How to find a millionaire husband - advice from Anna Chernova. How to marry a millionaire? Where to find a billionaire

... This, far from modest and not small, desire was declared to the Universe by my young friend.

Well, what can you tell her about this: she was daydreaming, she cracked her lip... Yes, why not?

Why should we limit ourselves in our dreams? How are we so used to dreaming little, giving up our big dreams, afraid that someone will judge us for our desires, for our dreams...

You, just like me, remember all these phrases: daydreaming; dreaming is not harmful; rolled out her lip... But the point is that

And in order for something to become a reality, you need to do, undertake, act, go towards this dream. So what should a young dreamer do to get closer to her dream, what steps should she take?

Since her age is young and beautiful, and all roads are still open, I will still advise her of my treasured millionaire. Millionaires hardly go to discos and bars, and hardly look into the windows, they simply don’t have time for this, they have to deal with their millions.

Therefore, it is better to change her disco to some kind of gym, no, not just any, but to a prestigious one, near which cooler foreign cars are parked. So, this is for relaxation and entertainment, and evaluation of potential suitors, and not in an official setting, in a relaxed atmosphere.

She’ll figure out what to wear for this occasion herself, she’s a brilliant blonde, nimble and tenacious...

So with rest it’s more or less clear. What else?

Where are there a lot of treasured rich people? On the stock exchange, I know for sure, they like to increase their money, but they also respect risk, so they trust their money to stock brokers. This is where the following advice comes from: you need to learn brokerage and go to the stock exchange as a consultant or broker, closer to “him”...

I know that I will hear from her about this: long and difficult... Well, how could it be otherwise, on a silver platter?

After all, the benefits of such steps are only visible. A gym instead of noisy bars, plus such an interesting promising profession for a smart and smart girl. And of course, I haven’t said yet that it needs to be done with even greater diligence and attention... This point is not subject to discussion, it’s just necessary and that’s it, without further ado, everything is clear and understandable...

So, while I was describing this situation to you, the phone rang: !

You already guessed who called. I have already shared with you my vision of solving this issue, and now I’ll go and bring it to the attention of the young dreamer.

And finally, I want to wish you - dream!

And may your dreams come true!

First, let's figure out where millionaires are, what kind of girls they are interested in, and do you even need a millionaire?

Decide on a goal

“I want to marry a millionaire” is not a goal and certainly not an action plan. This is a complex and painstaking path, at the very beginning of which you have to decide whether you really need a millionaire, whether it is necessary to marry him, whether you are ready for his lifestyle and rivals, and whether this will solve all your pressing issues. Perhaps IT specialist Kolya, who has been in love with you since school, will be quite suitable for a quiet family life in abundance and without nerves about the echelons of models who would hunt him if Kolya were a millionaire.

Robski Oksana, Sobchak Ksenia
Marrying a Millionaire or a Top Class Marriage

If you are just a pretty girl with a kind heart and excellent skills in making borscht and donuts, it is better to take an interest in positive men from the upper middle class category. Experienced hunters know: if you want to live a happy and prosperous life, choose average income. Believe me: the standard of living with a fortune of 50 million is approximately the same as that of those who have half a billion, but colossal changes occur in the minds of owners of colossal fortunes.


If you still need a millionaire and not a dollar less, try to look at yourself adequately. We are not at all calling for lowering your self-esteem, but girls who hang around rich men are not just beautiful: they have good speech, trained plasticity, and a chiseled figure. They are welcome to be seen at parties and receptions.

Think about what you have that will allow you to be a welcome guest at events where rich men come, develop this skill to perfection.

Start a round dance of gentlemen

Men are more susceptible to the herd instinct than we are. If there are so many gentlemen around this girl, there’s definitely something about her! Even rich men cannot resist this axiom. Of course, the round dance should consist of worthy gentlemen who run after you, and not vice versa - be careful not to confuse them.

Get carried away by the unusual

Rich men often do unusual things extreme species a sport where glamorous huntresses are afraid to appear. Skydiving, caving, kitesurfing: choose a hobby to suit your taste and meet the object of desire there.

Keep in mind that you must be really passionate about this sport, the falseness will appear immediately. There really are few girls in our country who are willing to spend money on extreme sports. This is your field, free from rivals.


In developed countries, a million is no longer something prohibitive. Therefore, it is much easier to meet a foreign millionaire than to meet compatriots.

Moreover, in European countries there is a large percentage of women who themselves have earned fabulous money, and therefore the hunt for a rich man who can solve all their material difficulties is not so zealous. Don't forget to learn the language!

Open a business

Starting your own business today is not difficult, for this you need interesting idea, small start-up capital and inspiration. After this, you will find yourself in the sphere of investors and businessmen, and your future rich husband will see in you not a kept woman, but a purposeful woman with whom there will always be something to talk about.

Don't abuse your generosity

Of course, for a wealthy man there are several expensive gifts- little things. But don’t rush at them greedily, because this could be a test of your greed.

Refuse too luxurious gifts and do not forget to please him to the best of your income. This will convince him that you need him, not his money, and for millionaires this is such a rarity.

Take your time

If you've already found your prince, don't rush. A man wants to be sure that your intentions are serious and you are not in a hurry to get rich. He will be pretty surprised when you begin to act differently than dozens of hunters before you: do not rush him into relationships, weddings and financial issues.

Create a millionaire yourself

To become a general's wife, you need to marry a lieutenant - the simple truth of your favorite film has not changed for decades. Now there are a lot of opportunities to earn good money, you just need to believe in your man and support him along this path.

After all, it is much better to have not a marriage of convenience, but a strong marriage of love, which has become the basis of financial well-being.

Many of us watch programs and films about the rich and famous, read romance novels, where the handsome prince always turns out to be rich and handsome, and somewhere deep down they want to be in the place of the happy heroines. But the reality of life is that few people believe that they can marry a millionaire. There are not so many of them that everyone can fulfill their dream, but if you show all your perseverance and skills, you can become the only one who gets lucky. You just have to sincerely believe that nothing is impossible for you in this life, and your dream will come true.

What does it take to marry a millionaire?

To turn the dream of marrying a millionaire into reality, you need to understand that this is quite hard work. Therefore, you will have to take care of your appearance, upbringing and career. Do not forget about the need to develop a real strategic plan for your future actions and actions. A desire to learn, a great desire to change and a realistic view of what is happening will be absolutely useful. It is necessary to study all the literature that is devoted to the psychology of rich men, because if you want to attract a man’s attention to yourself, you should know what is important to him. Both serious works on psychology, written in an accessible form, and articles in an online magazine for women can help here. Any information will be useful, as it will help you draw up a clear action plan, and most importantly, you will form your opinion on how to behave with him and what mistakes not to make so as not to miss your chance.

Psychology of a millionaire man

The psychology of a rich man is radically different from the outlook on life of a man who even just makes good money, not to mention others. He is used to working and relying only on himself. He is dominated by a great desire to receive everything in this life, only of excellent quality. And no matter how ugly it may sound, the same applies to the woman whom he will call his wife.

This, of course, does not mean that he will evaluate every lady he knows as in the market, but he will subconsciously pay attention only to the woman who looks 100% different from all other ladies. In a society where there are millionaire men, all women try to look perfect, especially those who are not yet married. Therefore, not only your appearance is important here, no matter how beautiful you are, but also everything else: impeccable manners, erudition and intelligence, an excellently developed sense of style, passion for your activities, the ability to appreciate, understand and hear people. While the man achieved such heights, he encountered many negative things, which, one way or another, left their negative mark on his soul. He subconsciously wants a woman to warm his soul with her care and affection, and the admiration of his companion from his colleagues and friends will only be welcomed.

What to pay attention to

Try to objectively evaluate your data, starting with your appearance and ending with your knowledge. If your figure is not so perfect, your appearance is slightly above average, your sense of humor is poorly developed, and you cannot yet boast of academic knowledge, your chances become below average. But this is not a reason to give up. This means that you just need to identify all these qualities and find a way to improve them. Also, do not delay in fulfilling your desire. Your chances are quite high if you are under 35, but there is an exception to any rule, and a woman who is extraordinary in all respects can compete with a younger opponent. You just have to try as hard as you can. To make your task easier, look around, maybe there is a man next to you who is already showing promise. After all, there is a possibility here that if you are close to him, you will be able to contribute to the process of growth of his material well-being. This is one of the most simple ways marry a millionaire, just help the man you love become like that.

Where can you meet your future husband - a millionaire?

In order to marry a millionaire, you need to take the initiative. This is where your first meeting will be very important. Find a place where you can meet such men. To do this you need to travel, visit various evenings holiday or charity. There are chances of meeting a millionaire at work if you work in the headquarters of a large company. Or become an athlete in one of the sports that are now in fashion among millionaires, or master the profession of a journalist versed in financial matters. Due to the nature of your work, you will be able to meet with different people, and maybe the one and only one will appear among them. If you want to identify a potential circle of suitors, study the gossip columns, there you can certainly find out about millionaires who are not married or divorced. Also, such information will be useful for compiling a list of places and events that millionaire men visit most.

How to deal with a potential millionaire husband

When trying to marry a millionaire, use your wits. You need to get into his environment, but at the same time not show your obvious interest in him. When someone introduces you, behave with restraint but in a friendly manner. Listen more than you speak, let him speak. Try to remember everything he says about himself and his surroundings. Compare the information received with your conclusions. Show all your feminine insight. When communicating with a potential millionaire husband, do not bring up the conversation about money and the amount of his income. You should be far from it. You should also not drink or smoke in his presence, or show vulgarity or aggression. You must always be elegant and self-possessed. When communicating more closely, do not rush into too intimate expressions of feelings. Any man values ​​only what he got with difficulty.

What you need to know to marry a millionaire

In order for you to be able to find common topics for conversation, and most importantly, meet each other, you need to get to know what people in this circle are interested in. Find out more about their hobbies, study information about sailing races, golf and tennis, expensive cars and horses. Try to learn something from this. It will not be superfluous to understand food, music, wine, art, events that are in one way or another connected with rich people. If you have firmly decided to marry a millionaire man, and you already know which one, try to find out everything that is valuable to him. His view of this world, what he loves and what he does not accept in any form. In order for your sympathy to develop into something more, you need to try to understand what is most important in life for your chosen one.

How to understand that he wants to propose to you

You can understand that your chosen one has decided to propose marriage to you if you carefully analyze your relationship, which has become very close. If you are on the right way, then he will spend all his free time with you, constantly making appointments. If he remembers the day he met, the first date and your birthday, then he is already considering you as a wife. If he pampers you with gifts and surprises, protects and protects you, is interested in your life, talks to you about everything in the world, know that your dream of marrying a millionaire man will soon come true.

If you already know the person you like, study his character and habits. This will help you reveal a little the secret of his character and the motives for the actions that he commits in a given situation. The zodiac sign under which he was born will help you find out about his character. This will help you avoid making fatal mistakes in communicating with him.

Remember, for a rich man everything becomes twice as aggravated, and he reacts to everything very sharply and quickly, since he is used to analytically thinking about all his actions. Certainly, beautiful woman may arouse passion in him, but in order to make him want to marry you, you will have to make him understand that he simply cannot find someone better than you. If you manage to do this, know that a marriage proposal will soon follow, and your dream will finally come true.

Many people want to find a millionaire husband.

But few people know how to approach the matter correctly. There was a program on TV. Bullshit. They say that you need to wander around casinos and restaurants and look out for some guy with a jeep - he will certainly become a millionaire. Naivety! Most likely you'll get it on the cheap. It’s even worse if you’re just a ladies’ man. One day my friend and I were sitting in some very famous Moscow tavern. Then a certain dodik with rings on his fingers sits down with us and asks how we are doing. And he puts his hand on my knee. I say to that dodik: “Do you want to have sex?” He replies that it’s possible, but it’s better to go to his home in Rublyovka. Well, well, thank you most humbly! It was difficult to get rid of him. Just think, would Khodorkovsky behave this way even if they had given him Putinka to drink? Real respectable millionaires are unlikely to roam around casinos. Only when passing through Monaco or Las Vegas. But not with us. At least think logically. In casinos, people usually lose. And what kind of millionaire you will pick up there is unknown. It's a pig in a poke. Most likely you will meet a frivolous person, accustomed to losing and wasting money, a fatal loser, a talker and a slacker. This guy can lose all his money in one day. Therefore, you need to look for other hot spots where millionaires hang out. Some people think that millionaires sit in the State Duma. It seems so to many, but it is not so. There really are very decent people there, but for the most part they are penniless. Decent suits don't mean anything. A very dangerous misconception. A person at a meeting can sit in a decent suit, but the meeting is over - he takes off his suit. We need to see what he’s like when he leaves the Duma. If in the same suit, then perhaps he is a millionaire. And if he’s wearing a dirty sweatshirt and pants stained with soup, then it’s obvious that he only has one suit, and he only changes it for performances. Costume? Ho-ho! You never know what kind of suit is just to show off dust. There in the State Duma there is a cloakroom attendant, Rudolf Rudolfovich Blitz. So small, nimble, bald, wearing suspenders and humming “Deutschland, Deutschland.” Deputies say he has a swastika tattooed on both buttocks. So this Rudolfych rents magnificent suits for 50 bucks for the whole day. So decide, you can recognize here who is a real millionaire and who is just a garden scarecrow. But one of my friends is constantly on guard near the State Duma. He sits in his inconspicuous Mitsubishi with tinted windows and looks at those leaving through binoculars - he lets all sorts of trash pass, and if he sees that a person then gets into a good foreign car, then he follows him. This option is more reliable. Here you just can’t park your car too close to the entrance, and I recommend not opening the windows. Otherwise, the security will see and decide that you are a killer tracking down a victim. You can act similarly near other government buildings and ministries. The Ministry of Finance, for example. So a friend found one such decent guy, but he turned out to be already married. Of course, you won’t notice this right away through binoculars. It only became clear in practice. In short, seeing a suitable subject, my friend began to chase him in her Mitsubishi. And that guy has a Mercedes 220 with a driver. It’s clear, candidate, what’s needed. Then she cuts him off and slightly slams into the wing of his Mercedes. Well, to stop him under the guise of an accident. The logic is simple. If a millionaire is a trifle, he will pay for his own and for its breakdown. And if you’re not a millionaire, it’s your own fault. Then they stop, the driver jumps out and starts swearing at the top of his lungs. My friend also gets out of the car. And the millionaire sits and doesn’t give a damn. The friend then says to the driver: “You, bespectacled guy, don’t run into me, otherwise I’ll break your glass. Let’s better listen to what your boss thinks.” And the millionaire sits in his car and calmly reads the “Address of the President to the Federal Assembly.” His friend says to him: “Why are you so sour? They’re hitting your car, but what do you care?” He replies: “I leave it to my driver to decide such issues.” What to do next? Then she realized and said something about the Federal Assembly. He immediately perked up: “Are you so knowledgeable about politics? It’s very nice when a girl is interested in world events. True, our chairman is not Visloukhov, but Oslyarsky, but these are details.” We talked, in short. Then he tells her: “Of course, I’m glad to be friends with you and meet with you, but only when my wife is not around. Otherwise, you will ruin my reputation.” His friend answers him: “Why the hell do I need you then? Maybe I’m a decent girl and there’s no need for me to just be “friends” with any double-minded mug.” So nothing worked out for them. Beating off my husband would, of course, also be an option. But problematic. Moreover, it is unsafe, because a jealous wife can still do some nasty things. But there is a more reliable option to find a millionaire. Where are millionaires? In banks. Right. But don't think that all bank employees are millionaires. All these cashier boys who issue loans and open accounts are just small fry, working for hire. Where then will you meet a real millionaire? Here's where: at various banking business forums. This is the right place. Personally, I immediately got my bearings. There was a millionaire named Hammer. He not only invented the car. In one TV show they said that he built a kind of World Trade Center in Moscow. Surely millionaires are supposed to hang around there. I call and ask what good they have. They say: a congress of urologists is underway. No, you won’t meet millionaires at such a congress. They also say that in a week there will be a forum on nuclear energy. That's no good either. “Do you ever have anything about banks and finance?” - I ask. They answer that last week the forum “Bank loans and financial well-being of the population” was already held. Eh, I missed it. It's a pity. But then they stun me: tomorrow, they say, the conference “Oil, Gas and Raw Materials” begins. Oh great! Please register me. I've been preparing for the conference all day. I look forward to meeting a lot of millionaires there. You should dress specially yourself, to match the millionaires. I opted for a black velvet dress and a blue Hungarian hussar jacket (this is a sweatshirt with special fasteners). I’m not even talking about gloves and all sorts of little things. Of course, walking around the city in this form is too enchanting. And it’s quite possible to go to the “Oil, Gas and Raw Materials” conference. In a word, she dressed up like she was going to a ball. I come the next day to the conference. There are some important old men scurrying around, discussing oil, gas and raw materials. Only one there was more or less young, but his face was covered in acne, apparently he had been poisoned by oil or gas. This is no good for me, even if he is a millionaire. During a coffee break, this same pimply guy comes up to me, gives me an expensive pen and asks if I’m a journalist. “No,” I answer importantly, “thanks for the pen, but I don’t have time to write, because just like you, I deal with all this oil stuff. And I don’t have acne, because I swim in my own pool at home every day.” "Wow!" - he exclaims, “are you investing in the oil and gas sector?” “Of course, and with great enthusiasm!” Then he calls two of his comrades, whispers something to them and points his finger in my direction. One of them, so smiling the old man, who looks like conductor Karajan, says: “It’s interesting to know what interests you more - oil or gas?” I answer: “Neither oil nor gas, but CHEESE.” Oil and gas are also interesting, but cheeses, in my opinion, are the most interesting." “He-he-he!” the old man laughs. Then he thrusts his business card at me and says: “If you are interested in business cooperation, we are ready to discuss its prospects ". That's where we parted ways. In disappointment, I’m getting ready to go home and throw the “Proceedings of the conference “Oil, Gas and Raw Materials” into the trash can - can’t I throw all this rubbish home? Suddenly a guy comes up to me, looking like a cat from Disney cartoons. He asks me something, then says : “Don’t be surprised at my curiosity. I just have a son almost your age, well, maybe a few years older. And I’m interested in knowing what young people are interested in today?" Oh, great! Why didn’t you say right away?! Now I’m starting to ask about his son. And what did you think? His son doesn’t work. The father himself is retired. They live both for his pension. “Why did you come here? - I’m surprised, “to look for a bride for my son?” “No,” he says, he just heard that there was a conference about cheeses. Well, I think they’ll probably give you a free tasting. Russian, Dutch, Rochefort for sure, I thought they would give it. So I decided to come. Well, it's free. Right? But for some reason they didn’t give me any cheeses." Hello, we’ve arrived! Here’s your millionaire dad. Besides, like me, he dreamed of cheeses for some reason. Now he’s decided to marry me to his parasite son. And he continues even further: “You probably have hundreds of millions and accounts in Switzerland, since Zaplevyshev himself gave you his business card.” “How?!” This old man is Zaplevyshev, the famous billionaire, about whom Forbes writes that he has a toilet made by Faberge, and instead of water it flushes with sand, yes, golden sand? - I was even timid. “Yes, it’s him. Tell me, Mashenka, what kind of apartment do you have in Moscow?” I thought and said: “I don’t have an apartment. I actually live at the station. And I don’t have any millions. This is a joke." “There is no apartment... how... how can this be..." he repeats sadly, but immediately cheers up, "but Zaplevyshev talked to you... you're kidding!.. you probably have your own a house in Moscow and my own villa in Cyprus.” “Nope,” I answer, “I only have my own dacha in Moscow!” An old mansion, not far from Gagarin Square. Inside there is a swimming pool, sauna, cinema. Doctors. Every day of the procedure. Concrete fence. Security. By the way, one of Napoleon’s relatives, also Napoleon, is visiting me now. And we have entry permits. But I can invite you. Would you like it?" He obsequiously supports my hand as we go down the steps, and in a trembling voice he rattles: "Yes, of course. Believe me, my Pavlik is very good man. He doesn't work because he doesn't have time. In addition, various Jews there do not allow him to work, otherwise he would have become an academician long ago. Believe me, you will like him very much." "I believe. Write down the address." He takes out a pen and drops it down the flight of stairs out of excitement, but I take out mine, which the pimply guy gave me half an hour ago. "Write down the address. Kanatchikov proezd, building 1. I’m waiting for you and Pavlik to come to my place tomorrow at three. If the guards won't let you in, knock, demand, threaten. As a last resort, climb over the fence. If you forget the address, ask the first person you meet where Bonaparte lives - everyone in the area knows. Goodbye." Leaving him wondering about the address, I went home despondently. When I was getting into the elevator in my house, a young man ran into the entrance with a bag over his shoulder. “Stop!” he shouted and barely managed squeeze into the cabin. At the same time, a wooden chessboard fell out of his bag, and all the pieces rolled on the floor. Quite naturally, I helped him collect everything that had scattered. When all the pieces were found, he solemnly concluded: “Viktor Lvovich was the one with these chessboards.” “I was playing.” “Which one is this from apartment 12?” I laughed, “in my opinion, he doesn’t play such games, unless the district inspector suggests it to him.” And our local police officer, by the way, is a very strange cop: in his office there really is a chessboard with pieces placed on it, although most likely it’s just decoration. But my interlocutor answered very seriously: “I didn’t mean the neighbor, but Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi.” “Are you a chess player or something?” - I was surprised. And we started talking. And then I married him. My grandmaster husband is, of course, not a millionaire, but, you know, I don’t regret it yet.

Hello, dear readers, or rather female readers. After all, it will be more interesting for them to read how to find a millionaire husband. And Anna Chernova, a personal love coach and online friend, author of courses for ladies from the “Lady Lux” series, expert No. 1 in dating and relationship development, main organizer of the most massive international women’s Marathon “Farewell to Loneliness!” will tell us about this. 2013, for which about 10,000 participants signed up, 47 speakers spoke and 514 people found their “soul mate” in just a few days.

Millionaire husband: dream or reality?

“There are few princes and there aren’t enough for them all,” says one once famous song. Is this true in reality?

Greetings, dear applicant for a living millionaire! I am Anna Chernova, the author of the method “for finding the man of your dreams in 2 weeks.” And not just any, but the best, accomplished and wealthy.

And today, together with you, I will take a deep dive into the world of girlish dreams about a millionaire husband.

To begin with, I’ll throw a tub of cold statistics from reality at you.

But the reality is that there are only 0.14% of millionaires in the world, with Russia accounting for approximately 136 thousand millionaires per 140 million inhabitants. That is, there is only 1 millionaire more than 1030 people. If we take into account that more than half of them are female, and 60% of them are already or are not yet against being his partner, then your chance of marrying a “ready-made” millionaire is approximately one in 230-260. But he still exists... if you are ready to fight and destroy your rivals for his love... not for yours... but more on that below.

Although, in terms of the number of millionaires per capita, the most “prolific” countries are considered to be the USA, Germany, Australia and Japan. If you have a sufficient amount of experience and deep knowledge of the mentality of overseas men, you can always reduce the number of rivals to only 210-220... but do not forget that they are also targeted by women from almost all countries of the world where the dollar has weight and cost))

And the princes of the blood (these, by the way, are not necessarily rich at all) - even less. Moreover, in Russia - they were exterminated a century earlier almost to the roots.

But I really want to be a “formidable queen”, and not a “black peasant”, at least for a little bit...

Hence the conclusion: in life you need to try everything, even compete for the title of becoming the wife of a millionaire.

But here the question of choice arises: in what way will you become one?

There are three ways.

First: from a famous joke about how a lady made a millionaire out of a billionaire. I think you know him and there is no point in retelling this immortal opus in detail.

Second: the one that was given earlier, when you beat 230 rivals and receive a super prize in the form of a ready-made millionaire... but not necessarily his fortune. If you have a question, “why won’t he share his sorrows, joys and all his money with me?”, I strongly advise you to study the manual for cynical and calculating predators “How to marry a millionaire,” which was written by the same unprincipled and cynical bitches , like Robski and Sobchak.

And then, having grieved over the fate of your unfortunate girl, you will remember Cinderella and object to me: “but the girl got a prince!” And half a kingdom and a horse to boot”)) But there are a lot of “BUTs” here. And HUGE!!!

Before Cinderella “received the prince,” she went through a lot of metamorphoses of personality and consciousness. First of all, she did not have the goal of “getting a prince,” but had a burning desire to get into high society (to go to the ball). And for this she worked hard overtime, carrying out sometimes extravagant tasks from her superiors. She carefully studied fashion, etiquette, and manners of the elite. She worked all night long to earn at least the slightest hope of getting into the palace. Do you remember how many tasks were piled on her on the eve of the ball? But she found a solution and still got the opportunity to go “out into the world,” where, after the most magical work on her image, she was accepted as an equal.

The prince was a pleasant bonus for a young, pretty and intelligent girl. But not the GOAL of all her work on herself and her dream!

Moral of this tale: If you want to “go from rags to riches”, first wash off this dirt from yourself. No one will want to get dirty, pulling you out of the swamp of poverty and everyday life. You must sparkle and shine (not with rhinestones and sparkles, of course!) so that the Prince will pay even a passing attention to you. And what needs to be done so that he is completely amazed by you - my partner and I only tell VIP ladies about this in our personal work, where we introduce you to a real millionaire for a serious relationship.

Third way: raise a millionaire yourself. Yes, yes! It is you and precisely through your own efforts! Over the years of my practice, I have seen a lot of such stories, and there is an interesting trend here: a man in such a situation is much more willing to lay the millions he has earned at the feet of his inspirational Muse!


The answer is so simple that it does not require long explanations: having walked the path to the much desired “Dolce Vita” hand in hand, you become for a man not only the performer of the functions of a “wife”, but his closest friend, adviser, his Muse and the most valuable half of his Soul !

In short, all you need to do is:

1. Select a man based on certain characteristics of the makings of a millionaire or test the one you already have.

2. Make sure of his intention to “go to the bitter end.”

3. “Millionaireize” him!

4. Protect yourself from 260 rivals who are encroaching on the newly minted millionaire.

It's as simple as one-two-three-four! And much more pleasant than tearing out the throats of wealth seekers in the race for illusory millions of men whom you may never be able to love...

Good luck to you and your personal millionaire!

And if you still have questions, you are welcome to visit my website or training! Your personal love coach and online friend, Anna Chernova, was with you. (