Do girls like jocks? Debriefing. What kind of girls do guys like: tall or short? Opinion survey of men: A girl is taller and stronger than a man

08/11/10, Kativien
I’m not small myself - 178!!! Naturally, I like men taller than me))) I feel protected, but to say something negative about men short I can’t)) 1 - no one chose how he would be born 2 - Friends - value your inner qualities first of all!!!

15/11/10, left hander
I'm 185 cm tall, so I think it's clear why I'm in the green column. I wish there were more such men, otherwise there are only midgets around me, as luck would have it, both at school and at the university she is the tallest in the class/group =(

09/12/10, Eternal Mystery
I’m 173 cm + 12-15 cm heel = 185-188 cm. I look a little strange with short people. But of course, love for a person appears regardless of his height.

01/01/11, Eva Anti-Communism
I’m writing from a mobile phone... personally, I’m simply CRAZY about the tall, broad-shouldered noble Aryans, whose height exceeds 180 cm. Military uniforms and civilian clothes look great on such men. Stately, warlike Nords look beautiful - they belong somewhere near the Kremlin or the Bundestag building.

04/01/11, adry
The optimal height in my opinion is 185-190cm. It’s hard for me to judge what it’s like for short men, I’ve never been in their shoes... from the first grade I was one of the tallest in my circle) I’ll judge from my own bell tower. my height is 198 cm, and it has both advantages and disadvantages, well, for example, it’s not very convenient in transport, I don’t even want to remember trains, and especially reserved seats)) I’m not very comfortable with short young ladies, although I’ve never given this a problem and I didn’t try to filter by height. and one more thing, if a man is tall, this does not mean at all that with him you will feel like behind a stone wall, because what is the main thing in a man!? the main thing is the core, and it has nothing to do with growth. so dear ladies, if you like everything about a man except his height, forget it!

04/01/11, Chatlanin UEF
Actually, I don’t like any men, I have a different orientation. But as I understand it, they are discussing here high growth. In the right column there are too many disadvantaged people, many of whom do not even reach 170 cm, so they, the poor, are worried. I’m certainly not two meters tall, but I’m not a runt (180 cm), and I’m quite happy with my height. In principle, it’s not about height, but about the person. For I have known the favorites of fate from 160 and below, and its outcasts - from 190 and above, so here it is.

22/01/11, ISchuldigI
Tall guys are my fetish, what can I say! Especially tall ones with dark hair. It really gives me chills when I see such men! =)

22/01/11, Despair
I like tall ones (I’m 158 myself)... I can’t say that when choosing a man I will be guided only by height, but I just personally have such a fetish. And so - as long as “the person is good,” that is, I will not SPECIFICALLY look for someone from 180.

22/01/11, Tall Hero 195
Because it is a man's duty to be tall. My height is 195 cm. It is known that girls love tall people, and this is correct and natural. Tallness, homophobia and courage are heroism. And I have the first, second and third.

22/01/11, Immolana
Logical. My height is 177. Of course, I want my boyfriend to look decent with me: 180-190 is just right for me. Especially if the guy is fair-haired and light-eyed *___*

02/02/11, Nocturna89
From an aesthetic point of view, this is very beautiful, especially if the man still has broad shoulders and strong arms. Short and puny people don’t attract me at all. Tall height automatically makes a man attractive, IMHO. I don’t want to offend anyone, but these are my tastes. Even though I’m small (160 cm), I adore tall men over 180 cm!

03/03/11, MadMaxNT
I'm tall. 211 cm. I have nothing against shorter people, but I still sympathize with tall people, it’s cool to see tall guys (who are more and more common now). Well, tall girls are generally a blessing) I don’t notice any health problems (as some people wrote, in my opinion it’s a complete unfortunate lie) the only problem is with clothes, especially with shoes. and I'm happy with everything. good luck to all)

13/03/11, Anonymous
Girls from the “left” column! THANK YOU! You really free up the hands of people like me! Let me explain - I’m 24 years old, 180 tall, I’m a musician and a very successful, happy person. Sometimes, however, I have to “go over my head,” but in moments like reading this and similar topics, I’m convinced that stereotypical and fixated there is a lot of “targeted zombification” of people and you shouldn’t feel sorry for them. (only I won’t cripple fate - on principle) Moreover, listen! (This is an appeal to those who are upset that, like height 170-180, these are unhealthy freaks). You know, I’m in America now... if I run into Bloom, Depp, Banderas, R. Philip (“Studio 54”), De Niro and many many more “low freaks” like them (I also need to tell Brad Pitt and Beckham, that they are a little under-male...) - I will definitely share with them the “truth of life” and together we will cry on each other’s shoulders, that the “flying princesses” do not consider us as people... Guys! If YOU don't like your height, work, earn money and have surgery! there are BREED AND GENES!

13/03/11, Anonymous
Poor, "unhealthy and limited" Japanese, Chinese, Brazilians, etc.! ... Uhahahaha))) I can’t!)))

02/04/11, DOKerAlex
my father is 195, my mother is 175, I am 198 tall, I’m satisfied with everything in principle, except that with clothes it’s a big problem not to buy, when people go and choose from 100 things that fit, I have to choose from 2-3 from shops and markets all over the city ! I also had very small girls, average 165, but I want a WIFE at least 175 O.O., although no matter what height my girl is, I don’t have a complex about this! And as for men, I don’t notice anything below 1.70 either! and if there’s a tall guy like me or a taller guy, I always respect him! and for girls the main thing is: legs from the neck, brains.

31/05/11, Alexandrall
I read the comments in defense of average and short people and I will say the following. My height is 165 cm, in heels 175 cm. Tall men, according to opponents, are for some reason stooped, skinny and clumsy, or closets. Have you ever seen normal men? I believe that in our country (... due to the environment, poor nutrition and bad habits, the predominance of a sedentary lifestyle) purebred men are degenerating. A man should be tall and strong - not a closet or a straw. Everything is proportional and in moderation! For me, a sexy man has an average height of 1.87-1.95 and a weight of 88-95 kg. (not fat!). If both men have approximately the same good looks and a good figure, then the taller man will be sexier in my eyes than the shorter one. Height and weight give additional strength (we don’t consider long and skinny!) to a man, which distinguishes him from a woman. I don't weak woman, so I wince at the sight of small ones (height up to 1.80 - I consider below average). Next to a strong man you experience timidity and lust, protection and delight.

25/11/11, Aliot
it’s cool to be tall!!! I’m 195 cm tall, I’m involved in a fight club, so to speak, and I have a huge advantage in fights... and anyone who throws mud at tall guys is out of envy... and everyone says like: “There are many celebrities of average or even below average height!!!" Well done, console yourself! and if it comes to that, compare with celebrities..then please Mikhail Prokhorov 204 cm!!!....

07/04/12, Lost Akyoko
A tall man is a classic of beauty. Of course, I accept everything, but the guy, in my opinion, should still be taller than me. A kind of protector and patron... It flatters both me and him. Although acceleration and excessively high growth are also bad, I am for moderation and proportionality in everything, including in the male figure.

08/05/12, such a young lady
I really like tall guys (185+), although my young men were 170-180 tall. I was always sure that only tall people like tall people, and my height is 158 cm. But now there was mutual sympathy with a young man whose height is 195 cm, and he was the first to pay attention to me and diligently courted me. I’m very happy about this and sincerely hope that everything will work out. By the way, from my own experience I can say that short young people have a heavier character, while tall ones are generally calmer and without unnecessary excesses. But, again, you never need to put labels, it’s not about external parameters =)

28/05/12, Bioreactor
Everyone on the left.:) You are a bunch of stinking, stupid, naked, cheap, useless, ugly, cheap sluts))). You stupid females))), do you really think that just because you have p.. yes you can turn up your nose and inflate the price? :) I sincerely wish you to be stabbed to death by a maniac in the gateway. It would be cool to hear your screams, it's so exciting...:)

30/06/12, Lansella
ADORE!!! For me, height is, of course, not an indicator of a person, but in terms of sexuality - the taller, the more attractive. At the age of 6 I even wanted to have 2 meter legs. (they didn’t teach me then that you won’t see anything like this in the world =_=") But in the constant pursuit of height, I didn’t even notice how I fell in love with the height of the human body.

09/07/12, Cassiopea
Even as a child, while eating, I said: “When I eat well, I’ll grow as tall as an antenna.” Even at the age of 3, on a subconscious level, I formed the idea of ​​being tall as beauty, power, strength and authority, and fearlessness. I respected and was afraid of tall people, but that was in childhood. And now everyone who is tall, both girls and boys, inspires admiration in me. It seems to me that a short person will not be able to get some products from the top shelf of the supermarket without asking for help, but they will turn to a tall person, thereby once again flattering his idea of ​​his own tall stature. I have a friend who is 1.91 m tall, and I, a 1.65 meter tall girl of standard height, can barely reach his chest without heels and his shoulders in heels. How majestic and noble he is, and his chocolate tan and toned body, despite his advanced age, make him stand out from the crowd all the more. he seems to be from another dimension. My husband is also quite tall and slim, just the perfect height for me.

09/07/12, Cassiopea
For some reason, a tall man is comparable to me with some beautiful spontaneous phenomenon of nature, a high mountain, a majestic 500-year-old oak tree the height of a 16-story building, with a television tower that is visible not only from anywhere in the city, but also far beyond it outside, I remember a bird's eye view and delight in what I saw, it seems. that such people are closer to all this. When a fellow of gigantic stature passes by you, it’s as if music is playing from historical or adventure films about all sorts of heroes, pirates, warriors, and masters of the elements. Overall, it's simply breathtaking. The same goes for tall girls and women - sometimes you are simply amazed when you see them near you. let's say, in a queue, a female creature that you have to look at at the ceiling, and at the same time she is on... completely flat soles!!! And if she has long hair to match everything, she’s actually some kind of goddess, mistress of higher powers, a mythical heroine. But this is more for the column about tall girls...

15/02/13, Moulital
I am writing here because I have always envied them. I always wanted to be tall. I am very short, which is why many people don't take me seriously. Almost no one believes that I’m 15. You know how infuriating it is when every day you are called “small, small, petty” - fortunately this is already in the past “Still, most of them have gotten smarter over time,”

18/02/13, Irinia
But in my opinion, it is not overgrown children who suffer from complexes here, but exclusively UNDERGROUND children. No matter how you visit this site, the topic of growth is one of the most discussed. And all the “meter in the cap” throw mud at everyone who is taller than them. Every post contains tons of bile and envy. You didn't have to smoke and drink from the fifth grade - then maybe you would have been lucky with your height.

21/02/13, AzazeLLLo
I’ll start with the fact that my father is tall. And for a very long time, in my understanding, all young people had to be tall))). Later, this nonsense wore off for me. It’s not a matter of height, to be honest. If a man is 170, that’s absolutely does not indicate his inferiority. But nevertheless, I am very attracted to men who are tall, and even slightly stooped, again because of their height. Although maybe the whole point is that I am short... Passion for the opposite). It seems to me that tall means stately, attractive and strong... These are the associations that arise.

14/04/13, Anonymous000
You know, when I see guys under 2 meters, it’s as if I see an individual of my species, almost like a brother. Sometimes you come across skinny guys, sometimes it’s the opposite - wardrobes. Some people just want to shake hands because they look athletic and dress normally, which is not easy at such a height. It also happens the other way around. For God's sake, friends! Play sports, at least join a gym! There are many stereotypes around that we are frail and insecure, and if we are “closet”, it means we are also stupid. Do you want to have these stereotypical vulnerabilities? Me not!

06/05/13, pontiypilat
Hello Zhenya! Are you a tall girl yourself?! For some reason, a tall man is comparable to me with some beautiful natural phenomenon, a high mountain, a majestic 500-year-old oak tree the height of a 16-story building, a TV show, pirates, warriors, masters of the elements. Overall, it's simply breathtaking. The same goes for tall girls and women - sometimes you are simply amazed when you see them near you. let's say, in a queue, a female creature that you have to look at at the ceiling, and at the same time she is on... completely flat soles!!! And if she has long hair to match everything, she’s actually some kind of goddess, mistress of higher powers, a mythical heroine. But this is more for the column about tall girls...

22/06/13, bryu
I just love tall guys and only tall guys. I have some kind of phobia. Even appearance is not always important. The main thing is I see growth and that’s it... This means that no matter that the guy is older than me or busy or some other obstacle, he will still be mine. Tall guys, don't be shy about anything. Most girls love such girls, so remember that you are the best and don’t have a complex (but short girls have something to be ashamed of, because being tall is a fact of the impressive size of all parts of the body;)

10/03/14, Parthiona
And my dear is 189 and has an athletic body, abs, calves, ass, sculpted back, weighs 82 kg. Everything is very in moderation and plus the character is such that “mine and that’s all”, jealous to the point of horror, almost right in the face. He doesn’t let the harassers get away with it, he keeps an eye on him)) But I’m so pleased)) And there’s no over-pumped monster. I hate methane freaks, ugh. It just depends on the build; someone’s body looks ugly even if they are pumped up, while someone’s skeleton (physique) is fine and looks like a piece of candy. It’s just that I’m about 165, not big, and not small with him next to me down to the chin. But it’s so cool to poke your nose into your chest and so calming... It’s probably just like an instinct for me: the higher the better. Of course, I wouldn’t want a 2-meter one, 190 will suit me. With such a guy, the child will be born strong and strong. My man was born weighing 4500. It’s too early for me, but I’m already getting ready)) Wow... good luck to me)))

19/06/15, antichrist veta
Of course, growth is not the main thing. But I still like tall ones (maybe because I’m 1.75 myself). With a tall one (180-195) you feel so fragile and unprotected. Although the man I like is only -1.73.

19/06/15, Nemesis Deathmaster
himself tall. 190. Not Valuev, of course, but above average. Tall men are stronger and more generous than short men. And girls also like us because we can protect them and carry them in our arms for a long time. and tall men are more likely to lead healthy lifestyles. the short ones begin to drink with complexes because of their height and envy of the tall ones. and I’m more than happy with my height, although I would like to “grow up” to my father’s height of 198. But I don’t have a complex about height and I don’t envy anyone.

29/10/17, Ofia
For a long time, thanks to my genes, I was the tallest in the class, only one boy was taller than me, and another was the same height. But this is despite my great romanticism (all sorts of “carrying in my arms”, etc.). Oh, how I was happy when the boys, like the girls, grew simply huge! It is much more pleasant to look up at a man than vice versa; he is stronger and is perceived by all nature as a protector. You immediately become small and fragile, it’s easier to ask and bat your eyes, but it won’t work any other way). With my height of 157 cm and shoe size 37, I feel superior with men of 190 height, even in heels), and how excellent in sneakers!

03/11/18, Jane Lost
Cool. I want a tall guy to wipe the dust off the cabinets, otherwise it’s so inconvenient.

Look around and you will notice that we will be surrounded by couples where the man is at least a little taller than the woman. In life, it is quite rare to encounter couples where the girl is taller. But why do women choose tall ones?

Psychologists and researchers from almost all countries are trying to answer this question. Scientists have come to the conclusion that this state of affairs was formed in ancient times. Our ancestors always chose tall men because they were stronger and more resilient, and therefore could provide protection for their family. Scientists have proven that tall men have always been more successful and held high positions in the government system. Although, it cannot be denied that short male representatives also played an important role in world history.

Another reason for choosing tall men is heredity. Women, on a subconscious level, strive to choose a partner who will give good offspring and pass on the best genes.

Experts from different countries have come to the conclusion that tall men are more successful. They get married faster, find jobs and reach top positions. Doctors have come to the conclusion that tall men endure illness much more easily and live longer than short men. Although doctors do not deny that tall people have a high risk of cancer.

What do girls themselves think about men’s height?

Do girls like tall guys? The reasons for preference may be different, but we can safely say that any girl will say - yes, they like it!

Let us note that in our time, as in the past, girls take their choice of partner quite seriously. At the same time, short guys are almost never considered as a sexual partner. But what are the reasons why the fair half of humanity prefers tall guys?

Some girls feel a sense of security next to a tall man. And for women it is very important to have support in the person of a man. Some people just want to wear high heels without looking down on their significant other. Many people think that next to a short guy they don’t look good or attractive enough. And hundreds more answers that are not similar to each other.

Note that only with a superficial acquaintance do women pay attention to height. In the future, girls give preference to their inner world and personal qualities. But there are also selfish people among the female half, for whom money remains the primary selection criterion.

But what about short guys? Definitely, don't despair. It is more difficult for them to meet girls, but because of this they develop confidence and assertiveness. And sooner or later they win the favor of even a tall girl.

What do men think about their height?

Men are not so categorical when choosing a partner. Short guys feel much more confident compared to tall girls. Their self-esteem increases, and they strive with all their might to keep the girl next to them. They are more attentive and romantic.

Tall men are not so active in relationships, because attention is paid to them anyway. They are more picky in choosing their partner. So what kind of women do tall men like? It’s difficult to answer this question, because it all depends on the man’s taste. One thing can be said for sure: there should be a girl nearby either of the same height or a little shorter. Very tall guys feel uncomfortable when a rather short girl is next to him, although there are exceptions. It's all a matter of taste.

Long-established stereotypes suggest that a man should take the leading role in the family. This means that he must be older, smarter, more successful, stronger and taller than his other half. But does this always happen in life? Quite often you can see couples where the guy is shorter than the girl.

Perception from the outside

In some couples, the difference in height may be quite insignificant and not visually noticeable. In others, the girl can be much taller than her boyfriend. As practice shows, others may not even pay attention to the difference in height if this does not cause a feeling of awkwardness in the couple themselves. Even when the lady is much taller than her boyfriend and also wears high heels, which increases the difference by another 6-10 cm, this does not make the couple funny and ridiculous, but indicates that everything is fine in their relationship.

Girl behavior

Dissatisfaction with one's physical characteristics young man in girls it usually occurs under public pressure. When friends and mother tell a girl that her boyfriend is short, what is better when a man is taller than his companion. The lady begins to try to visually hide this defect. She stops wearing high heels and begins to slouch, trying to appear shorter. But from the outside there is a feeling of pretense. Embarrassment and attempts to appear shorter are very noticeable. In such cases, the couple may look inharmonious, even if the guy is only a couple of centimeters shorter than the girl.

Specifics of growth

Most complexes originate in childhood and adolescence. Girls up to a certain age develop faster than boys. By high school, boys begin to grow faster, surpassing girls. But this doesn't happen to everyone. Genes play a decisive role in many ways. When everyone in the family is short, it’s hard to expect that your son will grow up to be a basketball player. Children who spend many years together, studying in the same class and communicating with each other, do not cease to be friends because of differences in height. Friendly companies are formed from common interests in which physical characteristics are unlikely to be decisive. That is why you cannot assume that if a guy is shorter than a girl, then their relationship is doomed to failure. If the relationship does not work out, it will be for other reasons.

At the same time, problems with self-esteem do not arise among young people who are open and sociable by nature. Growth will not be a problem for them to realize their potential and find a place in life.

If a young man himself is very shy and cannot find a common language with people, then it is more difficult for him to find his place in life. In addition, if he is constantly criticized in the family, including for physical imperfections, then there will be an abundance of complexes and self-doubt. In order not to be a failure, you need to work on yourself. Develop those qualities that were given by nature. It has been proven that short people can adapt to different life situations. In addition, it is important to understand for yourself that if a guy is shorter than a girl, this is normal. Success in your career can be a great boost to your self-esteem. The more self-confidence you have, the greater your chances of success.

Misconception or Truth

Are all girls really looking for tall men? In fact, as studies and surveys show, not everyone likes it when their partner is significantly taller. Girls sometimes feel awkward next to such gentlemen. Not everyone wants to feel like small and defenseless girls next to a big guy. Many ladies say that it is much better when in a couple both partners have approximately the same height, although it can vary in one direction or the other.

But if we talk about it, we may get the impression that we are talking exclusively about squat men, which is wrong, since girls can sometimes be very tall. And if they choose a couple for themselves from men whose height exceeds the two-meter mark, it is far from a fact that even if such a man is found, he will meet the other requirements of the lady. Therefore, if a guy is shorter than a girl, this is normal, and many do not even pay attention to it.

When there are feelings

If people are attracted to each other and have mutual interests, then they will not pay attention to physical data. By the way, to start a relationship, you need to get to know each other. And to do this you need to pay attention to a specific person. For this to happen, it must be different from others. For example, emotional displays that attract people and charisma. Or, conversely, sadness and immersion in one’s own thoughts. The image of a person consists of many parts. Clothing, hairstyle, physical characteristics - all this is perceived as a whole, together with the manner of communication.

But when feelings pass, dissatisfaction and irritation appear, then every little thing will be a disadvantage. Even those qualities that were advantages yesterday will seem like serious disadvantages today.

Short stature is not a death sentence for a man

It is believed that tall young men enjoy more interest from girls than their short counterparts. In fact, you only have to look at the list of famous short women to understand that height cannot be blamed for problems with the female sex. Charm, charisma, emancipation are what attract girls more than being tall.

Couples in which the guy is shorter than the girl meet all the time. Sometimes it is not Mother Nature who is to blame, but the fashion for high heels. Moreover, having taken off her shoes, the lady may even find herself shorter than her gentleman. Therefore, height differences can be quite variable. Men who are proud of their better half, often are not at all embarrassed because she is taller.

Benefits of being short

The short, strong half of humanity has several serious advantages. They are usually better dancers because they can more easily control their bodies. They also often surpass their two-meter counterparts in intimate life. At the same time, height and physical fitness are two completely different things. Therefore, even a short young man can gain beautiful muscles. A handsome male figure always attracts attention.

Lack of height forces a young man to compensate for this complex. That is why such people are ambitious; they often achieve a lot in life. Do girls like short guys? Yes, they are often more attentive to the girl they like and are considered very good suitors. And many claim that they are very good and faithful husbands.

How can a girl look shorter?

If a lady tends to perceive her taller height as a disadvantage, you can use several techniques to make it less conspicuous: refuse high-heeled shoes and choose models with flat soles. You should not do high hairstyles.

What to do if the guy is shorter than the girl and she doesn’t really like it? You need to pay attention to your wardrobe and make some adjustments to it. Vertical striped clothing has no place in it. Tight models of skirts and dresses make the girl visually taller. If you want to appear shorter, you should give preference to loose styles. Bright accessories: a wide belt, an unusual bag, extravagant shoes - catch the eye. Therefore, few people pay attention to growth. A young man can wear shoes with a small platform, which will make him a couple of centimeters taller.

The easiest way to hide the fact that a guy is shorter than a girl is a photo taken using small tricks. For example, a girl might stand one step lower if a couple is taking a photo on the stairs.

No matter how much girls argue about their preferences and dream of tall, handsome men who will always carry them in their arms and bring a lot of love and money into their lives, reality confirms that one gentleman almost never combines all the positive qualities. And ideals change over time and experience. But when a guy is shorter than a girl and for some of them this is a problem, then this indicates that people are not suitable for each other.

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  • Psychologists have repeatedly shown that people are not free from prejudice. And where it comes down to it love relationship, our actions are also to a very large extent determined by prejudices.
  • As it turned out, most breakups occur after Valentine's Day, and this circumstance is not affected by either the duration of the relationship or the number of previous partners.
  • Do opposites attract or does like tend to like? We see that both pairs exist. However, research shows that the strongest alliances are created by people who have something in common.
  • Some scientists believe that our ability to dilate our pupils (to make our eyes appear larger) could be considered a factor in sexual attractiveness.
  • For us, love is a very complex feeling that cannot be reduced to primitive chemical reactions, because our amazing ability to process abstract information and experience subtle feelings is beyond physiology. 2
  • A smile decorates us. It is also known that it influences the behavior of the person for whom it is intended. It has been proven that it is easier to get help with a smile.
  • My wife has a best friend. All wives have best friends. But my wife has a special one. At least that's what I think.
  • ...And what a magnificent thing life is if it contains such gifts of fate in the most unexpected place. I was no longer jealous or envious of my friend. It’s just that there were three of us that day.

If the girl is taller than the guy

Differences in Relationships

If the girl is taller than the guy

Almost all people are accustomed to the fact that in relationships the man plays a leading role; it is he who directs the couple in the right direction and makes fateful decisions for both of them. The woman is assigned the creative role of the keeper of the hearth, which is possible due to her sensual and patient disposition. This is considered normal and “correct”.

However, in a situation where a girl’s height exceeds a guy’s, people tend to believe that such a discrepancy will have a detrimental effect on the basic principles of creating relationships. This is where an extremely difficult contradictory situation arises among girls, which can be determined a simple question: “Is it normal to date a guy shorter than you?”

What we see on the screens

If earlier people strictly believed in the need to match height, then recently we are increasingly seeing refutations of this fact. A huge number of celebrities and male idols of the generation have very reasonable measurements, for example, Tom Cruise is 174 centimeters tall, and our beloved Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is 173 centimeters tall. Can such men be called “small”? Definitely not!

Also, according to surveys, there is a huge number of women who prefer men of moderate build and height. They find them ambitious, caring and passionate.

The test survey showed the result that more than half of all couples surveyed, where the girl is taller than the guy, existed for at least 10 years. And couples over 35 believe the height difference has helped strengthen their marriage. In general, couples with this feature are much stronger than others.

Interaction between a tall girl and a short man

Couples where the girls are taller have become very popular lately. They are expected to become even more numerous than couples where the girls are older than their partners.

As statistics show around the world, in 5 percent of couples, the girl is taller than the man. This indicates that the trend is increasing. And soon public opinion will cease to be so acute. And this, perhaps, is the main deterrent for many girls.

Why is the number of couples where the girl is taller than the guy increasing?

The reason for this is discrimination against both groups of people. Many men think that their height is a kind of inferiority, and if so, then they have nothing to be ashamed of. They easily start dating extremely tall girls who also feel a little “special”. Therefore, the union of a short man and a tall girl is guaranteed to be successful.

In addition, such people often have increased aspiration, and, therefore, achieve more significant success. And this allows them to meet wherever and however they want.

If you're interested in a girl who's taller than you, don't be afraid. Be confident and go to her. Don't be bothered by outdated stereotypes!

Girls think short men are cute and good

The fastest way to get to know a girl is to approach her. If you have self-confidence, as well as qualities such as kindness, success and a sense of humor, growth is not a big obstacle. It is unlikely that any of the girls will refuse you because of their height.

Don't be afraid to meet others and not fit into someone else's mold. You have nothing to lose, but a girl can lose someone like that good man, how are you. Do good, give the girl a gift in the form of yourself.

Remember, a man who is not ashamed of his height - successful man. And all girls love successful ones!

Question: Stereotypes of height embarrassment. Although this problem seems quite simple, it hides a whole set of difficulties, both on the part of the girl and the man. And only after defeating all of them will you be able to adequately date a girl taller than you.

Difficulties for girls:

“How will I look with a man shorter than me?”- This is the question many girls ask themselves who have received an offer to date from a guy shorter than them. And although everyone understands that love, understanding and trust should be put at the forefront of relationships, the issue of growth still does not leave them. Fortunately, most of the photographs and images presented in the public domain offer a completely usable appearance, which is good news. However, there are still categorical individuals who do not want to come to terms with this fact.

“What will my parents say about him?”- in many ways, everything depends solely on the worldview of her parents and the freedom that they offer her. In some families, relationships with any guy are allowed, as long as the hands are strong right place and the wallet was not empty, but in others everything was quite categorical. A man must be... and then there is an endless list of a wide variety of requirements. It is likely that when a girl falls in love with you, she will do everything possible to convince her parents that the relationship with you is correct. However, on the very first day the girls do not fall in love, but rather brainwash themselves.

“What will other people think of me?”- the most difficult and dangerous question of all. Most cases of failures and breakups in the “girl is taller than guy” situation occurred precisely for this reason. The girl was simply afraid to appear in public with a guy who was shorter than her. This is emotional pressure and judgmental views from others. Of course, over time, such fear and awkwardness in a relationship passes, and this is right, but in the first stages of dating you can feel extremely awkward.

Difficulties for men:

“Will I look strong?”- as already mentioned, a man walking next to a girl above may feel awkward, clumsy and weak, and no one wants that. This can often be observed in cases where a guy is categorically against high heels on a girl, forcing her to wear pumps or something else flat.

“Am I coping with sex with her?”- for some reason it is believed that if a girl is taller than a man, then the man will have problems having sex with her. At least that's what a good percentage of men think. This is absolutely not true, but such a thought is not so easy to get out of your head. Can you imagine the fear a man has before having sex for the first time? So, for the first time you want to be on top, and in such a situation the fear is even greater.