Elena Kucherova. Video lessons on teaching cutting and sewing for beginners. Free video course “Stylish skirts”

Elena Kucherova's video lessons on teaching cutting and sewing to beginners at home are in great demand among those who want to learn how to sew on their own from scratch, as they very simply and clearly cover the topic of learning to cut and sew clothes. In addition, in her video courses, Elena Kucherova reveals her many secrets of cutting and sewing, which she acquired as a result of many years of experience in tailoring.

Elena has been designing, cutting and sewing clothes for over twenty years. Over the years, she has gained vast experience and has many of her own “secret tricks” in tailoring. Elena Kucherova shares all her experience and her secrets in cutting and sewing clothes in her very high-quality and professionally made video courses.

There are not many people in Russia who teach how to sew clothes yourself from scratch so well in their video training courses. Therefore, if you want to quickly and professionally learn how to sew clothes, then Elena Kucherova’s courses are what you need.

Elena herself learned to sew well as a child. This was her favorite activity. At first I sewed for myself, close people and numerous acquaintances. She constantly improved her professionalism by learning video lessons from the best tailors. After the birth of her child, Elena decided to make money by sewing clothes, raising her favorite pastime to the rank of business.

Over twenty-five years of work in the field of cutting and sewing, Elena has become a professional with a capital P. She not only reached the highest heights of professionalism, but also became an excellent marketer in the field of tailoring. She learned to work professionally with customers and accurately carry out the work of sewing the clothes she took on.

Elena Kucherova believes that everyone can learn to sew and cut professionally. You don't need any special talents for this. In order to learn to sew well, you only need desire and an experienced teacher. And it is not at all necessary that the teacher be nearby. To learn how to professionally sew and cut yourself from scratch, it is enough to have video lessons from this teacher.

For those who want to learn how to sew clothes at home, Elena Kucherova is such a professional teacher. Elena passes on all her knowledge, all her many years of experience in sewing clothes, along with her secrets, to her students in her video lessons.

Attention! All Elena Kucherova's courses on cutting and sewing have been removed from sale. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video courses of the very popular tailor Irina Paukshte. Especially with her legendary course as part of the Internet project Fashion Practices with Irina Mikhailovna Paukshte.

Paid video courses on tailoring for beginners by Elena Kucherova

Elena Kucherova believes that if a person has a desire, then he must learn to sew beautiful and fashionable things. And for this you do not need to have a special natural gift or talent. It is enough to have a good teacher who knows all the secrets of this complex skill and can tell and teach about them.

Elena herself began sewing quite serious things for herself and her friends while still in high school. She constantly honed her skills and learned from the most the best professionals. After the birth of her daughter, she decided not to return to work and devote her life entirely to raising her child. But there was a lot of free time left. And it was during this period that she continued to do what she loved.

In 20 years independent work She learned not only how to do her job flawlessly, but also how to manage people, how to do marketing and find clients. She can now teach all this to anyone with the help of her video courses.

Educational materials by Elena Kucherova

  • “Blouse from A to Z” - after completing this video course, a person will not have a single question when making patterns or sewing blouses of any type and for any figure. The author examines in detail even points that are usually not discussed during training courses, and which many people reach on their own only after many years of practice.
  • “Skirt from A to Z” - complete information so that you can immediately pick up the tools and material and start sewing magnificent skirts, cutting out individual patterns for a person with any figure.
  • “Jacket from A to Z” is a new video course in which Elena shows and explains, step by step, very complex things at first glance. But in fact, under the guidance of an experienced craftsman, anyone can sew high-quality comfortable things to suit their taste.

The educational materials of this author are structured in such a way that they do not contain any unnecessary information, but only specific step by step instructions, with visual videos. It is this method of learning that allows you to quickly master the art of cutting and sewing.


Video course “Dress from A to Z, or how to sew a dress with your own hands”

Video course “Dress from A to Z, or how to sew a dress with your own hands” will teach you how to quickly sew fashionable, beautiful and, at the same time, inexpensive dresses that will fit you perfectly. This video course is distributed on two DVDs. Great extra bonuses.

Video course “Jacket from A to Z or how to sew a jacket with your own hands”

Video cutting and sewing course "Jacket from A to Z or how to sew a jacket with your own hands" talks about how to sew a jacket with your own hands. This video course on sewing jackets consists of sixty-four lessons recorded on two DVDs. After studying this course, you will be able to sew jackets with your own hands, both for yourself and to order.

Video course “Vest with lining”

Thanks to the video course "Vest with lining" You will learn how to sew a variety of fashionable and modern vests not only for women, but also for men and children. The vests you sew will look as if you bought them in an expensive boutique. The video course consists of ten video lessons.

Video course “The hit of the season - leggings”

Video course "The hit of the season - leggings" talks about how to sew women's leggings. Leggings are worn both in summer and winter. Both young girls and women over fifty wear it. This course can be ordered on DVD or downloaded electronically.

Free video course “Stylish skirts”

Free video well « Stylish skirts» will give you a lot of interesting and instructive information on how to quickly and correctly learn how to sew stylish skirts for women. To receive this free video course on sewing stylish skirts, just subscribe to the free newsletter.

For free

Free video course “Sew by myself”

Free video course “I sew it myself” talks about how to learn to cut and sew on your own in order to sew beautiful and fashionable things not only for yourself and your loved ones, but also to order, while earning money.

For free

Video course “Skirt from A to Z, or sew a skirt yourself”

Video cutting and sewing course “Skirt from A to Z, or sew a skirt yourself” talks about how to quickly learn to cut and sew fashionable skirts. After completing this video course, you will quickly learn how to sew cool skirts yourself, not only for yourself and your loved ones, but also for sale, while earning money.

Video course “Blouses from A to Z”

Video cutting and sewing course "Blouses from A to Z" is a master class where you will learn how to sew fashionable and chic blouses. Thanks to this course, you can sew a new blouse every week if you wish.

Free master class
“Chic vest in 2 hours”

Free master class “Chic vest in 2 hours” will teach you quickly, in just two hours, how to sew an excellent mini vest. All you have to do is enter your email into the free subscription form and you will get access to a video that tells you how to quickly sew a small vest. This master class is intended for beginners who have no idea how to sew a vest.

For free

Video course “Sew from knitwear”

Video course “We sew from knitwear” Designed for both beginners in cutting and sewing and experienced craftsmen. In this course, Elena Kucherova shares the secrets of working with knitwear, accumulated over many years of practice. In this course, Elena shows that sewing from knitwear is not only simple, but very simple.

Free mini video course “How to sew a tunic with your own hands”

Free mini video course in the most short time will teach you how to sew a tunic. To get access to this video course on sewing a tunic, just subscribe to the free newsletter.

For each expert of the competition " New Year costume 2017”, made with our own hands, we have prepared a mini-questionnaire that will help you find out a little more about them.

Meet Elena Kucherova

How many years have you been sewing (at what age did you start sewing)?

I have been sewing constantly since I was 15 years old, when I entered college. So it's already 28 years

Almost immediately I started sewing to order. First to relatives, then to just acquaintances, and then relatives began to send their acquaintances

Are you trained in sewing or are you self-taught??

By education I am a labor teacher for girls. We were given several diplomas, including tailoring

But what they give in educational institutions is just a “seed”. Everything I know and can do was obtained through experience over the years of tailoring to order.

Sewing is your hobby or work?

Sewing is both my hobby and my job. I still sew to order, but not much anymore.

I enjoy sewing home textiles: decorative pillowcases, toys, bedding, tablecloths, napkins. I have my own textiles for each season

Now I mostly sew for myself and those closest to me.

I’ve been teaching sewing through my website and courses for 7 years now. I enrolled in 7 paid courses and several free mini-courses. I constantly provide consultations through the website, email and VKontakte group.

What do you most often need to sew??

What type of product?

I can’t say, there’s an equal amount of everything: skirts, blouses, dresses, outerwear, men's

What do you consider the most difficult/simple part of sewing??

For me, there is nothing difficult about sewing. Over 28 years of practice, so many different things have been altered: from underwear to coats and wedding dresses that it is no longer possible to scare me 

What pages, blogs or groups do you maintain on the Internet??

Master's works

Evening Dress