Extreme sports for the disabled. Extreme with unlimited possibilities. How to minimize the risk of injury

Annie Breggin. Orientation along the trails. The purpose of our book is to illustrate the possibility of overcoming a physical illness through participation in a sport such as orienteering. The book is intended both for those who want to engage in this sport and for those accompanying them. To refer to these persons in the future, we will use the word “accompaniment”, meaning people who help our athletes in their daily lives - parents, other family members, friends, teachers, medical professionals, etc. This also includes people providing the necessary equipment, organizing sports events in schools, sports clubs or circles. Read

Closing ceremony of the XII Paralympic Winter Games 2018 in Pyeongchang. The 2018 Winter Paralympic Games, held from March 9 to 18 in PyeongChang, South Korea, have been officially declared closed. The flag of the International Paralympic Committee was handed over to the delegation of Beijing, where the next Games will be held in 2022. 567 athletes from 48 countries took part in the competition. A total of 80 sets of awards were awarded in six sports. Russian athletes in Pyeongchang competed in the status of “neutral Paralympic athletes” (NPA) and in a reduced number of 30 people. The team won 8 gold, 10 silver and 6 bronze medals, taking second place in the medal standings of the 2018 Paralympics.

Opening ceremony of the XII Paralympic Winter Games 2018 in Pyeongchang. In 2018, a record number of participants arrived at the Winter Paralympics in Pyeongchang - 597, representing 49 countries. In the competitions, which will take place from March 9 to 18, 80 sets of medals will be awarded. Participants will compete in six sports: snowboarding, biathlon, cross-country skiing, curling, sledge hockey and alpine skiing. The International Paralympic Committee (IOC) has approved the participation of 30 athletes from Russia in the Winter Paralympic Games in Pyeongchang. They will perform under a neutral flag.

Sladkova N.A. Organization of physical education, health and sports work in clubs for the disabled. The book is intended to provide practical assistance to the leaders of clubs for the disabled in their activities in recruiting groups of students, planning training process, determining the load of trainers in adaptive physical culture and sports. Read

Closing ceremony of the XV Summer Paralympic Games 2016 in Rio. The XV Summer Paralympic Games were held from September 7 to 18, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 528 sets were played in 22 sports. For the first time, kayaking, canoeing and triathlon competitions were held. The competition took place at the same venues used for the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Opening ceremony of the XV Summer Paralympic Games 2016 in Rio. The 2016 Summer Paralympics will be held from September 7 to 18, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 528 kits will be raffled off in 22 sports. More than 170 member countries of the International Paralympic Committee are expected to participate in the 2016 Games. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) announced its decision to ban the entire Russian team from the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

The Closing Ceremony of the XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi. During a ceremony held at Fisht Stadium under the motto “Achieving the Impossible,” the Paralympic fire was extinguished and the Paralympic flag was handed over to Pyeongchang, where the 2018 Games will be held. The closing ceremony of the XI Winter Paralympic Games, which completes the next four-year cycle, which has become the most successful for Russia in terms of victories in winter species sports in modern history. Having hosted these prestigious competitions for the first time, Russia was able to win them, setting a number of records not only in the Paralympic, but also in the Olympic competition. The Paralympic Games in Sochi ended on March 16, 2014 with the triumph of the Russian team. Over ten days, the athletes won a record 80 awards - 30 gold, 28 silver and 22 bronze.

Opening Ceremony of the XI Winter Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi. The first Paralympic Games in Russian history will open with the colorful “Breaking the Ice” Ceremony. The ceremony celebrates the strength of the human spirit and talks about the importance of breaking down barriers of misunderstanding between people. The leitmotif of the Ceremony will be the theme “Together”, which will help the viewer understand that together we can overcome any obstacles and open new ways of communication.

Closing ceremony of the XIV Summer Paralympic Games in London. The closing ceremony of the XIV Paralympic Games took place at the Olympic Stadium in the British capital. 80 thousand spectators watched the performance. As part of the ceremony, the Paralympic flag was transferred from London to Rio de Janeiro, where the 2016 Games will take place. The final remarks were made by the President of the International Paralympic Committee, Sir Philip Craven, and the head of the organizing committee of the London Olympics and Paralympics, Sebastian Coe. The Paralympic fire was extinguished by British champions swimmer Ellie Simmonds and sprinter Jonny Peacock. Russian Paralympians won 102 medals at the games - 36 gold, 38 silver and 28 bronze - and took second place in the team event. At the Beijing Paralympics, the Russians won 63 medals (18, 23, 22) and finished in eighth place in the unofficial medal standings.

Opening ceremony of the XIV Summer Paralympic Games in London. The opening ceremony of the XIV Summer Paralympic Games took place at the Olympic Stadium in London. The world competitions among athletes with disabilities will last until September 9. More than 4 thousand people will take part in them. The Russian Paralympic team consists of 163 athletes from 49 regions. They will represent our country in 12 sports. These are athletics, swimming, table tennis, judo, shooting, archery, wheelchair fencing, powerlifting, sitting volleyball, rowing, cycling, football for disabled people with cerebral palsy.

Paralympic sports. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name of the English neurosurgeon Ludwig Gutman, who, overcoming age-old stereotypes in relation to people with physical disabilities, introduced sports into the process of rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries. He has proven in practice that sport for people with physical disabilities creates conditions for successful life, restores mental balance, and allows them to return to a full life, regardless of physical disabilities. Paralympic sport dates back to the 1880s. However, it was the development in 1945 of a new treatment regimen for people with spinal cord injuries that led to the development of the worldwide sports movement for the disabled, known today as the Paralympic Movement. Read

Lisovsky V.A., Evseev S.P. Comprehensive disease prevention and rehabilitation of sick and disabled people. Physical education and sports for disabled people and people with health problems. The manual examines two interrelated problems - restoring and maintaining human health, and the role of risk factors in this process. Among the latter, the hereditary factor, nervous stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, environmental imbalance and human health, and others are highlighted and analyzed. The basic principles and stages of rehabilitation are described, as well as its main types - medical, physical, psychological rehabilitation, and the professional aspect of rehabilitation. The textbook is intended for students studying in the specialty of adaptive physical education, as well as for a wide range of readers. Read

Bastrykina A.V. Tourism in the system of rehabilitation and social integration of the elderly and people with disabilities. urism in the system of rehabilitation and social integration of the elderly and people with disabilities. Tourism is unique means recreation and rehabilitation for people with health problems, since its functions correspond to rehabilitation tasks, include various mechanisms of adaptation and self-adaptation, subject to the active participation of the rehabilitator himself in the process. Read

Sladkova N.A. Functional classification in Paralympic sport. The book Functional Classification in Paralympic Sports is approved as recommendations for heads of adaptive physical education institutions; coaches and doctors working with athletes in Paralympic sports, classifiers, organizers of competitions in Paralympic sports. Read

Sladkova N.A. Recommendations for managers of physical education and health clubs for disabled people on organizing physical education and sports classes and distributing athletes into groups according to the degree of functionality. 2nd ed., revised. and additional The recommendations are intended to provide practical assistance to the leaders of clubs for the disabled in the activities of the clubs in recruiting training groups, planning the training process, and determining the workload of coaches in adaptive physical culture and sports. Read

Sladkova N.A. Model sports training program for disabled athletes and persons with disabilities in alpine skiing. This program puts into practice the principles of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, declared in the Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007, and the order of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports of July 21, 2005 No. 448 "On sports cultivated among disabled people." The program reveals goals and objectives, means and forms of training, a system of control standards and exercises, psychological preparation, a system of rehabilitation and educational measures. Read

Sladkova N.A. Model sports training program for disabled athletes and persons with disabilities in swimming. The program implements in practice the principles of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, declared in the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation No. 329-FZ dated December 4, 2007, order of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports dated July 21, 2005 No. 448 About sports cultivated among disabled people. Read

International Paralympic Sailing Rules.(Paralympic sport). Sailing has relatively recently entered the Paralympic Games program. In Atlanta in 1996, it was presented as a demonstration event, and already at the next Paralympics in Sydney it was included in the Program for the first time. Athletes with physical (but not mental) disabilities, including musculoskeletal disorders, cerebral palsy, and visually impaired people, can take part in this sport. Read

Official Rules for Wheelchair Basketball.(Paralympic sport). These Rules for Wheelchair Basketball are developed for competitions held under the jurisdiction of the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) and have been compiled based on many years of experience in the field of sports for people with physical disabilities. They are based on the rules of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA), which, with the approval of the IWBF, include some changes and additions. Therefore, it is recommended to study them along with the basketball rules for healthy people. Read

Official rules for sitting volleyball.(Paralympic sport). In 1953, the first sports club for the disabled was formed in the Netherlands. In 1956, the Danish Sports Committee introduced a new sport called sitting volleyball. Since then, sitting volleyball has developed into one of the largest sports disciplines, practiced in the Netherlands in competitions for both disabled and “able-bodied” volleyball players with ankle or knee injuries. International competitions have been taking place since 1967, but it was only in 1978 that the International Sports Organization for Disabled People (ISOD) included sitting volleyball in its program. The first International Tournament under the auspices of ISOD was held in 1979 in Haarlem (Netherlands). In 1980 it was recognized as a Paralympic sport with seven teams. The development of this sport at the international level can be called rapid. Rehabilitation clinics were created all over the world and World, European and regional championships were held annually. Since 1993, men and women began to participate in sitting volleyball championships. Read

Official rules of fencing competitions.(Paralympic sport). Official rules for disabled fencing competitions were first drawn up by Leslie Wil for the International Sports Federation and Fencing Committee in the early 1970s. He headed this committee until 1984. These rules refer to the English version published by the English Fencing Association. These rules must be followed unless otherwise provided. The rules have been changed and modified. Read

Curling rules for athletes with ODA violations.(Paralympic sport). The game is attended by athletes of both sexes with musculoskeletal disorders, including athletes with significant damage to leg function (vertebral fracture, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, absence of both legs, etc.) who move in a wheelchair. The sport is governed by the International Curling Federation (WCF), and the game is played in accordance with the rules approved by this organization. Read

Rules of the International Paralympic Committee table tennis.(Paralympic sport). Table tennis has been included in the Paralympic program since the very first Paralympics in Rome in 1960. By 2009, the sport is practiced in over 100 countries. Disabled athletes of all categories, with the exception of the visually impaired, take part in two categories - standing and sitting. Men and women compete individually, in pairs and in teams. The Paralympic Games program includes two types of competitions - individual and team. The game consists of five games, each played to 11 points, the winner is the athlete or pair of athletes who wins three of the five games. Read

Rules of the International Paralympic Committee swimming.(Paralympic sport). Swimming has been a major sport since the first Paralympic Games in Rome in 1960. Just like at the Olympic Games, participants compete in the disciplines of freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke and medley. The governing body is the International Swimming Federation (FINA). The starting point for the development of this Paralympic sport is the holding of the 1992 Paralympic Games in Barcelona. Then 25 countries presented their sports delegations to weightlifting competitions. The number more than doubled at the 1996 Atlanta Games. 58 participating countries were registered (out of 68 entered, 10 of which were prevented from fielding their teams by inadequate funding). Since 1996, the number of participating countries has steadily increased, and today 109 countries on five continents take part in the Paralympic weightlifting program. Read

IPC Powerlifting Rules.(Paralympic sport). The starting point for the development of this Paralympic sport is the holding of the 1992 Paralympic Games in Barcelona. Then 25 countries presented their sports delegations to weightlifting competitions. The number more than doubled at the 1996 Atlanta Games. 58 participating countries were registered (out of 68 entered, 10 of which were prevented from fielding their teams by inadequate funding). Since 1996, the number of participating countries has steadily increased, and today 109 countries on five continents take part in the Paralympic weightlifting program. Read

Rules for competitions in adaptive rowing.(Paralympic sport). Adaptive rowing is the youngest sport at the Paralympic Games. Rowing was introduced to the Paralympic program in 2005 and will be held for the first time at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Read

Wheelchair tennis.(Paralympic sport). Brad Parks created a new sport in the United States in 1976. While recovering from a skiing accident, the former tennis player realized the potential of wheelchair tennis. For the first time, a new sport was included in the program of the 1992 Paralympic Games in Barcelona. Read

Sledge Hockey Rules (IPC).(Paralympic sport). Sledge hockey is the Paralympic version of ice hockey. The sport was first included in the Winter Paralympic Games in 1994 in Lillihamer, and from that moment quickly became one of the most attractive spectacles of the Winter Olympics. This is a high-speed, physically demanding game for men with impaired motor function of the lower body. Read

Rules and regulations for biathlon and cross-country skiing IPC.(Paralympic sport). Skiing is one of the oldest sports, which originated in northern Europe and has now become a Paralympic sport and includes cross-country skiing and biathlon. Skiing appeared in the Paralympic program in 1976 winter games in Sweden. Men and women used the classic running style for all distances, the skating style was first used in Innsbruck in the 1984 Winter Paralympics. Since then, the competition has been split into two separate races: classic and speed skating. Read

Rules for trail orienteering competitions. (Not a Paralympic sport). Trail orienteering is a discipline considered by the International Orienteering Federation as a sport for the disabled. The discipline was developed to enable everyone, including people with limited mobility, to participate in real sports competition in orienteering with the help of a map in natural terrain. The competition allows for movement in a manual or electric wheelchair, as well as on foot with a cane. In this case, it is allowed to provide assistance in moving the stroller, since the speed of movement is not taken into account when determining the result of the competition. Read

Armwrestling competition rules. (Not a Paralympic sport). In the sport of “armwrestling”, when holding international competitions, the competition rules of the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF) apply. When holding All-Russian, zonal, regional and municipal competitions, these Rules, developed by the Russian Armwrestling Association (RAA), apply. Read

FIDE Chess Rules. (Not a Paralympic sport). The FIDE rules of chess apply to the game at the chessboard. The rules of the game of chess consist of two parts: 1. Basic rules of the game and 2. Rules of competition. Read

Model Law on Paralympic Sports. This Law is intended to establish the general legal, economic and social framework for activities in the field of Paralympic sports, as well as to determine the basic principles of legislation on Paralympic sports implemented in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Read

Distribution of athletes by functional classes. To ensure fair competition between athletes with different disabilities, each international sports organization for the disabled divides athletes into classes according to their functional abilities. Read

Medical care and medical supervision of disabled people involved in physical education, health and sports clubs. Medical support for those involved is carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2001 N 337 On measures for the further development and improvement of sports medicine and physical therapy and other regulations adopted by the federal governing body in the field of healthcare. Read

Integration of disabled people through sports. Physical culture and sports are one of the most important areas of rehabilitation of disabled people and their integration into society, as well as integration through work and education. In many cases, the participation of disabled people in physical education and sports can be considered not only as a means of rehabilitation, but also as a permanent form of life activity - social employment and achievements.

Grigorenko V.G., Globa A.P. and others. Organization of sports and mass work with persons with spinal cord dysfunctions: methodological recommendations. A manual in which, for the first time in our country, recommendations for organizing physical education and recreational work with people with disabilities are systematized. For specialists, methodologists, organizers, disabled people who want to play sports independently. Read

Social and hygienic problems of sports for disabled people. Thesis of a student at the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Read

Indolev L.N. "Those in the stroller and next to them." Chapter 14. Everyone into the water! Remember that the main condition for proper and easy swimming is that your head is constantly almost entirely under water and comes to the surface only to inhale. Of course, you can swim with your head held high, but your legs will sink and you will need much more arm effort to keep your body afloat and propel you forward. Read

Information and methodological manual. Physical culture and sports for persons with disabilities. This information and analytical collection aims to fill the lack of information in the field of physical culture and sports for people with disabilities. The history of this area of ​​physical activity is briefly outlined, and the main institutions and organizations responsible for the development of this area are described. The collection does not pretend to be exhaustive - nowadays, more and more attention is paid to adaptive sports, more and more new associations and federations of people with disabilities are emerging, even new sports are appearing for people with certain health conditions. Read

Indolev L.N. "Those in the stroller and next to them." Chapter 18. Such is the sports life. Let me just start by listing the types of sports and active recreation available to wheelchair users, which the relevant associations are developing. So: arm wrestling, air gun shooting, archery, crossbow shooting, basketball, bowling, darts, football (that's right), hockey, collar rugby, badminton, road racing, ski luge, wheelchair slalom, softball , swimming, table tennis, athletics, skeet shooting, weightlifting (bench press), alpine skiing, fencing, speed skating, as well as aerobics, sport fishing, hand cycling, air sports, gliding, golf. Read

History and Overview of Paralympic Sports. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name of the English neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman, who, overcoming age-old stereotypes in relation to people with physical disabilities, introduced sports into the process of rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries. Read

Sports dancing on a wheelchair. Wheelchair Dance sports included in the Paralympic Games are Combi style dances. The Combi style (from the word “combined”) means that the pair involves a dancer who uses a wheelchair and a non-disabled dancer. The program includes classical dances (waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot, quickstep) and Latin American dances - samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, paso doble and jive. Read

Indolev L.N. Overcoming obstacles (method of overcoming obstacles on an active wheelchair). Methodology from the book “For those in and around wheelchairs.” Read

About physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation. The Federal Law establishes the legal, organizational, economic and social basis for activities in the field of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation, defines the basic principles of legislation on physical culture and sports.

In Russia there are more and more disabled people involved in extreme sports

These people are said to have limited physical capabilities, but they conquer peaks, overcome turbulent rivers or set strength records.

The word "disabled", which comes from the Latin language, means powerless, weak, infirm. This definition is completely unsuitable for extreme athletes. “We don’t consider ourselves people with disabilities,” says Alexey Malyshev, who, despite the fact that he can’t walk, can handle a kayak, a canoe common among the peoples of the Arctic.

“It seems to me that disability does not depend on the physical body. First of all, it is a way of thinking: certain blinders that a person puts on due to the fact that he recognizes himself as disabled. When a person begins to feel sorry for himself, he limits himself. He limits his movement, limits the impulses of his soul,” said Alexey Malyshev.

In early childhood, Alexey lost the ability to move on his own legs. Now he is 48, he managed to find his place in life, made a career and became a real extreme athlete.

“I have always been attracted to the elements: I was drawn to the mountains, to the sky, to the sea,” says Alexey Malyshev. — The element of stormy water was calling. That's why I came to kayaking. At the club, at first they looked at me as if I had come to the wrong place. But, nevertheless, they agreed. They dragged my things, and sometimes even me. But when I found myself in the boat, I worked out my place in it one hundred percent. And this was probably the most important thing.”

After kayaking came water slalom. Malyshev managed to show himself there too. In life outside of sports, he is a happy family man and a wonderful graphic designer. What helped him achieve everything in life, as he himself says, was his inner drive and the belief that anything is possible. Swimmer Alexey Obydennov shares the same point of view. He is completely missing one arm, and the other one is preserved up to the elbow.

“I was injured when I was 14 years old,” says Alexey. — Until this age, I was actively involved in sports. Therefore, I probably have a sporting spirit and a sense of adventure, which did not go away when I got injured.”

In the early 90s, a fashion for bodybuilding began in Russia. Alexey Obydennov couldn’t swing like others, but that didn’t stop him:

“Already with an injury, without both arms, I began to invent my own training devices. And little by little my body began to change. I saw how it surprised my friends. And this stimulated me. Moreover, bodybuilding helped me adapt to the life situation in which I found myself.”

In 2007, Alexey was offered to participate in the Russian Record program. During training, Obydennov took too much weight. As a result, he fell, and the barbell that pressed him from above broke his ribs. However, he was again able to make defeat turn into victory. In the traumatology department, where he was being pieced together, one of the doctors advised him to start swimming.

“I decided to try,” Alexey recalls. — And achieved quite serious results. Fulfilled the master of sports standard. And this year I became the champion of Russia, which three years ago I could not imagine even in my wildest dreams.”

System administrator Obydennov is a loving and beloved husband, a happy father of a three-year-old charming baby. And this gives him the strength to keep up with everything and everywhere.

Strongman Sergei Istomin created his own strength show, which he performs in hospitals and orphanages. He bends frying pans and juggles weights. The absence of both legs makes the desire to overcome something that even healthy people cannot do even stronger, says Sergei:

“Why do we do extreme sports? You want to compensate for what you cannot do with something else. And you come up with some things that you can do better than others. For example, we climbed Elbrus, we had wheelchairs with skis. And we pulled ourselves up on the ropes with our hands. For the power show, I came up with a mount on the back for my back, and it looks like I'm standing. This means I can lift and throw weights.”

Of course, not everything is so smooth in the lives of these people. Sometimes a few steps and the lack of a ramp can become an insurmountable obstacle for us, says Sergey Istomin:

“I've been to many countries. There is a ramp to every temple. But here in Russia I can’t get into any Orthodox church. By the way, there are 15 million disabled people in the country. As a rule, you go to the city with some friend who helps you cross curbs.”

Despite the fact that Russia has been paying special attention to the problems of people with disabilities in recent years, it is still at the beginning of the path that will help the state become more suitable for the lives of people with disabilities.

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1 Yu. V. Luzhkov Social rehabilitation of disabled people through extreme sports The onset of disability brings a number of significant changes to a person’s life that determine his new social status - “disabled”. This status can be the result of an illness, injury, or congenital defect that can appear in a person either in early childhood or at any stage of his life. The status of a disabled person influences the formation of a new image of “I”, a new attitude towards oneself and towards others; distorted social functioning often arises against the background of developing neurotic conditions and pathological personality development. It is obvious that a person with congenital or acquired organic lesions needs the help and care of society, aimed at creating conditions for the most complete self-actualization of his personality, the realization of his opportunities and painless integration into society. One of the effective mechanisms for integrating a disabled person into society is social rehabilitation. In recent years, social rehabilitation has been considered as a technology of social work for people with disabilities. It is aimed: 1) at restoring the health, ability to work, social status of the individual, his legal status, moral and psychological balance, and self-confidence; 2) developing the capabilities of a disabled person to manage his life, to be independent, adequate to new conditions. One of the means of social rehabilitation of disabled people can be physical education, health and sports activities. The history of physical culture and sports for people with disabilities begins in 1924, with the creation of a sports organization for the deaf, which sanctioned any competitions for people with disabilities. Currently, physical education and sports work is carried out among four groups of disabled people: those with visual, hearing, musculoskeletal and intellectual impairments. Among the sports that are available to people with disabilities, football,

2 athletics, basketball, volleyball, skiing, classical and freestyle wrestling, etc. However, disabled people are also involved in extreme sports - alpine skiing and parachuting. For disabled people who decided to join parachuting, the Moscow program “Sky Open to Everyone!” was developed. The main goal of the program is to participate in the socio-psychological rehabilitation of disabled people by involving them in parachuting, creating conditions for disabled people to practice this sport, organizing and conducting parachute jumps on two-seat Tandem parachute systems with an instructor. This program has existed for several years and works with people with disabilities who have physical disabilities due to injuries and amputations of limbs, jumping both with and without prosthetics. For the first time in the history of world parachuting, in 2004, the first Russian Open Championship among disabled parachutists was held in Samara. The competition was held in the classic disciplines of parachuting: individual acrobatics and precision landing. The Interregional public organization “Association of Youth Disabled Organizations” has also been created and is functioning, one of the activities of which is the promotion and involvement of disabled people in parachuting. An analysis of the organization of parachuting for disabled people at the Kolomna and Stupino airfields allows us to highlight a number of positive aspects: parachuting helps disabled people receive positive emotions, a sense of self-affirmation through overcoming the feeling of fear of jumping. For people with disabilities, it becomes important that sports activity helps to reduce the inferiority complex, overcome isolation and interpersonal barriers, satisfy the need for communication, expand the circle of acquaintances, feel like equal citizens, and prevent “withdrawal into oneself,” “in

3 your illness.” There is a noticeable improvement in well-being, an increase in the level of health and physical fitness, an expansion of the possibilities of motor actions, and self-realization when playing sports. However, despite all the positive aspects, it is necessary to outline the range of problems on the solution of which the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process depends: 1) lack of scientific research on this issue, therefore the entire rehabilitation process follows the “empirical path”; 2) the lack of professional personnel at the airfield to work with disabled people (social workers, rehabilitation specialists, psychologists, doctors, trainers with special training). In our opinion, an indispensable condition for a trainer’s successful work with disabled people should be a clear understanding not only of the current psychophysiological state of a person, but also of the nature of the disability and the characteristics of the course of this disease. There is no doubt that interpersonal communication must take place in the spirit of constructive relationships; 3) lack of targeted funding for sports work. As you know, parachuting is a very expensive sport, and not every disabled person is able to find financial means to practice his favorite sport, participate in competitions, or purchase his own parachute system; 4) the difficulty of moving disabled people to airfields on roads and in transport; 5) lack of social and living conditions for living and training of disabled people; 6) insufficiently thought-out theoretical and ground-based training for disabled people, the lack of a system of special exercises for disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders for inclusion in movement, for coordination, affecting the vestibular system.

4 7) immaturity of public opinion on the need to create conditions of “equal personality” for disabled people. In solving these problems, a social work specialist can play a significant role. Having access to statistical data from the department of social protection of the population, he can identify those disabled people who have a desire to take up this sport. Further, the specialist, realizing his intermediary function, can organize a search for sponsors, as well as budget funds allocated for the development of sports for the disabled. He can help provide transportation, organize meals, accommodation, and monitor compliance with living conditions at the airfield. He can involve professional trainers to conduct theoretical and ground training at the place of residence of the disabled person, as well as provide premises for preparatory work. Thus, sports, including parachuting, promote the integration of disabled people into public life. It allows you to engage in social contacts with other people. In sports, a disabled person gets the opportunity for self-realization, self-improvement, and self-affirmation. In addition to these psychological aspects, participation in sports movement contributes to the activation of all body systems, motor correction and the formation of a number of necessary motor compensations. And this, in turn, is a significant factor in the social rehabilitation of a disabled person. Conducted aerobatic socio-psychological studies show that involving disabled people in parachuting contributes to their social and psychological rehabilitation, mobilization of the hidden reserves of the human body, and develops will and self-confidence. But in order to achieve the stated goals, it is necessary to conduct scientific research in the field of rehabilitation of disabled people using parachuting; develop technologies for this type of activity; determine the role of each specialist in rehabilitation

5 process; solve organizational problems using the government and non-government sectors. R. Medvedev Youth crime: essence, causes and prevention Youth is a special socio-demographic group experiencing a period of social maturity, the position of which is determined by the socio-economic state of society. She is in an unstable position, experiencing a crisis of her value system and social adaptation. In sociology, crime is considered as a social phenomenon that is destructive to society. It can be defined as a relatively stable and widespread form deviant behavior which has reached the level of public danger and is determined by criminal law. Youth crime is one of the pressing problems of Russian society, which seems to be very topical in terms of its prevalence and inclusion in society. This is one of the realities modern Russia, something to be reckoned with. By leaving this problem without due attention, we risk losing control over the younger generation, and as a consequence of this, the opportunity to influence the process of socialization. This, in turn, threatens us with the loss of continuity of generations and stability of society. The main causes of youth crime include: Negative influences in the family associated with the low culture of parents, their cruelty and rudeness, drunkenness and antisocial behavior. Negative influences in the immediate environment, both from peers and from adults. Penetration of stereotypes of antisocial behavior into the youth environment. For example, propaganda of the cult of force and drugs.

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The result can often be noticeable only after several rehabilitation cycles. Poddubnykh O.A., Malkova L.B., 2001 A.B. Gritsenko Pedagogical and psychological aspect of social rehabilitation


SYMPOSIUM “MENTAL HEALTH AND ADAPTIVE SPORTS” October 8, 2016 Moscow, Russia 1 INTRODUCTION Currently, an increasing number of social professionals recognize the important role of adaptive sports

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References 1. Chernysheva L.G. modernization of higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports // Fundamental Research. 2006. 7 P. 95-97 2. Khanevskaya G.V. Mechanism

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All this once again confirms the real practical demand for this type of adaptive physical culture and, in the opinion of the author of this chapter, the impossibility of “squeezing” creative body-sleep-oriented practices into adaptive physical education, adaptive sports, adaptive motor recreation and physical rehabilitation .

The main goal of creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented practices should be considered to be the inclusion of disabled people and people with health problems in accessible types of activities that can provide them with self-actualization, creative development, and satisfaction from activity; relieving mental stress (“tensions”) and, ultimately, involving them in other types of adaptive physical education and, in the long term, in professional and labor activities.

Extreme types of physical activity - components (types) of adaptive physical culture that satisfy the needs of persons with health problems in risk, increased stress, the need to test themselves in unusual, extreme conditions, objectively and (or) subjectively dangerous to health and even life.

It is important to note that such human needs are based on biological prerequisites. It has been shown, for example, that the mechanisms of the need to gain new experience associated with risk, threat to life, etc., are determined by a person’s need to activate his endogenous opiate system, which performs the functions of preventing states of frustration and depression.

Hang gliding, parachuting and skiing, rock climbing, mountaineering, surfing, various types of high-altitude jumps and diving

cause “sharp” sensations associated with the state of free fall in the air, high-speed movements and rotations of the body, sudden accelerations, etc., which, in turn, activate the endogenous opiate system, promote the production of so-called endorphins - hormones "happiness". At the same time, overcoming the feeling of fear leads to a significant increase in a person’s sense of self-respect, personal self-realization, and a sense of belonging to elite groups of society.

Modern neurobiological studies have shown that a significant reason for the formation of alcohol and drug addiction is the hypofunction of the endogenous opiate system (Shabanov, 1999).

The main goal of extreme types of physical activity is to overcome psychological inferiority complexes (lack of self-confidence, lack of self-esteem, etc.); the formation of the need for significant stress as necessary conditions for self-development and self-improvement; prevention of states of frustration, depression; Creating a feeling of a full, full-blooded life among disabled people and people with health problems.

The listed types (components) of adaptive physical culture, on the one hand, are independent in nature, since each of them solves its own problems, has its own structure, forms and content features; on the other hand, they are closely interconnected. Thus, in the process of adaptive physical education, elements of therapeutic physical culture are used for the purpose of correction and prevention of secondary disorders; recreational activities - for development, switching, satisfying the need for gaming activities; elementary sports competitions. Many disabled athletes go through a consistent path from physical rehabilitation in a hospital setting to recreational and health sports and elite sports (V.P. Zhilenkova, 1999; Yu.A. Oreshkina, 2000).

If for a healthy person physical activity is a natural need, realized every day, then for a disabled person it is a way of existence, objective conditions of vitality (SP. Evseev, 1996). It gives independence and self-confidence, expands the circle of knowledge and communication, changes value orientations, enriches the spiritual world, improves motor capabilities, increases vitality, physical and mental health, and therefore opens up the possibility of positive changes in biological and social status.

Thus, adaptive physical culture in general and all its types are called upon, with the help of rationally organized motor activity as a natural stimulus for life, using preserved functions, residual health, natural resources and spiritual strength, to maximize the possibilities of the body and personality for a full life , self-expression and creativity, social activity and integration into society of healthy people.

In conclusion of the chapter, it is necessary to emphasize that further study of the social needs of this category of the population of our country is the most urgent task of the theory of adaptive physical culture.

Solving this problem will make it possible to develop new components (types) that can significantly intensify the processes of complex rehabilitation, social integration and introduction to the lifestyle of normally developing people and those who have certain health conditions.

    What are the criteria for L.P. Matveev as the basis for identifying certain sections (types) of physical culture?

    Based on what features does V.M. structure? Vydrin physical education?

3. List the needs of society in the field of physical education.

    What personal needs are satisfied by certain components (types) of physical culture?

    Do its components (types) identified in the theory of physical culture satisfy all the needs of the individual in this area?

    Name the main types of adaptive physical culture.

    What is adaptive physical education (education)?

    List the distinctive features of adaptive sports.

9. What is the content of adaptive motor recreation aimed at?

    Expand the concept of adaptive physical rehabilitation.

    How do you understand the essence of creative (artistic and musical) body-oriented practices and extreme types of physical activity?




In order to build a pedagogical process, determine the principles and didactic lines of educational activities, it is necessary to know the health status, physical, mental, personal characteristics of people of this category, since the characteristics of the object of pedagogical influences are the initial condition of any educational process .

The category of these people is extremely diverse: according to nosology (damage to vision, hearing, speech, intelligence, musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, etc., as well as combined forms); by age (from birth to old age), by the severity and structure of the defect, the time of its occurrence (at birth or during life), by the causes and nature of the disease, medical prognosis, the presence of concomitant diseases and secondary disorders , state of preserved functions, social status and other characteristics.

Any pathology that has led a person to disability is accompanied by his inactivity as a forced form of behavior and leads to physical inactivity, which in turn entails a number of negative consequences: disruption of social connections and conditions of self-realization, loss of economic and everyday independence. -sti, which causes persistent emotional stress (B.S. Dmitriev, G.N. Somaeva, E.V. Kiseleva, 1993). Sudden disability in adulthood is often accompanied by mental inferiority complexes, characterized by anxiety, loss of self-confidence, passivity, self-isolation, or vice versa - egocentrism, aggressiveness, and sometimes antisocial attitudes (N.V. Nechaeva, Yu.S. Syromolotov, 1998; T.A. Dobrovolskaya, N.B. Shatalina, 1992).

Children with developmental disorders are characterized by manifestations of dysontogenesis and retardation in both natural (biological) and psychophysical development (V.V. Lebedinsky, 1985; E.S. Ivanov, 2001), which leads to a deficiency of the child’s natural needs for movement - research, play, emotions, communication, complicates the learning process.

According to numerous studies (T.N. Prilenskaya, 1989; T.S. Shchupletsova, 1990; A.A. Dmitriev, 1991; N.T. Lebedeva, 1993; L.N. Rostomashvili, 1997, etc.) abnormal development of the child is always accompanied by deterioration of motor functions, secondary disorders in the motor and mental spheres (see table). In terms of level of physical development and physical fitness, such children lag behind their healthy peers by 1-3 years or more.

Visual impairment



Intellectual impairment

Damage to the musculoskeletal system




Poor posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, weakness of the respiratory muscles.

Violation of spatial images, self-control and self-regulation, coordination of movements. Diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, metabolism, neurosis.

Diseases of the hearing organs, minimal brain dysfunction. Fatigue

Disharmony of physical development, poor posture, curvature of the spine, foot deformity.
Diseases of the respiratory system, vegetative-somatic disorders, disorders
functions of the vestibular apparatus, delayed mental and motor development, dysfunction of speech, memory, attention, thinking, communication. Fatigue, rhythm disturbance
movements, balance, reactivity, spatiotemporal differentiation

Dysplasia, violation of ossification, posture, deformation of the foot and spine, disharmony of physical development, impaired coordination of movements. Congenital heart defects, diseases internal organs, endocrine disorders, sensory deviations. Decreased strength and mobility of nervous processes, disruption of cognitive activity, higher mental functions: thinking, memory, speech, emotional-volitional sphere, disruption of analytical-synthetic activity of the central nervous system

Disharmony of physical development, impaired supportability, balance, vertical posture, orientation in space, coordination of micro and macromotor skills. Osteochondrosis of the spine, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, contractures. Impaired functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, low level of performance. Diseases of internal organs, visual impairment, hearing, and intelligence. Low performance

Disorders of the functions of the pelvic organs, urodynamics. Violation of autonomic functions, bedsores. Osteoporosis.

With a high (neck) lesion - respiratory failure, hemodynamic insufficiency. With flaccid paralysis - muscle atrophy, with spastic paralysis - joint stiffness, contractions, spasticity. Lack of voluntary movements

Violation of regulatory mechanisms, degenerative changes in neuromuscular and bone tissue, contractures, circulatory disorders, breathing, digestion, inflammation. Metabolic disorders, obesity. Decreased overall performance, phantom pain

So, in children with mental retardation due to irreversible damage to the central nervous system, physical and mental development proceeds on a defective basis, while not only neuropsychic, but also somatic functions (cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract), bone, muscle are underdeveloped , endocrine, sensory systems, higher mental functions: speech, thinking, attention, memory, emotions and personality as a whole (G.E. Sukhareva, 1965; M.S. Pevzner, 1979; V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov, 1990; M.G. Blyumina, 1994).

Complete or partial loss of vision in children significantly changes their life activity. Violation of spatial images, sensory cognition of the world, self-control and self-regulation is accompanied by a wide range of concomitant diseases. 40% of children have minimal brain dysfunction (mild lesions of the central nervous system), over 30% have somatic diseases (pyelonephritis, diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems), 80% of children suffer from neuroses (L.A. Semenov, L. .I. Solntseva, 1991; K.F. Skvortsov, V.P. Illarionov, 1993; Among the secondary disorders, the most typical are weakness of the general and respiratory muscles, curvature of the spine, and foot deformities, which naturally negatively affects the child’s physical fitness, performance, and movements. Posture disorders are observed in almost 80% of blind and visually impaired children (L.N. Rostomashvili, 1999).

Hearing loss in children it is accompanied in 62% of cases by disharmonious physical development, in 44% by defects of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, flat feet), in 80% by delayed motor development. Concomitant diseases are observed in 70% of deaf and hard of hearing children. The most common diseases are the respiratory system: acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as delay mental development, deviations in the development of intelligence, vegetative-somatic disorders (V.L. Strakovskaya, 1994; N.T. Lebedeva, 1996). The limited flow of external information due to hearing damage distorts the perception of its meaning, complicates communication, complicates the conditions of psychomotor development, causes negative emotions and stressful experiences (Zh.I. Shif, 1968; T.V. Rozanova, 1985; E.V. . Parhalipa, 1995). Insufficiency of hearing leads to disruption of the development of all aspects of speech, and in some cases to its complete absence (M.B. Bogomilsky, 1985; E.M. Mastyukova, 1997), which limits the possibilities of thinking and is reflected in behavioral characteristics - isolation, reluctance make contact (Z.A. Ponomar-va, 1998; T.E. Chernenko, 1998). The motor sphere is characterized by disturbances in the accuracy of movements, static and dynamic balance, spatial orientation, and the ability to assimilate a given rhythm of movements (N.G. Baykina, B.V. Sermeev, 1991).

Children with consequences of cerebral palsy (CP) have multiple movement disorders: muscle hypertonicity, development of contractures, impaired coordination of movements, muscle atrophy, etc., caused by severe diseases of the central nervous system. In addition to dysfunctions of the brain and spinal cord, changes in nerve and muscle fibers, joints, ligaments,

cartilage (S.L. Bortfeld, 1986; M.V. Ippolitova, E.D. Chernobrovkina, 1997; K.A. Semenova, 1998, etc.). Often movement disorders are accompanied by impairments of vision, vestibular apparatus, speech, psyche and other functions. There are three degrees of severity of the defect: mild (children can move freely), moderate (they need help when moving and self-care), severe (children are completely dependent on others). According to a survey by the Association of Parents of Disabled Children conducted in St. Petersburg, 6% of children with cerebral palsy are fully capable of self-care, 80% are fully and partially capable of self-care, and 14% are completely incapable of self-care. According to the degree of preservation of intelligence in this category of children, the following results were obtained: 60% - intact intelligence, 30% - partial deviations, 10% - gross impairments (L.M. Shipitsyna et al., 1995). The motor sphere is characterized by disturbances in support ability, balance, vertical posture, orientation in space, coordination of micro- and macromotor activity, coordination of breathing and movement, unformed locomotor acts, low level of performance, and rapid fatigue (E.M. Mastyukova, 1985, 1992; K.A. Semenova, 1986;

Amputation of limbs leads, first of all, to a violation of the motor stereotype, the function of support and walking, coordination of movements (V.G. Grigorenko, B.V. Sermeev, 1991; T.N. Sulimtsev, A.N. Tamantsev, 1993 ). The consequence of limb amputation is a decrease in body weight, vascular bed, receptor fields, severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hypokinesia and stress. A decrease in central regulatory mechanisms, degenerative changes in the neuromuscular and bone components of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders, deterioration of autonomic functions, muscle detraining negatively affect the processes of blood circulation, respiration, digestion and other vital functions, create objective biological prerequisites for lagging rates of physical and mental development, decreased motor capabilities and general performance (F.Z. Meyerson, 1986; A.S. Solodkov, 1988, 1996; B.A. Nikityuk, B.I. Kogan, 1989; S.F. Kurdybaylo, 1993, 1996). The severity of changes in the vital functions of the body depends on the level of limb amputation, the nature of surgical interventions, age, and individual characteristics of the disabled person.

The loss of a limb in children (or congenital underdevelopment) reduces their motor capabilities, which leads to secondary deformations and muscle atrophy. Prosthetics is advisable and successful only if motor activity ensures the formation of age-appropriate muscle motor skills, since to control limb prostheses it is necessary to master the skills of separate contraction of the muscles of the stump, differentiation of muscle efforts, precision of movements, etc. These skills are determined not only by physical capabilities, but also by the psychophysiological state of the child. “Departure” from illness, a lack of positive emotions, a feeling of physical inferiority can change the consciousness, behavior, intelligence, and social activity of not only children, but also adult disabled people.

A brief description of the object of pedagogical influence allows us to identify the most typical movement disorders, characteristic of all nosological groups:

    a forced decrease in motor activity as a factor of hypokinesia, which manifests itself in a reduction in the volume and intensity of motor activity, a decrease in energy costs for muscle work;

    deterioration of vital physical qualities: muscle strength, speed and power of movements, endurance, dexterity, joint mobility;

    poor posture, deformation of the foot, spine, weakness of the “muscle corset”;

Violation of coordination abilities: reaction speed, accuracy, tempo, rhythm, coordination of micro- and macromotor skills, differentiation of efforts, time and space, balance and resistance to vestibular irritations, orientation in space, relaxation, etc., which negatively affect quality of movements (including basic locomotion - walking and running) necessary in educational, labor, household, and sports activities.

Developmental anomalies such as hearing, vision, intellectual impairment, cerebral palsy and others are accompanied not only by disorders of motor skills and coordination, but also by higher mental functions, especially speech, attention, memory and others, limiting cognitive, communicative, educational, labor, motor activity and those in need of correction (V.I. Lubovsky, E.M. Mastyukova, 1985; G.A. Volkova, 1993, 1999).

Thus, data on the state of health, characteristics of physical and mental development, secondary disorders caused by the primary defect and factors of forced physical inactivity are quite generalized. The indicated diagnostic indicators can serve as guidelines in the development of various adaptive physical education programs.

Test questions and assignments

    Reveal the characteristics of children with mental retardation.

    How does the life activity of blind people change compared to healthy people?

  1. General characteristics of training programs in specialty 5B070300 – “Information Systems” Degrees awarded -


    Assembly, adaptive Volume 1. – M.: BINOM LLC... Generalcharacteristic training programs for specialties... practice)+8 credit ( physicalculture)+3 credit (total... Introduction V speciality 2 MGT 1212 Story ...

  2. POLYTECHNIC General characteristics of training programs in specialty 5B070300 – “Information systems” Degrees awarded -


    Assembly, adaptive(extreme... for Windows in C/C++. Volume 1. – M.: LLC “BINOM... practice)+8 credit ( physicalculture)+3 credit (total... Introduction V speciality 2 MGT 1212 Story ... Generalcharacteristic training programs for specialties

No less important is the verbal language of feelings, which denotes phenomena of emotional life. Explanation of emotions in psycho-gymnastics leads to the child’s emotional awareness of himself. A child who speaks a good language thinks better and understands himself more subtly. Psychogymnastics classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of four phases.

1. phase. Mimic and pantomimic sketches. Target– an expressive depiction of individual emotional states associated with the experience of bodily and mental contentment and dissatisfaction. Models of expression of basic emotions - joy, surprise, interest, anger, fear, etc. Children become familiar with the elements of expressive movements - facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait.

2 phase. Sketches and games to express individual qualities of character and emotions. Target - an expressive depiction of traits generated by the social environment (greed, kindness, honesty), their moral assessment. Models of behavior of characters with certain character traits. When depicting emotions, children's attention is drawn to all components.

Phase 3. Sketches of games that have a psychotherapeutic focus on a specific child or group as a whole. The mimic and pantomimic abilities of children are used for an extremely natural embodiment in a given image. Target - correction of the child’s mood and individual character traits, training in modeling standard situations.

Phase 4. Psychomuscular training. Target - relieving psycho-emotional stress, unwanted behavior, character traits. Between the second and third phases there is a break of several minutes, during which the children are left to their own devices (communication with each other). Between the third and fourth phases, you can play a game for attention, memory, and outdoor play. There should be no more than six preschoolers in a group, and no more than eight primary schoolchildren. When portraying undesirable character traits, positive and negative roles are played by children in pairs with roles changing. Etudes and games on emotions should be included in every lesson.

The lesson ends with children relaxing and teaching them self-regulation. Psychogymnastics classes use a children's version of psychomuscular training, developed for young athletes, adapted for schoolchildren. When conducting training, it is necessary: ​​to maintain a sense of proportion, not to delay rest, and to dose suggestion.

The author suggests musical accompaniment each etude, the use of the technique writing stories, which is based on the current problems of children. This method widely uses elements of isotherapy. Children can paint the face of the person depicted or the background around him in the color of their emotional state. Thematic drawing goes well with mimic and pantomime sketches, which leads to increased impact. Visualization in the form of pictograms, conventional figures depicting various poses, photographs depicting various emotional states and states of tension and relaxation in the muscles is used to train the ability to recognize the emotional state by facial expressions and pantomimes.

Authors from Sakt-Bardier, I. Romazan, G. Cherednikova have developed another direction of psycho-gymnastics that can be used for children starting from 3 years of age. The specifics of the organization of classes - each exercise includes fantasy, feelings, and movements in the activity. The entire lesson is based on plot-role content, all objects and events must be imaginary; The structure of the classes includes: warm-up, gymnastics, emotions, communication, behavior, completion.

In dance therapy The fundamental rule is the unity of the body and human consciousness. A person's character is understood not only as his psychological characteristics, but also as a way of functioning of his body, manifested through posture, posture, physical abilities, etc. Emotional states are reflected in the body and give it a certain structure.

Negative emotions and suppression of feelings contribute to the formation of protective bodily mechanisms in the form of muscle tightness and limitations in the range of motion. “Muscle blocks” have a negative effect on the psyche.

The task of psychocorrectional work is to identify and work through bodily “pressures”, achieving free and natural movements. The peculiarities of dance therapy are that these problems are solved in a way expressive movement. Dance is communication, a culturally appropriate way of interacting with other people. If in body-oriented therapy, to a greater extent, the emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the structure and functioning of one person’s body outside the context of his social interaction, then in dance all methods of interpersonal communication are manifested.

The group form of the lesson provides ample opportunities to improve the social skills of those patients who need training in basic social skills. The direction of dance therapy has gained significance when working with patients who have difficulties with verbal interaction. Dance therapy has a special role as a way of making contact with autistic patients who are inaccessible to speech. Expressive movements allow you to release repressed feelings, explore hidden conflicts that could be a source of tension and realize this tension in a creative way. An important goal of dance therapy is the development of a positive body image, which is associated with a positive self-image.

An analogue of body-oriented therapy can be considered the use of therapeutic physical education (PT) in psychotherapeutic activities. Exercise therapy improves motor function and helps restore lost communication and work skills. Dance therapy includes: structured dance; spontaneous expressive movements; free movements with a given rhythm, etc.

7.5. Extreme types of physical activity

To the distinctive features of extreme types of physical activity (EVMA) include the following:

1. The presence of risk, increased mental stress, new, dangerous conditions for performing motor tasks.

2. For AFC, it is fundamentally important that motor activity does not pose a real threat to persons with health problems and, especially, disabled people. Extreme exercises can be the most common motor actions for healthy people (deep jump, rope climbing, cycling, etc.). Here you should not strive to use motor tasks that are really dangerous and risky for people’s health and life. The main thing is that those involved perceive them as dangerous and risky exercises, the implementation of which is associated with overcoming feelings of fear.

3. Specialists are obliged to provide all necessary safety measures, including in cases of inappropriate actions of those involved, to have a good command of the skills and abilities of providing physical assistance and insurance.

4. The ability to fully use the so-called endorphin effect. Endorphins are morphine-like substances produced by the pituitary gland in various situations, including as a result of strenuous physical activity, during periods of danger, and overcoming fear. In terms of their effect, endorphins can have an analgesic and calming effect, cause a feeling of happiness, and overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, and restlessness.

5. At the moment of overcoming fear, the student’s self-esteem increases, which further contributes to self-affirmation of the individual, increased respect, and strengthened authority in the eyes of peers.

6. The possibility of displacing the previous worldview from consciousness, completely switching to another type of activity.

7. Currently, EVDA have been developed in anti-drug preventive work with children, adolescents and young people.

In extreme types of adaptive physical culture, the leading functions are are: prestigious, socializing and integrative. Overcoming oneself, self-affirmation, and the release of endorphins by the pituitary gland of those involved contribute to the dominance of the hedonic function. Prevention of states of frustration, depression, etc. emphasize the importance preventive and corrective-compensatory functions in this form of AFK.

The leading principles of EVDA are social - integration, socialization, priority role of microsociety, among the special methodological ones in these types of ROS, it is necessary to highlight principles of compensatory orientation, differentiation and individualization, taking into account age characteristics.

Methodology for EVDA classes

For ROS, exercises performed in unusual conditions can be well known as extreme types of physical activity. For example, the following:

Walking and running with eyes closed, especially those performed on limited support; walking, running and jumping on an elevated platform; depth jumps (from an elevation); climbing a rope, a gymnastic wall with open and closed eyes; descending from an elevation in a wheelchair backwards, with eyes closed, etc. A very important group of means are exercises with acceleration of the human body in vertical, horizontal directions, exercises with rotation of the body in various planes.

Such exercises are very useful for training the vestibular system, which is of great importance for deaf athletes and people using wheelchairs. The work describes special devices and simulators for training the vestibular apparatus; let’s present some of them:

§ “Swinging deck” - the essence of the training is to develop a person’s ability to withstand vestibular “underloads”.

§ “Multi-degree rotating table”, the main task is to learn to restore and maintain balance after and during mixed swings and rotations. After developing a skill with visual control, the training is complicated by closing the eyes.

§ “Giant Steps” simulator. The task is to take a running start and begin to rotate along a large radius, supporting the rotation with kicks during landings. While performing exercises on the simulator, the muscles of the arms, back and abdomen experience severe tension.

For people with disabilities of certain nosological groups (hearing, vision, intellectual impairment, etc.), some sports are acceptable: motor racing, rowing and sailing all-around, parachuting, etc.

For many people with health problems, it is possible to use extreme types of physical activity: on the ground: skating (roller skating using protective equipment); skateboarding - rollerblading; snowboarding - riding a board in the snow; mountain biking - - mountain biking, etc. On the water: rafting – whitewater rafting; Wainboarding - riding a board on the water with the athlete being towed by a boat; Aquabike (jet ski) is a swimming device that allows you to move through water at high speed).

The main distinctive feature of the method of extreme types of ROS is to ensure the safety of those involved in the process of physical activity. Factors leading to emergency situations in sports:

1. natural – temperature, weather, relief;

2. man-made – equipment for training and competition areas; technical condition of sports equipment and equipment; vehicles, protective equipment, inventory, equipment and life-saving equipment.

In any accident, a legal assessment of the events that occurred and identification of those responsible is necessary. Analysis of the causes and investigations of emergency incidents in sports gives grounds to highlight the human factor three situations: when responsibility is assigned to the administration, heads of educational institutions and sports organizations; coaching staff and instructors, doctors; those involved themselves ().