbol was associated with two deities: the Scandinavian god of fertility named Frey and the patron goddess of all lovers, Freya. Therefore, Fehu is responsible for wealth and success, both material and spiritual. But you shouldn't rely on it as a magic wand. You need to make an effort, and Fehu’s energy will guide you where you need to go. Therefore, the rune will work for those people who are focused on a positive result and are ready to act to achieve it, and not sit idly by. The Fehu rune can be used for magical purposes on its own or as part of runic formulas.

Other runes for attracting money and good luck in the Scandinavian tradition are Jera, Otala, Dagaz.

Runes to attract money and good luck


This symbol traditionally means harvest. We can say that Yera is a fair reward for the efforts made. When using this rune to attract good luck in work and financial matters, it is worth trying, because it will only help if you take active action, as well as deliberate movement towards your goal.


This is the rune of property. It symbolizes real estate, land, in general, everything that can be purchased for oneself with money. By turning to the magic of this sign, you can enlist the support of an influential patron - make sure that people will be attracted into your life influential people. Odal also not only helps to preserve one’s roots, but also works to increase wealth.


This rune signifies an increase in wealth. It is used to attract prosperity, success, positive events. The energy of the Dagaz rune is positive and light. The use of this rune will speed up the successful completion of any business.

Slavic runes to attract money and good luck

Knowledgeable magicians also use ancient, incredibly powerful ancient Slavic runes to attract money and good luck. The runes of the Slavs - Dazhdbog, Bereginya, Perun - carry the energy of wealth and prosperity.


This rune has a very powerful force, so you can count on its help in good deeds and good intentions. A person who is under the protection of the Dazhdbog rune is cleansed from the vanity of life and takes the path spiritual development. We can say that the symbol of Dazhdbog stands next to such concepts as good, kindness, gift.


This ancient Slavic rune helps to attract changes and new acquaintances to a person, changes the course of his life for the better, and moves protracted affairs from a dead point. Perun is the protective talisman of a Warrior who goes to fight for his opinion and his Motherland. This rune is always associated with victory at any cost, the power of the elements, and violence.


Bereginya is the maternal principle. The patroness of this rune is the goddess Makosh, manager of destinies and handicrafts. The main meaning of Beregini is fertility, which means a constant transformation that helps a person survive and leads him to happiness and material prosperity. Without fertility there would be no life on earth. Bereginya is responsible for a prosperous fate, as opposed to evil fate.

All these runes, which bring good luck and wealth, can be used either individually, as amulets, or as part of runic formulas consisting of several signs, where each symbol complements and enhances the effect of the other. The most effective runic staves are compiled individually. They take into account the goals and needs of the specific person for whom the formula is being drawn up. But if you are not strong in runic magic and do not know how to compose runescripts yourself, then you can use simple universal formulas to attract wealth and good luck.

Universal formulas for attracting wealth and good luck

Three Fehu

This is the most popular magic formula for attracting financial well-being. The Fehu rune, both single and triple, has very powerful energy. As a money talisman, this formula will help direct financial flows in the direction you want, as well as achieve progress in all areas of life.

Otala + Fehu + Yera

Formula for increasing profits and property. This runic formula can contribute to a significant increase in already accumulated capital. It helps protect your savings from unreasonable spending, theft, and also teaches you how to properly manage money, invest it wisely, thereby increasing your wealth.

This runic combination is used for stable financial growth and improvement of financial situation. It is recommended to draw the formula directly on a bank card or carry it in your wallet; the main thing is to put into it a clear intention to increase your capital.

Becoming a "Rich Patron"

More complex runic staves include becoming a “Rich Patron”.

This formula works to attract a wealthy patron, partner or sponsor into your life who is ready to invest money in your business. Also, this becoming will help to promote a greedy gentleman for gifts for his passion.

  • Teyvaz: This is a search for a protector and patron
  • Mannaz: Represents a person, establishes a connection with a person.
  • Laguz: Allows you to find the “key” to a person in order to conduct successful negotiations.
  • Inguz: Prepares the ground for profitable relationships.
  • Eyvaz: Protects a person, helps him achieve what he wants.
  • Fehu: Symbolizes the money channel, receiving money and gifts.

Formula "Gift Certificate"

Another version of the formula is called “Gift Certificate”.

What makes it unusual is the use of European glyphs and symbols of acquiring wealth. It is used when they want to receive a lot of gifts.

Gift - symbolizes receiving a gift.

Opening opportunities - destroys obstacles, opens up new opportunities for a person.

The present moves the situation from a dead point, harmonizes and supports it.

Concentration of forces - enhances the magical effect of the stave.

Signs - contribute to enrichment and material profit.

All of the above formulas are applied to wooden dies, accessories, bank cards, banknotes, on clothes, or just on a piece of paper that you carry with you. And placed in a wallet, these runic formulas will become the strongest magnet for attracting money.

But no matter what formula you choose, before applying it, you need to perform a certain magical action, that is, charge the runes that bring good luck and wealth with energy, revive them and put a program into the formula - what you want to get as a result.

Runic ritual to attract wealth

To turn an ordinary wallet into a real money magnet, you need to perform a simple ritual. What is needed to perform this ritual.

  1. Buy a new wallet. It is better if the wallet is red, since it is most associated with magic. Purchase must be made on Thursday or Saturday
  2. Having brought your wallet home, you need to mentally imagine how the flow of funds moves towards it, filling it. Hold it in your hands for a while, visualizing a picture of cash flow
  3. Then draw on inside wallet with the Fehu rune or put a piece of paper with a pre-drawn rune in it. For greater effect, you can drip money aromatic oil onto the rune. These oils include patchouli, orange, cinnamon

All. Your magic money wallet is charged, you can use it for its intended purpose.

Amulets and talismans of wealth and good luck

Today, runes of wealth and good luck are most often used in the form of talismans. Such talismans can be found in specialized stores. But it is better if the amulet is made with your own hands - this way its effect will become more powerful.

The most suitable materials for creating a runic amulet are natural materials. For these purposes, wooden dies, stones, minerals, leather, clay, bones, copper, gold, and silver are used. If you have decided on the material, you can begin applying the runic formula. Application methods may also vary. Runes can be cut with a sharp knife, engraved, applied with paint or aromatic oil. Runes must be handled with respect and care.

The result will depend on how you program the formula. Therefore, the activation of the formula is an important point during the activation of the runic talisman. There are many options for activating runic formulas. From activation by breathing after a slander to activation by the elements with the calling of the gods and the obligatory offering of gifts to the gods for their help. Everyone can choose any option that suits them best.

In conclusion, we can say the following: in order for runes to attract money and good luck to work, it is not enough to simply apply them - it is important to work with your consciousness. It should be on the same wavelength with the runes, support them, and not contradict them. There should be no blocks or restrictions in your head that interfere with successful work with runes, otherwise you will not get results.

Believe in luck, believe in yourself. And then everything will work out!

Today we will talk only about ACTUAL rune formulas. In general, runes are a very powerful tool with energy that is different from the Tarot. Not everyone can handle them and not everyone will talk to them. To be honest, they speak badly to me, but they work magically with a bang.

Today I’ll tell you about my experiments with runic formulas.

I’ll make a reservation right away that I don’t create the formula myself, but I can advise you on this or that fagot, or the action of one rune, and choose the one that’s right for you runic script and so on.

The formulas I present here have been tested by myself or clients with real results.

Perth - circumstances are in your favor to place you in conditions where you will learn the truth. A turn of events to reveal the truth.
ken is a splinter, it will allow you to shed light on what is closed to you
Il - the arrow will fly to the target, the truth is known.

Apply to yourself with the proviso to find out everything you need.

What's happening? The side effect is that you end up talking more than you should about issues related to the situation you want to shed light on.

For example, a woman wanted to know what kind of relationship her lover had with his wife.

After applying the formula (it lasted for three months), she learned from her boyfriend’s friend that her rival was deceiving her husband and one of their common children was actually spoiled (and her husband was aware). Secondly, the circumstances were such that the client spoke with her lover’s wife and more details of their life were revealed.

The side effect was that not only the client found out the truth, but also the wife realized that her husband was cheating on her with our heroine.



Apply to yourself with a stipulation that you want to find out, you can write on paper and put it under your pillow at night. The action is similar to the above formula.


It's even easier. Just take the perth and place it under the pillow at night (I took a rune from my set, you can draw it on paper, you can even visualize it before going to bed, be sure to voice a request, for example: “I want to know how to communicate with my mother-in-law,” “How will the situation be resolved?” with employment”, “What should I do in this situation?”

Usually in a dream, all the exciting moments will be sorted into shelves; I had the feeling that someone was dictating to me, like a note at an institute:

“Do this, this and that. Do you remember?

Interestingly, advice and forecasts from Perth usually come true completely.

Side effect: if you can’t cope with the flow of energy (perth is powerful), you’ll just get a very vivid, chaotic dream and that’s it.

Gebo - reunion, reconciliation
2 pp asuza - forgot the grievances
2 vunye - joy and happiness from reunion
sovilo - positive energy, a spark that arises between those who have reconciled.

Use when you need to make peace with someone. In the photo of the character with his blood. All grievances will be forgotten, and people will make peace very quickly.

FROM EXPERIENCE. You can draw not with blood, but with a red marker, or even on an electronic version of the photo in Photoshop or any graphic editor, the beauty of your drawing does not matter, the main thing is that all the runes are applied correctly with the correct reservation.

It is promoted within two weeks, people really make peace.

Gebo-raido-vuno is written in a line on the photo (visualized on the object).

Gebo is the union of two people, raido is the road, vunyo is the joy of communication.

A person arrives, calls, appears very quickly. Moreover, you will see the formula working immediately if you visualize it before going to bed, imagining the object. If a person is well disposed towards you and there are no obstacles (of any kind) to communication, you will see that he comes to you himself. If during visualization you see that a person does not approach you or even runs away, it means that something is wrong with your relationship, and the formula cannot work.

Let me emphasize that this is not a love spell, it’s just a challenge.


The Dagaz rune is drawn surrounded by four raidos, preferably in blood, either in a photo or on paper (in this version, you write above the drawing “Vasya Pupkin (Vasya’s date of birth), you will come to me - Masha Tyutkina, as soon as possible" in general, You can distort here as your imagination allows, even in poetry).

It works very quickly, within a week, usually with the arrival of the Vasya you desire.

It’s a very interesting product, tested by me personally.

Elm was created in order to find a patron.
It is applied to the photo of the person you want to see as your patron, assistant, sponsor or simply an older friend (with your blood). Or on yourself - in search of some unknown patron in some issues in which you need.
Odal - shelter, help, adoption into a family.
gebo - partnership with a patron, strong ties
yera - obtaining results in the process of cooperation.

I set my sights on a very famous man, whom I didn’t know, but wanted to work for him. The effect is this: within a month, circumstances brought me together with people working in his company, I fell into his social circle, however, I was not able to see him myself.

I repeated the formula a couple of months later. And I was offered a job with him.

Overall, this formula takes you to the right person, introduces you into his environment, and then it’s just your efforts, whether you can use the opportunity or not.

Becoming is a psychological block.
Ansuz (four) - its essence, constantly spinning inside the block

“Under the influence of this RF, a psychological block appears and strengthens in the consciousness and subconscious of the object, prohibiting (forcing) the object to do this and that.”

Can be used when you want to quit smoking, it really reduces the need for nicotine, for women on a diet, etc. If you are doing it for yourself, apply it to your body. For someone - in the photo.

Disadvantage: it does not work for long, you need to constantly update it.

CROSS OF RETURN (dangerous and powerful formula, modernized by the author divina, I quote her text)

Created on the basis of one of the strongest “binding” formulas VAEDARVERA HOURMAT, this formula is almost seven hundred years old.

The formula was created by King Edward II Plantagenet in a moment of despair, at the moment of farewell to his beloved, Hugo Despenser, who was being taken away for execution, and shortly before his own death in September 1327.
Therefore, few people have since decided to use this sign just like that, and even on a living person. They don’t do this so easily, out of self-indulgence or curiosity. Basically, they were “tied” to some material things, money, so that they would leave and return.
Again, the magic of the Silver Family, to which this formula belongs, does not work for everyone; blood also means a lot. Therefore, I decided to rework the idea with runes and so that it would work for everyone, even non-Silver ones.
Becoming one of the “last hope” series.
Will hold back at the last minute someone who is already about to leave. Will bring back someone who has already left. True, not forever, but you will have a chance to talk or improve relationships. And then, as it turns out, what your strengths and abilities are enough for. Again, if you do it to someone who is in a couple and doesn’t think about leaving, then he won’t even think about it, such thoughts won’t even arise.
I tested the original version of the stav on myself, the Eduardov version. Works. Moreover, I tested both on money and on a person (I confess), but the person is still nearby.

Elm from 2 runes: Eyvaz and Hungarian E, at the intersection they give the secondary Nautiz
Eyvaz - connection
E is a spring, a hidden hidden, almost indestructible connection, very flexible, difficult to see, and even more difficult to break. You can get it just from one attempt to break the spring.
Nautiz - coercion

According to the diagnosis: he will keep the one who is leaving, he will return the one who has already left, but only you are responsible for your decision, because it is also up to you to improve the relationship after returning to you, and to clear up the messes in the relationship. So before you do, think: maybe, well, let him go...

“Go away and come back... Die and be resurrected... But wherever you are, you will return to me... You have been ordered, and you will return. Even against your will."

Application order:
Part 1: From above - follow the arrow to the left and down - horizontally from left to right - follow the arrow from right to left and down
Part 2: Right and side – follow the arrow to the left and up – vertically from top to bottom – from bottom right to left and up
Then we draw the Eyvazy: first horizontal from left to right, then vertical from top to bottom.
Then, in the same order as we applied it, we finish drawing the lines at E: first at the top left, then at the bottom right, then at the top right, then at the bottom left.

EFFECT: IT REALLY BRINGS BOTH PEOPLE AND THINGS BACK. But sometimes it turns into eternal chatter: left, came back, left. The person for whom the “Cross” is made really does not leave you alone, but a strong relationship, which many people want when turning to runes, is not guaranteed to you. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful with this formula.

We won’t talk about safety precautions with runes, or how to thank them for their work. This topic is sufficiently covered, so Google can help.