Use of olive oil in food. In home cosmetology. Application in gynecology

Olive oil is rightly called liquid gold, as it has miraculous properties and is one of the important components in nutrition modern man. However, people created legends about the benefits of this unique product back in ancient times. Rome and Ancient Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia - in all these countries, olive oil, which was considered a gift from the gods, was used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. In addition, it was used for ritual ceremonies and treatment of people with various diseases.

Beneficial properties of olive oil

The composition of olive oil is unique, since it completely lacks proteins and carbohydrates. In turn, the fatty acids in which this product is rich are responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, strengthen the skeletal system and cleanse the entire body of toxins. It should also be noted that fatty acids promote proper and more complete absorption of food, and also act as a natural antioxidant, which stimulates tissue renewal at the cellular level. It is also worth noting that olive oil is rich in vitamins B, C, K, PP and E. Moreover, the content of the last of them is so high that olive oil is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from problems of the musculoskeletal system, as well as children whose bodies constantly growing and developing. There are not many useful microcomponents in olive oil, but the potassium, calcium and sodium that are part of it are responsible for the functioning of the heart muscle, improve skin color, nails and teeth. Plus, you shouldn’t discount the fact that sodium helps remove excess fluid from the body, preventing the occurrence of edema.

Olive oil is famous for its it contains oleic acid. It is she who is responsible for and, in particular, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, thanks to oleic acid, they become softer and more elastic, which is why olive oil is one of the best means for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that it contains linoleic acid, which not only promotes the healing of wounds and burns, but also has the property of breaking down so-called free radicals. It is for this reason that olive oil is recommended to be consumed by people who suffer from cancer, and also to be used as a universal remedy for renewing tissues of the whole body.

Based on olive oil, a huge number of medicinal and cosmetic preparations have been created that help effectively fight the premature aging processes of the body, restore elasticity to the skin, shine to the hair and eliminate fine wrinkles. In addition, olive oil has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial, and with its help you can get rid of a wide variety of diseases. For example, people who want to cleanse their body of toxins and harmful toxins are advised to hold 1 tablespoon of slightly warmed olive oil in their mouth for about 3-5 minutes in the morning before brushing their teeth. During this time, it will perfectly cleanse the taste buds and remove a huge amount of harmful substances from saliva.

To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil about 15 minutes before each meal. This simple recipe will help prepare the stomach for normal functioning, neutralize excess acid and help heal wounds, which is very important for people suffering from ulcers or gastritis.

For intestinal problems accompanied by constipation, 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil is recommended to be taken before bed. Thanks to this, it is possible to completely restore intestinal motility in 7-10 days, achieving a soft and natural removal of feces from the body.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil is often used in the treatment of colds. In case of a severe runny nose, you need to heat a little oil in a tablespoon and drop it into your nose.. For a sore throat, olive oil can be used to lubricate the throat, using regular cotton swab. In addition, this natural product helps to combat very effectively various types allergies, as it binds and neutralizes substances that contribute to its occurrence. For example, if the body has an inadequate reaction to dust or pollen, it is enough to take a teaspoon of olive oil 2-3 times a day to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the form of cough, runny nose and red eyes.

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for combating all kinds of skin diseases.. For dermatitis, it is enough for them to lubricate the affected areas of the body several times so that the wounds heal without leaving scars. For the same reason, olive oil can be used to treat burns and even trophic ulcers. This product is an excellent skin care product for newborn babies. However, it should be borne in mind that before using olive oil in this case, it is necessary to boil it.

Olive oil in cosmetology

It is worth mentioning separately the importance of olive oil in modern cosmetology. Based on it, you can prepare many masks that perfectly nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. In addition, when dry and brittle hair It is recommended to rub the oil into the scalp 10-15 minutes before bathing. This recipe also helps get rid of dandruff and prevents the development of alopecia. For those prone to dryness and very sensitive skin Lightly warmed olive oil should be applied to the face before leaving the house in cold and windy weather. In addition, it perfectly protects the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation, so this product can be safely used on the beach to avoid burns and get an even tan with a pleasant golden hue. Plus, olive oil perfectly protects the skin of your hands from premature aging and external environmental influences. Cracks, calluses and roughness can be completely removed from the palms if you rub this natural product into the skin of your hands for a week before going to bed.

Olive oil during pregnancy and feeding

Thanks to its beneficial properties, olive oil is indispensable for expectant mothers. It stimulates the digestive processes, saturates the body with amino acids and vitamins, helps to avoid tissue swelling, toxicosis and constipation. Plus, the content contained in olive oil is one of the important components for the normal growth and development of the baby. During lactation, olive oil should also be consumed regularly, as the substances it contains are very necessary for strengthening the skeletal system and immunity of the child. However, it is worth remembering that for a nursing woman, the daily dose of this product should not exceed 40-50 g, otherwise the baby may experience an upset stomach.

Harm of olive oil and contraindications

Despite the fact that olive oil is a very valuable and completely hypoallergenic product, Some people should avoid eating it. This applies to those who suffer from cholecystitis or have liver problems. In addition, overweight people should limit their consumption of this product, since olive oil is considered a fairly high-calorie product.

A storehouse of vitamins, liquid gold, a gift from the gods - these are a few of the epithets that are generously awarded to olive oil. Nutritionists and doctors in various programs and articles vied with each other to convince us of the exceptional usefulness of this product. But is this a marketing ploy or the pure truth?

To find out the truth, you need to look into the composition of olive juice. And it really stuns: glycerides of oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic and arachidic acid; terpenes; phospholipids; vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, K; macroelements potassium, calcium, sodium; flavonoids; carotenoid; chlorophyll; squalene; oleocanthal; Oleuropein. Such a product can easily compete with industrial vitamin complexes. The most famous property of olive oil is to restore the balance between bad and good cholesterol in the body. Thanks to this, the possibility of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. The scientific world has already officially confirmed that olive oil reduces the risk of heart failure, strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity. Squalene, which is part of the oil, prevents the development of malignant tumors in the body, improves the functioning of the immune system, and normalizes hormonal levels. It has also been proven that olive oil in women blocks the gene that causes breast cancer in one third of cases, and prevents the development of skin cancer and the occurrence of papillomas. Olive oil has a mild laxative effect. Therefore, it should be used for constipation and hemorrhoids. It also reduces the acidity of gastric juice, relieves inflammation and heals wounds in the gastrointestinal tract. This makes it an indispensable assistant in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, as well as precancerous conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Olive oil gently stimulates the production of bile and is used for problems with the bile ducts, as well as stones in the liver and gall bladder. Magic oil – that’s what cosmetologists also call it. And they certainly know that this most valuable gift of nature is nothing more than an elixir of youth and beauty. Thanks to his unique composition, olive oil blocks the action of free radicals, increases skin elasticity and firmness. With regular use of masks with this oil, a rejuvenating effect is observed, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes silky and soft. For burns, wounds and cracks, dry and chapped skin, olive oil will become a real panacea. It has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and disinfectant effect. The oil is also widely used for massages. In addition to all of the above, it also helps in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks, and can also relieve pain from a pinched nerve or injury. But olive oil can prolong youth not only externally, but also internally. The oleocanthal included in the composition will help maintain clarity of mind, memory, and sharpness of thinking. It protects nerve cells from destruction, blocks the development of Alzheimer's disease and protects a person from dementia. That is why olive oil is recommended to be included in the diet of older people, pregnant women and children. Hypertension is the disease of our century. But two tablespoons of olive oil a day can prevent it. The unique combination of oleic omega-9 unsaturated fatty acid and oleuropein, which gives the oil a special bitter taste, when ingested, causes vasodilation and, as a result, a decrease in blood pressure.

Undoubtedly, olive oil is a valuable and healthy product. But excessive consumption of even such an elixir can cause undesirable consequences.

The main and still unattainable dream of humanity at all times has been and remains a cure for all diseases. However, neither technological progress nor incredible computer capabilities have yet been able to help us achieve this goal. Therefore, the most in an efficient way healing of the body still remains traditional medicine and healthy products given to us by nature itself. Olive oil is especially effective - a real panacea that can defeat even cancer cells! But what is the superiority of foreign olive over domestic sunflower? And can this miracle medicine harm your own health? Read the article about the benefits and harms of olive oil on an empty stomach, reviews of people taking it.

Olive - a gift from Athena

Just as the ancient peoples loved to compose legends and myths about everything valuable and inexplicably useful, it is said about the Greek olive that it was a gift from the goddess of wisdom and peace, Athena. Allegedly, this divine lady once argued with her husband Poseidon about what she would be called new city Attica. Zeus helped them resolve the dispute by announcing a competition for the most useful gift for the people. As a result, Poseidon decided to defeat everyone with the source clean water, well, wise Athena created a source of vitamins and other useful compounds in fruits olive tree. Subsequently, they became an indispensable ingredient in cosmetics, medicines, as well as masterpieces of culinary art. And for good reason, because olive oil contains:

  • all known vitamins: A, B, C, D, K, E, F;
  • macro- and microelements: potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • antioxidants, etc.

Well, the dispute was resolved in favor of Athena, from which the ancient Greeks only benefited. For many years, olives served as the monetary unit of this people and were equated to gold coins. Until now, the well-being of a resident of Greece, Italy or Spain can be assessed by the number of olive trees they own. This fact really makes you think about why olive fruits are valuable and what specific effect they have on the human body.

Among the most compelling arguments in favor of olive oil is the fact that residents of the olive homeland are less likely than other peoples to have problems with the cardiovascular system. Moreover, they have learned to prevent the formation of cancer cells with the help of olives.

Thus, the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots on the walls of blood vessels is prevented by omega-9 (oleic acid), thereby preventing atherosclerosis, heart disease and vascular diseases.

While studying the properties of olive oil, scientists became interested in its molecular composition, where fatty acids consist of fairly large molecules. This implies a large number of atoms in their composition, providing greater energy output to the human body. Speaking in simple language if you consume olive oil in winter period time, you can never become hypothermic.

An interesting fact is that a natural hydrocarbon of youth was discovered in olive oil relatively recently. We are talking about squalene, the existence of which became a real sensation when it was discovered in long-lived sharks. Based on this useful component, the beauty industry has learned to make cosmetics. However, it is easy to replace specialized preparations with unrefined olive oil, applying it to the skin of the face and body.

The amazing properties of olives help smokers by neutralizing the harm from smokers. Moreover, by promoting accelerated cell renewal and wound healing, olive oil will protect the lungs from destructive effects.

The benefits of olive oil for the body

By improving blood circulation with the help of linoleic acid, olive products can influence brain function and the production of nerve cells. Thus, a person who regularly consumes olive oil will have excellent memory, reaction speed and coordination of movements.

It has been proven that the fats contained in olive oil can replace mother's milk for an infant. Therefore, this olive product is recommended to be added to babies’ first complementary foods - porridge and purees.

What other benefits does olive oil have for the human body? The greatest advantage of olives is their ability to heal stomach ulcers. Recovery promises to occur within three months after starting the olive diet. Olives also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, liver and gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Moreover, olive oil prevents the formation of gallstones and reduces pain in the presence of a particular disease of the body.

With the help of olive, they have even learned to cope with diseases in the oral cavity, including periodontal disease. To do this, you just need to brush your teeth with olive oil and rub it into the surface of your gums.

The main thing is to do no harm

As it says main principle medicine, the main thing is to do no harm. But in the case of olive oil, you can harm your health only in two cases:

How to take olive oil? The product will bring benefits with a reasonable approach to its use. Experts have determined the norm to be no more than 2-3 tablespoons of this product per day. If you use more, this may lead to weight gain. excess weight, at least.

Before taking olive oil, the benefits and harms should be studied and discussed with a specialist. A contraindication to the use of this product may also be individual intolerance or the presence of cholelithiasis.

Plus, it is better for the residents of our vast homeland not to completely abandon their native sunflower oil.

And, of course, no one is immune from purchasing a low-quality product, so its selection and storage should be approached responsibly. Moreover, if you are going to improve your health with the help of olive oil.

What manufacturers are keeping silent about

Before taking olive oil, the benefits and harms to the body are, of course, worth studying. And, in addition, you need to purchase a quality product. It is worth noting that the largest suppliers of olive oil are the following countries: Greece, Italy and Spain. They supply us with different varieties and types of olive oil, which are not always so natural and healthy. In order to confidently consume olive oil, you need to understand a little about its production processes. Its technological capabilities allow it to produce three types of olive oil:

  • Extra virgin olive oil.

It is this product that is the most useful, since during production olive oil is not subject to heat treatment or addition chemicals. This product is not cheap, but it cannot be stored for a long time. You can determine whether olive oil belongs to this category by the composition of fatty acids - their amount should not exceed 1%.

  • Extra virgin olive oil.

This oil is obtained by the second cold pressing, respectively. It also does not contain chemicals, but is inferior to its “first” brother in quality characteristics: taste, smell, color.

  • Chemical extraction.
  • Cake oil is made from a substrate, subjected to heat treatment and a whole list of chemical solvents is added to it. For example, gasoline and hexane. This product is not capable of providing any benefit. Its use is widespread in the production of mayonnaise and sauces, where the details of the production of second-grade oil are kept silent.
  • If a bottle of oil is labeled Pure olive oil, then be prepared that this type The production of the product is carried out using a similar technology to press oil, with the exception of some technological features.
  • Finally, the Pomace oil labeling indicates that this oil is intended for the manufacture of creams, soaps, balms or cosmetics. However, this is similar to chemical extraction, which has little to do with the useful product.

Rules for choosing olive oil

Those who have long turned their attention to such a useful product as olive oil probably know that refined, that is, purified, bleached and deodorized oil cannot have the beneficial effect declared by experts. Therefore, when purchasing this product, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • To use an oil product as a salad dressing, cosmetic or dietary supplement, you need to purchase only unrefined oil.
  • The cost of natural olive oil is quite high, since from one olive tree the producer can collect only 8 kilograms of fruit, from which only 1.5 liters of the final product is obtained.
  • Real unrefined olive oil has a greenish tint, a pungent odor of olives and a slightly bitter taste. You can see a small sediment at the bottom of the bottle.
  • Look carefully at the product label. The above labels indicate a low-quality product, but the Bio or Organic labels, on the contrary, promise naturalness and the absence of chemicals, as well as genetically modified raw materials.

Finally, if you are going to use it, in this case it is better to give preference to a refined product that does not have a pronounced smell and taste.

As numerous consumers note in reviews, when storing olive oil, it should be protected from sunlight and bright light. That is why the product is most often bottled in dark glass bottles. You should not store the olive product in the refrigerator, as in this case it will lose its beneficial properties. The optimal temperature for its storage is no higher than 12 degrees.

Olive oil on an empty stomach: benefits and harms

In many open sources you can read that the most effective way to have the beneficial effects of olive oil on the body is to take it on an empty stomach, that is, 15 minutes before eating the main meal. Why did the experts think so?

Due to the fact that the olive product is a choleretic agent, when it enters our body first, it, as it were, prepares the gastrointestinal tract for the digestion of food, thereby starting the choleretic process. After all, it is bile that helps break down consumed foods with the greatest efficiency. Especially if you drink olive oil with lemon juice. What could go wrong in this case, you ask?

In case of existing cholelithiasis, olive oil can provoke the movement of stones towards the canals, which will lead the consumer to a hospital bed with a diagnosis of biliary colic.

Plus, in combination with lemon, the olive product can cause severe stomach upset, in other words, diarrhea.

However, according to reviews about the benefits and harms of olive oil, cases of such consequences are quite rare, especially if your consumption of olive oil is reduced to a healthy minimum. Plus, the treatment of each individual disease requires an individual approach.

Olive Health Recipes

In order to benefit from olive oil on an empty stomach, reviews recommend using the tips below. After all, each individual case of disease or prevention has its own secrets of using an olive product.

  1. Due to the fact that olive oil cleanses the liver and removes cholesterol, consumers often resort to cleansing the body with the help of an olive diet. For this, oil and lemon juice mixed in equal quantities (150 ml each) and consumed every 15 minutes for 1 day. But the day before, you should give up fatty and protein foods, and 6 hours before the start of the procedure, it is better to do an enema. There is another, more gentle way to cleanse the liver - drinking 1 glass of tomato juice with 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily before breakfast.
  2. In order to cure gastritis, experts recommend drinking a glass of purified water every day in the morning, then, after 20 minutes, a tablespoon of olive oil, and after another 30 minutes, start breakfast. The course of such therapy cannot be continued for more than 3 months. But olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach (we have already discussed the benefits of using this product), mixed with aloe juice and honey, can help cure peptic ulcers.
  3. You need to follow recipes very carefully for pancreatitis, since olive oil with this diagnosis can only be used 30 days after remission and in an amount not exceeding 1 tablespoon per day.
  4. Many in their reviews about the benefits of olive oil note that a tablespoon of the product, consumed on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals, will help cleanse the intestines and forget about constipation.
  5. Without fail, many recommend using olive oil for thrombosis and varicose veins. The oil product can thin the blood and relieve blood vessels from blood clots and plaques. Consuming the oil on an empty stomach can be supplemented by rubbing it into the affected area of ​​the vessel.

Olives guard beauty

However, the magic olive remedy can improve the condition human body not only from the inside. With oil you can significantly improve appearance your hair, facial skin, and nails. If you are planning to deal with this particular issue of your health and beauty, use olive oil comprehensively, that is, both internally and as a means for external use.

  • Thanks to its cell renewal property, olive oil heals wounds and burns well. It can be rubbed directly into the affected area of ​​the skin or taken in warm baths with the addition of 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • In addition to healing, the olive product can have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and body; it will get rid of cellulite, nourish and moisturize dry facial skin, protect against ultraviolet rays, cure cracks on the lips, and get rid of wrinkles and age spots. It is enough to cleanse the skin of the face and body, and then apply olive oil as a mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse warm water.
  • Those who suffer from hair loss, split ends or unruly strands should carry out a comprehensive olive oil treatment every day. It is rubbed into the hair roots or applied as a mask along the entire length for no more than 15 minutes. The oil can be mixed with other healthy products. For example, with banana, egg yolk or lavender oil, as well as burdock oil.
  • To strengthen the nail plate and get rid of its delamination, rub olive oil into the surface of the nail or make special baths with sea ​​salt, cosmetic additives and olive oil.

After such complex therapy, your hair will be soft and shiny, your nails will be strong, and your facial skin will begin to glow with youth.

Drawing conclusions

We analyzed the benefits and harms of olive oil for the body. In conclusion, I would like to cite one interesting story about how 90-year-old French woman J. Calment sold her apartment to a 47-year-old lawyer. The terms of the contract were simple - the buyer agreed to pay the elderly owner of the property a certain amount of money every month, as if he had purchased an apartment with a 10-year mortgage. How could this one think so far away? old man, that he will pay the agreed amount for another 30 years and will not live to see the moment of taking possession of the apartment. After the death of the lawyer, the grieving widow paid the debt for another 2 years. As a result, the Frenchwoman passed away at the age of 122, which is how she set the world record for longevity. But the most interesting thing is not even all these events, but the fact that the elderly lady did not adhere to healthy image life and quit smoking, for example, literally a few years before her death. When Jeanne Calment was asked how she managed to live so long, she referred to her large consumption of port wine, chocolate and olive oil.

What can I say? Perhaps a panacea for all diseases has existed for a long time, and scientists are in vain racking their brains over the technological process? At the very least, it’s worth trying the miracle remedy from olives.

Olive oil: the benefits of this product for the body are undeniable. The Greeks believed in its divine origin and called it “liquid gold.” The Spaniards and Italians have long introduced the divine product into their diet and made it part of the Mediterranean diet. A lot has been written about its miraculous properties.

Even the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates began to use olive oil in medicine.

But what exactly are the benefits of olive oil? What is its advantage? And who can it harm? Let's figure it out now.

Composition and energy value

99% of olive oil is fats that contain oleic and linoleic acids. These are unsaturated fatty acids Omega-9 and Omega-6, they are indispensable for the human body.

Olive oil contains a number of vitamins and minerals important for the body. This:

  • Vitamins A, B3, D, E, K, C;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium.

The energy value of the oil is 884 kcal/100g.

Daily norm: 2-3 tbsp. l.

Benefits for body and soul

Olive oil is good not only for the body, but also for mental health

The benefits and harms of olive oil are shrouded in some myths: non-existent properties are sometimes attributed to it. You may have even heard that olive oil is the healthiest oil. This is wrong. In fact, neither flax nor sunflower oil are not inferior to him. They just have different qualities.

Olive oil and its effect on the human body

“Liquid gold” has a wonderful taste and aroma, but most importantly, it has a positive effect on health.

Cardiovascular system. It is believed that oleic acid reduces the level of so-called “bad” cholesterol and maintains the level of “good” cholesterol. Not all scientists agree with this, and attribute the “effort” to other components of the oil. But no matter what scientific minds decide, the fact remains: consuming olive oil reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques and other heart diseases.
Lowers blood pressure, so it is extremely useful for hypertension.

Musculoskeletal. Vitamins K, D, A and E help maintain calcium in the body, strengthening bones and joints.

Digestive. Useful for constipation and hemorrhoids, as it has a laxative effect. The vitamins contained in the oil strengthen the intestinal muscles, and linoleic acid can heal wounds. These are the reasons why it is chosen for the treatment and prevention of gastritis and ulcers.

Vision. The vitamin A content has a beneficial effect on human eyes, improving twilight vision.

Skin, muscles. Linoleic acid accelerates the production of new cells and tissue regeneration, so it is excellent for healing wounds, burns and other injuries. It also helps maintain muscle tone. Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, prevents skin aging and improves the condition of hair and nails.

Nervous system. Thanks to the vitamin C content, it strengthens the nervous system and promotes the production of anti-stress hormones. Positively affects coordination of movements. In ancient times it was even used to treat mental illness.

Oncology. Scientists have proven that consuming olive oil is an excellent way to prevent cancer, especially breast cancer. This effect is achieved in several ways. First, oleic acid suppresses the gene responsible for the proliferation of cancer cells. Secondly, the antioxidant vitamin E reduces the number of free radicals that damage the body. Thirdly, due to the fact that the product removes toxins from the body, the risk of cell mutations is reduced.

Use on an empty stomach

The benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach have been discussed many times by specialists in traditional and conservative medicine. It is believed that one or two teaspoons of oil, drunk in the morning, help normalize the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins, and prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Have a positive effect on the heart. This procedure has a good effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails: it moisturizes the skin, strengthens hair and nails, and refreshes and rejuvenates the appearance.

Be careful! This approach is not for everyone! If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, oncology or chronic diseases of any type, this procedure may worsen the situation. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor.

The power of olives for skin and hair

Try applying olive oil to your body and hair - you will be surprised by the results.

The benefits of olive oil for skin are undeniable. Even in ancient times, olive oil was used as cosmetic product wide spectrum. It was used:

  • as a tanning product;
  • for moisturizing;
  • for wound healing.

It is suitable for moisturizing all skin types. Even on oily skin It is advised to apply a little oil: this will reduce the intensity of the sebaceous glands. Basically, recipes based on clay, honey and lemon are popular.

The benefits of olive oil for hair are no less significant. It can smooth out unruly curls, make them softer, and get rid of split ends.

The easiest way: Apply olive oil evenly throughout your hair, paying special attention to the roots, ends and scalp. A light massage during application will not hurt. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair with your shampoo. If the oil is not washed off the first time, repeat the procedure. The mask can be done several times a week.

To enhance the effect, you can use eggs, lemon, honey and other ingredients.

Caution: contraindications and harm

  • People suffering from cholecystitis and cholelithiasis should not use it. Since olive oil has a choleretic effect, its excessive consumption can aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Also, you should not get carried away with oil if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, oncology, or chronic diseases. If you already have health problems, but you are not ready to give up “liquid gold”, do not forget about moderation. The benefits of olive oil for the liver and digestive system will be maximum if you eat 2 tablespoons per day.
  • There is a misconception that fried foods in olive oil are not harmful. This is a myth. When frying, any oil changes, releases carcinogenic substances and complicates the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore for healthy eating You should give up frying in favor of other types of food processing: boiling, stewing.
  • Even if you are completely healthy, you should not overuse olive oil. The high fat content in this product can provoke the development of fatty liver infiltration, diabetes mellitus and, despite its dietary properties, obesity. So be smart and don't overdo it.

How to choose?

The maximum benefit of olive oil will be if you choose the right product. The main indicator of the quality and usefulness of oil is the amount of fatty acids per 100 grams. The lower this figure, the better.

Let's consider its types according to the method of obtaining:

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This product is obtained from fresh olives (picked by hand) using a cold-press method, so it preserves as much as possible useful qualities. The acidity of such oil should not exceed 0.8%. Useful properties, described above, are inherent in this type of oil.

  • Virgin Olive Oil

Second cold pressed product. It is inferior in quality to the first type, but is natural and healthy. Its acidity is no more than 2%.

  • Olive Oil, Pure Olive Oil, Pomace Oil

These types of oils are obtained by processing the cake with the addition of chemicals. Such oils are cheap, but they are not healthy either. The latter is not allowed to be sold in all countries.

Please note the following:

  • the benefits of extra virgin olive oil are greatest;
  • high-quality oil must be expensive;
  • it should be poured in the same place where the olives are collected;
  • if you put it in the refrigerator, natural oil becomes cloudy and a sediment appears; at room temperature it returns to its natural appearance;
  • buy small quantities, as the product tends to oxidize.

Bon appetit and more benefits for your health!

And the most curious can watch how olive oil is produced in the video below.

Text: Alena Poroshina

The healing properties of olive oil are difficult to overestimate. No wonder the ancient Greeks called the olive the tree of life, health and fertility. How exactly is olive oil useful for modern man and his health?

Olive oil: a quick overview

Medicinal properties of olive oil so high that olive oil is often called one of the most healthy products for health. Although, according to statistics, olive oil accounts for only 3% of everything consumed in the world vegetable oil. And this despite the fact that pure oil Olives obtained by pressing are one of the rare products that are 100% absorbed by our body.

Before we talk about medicinal properties oh olive oil, it’s worth mentioning that this product also has a beneficial effect on our appearance, which is an important fact for any woman. Olive oil improves the structure of skin and hair (and for this it is not only consumed as food, but also used as an ingredient for nourishing masks). Even in the process of losing weight and normalizing metabolism, olive oil plays an important role. Despite the fact that in essence this product is nothing more than fat. Why then do nutritionists insist on its inclusion in all diets? The secret is that oleic acid, which is present in olive oil, stimulates the production of a special substance in our body that signals satiety to the brain. Thus, olive oil successfully and permanently suppresses the feeling of hunger. Isn’t this a good reason to have a bottle of aromatic healing olive oil in your kitchen?

Medicinal properties of olive oil

Now directly about the benefits of olive oil for human health. Firstly, this product is a record holder for lowering cholesterol levels. This means that it is indispensable for the prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other ailments. Another healing property of olive oil is that it has an anti-inflammatory effect, which means it is extremely useful for any inflammation in the body: from sore throat and gum disease to thrombophlebitis, stomach ulcers or, say, sexually transmitted infections. By the way, this is why in the therapeutic diet table 1, which doctors prescribe for stomach ulcers, olive oil plays a key role.

Olive oil contains especially valuable oleic and linolinic acids, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K. Basically, it is this set that provides the healing properties of olive oil. Among which:

  • normalization of the digestive process, prevention and treatment of most gastrointestinal diseases;

  • increased immune functions;

  • slowing down the aging process of tissues and organs (due to large quantity antioxidants found in olive oil);

  • improvement of mental activity, strengthening of memory, effective prevention of nervous disorders;

  • active participation in the speedy healing of wounds and injuries;

  • protection of the gastric mucosa from ulcers;

  • strengthening bone tissue;

  • effective prevention of cancer;

It would not be superfluous to mention that the medicinal properties of olive oil will serve good service pregnant women. The benefits are provided due to the high content of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in the formation of the brain of the unborn child, as well as his nervous system.

Which olive oil has the best healing properties?

To experience the full medicinal properties of olive oil, you need to know which product is most beneficial. You should choose oil prepared by cold pressing (sometimes they also say pressing). The label should read: “Extra virgin olive oil.” This means that only mechanical means were used to obtain the oil, and it was not subjected to any heat or chemical treatment. It is this type of olive oil – unrefined, cold pressed – that has the highest beneficial qualities.