I want to marry a millionaire. How to find a millionaire husband I want to marry a millionaire

It is quite popular in search engines. Many ladies dream about this and various trainers and gurus take advantage of this, promising to teach them how to find a millionaire, conquer him and marry him.

The other day I accidentally found myself in the company of young free ladies, whom I asked what exactly they wanted, what kind of man they were looking for. Three out of five answered that they were looking for a rich, wealthy man to live and not have to worry about, as they say. Another said that a man does not have to be rich, but must have a good prospect of becoming one. And only one out of five said that they want someone they love. Although the fourth (who wanted something promising) also had a little doubt and could not decide between love and money. I think that her opinion has not yet been fully formed, and she does not know exactly what she wants.

But, in any case, most women want And there seems to be nothing reprehensible in this, girls want to get well in life. But looking at these faces, which were filled with desperate hope or unbridled faith that they would definitely meet a millionaire, I was overcome with some bewilderment and irritation and wanted to ask them just one question: “Why does this millionaire need you?” And there aren’t enough millionaires for everyone 😉

I understand that such dreams, firstly, are not from a great mind (I apologize if I offended anyone), and secondly, many of the women today are tormented by lack of money, youth is leaving, there are no normal men on the horizon, and a millionaire who will gallop on a white horse (or better yet, fly in on his own white plane), pick him up from this hole and take him to his castle, which seems to them to be their main salvation. And such illusions ruin a lot women's destinies and don't let them build good ones happy relationship with beloved man. They just don’t want to use their heads and common sense, and today I want to try to help them do this. Just by looking at things soberly and thinking logically.

Marriage to a rich man is the main goal in life

When I told my random interlocutors that they were looking for the wrong things and dreaming about the wrong things, they began to assure me that if you believe in a fairy tale, then it will definitely happen and that their millionaire is waiting for them somewhere, somewhere there, far, far away, beyond the horizon. And they even thought a little when I said that maybe we should look not for “wealthy,” “smart,” “handsome,” but for “native”? And just that? Just your own person, with whom you can achieve some heights, both spiritual and material. And don’t even look, but simply open your heart and turn on your female magnet for that one and only one. By the way, this magnet is located, oddly enough, not on the heart chakra, but on the second (svadhisthana). The man is drawn along it and then together people rise to the heart. And if mutual understanding is established on the heart, then the relationship develops to higher levels. But I will write about this later, since the understanding of all this came to me just the other day. Or rather, not even understanding, but settling down and putting information on shelves.

Today I propose to turn on not the magnet, but your head and look at the situation of a possible marriage with a millionaire with a sober look. When I suggested that my interlocutors do this, I thought that I would encounter aggression and rejection. But, to my surprise, I saw their agreement, the conversation turned out to be lively and interesting. I hope that I was able to convey to them that the most important thing in the world is love, and a relationship can only be truly happy with your soul mate. Therefore, I decided to write an article, in the hope that at least one of the women with their head in the clouds will begin to look at things soberly and find theirs. The article can turn out to be big, simply because I want to say and explain a lot. Whoever wants to read it, and whoever doesn’t finish it, it means that at this period of life a person does not need this information.

Married to a millionaire. Is this real?

Let's start with statistics that show that only 7% of the Russian population receives more than 70 thousand per month, but less than 20 thousand - 46%. It is clear that the numbers are constantly changing, and that the statistics do not take into account left-wing incomes and salaries in envelopes, but still. More than 70 thousand, we are not even talking about millions here. And if these seven percent are further “cleaned” and women, elderly people and married men, and also raise the bar to 500-700 thousand per month, then, in best case scenario, we will get one percent. And this percentage does not necessarily include the beautiful and smart. After all, women are often looking not just for rich people, but also for someone who is attractive in appearance and has something to talk about. After all, you don’t want to get some oil worker from Nizhny Tagil, whose main interest is getting drunk on the weekend and sleeping with someone, or some brother from the 90s. We sweep away such people, reduce them further, and we end up with about 0.5 percent. All this is approximate, but I try to think logically and be as close to reality as possible.

And if we look at the statistics of women who earn little (and it is poor women who are looking for a millionaire, or those who consider themselves poor, because rich women do not need to look for them), then there will be much more such women than 0.5% , is not it? For example, even if we assume that 10% of women dream of marrying a millionaire, the statistics are not very rosy. Let's say 20 people per place. And this is even according to the most conservative approximate estimates, since now every day there are more and more young women who believe that they should marry only a millionaire, and even various gurus at trainings are actively convincing them of this.

Go ahead. If you are not looking for a beloved man who will become a reliable husband and father to your children and provide for your needs, but simply a rich man (money is your selection criterion), then you are just looking for a wallet. And what conclusion can be drawn from this? And the most obvious one! If you are looking for a wallet, then you are the product. It's unpleasant to hear, but it's true. But if we decide to speak frankly today, then let’s be honest. It may be cynical, but nothing can be done. If this outrages you, then close this page and do not read further.

So, you are a product that is looking for its buyer. You are like some kind of stall in the market, around which rich men walk and choose. You have decorated everything in this tray, everything sparkles and shines, the bells are ringing, everything is fragrant. In other words, you have brought your appearance to perfection by injecting and sticking everything that is possible and not possible. I myself have never extended my nails, glued eyelashes, or worked on anything, but, in principle, I am quite loyal to this. But it is important to know the limit, which, unfortunately, many girls today do not know. Looking around, you can see many almost identical images, with pouting lips, huge eyelashes, hair extensions, and so on. Just some clones, similar to one another.

And how do you want to stand out if everyone looks alike? Or maybe you learned to belly dance and learned all the secrets of men, filled up and refilled feminine energies at some training? And now you’re standing all so beautiful on the market and trying to sell yourself. You tell men passing by what fragrant incense you have, aromas from distant countries, how exclusive and magical everything you have is. In a word, you show your goods and fuss around this market, trying to attract at least one rich man to your stall.

Married to a millionaire. Why does he need you?

And here a completely reasonable question arises: “Why does he need you?” And the point here is not even in a particular man, but in the environment to which he belongs. Our society is divided into castes, not as much as in India, of course, but still. And rich status men belong to a certain class, for example, oil workers are one subclass, Moscow hipsters are another, and so on. In a word, this is a kind of environment. And if you are not part of this environment (and if you read articles and watch videos about how to find a millionaire, then you are not part of this environment), then you are as close to it as the Moon. Because high-status, educated men go to certain places that you don’t have access to. Consequently, the chances of meeting a millionaire, much less falling in love with him and marrying him, are reduced to zero. Yes, there may be isolated cases in the world when a girl turned from Cinderella into a princess, but it is not a fact that this will happen to you. This may be one in five million cases. And all the films and TV series where a girl comes from the village (and sometimes with children in her arms), meets a millionaire and marries him - these are just movies. Think for yourself, how could an uneducated village woman be of interest to a high-status man? What could he have in common with her? What should they talk about, after all?

In order for you to get to where the millionaires are, in this environment, you need to become worthy of this environment (precisely this environment, and not even a specific man). And this requires money and time, and, accordingly, work on yourself. And if you work as a cashier in a supermarket or a hairdresser in a small salon (this is no offense in any way, this is for example), then you will never grow up to this environment. To get there you need to quit your job and open your own business, for example. It takes many years to develop it and, in the end, find yourself in the environment you need. And when you find yourself there, you won’t have to think about where and how to find a millionaire. You will simply meet them every day. And it’s unlikely that you will then need a millionaire, and it’s unlikely that you will go to training on how to find one and marry him. You will have everything yourself, and you can easily marry a normal, wealthy, self-sufficient man. But can you reach such heights? This is a big question that you can honestly answer for yourself right now.

By the way, the strong class division is especially noticeable when the conversation turns to creating relationships. You might be surprised to learn that millionaires don't choose women as wives just because they're beautiful. They prefer those who are successful and equal to themselves both in money and education. A beautiful women they take as mistresses, most often.

Marry a rich man. Is it good there?

First option. He already has a wife in his life - this is his favorite job, his business. And he simply doesn’t have time for everything else. For the most part, a man is busy with his own business, he has no time to build relationships, and his communication with women comes down to meeting his physiological needs. Most often these are just one-time meetings.

Second option. More advanced. Meetings are not just one time, there are already short, short-lived romances here. Such a man can get a girlfriend, but the status of a girlfriend does not mean at all that he should be faithful to her. He will continue to sleep with whoever he wants, you will just be considered his constant girlfriend. You can become his mistress, this is practically the same as a girlfriend, but he will not show you off or go to any events with you. And, of course, there is the option of a wife, but even this status does not guarantee that the man will be faithful to you, because in such circles it is the norm for a man to have a mistress; moreover, it is considered strange if he does not have one. After all, he is an alpha male and he must have it, otherwise others will think that there is something wrong with him. And there may not even be one lover.

Do you really think that somewhere there is a free millionaire who will be your faithful and caring husband and who will love only you? Well, that's your right. Probably, if you try hard, you will find your German Sterligov, who may be loyal, but is very much an acquired taste, right? Not every woman could live with him.

But more often than not, a completely different picture emerges. The girl wants a relationship and believes in pure and beautiful love(well, of course, because he looks after you so beautifully), but he just wants to have a good time, that’s all. And then tears, expectations and questions, why doesn’t he call me. Yes, simply because you are number 152 on his list. Because the next day he met someone younger and more beautiful, and became interested in her, that’s all. It could be a young journalism student who came to interview him or a sultry, luxurious Cuban who can dance beautifully. Surely it’s not very pleasant for women to read this now, but it’s reality. It’s just that, more often than not, such men have no illusions about great and bright love and initially build relationships as commodity-money ones.

So, in order to find the faithful, decent, subtle and understanding in this 0.5%, here the competition simply grows to a thousand people per place. And here the question arises, since we remember that you are still a commodity (if, of course, you still want to be one): “What can you offer in return? Why would a man suddenly choose you for such a competition? What can you offer him?

Proximity? He can get it anywhere. Even if you have studied a thousand courses and know many thousands of practices, there will be someone who knows and can do more than you.

Care? Maybe. But because of this they don’t get married. People can also come to mistresses not only for pleasure, but also for communication. And he can also get this in other places.

Beauty? But there are a huge number of women much more beautiful than you.

Why should he take you as his wife?

So, you're wondering how to marry a millionaire. This article provides several general rules which you need to follow if you want to marry a man with money. But before you set foot on this very difficult path, think carefully about whether you really need it. Yes, marriage to a rich and successful man will provide you with the standard of living you dream of. But will it bring happiness - that is the question.
As food for thought, watch the movie “Gloss” or re-read this article “The Millionaire’s Answer.” Now think about whether you can be happy next to a man who most likely perceives marriage solely as a deal, and you as a toy that he just wanted at one moment. If all this doesn't stop you, then read on.

So, first of all, know that it will be incredibly difficult. If you compare the number of women who managed to marry an oligarch, or even a millionaire of a lower rank, and women who earned this money themselves, it will become obvious that it is much easier to earn a million on your own. Therefore, even if you are actively searching for your prince, it is not forbidden to get an education, pursue your own career, be interested in what capital, investments are and how it all works... Firstly, it helps in your search - you must have some kind of then a common topic of conversation. And, secondly, it will serve as a backup platform if matrimonial plans fail.

Where to find a single rich man

Also, from all points of view, it is better to marry a young and promising NOT millionaire, and then help him earn millions in every possible way. And these will be your JOINT millions. Even if, after many years, your beloved comes up with some stupid things, like going to see young Masha, with whom he suddenly fell in love, he will think a hundred times whether it’s worth losing half of his life because of this great feeling. condition. Usually they come to the conclusion that it is not worth it.

How to recognize a potential millionaire in the guy next door:

  • He is a man of action, independent, hardworking and self-reliant. He may not be able to speak very well, but he began to earn his first money while still at school.
  • He has authority among his friends and is a born leader.
  • He plays sports and has certain achievements. Many former athletes achieve success in business after finishing their sports career thanks to such qualities as perseverance and the will to win. They are used to working long and hard to achieve results.
  • Excellent students are promising, especially those who acquire technical specialties.
  • If a young man fits at least one of these categories, know that under your wise female leadership he is able to achieve YOUR goals set for him.

If you still go through the list of ready-made millionaires, then it is better to pay attention to techies who do not have such an attractive appearance. There are quite a lot of such newly-minted rich men in the information business, and you can find an example that has not yet been corrupted by female attention.

In other cases, first of all, it is necessary to look at yourself from the outside and, if possible, objectively evaluate your appearance, intelligence, personal qualities. Write down your shortcomings and your strengths. If there are few advantages, and beauty, intelligence, intelligence are somewhere on the average level, don’t waste your time - make a career. However, if you have an appearance no worse than Sophia Loren, or intelligence at the level of Sofia Kovalevskaya, and the better and others right away - you can try it. Go back to the list of your shortcomings and think about how you can get rid of them. If you can’t get rid of them, think about how you can turn them into advantages. After all, it is known that everything in the world is relative and everything has its downside.

How to behave after meeting a millionaire

You need to develop your own own style, you simply have to be different from everyone else in order to win the fiercest competition. I hope you realize that the rich and successful men do not suffer from a lack of female attention. There are many beauties, and looks alone are not enough. How are you different from others? Find yourself!!!

The elegant and modest style of a confident woman is welcomed. Clothes must be good quality from natural materials - cotton, linen, wool, silk, cashmere, etc. Particular attention to shoes, handbags and watches. They shouldn't look cheap. I’m not talking about neat hair and manicure, that comes naturally.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. You know this very well. But, if you hope that your prince will find you on his own, then understand that millionaires do not look for women, they choose. Therefore, say a firm and categorical NO to your laziness and passivity and act! Remember that time is against you. The older you are, the less and less the chances.

Of course, to marry a rich man, you need to have your head on your shoulders and not reveal your so obvious goal. Don’t ask yourself how much money he has, never ask him for money. And avoid talking about money, even if the man himself brings up the topic. Remember, you have to convince him that this is not important to you. You love him for his intelligence, kindness, and even his beautiful ass, but not for his money.

In his presence, don’t get drunk, don’t behave aggressively, don’t complain about life, don’t dress provocatively, don’t pretend to be a sex bomb. Learn the rules of etiquette, develop good manners. Act like you're Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn. Remember - you want to become his friend first, then his wife. And not a kept woman and a mistress. I repeat once again: NEVER take money from him, even if he offers it himself. Even if you really need them... But on the contrary, accept gifts with enthusiasm and gratitude.

Don't stop pursuing your education and self-education. As mentioned earlier, you must know economics and business issues, at least the basics, and also be aware of political events and everything that is happening in the world. You must be able to carry on a conversation at his level. It is also good to be interested in history, music, art, to understand good wines and gastronomy, to know very good level at least one foreign language, or better yet several. You must be able to carry on a conversation when he brings you out into the world.

Where can you find a rich husband?

Now that you have worked hard on yourself, it’s time to go out and search. First you need to figure out the places where you can find a rich millionaire husband. From this point of view, tennis, golf, horse riding, and alpine skiing are promising. If you don’t have enough money for this, you can do charity work.

Once you have met a promising candidate, try to collect as much information as possible about him. His interests, hobbies, friends, women. This is necessary so as not to make a mistake in choosing tactics. In war it’s like in war. You can look for some good tactics on our website.

Don't reveal too much of your knowledge to him. If you read interviews with celebrities and millionaires, when asked why they married this particular woman, especially if she did not belong to their circle, many of them begin their answer with the words: “When we met, she didn’t know who I was.” such". For these men, it is really important to know that they are loved, and not their money. So act like you don't know anything about him.

Don't be available, don't impose, don't limit his freedom. Be natural, don’t try to be someone you’re not, but don’t completely reveal yourself to him. Let's just say that you should be open to him, but never fully read the book.

Your goal is to become a gentle, kind and understanding friend to him, whom he can trust and rely on. Everyone has moments of weakness, depression and despondency, and so does he. And if in these moments of weakness you provide him with moral support, then your chances of marriage will increase many times over.

By the way, you can try to marry a millionaire online on an import site. This is an international dating site where "success and beauty meet." The fashion for Slavic beauties abroad has not yet passed, so you can try your luck. Just keep in mind that on this site there are not only millionaires, but also many who pretend to be millionaires. But like a wise woman, you should be able to distinguish gold from a simple shiny trinket. At the same time, this is a good chance to practice your English.

First, let's define what rich means to you? After all, for someone with average income - a foreign car, a three-room apartment and a prestigious job - this is already rich. For others, a mansion, a yacht and an airplane are more important. In fact, nothing is impossible, and winning a millionaire is not that difficult. You also need to initially realize whether you are looking for love according to certain parameters or whether it is possible without love.

There are too many articles on the topic that men love their loved ones or that beauty is not important. However, this is not true.

It's no secret that ideals female beauty– this is a model appearance. However, men most often prefer fashion models over non-models from the catwalk. What's the difference? Runway models are tall and thin, usually with zero breast size. And fashion models have curvy figures, with well-developed proportions. In addition, fashion models can be short. Most often, men prefer women with long hair, however, there are also lovers of short haircuts.

The ability to present yourself is very important. This is not to say that you need to be assertive and arrogant; quiet, shy people also attract attention. However, this is not about behavior. It is important to behave with dignity, not to hang yourself around a millionaire’s neck, believe me, many are already hanging there. Even if passion flared up between you from the first minute, and you have already forgotten about the desire to get married, you should restrain yourself and refuse. Say it goes against your principles.

Be well-mannered. There is no need to be cheeky, play “drunk talker” or flirt with everyone. Of course, healthy competition doesn’t hurt, but you have to understand that no one needs a promiscuous girl. You should not pretend to be a prim and reserved lady, especially if you are not one. Try to be yourself, add a little mystery, but at the same time be open. Listen to his every word and retort wittily at the right time.

The psychology of rich men is a little different. Of course, this is only if the man considers himself rich. As a rule, they have no problems with acquiring any thing they like or with seducing girls. Although, if you become too withdrawn and inaccessible, he will decide that you are a prude. If, after all, you are already planning a relationship, then behave like a self-confident girl.

A man, especially a wealthy one, assumes that he will have all the best, including his future wife. He surrounds himself with beautiful and reliable things, toys, and smart people. Try to please his friends, they will definitely tell him and give him advice about seduction.

Market relations in the sphere of love still remain. There are, of course, extremely unpleasant millionaires who are rude and treat women as just more toys. Don’t let him, no matter what the cost, have trouble with you. You want to be seen and respected. If he indulges in excess or talks too aggressively, don't be afraid to leave. Say, “I don’t like to hear this,” and walk away. Just don't throw a tantrum and don't cry.

Be sure to improve yourself. It is necessary not only to exercise and maintain your figure in good condition, but also to be erudite. Fortunately for those who do not like to study, erudition is far from knowledge. Erudition is awareness, a lively and inquisitive mind. Read sports newspapers, stay informed about the political and economic situation, and follow the latest news. At the same time, do not forget to remain a flirtatious woman.

It is, of course, advisable to look for a millionaire husband at a young age. If you are over thirty and have a child, then the chances are much smaller. Although, sometimes it happens that an experienced and wise woman takes a man away from a young and naive girl. Situations are different, if you set a goal, then be sure to achieve it.

Where can you find a millionaire man? Firstly, there are various clubs and communities of interest. Millionaires occupy VIP seats at football stadiums and iconic horse races. In addition, you can pretend to be a journalist and come for an interview about how a man achieved success. After the interview, tell him that you admire him, that you have never seen anything like this interesting man. If you are asked to meet, then you are allowed to flirt a little, for example: “I work very hard, if I have time, I will come” and leave your phone number.

As one of the most unusual options: amusement parks. It's no secret that most male millionaires are divorced, which means they have children. On weekdays he sits with the child ex-wife, and on weekends, millionaires run with their children to their mothers, and then take them to have fun at all sorts of attractions. If you already know who to seduce, then you can arrange several random meetings. Sooner or later, a man must think that this is not accidental, but fate.

Don't assume that millionaires are stupid. Not everyone can make a fortune, but only a guy with a strong character and flexible mind. Therefore, there is no need to make a fool out of him either. You can be honest and say that you like him.

The most important thing is talking about money. Millionaires love to be valued for their income. Therefore, always try to pay for yourself, don’t take money for a taxi, don’t talk about your poverty, you can exclaim that you think sable fur coats are an unnecessary waste of money. Try to talk less about money in general, and don’t let him spend money on you until the last minute. Say that you want to achieve everything yourself in order to respect yourself, even if your goal is to lie around in the Maldives all year round and do nothing.

Moreover, millionaire men are not such big spenders. Most often they are thrifty and thrifty, and it is you who must make it clear that you will not spend his millions, you will only help increase them.

Be sure to find out what he likes. In general, the interests of millionaire men are quite similar. They all like golf, expensive cars, tasty food, sports Try to find out what exactly your millionaire liked, ask how he has fun and what he considers the most important thing in life.

If you do everything right, sooner or later you will receive the status of an official girlfriend. Keeping a millionaire is a little harder, but still possible. Whether he proposes to you or not depends only on you.

Hello, dear readers, or rather female readers. After all, it will be more interesting for them to read how to find a millionaire husband. And Anna Chernova, a personal love coach and online friend, author of courses for ladies from the “Lady Lux” series, expert No. 1 in dating and relationship development, main organizer of the most massive international women’s Marathon “Farewell to Loneliness!” will tell us about this. 2013, for which about 10,000 participants signed up, 47 speakers spoke and 514 people found their “soul mate” in just a few days.

Millionaire husband: dream or reality?

“There are few princes and there aren’t enough for them all,” says one once famous song. Is this true in reality?

Greetings, dear applicant for a living millionaire! I am Anna Chernova, the author of the method “for finding the man of your dreams in 2 weeks.” And not just any, but the best, accomplished and wealthy.

And today, together with you, I will take a deep dive into the world of girlish dreams about a millionaire husband.

To begin with, I’ll throw a tub of cold statistics from reality at you.

But the reality is that there are only 0.14% of millionaires in the world, with Russia accounting for approximately 136 thousand millionaires per 140 million inhabitants. That is, there is only 1 millionaire more than 1030 people. If we take into account that more than half of them are female, and 60% of them are already or are not yet against being his partner, then your chance of marrying a “ready-made” millionaire is approximately one in 230-260. But he still exists... if you are ready to fight and destroy your rivals for his love... not for yours... but more on that below.

Although, in terms of the number of millionaires per capita, the most “prolific” countries are the USA, Germany, Australia and Japan. If you have a sufficient amount of experience and deep knowledge of the mentality of overseas men, you can always reduce the number of rivals to only 210-220... but do not forget that they are also targeted by women from almost all countries of the world where the dollar has weight and cost))

And the princes of the blood (these, by the way, are not necessarily rich at all) - even less. Moreover, in Russia - they were exterminated a century earlier almost to the roots.

But I really want to be a “formidable queen”, and not a “black peasant”, at least a little...

Hence the conclusion: in life you need to try everything, even compete for the title of becoming the wife of a millionaire.

But here the question of choice arises: in what way will you become one?

There are three ways.

First: from a famous joke about how a lady made a millionaire out of a billionaire. I think you know him and there is no point in retelling this immortal opus in detail.

Second: the one that was given earlier, when you beat 230 rivals and receive a super prize in the form of a ready-made millionaire... but not necessarily his fortune. If you have a question, “why won’t he share his sorrows, joys and all his money with me?”, I strongly advise you to study the manual for cynical and calculating predators “How to marry a millionaire,” which was written by the same unprincipled and cynical bitches , like Robski and Sobchak.

And then, having grieved over the fate of your unfortunate girl, you will remember Cinderella and object to me: “but the girl got a prince!” And half a kingdom and a horse to boot”)) But there are a lot of “BUTs” here. And HUGE!!!

Before Cinderella “received the prince,” she went through a lot of metamorphoses of personality and consciousness. First of all, she did not have the goal of “getting a prince,” but had a burning desire to get into high society (to go to the ball). And for this she worked hard overtime, carrying out sometimes extravagant tasks from her superiors. She carefully studied fashion, etiquette, and manners of the elite. She worked all night long to earn at least the slightest hope of getting into the palace. Do you remember how many tasks were piled on her on the eve of the ball? But she found a solution and still got the opportunity to go “out into the world”, where, after deeply magical work on her image, she was accepted as an equal.

The prince was a pleasant bonus for a young, pretty and intelligent girl. But not the GOAL of all her work on herself and her dream!

Moral of this tale: If you want to “go from rags to riches”, first wash off this dirt from yourself. No one will want to get dirty, pulling you out of the swamp of poverty and everyday life. You must sparkle and shine (not with rhinestones and sparkles, of course!) so that the Prince will pay even a passing attention to you. And what needs to be done so that he is completely amazed by you - my partner and I only tell VIP ladies about this in our personal work, where we introduce you to a real millionaire for a serious relationship.

Third way: raise a millionaire yourself. Yes Yes! It is you and precisely through your own efforts! Over the years of my practice, I have seen a lot of such stories, and there is an interesting trend here: a man in such a situation is much more willing to lay the millions he has earned at the feet of his inspirational Muse!

And why?

The answer is so simple that it does not require long explanations: having walked the path to the much desired “Dolce Vita” hand in hand, you become for a man not only the performer of the functions of a “wife”, but his closest friend, adviser, his Muse and the most valuable half of his Soul !

In short, all you need to do is:

1. Select a man based on certain characteristics of the makings of a millionaire or test the one you already have.

2. Make sure of his intention to “go to the bitter end.”

3. “Millionaireize” him!

4. Protect yourself from 260 rivals who are encroaching on the newly minted millionaire.

It's as simple as one-two-three-four! And much more pleasant than tearing out the throats of wealth seekers in the race for illusory millions of men whom you may never be able to love...

Good luck to you and your personal millionaire!

And if you still have questions, you are welcome to visit my website or training! Your personal love coach and online friend, Anna Chernova, was with you. ( achernova.ru)

An irresistible desire to live richly, drive luxury cars, update your wardrobe every week, shine with expensive outfits, relax on exotic islands and ride on your own snow-white yacht is most often evoked in modern girls. glossy magazines. But for these dreams to become a reality, you need to find your prince, who will also be.

It is difficult for an ordinary girl to meet and marry a wealthy man young man, but still quite possible. If you have set such a goal, pay attention to several nuances:

Realistically assess your chances of meeting a millionaire. You must understand that if you live in a sparsely populated area, go to work by public transport, and do not go to decent clubs or restaurants, your chances of finding one are reduced to almost zero. If you live in a fairly large metropolis and hold a position in a good company, the chances of finding your happiness increase significantly.

So, if your place of residence does not make your dream impossible, pay attention to your appearance. You must tidy up your figure, hair, nails, etc. Just don’t use too provocative makeup or wear too revealing clothes. You need to look elegant and discreet.

Remember that the oligarch will not mind meeting a girl of model appearance, but if she is uneducated, then he certainly will not take her as his wife. Millionaires prefer as life partners not only beautiful girls, but also educated girls who know etiquette, know how to maintain small talk.

Do your research foreign languages, sign up for a driving school, take an interest in the rules of golf and other favorite games of the oligarchs. Having met a girl with such intelligence, your prince will not be able to resist.

Where to meet an oligarch

Even if you are a beautiful and educated girl who knows etiquette and knows how to behave correctly at social parties, a man with a fat wallet will still not knock on your door. You first need to get acquainted with him. But where? There are several options for such places:

Expensive restaurants and hotels;
corporate parties of foreign companies;
expensive casinos;
international dating sites.

The best places The concentrations of millionaires are the USA, Monaco, Moscow and South Africa. But not all young women have the opportunity to visit these countries.

If you manage to meet a rich man, your task is to create with him serious relationship. It's not so easy to keep an oligarch. Continue to improve and develop in various areas. And most importantly, prove to the man that you need not only his wallet, but also him himself.


  • How to meet a millionaire

Dating a wealthy man is the dream of young and attractive girls. Such a desire is quite natural, because next to such a representative of the stronger sex you can feel not only loved and desired, but also allow yourself many feminine whims.


To be a rich man, first of all you must get yourself in order. Visit a beauty salon, get a manicure, pedicure, stylish hairstyle, update your wardrobe. Remember that men pay attention first to a girl’s appearance, and only then to her character and behavior.

Next, you need to find out where you can meet a wealthy man. The first place you can visit is the car enthusiasts club. Representatives of the stronger sex usually gather there to discuss new products in the automobile industry, communicate with interesting people and take a break from everyday life. However, remember that before going to such a place, you should at least get a little familiar with the automotive topic, choose the brand of vehicle that allegedly interests you, in order to somehow support the conversation in male society. Just don't tell guys that you've been a car enthusiast for a long time. It’s better to honestly tell them that this is your new hobby and you are just starting to get acquainted with this topic.

The next habitat for business sharks is social parties and buffets. There you can also meet a rich, handsome man and get to know him. The only thing you need to consider is that there are too many money hunters at these events, so be prepared for competition.

Also, rich men often attend various trainings and courses for successful business management. All you have to do is sign up for one of them, and then use all your feminine charms and seduction skills. You should not take the initiative to meet a representative of the stronger sex. Make sure he comes to you first. Let it be smiles, gestures and facial expressions that girls so often use to express their interest.

If you manage to make acquaintance with a wealthy man, try to talk to him sincerely. You shouldn’t invent stories about your success and amazing career. Don't be intrusive; your new acquaintance should under no circumstances suspect that you are after his money. Do not offer him meetings or invite him on a date. Everything should look like you are the victim and he is the hunter. Believe me, if you manage to interest him, he himself will initiate the continuation of the acquaintance, because such guys are used to achieving everything they want.