What is Pilates: benefits and harm, as well as recommendations from specialists. Pilates - what is it, advantages and features of this set of exercises Pilates definition

Pilates, as a special direction for the rehabilitation of dancers and athletes after injuries, was introduced in the 20s of the last century. Its founder is Joseph Pilates, who introduced the world to a program of effective exercises that help you recover quickly and painlessly.

Today, Pilates is rather considered as a method for effectively tightening the figure, improving posture and increasing body density. Due to the fact that there are no shock loads during the classes, you can practice according to the method even at an older age, and even during pregnancy. But those who want to lose weight quickly need to choose a more active sport - with aerobic or strength training.

You shouldn't think that everything is so simple. Pilates requires special concentration and some effort.

What is Pilates

Unlike fitness, Pilates is a set of exercises aimed at developing muscles and increasing body density. With regular exercise, posture is corrected and coordination is improved. Muscles become more elastic, joint mobility and spine flexibility increase.

Pilates classes focus on controlling breathing technique and abdominal muscles. The effectiveness of training is achieved not through the quantity of exercises performed, but through their quality. Special deep breathing and precise exercises help strengthen muscles abdominal cavity, pelvis, back.

It is very important to follow the exercise technique, because results can only be achieved in this way. Pilates is more aimed at strengthening and toning muscles, but it does not provide strength and aerobic exercise.

The main benefit of Pilates is the balanced muscle load, which reduces the likelihood of injury. Strength and cardio training involve targeted stress on certain muscle groups; with Pilates, the muscles work evenly.

Classes are held at a calm pace, exercises replace each other gradually, becoming more and more complex. And the fatigue will be different, not the same as during fitness - deeper, but not as strong.

It is very important that as a result of exercise, chronic pain in the spine goes away. Due to the strengthening of the muscle corset and greater mobility of the vertebrae, elongation of the spine is observed. It is due to this that posture is corrected and even a slight increase in height. Let’s just say that a person stops “growing down.”

Pilates is also a certain philosophy. A single positive movement of thought and body. Spiritual balance achieved through physical and moral stress. Commitment to the goal and its achievement.

History of origin

Since its inception, Pilates classes have long been available only to a certain circle - athletes, dancers, artists. Even without special knowledge, J. Pilates himself intuitively pursued the idea of ​​“navel to spine,” symbolizing the protection of the body. When performing exercises, the transverse abdominal muscle actively works and all the deep muscles are involved, making the body more dense, strong and beautiful.

Joseph Pilates gave classes individual character- introduced special exercises based on the nature of the injury or the well-being of the wards. Over time, after the death of the founder, the method continued to develop, incorporating the best developments of trainers and the latest advances in medicine.

Interesting. By the way, Joseph Pilates insisted on eradicating bad habits and striving to come to an awareness of the need to restore one’s own health.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

The main goal of the training is to restore mobility and natural flexibility of the spine and joints, around which a beautiful, dense, elongated muscle is formed. As a result, the spine restores its normal position, and the spinal discs regain their shock-absorbing properties.

Pilates gives flexibility and freedom of movement. The effect is achieved through regularity and correctness of classes.

The main advantages of Pilates:

  1. You get a beautiful flexible body with elastic muscles. At the same time, you can avoid pronounced relief and over-pumping of muscles.
  2. Alignment and stabilization of the spine. Pilates has been proven to help relieve back and lower back pain.
  3. Working out the deep abdominal muscles. Visceral fat goes away, the stomach becomes flat and elastic.
  4. Posture improves. Work improves by straightening the spine internal organs, back pain disappears.
  5. The shape of the body becomes different - the lines of the figure are stretched and defined, which is especially noticeable in the most problematic areas of the abdomen and hips. Massiveness goes away, external lightness appears.
  6. Safety of exercises - training is recommended during the period of rehabilitation after injuries to the joints and spine, as well as for prevention purposes.
  7. Deep breathing increases blood circulation and increases lung capacity. Relieves depression, normalizes sleep. The uncomfortable feeling of anxiety disappears.
  8. Increases flexibility and mobility of joints. Every movement in Pilates is aimed at safely stretching the muscles and increasing the motor activity of the joints.
  9. Blood pressure decreases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
  10. Improves body coordination and balance. After just a few lessons, you will feel that your movements have become more precise and your step has become easier.
  11. Muscle imbalance is eliminated - all muscle groups are involved when performing exercises. The body is worked out as a whole, and not in separate areas.
  12. You can do Pilates at any age and with different physical fitness. A special advantage is that training is available even to those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  13. Some exercises are suitable for performing during pregnancy. Strong elastic muscles help reduce tension in the lumbar area, and proper deep breathing and good stretch will help make labor easier.

Pilates is always good mood and a boost of energy. After training, you will notice pleasant fatigue and a feeling of satisfaction.

For the figure

What does Pilates do for your figure? The body becomes light and toned. Due to the deep development of muscles, their elasticity increases, which certainly affects the external contour of the figure. Posture improves - shoulders straighten, stoop disappears, height increases.

Changes are especially noticeable in the abdomen and hips. The characteristic deposits on the outer line of the thigh disappear, and the visual “heaviness” disappears. By lengthening the muscles, a person becomes noticeably taller and slimmer.

For women

Perhaps the main result of doing Pilates for women is strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Due to this, you can subsequently avoid one of the significant age-related problems (spontaneous urine leakage). Another plus in favor of Pilates is that there are no contraindications for pregnant women.

Well, and of course - a feeling of satisfaction from your appearance and good health.

For the body

Without a doubt, Pilates classes bring not some abstract, but very specific benefits to the body. Due to the straightening and lengthening of the spine, the internal organs fall into place and begin to function normally. The functioning of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system improves. The volume of the lungs and, accordingly, the volume of blood increases.

The most noticeable effect of Pilates is on the condition of the joints. Due to the gradual stretching of muscles and ligaments, joint mobility increases. That is why the technique is recommended for rehabilitation after injuries.

Is it possible to lose weight with Pilates?

It would probably be more correct to say that you cannot lose weight quickly with Pilates. For those who want to lose weight as soon as possible, you need to take up more active types of fitness. Pilates affects the body more gently and gradually.

With regular exercise, the body becomes denser and more elastic, and volumes disappear. The lines of the body acquire clarity, the external looseness and vagueness of the figure gradually give way to beautiful forms.

If we talk specifically about losing weight, then yes - you can lose weight. But we comply with two conditions - we introduce restrictions on food and take our time. Again, you can’t go hungry, as the training takes place with sufficient stress.

Important. In Pilates, the results do not come immediately. But after a few sessions, suddenly, standing in front of the mirror, you will notice that you have become a little slimmer, a little taller and a little thinner.

How many calories does a workout burn?

An hour of exercise burns about 250-300 kcal. Cardio training or strength training consumes about 300-500 kcal, and with particularly intense exercise you can lose up to 750 kcal.

The numbers confirm that you won't achieve rapid weight loss by doing Pilates. But if you follow a certain diet, the chance of losing weight (say, getting yourself in order) is very high.

Basic principles of Pilates

It should be remembered that Pilates is not just a set of exercises performed in a certain order. Joseph Pilates approached his method precisely as a way to harmonize and unite the body, mind and spirit.

The Pilates philosophy is based on six principles:

  • Centering. The basis of everything is a strong center. Tighten your abdominal muscles, pull your navel towards your spine. It is important that the spine is straight. You should feel muscle tension throughout the entire session.
  • Concentration. Extreme composure and attention to every movement. If all your attention is paid to performing the exercises correctly, the results will begin to appear very quickly.
  • Precision and symmetry. It is necessary to ensure that the position of the body is level, without distortions - the shoulder blades and shoulders should be on the same line.
  • Control. Exercises are performed with conscious control of every movement and complete immersion in the action.
  • Breath. No breathing - no Pilates. During classes, the so-called average chest breathing is used, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
  • Traction. During training, you need to feel the stretch throughout the entire spine.

Important. These six principles should always be followed during training, no matter where you are - at home or in the gym. But simultaneous classes and talking on a mobile phone are not for Pilates.

The main mistake of all beginners is that we want everything at once. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, since Pilates exercises vary in complexity - they can be compared to dance steps.

You shouldn’t exercise until you go crazy - two or three times a week for 30-40 minutes is enough. In most cases, Pilates is combined with other types of fitness training, but even if this is not the case, the specified time is enough to feel tired.

The warm-up is different from the traditional one. You just need to stand for 3-4 minutes and get ready for classes. The main thing is to stand with correct posture.

The exercises are performed smoothly, without jerking. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the heart rate does not exceed the norm.

Important. Breathing control is perhaps the most difficult thing in the first lessons. You need to learn to coordinate your movements, breathing and immersion in the process.

Basic exercises

Each movement in Pilates uses all the muscles of the body, but is aimed at correcting a specific area. There is no obvious rigid gradation here, since the exercises were initially developed specifically with the goal of restoring flexibility and the natural position of the spine, as well as strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Schematically, the exercises can be divided into several groups:

  • complexes for the abdomen, back, muscle corset;
  • complexes for hips and buttocks;
  • complexes for the upper body.

Stretching exercises can also be included in a separate group.

Important. We should not forget that there are exercises for beginners and advanced ones.

Exercises for the abdomen and back

The hundred


Reverse crunch

Leg extension

Leg changes

Side crunch

Diagonal twist crunch

Single leg stretch

Straight leg stretch

Torso twists (Russian Twists)

Side heel Reaches


Raising arms and legs on all fours (bird dog)

Hyperextension (lower back extension)

Back raise with arms raised (lower back letter “T”)


Exercises for legs and buttocks

Gluteal bridge

Leg raise bridge

Raising legs on all fours (don kick)

Diamond leg raise (clam)

Side leg lift

Inner leg lift

Kneeling side kicks

Upper body exercises


Upward plank

Plank leg lift

Side to side plank turns

Mermaid (side Plank Mermaid Raise)

Push-up knee + leg lift

Who is Pilates for?

Pilates should be taken into account by those who are contraindicated in shock training due to problems with joints and blood vessels. The low impact load and relatively low pace of each exercise eliminate the occurrence of injuries and do not provoke an increased heart rate.

Regular exercises help strengthen the muscle corset, straighten the spine, and improve posture. Therefore, Pilates is perfect for those who want to look beautiful and attractive without grueling exercise.

Contraindications and harms of Pilates

Unlike other types of fitness, Pilates is a calm, low-impact workout. It is believed that people of almost any age, and even the very elderly, can do it.

However, there are a number of contraindications to training:

  • recent operations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system during exacerbation;
  • severely overweight or obese;
  • pregnancy - intensive exercise is contraindicated.

Important. After 40 years, it is recommended to visit a doctor before starting classes.

Is it possible to exercise while pregnant?

Certain exercises based on the Pilates method are included in the training complexes for pregnant women. Training takes place in a relaxed manner with minimal stress. The focus is on proper breathing and strengthening, stretching the abdominal and back muscles.

An elastic and durable muscle corset allows you to reduce the load on the spine and reduce the risk of lower back pain. Proper breathing will ease contractions and ensure adequate oxygen supply to the baby during labor.

What clothes are best to wear when working out?

The main requirement for clothing for Pilates is that it should be comfortable and not restrict movement. The material should include natural thread that provides air exchange and moisture absorption.

All Pilates exercises are distinguished by precise movements, so it will be more rational for clothes to fit close to the body. Long wide trousers and “loose” T-shirts should be avoided - not only does it look unaesthetic, such clothing interferes with control over the exercises and acts as a distraction.

Shoes - such that the foot is comfortable. Pilates is a low-impact workout with minimal stress on the joints. Therefore, there are no such strict requirements as, for example, in step aerobics. You can buy sneakers or sneakers with thin soles, whichever is more convenient for you.

In most cases, training takes place barefoot on individual mats.

Differences between Pilates and yoga, stretching and callanetics

Pilates is based on the philosophy of harmonizing the body, mind and spirit - this can be seen as similar to yoga. The only thing is that the age of yoga is counted in thousands of years, and Pilates is only less than a hundred years old. If you look at the exercises, Pilastes is still oriented towards movement, and yoga is statically oriented.

The second similar trend in fitness is stretching. Individual elements Stretching is also present in Pilates, but the latter is more dynamic. The main goal of Pilates is flexibility, strengthening the muscle corset, straightening and stabilizing the spinal column. And stretching is aimed more at increasing joint mobility and stretching muscles.

Another “twin brother” of Pilates is callanetics. It is based on a complex of elements of ballet, yoga (asana) and breathing techniques. The technique is aimed more at burning fatty tissue, although regular exercise also strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen. The main difference between callanetics and Pilates is a calmer pace and complex poses, which are sometimes impossible to master without a trainer.

Is it possible to practice at home?

Pilates can be practiced at home. There are a huge number of video tutorials on the Internet, among which you can easily find one that suits your level of training.

Don't forget that when preparing for Pilates, the same rules apply as for other types of fitness - you can't eat too much immediately before training.

Select an entry in Russian or one that you understand. During the classes, the instructor explains how to breathe, how to concentrate correctly and what points to pay attention to.

The history of this training system begins with the story of a boy who, from a child suffering from asthma, rickets and rheumatism, turned into a young man with ideal proportions, and at the age of 14 he was already posing for artists. The boy's name was Joseph Pilates, and the training system he created received his name. She helped restore health, first to himself, and then to millions of other people. Today, Pilates, despite its almost century-old history, remains a popular and useful type of physical activity.

The philosophical basis of Pilates

Before Joseph Pilates invented his unique system, he was actively involved in yoga, gymnastics and martial arts. But at the heart of his aspirations was an idea learned from his mother: the human body has its own resources for healing from diseases. The latter arise due to an imbalance between the body and mind. Regaining balance and controlling your body with your mind is the most important goal of exercise. That is why Pilates himself called this system controlology.

What are Pilates workouts?

Pilates classes include a series of exercises that follow each other in a specific order. Movements are performed softly and change smoothly. Work on the muscles is performed with extreme concentration and deep breathing. In Pilates you work both with your own weight and with the help of special equipment.

Pilates does not provide a powerful fat-burning effect: only 250-300 kcal are spent during training. In addition, if you want to have noticeable muscles, then Pilates must be supplemented with strength training. If it does not lead to weight loss and muscle development, then what is Pilates for?

Benefits of Pilates

The effect of regular Pilates training is definitely there: a slender, flexible body with excellent coordination and without strongly defined muscles. Pilates tightens and makes the stomach flat, straightens posture and relieves back pain, lowers the shoulders and lengthens the neck.

Here are some of its advantages:

  1. Thanks to constant tension and retraction of the abdomen, deep muscles are worked out, which makes the stomach flat and attractive.
  2. Increases flexibility and mobility of joints.
  3. The spine is aligned, posture improves and back pain goes away.
  4. Exercise helps speed up your metabolism, allowing you to burn calories in your daily life.
  5. Deep breathing in Pilates improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increases lung capacity and blood circulation.
  6. Stress and tension go away.
  7. The condition of internal organs improves and all body systems become healthier.

Basic principles and concepts of Pilates

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to become familiar with some important concepts that any experienced trainer will tell you about. They are the foundation for Pilates.


The center in Pilates is the source from which the energy comes from to perform the exercises. In practice, the center is considered to be the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. Therefore, all exercises are performed with a tucked stomach, straightened posture, and the navel stretches in the direction of the spine.


Proper breathing is the most important condition for the effectiveness of Pilates. During exercise, the lower part of the lungs should fill by expanding the diaphragm. Such deep costal breathing allows you to saturate the body with oxygen.


The position of the body should be symmetrical relative to the vertical axis - the spine. Also, the load should be the same on both sides of the body.


While doing the exercises, the mind should be concentrated on the muscle being worked on.


During classes, it is necessary to constantly monitor the accuracy of movement, as well as the position of the spine and posture. At first, the control function is performed by a qualified trainer.


A significant difference between Pilates and other types of exercise is the relaxation of muscles that are not involved during the exercise. This prevents fatigue and muscle imbalance, which is characteristic of almost all types of training, when strong muscles become stronger and weak ones become weaker.

What is the difference between Pilates and yoga?

The spiritual component makes Pilates similar to yoga, in which the harmonization of mind and body comes first. Attention to breathing and its deep study also brings Pilates and yoga closer together. However, there are more differences between them than similarities. Yoga is based on static load in the form of asanas, while Pilates, on the contrary, involves constant movement and changing body position, which gives more opportunities to work on muscles.

Additionally, yoga focuses on stretching and flexibility, while Pilates works on strengthening the core muscles that a person needs in everyday life.

Who will benefit from Pilates?

Absolutely everyone. These exercises were created primarily to improve health and return energy and strength to the body. It is even used for rehabilitation after injuries and for exercises for people whose physical capabilities are limited. Thanks to soft and progressive movements, it is considered the safest type of training.

Who is Pilates contraindicated for?

There are cases and conditions in which prior consultation with a doctor is necessary:

Why is it important to practice Pilates with an experienced trainer?

Pilates exercises are simple and seem to be something you can do at home. But their effectiveness depends on correct technique: body position and breathing. If you do it incorrectly, there will be no effect. Therefore, it is important to start training with a professional trainer who can control you and explain the correct body position, breathing principles and the sensations that should appear in the body. Today Pilates in Moscow is one of the most popular destinations. The Base club has professional and experienced instructors, as well as special rooms equipped with professional equipment for Pilates classes. Now you know what Pilates is in fitness and what it is for, and you can choose for yourself.

Harmonious development of the whole body without extra effort and pain - that’s what boxer and dancer Joseph Pilates relied on when he opened the doors of his fitness studio in New York in 1926. Almost 80 years later, the method developed by Pilates and named after him has conquered the whole world.

Hollywood stars do Pilates to get in shape before a role.

It is practiced by athletes and professional dancers who need to quickly restore the body after an injury. An ordinary person who doesn't care too much gym, this unique technique will teach you to truly feel and understand your body. Pilates will strengthen the spine, make muscles stronger, and help remove fat from problem areas. Many people are accustomed to the fact that exercise causes muscle pain. However, by spending energy to heal microtraumas and recover, your body neutralizes the effect of the workout. The Pilates method focuses on working with the deep muscles of the body, which avoids painful sensations during training. Pilates does not concentrate on individual “problem areas”, like many other fitness programs, but develops the entire body.

Principles of the Pilates system

The effectiveness of the system is based on principles that guarantee tangible and lasting results. The following principles of Pilates are distinguished:

  1. Smoothness of movement. Classes should be carried out at an average pace, without jerking or excessive effort.
  2. Breathing. During exercises, it is worth observing a special breathing pattern that allows you to achieve more pronounced results. Inhalation must be done before starting the movement, and exhalation during the process.
  3. Isolation and relaxation. The exercises should be performed in such a way as not to create unnecessary tension in areas that are not currently being developed.
  4. Concentration. While practicing Pilates, you need to concentrate on performing the exercises correctly, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts.
  5. Centering. Exercises should be performed with an active “belt of strength,” that is, with the abdominal muscles retracted.
  6. Alignment. While performing the exercises, you must ensure correct body position. Otherwise, the exercises will be less effective.
  7. Coordination of movements. It is important to concentrate on the sensations that arise during the exercises. This will help protect the body from possible injuries and achieve a more significant effect.
  8. Graduality. The load should be increased gradually as you master the physical exercises.
  9. Regularity. To achieve tangible results, you need to exercise regularly, at least 5 times a week.

It is believed that breathing is the main principle of Pilates. Before starting practice, first of all, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. A special breathing process known as thoracic or lateral breathing is used. With this type of breathing, a person, straining the abdominal area, strives to open the chest to the maximum, ensuring not only sufficient saturation of the body with oxygen, but also strengthening the intercostal muscles. By performing exercises while exhaling, a person can smoothly and carefully bring the muscles into a state of tension. Proper breathing is a skill that can and, most importantly, must be learned.

Benefits of Pilates. Misconceptions

It is worth noting, however, that although Pilates is intended to train the entire body, it does not help speed up the weight loss process. Pilates is not designed to specifically combat overweight- Cardio training is more suitable for this. Pilates primarily develops flexibility, improves posture, and normalizes blood circulation. Many people confuse Pilates with callanetics. However, this is not the same thing. Callanetics involves deep and large muscles, while Pilates involves small muscles and ligaments, which, in fact, “hold” the spine.”

The Pilates technique is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. After all, Pilates was developed specifically to help people of any age cope with illnesses. This technique is recommended even for pregnant women. The main thing is to train at least twice a week. The results will become noticeable within a month. However, the effect of Pilates may be lost if your movements are imprecise and your body is in the wrong position. This needs to be monitored. It’s not for nothing that Pilates is called a “body and mind” workout. You have to think about how you move.

Choosing a training system - not an easy task. Not everyone knows what Pilates, fitness, yoga, callanetics are. Many beginners usually rely on the advice of a coach or make decisions based on the principle of “interesting and easy.” Meanwhile, each set of exercises solves a different problem and can both improve and aggravate the condition. And only one technique has no contraindications, because it was created by a very unusual person. Pilates is the path of the strong in spirit.

What is Pilates? History of origin.

An extensive medical record, an unbending will and a clear goal - this is where the history of the legendary healing technique began. At the end of the nineteenth century, a sickly child was born in a small German town. His name is Joseph (Joseph) Pilates. The parents were worried about the baby; ailments rained down on him like from a cornucopia: rickets, colds, rheumatism and asthma. More than anything, Joseph wanted to be strong and healthy, like his gymnast father. From the age of ten, Joe began to train intensively, and by the age of sixteen his figure resembled a Greek statue - this is how the training system won its first victory over weakness. The young man began working as a model and studying the basics of martial arts.

Having moved to Britain in 1912, Joseph performed in boxing rings, performed circus stunts and taught Scotland Yard agents the basics of wrestling. During the First World War, Pilates, a recognized expert, actively introduced the system of exercises he developed in hospitals. The effect was amazing - the functions of the damaged organs were quickly restored, postoperative injuries disappeared without a trace.

Having settled in the USA fourteen years later, Joseph continued to develop his technique. Her popularity quickly spread in ballet circles - the entire New York City Ballet trained under the guidance of the eminent master. Pilates was gaining momentum, becoming the country's favorite gymnastics. “A healthy body is the basis of happiness” - this is the brief concept of exercises that allowed them to win a large army of fans.

Basic principles of Pilates

What is Pilates? This is mind training, a conscious approach to creating a healthy body. The principles of Pilates are sound and practical.

Breath . Improper inhalation and exhalation can ruin the effect of exercise, moreover, it can worsen the condition. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that a person breathes “from the stomach”, and, trying to warm up, begins to inflate his lungs. Meanwhile, the correct inhalation is created in the solar plexus area; with such breathing, it seems as if the lower ribs are “breathing.” Oxygen supplies the circulatory system, muscles and organs, the body seems to “straighten”, and concentration on exercise increases.

Creating a wireframe . Joseph Pilates believed that the spine is responsible for human health. Therefore, the main goal of the training is to strengthen the supporting muscle frame and the abs. Any exercise requires mandatory tension of these muscle groups.

Relaxation . Conscious tension must necessarily be replaced by equally conscious relaxation. Alternating states increases endurance and teaches you how to control your body. The load should be concentrated only in those organs and muscles that are worked during gymnastics.

Continuity . The set of classes is aimed at a consistent transition from one exercise to another. Movements are made smoothly, meaningfully, without stopping. In such a meditative state, the grace of a healthy and harmonious body is born.

Frequency . Regular repetition of the technique is the key to vigor and tone. The goal of Pilates is a creative person who treats his body with love and polishes its perfection. What is given by nature must be preserved and improved. Therefore, daily training should not become a burden, but a source of pleasure.

Which is better: Pilates or yoga? Main differences.

Unlike yoga, Pilates does not require subordinating the spirit to mantras and immersing yourself in Eastern practices. It is based on truly German meticulousness and consistency: before you do, understand what exactly you are doing and why.

A set of Pilates exercises is ideal for exercise during pregnancy, preparation for childbirth or in the postpartum period. The pace of such activities is smoother, so as not to place increased stress on the abdominal and pelvic muscles, so that the unborn baby is not exposed to any danger. A woman with trained abdominal muscles can perfectly control the birth process and help her baby.

Pilates for weight loss: is it effective?

Let's be honest: this type of fitness is not the most effective option for getting rid of overweight. And if we compare with aerobic and strength exercises, then 250-300 kcal burned in 1 hour of Pilates training loses 500-600 kcal during regular strength training or 750-850 kcal during intensive training.

But this in no way means that Pilates will not have any benefits in the fight against excess weight, and you should exclude it from your fitness plan. On the contrary, by correctly combining strength and cardio training with Pilates (1-2 times a week), plus diets, you will certainly get amazing results in a short time.

There is an excellent set of exercises for weight loss, by doing which you can get rid of extra pounds and centimeters in the shortest possible time. By strengthening the muscles of the abs, abdomen, back and buttocks, you will improve the shape of your body and get rid of flabbiness and looseness.

Pilates exercises for beginners

The German inventor’s technique has found an approach even to those who categorically do not accept sports in their lives. Simple movements will help you easily wake up and fill your body with energy. So, effective exercises for beginners at home:

"The Hundred" (Hundred). Take a position lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Extend your arms (shoulder-width apart, touching your body, palms down) forward. Inhale slowly. Raise your head and shoulders. The lower back and sacrum are pressed to the floor. Raise both arms approximately 15-18 cm above the floor. Exhale slowly. Raise and lower both arms (extended), only from the shoulders, without touching the body and the floor, silently counting to 5, while exhaling slowly. Alternate 5 identical movements while inhaling slowly. Start with 20 movements until you reach a maximum of 100 movements. Never exceed 100 repetitions. Then relax completely.

Shoulder bridge. Take a supine position. Begin to slowly lift your body one vertebra at a time, starting from your tailbone up to your shoulders. Elbows, neck, head, feet standing on the floor. Inhale slowly and as you exhale, begin to return one vertebra to the floor, starting with the thoracic spine. Movements are smooth and continuous. Feel the wave-like movement in your spine.

"Kick side" (Side. Kick). Take a position lying on your side. Close your hands behind your head, look forward, arms in a straight line with your shoulders. Walk your legs (together) forward about 60 cm. Slowly Inhale and lift your left leg up about 60 cm, then return it back. The body should remain stable (not rocking back and forth), maintain balance. Repeat 4-6 times, then change sides.

"Swimming" Take a lying position on your stomach. Straighten your arms forward, palms down, rib cage and head raised above the floor. Toes (extended) forward and down, knees closed. Naturally inhale and exhale, performing simultaneous alternating movements, counting to yourself from 1 to 10, starting with the movement of the right hand. Left leg and right hand rise as high as possible and return at the same time. Keep your body still. Only the legs and arms move.

Contraindications and restrictions for Pilates classes

Nice clarification - There are no contraindications for Pilates classes. On the contrary, it is an excellent solution for complicated postoperative periods, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, severe forms of allergies and asthma, and neurological disorders.

Pilates teaches a simple truth: a strong body and harmony of spirit are not given to everyone from birth. But they can become a reward for those who strive to find them.