What do you call a wedding when you have lived for 33 years? Stone wedding: how old, what to give? Wedding anniversary (33 years of marriage): what kind of wedding? What can children give to their parents?

33 years old - what kind of wedding? This question is asked not only by spouses who have lived together for more than three decades, but also by invited guests who are thinking about gifts and congratulations.

We’ll tell you in more detail about how to congratulate your family on their anniversary, what the wedding mascot is and what traditions exist.

What is the anniversary called?

Strawberry wedding 33 years is the name given to these decades of married life together. Sometimes this anniversary is called the “stone” anniversary. At this time, the married couple had already gone through all the hardships and hardships; the spouses had not only children, but also grandchildren.

Therefore, the relationship between two people becomes rock-solid - strong and durable.

At this point, you can already make sure that the spouses will not separate and will remain together for the rest of their long lives.

33 years - during this time the couple had not only children, but also grandchildren, a relationship stronger than stone

The 33rd wedding anniversary is also called the strawberry anniversary, because the relationship between husband and wife, who have lived together for so many years, still remains sweet and romantic. The husband and wife realized what it means to experience true love for each other.

Holiday traditions

The 33rd wedding anniversary has a somewhat mystical character, because the number itself in many cultures is associated with unusual phenomena and events, so it is worth following established traditions.

To begin, the spouses must take a strong, juicy and ripe strawberry, divide it in half among themselves and eat it.

There is a belief that, having performed this action, the marriage will never fall apart, and the spouses will remember the tender and strong youthful feelings that they experienced only at the beginning of their acquaintance.

Next tradition for 33 years life together came to us from China. The couple sets fire to three red lanterns and launches them into the sky in the evening. The released lanterns symbolize a bright future that awaits a strong family.

Homemade strawberry liqueur or red wine is another symbol that cannot be ignored on the thirty-third anniversary. Spouses should drink a drink together to make their relationship even stronger and more reliable.

How can you have a strawberry wedding? If it's sunny summer weather outside, a picnic would be a great option. Bring plenty of fruit, champagne, warm blanket and a basket of fresh strawberries. Be alone with each other and enjoy the union that you have managed to maintain for so long.

A picnic with light wine and berries will be an alternative to a noisy celebration for couples who have come such a long way

If a husband and wife want to invite guests, they can choose an expensive and good restaurant decorated in a stone style. Place fresh strawberries and red wine on the tables. For a sweet wedding anniversary greeting, watch this video:

33 years of marriage is a serious anniversary. To celebrate it in an unusual way, spouses can remember where they went on dates in their youth and visit this place again, alone or with guests. Plunging into the past, husband and wife will again feel those strong feelings, which they felt for each other on their first dates.

Anniversary gifts

In order for the spouses to remember this day, guests should pay special attention to gifts and congratulations. Usually very expensive gifts are not presented, since 33 years is not a round date. However, you shouldn’t give “just anything” either.

On this day, a cucumber pie or sweets will become a sweet reminder of the years that have passed.

You can give your husband a homemade strawberry pie on his wedding day. This is not only delicious, but also a very heartwarming gift. In addition, you can present a watch with an individual engraving that a man will wear every day and remember his soul mate.

For your wife's anniversary, an expensive perfume, jewelry or an expensive bouquet and chocolates with strawberry filling will suit her. Every girl loves sweets and jewelry. However, you need to approach your choice wisely.

What gift can guests give? A good option will become a set of expensive bed linen. In addition, you can give stone items for the home. These can be a variety of items: custom-made figurines, dishes and other things. An interesting option there will be a handmade stone frame containing a photograph of the spouses. In addition, a large basket of ripe, sweet strawberries and a bottle of expensive red wine will be a wonderful gift. To learn how to make a memorable anniversary card, watch this video:

If guests have a desire, you can present furniture made of stone. However, in this case, one should proceed from whether the gift is suitable for the spouses’ interior. If not, then the gift will not be very successful.

What to gift:

The couple celebrates 33 years of marriage. The date may not be round, but it still beckons with its magical numbers. The relationship between husband and wife at this stage is also fraught with the magic of love and the seething volcano of old feelings, again raised to the surface.

Anniversary name

The 33rd wedding anniversary is called the Strawberry Wedding. She received this pleasant “name” for sweet love and the tenderness that the spouses gave each other throughout every year of their life together.

It’s not for nothing that strawberries were chosen. This is a red berry that grows in bushes. The color red symbolizes love and passion. The family of the “young” grows like strawberry bushes.

This date is also often called the Stone Wedding, comparing the strength of marriage to a stone. In addition, you need to remember that “water does not flow under a lying stone.” Relationships still need regular fertilization with affection and attention.

How to celebrate an anniversary

This anniversary does not oblige you to organize a luxurious and large-scale celebration. On the contrary, it implies a calm holiday in a close circle of your closest and dearest.

Creating a wedding interior is not necessary, but it is desirable. You can decorate your house with ribbons, balloons, figurines, and photographs of each year of your marriage. Everything should be in red colors. Availability white also appropriate - it goes well with scarlet.

Fruits and sweets are required on the table. The queen of the table should be strawberries. The main dish can be strawberry cake or strawberry jelly. The obligatory “guests” of the table are champagne and strawberry liqueur.

An anniversary does not imply certain rituals. But the lack of traditions should not stop. You can always come up with your own special traditions and stick to them for other anniversaries of your life together.

What to give for your anniversary

It is not customary to give expensive gifts on the anniversary of 33 years of marriage. Usually guests give the “young” people on this day souvenirs, pleasant little things and creative cool gifts.

For example, interesting gifts would be:

  • role play set;
  • portrait of the heroes of the occasion;
  • board game;
  • bed linen with the image of strawberries;
  • red wine aged 33 years.

The most important thing on such an important day is not gifts, but words. It is important to express to the spouses the depth of respect for their true love. Only a phrase can express this, which must be said appropriately and concisely, but clearly and truthfully.

Despite the fact that the 33rd wedding anniversary is not considered a significant date, many couples still want to celebrate this day. To organize a holiday, it is important to know: 33 years - what kind of wedding it is, what traditions and symbols of this day exist. For some reason, after several years of married life, celebrating a wedding anniversary is becoming an increasingly rare event. But why wait five to ten years, if you can arrange a pleasant holiday for yourself and a loved one or beloved parents or friends now. Despite the fact that there are still two years left until the 35th anniversary, there is no reason to ignore such a wonderful, beautiful date. 33 years for a family (almost a third of a century) is a significant event that can be celebrated as heartily as a golden or silver wedding. However, the question arises: 33 years is what kind of wedding is it, what is its symbol, how best to celebrate? There are really no clear rules here, although there are certain versions and ideas.

Anniversary name

Apparently due to the unpopularity of the anniversary, there is no single established name. In different sources, different families, different regions, the wedding of 33 years is called differently. The two most popular options are a stone wedding and a strawberry wedding. However, similar to Western traditions, amethyst is sometimes also mentioned in connection with the 33rd anniversary.

The relationship of the spouses by this moment had already been tested, so to speak, by fire and water. Love, having overcome all obstacles with dignity, became strong as a stone and just as indestructible. Now the spouses are a single whole, a monolith, a family. Therefore, the stone is one of the most common symbols of this anniversary.

On the other hand, the husband and wife have already become accustomed to each other, have learned to smooth out conflicts and avoid quarrels. And amethyst is precisely a stone that, according to popular belief, gives people special mutual understanding and helps to avoid unnecessary quarrels and disputes.

Gifts to each other

Thanks to such a variety of symbols of the 33rd wedding anniversary, there are many gift options with which spouses can please each other. It all depends only on your imagination. In addition, after so many years of marriage, you most likely already know each other’s tastes and preferences quite well, and choosing a really nice gift is not so difficult.

Any baked goods with strawberries fits very well into the holiday theme. For example, a beautifully decorated box with your favorite cakes or cupcakes decorated with strawberries or their images will look very cute. In continuation of the strawberry theme, you can also purchase beautiful bed linen or kitchen towels with a strawberry pattern as a gift. Also suitable as a gift cosmetical tools, soap self made in the form of berries.

If you prefer the “stone version”, pay attention to the stone figurines. They will be an excellent decoration for your family nest (especially since you are the one who best knows your spouse’s interior preferences) and will remind you of the power of your love for many years to come. Of course, decorations with precious stones. If your man is a connoisseur of elite alcoholic drinks, you can choose special whiskey stones as a gift for him.

Guest gifts

If you are invited to celebrate an anniversary, and you don’t know what to give, focus more on the needs and tastes of the couple, and not on the symbol of the holiday. However, there are many gift options in which the mention of strawberries, stones or, specifically, amethysts would be unobtrusive and appropriate.

For example, you can always choose a bedding set of the desired theme. You can also give spouses a painting, bedspread or blanket. However, it is still advisable to navigate the interior preferences of the owners so that the gift is appropriate and both like it.

You can always give something you just need, for example, in the kitchen. Perhaps you know that homeowners are dreaming of a new blender, or they simply need a new kitchen scale. And a wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion for such gifts. In this case, you should not think about how well the gift fits into the theme of the holiday. It is much more important that he will be truly sincerely welcome.

A couple more ideas

33 years of marriage is a great reason to celebrate. Its format depends only on your preferences. This could be a quiet dinner for just two, a small feast with your closest family and friends, or a banquet for 50 people in a restaurant. In any case, you can make the holiday even more enjoyable by paying more attention to its organization.

For example, you can decorate a room using elements that intersect with the theme of the holiday. For a strawberry anniversary, red, white and green colors would be appropriate. You can decorate the room with red strawberry balloons with white spots on them; invitations can also be made in the shape of strawberries. A strawberry dessert is also required on the menu: ice cream, cake or even strawberry jam.

You can also add a couple of accents to your stone wedding celebration. For example, place decorative stones on the table. You can use elements in decoration gray, however, you should not abuse them so that the room does not become too gloomy. For example, black and white photographs from a wedding are suitable for decor. By the way, guests’ seats can also be signed in an original way by writing names on medium-sized stones.

The most important thing in any holiday is the positive emotions it gives. A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to spend time with your loved one or get together with the whole family. And don’t worry about the lack of traditions and rules for celebrating 33 years of marriage. On the contrary, the absence of stamps makes it possible to make this day special for you.

On the thirty-third anniversary of the creation of the family, a stone wedding is celebrated. This anniversary perfectly characterizes the strength of the spouses’ relationship. Stone bonds are almost impossible to destroy - by the thirty-third year of marriage, the spouses become one.

33 years of marriage... And if the marriage, having withstood all the vicissitudes, barbs and implications of fate, has approached this date, the spouses can safely say that they were able to implement all those words and promises given 33 years ago in front of the altar in their family, keeping loyalty to each other. Over the years, love has not cooled down, it has grown into something of better quality, it has become flexible like clay and strong like stone.

How to celebrate a stone wedding

Nowadays, it may seem that only marriage anniversaries are worth celebrating, but this is a mistaken opinion. Love is demanding, it grows with you, and every year it is worth paying more and more attention to each other. Moreover, the tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries has come to us from time immemorial. It contains the wisdom of our great-grandfathers, which should be respected and revered.

When the 33rd anniversary of your wedding and your love arrives, your home treasury is already overflowing with your own family traditions that you have adhered to all these years. On your anniversary day, follow your most beloved ones - collect for festive table guests, prepare your signature dishes, give each other symbolic gifts. May your home be filled with joy and laughter from people close to you on this day.

Stone or strawberry?

What a wedding - 33 years family life? The answer is ambiguous. A stone wedding is also called a strawberry wedding. Based on this, everyone chooses the version of celebration that is closer to them. If you are a fan of strawberry names, decorate your table with this delicious and beautiful berry. If, nevertheless, a stone seems more reliable, let stone figurines be present at the celebration, and among the gifts - stones that you both like.

Among the stones that must be given to each other on this day is amethyst. Since the 33rd wedding anniversary is an already established relationship, complete mutual understanding, amethyst helps to avoid petty quarrels. It gives owners a special gift of understanding and sympathy.

Stone wedding table

The decoration of any holiday is a cake. A stone wedding is no exception. Among expertly prepared dishes, a crystal or amethyst cake will look great on the table a wedding cake. This is a very fashionable trend today, originating from the design masterpieces of Rachel Tofel, the owner of her own confectionery from the USA. She was the first to make it, and it created a sensation.

Cutting such a dessert for numerous guests or in a close circle of selected friends is a pleasure. For the American woman, the inspiration was bright purple amethysts, but for a married couple it could be any color, shape and size they chose.


Wine is considered a must for a stone or strawberry wedding. A bottle of expensive red wine is a symbol of strong love. Guests should drink it or at least sip it when toasting the couple. It is believed that if many guests wish health, happiness and longevity at once, then these wishes will certainly come true. Prepare the most beautiful and sincere words for the stone wedding.

A strawberry wedding is celebrated at an age when spouses not only have children, but also grandchildren. The most “sweet, fragrant” anniversary also has a second name: “stone wedding”. By this time, the husband and wife were “intertwined” with each other like strawberry bushes. Over the years they lived together, the spouses had to see a lot, life hardened the marriage, the relationship became strong, reliable, like a rock, they cannot be destroyed.

A strawberry wedding is celebrated at an age when spouses not only have children, but also grandchildren. The most “sweet, fragrant” anniversary also has a second name: “stone wedding”. By this time, the husband and wife were “intertwined” with each other like strawberry bushes.

Over the years they lived together, the spouses had to see a lot, life hardened the marriage, the relationship became strong, reliable, like a rock, they cannot be destroyed.

Wedding traditions for 33 years of marriage

In all cultures, the number 33 was given special meaning. The most mystical phenomena are often associated with numbers. Therefore, you should not forget about the traditions of celebrating the anniversary.

  1. Strawberry. On the wedding day, the spouses must take a ripe berry, divide it in half and eat half. It is assumed that such a custom for 33 years of marriage will bring joint happiness and renew tender youthful feelings.
  2. Flashlights. This tradition came from China. In the evening, on the day of celebration, a husband and wife can launch three red lanterns into the night sky. Ideally, the number of lights should correspond to the number of years lived - thirty-three. But if this is not possible, you can limit yourself to a smaller quantity. This ritual guarantees a bright future and strong relationships for a long time.
  3. Wine. Another traditional element that says that 33 years is a strawberry wedding is homemade strawberry liqueur. Her spouses must cook and drink together. When such a drink is not available, it is quite possible to replace it with a bottle of red store wine.
  4. Fulfillment of desires. This tradition is acceptable not only for the stone anniversary. It can become an annual family ritual. After all, over the course of our lives together, many unfulfilled plans have accumulated. Some were forgotten, others were relegated to the background. Why not make some wish come true on your special day. Might have long wanted to plant a tree in the yard, visit abroad or climb the mountains. Any event will be a fun pastime and will be remembered for many years.

How to celebrate your 33rd wedding anniversary?

The 33rd wedding anniversary has no strict rules for celebrating. The husband and wife decide for themselves how to celebrate the holiday. But, as with any holiday, the main thing is to be together, to do what will give Have a good mood, will add joy to both. We offer several ideas for a great holiday.

  1. Picnic. In the warm season, you can go to the river together. Take wine, fresh berries and just spend time alone. Probably, in more than three decades, such an opportunity has arisen infrequently. Why not enjoy the peace, quiet, and remember the romantic moments of your youth?
  2. Restaurant. It is quite in the spirit of the holiday to organize a small feast in a reputable restaurant. Moreover, you can have dinner either with just the two of you or with your family.
  3. A journey into the past. Undoubtedly, there are cafes in the city where husband and wife organized dates in their youth. You can remember that time and visit such an establishment. Perhaps order what you ordered then, remember what you were like, what you dreamed about. It’s nice for everyone to return to their youth, at least for a little while.
  4. A strawberry wedding is usually not celebrated with pomp, since it is not a round date. A simple evening tea party with your closest people will be a good holiday. You can bake a strawberry pie, make a drink, take out an old photo album and remember everything that happened over the years.

What to give for your 33rd wedding anniversary?

It is not customary to give very expensive gifts on a stone anniversary. Souvenirs and various household items are quite suitable. Despite the fact that gifts for a strawberry wedding are practical items, it is desirable that they reflect the symbols of the holiday - stone, strawberries.

What to give your husband for a strawberry wedding?

There are many options for wedding anniversary surprises that a wife can please her husband with. During the marriage, she already knows his tastes and preferences well.

  1. Bakery. The simplest, sweetest gift would be strawberry pie. If your spouse has a sweet tooth, he will certainly appreciate this gift. In addition to the pie, you can make cupcakes with strawberry filling, berry-shaped cookies, and mousse.
  2. Watch. A man will definitely like this gift for his 33rd wedding anniversary with a dedicatory inscription. An elegant product will be a reminder of the anniversary and the love that brought two people together.
  3. Wineglass. You can present such an item with engraving. It is preferable to order the vessel in advance so that everything is in its best condition for the celebration.

What to give your wife for a strawberry wedding?

Since 33 years is not a round date, you can limit yourself to small, cute holiday-style gifts.

  1. Eau de Toilette. If your wife likes the smell of strawberries, a bottle of perfume with this scent will be a great surprise.
  2. Tea. Strawberry flavored tea, box chocolates with the appropriate filling they will be perfect.
  3. Decoration. A charming little thing in the shape of a strawberry will remind your beloved wife of this day for many years.

Gifts from family and friends

A gift for a strawberry wedding from a dear person is, of course, pleasant. You can congratulate the “newlyweds” with a wide variety of things. The choice of themed surprises is simply huge.

  1. Stone decor. Such products are universal, they will definitely find a place in the house. These can be figurines, candlesticks, candelabra and other similar things.
  2. Bed sheets. A beautiful set with strawberries is not just romantic, but also practical. Among such gifts you can choose a blanket, tablecloth or napkins.
  3. Dishes. A set of plates or service decorated with a berry theme will be very useful. The surprise is beautiful, useful, and will definitely come in handy.

If you are planning to give something that doesn’t suit the theme of the holiday, but you definitely want to stick to the anniversary style, you can simply wrap the gift in a package with a strawberry ornament or attach a “berry” decoration to the box.

People who have lived together for 33 years deserve respect. And the strawberry wedding is just a reason to emphasize that all this time they were kept together by the very real love. And no matter what happens, nothing can destroy a “stone” marriage.