The best product for damaged hair. Restoring damaged hair: what will be more effective – shampoos, masks or salon care? Scalp scrub for hair restoration

In the world of beauty treatments, hair care occupies a special layer. Every girl, no matter what problem she is faced with, will be able to choose something suitable for herself, and our article will help you navigate this!

  • - This is a multi-stage procedure, involving the step-by-step application of restorative compounds. It is often used as a means to restore curls after repeated dyeing and bleaching. To achieve a sustainable effect, a course of 5-6 procedures is required.
  • – protects hair from damage and negative environmental influences. Fills the resulting structural voids. Each hair is covered with a protective film based on natural materials.
  • – hair treatment with a composition enriched with keratin. Thanks to its action, the scales are smoothed and the rods are saturated with the necessary moisture. Makes it easier to comb porous and brittle hair.
  • - this is an effect on the scalp with liquid nitrogen, which awakens the internal reserves of the body. Hair is saturated with moisture and comes to life.
  • - a therapeutic procedure that is often unfairly confused with lamination. Despite the fact that the execution techniques are identical - shielding deeply nourishes the hair, making it healthy, and not only gives it a well-groomed appearance, as lamination does.

Against split ends

  • - This is the treatment of hair along the entire length using a special attachment attached to a hair clipper. Only the sloppily protruding forked ends are cut off.
  • – the essence of the procedure is clear from the name. Before cutting, the blades of the scissors are heated and serve as a kind of “soldering iron” for the ends of the hair. The temperature is selected depending on the structure of the curls and thickness.

Note! The thinner the hair, the lower the temperature should be.

  • Biosealing The procedure involves treating the hair with a special protein composition, which glues the split ends together and restores the structure along the length.
  • Hot wrap carried out using nourishing oils. When heated, they penetrate better into the hair structure and scalp. The ends are sealed, and the hair itself becomes shiny and silky.
  • - he burned with fire. A special keratin cocktail is applied to the hair, after which the hair is carefully treated with an open flame. Split ends disappear and do not form for a long time due to the compaction of the hair structure.

To thicken fine hair

  • – has a positive effect on the hair structure, making the hair shafts denser and smoother.
  • - a procedure that combines thickening of the hair shaft with coloring, however, there is also a colorless option. A protective keratin layer is created on each hair, which thickens the hair, making it more elastic.
  • Kerathermy– straightening and thickening of hair using a special keratin-containing product and high temperatures.

For sparse hair

  • Cold (nitrogen) mask– affects the scalp with low temperatures, alternately narrowing and dilating the blood vessels, thereby ensuring the flow of nutrients to the dormant hair follicles.
  • Ampoule effect. Concentrated vitamin and mineral formulations based on herbs and medicinal plants are applied to the scalp. They replenish nutritional deficiencies, promoting new hair growth.
  • . A special ozone-oxygen mixture is applied to the scalp. Reduces hair loss and helps restore lost volume.

For hair growth

  • – injections into the root zone (to a depth of 2-4 mm), the injection composition of which is selected individually, depending on the client’s specific problem. Helps accelerate hair growth and awakens dormant follicles.
  • – exposure to the scalp with low currents. Normalizes metabolic processes, promoting rapid hair growth and thickness.
  • – deep heating of the scalp using a laser. Under the influence of heat, blood flows and metabolic processes improve.
  • injections with the patient's blood plasma injected into the scalp. Improves metabolic processes, thereby promoting active growth hair.
  • Carboxytherapy– is in many ways similar to mesotherapy, with only one difference – not nutritious vitamin cocktails are injected under the patient’s skin, but carbon dioxide. It activates regeneration processes in the skin, thereby helping to accelerate hair growth.

For hair shine

  • - perhaps the most famous, and therefore the most popular procedure for giving hair a mirror shine. A fairly dense film is created on each hair shaft, which makes the hair shine in the light.

Important! Contrary to popular belief, lamination does not heal hair! It only makes them more visually attractive.

  • – This is a gentle hair coloring, as a result of which each hair is covered with a pigmented film. Thanks to the procedure, the curls acquire beautiful color tints and shine.
  • often done by models before runway shows or photo shoots. Hair acquires a glossy shine and visually appears more voluminous. However, the effect lasts no more than two weeks.

For hair loss

  • Myostimulation – The procedure, just like darsonvalization, is the effect of pulsed current on the scalp. Strengthens hair follicles, preventing hair loss.
  • Iontophoresis – injection under the skin medicines using galvanic current. Prevents hair loss and weakening of hair follicles.
  • – shows good results in the fight against increased or seasonal hair loss. The composition is selected stronger than in the case of naturally sparse hair.
  • – in case of hair loss, plasma is injected zonally – into bald patches and thinning partings.
  • – exposure of problem areas to oxygen, which, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, strengthens the hair follicles and hair shafts.

Against dryness

  • (keratin masks)– replenish lost moisture due to dehydration of the hair shaft, and also restores the structure of the hair, making it more nourished and smooth.
  • – the protective film created on the hair during biolamination prevents the evaporation of moisture from the hair shafts and, accordingly, prevents them from drying out.
  • Nanoemulsions- a relatively new procedure, the essence of which is treating hair with vitamin and mineral cocktails, selected depending on the problem - including dryness.

For straightening and smoothness

  • – a classic procedure for making hair smooth for a long time. A special straightening chemical composition is applied to the curls, which somewhat modifies the structure of the hair shaft. At the moment, chemical straightening is somewhat outdated. Moreover, it seriously spoils the health of your hair.
  • – hair treatment with a keratin composition, which, filling structural voids, makes hair straight and smooth.
  • – differs from keratin in a more natural composition. According to the manufacturers, in addition to straightening, they are deeply nourished and restored.
  • – the most effective, safest and most expensive procedure smoothing for now. With Japanese straightening, the structure of the hair changes at the molecular level. They are saturated with moisture, compacted and become smooth and straight.

Note! Japanese straightening is a time-consuming procedure that can take up to 8 hours.

Procedures for increasing volume

  • – gives hair noticeable root volume using harmless cosmetics applied to the hair roots. Despite the fact that the procedure belongs to the category of curling, the hair after Boost Up remains straight - only volume is gained at the root.
  • – hair curling using a special composition consisting of more than 60% natural ingredients. With the help of bio-curling, you can get both small curls and large Hollywood curls.
  • Our grandmothers also used this procedure to create crazy volume on their heads. However, the procedure is somewhat outdated, since it is exclusively cosmetic - the hair after it deteriorates and becomes dry.

Safe during pregnancy

  • A haircut, . There is a very common myth among women that you cannot cut your hair during pregnancy, however, there is absolutely no scientific basis for this. Perhaps this misconception originates from folk signs. You can get a haircut during pregnancy using any of the following methods.
  • Hair coloring with henna/ tint balms. The main condition for dyeing during pregnancy is the absence of aggressive chemicals in the composition.

As for other procedures, manufacturers often note that the product is suitable for use during pregnancy and does not affect the fetus in any way. You shouldn't take this at its word. Be sure to consult with your doctor before the procedure and find out his opinion about chemical composition drug. Most of them are actually safe for health, but due to the chemical content of cosmetic fragrances, they can cause nausea and worsen toxicosis.

Review of the most popular procedures

Most of these procedures have already been discussed earlier; moreover, some of them are used to solve several problems at once. Their versatility is precisely the quality that makes them on the list of the most popular and in demand.


Price: from 8000 rubles


- This is a narrowly targeted haircut using a special clipper with an attachment. She cuts off only split and broken hairs, leaving healthy ones intact. The procedure is perfect for girls who are actively growing their hair, but are also concerned about its appearance and health.

Price: from 1200 rubles.


The procedure is aimed at internal and external (or only external) restoration of the hair structure. there are two types:

  • Molecular– nourishes hair from roots to ends, restoring its structure from the inside.
  • Cuticular– works only on the surface layer of the hair – the cuticle, smoothing out the scales.

Hair becomes smooth, manageable and easy to style. The effect lasts about 3 weeks. The main disadvantage of the procedure is incompatibility with coloring.

Price: from 2500 rubles.


Effectively combat several shortcomings at once - dryness, section, lifelessness and porosity.

The procedure is in many ways similar to lamination, however, unlike it, it has a therapeutic effect.

Reference! To enhance smoothness and shine, hairdressers recommend combining or alternating screening with lamination.

Price: from 1700 rubles.


Illumination is the simultaneous coloring and restoration of each hair from root to tip. The effect of coloring and therapy is noticeable immediately and lasts for a period of 2 months or more.

Price: from 1000 rubles.


The procedure is so called because each hair is covered with a kind of “glaze” of nutrients and strengthening substances. can be done at home - just buy a special set of tools. The procedure is often confused with lamination and biolamination, however, unlike them, glazing does not weigh down the hair.

Price: from 1000 rubles.


- This is one of the types of perm, only more harmless and gentle. As a result of the procedure, light, romantic curls are recreated on the head, and not curls, as with the classic version.

Price: from 2000 rubles.


Despite the name, the procedure has nothing in common with beauty injections, except for the visual effect of rejuvenation. Apply to hair special masks and serums that make hair smoother, nourished and elastic.

Price: from 1500 rubles.

Amino acids

This is a relatively new technique for smoothing hair, thanks to which even the toughest curly hair smoothed out by more than 95%. The effect of the procedure lasts up to six months.

Price: from 1500 rubles.

Hair reconstruction

is an emergency measure to restore vitality, smoothness and shine to hair after repeated dyeing, perm or straightening. Hair reconstruction products are enriched with vitamins, ceramides and minerals, which replenish lost nutrients. After the procedure, curls become new life, look healthy, smooth and shiny.

Price: from 2000 rubles.


– this is smoothing the hair scales using a special cosmetic composition. The hair shaft is saturated with nutrients, and the scales, returning to their place, reliably hold them inside.

Price: from 1000 rubles

Milanese chic

Milan is a city of fashion, luxury and glamour. This is exactly the effect that the procedure called “” gives on the hair - luxurious shine, smoothness and volume. This effect is achieved thanks to the complex effects of keratin and argan and macadamia vegetable oils. The hair cortex is strengthened and the optimal level of keratin is achieved.

Price: from 2200 rubles


The technique is no different from lamination; however, it has a therapeutic and not a cosmetic effect on the hair. Thanks to the procedure, dryness and fragility of the strands are removed, split ends and creases disappear.

Price: from 1500 rubles.

Boost up

A real salvation for a girl with straight, thin and lacking volume hair, or oily curls at the roots. – this is raising the root zone and creating amazing volume without curling the length. The effect of the procedure lasts up to six months!

Note! Boost UP is a rather time-consuming procedure that can take up to 4 hours!

Price: from 1500 rubles.


A multifunctional procedure that solves several problems at once - stiffness, dryness, tangling, porosity. A special keratin composition is applied to the curls, which, under the influence of temperatures, penetrates the hair and restores it from the inside.

Price: from 1500 rubles.


Starting from the prefix “nano”, it becomes clear that hair nanoplasty is the structural restoration of curls at the molecular level. The products contain nutritional components supplemented with chemical activators that are safe for health.

Thanks to nanoplastics, it is possible to correct long-term flaws in care, coloring and discoloration.

Price: from 2000 rubles.

Happiness for hair

Initially, the “” procedure appeared in Japan, and then, thanks to numerous positive reviews, it spread throughout the world. And this is understandable, because with just one session you can soften, nourish, moisturize, and strengthen your hair and scalp! A sustainable effect can be achieved in 5-6 sessions. This multi-functional effect is explained by the rich composition of the product, which includes lipids, minerals, proteins, and active components of plant origin.

Price: from 1500 rubles.

Hair treatments with keratin. Why keratin?

Majority modern procedures for hair, one way or another, are associated with keratin, however, they began to use it in practice quite recently. So what is it and why is it used?

Keratin is a special protein compound that in the human body is responsible for the formation of the hair shaft, skin and nails. Compositions enriched with keratin have a positive effect on the condition of the hair shaft, filling the voids.

Salon treatments

  • Coloring is a way to temporarily or long-term change their natural color to a new one. This happens due to the replacement of natural color pigments with artificial ones.
  • Extension – this is an opportunity to give your hair extra length and thickness with the help of. The material can be either artificial or natural.
  • Toning – superficial coloring of the hair shaft, in which the pigment is attached to the hair scales, and not under them.
  • Shielding from Estelle is reliable and accessible remedy to restore even the most damaged and dry hair. It is great as a therapy after lightening, perming and straightening. The products contain useful substances such as:

    • Natural vegetable oils– for hydration, protection and deep nutrition.
    • Ceramides– restoring the hair cortex.
    • Soy proteins– smoothing and covering scales.
    • Amino acids– gives hair elasticity and shine.

    Note! Estelle's products restore curls without weighing them down, making your hair look healthier and more well-groomed.

    The q3 therapy set includes:

    • Spray conditioner is two-phase.
    • Recovery oil.
    • Spray glitter to finish.

    Olaplex hair treatment

    The “Olapleks” procedure appeared on the market of beauty procedures not so long ago, but has already managed to win love among the fair sex all over the world. to the globe. Thanks to one session, the color pigment of the hair is protected from fading and burnout, and the hair is deeply saturated with moisture, smoothed and softened.

    Note! A significant advantage of the Olaplex procedure is that it can be used in conjunction with coloring.

    The complex for the Olaplex procedure involves the use of 3 phases:

    • Concentrate for adding to dye.
    • Color fixing mask for the care of colored hair.
    • Mask to nourish and moisturize hair, regardless of its coloring.

    “The effect of salon treatments” from Belit for hair

    Belita is a Belarusian brand that first gained great demand in Belarus, and then in all CIS countries. The product line includes skin care products, decorative cosmetics, as well as hair care products. We'll talk about the latter.

    The “Molecular Glossing” series, included in the general line of “Effect of Salon Treatments” products, includes products whose action is aimed at therapeutic and cosmetic improvement of hair condition at home. Unfortunately, the brand does not produce sets of hair products, so each product must be purchased separately. The following products can be found on sale:

    • Shampoo for global hair renovation – 400ml;
    • Spray primer for global hair renovation - 100ml;
    • Leave-in filler in 10 ml sachet.


    Sometimes the abundance of offers is more confusing than the lack of them. The cosmetics industry is constantly evolving, new multifunctional products are appearing that replace several classic ones. Don't be afraid to try and experiment! We hope that the article helped you decide on the choice of procedure!

When hair is regularly dehydrated and degreased (hair dryers, straighteners, daily styling and frequent washing), sooner or later the scalp will become dry, dandruff may appear, thickness will decrease, and shine will disappear. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand in time that you have problems and take action before an irreversible problem occurs.

One of the most common factors in the appearance damaged hair is temperature. Air conditioning, hair dryers and straightening irons, curling irons and hair washing too hot water– easy ways to dry out your skin and deplete your hair. But let's not panic, even if your hair is frizzy, has split ends and lost shine - we have collected for you best recipes to restore dry, damaged hair.

Problem: Split ends

Most beautiful women often face this very problem. Of course, the easiest way to get rid of split ends may be to go to the hairdresser and shorten the length by 1-2 cm. But how to prevent the further occurrence of this problem?

Natural homemade recipes for brittle ends

The best rescue remedies are honey, eggs and olive oil. Eggs contain nutritional components, olive oil will make hair soft, and honey is a natural nourishment and moisturizer for hair. All you need to do is mix all the ingredients, apply to your hair, wrap in a towel and leave for at least one hour.

Getting rid of split ends in a beauty salon

Sometimes we may need a little “trimming” to get rid of split ends, but there are other ways from professionals. If earlier many stylists offered hot scissors, now keratin is trending. The procedure for applying keratin helps to “solder” each hair - after this, the hair will not only be even, smooth and shiny for a long time, but you will also not find split ends at least next 5 months. The procedure is not cheap, but the result makes you think. The only condition proper care hair care after this procedure is to use sulfate-free shampoo. Lauryl sulfates easily destroy the keratin shell and all efforts will be in vain.

Store-bought remedies for split ends

To care for hair prone to split ends, there are many special care products:

  • restorative serums;
  • balms for split ends;
  • vibes;
  • concentrates and gels.

For example, Fluid for Split Ends has received a lot of positive reviews. The consistency of the product resembles oil, but in addition to shine, the hair becomes “crumbly”, stops electrifying and prevents the appearance of split ends.

Repairing serum for split ends Ciel Parfum “Intensive restoration” Keratin It has a very convenient long dispenser spout and has a fresh, unobtrusive aroma. The composition includes argan oil, silk proteins and a special Nutrilan® Keratin complex. The product does not need to be washed off, and, according to reviews, the result of its use exceeds all expectations.

Problem: Hair lacking shine

Weak, brittle hair, one way or another, lose their shine. Dull and lifeless hair is a problem for many. Why does hair lose shine? Because due to over-drying, styling and improper care, the surface of the hair becomes rough, the scales rise, and a fluffing effect is obtained. In addition to mechanical impact, the cause of loss of shine can be:

  • lack of zinc (found in meat, seafood, beef liver, legumes)
  • lack of tyrosine (an amino acid found in nuts, seeds and dairy products)
  • lack of biotin (vitamin H or B7) – can be obtained by eating liver, nuts, kidneys, yeast, cauliflower

Traditional methods of treating dull hair

Our hair tends to accumulate damaging substances - salt and bleach, which damage both the skin and the hair itself. The ideal way to avoid the accumulation of unnecessary substances is to rinse apple cider vinegar after washing. The smell does not remain after this product, and the hair becomes soft and shiny. You need to dilute vinegar in a ratio of 1:1 with warm water, the hair is rinsed with this solution and dried after 1-2 minutes. This simple and inexpensive home remedy can be an excellent alternative to balm and conditioner.

Masks with aloe and honey will also help restore shine. How to make masks with aloe, read this article

Salon treatments for hair shine

Hair lamination, as with split ends, will be an excellent option for shiny and healthy hair. Also, the mesotherapy procedure will help to add shine and increase the density of hair. For mesotherapy, a specialist will select an individual medicinal composition for you and administer it using injections under the scalp (a non-injection hardware option is also possible).

Store-bought products to add shine to hair

Since the main cause of loss of shine is increased levels of salt and chlorine, modern experts already suggest using shampoos and conditioners that eliminate chlorine. For example, UltraSwim Chlorine-Removal Shampoo - contains aloe and special substances that help get rid of accumulated chlorine and salts. Unfortunately, this product is not yet available in stores in our country, but if you want, you can easily buy it on Amazon.

Light oil, special balms and conditioners will also help restore the shine and elasticity of your curls.

Methods to Prevent Hair Damage

If you have already realized that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences later, here are some tips:

In fact, there are many traditional methods and store-bought products to prevent and treat damaged hair. But first of all, you must find the cause of the destruction and find out the root of the problem. Perhaps there is little healthy food in your diet or you often go on a diet? Maybe you are overheating your hair with a hairdryer or curling iron? Is it possible that the tap water is too hard? In any case, you can prevent hair loss, restore shine, and get rid of split ends quite easily and quickly if you take timely measures.

Have your strands suffered from chemicals and dyes, but homemade recipes have almost no benefit? Try it for yourself effective means for hair restoration from the world's most recognized brands.

Types of restorative cosmetics

Modern cosmetics for hair restoration are represented by many different products. They all differ in composition, method of application and therapeutic effect. The main ones include:

  • Shampoos - cleanse hair of fat and impurities, promote rapid restoration of damaged structure, saturate strands with useful substances, eliminate dryness, brittleness, protect from environmental influences and prepare hair for the action of other professional products. Restoring shampoos must be used during the rehabilitation period;
  • Conditioners and conditioners seal beneficial substances in the roots, smooth out the scales, make the hair soft, smooth and silky, facilitate easy combing, and have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. To achieve the effect, the product should be left for about 10 minutes;
  • Capsules - included the best means for hair care. As a rule, they contain proteins, plant extracts, keratin and collagen. Having a triple effect (therapeutic, cosmetic and preventive), they provide rapid restoration of damaged areas, strengthen the roots of the strands, stimulate their growth, moisturize and nourish;
  • Masks - restore the water balance of hair, give it a healthy, well-groomed appearance, and promote rapid regeneration of colored and highlighted strands. Restoring masks must be applied 2 times a week. Validity period: half an hour;
  • Oils – help fight split ends, envelop the strands with a thin protective film, making hair soft and manageable;
  • Serums - effectively heal cut scales and give a healthy look to even hopeless strands. It works almost instantly. Contains amino acids, polymers, lipids, plant extracts and various vitamins.

Composition of restorative agents

Restorative products must contain useful components:

  • Oils (argan, jojoba, shea, pomegranate, flaxseed, olive, wheat germ) - have a nourishing effect;
  • Vitamin E – cares for hair follicles, restores structure from the inside;
  • MEA acetamide and hydrolyzed keratin - normalize water balance and help maintain the integrity of the hair structure;
  • Proteins – prevent hair loss and brittleness;
  • Propylene glycol is a special substance responsible for the penetration of beneficial substances into the deep layers of strands;
  • Cetearyl alcohol and behentrimonium chloride – even out the structure and make hair more manageable;
  • Collagen – helps eliminate split ends, makes strands stronger;
  • Ceramides are necessary for complete restoration of the structure.

The best means for recovery

The modern market is replete with restorative cosmetics of various price categories. We bring to your attention the most the best complexes, which have proven their effectiveness more than once. Why complexes? Yes, because experts insist that restorative cosmetics belong to the same brand and are used in a course.

Winter Therapy by Wella ProSeries

This line includes shampoo and conditioner designed for complete care of damaged hair. They combine moisturizing and nourishing effects, and also give the strands shine, silkiness and softness. The ingredients included in this series saturate the hair with vitamins and microelements, smooth out the scales, causing the hairs to fit tightly to each other, and create a glossy effect. With regular use of Winter Therapy shampoo and balm, a film appears on the curls, protecting them from environmental influences and reducing damage during hair styling.

Therapiste by Kerastase

A real lifesaver for damaged hair frequent staining and perm. The line includes shampoo, conditioner, mask and serum. Interestingly, the balm must be applied before shampoo! The main active ingredients of each product are keratin (participates in the construction of hair) and myrothamnus extract (a rare plant that can survive even in the complete absence of water). The effect occurs immediately - the strands become smooth, moisturized and manageable.

Damage Hair Repair from Kiehl's

Professional products for the care of damaged curls are unlikely to be able to do without this truly powerful line. "Damage Hair Repair" consists of three products - shampoo, conditioner and leave-in serum, which can be applied to both dry and wet hair. These products contain vegetable oil from the moringa tree, whose medicinal properties have been known since ancient times, as well as ceramides and hyaluronic acid, promoting the restoration and strengthening of strands.

Intensive recovery from Pantene Pro-V

This series includes shampoo and conditioner designed for weak, brittle, damaged strands. Cosmetics create a strong protective barrier that protects strands from negative influences. Thanks to prokeratin and moisturizing microparticles that are included in Pantene Pro-V, the products in this line can effectively cope with brittleness, dryness and split ends, as well as lack of gloss and shine. With regular use, your hair will shine after just 2 weeks.

Le Petit Marseillais

The series consists of 3 products - mask, shampoo and conditioner. They contain a number of unique components - extracts of flowers, herbs, fruits, honey and valuable oils - argan and shea butter. After washing it leaves a very light aroma and gives your hair a true French charm. The therapeutic effect of this cosmetics is to strengthen the roots, get rid of split ends, nourish, moisturize and restore even the driest and most damaged hair.

Tony Moly

The famous Korean brand is considered one of the best. Tony Moly cosmetics are far from cheap, but they are worth it. The assortment of the line includes three dozen different products for the care of severely damaged and weak hair - shampoos, balms, masks, serums, creams, foams, lotions and fluids. The cosmetics contain high-quality active ingredients that do not cause allergies and help get rid of dryness, brittleness and dullness.


The famous Italian brand presents its line of restorative cosmetics, consisting of cream masks, the main components of which are:

  • Plant extracts – red pepper, bamboo, sage, basil, fennel, blueberry, peach, tomato, mallow, henna and birch;
  • Oils – flaxseed, olive, almond;
  • Panthenol;
  • Aloe vera;
  • Enzymes;
  • Proteins;
  • Vitamins – A, E, C, F;
  • Royal bee jelly.

Struttura brand products promote rapid hair growth and restoration, as well as nourish, moisturize, and protect from harmful external influences.

Instant Moisture by Paul Mitchell

One of the best professional series that provides complete care for damaged hair. It includes a moisturizing shampoo and a nourishing balm based on jojoba oil, aloe extract and panthenol. "Instant Moisture" is suitable for frequent use. With constant use, the effect will be on the face - the strands become softer, stronger and silkier.

Bonacure Moisture Kick by Schwarzkopf

Wonderful hair restoration products that perfectly cope with brittleness and dryness. The line consists of spray, mask and shampoo. All cosmetics have an appetizing aroma and pleasant texture, foam easily and are quickly washed off. Hair becomes smooth and manageable literally after the first wash.

Schwarzkopf cosmetics include a wide variety of useful components:

  • Silicones - form a thin protective film on the strands that retains moisture;
  • Panthenol – saturates and nourishes;
  • Hyaluronic acid – accelerates the regeneration process.

Otium Butterfly by Estel

Cosmetics from this line nourish and moisturize, giving hair volume without weighing it down. The series includes shampoo, spray and conditioner. Regular use of these products allows you to quickly restore your hair, return it to health, strength and excellent appearance.

Ollin Professional

A popular brand of professional cosmetics that offers a fairly wide selection. This series includes masks, serums, scrubs, balms, reconstructors, leave-in sprays, elixirs, shampoos and vitamin-energy complexes for damaged hair. They include useful components (provitamin B5, panthenol, protein, almond oil, keratin, minerals, plant extracts) and are ideal for daily use.

"Ollin Professional" provides effective protection of strands from harmful UV radiation, facilitates the combing process, eliminates split ends, strengthens roots and makes hair healthy and silky.

Tips to help you restore your hair using special cosmetics - budget and expensive products:

Cleanse & Condition by Repair Four Reasons

Shampoo, spray, conditioner and care balm from the famous Italian brand provide quick and high-quality restoration of damaged strands. They contain useful substances - protein, vitamin B5, collagen and Botamix.

Pro-Keratin Refil from L'Oreal Professionnel

The innovative “Pro-Keratin Refil” series provides high-quality care and restoration of damaged hair. It includes shampoo, conditioner, mask, serum and protective cream that does not require rinsing. These products contain Incell molecules, keratin, fruit extracts, arginine and wheat protein. Due to this composition, cosmetics effectively moisturize and nourish, penetrate into the hair and fill the structure. As a result of its use, the hair is covered with a micro-film that protects it from various damages. The products strengthen the roots and make the strands thicker, stimulate their growth and eliminate frizz.

Nourishing care from Dove

One of the best and highest quality new products. This line includes shampoo, mask, balm, spray and express conditioner. The cosmetics are enriched with ultra-light oils that quickly penetrate deep into the hair and help restore its natural balance. As a result, we get silky, moisturized and absolutely healthy hair.

Sweet Hair

The famous cosmetic brand presents 4 effective balms at once:

  • Regeneration - cream with coffee extract;
  • Recovery - egg cream;
  • Food – cream with white chocolate;
  • Moisturizing and smoothness - milk cream.

Each of these products has a very tasty unique aroma. With regular use, they will quickly bring your hair into perfect order.

Thalasso Therapie Marine

Thalasso Therapie Marine is a popular moisturizing complex consisting of cream shampoo, conditioner, two-phase spray, smart mask and oil. All of them provide dry and damaged hair with complete restorative care. Thanks to the regenerating formula “Shine Activators”, the products in this line make hair shiny and silky, fill it with strength, and protect it from environmental influences.

The main active components of this cosmetics are:

  • Vitamins;
  • Amino acids;
  • Seafood Cocktail;
  • Proteins.

This unique composition saturates the hair with micro- and macroelements, restores its water balance, moisturizes and nourishes, returns the strands to their natural beauty.

Expert-Restoration from Hair-X

This professional line belongs to a new generation of cosmetics for dry and damaged strands. The series consists of shampoo, serum and balm. These products are based on a natural formula that provides hair with nutrition, protection and hydration.

Help restore volume, shine and smoothness. Due to constant stress, overwork, poor diet, illness internal organs hair suffers. They begin to fade and fall out large quantities, lose its smoothness, get confused.

If the first signs appear, you need to urgently take action and solve the problem comprehensively. There will be only cosmetics left, you will also need to take vitamins and reconsider your diet. Before starting to restore hair health, a person should review his diet.

It should always contain vitamins and microelements:

  1. Squirrels, contained in meat, eggs, legumes, are broken down into amino acids during metabolism and help activate the production of natural collagen and creatine.
  2. Fatty acid, which all types of vegetable oils are rich in and take part in hormonal metabolism.
  3. Vitamin A, which is rich in liver, seafood, cheeses, takes part in regeneration processes and stimulates growth.
  4. Vitamin C helps synthesize collagen.
  5. Vitamins B, present in cottage cheese, poultry meat, liver, take part in the formation, growth and division of cells, normalize metabolic processes.

Bad habits negatively affect hair health, so you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking. If all measures have been taken, but the hair does not restore its healthy shine and smoothness, then various products and special salon procedures can help.

Products that help restore hair health are presented in a wide range. They all differ in their method of application, composition and therapeutic effect.

The most important are:

  1. Shampoos. With their help, you can thoroughly cleanse your hair. various types dirt and fats. They help restore damaged hair structure, nourish curls with useful components, remove dryness and fragility, and protect against the harmful effects of the environment. Restoring shampoos are recommended for use during the rehabilitation period.
  2. Air conditioners. They seal beneficial components inside the hair, giving smoothness, silkiness, moisturizing and making combing easier.
  3. Masks. They normalize the water balance and help restore colored hair faster.
  4. Oils. They ideally combat the problem of split ends, enveloping the hairs with an invisible film, making them manageable and soft.
  5. Serums. Gives a healthy look and heals split ends.

Hair restoration products should be selected according to your problem.

System 3 Cleanser System 3, Nioxin (cleansing shampoo)

This remedy is from an American company that appeared on the market only 4 years ago, but has already managed to gain its popularity. This shampoo effectively and gently cares for thinning hair. The 3-step system allows you to properly prepare the scalp and the hair itself for its full restoration.

Thanks to the use of Glyco-Shield 2.0 technology, the shampoo deeply cleanses the scalp, creating visual volume and thickness. The shampoo effectively removes sebum, fatty acids and other types of impurities.

Apply the product to damp hair, lightly massage the scalp and rinse with warm water, repeat the procedure if necessary. With regular use, after 2-3 weeks you will notice that hair growth has intensified. For a 1 liter bottle you will have to pay about 2000 rubles.

Shampoo Intensive recovery, Pantene Pro-V

Everything around is changing, but not the quality of Pantene products. This type of shampoo is specially designed to restore your hair to its health. This formula contains special substances that help nourish hair, retain moisture, restoring shine and smoothness. This product effectively combats all signs of damage.

To get maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends using shampoo in combination with conditioner. Apply the shampoo to damp hair and rinse with water. After several days of use, colored and dull hair acquires a healthy shine and becomes more manageable.

The advanced formula helps retain moisture deep inside the hairs, nourishing even the driest hair. For a 400 ml bottle you will have to pay 300 rubles.

Calma Sutra Cleansing Conditioner, Bed Head TIGI

The hair restoration product does not contain sulfates and perfectly moisturizes. Thanks to the use of conditioner, hair becomes more manageable. This product is taken for cowashing - this is when you can wash your hair without using shampoo, but only with conditioner.

A properly selected formula without foam is ideal for curly and unruly hair, effectively removes any dirt, impurities and styling product residues, creates reliable protection, enveloping each hair with an invisible film.

The composition includes babassu and Brazil nut oil, as well as a Hydracurl Blend - this complex penetrates deep into the hair, making it more shiny and healthy. Apply conditioner to damp hair, leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse. There is no need to use shampoo first. Price from 1000 rub.

Conditioner System 3 System 3 Scalp Therapy Conditioner Revitaliser, Nioxin

This product is intended for daily care of colored and weak hair that is prone to excessive hair loss. The main difference between this conditioner is that it can be applied not only to the hair, but also to the scalp.

The conditioner contains a unique development - the BioAMP® complex. This complex helps to balance the combination of the amino acid cystine and light conditioning agents, causing fine hair to become thicker, gain volume and fullness. Apply the product to damp hair and leave for about 3 minutes. Rinse with water. The cost of 1 bottle is from 1000 rubles.

Mask 44 Italian Herbs, Natureal

This company's hair restoration product is intended only for damaged hair. It contains cashmere proteins, which easily penetrate inside and fill all the voids in the hair. When the curls are already well nourished, protein compounds stick to the surface of the hair, as a result the curls become heavy and can easily fall out under this weight.

You should not expect a quick result, because the product, like any other with a natural composition, acts gradually. After 30 days of use, you can notice the effect. Apply the mask to clean hair and leave for up to half an hour. Price 450 rub.

Therapiste line from Kérastase

It has been known for decades that human hair consists of keratin and ceramides. But only recently scientists managed to find out that there is also a 3rd component - KAPs. This is a special protein formula, thanks to which it is possible to bind ceramides and keratin, maintaining their reliable adhesion for a long time. If the hair structure is damaged, the protein formula disappears.

And this line helps to fill the lack of protein and activate synthesis. The line includes shampoo, conditioner, mask and serum. For the entire line of products for restoring hair health, you will have to pay 10 thousand rubles.

Paul Mitchell Super Strong Lotion

The hair restoration product is presented in the form of ampoules. The complex was specially selected to restore health to weakened and damaged hair. The unique formula easily penetrates the hair, strengthens it and restores it after damage, stimulates growth, and restores natural shine. Each ampoule contains a vitamin cocktail with panthenol, lavender and oregano extracts.

The contents of the ampoule must be applied to the scalp and thoroughly massaged, leaving to be completely absorbed. The vitamin cocktail should not be washed off. The procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 25 days. Subsequently, it will be possible to use it as a course: once every 14 days. For 1 package of lotion, which contains 10 ampoules, you will have to pay at least 3 thousand rubles.

Serum Visible Repair from Londa

This product was developed by a well-known company in order to restore health to brittle and weakened hair. The product contains vitamin C, almond and silk oil, thanks to which each curl is nourished from the inside, filling with strength and shine.

Visible Repair hair restoration product from Londa.

The product also contains Radialux microins, which have a restorative effect on those areas of the hair shafts that are most damaged and require special attention. This serum is suitable for any hair type, revitalizes curls after coloring and perming, prevents hair follicles from drying out, and makes curls more elastic and shiny.

Apply the serum to clean hair, leave for about 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

For a package of 6 bottles of 10 ml each, you will have to pay an average of about 1,300 rubles.

Balm Penetraitt from Sebastian Professional

This balm is produced by the Sebastian concern, whose employees have worked hard to create a product to restore the health of dry hair. The active components of the conditioner easily penetrate into each curl, eliminating all Negative consequences stress caused by exposure to chemical and thermal agents.

After the first use, the effect of hair as smooth as silk is created. Apply conditioner after using shampoo, leave for 5 minutes and rinse well. You can buy an air conditioner for 1200 rubles.

Emulsion Repair from System Professional

This intensive product helps restore even the most damaged hair in a short time. The composition of the product is selected so as to penetrate as deeply and quickly as possible into each hair and restore its structure from the inside, nourishing it with the necessary vitamins and minerals. At the same time, the hair is not burdened and is reliably protected from various negative factors affecting it from the outside.

Hair restoration product from the famous Vella corporation contains glycine, which helps fill the hair with amino acids, as well as wheat protein, which nourishes the hair and scalp. Apply the emulsion to clean hair, leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse. For a bottle of 50 ml of emulsion you will have to pay 1000 rubles.

Best treatments

If you cannot restore damaged hair at home, you can use various medical procedures carried out in many salons across the country. Serious hair damage can be easily revived using several procedures.


This is one of the most popular procedures among many women whose hair is often exposed to negative environmental influences. This procedure involves the use of several recipes and techniques for hair restoration.

SPA is A complex approach, which involves the use of products made from natural ingredients that help provide nutrition, hydration and restoration to the hair. You can simply use massage, cosmetic clay, sea ​​salt or aromatic oils.

A spa procedure performed by a master consists of several stages:

  • bath with shampoo, which is selected depending on hair type;
  • massage of the root zone;
  • mask with wrap
  • salt peeling;
  • balm to protect hair from negative factors.

The advantages of the SPA are that only natural preparations are used, stress is effectively combated, the hair is strengthened and ready to withstand all external negative factors. But spas are contraindicated for people with acute forms of illness. One SPA procedure will cost 1,500 rubles.

Cysteine ​​treatment

This procedure helps to safely restore hair using natural ingredients. The main advantage of this procedure is styling for a long time, lasting up to 2-3 months. Thanks to this, your hair looks well-groomed and neat without additional effort.

Cysteine ​​treatment is safe and maximizes effective procedure, helping to restore even the most damaged hair. All preparations are hypoallergenic, therefore they are suitable even for those who have special sensitivity of the scalp.

During the procedure, drugs are used whose active component is cysteine, an amino acid that improves elasticity and maintains hair structure. It is extracted from sugar cane and combined with other amino acids, thereby enhancing its effect.

During the procedure, a special composition is applied to the hair, and after that the strands are quickly dried and straightened with an iron. A thin invisible layer envelops each hair, smoothes it, restoring its natural shine. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 90 days. Cost from 6000 rub.


During this procedure, a special preparation containing ceramides is applied to the entire length of the hair. The product can be applied in several ways depending on the degree of hair damage.

After the first procedure, the curls shine and are easy to style. Pigments are specially added to some preparations, which give the curls a rich shade. The effect lasts for 40-45 days. Cost from 2000 rub.

Ampoule treatment

Experts also call this procedure shock, because during it they use special products sold in ampoules. Each of them contains medicinal oil, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and other active ingredients. The main advantage is the immediate effect. That is why the procedure lasts no more than 3 minutes.

First, the master peels the scalp, then cleanses the curls with shampoo, and then uses ampoules that saturate the follicle with oxygen, activate blood flow, and nourish each curl from the very root. The disadvantage of this procedure can be considered the high cost and duration of treatment, because it takes up to 2 months. The cost of 1 ampoule of the drug is from 600 rubles.


This procedure is almost identical to keratinization, and all because liquid protein is also used during it. The difference is that the curls are additionally processed high temperature. The main effect is straightening unruly hair. After the first procedure, you will not have to use an iron for 4 months.

But it should be remembered that the drugs contain formaldehyde, which often causes allergies, so additional consultation with a dermatologist is required. The average cost of the procedure is from 1500 rubles. Thanks to innovation, new procedures appear almost every year to help restore healthy hair.

The table below provides a small list of the most effective:

Procedure name Description
Keratization A special composition with keratin, a liquid protein, is applied to the hair, which restores shine, silkiness and radiance to the hair.
Mesotherapy The drug is injected into the scalp using injections, which contain a complex of vitamins that helps stimulate hair growth and make it stronger and more resilient.
Shielding Special cosmetical tools Apply to hair, making it easily smooth and moisturized. Each hair is enveloped in a composition that protects against negative external influences.
Cauterization This is the most complex procedure that helps to activate hair regeneration using drugs. As a result, hair becomes more manageable, smooth and shiny.

Products intended for hair restoration in the salon or at home should be selected according to hair type. The degree of damage should also be taken into account, so it is better to trust a professional technician.

Video about hair restoration products

5 best budget hair restoration products:

From our review, which will return your strands to a healthy and well-groomed appearance in no time.

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Redken Mega Mask

Mega Mask Redken masks have a double formula: the inner one cares for the hair, and the outer one prolongs the effect of care to a record three days. The series includes three masks, each of which belongs to its own range: golden All Soft for nourishing dry hair, blue Extreme for restoring severely damaged strands and bright pink Color Extend Magnetics for preserving color durability.

Sebastian Hydre Treatment

The super-intensive Sebastian Hydre Treatment hair mask revives even the driest and most lifeless strands in no time. Thanks to the active moisturizing components in the composition, the product helps strengthen the hair structure from the inside, giving it softness and elasticity. A note for those who are always in a hurry: it only takes 3 minutes to apply the product.

Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Wild Ginger Keratin Intensive Treatment

Unlike the previous one, the Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Wild Ginger mask is a weekend product. Firstly, it is not recommended to use it more than once a week due to the high keratin content in the composition. Secondly, to achieve maximum results, it must be applied for at least 15 minutes - a special cap and towel for the thermal effect are welcome.

Aveda Damage Remedy Daily Hair Repair

The product from the “leave-in care” series Aveda Damage Remedy Daily Hair Repair is ideal for fans of regular coloring, in particular lightening. The product formula is enriched with quinoa and wheat proteins, which effectively restore the structure of damaged hair and also provide thermal protection during styling. The restorative treatment should be applied to towel-dried hair, starting from the middle and avoiding the roots.

Londa Professional Visible Repair Booster Serum

Experts recommend applying Londa Professional Visible Repair Booster Serum for severely damaged hair after an intensive mask. Together they will have a double restorative effect on the driest and most damaged areas of the strands. Important point: It is better to apply the serum to the hair between shampoo and mask, leaving it on for at least 5-10 minutes.

Olaplex Hair Perfector No. 3

Legendary salon care Olaplex received its logical continuation in a super effective remedy for home use Olaplex Hair Perfector No. 3. It not only has a prolonging effect after visiting the salon, but also prepares the hair for the upcoming coloring. The secret is in the active ingredient Olaplex, which restores the structure of strands damaged during heat styling, sudden temperature changes and the negative effects of other environmental factors.

Nioxin Intensive Treatment Deep Repair Hair Masque

Nioxin Intensive Treatment Deep Repair Hair Masque smoothes and nourishes hair, making it softer and more manageable. Thanks to extracts of lemon, orange, blackcurrant leaves and kukui seeds, the product restores shine and elasticity to even the most damaged strands.

OMG! 3 in 1 Kit Hair Repair System

Three-component hair restoration complex Double Dare OMG! Hair Repair is a real salvation for dull and lifeless hair. One package includes shampoo with coconut extract, protein serum and a warming hair mask, the complex result of which is like the effect of an exploding bomb. It has been proven that basic home care can be easily compared with the most advanced salon equipment for resuscitation of dry and brittle hair.

Decleor Aroma Nutrition

Decleor Aroma Nutrition Frankincense Dry Emollient Oil is ideal for dry, brittle ends. Just a couple of drops of this miracle product is enough to make your strands more elastic and bouncy. You can apply the product both to towel-dried hair and to completely dry strands before bed or during the day.

Kiehl's Olive Fruit Oil Deeply Repairative Hair Pak

Kiehl's Olive Fruit Oil Deeply Repairative Hair Pak intensively nourishes dry and dehydrated hair and transforms lifeless strands, filling them with strength and healthy shine. Olive oil The composition nourishes and protects curls from roots to ends, and avocado oil restores natural water balance, preventing dryness and dehydration.

Weleda Hafer

Balm with oat extract Weleda is intended for dry and severely damaged hair. Thanks to herbal ingredients, the product nourishes and restores strands from the inside, restoring their vitality and healthy glow. The product acts as a conditioner, so it does not require long exposure - just a couple of minutes is enough.

Yves Rocher Reparation Sleeping Care

Night restoration mask with jojoba Yves Rocher Reparation Sleeping Care is suitable for those who are not lazy to wash their hair in the morning. The product is distributed onto combed hair with your hands and using a comb; at night, the strands can be gathered into a relaxed braid and bun. In the morning, after washing off the remnants of the mask with shampoo and conditioner, you will hardly recognize your hair: it will become softer and more manageable, and the feeling of tangles and dryness will disappear.