Mechanical Engineer's Day scenario at a technical school. Games and competitions for Mechanical Engineer's Day. Cool congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day

4th Sunday of September – Mechanical Engineering Workers Day (Machine Builder Day)

Iron logic, iron character, iron nerves, iron health... How many more expressions can be selected that are characteristic of a mechanical engineer, based on the analogy with metal.

Indeed, the quality and reliability of the products of machine-building enterprises, the achievement of high production results, and the successful solution of social issues are ensured by the labor and vast experience of thousands of teams of workers, engineers, technicians and other specialists at all levels. These are people with an unbending character and iron determination. And every year on the last Sunday of September, all machine builders in the country celebrate their professional holiday - Mechanical Engineer's Day, established on the basis of Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days.”

Mechanical engineering- a complex that produces a fairly wide range of goods, this includes industries that produce tools for the national economy, vehicles, and enterprises that produce consumer goods and defense products.

Mechanical engineering is an industry on the successful development of which the well-being of all other industrialists depends. That is why, both before and in our time, this holiday is celebrated widely and solemnly.

They say that whoever drives a car falls in love with it for life. Iron horses accompany people all the time - they are personal, public, and agricultural transport. And there are so many brands of cars and cars that it’s impossible to list them all! They all exist thanks to the work of mechanical engineers.

But mechanical engineering is not only automobile manufacturing. These include machines and equipment, nuclear reactors and submarines, spaceships, vacuum cleaners and washing machines.

The main wealth of the industry is its highly qualified personnel - workers, engineers, and enterprise managers. Generations of aircraft and shipbuilders, manufacturers of automobiles, equipment for the fuel and energy complex and agriculture work for the benefit of our republic and its dynamic socio-economic development.

On the last Sunday of September, mechanical engineers not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine celebrate their professional holiday.

Mechanical engineering is a serious industry,
Our country really needs it.
May all those who work valiantly in it
Mastery and success come twofold.

Congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day in verse

Mechanical Engineer's Day is a big holiday!
The Motherland honors its heroes!
Those who have an experienced, strong, reliable hand
Builds huge units!

May God bless you for a thousand years!
And live just that long comfortably!
Let a bright light burn forever in your hearts,
And leads you to cherished victories!

Happy holiday, Happy Mechanical Engineer's Day
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts today,
After all, it is clear without words - our economy
We can’t do without you, without machine builders,
We have ships, trains, planes
Thanks only to the machine builders,
You create rockets, combines, machine tools,
Giving power and strength to the economy of our Motherland!
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts today
Longevity, happiness, love and warmth,
So that all kinds of wishes come true,
So that your salary is decent.

Happy holiday to you! Happy Mechanical Engineer's Day -
The Russian “parent” industry
Lord of the drill, cutter and vice!
Glory to you forever and ever!
You produce machines,
You launch ships:
Tools burn, cut and rub.
Of course, everyone needs it -
Your sparkling, rainbow,
Noble and righteous work.
And we wish you a lot:
So that on the big roads
Your products went to the people,
May you be healthy
And machines, new mechanisms
Progress was moving forward again!

Congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day in prose

Mechanical engineers! Happy holiday, dears! Create, produce, improve and get rich. Let no crises or anything like them ever touch you - work, and you will be happy, produce for the sake of people and for the people - and in our age of high technology you will have money and always be at work.
Special congratulations and gratitude to the working veterans of the mechanical engineering industry, who, in the most difficult times, remained faithful to their difficult, but so necessary for all of us, profession.
Remember, a mechanical engineer sounds proud!

Historically, machines have been man’s first assistants. They are the main link in construction, transportation, production and simply Everyday life. Therefore, your profession is one of the most important in society! Happy Mechanical Engineer's Day to you! I want to wish you, no matter what happens, to remain the same positive person. May you succeed! May the family live happily! May the joy in your heart be endless!

Today mechanical engineering workers celebrate their professional holiday. In your hard-working and strong hands lies such a powerful and necessary industry. Thanks to your painstaking and responsible work, mechanisms are created that help you breathe new life and forces into other industries, the work of many people is improved and simplified, and the benefits increase many times over. We wish you that your mechanical “works” will always be in demand and popular, that your talented work will deserve only respect and praise, and that material benefits will inspire you to new achievements!

SMS congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day

Short congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day

Mechanical engineer! May you be lucky
Let a worthy reward await you for your work,
Let everything be as you always dreamed -
So that you don’t recognize adversity and troubles in life.

Mechanical engineer, your day has come -
It's your holiday, and a holiday is always good.
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Thinker, guardian, creator of machines.

Happy Mechanical Engineer's Day, my friend!
You build cars on time!
I wish you success
In your life and work!

Mechanical engineer! Congratulations!
You are an engineer from God!
I admire your skills!
You are a shining example for everyone!

Mechanical engineering is a man's job!
And on your holiday I want to wish,
In love - constancy, in the heart - peace,
Good luck in your work! And never know troubles!

Voice congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day

Congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day to your phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on Mechanical Engineer’s Day to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. An audio congratulation on Mechanical Engineer's Day on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulation by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day

Our dear mechanical engineer!
On your Day we sing your glory:
You give wisdom and strength to the country,
You start it on the rise!
Your brain is sometimes harsh, sometimes ardent,
The hands are cunningly arranged:
You stamp the fender liners, you pour the forks
And you cook subway cars!
The conveyor and the hammer are subject to
Depths and space for you.
Be healthy, beautiful and young
In your heroic destiny!

Mechanical engineer! Shout and dance! You are the main parent of various machines. Your noble work is appreciated by the country. Today is your professional holiday! There is a lot of iron, and you must be able to sing a work song with dignity, so that the machines that you yourself have made will serve the working hands for a long time!

I couldn't comprehend for a long time
And I couldn't even imagine
What car, besides the Volga, -
This is an elevator or a machine.
But today I'm not young
And I have an interest
Who forged the blacksmith's hammer
And riveted a cast iron press?
Happy Mechanical Engineer's Day!
According to your work, your honor.
Be healthy and unbending,
Like a thirty-six key!

Mechanical Engineer's Day is a solemn and festive day for all workers and engineers of the mechanical engineering industry. On this day, festive events are organized at factories, feasts, honoring veterans, concerts, competitions, and ceremonial performances.

Dear mechanical engineering workers, industry veterans! Today we would like to wish you success in your work, the importance of which is undeniable these days, happiness and understanding in the family, financial well-being - in a word, everything that constitutes the concept “ happy life». Happy holiday to you, machine builders!


On September 28, 2019, the last Sunday of this month, we celebrate Mechanical Engineering Day. This is a professional holiday for engineers and workers in the engineering industry.

On Mechanical Engineer's Day, many enterprises hold festive evenings and organize corporate parties. We offer one of the possible options for organizing a corporate party for Mechanical Engineer Day.

Scenario for celebrating Mechanical Engineer's Day

The presenters greet and congratulate the guests.

First presenter:
— Mechanical engineers, happy holiday to you!
Let your working hours be easy,
Let your working day be a holiday,
And may you not be too lazy to work!

We wish you to keep pace with luck,
We wish you not to go astray!
We wish you patience! So good morning!
Mechanical engineers, happy holiday to you!

Second presenter:
— Dear machine builders! Without your noble work, the life of modern society is unthinkable. Let your work always bring benefit to people, and may it bring you pleasure. We wish you success in all your endeavors, bold ideas and good prospects!

Then, according to the scenario for celebrating Mechanical Engineer's Day, the management of the enterprise gives the floor, which awards the best workers with certificates of honor and valuable prizes.

- Look around: a crane tower over a house under construction, cars on the road, hundreds of machines at the factory,

- ...The refrigerator and stove in our kitchen, the sewing machine, the hairdryer, the equipment of the medical clinic, the cash register in the nearest supermarket, the plane that drew a thin strip in the sky - these are all products of mechanical engineering.

— The industry has always been held in high esteem,
You will find products everywhere:
On the field she is in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At stations - in powerful turbines,
On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.

How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And engines, and motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.

Then the holiday scenario on Mechanical Engineer’s Day may include holding fun games and competitions organized by presenters.

For the first competition, several people are selected who must build a car from construction kit parts (or from matchboxes) as quickly as possible.

Participants in the second competition must write on sheets of Whatman paper in 5-7 minutes as many names of machines and various mechanisms as possible.

You can organize a toast competition, the winner of which will be the employee who makes the longest and most ornate toast to the mechanical engineers.

Then the presenters speak again:
- That’s how we’re built: we’re always in a hurry,
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.

Cars are everywhere. Cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are not built and built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Happy holiday, dear mechanical engineers!

A will complete corporate party Dance program for Builder's Day.

Scenario for the holiday “Machine Builder’s Day”.

Responsible for pre-profile training at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 59 in Tolyatti

The holiday is held for students in grades 5-11 and parents of students.

The holiday is held on the last Sunday of September.

The venue is the assembly hall of school No. 59 in Tolyatti.

Decoration: festive balloons and posters

Guests invited to the holiday: labor veterans of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, representatives of the administration and VAZ employees, students.


Tolyatti is a city of mechanical engineers. Since 1970, the automobile plant has been producing small cars of the VAZ, Lada, and Priora families, which are known and loved not only in our country, but also abroad. Honored veterans of mechanical engineering and novice specialists live in our city. In every family there is a person whose fate is connected with the Volzhsky Automobile Plant.

This is a solemn and festive day for all workers and engineers of the mechanical engineering industry. This is a professional holiday for everyone who works at enterprises and complexes that produce machines, machinery and equipment for other sectors of the economy; for automakers, those who make cars, motorcycles, etc. for us, as well as consumer goods and defense products. On this day, festive events are organized at factories, feasts, honoring veterans, concerts, competitions, performances, etc., etc.

You may ask where did this wonderful holiday come from??? Let's tell you - by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 10/01/80 "On holidays and memorial days", (as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 11/01/88 "On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days") it was established that the latter Sunday in September is celebrated as Mechanical Engineer's Day. With the publication of this Decree the history of this holiday began.

On the last Sunday of September, our country celebrates Mechanical Engineer's Day.

Mechanical engineer!

Your day has come -

Your holiday

A holiday is always good.

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Thinker, Guardian,

Machine creator

Skilled in life

Almost everything.

And may you be happy

And the light will bring

And our thanks,

And our love.

Be happy,

And healthy in spirit!

For you, dear guests, 9th grade student…………. performs the song “……………”.


One of the most important achievements of modern civilization is cars. One of the most important professional achievements that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker.

Today a labor veteran came to us…………. . His grandson studies at our school in the 5th grade. We solemnly invite ………….. to our stage and ask you to tell the students of our school about your work.

(a guest comes up on stage and is given the floor).


For you, dear ……………, 8th grade students will perform a dance ………….. .

A 10th grade student appears on the stage (he is in special clothes, holding a wrench). Next to him is a 5th grade student. A dialogue takes place between them:

10th grader:

My son asked me:

5th grader: “Tell me about the machine!”

10th grader:

"Stator, housing, axis, spring,
Nut, bushing, chain, bed.
Clutch, shaft, gearbox, tire -
It turns out to be a car."

5th grader:

"Who makes the machine?"

10th grader: “Hands, human mind, son.”
Hurray for the villagers, viva!
They have a holiday today, brother!


Guys, you see how interested the 5th grade students are in the blue-collar jobs at the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. Let's get acquainted with some specialties. And our guests will tell us about them - our former students, and today students of the Tolyatti Mechanical Engineering College.

Students come up to the stage, holding posters and TMT paraphernalia. They talk about the working specialties of VAZ:

Machine operator;






That's how we are built: we are always in a hurry -
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.
Cars are everywhere. Cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are not built and built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Thanks to them, these laborious hands,
And to warm souls and precise eyes -
Because machines, undoubtedly and wisely,
Helpers came into our lives.
Mechanical engineer! Your day has come -
It's your holiday, and a holiday is always good.
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Thinker, protector, creator of machines,
Those who can do almost everything in life.
And may it bring you joy and light
And our thanks and our love.
Be happy, successful, and healthy in spirit!

Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward, along frozen icy roads, among hot sands and gloomy swamps. One of the most important achievements of modern civilization is cars. One of the most important professional achievements that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker. Test drivers are considered the fastest at VAZ. An 11th grade student has ………. Dad tests the reliability of the cars. We asked him to tell us about interesting and curious incidents in his biography.

………………… comes up on stage.


Dear……………….., for you and all motorists, 10th grade students will perform the song……….


All the years they kept in alignment
For our mechanical engineering.
There is no more important industry in life -
Everything in the world rests on her.
The industry has always been held in high esteem
You will find products everywhere:
On the field visible in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At stations - in powerful turbines,
On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.
How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And into engines, and into motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.
Thank you for your hard work
In industry - oh, heavy!
We really appreciate your work.
So be stronger than the machines!

Continued success to you in this!

On the last Sunday of September (in 2019 – September 29) we will celebrate Mechanical Engineer’s Day. This is one of the most famous and popular professional holidays in our country, which is not surprising, because about 4 million people work in this field.

There are more than 2,000 large and medium-sized mechanical engineering enterprises (including metalworking) in Russia. Many of them host corporate parties on the eve of Mechanical Engineer Day. At such evenings, poems and songs dedicated to workers in this industry are sung, and individual and team competitions are held.

How to hold a corporate event on Mechanical Engineer's Day?

A corporate holiday on Mechanical Engineer Day can begin with a speech by the presenters:
Dear friends! The economy of our country is unthinkable without mechanical engineering - the most important branch of the manufacturing industry. Can you imagine modern life without spaceships, various machines, cars and washing machines?

– However, there are many more branches of mechanical engineering: this also includes the production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, electronic components, equipment for radio, television and communications, the production of ships, aircraft and spacecraft, office equipment and computer technology.

– The creators of these devices – mechanical engineers – are celebrating their professional holiday today, and we want to wish them success in their difficult work, new inventions, as well as prosperity and good health!

Poems will be read:
– There is a reason to congratulate you today
You build wonderful cars.
And even if you decide to rest,
You will still receive honors from us.

- Thank you for the contribution you made,
So that all machines can work.
We sincerely want to wish you
Strive forward and don’t retreat!

Then, at the corporate event for Mechanical Engineer's Day, the heads of the enterprise will be given the floor, who will award the best employees with certificates of honor and valuable prizes.

The presenters continue:
- That’s how we’re built: we’re always in a hurry,
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.
Cars are everywhere, cars are not a miracle,
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.

- Believe me, they are not built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Thanks to them, these laborious hands,
And to warm souls and precise eyes
For the fact that machines are undeniable and wise
Helpers came into our lives.

Competitions at corporate events for Mechanical Engineer's Day

The holiday will continue interesting competitions on Mechanical Engineer's Day. Take care of prizes for the winners (buy small toys, sweets, souvenirs, etc.), which will serve as an additional incentive for guests to be active.

First, you can conduct a quiz among those interested:

  • In which city are VAZ cars produced? a) Moscow; c) Tolyatti is the correct answer; b) Nizhny Novgorod; d) Samara.
  • Where are KamAZ vehicles produced? a) Kazan; c) Kirov; b) Naberezhnye Chelny is the correct answer; Moscow city.
  • In which city is the trolleybus production plant located? a) Moscow, b) Ufa, c) Volgograd, d) Engels (all answers are correct).
  • Where are mainline electric locomotives manufactured? a) Kolomna is the correct answer; c) Miass; b) Izhevsk; d) Kirov.
  • In which city are armored personnel carriers produced? a) Istra; c) Tula; b) Norilsk; d) Arzamas is the correct answer.

Corporate holiday dedicated to the Day The mechanical engineer's op scenario will continue with the game “Believe it or not.” Participants will be divided into teams, one of which must bring some interesting fact about technology, and the other - to admit that this really happened or to refute this statement.

  • First project sewing machine at the end of the 15th century was proposed by Leonardo da Vinci? (Yes, it is true).
  • The first vending machine appeared in the 1st century AD in Alexandria. (Yes it's true). A coin dropped into the slot struck a lever, which moved the valve and allowed a certain amount of liquid to flow out. The machine was designed by the engineer Heron, and this machine was intended for distributing holy water in the temple.
  • The first mechanical calculator (arithmometer) appeared at the end of the 19th century (No, it was made in the first half of the 17th century).
  • First electric washing machine was released in the 1950s. (No, earlier; it happened in 1908).
  • The very first car was fueled with wood instead of gasoline (Yes, that's right). Etc.

– Cars accompany us all the time – these are personal transport, public transport, and agricultural transport. And there are so many brands of cars and other machines that it’s impossible to list! They all exist thanks to the work of mechanical engineers.

After this, at a corporate party for Mechanical Engineer’s Day, you can hold a quiz about cars:

  • How is the word car translated from Latin? (Controlled, moving, self-propelled - the third answer is correct).
  • In what year did the first Soviet car appear and what was it called? (In 1924; AMO-F-1 - automobile Moscow society)
  • According to The Driver's Song, what is a real driver not afraid of? (No rain, no slush).
  • What kind of truck did the heroes drive in the movie “Night Watch”? (ZIL is the correct answer, URALAZ, KAMAZ).
  • What word does the word "headlight" come from? (From the words “lantern”, “fanfare”, the name of the island of Pharos; the last option is correct).
  • What kind of car did Uncle Fyodor's dad have from the cartoons about Prostokvashino? (“Zaporozhets” is the correct answer; “Volga”, “Zhiguli”).
  • What brand of car did James Bond drive in the films “Casino Royale” and “Quantum of Solace”? (Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Aston Martin are the correct answer).
  • In which country did Formula 1 originate? (In Italy, France, Great Britain - the last option is correct).
  • Under what name was “Zaporozhets” sold in Finland? (Massandra, Yalta is the correct answer, Livadia).
  • What wheels don't exist? (Bald, spiked, hairy - the last option).

For the next competition at the celebration of Mechanical Builder Day, several people are selected who must build a car from designer parts or from matchboxes at speed.

Participants in another competition must write on sheets of Whatman paper in 5-7 minutes as many names of machines and various mechanisms as possible.

The scenario of the corporate event dedicated to Mechanical Engineering Day will be completed by the presentation of the presenters:
- Dear friends! We once again sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We appreciate your work and love you! May there be only white streaks in the life of each of you, may your friends and relatives not upset you. We wish you professional growth, financial well-being, good health, personal happiness and success in all your endeavors!

– There are many necessary professions in the world,
Only there is nothing more honorable and important.
You are the basis of our progress,
Life becomes faster with you!

- We wish you well and happiness,
So that work is not a burden,
So that in the heat, and in the snow, and in the slush
Success has accompanied you in business!