What does it mean to "dress in style": tips for women and men. How to dress without looking gaudy A little black dress or other base color is plain

In this article I will tell you how to dress stylishly and inexpensively. I know that you have already read and looked at a lot of information on this topic. This is an endless enumeration of different items of clothing, photos and videos.

And most importantly, you understand that in your wardrobe there is not even half of the listed things and they still need to be bought - and this is a lot of money. Then pick it up by color. But the most difficult thing is that you need to choose this clothes for your figure so that you like it and fit you. Now we will solve your problems.

I will tell and show you how to dress fashionably, with detailed explanations, examples and photos, but at the same time it is easy, fast, and most importantly inexpensive to do.

Why being fashionable can be bad for your health

Yes, it can be harmful to health, you probably know such people who, in pursuit of fashion, spend a lot of money and effort to look fashionable. Have you ever wondered why the Japanese have the longest life expectancy? In second place are the Spaniards.

One of the main reasons is they just don't care! This feature is especially characteristic of the cheerful Spaniards. Manana which means "tomorrow" and that says it all. Almost no fashion - black T-shirt, black jeans, sneakers and go, they don't care what they wear or how they look.

I think we can learn from them in order to extend our five years of life. But, however, our life will be stylish at the same time (well, in terms of clothes, of course). And I'm not talking about the real dangers of fashion trends, such as slimming underwear, skinny jeans, stilettos, etc.

This is how it turns out that fashion can be harmful to life - but this is not about you and me - because whoever is warned is armed! Our style will be easy, safe and comfortable for existence.

How fat women can be more fashionable than thin women

From my personal experience, and I, as you remember, the mistress of the store women's clothing, I can tell you that very often, dressing obese women, I saw that they look more stylish and beautiful in the same dresses as the skinny ones.

But one story made me convinced of this completely and irrevocably: one customer came to me, a pretty woman who has 56 clothing sizes, according to her, but in fact it was rather 58 sizes, but we all want to seem a little slimmer.

And then one day she came for a dress for her friend's birthday. And after several fittings of skinny dresses, I offered her a dress that we had in our record book as “princess”, something like this

Imagine a size 58 and a sun skirt, but when she put it on, we gasped at how beautiful and stylish it looked on her. I’ll tell you a secret that I sold a huge number of such dresses and saw it on different figures, especially on skinny of course. But it was the best bow ever!

This woman had prominent hips, and the skirt of the dress seemed to be crinolined, but I don’t argue, the dress made her a little fatter, but the effect of the view blocked everything! After that, I always, without a doubt, offered this style to overweight women, it’s only a pity that they didn’t really believe me, but rather in themselves and put on ordinary dresses in which they were one of ... ..

But this is about the features of the figure, and if you don’t have prominent hips, and other special parts of the body, and even fullness, then what to do? I have an answer for this case - boho style in clothes! (Read about it in my article “Boho Style” and also in the article) (opens in a new tab)

In this style, there is just layering, wrinkling, free cut, which hides fullness in the most successful way, but at the same time the woman looks very stylish and fashionable. See for yourself:

Stylish bow - 20 photos

Here I have compiled a selection of stylish images for Everyday life. They are mostly simple and unpretentious in their execution, so you can easily repeat something. I often do this: first I look at a certain number of ready-made images and then a certain image or some addition to the sets of clothes I already have appears in my head.

How to still be stylish at minimal cost

The first thing to start with is to review your wardrobe. Get rid of old and out-of-fashion items immediately. Then you need to make a basic wardrobe (read about it in my article). (will open in a new tab). Stylists call 5 main things “bases”:

  1. Plain pencil skirt

2. White blouse, natural fabric shirt

3. Trousers straight or slightly tapered (pipes) also in neutral tones

4. Straight-cut jacket without finishing, plain

5.Little black dress or other base color solid color

Of course it's not all things. basic wardrobe, because there are still jeans, jackets, t-shirts. But it all depends on the characteristics of your style, age, season. And do not forget the main rule of basic things: they should not be of poor quality, it is better to buy more expensive, because this is the base - it is acquired for a long time. And besides, it will be washed more often, and a lot of washes will not spoil a good quality thing.

Just please, when you go to the store, remember your main goal, otherwise, when your eyes widen, you can buy things that will gather dust in your closet, money will be spent on them, do not rush, think “what will I wear with this thing?" And only then buy.

Then you need to buy a few novelties of the season, which will be combined with basic things, do not forget about your lifestyle and age.

  1. Stole or scarf

Look how this, in general, inexpensive element transforms the whole image, I would say, “makes” it. And imagine the image without it, it doesn’t work at all!

I have these in my workshop, choose the size and texture of the scarf according to your desire (and remember, we have fabric - only Italy, no China), we do not have a store, but tailoring specifically for you, come in, take a look ...

In our workshop, we make to order such neck scarves of different sizes (which the customer needs)

We only use fabrics from Italy, for each handkerchief we attach a piece of fabric with a stamp on the edge of the fabric, confirming its production in Italy

Each scarf is hemmed very skillfully, by my experienced craftswomen, with a special seam, very sophisticated and at the same time laborious

Only elite products in fashion houses are sewn with such a seam, and it is this hemming of a scarf that gives it a special sophistication.

And do not forget about the properties of silk - in summer you will not feel hot from his embrace, and in winter he will envelop you with his tenderness ...

Our scarves will transform any outfit, even an inexpensive dress will seem stylish and charming to those around you, if you complement it with a scarf made of real Italian silk...

Handbags and shoes

It can be seen from the photo that these “axes” simply “reach out” the image to a stylish one, without them the clothes are simple, quite ordinary.

The next point is of course


But on the topic of jewelry, I want to tell you a story that happened before my eyes. Something I get a lot of stories, they just very clearly illustrate our topic. That's why I can't tell you

So, approaching New Year and we, the parents, were invited to a matinee with children in kindergarten. And as usual, all the mothers bought elegant dresses and decorations for them, dressed up and came to the matinee. However, one mother, by the way, is very plump, somewhere in size 58, came just in jeans and a plain T-shirt, but she picked up a massive jewelry with stones for her image, something like this:

Well, you have NO idea how stylish it looked! All other mothers, including myself, were some banal against her background, not stylish or something. Here is an example for you stylish look cheap! Take charge and use!

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say that there is a style in fashion in which things are stylish in themselves. That is, having such things you do not have to rack your brains over the selection of accessories, bags, shoes (and this is also money!) These clothes are stylish from the very beginning.

I have already talked about this style above, for obese women, I will repeat it again. What is this magical style? And this, girls, is boho! Although I advised it for full ones, with my 44th size I wear such things with pleasure! I highly recommend you! Look at the photo:

Summing up all of the above, I think now you know how to dress stylishly and inexpensively. In short, it is necessary to choose accessories for existing things. And immediately you will see changes in your image, and even better - switch to a very stylish boho!


We know (and fully support!) the desire of girls and women to always look so “so that the eye rejoices and the soul sings.” But the price tags nice clothes can significantly reduce the desire to update the wardrobe. How to learn to dress stylishly and at the same time inexpensively?

To ensure that your desire to look stylish and attractive always coincides with your capabilities, Academy experts have prepared several useful tips. These recommendations have already been appreciated by thousands of our students!


Without determining your individual characteristics, you can forget about how to dress stylishly:

  • Choose your individual palette;
  • Learn the type of figure and recommendations for it;
  • Decide on a style.
  • This knowledge will save you from unnecessary expenses - buying clothes that do not suit you, and then gather dust in the closet for years. In addition, things purchased “systemically” will be combined with each other and make up sets (which is also a significant savings). And, of course, such things will provide you with an attractive look and self-confidence.


    Learn to spend money wisely! In the theory of style, there is such a thing as wardrobe compliance with lifestyle (and main occasions). In order to determine the things that fit your lifestyle, write down the 2 most frequent occasions for which you dress (more than 4 times a week):

  • Everyday
  • Business
  • Romantic
  • Solemn.
  • According to the occasions, consider a list of in-demand items (for example, pipe jeans and a white shirt). Thanks to this list, you can plan your shopping budget.


    As Rothschild said: "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things." And the thought of the baron is worth listening to! This is another trick for a girl to learn how to dress stylishly on a small budget - invest in quality:

  • Things made of high-quality fabrics retain their original appearance (color / ability to keep their shape) longer, and due to this they look expensive and respectable.
  • It is advisable to choose clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, wool, silk).
  • Synthetics give fabrics additional practical properties (for example, the fabric does not wrinkle, is elastic), but make sure that it does not exceed 20% in the composition of the fabric.
  • Let there be few things, but they will delight you with their appearance not just one season.


  • The ability to properly accessorize is one of the most useful skills for a girl who cares about how to learn how to dress stylishly while saving a budget.
  • Accessories will help to create many diverse images even on the basis of one set of clothes. A competent accent in the form of a stylish accessory will bring that very zest that will enrich the whole image.
  • The correct arrangement of accessories in the image will transfer attention from unwanted features of the face and figure to your most attractive places.
  • IMPORTANT! Try not to save on accessories: even a scarf should look high quality, expensive and match your style.


    Another solution on how to learn how to dress stylishly and inexpensively will be the ability to make diverse sets. The points listed above will help you with this - a capsule of things in one palette and the use of accessories. And, of course, theory and practice in composing images. This is a very interesting and exciting process, so we advise you to start it as soon as possible!

    If ordinary man asked what kind of clothes he likes on women, he would describe something like this :-)

    While we are closely following fashion, men are no less carefully watching us, girls. And, alas, if we are dressed according to the latest trends, our soul mates do not always like it.

    First, the average man thinks fashion trends complete nonsense, and secondly, he, in principle, has his own vision on feminine beauty, and often with haute couture it does not intersect.

    How not to dress to please men

    One of the most asked questions in instagram Shopping schools are “how to dress so that it is comfortable, beautiful, and fashionable, and so that it is sexy and your husband likes it?”

    The answer is no :-)

    It is almost impossible to hold all these four components at the same time. And is it necessary?

    Note that when we talk about clothes that men like, we usually mean "sexy" or "not sexy." This is if it's rude.

    To put it mildly, our favorite men prefer more feminine silhouettes: flowing dresses that are slightly tight to the body, light accents at the waist, long hair and so on. And in no case anything too unusual, not amenable to the usual standards.

    But, if you really want to be fashionable, but at the same time like men, you have to learn how to maneuver.

    How? Now I will teach.

    Today I will tell you how NOT to dress so as not to scare away the gentlemen :)

    You know, girls, when I wrote this article, I realized this. And in our men, our sense of taste and style is not so bad. More than half of the things that I will write about now, I myself would have banned many girls at the legally fashionable level :)


    Oversize is, of course, very fashionable, but if you have already decided to win hearts, then let's not go all out.


    But to fit everything and everyone is also not the best the best option. As our grandmothers said, "a man loves a riddle in a woman." An air gap of a couple of centimeters between the body and clothes is the golden mean. Both ours and yours.

    semi-adjacent silhouette is ok!


    These guys, although they turn any legs into long ones, but at the same time make the ass the same “long”. And what is it for us, we don’t see ourselves from behind.

    But the men noticed.

    Some girls, of course, these jeans are very good!

    But for some reason, a lot of boys don't like it anyway :(

    Despite the fact that the general fashion for a high waist, when absolutely everyone wore such jeans, has passed, the wound in the hearts of our men is still alive.

    In general, men love girls in tight jeans and WITHOUT any fashionable lotions.

    Therefore, if you want to strike at the very heart, get into your favorite "cigarettes" with a medium fit.


    I would not say that all overalls should be taboo. This, rather, concerns Carlson's denim suits, which even look controversial.

    As well as knitted sets with shorts or breeches. Yes, they still wear them.

    Modern jumpsuit as a basic dress. And in a feast, and in the world. Do you catch the difference?


    T-shirts with Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters rarely look stylish.

    Especially if worn on a 38-year-old "girl". If you wear it, then dilute it with something more strict or even brutal, play on contrasts.

    Try to replace such a T-shirt with a basic one with a cool inscription.

    Moreover, this season slogans on clothes are one of the hottest trends.

    When I talk about the inscription, I don't mean "Gucci lined with Swarovski crystals".

    The basic T-shirt has a straight silhouette and the most unobtrusive print.


    These dresses have fallen out of favor for confusing poor men.

    Due to the high waistline and voluminous skirt, it is difficult to determine if the girl is in position ?!

    Although the popularity of these dresses (fortunately, the stronger sex) has sunk into oblivion, many girls, wanting to appear more “feminine”, still walk this wardrobe item through the streets.

    In order not to mislead men and look stylish, let's go back to the base again and remember how BASIC looks like

    The dress is a priori feminine, and you don’t need to invent any additional details at all to point this out even more.


    Yes, girls, for some reason they scare men a little.

    Not all colors, of course, are rather acid variants.

    Perhaps they act on our men like a red rag on a bull, who knows.

    The color blocking options are also a bit discouraging.

    If you want to be watched by men, and not by street style photographers, then choose one thing - either trousers or a dress.

    If you go with your friends as a guest to fashion-week - put it on!)


    One of bad dreams men of all ages.

    And this also happened at one time due to the general fashion, when all the girls, of all sizes and volumes, dressed in leather leggings, seasoning this splendor with worn-out uggs.

    That is why leggings occupy almost the first place in the men's "hat list".

    So if in doubt, don't tempt fate.

    But this does not mean that leggings should be abandoned altogether. After all, they are already considered to be a permanent attribute of the modern.

    Here are some great ideas.


    For some reason, very little is written about stylish home clothes. This is all, probably, because often old worn NOT home clothes become “stylish home clothes”. And this is in the best case :)

    Otherwise, at home we put on bathrobe and feel super cozy.

    Yes, indeed, the main difference between home clothes and everyday clothes is convenience and comfort, but turning yourself into a “plush queen” is still not necessary.

    But HOW to dress at home so that it is both comfortable and beautiful, and even the husband so that he gasps with admiration, I will tell you now.



    Knitwear is perhaps the best thing to wear at home. Knitwear is pleasant to the body, stretches well, and there are a myriad of possible options for “bows”.

    In order not to resemble an aunt resting on the Adler coast in the 70s, things with a minimum of details will do :-)

    I remind you, girls, even though flowers are in trend every season, multi-colored buds on a knitted robe are a dubious trend. But the combination of leggings and a T-shirt is what you need!


    Have you tried wearing a skirt at home? No? It can be not only beautiful (well, no comments at all), but also convenient.

    You can even try straight. Provided that it is made of well-stretched jersey. Combined with a voluminous shirt - just a bomb!

    Be careful with floor-length knitted skirts, especially if staying at home involves walking around the apartment with a vacuum cleaner. There is a risk of getting caught on the hem :)


    I already wrote about this above, but I will remind you again. Girls, free your home wardrobe from colorful knitwear. Maybe 30 years ago, it looked normal (although I highly doubt it). A cocoon dress, with a wrap or a shirt dress will look much better.


    The coolest looks silk or. But, if you find good cotton or knitwear, you will also be a very stylish desperate housewife.


    As an alternative to slippers with a fur pompom, soft homemade ballet flats are perfect. Now these are sold in almost every mass market store with and. There are both warm models and light ones for the summer.


    “It's cold at home, but I also want to wear dresses and short skirts! What do i do?" - you will say after reading all of the above. Sharing a secret weapon.


    Who said that you can only wear them on the street or in the office? Complete with a short skirt or dress, soft or long warm ones look just amazing. And, well, very attractive. Tested on my husband :) Also, don't forget about cozy sweaters and cardigans!


    My favorite stores are the well-known CALZEDONIA and OYSHO (there, by the way, you can buy tights and stockings for your home).

    Also, don't miss the homewear department at H&M and Uniqlo.

    And here's another hack for you. Clothes for the home can be bought at major sales. Especially at the end of summer, when discounts on summer clothes reach 80%. I have a bunch of (correct!) and skirts from the basic clothing collections in my home wardrobe, which I snatched at the end of August for mere pennies. In general, we look wider!

    Oh yes, and don't forget about it!


    Home clothes can really be not only cozy, but also beautiful! Remember, in 90% of cases, your man sees you in the morning (in a dressing gown and with a terry towel on his head) and in the evening, when you are tired after labor day, taking a bath, put on the same bathrobe. But before the start life together he saw you only in full dress.

    Each of us has inexpensive things: someone has a souvenir T-shirt and socks from the underpass, others have a whole wardrobe. Today, I will formulate some recommendations so that you do not have to pay twice after trying to save money on clothes.

    Challenge for the 21st century explorer


    Finding a beautiful and cheap thing is not for everyone, so sometimes this is the most exciting part of shopping.

    Bookmark your favorite online stores and visit them during sales periods. This is the time when the secret becomes clear. The most unusual things remain for sale: complex colors, trendy styles, non-standard colors. That is, just what frightened the ordinary buyers and turned out to be too tough for him. If you know how to combine it correctly, and find something of your own, your style will definitely be one of a kind.

    Temporary can become permanent

    Let's imagine that you went on a picnic and suddenly remembered that you did not take extra socks or a T-shirt. Or it’s cold outside, and you want to throw something warm and cozy on your shoulders, but there is no time to go to your favorite store. Inexpensive stores with a basic assortment will help to cope with the situation: practical, simple clothes in ordinary colors and indefinite silhouettes.

    Feel the potential new thing: she will have to spend at least a couple of days with you, so the fabric should not prick, and the seams should not spread in her hands. Color, print on a T-shirt or stripes on socks in our case do not matter. But if suddenly you like a thing and you decide to leave it, then you will have to take care of it more carefully than for better and more expensive things from your wardrobe.

    Emotions go!

    Trendy trendy accessories and clothes should only be bought from cheap brands, if only for the reason that wearing this summer's hit next summer will be very, very wrong. And things of expensive brands are of high quality, and throwing away clothes in perfect condition just because the season is over is always sad.

    If you like the color and unusual cut, or you just “have never had anything like this”, feel free to take it! You don’t even have to try it on, put it on a couple of times - you will cheer yourself up, and after several washes the thing will still have to be thrown away.

    You are looking for a berry, but you find a mushroom

    You planned to invest in a seasonal update: buy basic black shoes, a beige coat, simple blue jeans. And suddenly you found yourself in a store where you can buy such things much cheaper than you expected. In order not to waste time on repeated shopping, pay attention to the following points.


    If you see a jumper for 600 rubles, which includes 20% cashmere, it may well be true. That's just cashmere there from short villi, which means that after two days of wearing it, it will begin to peel (cover with spools) and this process cannot be stopped either by shampoos for delicate fibers or by machines that shave off the spools. The same applies to inexpensive natural silk: it is loose and can easily tear or form a puff.

    Give preference to inexpensive raw materials, from which there will be no unpleasant surprises: cotton, viscose, polyester.


    The white color of fabrics with a cheap composition tends to turn yellow, and stains can also be washed off worse. Black, chocolate and navy can lose color after several washes: cheap dyes are often unstable. Therefore, look for median solutions: shades of gray, beige, many-sided green, coral-peach tones also gently transform over time.


    If you buy shoes from faux leather for 1,500 rubles, keep in mind that it will not stretch and spread over the leg. Try on so that it is comfortable and in size now.

    Additional elements

    Manufacturers of economical clothing and footwear always have a choice of three components: cheap material, accessories, tailoring quality. Bows, buckles, zippers, buttons will be of poor quality and can break at the most inopportune moment, and besides, they cost money. Therefore, the simpler the better, especially when it comes to basic things.

    And finally, if you liked the price of the item, take a step back and ask yourself: “Do I like this color? Is it right for me? How does this thing fit? Does it disfigure the figure? Where can I wear it? Who can I meet in this?

    Style is determined not only by what exactly we wear, but also by how we make choices and how quickly things rotate in the wardrobe.

    I have a client whose basic wardrobe consists of 12 pieces. These items have been chosen carefully and meticulously, everything is in its place: fit, cut lines, color tone. A couple of things were sewn to order, and in some of the purchased ones the buttons were changed. And the rest of the wardrobe is assembled from what is described above: bright, cheap, disposable.

    Here is what she herself says about this state of affairs: “These are my vitamins, the wind for change, I can’t stand being the same every day! But I don’t raise my hand to buy expensive things for a couple of exits, I’d rather take a training course or help a dog kennel. ”

    People will continue to buy cheap clothes and shoes because it's cool (any fool can buy expensive and beautiful), because the money you save can go on a trip or just have fun with friends and for a thousand other reasons that you can name me themselves. The main thing is to surrender to this vice with knowledge of the matter and all the nuances.

    Do you buy cheap things? Why do you like it or don't like it? Do you have any successful examples of such purchases? Have you ever been disappointed with a purchase?