Outdoor games. Outdoor games: playing with children on a walk Children's games in the air

- has long been a well-known amusement for children. All folk traditional games can be divided into two groups: 1) winter games - games indoors, in a hut, 2) spring and summer games - games in the fresh air. All these games belong to the group of games with rules. And they are very important for the child’s health and for his preparation for school. After all, it is in playing with rules that a child learns to manage his behavior, to be guided by the rules in his activities, and this is the development of arbitrariness of behavior - the most important condition for success in school.

Many of these ancient outdoor games are now forgotten. I want to tell you a little about them. In this article you will find both outdoor games that can be played together and games for a large group of children - for a children's group or a parent-child group.

Outdoor games: playing with children while walking

Outdoor games: ball games.

I know.

This outdoor game develops children's memory and attention. You can even play it together - a mother and one child.

Game option No. 1.

We hit the ball, bouncing it off the ground or off the asphalt. For each blow we pronounce a new name, repeating the previous one. For example:

I know one girl Alena.

I know two girls - Alena and Olya.

I know three girls - Alena, Olya and Vera.

I know four girls - Alena, Olya, Vera, Sveta...

The main thing is not to lose count and repeat the entire sequence correctly, without confusing the names in their order.

If a player goes down, he passes the ball to the next player. If you can never get lost, then he is a winner!

Similarly, you can call trees, cities, flowers, vegetables, fruits, minerals and any other names.

Game option No. 2.

This version of the game is much more difficult, as it requires switching attention. And you also need to not lose count and repeat the names in the chosen sequence.

Two parallel rows of names are lined up. For example.

I know one girl Alena. I know one boy, Petya.

I know two girls - Alena and Olya. I know two boys - Petya and Vova.

I know three girls - Alena, Olya and Vera. I know three boys -

Petya, Vova and Yura.

I know four girls - Alena, Olya, Vera and Masha. I know four boys - Petya, Vova, Yura and Seryozha and so on.

Such games are very useful for developing a child’s memory and attention, preparing him for school, and developing the ability to quickly switch and concentrate.

Big ball.

To play you will need a large ball that you can kick. All players face in a circle and join hands. The driver stands in the center of the circle and tries to roll the ball out of the circle with his feet. The players don't let him do it. If one of the players misses the ball, he becomes the driver. But the second round of the game goes differently. The players now stand facing out of the circle and join hands. The driver's task is to roll the ball back into the circle. If this is successful, then the player who missed the ball becomes the driver.

Again, the children stand facing in a circle and the game is repeated.

The rule of the game is that the ball cannot be picked up, you can only roll it with your feet.

This game can even be played by three people. Then a couple of players stand facing the driver and form a hoop. Their task is not to let the ball into the goal, that is, among themselves.

Ball up

  1. Everyone stands in a circle. The driver throws the ball up with the words: “Ball up!” (in some versions of this game, fictitious words are pronounced that do not exist in the Russian language; such a word - a signal - can be invented together with the children and shouted out in this game). At this time, all players run away from the driver as far as possible.
  2. The driver catches his ball and shouts at this time: “Stop.” All players who have run away must stop and freeze in place.
  3. The driver’s task is to throw the ball and hit or stain one of the players with it. If he managed to stain a player, then this player becomes the driver in the next game. If it was not possible to stain the player, then the same driver will have to drive again.

Rules of the game:

  1. The driver throws the ball up as high as possible.
  2. The driver catches the ball either from the air or from one bounce from the ground.
  3. If the player does not stop at the “Stop” signal, then he needs to take three large steps towards the driver.
  4. Players should not hide behind objects or trees.

Outdoor games: play on the swing.

Game "Popinuh" with a patchwork ball.

Previously, on Easter days they made large swings that could accommodate many people, and not only children, but also adults swung on such swings.

Now in our yards the swings are designed for only one child. What to do if there are many people who want to swing on a swing and an eternal dispute arises: who is first? The traditional “give way to the little one” or “give way to the girl” is usually perceived with resentment: “Why should I give in again, because I also really want to swing, even though I’m a boy and only a year older.” Of course, you can choose the order according to a counting rhyme or lot, so that no one is offended.

But there is another way - very fun and interesting. This is a traditional Russian swing game “Popinukha” - a fun game so that no one stays too long on the swing and everyone can ride on it. In the past, both children and teenagers played this game. The game develops coordination of movements and dexterity, ingenuity, and the ability to observe. After all, to win, you need to predict the trajectory of the ball and throw it correctly to the leader. Here's how to play this game outdoors.

What do you need to play on a swing?

Previously, girls used to sew a special ball for this game - “popinhuha” with a diameter of up to 20 cm. The ball was stuffed with rags, tow, sawdust and decorated with ribbons and braid. Instead of a ball, they used a bunch of straw, a mitten, an old bast shoe or another object that was at hand.

Nowadays, the easiest way to make a kick ball is from an unnecessary sock or colored children's tights.

1.Cut off the “pipe”. Tighten the hole on one side with a strong thread.

2.Fill the resulting “bag” with padding polyester or rags (old unnecessary things, cut into small shreds). Women's nylon tights that have gone out of use are also suitable as padding - the ball will be elastic.

You can sew it differently: make a bag out of bright colored cotton fabric, fill it with rags and tie it. It will also turn out to be a kick. You can use an out-of-use mitten, stuffing it with rags and decorating it with buttons and bows. Look at what other items you have, they will all be suitable for becoming a booty in this game.

A sounding object was always placed in the middle of the popinukh ball. These days it could be a rustling flower package or a bell. You can fill a plastic Kinder Surprise box with peas. Or put small peas in walnut shells. In folk tradition, a birch bark tube with peas inside was placed inside the popinukha.

How to play "popinhuha"

Game option No. 1.

  1. One child is swinging on a swing (we choose him based on the counting rhyme). Other children stand facing the swing. The person swinging on the swing sings 1-2 verses of the song (this is agreed upon in advance).
  2. The players take turns throwing a kick ball to the person sitting on the swing (they throw the kick ball at the feet of the child swinging on the swing so that he can hit the ball, that is, kick it). To make the kick stronger, it is better to throw the ball when the swing is moving towards the thrower.
  3. After the kick, all players rush to catch the kick ball. The goal is to catch the ball before it hits the ground.
  4. If the player managed to catch the ball, then he sits on the swing instead of the previous child and swings on it. He begins to sing his 1-2 verses, then they throw a slap at him, he pushes it away from him, and so on as the game progresses.
  5. If the person swinging on the swing could not hit the ball from his knees or feet, he leaves the swing. Then the child who threw the ball sits on the swing.
  6. If the person swinging on the swing hits the ball, but the players do not catch it, then he remains swinging on the swing.

Game option No. 2.

  1. One child sits on the swing (we will choose him according to the counting rhyme). All other children who also want to ride on the swing stand near the swing facing the swinging child.
  2. A child swinging on a swing sings a song (they agree in advance how many verses he will sing). You can recite poetry, sing ditties, or count to 20 - any task will do. You will find several swing ditties for this game below.
  3. After listening to the end of the ditties (song, poem, counting, etc.), the players take turns throwing the pop-ball to the person sitting on the swing. If a child swinging on a swing was able to catch the ball, then he remains swinging. If not, then he gives way to the player who threw the kick.

Poems for swing games

Swing choruses - “profits” for playing on a swing

Swing ditties

Outdoor games: outdoor games with a group of children.


This is a round dance game. All children stand in a circle. And Zarya the Zaryanitsa stands behind the circle and holds a handkerchief in her hands. The round dance goes in one direction in a circle, and Zarya Zaryanitsa goes in the other direction around the round dance.

Children sing or say:

"Zarya-zaryanitsa – to these words the round dance and Zaryanitsa move in a circle in different directions.
Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
The rings are entwined.”

"One two Three,
Don't be a crow!
And run like fire!”

At these words, Zaryanitsa and the child, who had a scarf placed on his shoulder, run in different directions around the round dance and run around a full circle. Whoever runs around the round dance faster and stands in it, taking a place, will play in the round dance. The one who did not have time becomes Zaryanitsa and the game continues.


How to play burners:

Children stand in pairs, one after another, in a column. In front of this column, the driver stands facing the children - the “burner”.

The children chant the words:

"Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out!
Stay at your hem
Look at the field.
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes shout:
- Gu-gu, I'll run away,
One, two,
Don't be a crow
And run like fire!”

In response to these last words, the children from the last pair in the column unclasp their hands and run forward along the column to its beginning. Each player runs from his side. And the burner is trying to stain them.

If the players managed to run and stand as the first pair in the column, then the burner turns on again and “burns.” If the burner stains a player, then that player becomes a burner in the next game and the game is repeated.


Children have been playing this game outdoors for many decades and centuries in different regions of Russia - Vyatka, Tobolsk, Astrakhan, Vladimir. It is also known that children played this game in Europe. For example, in France it existed under the name “Four Corners”, and the driver in France, instead of a mouse, was called “gap” or “pot”.

They used to play this game in the log house. Then - in my childhood - we also played this game, and we came up with it ourselves, but instead of a log house we used a square sandbox with sides in our yard. Instead of a log house or sandbox, you can simply draw a square with a side of about 2.5 meters on the ground or asphalt.

How to play corners?

You can play with 5 people or more. Four people stand in the corners, and the fifth player is the mouse. The mouse stands in the center of the square.

The mouse says: “From corner to corner!”

At these words, the children change places. You need to run across and take a place in another corner. The mouse also tries to occupy the vacant corner. Whoever is left without a corner becomes a mouse, stands in the middle of the sandbox or square and leads in a new game.

In another version of the game, it is not the mouse who speaks the words, but the players who speak to the mouse:

"Mouse, mouse,
Sell ​​the corner.
For the awl, for the soap,
For a white towel, for a mirror!

and change places.


This wonderful and very interesting ancient folk game in the fresh air is often used in modern psychological training for children and adults. It is very useful for bringing people together, removing barriers, and bringing a joyful mood. This game can be played indoors, in a gazebo, on the veranda, at a birthday party, with guests, in the park or in the forest, in the country or in the yard. Moreover, everyone plays this game together - adults and children.

How to play confusion.

Mother and daughter are selected from the players. Mom leaves. All players join hands with each other in a circle. My daughter is confusing this round dance - you can crawl under your arm like a gate, step over your arms, turn around. The main condition is to do this without releasing your hands. When the players are completely confused with each other, they call their mother: “ Mom, unravel the thread!Just don’t tear it!”

Mom tries to unravel the confusion and return everyone in the circle to their place. The rule is the same - players should not release their hands when untangling.

If the mother has untangled the confusion, then a new mother and daughter are chosen. If not, then mom is playing another game.

If there are few participants in the game, then you can get entangled with a rope.


Playing in the fresh air, which liberates children, teaches them to focus on communication partners and convey different actions and emotional states of people with gestures.

The leader and players are selected.

Presenter: “Ding-ding-ding!”
Players: “Who’s there?”
Presenter: “Mail!”
Players: “Where from?”
Presenter: “From the city.”
Players: “What are they doing there?”
The presenter here in response comes up with whatever he wants and says one thing he came up with - “they laugh (or sing, repair, bake pies, pick mushrooms, grieve, rejoice, admire, wonder, sew, knit, and so on). And everyone does this movement. Whoever hesitated or did not make a movement together with everyone else (for example, did not want to) - we take a forfeit from him (this can be a small thing or a leaf, a pebble, a stick).

They win back forfeits after the game like this:

The player who needs to win back the forfeit stands in the middle of all the other players. He becomes a mirror. All players come up to him, “look in the mirror” and do whatever they want: comb their hair, braid their hair, straighten their collar, clean their clothes with a brush. And the “mirror” should synchronously repeat the player’s actions.

After winning back the forfeits, the game can be repeated.

These outdoor games can be used both at home and in kindergarten. Have fun playing! Have a sunny, happy summer everyone!

If you have favorite games for a walk, we will be glad if you share them in the comments to the article.

Spoon relay

To play, you need two spoons and any two round objects (wooden eggs, ping-pong balls, potatoes, etc.).

At a signal, children must walk (run) to a certain place with a spoon in their hands containing a round object, and return back.

The egg should not fall. If it falls, you need to pick it up and continue on your way. The egg should not be held with your hand.

The one who reaches the finish line first receives a reward. Teams can also compete.


To play you need a bucket or pan and a scarf to blindfold.

They choose a driver, blindfold him, give him a stick and place him in the middle of the circle.

Not far from the driver, some reward or consolation prize is placed on the floor and covered with a container. They do this quietly so that the driver does not hear anything.

You can circle the driver around you. He must go around the circle and use a stick to feel for the container.

The teacher makes sure that the driver moves with caution and does not swing the stick.

As soon as the driver discovers a container with treasure, he is allowed to remove the bandage and pull out the surprise.

Hit the target!

To play, you need a cardboard circle with a diameter of about 1 m, in the middle of which there is a hole with a diameter of about 15 cm, as well as three balls - rag or tennis.

The circle is installed at an angle to the floor on a stand or pole. You can draw something funny on the circle, for example the face of a monkey with its mouth wide open, etc.

The players stand at a distance of 3-5 m from the circle. Everyone is given three tries to throw the ball into the hole on the circle. For each hit, players receive a token, for which a corresponding reward is given at the end of the game. The distance can be reduced if necessary.

In a group of children, the distance to the target must be reduced.

Ring throw

You need to stick two sticks into the turf or sand at a distance of 2 m from each other.

The players take turns on a line drawn at a distance of 2-3 m from the sticks. Everyone receives three rings, which they must try to put on sticks.

The size of the rings and the distance to the sticks from the person throwing the rings must correspond to the age, height and capabilities of the children.

Throwing at a target

Several brightly colored tin cans should be hung on a rope stretched between posts or trees.

Children should use tennis or rag balls to hit the jars.

Deliver the leaflet

You need sheets of thick paper the size of your palm according to the number of players.

The relay race is held on a calm day on a site or in a draft-free room.

The players are divided into two teams. They are built parallel to each other. The first child in each team is given a piece of thick paper on their palm. During the game, the sheet cannot be held in place by anything. At the teacher’s command, the first children run to the chairs (pins, etc.), run around them and run back. Having reached the team, they transfer the sheet to the palm of the next child, and they themselves stand at the end of the row.

If a leaf falls, you need to pick it up and continue running.

The relay continues until the first child gets his turn. The fastest team wins.

Instead of sheets of paper, you can take toy cars on a rope, on which you place a plastic glass filled with water.

Super relay

To carry out the relay race you will need a lot of different things: two aprons, two blouses, two hats, etc.

Children are divided into two teams, each member of which takes turns performing different tasks prepared on a certain segment of the path from start to finish: put on and carefully tie an apron at the back; change shoes; put on a jacket and fasten all the buttons; put on a hat and tie the strings. These may include other tasks: dress and comb the doll’s hair; load and unload a toy stroller; transport cubes by car; build a turret out of cubes, etc.

The team that most quickly and correctly completes the relay tasks wins.

No! Yes!

At the teacher’s command, the children begin to run freely around the playground and shout loudly and loudly: “No! No!" When they meet, they look into each other’s eyes and shout even louder: “No! No!"

At the teacher’s command, the children continue to run, but they are already shouting: “Yes! Yes!”, looking into each other’s eyes.

Walk along the stream

A winding stream with different widths in different places is drawn on the floor or asphalt with chalk. Children “tourists” line up one after another in one “chain”, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, spread their legs the width of the stream and its source.

The children move slowly all together, changing the width of their legs apart, stepping along the banks of the stream. The one who stumbles lands with his foot in the stream and stands at the end of the chain.

The rhythm of walking can be set by E. Alyabyeva’s poem “The Cheerful Stream”:

A stream ran in the forest

And I met a little bunny.

Tra-ta-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta-ta -

He knocked loudly on the stump.

The brook echoes the bunny:

Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding.

The bell heard them:

Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding.

The squirrel came down from the branch

And nuts - crunch-crunch.

Knock-knock-knock - a woodpecker from a birch tree.

Oh, what a noise there was!

Football blindfold

A stake is driven into the ground, a two-meter rope is tied to it, and a soccer ball in a net is tied to the end of the rope.

The player, located 5-6 m from the ball, is blindfolded, asked to make a full turn in a circle, and then approach the ball and kick it.

Whoever kicks the ball wins.

Golden seed

The players stand in a circle in pairs, one pair not far from the other. One of the players is the driver. He approaches a couple and says:

- Good afternoon to you! What do you have?

“A golden grain,” answers the child from the couple.

- What kind of him?

- A mountain of snow and a lake of water...

At the same time, those standing in a pair scatter in different directions. The questioner takes their place. Players who have run around the circle from different sides strive to take their previous places. Whoever gets there first becomes paired with the driver, and the latecomer begins to drive, going with questions to the other pair.

The game can be made more difficult. For example, players running towards each other must hold hands when they meet, spin around in place and then continue running. Or: sit down, pat each other’s palms, jump up and continue running. You can come up with other complications that will bring pleasure to the participants of the game.

Outdoor games

for children of senior preschool age

"Quickly to places"

The players line up in a column one at a time and stretch their arms forward, lightly touching the shoulders of the person in front. At the command of the teacher (leader) “Run away!”, everyone should run away in different directions. On the command: “Quickly, get to your places!”, everyone must line up in i. p., placing his hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The one who takes the last place loses.


1. You can’t push, but you need to quickly find your place.

2. Hands must be placed on the player in front.

"Tag-hands on the wall"

A driver is selected who stands in the middle. All others are arranged in random order. A large area must be limited. The driver - “salka” - raises his hands and says loudly: “I am a salka!” After this, everyone scatters within the area, and the “tag” tries to catch up with one of those running away. The player whom the “salka” touched with his hand is considered to have been touched and becomes a “salka”.


1. The driver can catch only after he says “I’m a tag!”

2. The new driver does not have the right to immediately catch the former driver.

3. You cannot salt someone who manages to put both palms on the wall.

"Animal Seller"

At one end of the site, the place for the house in which the buyer “lives” is designated. A place for the seller is designated 14-20 steps from the house. The starting line is drawn even further, 3-5 steps from the seller’s location. Players line up in front of her and take the names of the animals, for example: dog, rooster, chicken, cat, cow, horse, sheep, goat, etc. The names are known to the seller, but unknown to the buyer, who is in his house. The buyer approaches the seller and asks: “Can I buy a horse from you?” The seller replies: “Yes, you can. It costs 10 rubles." At these words, the player called “horse” runs to the buyer’s house, and from there back to his original place. The buyer pays the price for the “horse” according to this price by the number of blows on the seller’s outstretched hand and then runs after his animal. If the buyer catches up, then the animal becomes his; if not, he returns to the original place and receives a new place (new name of the animal). Once the buyer has captured all the animals, the game ends.


1. You cannot set a price higher than 10 rubles.

2. If a player reaches the buyer's house before him, then the buyer must reach the house before he is allowed to catch the returning player.

"Team fishing rod"

To play you need a rope with a ribbon at the end or just a jump rope. The players are divided into 2 teams. All players stand in a circle, and the driver with the rope stands in the middle of the circle. The driver, standing in the middle of the circle, rotates the rope so that the end of the rope (jump rope) slides under the feet of the jumping players. Participants in the game carefully monitor the movement of the rope and jump at the moment when the rope is near their feet. The one who hits loses the rope loses a point. After each mistake, the score is announced loudly. The team that makes the fewest mistakes wins, i.e., scoring the fewest points.


1. The one whose leg is touched by the rope no higher than the ankle is considered caught.

2. When the rope rotates, you are not allowed to leave your place. By breaking this rule, the score increases by 1 point.

"Relay of Animals"

The players are divided into 2-4 teams of equal teams and line up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. Players in teams take the names of the animals. Let's say: 1-bears, 2-wolves, 3-foxes, etc. Everyone remembers what animal he is portraying. The leader loudly calls out any animal. Players bearing the name of this beast run forward, run around the object standing opposite them and return to their place. The first one to run back wins a point for his team. The head of the animals is broken down at his own discretion. Some may be called several times. The players who come running take their places every time. The team that earns more points wins.


1. If both (all) players come running at the same time, no point is awarded to anyone.

2. If a player does not reach the final point, his partner from the other team earns a point.

"Jumping Sparrows"

A circle with a diameter of 4-6 meters is drawn on the floor (asphalt). A “cat” driver is selected, which crouches or stands in the middle of the circle. The remaining players - the "sparrows" - are outside the circle. At the leader’s signal, the “sparrows” begin to jump in and out of the circle. The “cat” tries to catch the “sparrows” who did not have time to jump out of the circle. The person who is caught crouches or sits in the center of the circle. You can put those caught on a bench next to the circle. When the “cat” catches 3-4 “sparrows”, a new “cat” is selected from the uncaught “sparrows”. Those caught become “sparrows” and enter the game. The one who is never caught wins.


1. A cat can catch “sparrows” only in a circle.

2. The sparrow is considered caught if the cat touches with its hand at least one leg located in the circle. The one who runs through the circle is considered caught.

Oksana Rudneva
Outdoor games for children of senior preschool age in the fresh air in summer

Outdoor games for children of senior preschool age in the fresh air in summer

Description of work: Psychologists, teachers, doctors note a general trend for children's institutions - a decrease in physical activity children, and for a child - preschooler loss in movement is a loss in health, development, knowledge. It is no coincidence that in the education and training program children in preschool In institutions, the issue of health comes first. If we take into account that physical activity is also a condition that stimulates the development of intellectual, emotional and other spheres, then the relevance of this issue becomes obvious.

Play is recognized as a child’s leading activity – preschooler. It causes active work of thought, helps to expand horizons, clarify ideas about the world around us, and improve all mental processes.

Senior preschoolers are distinguished by high motor activity, have a sufficient supply of motor skills and abilities; They are better at movements that require speed and flexibility, and their strength and endurance are still low. The child has developed basic motor skills (agility, flexibility, speed and strength).

Target: to develop healthy lifestyle skills, increase social activity, develop speed and agility in children over preschool age within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In accordance with this goal, the following are decided tasks:


1. Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities that precede gaming activities.

2. Development of motivation for gaming activities.

3. Cultivate interest in games on fresh air;


1. Develop attention, logical thinking, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements;

2. Activate creativity.

3. Improve communication skills and abilities.


1. Create a culture of communication with each other.

2. Cultivate accuracy, honesty, and politeness.

3. Form children need for a healthy lifestyle

Description of material: the material will be useful for educational psychologists and educators when organizing summer leisure activities with children senior preschool age. It is recommended to spend it on a summer area in early summer.

Equipment: ball, chalk, rolling pin, hoop, small rubber balls, string (ribbon, rope, blindfold, broom, chairs, mops, etc.

Organizing almost any children's game is not difficult, If:

1) explain to the children the rules of the chosen games;

2) remind about safety and consideration for each other;

3) choose a presenter for the first games - and you can start.

In summer very convenient to organize various mobile games and exercises for fresh air. Physical exercise in nature is extremely beneficial for improving many movements children, development of their motor qualities. Wide space allows you to move actively, freely, at ease, which contributes to the development of dexterity, dexterity, and endurance of the child.

A game "Find"

Target: development of attention.

Move games: Find where the red shovel is here? Can you find the blue bucket? Where do mushrooms grow? Find the black bird? Etc. These simple tasks develop the child’s attention well. You can start with simple tasks, and gradually complicate the description of the items you need find:

A game "Snake"

Target: development of coordination of movements.

Move games: Children take each other's hands to form a chain. One of the extreme ones in the chain is chosen as the leader. He runs, carrying all the participants with him games, while running describes a variety of figures: in a circle, around trees, making sharp turns, jumping over obstacles; moves the chain like a snake, twisting it around the end player, then unwinds it. The snake stops, then spins around the leader.

A game "Ball Jumping"

Target: development of leg muscles and development of coordination of movements.

Move games: the child jumps along a line with a ball clamped between his legs in different directions, using jumps to move forward to the end of the measured distance. In this case, the ball should remain between the legs and not fall out, then take the ball in your hands and run back to start.

A game "Jumping rope"- a fun children's game with a jump rope to test endurance and coordination of movements.


Move games: an adult holds a rope in his hands and slowly turns 180° around his axis. When the jump rope approaches, the child should (ropes) jump up so it doesn't touch his legs. If the child does not have time to jump, you should start playing again.

A game "By the Bear in the Forest"

Target: development of speed and agility.

Move games: on one side of the site there is a bear’s den (circle, on the other (beyond the line)- house children. They leave the house and go to the den, sentencing:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep

And he growls at us!

With the last word, the bear runs out of the den and catches the players. The children run away to their house. (Children imitate movement: picking mushrooms and berries (bending over, straightening up, stepping over thorny bushes (raising their legs high, crawling under tree roots (crawling sideways, picking apples) (stand on tiptoes and raise hand up).

A game "Hunters and Hares" - movable, a fun game for a large group children.

Target: relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Move games: using a counting rhyme, two “hunters” are selected, who each pick up a small rubber ball. The rest of the children are “hares”; they sit in the “hole” - on the opposite side of the playground behind the drawn line. Hunters walk around the area, pretending to be looking for prey, then hide behind two chairs or simply crouch in a corner of the area.

In response to the teacher’s words, “The little bunny is jumping and jumping into the green forest,” the hares run out to the middle of the area and start jumping. At the signal "Hunters!" the hares run away to their shelters, and the hunters hunt them - aiming balls at their feet. Whoever gets hit, those children become hunters. (We must ensure that the hunters throw the ball with both their right and left hands and only at the feet of the hares).

A game "In the meadow"- dynamic ball game.

Target: development of coordination of movements, orientation in one’s own body.

Move games: A hoop is installed at a distance of 3 m from the baby.

A child throws balls trying to hit the target(on the hoop). When hit, a point is scored. The distance can be changed depending on the child’s progress.

A game "Chickens in the garden"

Target: development of coordination of movements; increased activity.

Move games: with cord (skipping ropes, chalk) limited space. This "garden". A chair is placed not far from him - "booth" watchman. Role "watchman" The teacher does it first. Children - "chickens". As soon as "watchman" sits on a chair "chickens" sneak into "garden" and they start running around, pecking, cackling. "Watchman" notices "chicken" and drives them out of the garden - claps his hands, sentencing: “Shoo! Shoo!”. "Chickens" run away. "Watchman" bypasses "garden" and sits down again. The game resumes.

A game "Blind Man's Bluff"- a dynamic game that well develops hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction in the leading player and dexterity and reaction in the other players.

Target: develop attention and logical thinking.

Move games: Select the driver. Put a blindfold on him. He must catch the others children, which move as quietly as possible, and let the chaser know about their location with claps, voices or other signals. If the chaser catches someone, he must, without removing the bandage, try to guess, who is this. If he doesn’t guess correctly, he continues to drive. And if he guessed correctly, the one caught becomes the pursuer.

A game "Dancers"- an active game to develop dexterity, freedom, coordination of movements for children older than preschool age.

Target: development of coordination of movements; increased activity.

Move games: you can ask for different melodies children dance different ways: holding the ball (apple) between foreheads; riding on brooms; with chairs; with mops, etc.

A game "Relay race in pairs"- a dynamic, fun game.

Target: promote team unity.

Move games: Children stand in 2 columns in pairs behind a line on one side of the site, the number of pairs in the columns should be the same. On the opposite side of the site (at a distance of 6 - 8 m.) any items have been delivered (cubes, wooden blocks). At a signal from an adult, the first pairs, holding hands, run to the cubes, run around them and return to the end of their column. As soon as they cross the line start, the second pairs run away, and so on until all the pairs have run away.

That column wins, whose players will complete the task faster and will not separate their hands while running.

Conclusion: Summer- this is a wonderful time when children spend almost all their time outside. At the same time, in order to summer has become for children truly fun and interesting times, it is important to properly organize their leisure time, find those games for children in summer that they will truly enjoy. As a result of targeted pedagogical impact The child’s health is strengthened, the physiological functions of the body are trained, movements, motor skills and physical qualities necessary for the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual are intensively developed. Focused, methodologically thoughtful guidance mobile the game significantly improves and intensifies activity children. Thus, mobile The game can be called the most important educational institution. A justified choice of content and methods for developing physical qualities is an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of physical education.

Children's games outside are one of the most useful pastimes. They help improve the child’s health and positive mood. Also, since many of these games are team games, they develop healthy collectivism in children, a willingness to come to the aid of others and, if necessary, subordinate their desires to common interests. These qualities will be very useful to them in adulthood.
Scientists have proven that children's play outside, physical activity and fun in movement activate brain development and, in particular, the growth of connections between neurons. The flow of information between cells increases, thinking improves. In addition, being in the fresh air, the child, by running and jumping, increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, which can be compared to fuel for our body.
These games can be played almost anywhere. In the courtyard of a multi-storey building where there are playgrounds for children, in a park, at a school stadium, a vacant lot, during a picnic. In the latter case, adults can also participate in the games along with children.
There are a great many varieties of children's games on the street.


They choose the driver. All other players stand in such a way that a circle is formed. The distance from one player to another should be no more than one step.
The driver is behind the circle. One of the players is given a volleyball. The players pass the ball to each other. The driver, running in a circle, tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, he stands in a circle, and the one who had the dirty ball in his hands drives.

The winners are those participants who have never been a driver or who have been in this role less than others. The role of the first driver is not taken into account when calculating the game results.

Rule: It is not allowed to drop the ball or throw it over one or more players. In such cases, the player who made the mistake becomes the driver.

To complicate the game, you can arrange the children in a circle at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. Then the ball is not passed, but thrown. The driver can touch the ball both in the hands of the players and on the fly. If the driver touches the ball on the fly, then the one who last threw the ball goes to drive.


Children take each other's hands to form a chain.

One of the children is chosen as the leader. He should be at the beginning of the chain. At the teacher’s sign, the leader runs, dragging all the participants in the game with him, describes various figures as he runs: in a circle, around trees, making sharp turns, jumping over obstacles, moves the chain like a snake, twisting it around the end player, then develops it. The snake stops and spins around the leader.


1. The players must hold each other’s hands tightly so that the snake does not break.

2. It is necessary to accurately repeat the movements of the leader.

3. The leader is not allowed to run fast.

You can play snake at any time of the year on a spacious area, lawn, or forest edge. The more players there are, the more fun the game is. To make it lively, it is necessary to teach children to come up with interesting situations.

For example, the leader says the name of the last player, the named child and the one standing next to him stop, raise their hands, and the leader guides the snake through the gate.

You can run away at the leader’s signal, then quickly restore the snake.


All players, except the three drivers, stand behind the conventional line.

A jumping stand is placed 15-20 m ahead, which acts as a Christmas tree. Behind the counter there are three drivers, the so-called bees.

Having learned the verses, the players come forward from behind the line, raising their knees high with the words:

“We went out to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps. Those who walked so high did not stumble or fall.”

Having spoken the words, they stop near the tree;

“Look - the hollow of a tall Christmas tree (they show by raising their legs and standing on their toes, like a tall Christmas tree). The angry bees are flying out!”

The “bees” begin to circle around the tree and, imitating flight with the movements of their hands, bent at the elbows, say: “J-z-z, we are biting bees.”

The rest of the players say: “We can’t catch up with the fleet-footed ones, we’re not afraid of a swarm of bees, we’ll run home now.”

After the last word is said, they run over the line, the “Bees” run after them, trying to smear or “sting”.

Those who have been insulted to the point of being stung are considered “stung.” Then new “bees” are appointed. The former join the rest of the players.
The game is repeated several times. The winner is the one who has never been “stung” or to whom this has happened the least number of times. He is proclaimed the most fleet-footed.


With the help of choosing a driver. All other players stand in a circle. Starting the game, the driver runs past the players, spots one of them and continues to run further in a circle.

The stained one quickly runs in the opposite direction from the driver. Whichever of them is the first to reach an empty space in the circle takes it, and the one who is late becomes the driver.


1. Children only run in circles.

2. Those standing in a circle should not delay those running.

3. If children run to a free place at the same time, then they stand in a circle and a new driver is selected.

You can play on any site. It is desirable that it be large and there are no obstacles for running.

The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, everyone’s hands are lowered. If there are a lot of children, you can organize two circles of players.


According to the counting rhyme, the driver is chosen, he is also called the tag,

All participants in the game scatter around the site, and the tag catches up with them. Whoever he touches with his hand becomes a tag.


1. During the game, children need to carefully monitor the change of drivers.

2. Fifteen should not run after only one player.

There are several variations of this game.

You can play tag with the house.

Then two circles are drawn along the edge of the site - these are “houses”. Children, running away from the driver, can run into the “house”. Here they will be safe, since the tag has no right to mess around in the “houses”. But if he insults the player on the playing field, he becomes a tag.


1. To avoid staining, you need to sit down or stand on some object.

2. When the tag catches up with the player, he can jump on two legs like a bunny, and he can no longer be spotted.

3. The player, when he is stained, if he is fast and dexterous, can immediately return the stain to the driver, and the former driver becomes the stain.

4. Everyone playing, except for tag, chooses a name for themselves from the world of birds, plants, and animals. Fifteen does not stain the one who said his name in time.

5. Interrupted tags. In this game, Fifteen needs to loudly say the name of the player he wants to stain. But if, during the pursuit, the tag sees that another participant in the game is next to him, he changes his decision, calling him by name and tries to catch up with him and stain him. The Tainted One leaves the game.

According to the rules, the tag first calls the player by name, and only then catches up with him and tags him. In the game, the tag can change its decision many times.

6. Circle tags. The participants of the game stand in a circle, each marking their place with a circle. Two players stand behind a circle at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he calls one of those close to him in the circle by name. He leaves his place and runs in a circle from the tag, and the player takes his place. A free circle can also be occupied by a tag, then the tag becomes the one who is left without a place. He catches up with the player who ran out of the circle.


1. It is not allowed to run through the circle.

2. The player running away from the tag can run no more than one circle.

3. If the tag hits the runner, then they change places.

During the game, children must be very attentive: if the player is lazy, he will let his friend down. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, facing the center. A tag can be replaced if it has run two laps and has not stained or taken up an empty seat. The game will become more fun if the runners quickly change places.


Children stand in pairs one after another, facing the center of the circle.
Two people start the game, one of them is the driver, he stands 3-4 steps behind the one who is running away from him. The runner counts loudly to three and after the word “three” runs away from the driver. In order not to be insulted, he stands in front of some couple. Before getting up, he shouts as he runs: “The third wheel.” The one who stands last in this game runs away from the driver. If the driver manages to smear the runner, then they change roles.


1. During the game it is prohibited to run through the circle.

2. The runner must not run more than two laps.

3. As soon as the runner runs into the circle, he must immediately stand in front of some pair. Anyone who breaks this rule becomes the driver.

If the driver managed to make fun of the runner and they switched roles, then the runner can stand in front of one of the pairs after a short run. Sometimes the driver does not manage to catch up with the players running away from him for a long time, since they are stronger than him and run faster. In this case, you need to replace him, but not reproach him, but positively evaluate his efforts.