Victoria Daineko named the true reasons for separating from her husband. Victoria Daineko spoke about the divorce Vika Daineko the truth about divorce

Victoria Daineko spoke about the breakup with her husband, drummer Dmitry Kleiman. The popular artist admitted that she was going through a difficult period.

Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman broke up in early March. Cunning journalists found out about this thanks to the couple’s talkative circle. To find out the details, reporters contacted Victoria Daineko herself. The popular singer did not deny it.
“My husband and I are currently going through a difficult period in our relationship, and we have decided to temporarily go our separate ways. The most important thing for me is that our personal problems do not affect the child,” quotes the singer. Interestingly, on its official page in social network Daineko’s Instagram deleted photos she shared with her husband, and on March 8 she met her daughter, whose name, by the way, is still unknown to the public.
Let us remind you that the popular singer Victoria Daineko got married on April 14, 2015. However, as the singer admitted, the lovers wanted to get married a day earlier. “We really wanted to get married on April 13th. Firstly, exactly two months ago Dima proposed to me, and secondly, the combination of numbers would have turned out very beautiful - 04/13/15 - 3, 4, 5. But, unfortunately, the registry office is not open on Monday. But the painting took place at 13:00, which is also symbolic. We are very happy!" – said the satisfied newlywed.

The couple exchanged rings at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. Only the closest friends of the lovers came to congratulate the newlyweds. The famous singer was not embarrassed that her chosen one was only 20 years old. “When I found out that he was 20 years old, of course, I was surprised. But if you have feelings for a person, age is not so important. It’s much more important how he looks at life and how he looks at you,” she said.
However, the couple did not live in harmony for long. Already in 2016, rumors appeared in the media about the breakup of Daineko and Kleiman. The reason for the conversation was the singer’s post on the Internet, in which she emphasized that she considered a certain event a mistake and wanted to rewind time. “Rewind a year and a month and never make such mistakes again,” the star wrote on Instagram. According to one version of the star’s fans, the words of despair that Vika wrote concern her pregnancy and marriage. After all, if the baby was born in October last year, then she was conceived just a year and a month ago, after which Victoria and Dmitry got married.
However, after a few days, Daineko denied the information about the breakup and announced the wedding. Apparently, the couple then solved all their problems by giving each other a second chance. Moreover, a photo appeared again on the singer’s social network, which shows wedding ring. But the harmony was short-lived.

The famous Russian singer commented on her personal life for the first time. The winner of “Star Factory-5” openly named the reasons for the break in relations with her husband and father of her daughter, Dmitry Kleiman. According to Daineko, she separated from her husband at the end of December 2016 and the reason for this was another quarrel, reports “7Days”.
“Dima and I often argued, both with reason and without reason. We just clung to each other, no one wanted to give in. I’m not one of those girls who are silent and hope that the man himself will guess that she’s not satisfied, so I expressed all my complaints to my husband directly and in colour. But often Dima himself started the conflict. He was very jealous of me about my past,” said Daineko.

Victoria also emphasized that after the breakup, Kleiman does not seek reconciliation, but despite this, she is in no hurry to file for divorce and officially break off the relationship. Daineko makes such sacrifices for the sake of her daughter, since her happiness and well-being are the main priorities in the life of a star mother.

Victoria Daineko first revealed real reasons her separation from her husband Dmitry Kleiman. The singer spoke about this in her new big interview with the publication “7 Days”.

Victoria Daineko admitted that she family life constantly accompanied by scandals and squabbles with her husband Dmitry Kleiman. Although the star couple tried not to quarrel in front of the child, so as not to damage his psyche, the young people did not succeed.

"Dima and I argued with and without reason. Now I don’t even want to remember... We just clung to each other, no one wanted to give in. I’m not one of those girls who are silent and hope that the man himself will guess that she’s not satisfied. So I expressed everything to Dima directly and in colors. I hoped that this would help solve the problem, that Dima would hear me and change something, but often the conflict started with Dima himself. He was very jealous of my past. “Daineko admitted.

As it turned out, Dmitry Kleiman was very jealous of the singer not only of her former lovers, but also of all the men who surrounded her. According to the singer, after each such quarrel, her husband packed his things and left home. At the same time, he often directly threatened her with divorce.

“It seems to me that we spent even more time apart this year than together. Well, I have nowhere to go, I’m at home with the child, where can I go? There’s no time to take a shower again, I can’t leave the house , because my husband annoys me. So he always left. At first he disappeared for three days, then for a week, for two, for a month. But then we finally made peace. Dima came himself, but then for some reason he stopped. He probably liked living alone,” the star said.

According to Daineko, their final separation occurred before the New Year. Despite the fact that Kleiman has been living separately for five months, the singer hopes that she will eventually be able to reunite with her husband and is not yet planning to file for divorce. “Still, I want to give a person a chance to realize something and change. So far, of course, it doesn’t look like this will happen, because Dima believes that I should realize my mistake and correct myself. But suddenly at some point he will wake up and will understand that everything is in his hands? - said Daineko.

From a simple girl from Yakutia to an aspiring Russian pop star - this was the life path of Victoria Daineko. More than anything, she wanted to sing on stage. Pretty in early age she became popular in her hometown. But I wanted more. And she set off to conquer Moscow.

Arriving in Moscow, the girl did not even think about becoming a singer. She went to university and studied English language. But one fine day she saw an announcement about a casting for the show “Star Factory”.

Young and talented singers were invited to the 5th season of the show. Victoria decided to try her hand. And she not only passed the casting, but also won this show.

Then everything was like in a fairy tale. Producer, new songs, video shooting and an army of fans. This is exactly the life Victoria wanted. But, like any girl, she wanted him to be nearby strong man, who would understand and support her.

The singer's romance novels

Victoria had several love relationship. These were mainly relationships with colleagues in the shop. For some time she dated the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. Their romance was stormy, but not long.

The girl’s next chosen one was another lead singer of the “Korni” group, Dmitry Pakulichev. And again there was a passionate romance and an equally quick separation. These relationships were replaced by relationships with.

The couple looked so happy together that fans got them married. They even released several songs as a duet. But then they unexpectedly broke up. They didn't even explain the reasons for their action.

Iconic casting

Victoria Daineko met her future husband during a casting. She was just looking for a drummer for a new band. Dmitry Kleiman came to the audition and patiently waited for his turn. When the singer approached him to meet him, he was amazed by her wide, sincere smile.

Victoria herself still remembers this moment with a smile. She says that she liked Dmitry right away. And she even had to leave quickly so as not to embarrass him. Dmitry did not pay any attention to the girl for some time. They were connected only by a working relationship. But gradually the communication went beyond the work framework, and then developed into a relationship.

Dmitry, like Victoria, dreamed of music since childhood. He tried to play the drum kit at the age of five. And from then on he beat out the rhythm on everything that was suitable for this. Already in adulthood, he sat down at a professional drum kit.

A guy with an innate sense of rhythm quickly became popular in musical circles. Besides the drums he plays the guitar well and tried himself as a beatboxer. But at the same time he decided that drums were his favorite activity.

In his career, Dmitry managed to work with both beginning singers and already famous performers. He also created his own group, of which he is still a member to this day.

Personal life of a musician

Before his relationship with Victoria Daineko, little is known about the musician’s personal life. He had no high-profile romances or scandalous breakups. We can say that he appeared in gossip columns thanks to Daineko.

He met his future wife in 2014. A few months later, the couple began a close relationship and very soon they became husband and wife. Neither Dmitry nor Vika were embarrassed by the age difference. Victoria Daineko's husband is 7 years younger than the singer.

A few months after the wedding, the couple had a daughter, who was named Lydia. It would seem that the young people are incredibly happy. Relatives, friends and colleagues considered them a wonderful family. But then information began to appear about the couple’s quarrels and that they were on the verge of divorce.

Fans simply refused to believe in such an outcome, but it still happened. 2 years after the wedding, the couple divorced. The initiator of the divorce was Victoria Daineko’s husband. The girl tried to save her marriage with Dmitry. But, despite the divorce, the well-being of their daughter remained important to both.

Life after divorce

Quite often in the star news one could see publications that ex-husband Victoria Daineko Dmitry Kleiman threw a party in honor of the divorce. Many photographs of Dmitry with different girls. It is unknown whether he was so worried about the divorce, trying to drown out the pain, or whether there was no love in the relationship.

But Dmitry turns into a different person next to his daughter. He reads her fairy tales, cooks her favorite dishes and is ready to walk with her for hours. He admitted more than once that for Lydia he was ready to become the best father in the world.

Interesting notes: