Dear friend, I wish you. Congratulations in prose to a friend on his birthday. Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose in your own words

Celebrations are different, but all of them are initially loved by us, as they are associated with the unity of friends, relatives and people we love. On name days or other celebrations, they give gifts and also say beautiful words in the form of wishes. One of the most exciting celebrations is a birthday. But at the same time, everyone dreams of gathering all their close friends at the table and having a blast. On this holiday, guests make surprises and always say beautiful, touching and heartfelt phrases. It should be noted that it is the latter that can change the mood not only of the birthday boy, but of all the guests. Happy birthday greetings from a friend should contain lines that could bring a kind smile on the lips of the birthday boy, and that can please with sincerity and touching. Believe me, in return you will receive gratitude in the form of your friend’s excellent mood, and this is the most best gift for you.

What should congratulations be like? Of course, it all depends on the character of the person you are going to bestow with beautiful phrases. It may be original and touching prose, which will delight dreamy and romantic men. It can be something fun in the form of a joke, which is perfect for mischievous and intricate men. In general, there is a large selection, the main thing is to approach it correctly. Prose to a friend can be complemented by an original and bright postcard. Today, few people can be surprised by exquisite gifts. A wonderful name day holiday, each person perceives it differently, but everyone wants attention and warmth. The most important thing is that the words are sincere, sincere and unique!

Prose happy birthday to a friend

Happy birthday! I wish you to buy the car of your dreams and meet a wonderful girl with whom you will definitely want to stay together for life. And so that she agrees, of course) And I also wish that there would be no chaos in your head, but that everything would be clear and simple. May life give you so many good emotions that you don’t even remember the bad ones! You are super!

Today is your birthday, and I want to wish that every year you celebrate this day more and more cheerfully and brightly, so that there are more and more true friends around you, and those who are only called friends, but in fact “are neither friends, nor not an enemy, but let them leave your life. Nothing superfluous, just what is necessary. Don't regret what you lost and don't lose yourself. I am very glad that I have a friend like you!

Congratulations! And with all my heart I wish you today to live every day with faith, hope and love. Let them become faithful companions and helpers in life. Rejoice at everything around you, give people your smiles, and the world around you will become brighter. May you have the strength and patience to make your life happy!

Happy birthday to you, my friend! Let them say that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, but you and I know that this is not so. Those who say that are simply unlucky. And we are lucky - we have each other. So may you always be lucky in everything! Fall in love and take risks, earn money in a worthy business and spend it with pleasure, appreciate every moment of life and remain yourself!

I congratulate you! All your friends gathered next to you on this day. Hold these moments in your soul. Let everything be as rosy and cheerful not only today, but every day. After all, even when we leave, you can always count on our support. We are very lucky to have this cool friend, and we want you to stay with us and remain happy.

Happy birthday! I congratulate you and want to wish that your beloved will always remain with you, because this is the greatest happiness, and that she will give you lovely children. And if this is so, then you don’t care about everything else! Be happy, be true to yourself and your dreams, all the best to you!

My dear, dear friend! Today is your main holiday, your birthday! I want to congratulate you with all my heart and thank fate for having such a friend. I wish you to always remain such a positive and cheerful person, may there be more reasons to laugh, may your work bring only pleasure and joy. Be healthy, successful, happy, love and admire life.

[in prose]

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

Spinning Earth, counting down the minutes, days, weeks and years... Your next birthday has arrived! Keep it up, friend! Never give up, never complain, never tremble before a threat, and never give up! I know you well - you will survive in any situation and will definitely emerge victorious!
I wish you good health, excellent mood, youthful enthusiasm in your eyes and many, many days ahead! May your life be successful and may you come out of any unforeseen difficulty unscathed! Let your loved ones love you, your enemies envy you and your friends respect you! God bless you, big money and excellent work! I'm here for you!

There are many ancient legends about friendship in the Caucasus. I won't retell them. Because they are not about our friendship. Our legend, my friend, you and I are living together. And legends will be made about her too. Because there is nothing in the world stronger and more reliable than your shoulder, there is nothing truer and stronger than your hands. And there is nothing faster and better than your support. I don't like big words. And you don't like them. But today is a special occasion and a special day. It is your birthday today. So let me say a little more than usual. I congratulate you, my friend, on this holiday. I wish you vigor and health, strength of spirit and determination. I wish you goodness, light and great luck. Let harmony reign in the house, youth in the heart, and peace in the soul!

Our dear friend! We, a flock, no, a pack, no, a close-knit, knitted and sleeping group of your friends, from all our callous and hardened hearts we congratulate you on your birthday! Believe me, today we are really happy and very worried. It is not easy to congratulate such a person. You are the soul of our company and its brain. You are ready to share everything you have with your friends, and are able to give your last for us. In all our endeavors, you always become the ringleader and take the blow. What can I say! All our words are somehow insipid and shallow compared to your actions. We wish you to remain the same - cheerful, generous, brave, smart, our glorious friend! Happy birthday!

Dear friend, happy birthday to you. I will not wish you everything that others have already wished and will wish for you. I wish you to learn to appreciate what you have and be happy with it. When you understand how important what you have is, you will be ready to accept new gifts from fate. Rest assured, she will not be stingy if she knows that you have already appreciated what she gives you. Only those who know how to appreciate receive the most generous gifts from Life and Fate. For such people they are not wasted on trifles. Remember this. Appreciate everything: family and friends, movable and immovable, material and spiritual. Even these words that I tell you today, drawing your attention to the fact that life is beautiful, your life is beautiful. Love her and she will love you back, and not stop loving you like some do in the most indecent positions!

The long-awaited holiday has arrived - a time of fun and good mood. Today, friend, is your birthday! I wish you remarkable health and fortitude that will allow you to overcome all life’s obstacles. So that the coolest car would be in the garage, and there would always be a beautiful girl nearby. Let everything in your life turn out exactly the way you want it. I wish you three things - good luck, money and unlimited love from girls, and, of course, good luck in everything! Remember, I’m always ready to help in difficult times, you can count on me in everything, because that’s what strong male friendship is for. So let's celebrate this birthday of yours so that it will be remembered for a long time!

Happy Birthday honey! It is always very pleasant and easy for me to congratulate you on your birthday! After all, I want to wish you the same thing that I wish for myself and my closest relatives! Be healthy - when a person is healthy, he can overcome anything and achieve anything. Be loved - when there is true love in life, we can move mountains! Be successful - may you succeed in everything you undertake! Be lucky - may Her Majesty Fortune always be favorable to you! Be rich - it’s so nice when your dreams come true! And, most importantly, remain the same cheerful, sincere, sincere person with a warm heart as I know and love you!

There is nothing stronger in the world than friendship. This is a great feeling of mutual trust and understanding, support and devotion. I am proud to have such a wonderful friend like you. Together - we are force! And today, friend, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. Years do not stand still, but they teach us to look at such simple life values ​​as love and friendship in a new way. May your best wishes come true on this birthday cherished dreams, may the Lord protect you, not allowing you to do reckless things. Let there be no regrets in your life, but only a feeling of satisfaction and confidence in the future. Cherish every minute and may the spark of our friendship with you not fade away throughout your life. Happy birthday!

For how many centuries, the brightest minds have described friendship in many forms. It would seem that there is simply nothing more to say. However, on your birthday, I would still like to choose their most accurate sayings and say that friendship is devotion, trust, dedication, love. You, my friend, are the embodiment of all of the above! I am very lucky to have such a person in my life, and I am very pleased to be here now and wish you a happy birthday. May there be many happy moments in your life, but may there also be times when you need my shoulder. This will make our friendship even stronger, it will make us stronger.

Happy Birthday, my friend! On this day, I wish you happiness, success and love in your family. Let all sorrows go away and disappear, and let your eyes shine with happiness from love. May fate thank you a hundredfold for all your holy goodness. Good luck to you in life and in your family.

I wish you that your dreams come true, that only the bright moments of life are remembered. May your career growth be successful and favorable in all your endeavors. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday, all the best to you, my dear friend.

My friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On such a wonderful day, I would like to wish you health, happiness, smile more and a lot of positive emotions!

My friend! I wish you that the years, flying and whistling by, take away the bad and bring good!

My faithful and devoted friend, today is your holiday, this holiday is called your birthday. My wishes to you, be honest, so that you won’t be ashamed to look others in the eyes in our idle life, leave childishness and become a man, and always be able to stand up for yourself.

My dear friend, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you courage and perseverance. Take everything you can from life, because we were given all this for a reason. And remember that life is not given twice and live cheerfully and carefree, but don’t forget about business. Happiness to you.

Dear friend. I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.” And I want to wish you that there are no obstacles on your life path. May you have a friendly a strong family And loving wife and many loyal and reliable friends.

Friendship is the purest and most sacred word. Happy is the one who has a reliable, faithful friend. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones, because I also have a faithful friend. We have been friends for a long time, and our feelings have been tested. Dear friend, I wish you a happy birthday with all my heart. May luck always be by your side, may fate be favorable to you. All the best to you in life, prosperity and prosperity. May you always be lucky in everything, be confident in yourself and happy. May the angel protect you.

It is well sung in a children's song about friendship, about how it is strong as steel and will not come apart from rains and blizzards. A friend will never leave you in trouble if this is true a true friend. I am one hundred percent confident in my friend. Today he celebrates his birthday. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you a lot of happiness, good health and good luck. May all sorrows and troubles be avoided, may your path be illuminated by a guiding star. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and success and luck in everything.

Dear and priceless friend. Let me officially congratulate you on your birthday on this holiday. Since the anniversary is very serious, I will try to be concise and strict. I wish you success in life, happiness and health. Let all your dreams turn into plans that will undoubtedly come true (knowing about your determination, I don’t even doubt it). I wish you ardent and passionate love. Always be optimistic and calm, cheerful and friendly. I am infinitely glad that I know you and therefore I really value our friendship. Let only worthy people meet on your life’s path, and let everyone else just pass by. I wish you all the best that you can wish for today. Happy holiday, buddy!

Hello, dear hero of the day and also my most reliable friend! I started so officially, because the date obliges. And I want to wish you something good, real and solid. Therefore, I wish you good health so that you can move mountains and build castles. I wish you inexhaustible vital energy to destroy any walls and build bridges. I wish you love, pure, sincere, mutual, it gives you wings and helps you overcome any troubles in life. I wish you such loyal friends as you are for me. I wish that you always manage to do everything, that your dreams come true with instant speed. Know that I always believe in you and am ready to help. I wish you everything that you wish for yourself. Happy holiday, dear friend!

I want to congratulate my friend, with whom we are friends, on such an important day kindergarten. True, then he was going to marry me, and gave gifts every day, but now we are real close friends who help each other out in life. different situations. My dear, I am grateful to fate that I have such a devoted and sympathetic friend like you. I want you to always be happy and loved. You, of course, are very picky, it’s difficult for you to choose a bride, but I think I’ll soon resolve this issue. I congratulate your parents, because today is their holiday too. Remember how every time they tried to persuade you not to take your toys from kindergarten. And you also took your things and said that you would never come to the garden again. Happiness and health to you and your family!

Friend! Thank you for being there! With your birth, one person definitely became a little happier and kinder, that’s me. Since today is your birthday, please accept my most sincere wishes. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to write poetry, but I want to collect all the best words and create a congratulation for you. To begin with, I wish you forever Have a good mood and inexhaustible vital energy. I know that you are very talented, let your gift develop, don’t hide it in the ground. I know that you are very kind and a little amorous, so I wish you to find your Juliet. I wish you success, so that it always accompanies you in all your endeavors. May you meet on your life's path good people, and everyone else just goes their own way. Happy holiday to you, dear friend!

Hello, dear and beloved friend. You just can’t imagine how happy I am to know you. On your birthday, I really want to thank your parents, and of course express best wishes you. So, congratulations, you have become another year more mature, smarter, and, whatever it may be, older. Therefore, I wish you not to lose your colossal vital energy over the years; always remain such a powerful energizer as you are now. Let the years only give you life wisdom and increase the number of good people you know. I wish you the fulfillment of all your life plans and dreams, because you deserve it. In conclusion, I wish you unlimited love, success in life and every moment of happiness. Best regards, your friend.

My dear friend, my irreplaceable comrade, happy birthday to you! I want to wish you to always be the first in everything, to take the most from this life. You, like no one else, know how to enjoy every moment. This is the right quality. Friend, I want to wish you harmony and patience, because you are often quick-tempered. You are my real brother, who was next to me in those difficult years for me. Do you remember the army? How you and I counted the days together, crossed out the dates on the calendar. It seems like it was yesterday, but in fact a lot of time has passed. But we still managed to maintain friendship. I am grateful to you for everything. Enjoy your holiday, even though you didn't plan to celebrate, but your friends gave you a great surprise!

My friend, accept my most sincere wishes on your holiday today. May your birthday bring you a wonderful mood, may your dreams certainly come true, may life give you only happy moments. I wish you good health, patience in everything and persistent endurance. May hope, faith and love always accompany you. Let good friends please you with good news. Long life to you, prosperity and luck in everything. May the Lord always protect you.

Shoulder to shoulder, you and I have been walking along the same path for many years. You are my best, truest friend. You and I have eaten more than a pound of salt. We share all the sorrows and joys in half, we help each other with advice and deeds. Today is your birthday. Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy personal holiday. I wish you a great mood, great happiness, good luck in all your endeavors and all the best. Let beautiful love will definitely meet you, may all your cherished wishes come true.

My friend, we have traveled a lot of roads together, and we have had many trials. But we were able to overcome everything with you, because on, then she real friendship. On your birthday, please accept my most sincere congratulations. May your personal holiday give you good luck and great mood May every day bring you only pleasant moments. Always be the master of your destiny. Let only reliable friends meet on your way, let your dreams come true. May troubles and misfortunes not touch you in life, may a good angel always protect you.

I am sure that our friendship is sincere, real and holy. After all, male friendship is never shaky. My friend, I wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. Have fun on this day, don't be sad. Accept congratulations and wishes from friends. May fate generously reward you, may the path you choose be sure to be the right one. I wish you cloudless happiness, a clear conscience, confidence, prosperity and prosperity. I wish you success in all your endeavors, victories and peaceful skies above your head. May the Lord always protect you.

Only true male friendship gives us confidence in life. If you have a reliable friend nearby, no problems are scary. I am fit to be my friend, and on my birthday I want to wish you great luck, cloudless happiness and all the best. May all your wishes come true, may every day bring joyful news. Always be energetic, fair and honest. I wish you good health and all earthly blessings. May friends visit your home, may all bad weather be spared, may everything work out for you as best as possible.

My best friend, you and I have been through so much together, sometimes we even quarreled. But ours male friendship you can call him a saint. After all, for each other’s sake, we are ready to go through thick and thin, ready to come to the rescue at any moment. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday, my friend. I wish to celebrate this solemn event with dignity. With all my heart I wish you success, great happiness, peace, prosperity. May your life be long and beautiful. I wish you to meet true, pure love.

True friendship is always boundless and bright. When a reliable friend is nearby, all problems can be overcome. Dear friend, on your birthday, I want to be the first to congratulate you on such a wonderful event. From the bottom of my heart I wish you a lot of joy, luck and success in all your endeavors. May you always be lucky in everything, may only good news always knock on your home. I wish to meet you true love. May everything you have in mind come true, may a good angel always accompany you.

My friend, please accept my warmest congratulations on your birthday. I wish you great success in everything, good health, peaceful skies. May fate be favorable to you, and may fortune often smile. May you be surrounded by reliable friends, may your dreams come true, may all problems be solved easily and simply. Let life be pure, like spring water, let all doubts go away from life. I wish you good health, real luck, peaceful skies and all earthly blessings. May the Lord give you blessings and protect you from all failures.

My dear friend, today, on your birthday, I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, the opportunity to touch your dreams and enjoy it! Let only good people surround you, illuminate you with great ideas, and let creative thoughts come to visit you!

I want to wish you a Happy Birthday, my best friend. May you not encounter any obstacles on your path in life. I wish you true friends, strong and loving family, and so that the family has prosperity. May all your life plans come true.

A birthday is a reason to come to a person and say what is in your heart. So, I declare with a clear conscience: I have joy in my heart that you, dear birthday boy, exist in the world. That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and simply love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

I will never stop thanking fate for the day when we became friends. There weren’t many gifts in my life, but the gods were generous when they gave me such a comrade. I can always count on your understanding and your support, and you know that I am ready to come to your aid with just one call. And yet I want there to be as few such situations in your life as possible - let only happiness and good luck warm it!

Be happy, be healthy, be confident and successful! And may your dreams come true not only on your birthday, but at every moment of your life. I wish you never to know what disappointment and betrayal are, to swim in love and money, to remember that night gives way to dawn, and after rain the sun always returns to the sky. Let no one hurt you. Don’t get tired of victories and achievements, dream, strive for the stars and believe in your star of luck!

A birthday is not just a small number marked on a calendar. This is the starting point that divides life into “before” and “after”. Many doubts and recklessness, the first hopes and the first grievances, victories and retreats were left behind. But the main thing is what lies ahead - a long path to happiness, leading beyond the horizon. Millions of rainy and sunny days, snowfalls and rainbows, love and friendship. Just believe in your luck - it won’t let you down!

I know that I will never meet friends like you again in my life - they don’t “make” such unique people anymore. On your birthday I just want to tell you a few things simple words- sincere, kind, just like you. Worthy of you! Just be happy - and don’t be afraid that luck will change your mind. Just believe in yourself - and everything will definitely work out! Just hurry to love - and never forget that in this world you are loved too!

Today I don’t just congratulate you - I say “thank you” for your friendship. For the power that is always for good. For wisdom, which only grows over the years. For loyalty that no trials or temptations can shake. Let any thunderstorms rush past, clearing the everyday horizon of clouds. Let the sun become brighter, and the light of a guiding star, like a beacon, lead you from dreams to accomplishments. Always be happy and believe in your luck!

Friend! Congratulations on such a joyful day! What can you wish for! I wish you success, joy and enthusiasm! So that you never lose heart in difficult times and know that your best friend will always be able to support and cheer you up! Happy birthday!

Strong friendships are not that common these days. And not everyone can boast of this, but we can! I wish you only what you want and not a bit more or less! After all, you yourself know exactly what to want and how much. Happy holiday!

Today I want to congratulate a real man on his birthday and wish him: may life have everything that is needed, that life can be good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

When the time comes to rest, you can calmly take a deep breath and smile. The time has come, the moment has come when you can not think about anything, but just smile, give yourself peace of mind. I congratulate you on this holiday! Let moments happen more often when you can always take a breath, feel notes of happiness deep inside yourself and give this happiness to others. Health and joy to you!

As soon as it’s 12, I’m writing you a message.
Congratulations, my friend, on your birthday.
You are brave, courageous, but remember about luck.
And I hope I mean a lot to you too.

I want you on your birthday
To wish to be a little drunk from life,
Good, a lot of money, luck,
Mutual love constant!
Happy birthday!

Even if life is sometimes unfair,
Our friend is not shy:
Everything will survive, and we will help
And we will put our whole soul into our feelings for her.
Let's cry together if necessary
Let's add a dose of poison to the enemy,
Let's fix the situation together
Let's make life move,
Let's urgently find her a lot of colors,
Happy masquerade masks...
But now it's time for me to wrap up -
You don't have time to listen to me.
Today you are twenty again.
Let's close a glass for this!

Happy birthday to you, my friend. I wish that every step in your life is successful, that all your deeds are accompanied by success. May your beloved woman illuminate your every day and make you the happiest person of all, and may your home always be warm and cozy. Be happy, buddy!

My dear friend! Life is difficult, but on your birthday, I wish that everything comes easy to you. Let your dreams come true. More creative ideas and thoughts for you. I wish you to reach heights and never fall. And let your beloved inspire you every day. Happy birthday!

Today is a special, wonderful, glorious day:
From Congratulations - flowers, gifts, toasts, congratulations!
After all, this celebration is yours, it’s the most important thing in life.
Today, friend, is your birthday!

Dear friend, today is your anniversary! And on this day I am glad to wish you health, strong as whiskey, a cloudless life, beautiful love. I want to say thank you for supporting me in the dark moments of my life. Your day is so happy for me too. So always be as cheerful, kind, ready to help in any difficult situation. Happy anniversary!

My dear best friend, I wish you a happy birthday! May everything work out well for you and the best way so that luck will always be on your side, and your aspiration will help you achieve high goals in life. I wish you enormous and sincere happiness, cloudless and pure love, clear days and bright nights, starry skies and pleasant little things. Be healthy and don’t be sad even for a minute. Let your smile shine more often, and for greater joy I wish you more money and in huge quantities.

I would like to congratulate one person who has become a part of my family. Happy birthday! Thank you for all the time you spend on me, for all the bright and colorful moments that we created together, for all the support you provided. I wish you to always achieve your goals, fulfillment of all your desires and bright days filled with pleasant memories.

Congratulations to the man who has long been more than a friend, or even a brother, to me. A man to whom I owe a lot in my life, with whom we ate not a single bag of the saltiest salt. I wish you, dear, only the best. After all, you deserve to be a happy and prosperous person. May your cherished dreams come true, and may you achieve everything you have been striving for for so long. Good luck to you dear, joy and all the best. Happy birthday!

Happy holiday, buddy! You are very important to me close person, as a brother, I want to thank you very much for this, because it is such a rarity when you have such a friend! I want to wish you the best better days, the hottest nights, the most sincere feelings. Be the happiest, strongest and strongest.

I wish you to always remain such a cheerful and positive guy! Let all your wildest undertakings and brightest ideas come true! Let love, good health, money and, of course, our friendship be the main components of your happy life!

There are few true friends in our lives. But I'm lucky - I have you, my best friend. And today, on your holiday, I want to wish you only the best - health, good luck, happiness, joy, love, fulfillment of desires, conquering heights, recognition, inspiration, prosperity. Happy Birthday Buddy!

I am with you through fire and water. With you, I can fight any animal with my bare hands. ... Because you are the most faithful, the most reliable, the best friend. I wish you all the blessings that exist in the world. I wish you a lot of goodness and great love. May the wishes that you have long dreamed of come true, and may fate itself help you fulfill them. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the most wonderful best friend in the world! Every year time flies faster, so I wish you not to miss a minute and take everything from life, living it to the maximum! I wish you universal happiness, success in everything and bright emotions!

My dear best friend, happy birthday to you. I wish that in life you have everything you want and need, that you always have a loving and beloved person nearby, and in difficult times that you can always support kind and faithful friends.

My dear, wonderful, faithful, reliable and best friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May you always be able to cheerfully and bravely navigate the expanses of happiness and success in this world, may sincere feelings and a sense of freedom always be available to your heart, may nothing be impossible for your nature in this world, may your luck never leave you.